Obedience Training

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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#5 of New Threads

When Garret saw Neil come in through the door, he knew he was up to something. He had called sometime that morning, when Garret was in the shower. Neil did indeed say he was coming over that mellow Saturday, but the sight of the fair-haired young man walking in with an impish smile and a canvas shopping bag gave Garret pause.

"Hello, love." Neil said with a chuckle. "I didn't keep you waiting too long, did I?" "Nah." Garret muttered, keeping his brown eyes locked on the bag.

Neil set the bag down on the coffee table with a graceful, casual motion of his toned arm and set down next to Garret. "What's in the bag?" Garret said. Neil laughed. "Oh, nothing much. Just a surprise for tonight." "Surprise?" Garret said, arching his eyebrows. "I'm not telling you what it is until tonight." Neil said, playfully. "At least give me a hint?" Garret joked. Neil laughed and gave him a light punch on the shoulder. "You're such a dog." He said, smiling.

Garret smiled back and put his arm around Neil, and Neil leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. "Been doing alright?" "Yeah." Garret said with a sigh. "Work has been rough."

"Oh." Neil shuffled closer to Garret on the loveseat, their noses touched as they face each other. "Tell me about it." Neil said, staring into Garret's dark brown eyes. "Well, I had to do some overtime because one of the lab practitioners called in sick and we were short-handed. Then we got some asshole looking for drugs and doing a really bad job at acting hurt." "How bad?"

Garret smiled. "He couldn't make up his mind which wrist was sore." The two laughed at the anecdote and Neil pulled Garret into a tight hug. " Want me to help you unwind?" He said. "What do you have pNeilned?" Garret felt a shock of cold flow down his spine when he saw the impish spark in Neil's eyes. "Well first, I'm cooking dinner this evening." Neil said. "How does pepper steak sound?" "Sounds good..." Garret said "but I don't think I have anything to make it with. " Neil's expression soured a bit. "Damn. Well it's no big deal for me to pick some stuff up."

Neil stood up and took a step towards the door. "But you just got here." Garret said. Neil continued to the door as he spoke.

"The market's just across the street. It's no problem at all." And before Garret could object any further, Neil was out the door. Garret looked to the door and then back at the bag that Neil had left there. He would be back soon, but he'd be gone enough for quick peek. He rose to his feet and leaned over the canvas shopping bag, pulling it gently open with one finger just wide enough to see its contents.

Inside was a glossy black dog mask; with long pointed ears and angular muzzle that brought to mind the jackals depicted in Egyptian art. Beside it in the bag was a collar that looked to be made from the same sort of material. Garret took the mask out of the bag and held it up, his brown eyes looking into the dark eyeholes of the mask. It was quite well crafted, he had to admit that. It had a thin wash of grayish paint to bring out the detail on the neck, the gentle smile sculpted on the snout. There was a thin seam running down the middle of the mask, not uneven like most seam lines but rather that it was part of the sculpt itself, being as smooth as the rest of the mask. Garret pulled on one of the ears and watched it snap back into shape, which told him it was made of latex. And that raised the question of what Neil wanted to do with it. He sat the mask gently back into the bag. Perhaps it was better to let Neil explain.

When Neil came back, Garret put on his best show of innocence. Garret mentally argued with himself, if he didn't look at the bag at all, maybe Neil would pick up on it, but if he looked... "Good news!" Neil said, startling him out of his thoughts. "They had a sale on meat. Half off; So I got two packs of steak so we can have some extra." "Cool." Garret murmured.

Neil stuck his head out from the kitchen. "Something wrong, Garret?" Garret coughed and said. "No, nothing."

Neil gave him a lingering 'I don't believe it' sort of glance and returned to the kitchen. Within seconds he could hear Neil cutting the peppers, then the sizzle of the steak and vegetables frying. The smell was hypnotizing as it wafted over the modest apartment. Garret strolled into the kitchen, his nostrils tingling from the peppers. "Need any help?" He said. Neil didn't look back at him. "Nah, I got everything in line. If you insist on it, you can get some plates out." "Alright." And Garret obligingly went to the cupboard and selected a pair of bone-white china plates and set them on the table in the little dining area. After a few minute's wait, Neil brought the pepper steak in piping hot. After sending Garret to fetch a bottle of bourbon, they sat down to eat.

Garret took one bite as Neil watched eagerly. "How is it?" Neil said. "It's really good." Garret said, already taking another bite. Neil smiled proudly and drained half his glass. There was silence for a while, and then Neil turned to look out a window. "It's getting late." Garret muttered in agreement as he ate greedily from his plate. "You wanna turn in early for tonight?"

Garret swallowed and looked up. "I know what you're trying to do." "Is it working?" Neil said, smiling. "You know, I think it is." After dinner, the two retired to Garret's bedroom.

Garret went first, laying on the bed and taking his shoes off, then unfastening the buttons of his shirt and letting it hang open to show off his pale chest. Neil then came in with the bag, and Garret tried to look like he was going to be surprised. "Are you ready love?" Neil said. "What's the secret?"

Neil blushed and cracked an impish smile. Garret couldn't help but think to himself how pretty his green eyes were. "I was thinking we could do petplay." Garret nearly fell off the bed. "What's wrong?" Neil said, his smile inverting into a concerned frown. "Petplay?" Garret sputtered "You won't even agree to anal!" Neil sighed and shot him a dirty look. Garret was already feeling guilty. "That's different. This, lots of couples do this. It's just roleplaying." Neil said. Garret was about to say something but swallowed his words as Neil continued speaking.

"If you're uncomfortable with it, forget it." "No no no!" Garret sputtered. "I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just..." He took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts as he sat there upright on the bed. "I haven't done anything like this before." Neil put his hand on Garret's shoulder, looking him in the eyes. "Hey, it's my first time too. If things go wrong, you can just break it off." He said. Garret breathed in through his teeth. "Alright." Neil then took the mask and collar out of the bag and dropped them on the sheets in front of Garret. "Put those on."

Garret took his shirt off and threw it on the floor behind him. He took the collar first and smelt of it. The scent was unmistakably rubber, like new tires. He put it around his neck and fastened the brass clasp snugly, adjusting it so it wouldn't be too tight against his throat. He slipped his jeans off and deposited them on the floor right next to his shirt. He took the mask and sat there for a few seconds in his boxers, studying the dog mask. He had worn latex masks for Halloween plenty of times, and it wasn't entirely pleasant, hot and hard to breath. He took a deep breath and slipped the thing on.

To his pleasant surprise, it wasn't an uncomfortable fit; it had plenty of stretch in the material. And there was something in the snout of the mask that kept it from being too muggy and hot inside. He was still breathing in that strong rubber tire smell that stuck in the back of his nostrils and sinuses, but that he could get used to.

Neil flashed a toothy, impish grin and assumed his role. "Now, I know you peeked while I was out." Garret looked at him, wide eyed. "What?"

"You didn't think I didn't know? You're a bad liar." Garret huffed through the mask. "Or should I say bad dog?" It then became obvious to Garret what was going on.

"Bad dog!" Neil shouted, fighting back laughter only mostly successfully. Garret played along and recoiled in mock-shame, letting out an approximation of a dog's whimper.

Neil put his hand on Garret's shoulder and pushed him, none too gently, down on his hands and knees. "Bad dog needs obedience training." Garret was skeptical before, but seeing Neil so assertive, so dominant, the way he grabbed him by the collar... it excited him. A part of him was a little scared of Neil like this, as he gripped his collar and held him on all fours. But there was also the allure of the commanding Neil, maybe another day they could role-play something else... Garret's train of thought was interrupted as it dawned on him that the mask was a bit tighter than he remembered.

"Dog, lay down" Neil said, nudging him gently in the side. Garret obligingly dropped on his belly and lay there, looking at Neil. There was a wet dripping sensation at the base of his neck, where the mask ended. He pondered it for a second before assuring himself it was just sweat; the mask was getting hot and muggy on the inside after all.

"Roll over." Neil said. Garret did a couple rolls on the bed; he acted more quickly and more naturally. Perhaps he was getting the hang of it. The wet sensation was on his shoulders and migrating steadily to his arms but he was only barely aware of it.

"Sit up." Neil said. Garret was quite surprised by his voice. It seemed to him a bit louder, a bit stronger. The commanded echoed in his ears and he sat up on his knees, hands hanging out in front like a begging dog's paws. There was a layer of black rubber on his arms, flowing like water up his elbows. He took his eyes off Neil for a second and stared at the liquid latex, how it sparkled in the modest light of the bedroom. He touched one of the drops with his index finger and pulled away, watching it stretch and engulf the finger tip. A slight panic well up in his chest, only to subside into a queer sort of excitement. The novelty of the experience, the feel of liquid rubber rolling over him, caressing his skin, the experience that no other couple had ever gone through... He looked at Neil, ready for what followed.

"Give me your paw." He said, and Garret held out his right hand. Neil took his hand and began rubbing the liquid latex over it, taking care to cover every inch of skin. As he worked, Garret saw his hand change shape, fingers growing thicker, nails hardening into little claws. Neil took the other hand and worked on it just the same. When both his hands matched, Neil stood back and cleared his throat. "Shake, boy." Garret stuck out his left hand, and Neil took it.

"Good boy." Neil cooed, shaking Garret's rubbery paw-hand. Garret's ears rang with the phrase, it felt right. He couldn't really feel the mask anymore, nor could he perceive himself as looking out through eyeholes cut in the material. He was unaware when this happened but it didn't matter, he was a good dog. The seam of the mask was following the slick, slippery rubber down his chest and belly. Neil pushed him on his back and massaged his stomach, spreading the latex farther and faster. Garret was now very well accustomed to his roll and kicked his leg happily in slight, jerking movements. When the rubber reached his waist and hips, he felt a sharp pressure at the base of his spine. He let out a yelp of surprise and Neil adjusted the band of his boxers and coaxed the developing tail out. In just a few moments it had reached its full length; a thin, whip-like 8 inch rubber tail.

"Sit up." Neil said, and Garret obeyed, his new tail wagging vigorously. Neil grabbed the waistband of Garret's boxers and with one quick motion, pulled them down; revealing that the latex was spreading down his legs, his groin was now featureless save for a round nub that bulged out slightly. Neil ran a hand over the featureless thing and Garret's entire body shuddered with feeling. "Oooh. You're sensitive, aren't you?" Neil cooed. He put another hand on the nub and began kneading and massaging it, and Garret all but melted. He arched his head back and his mouth, now a muzzle, hung open with his dark, rubbery tongue lolling out as he groaned in ecstasy. Neil kept on, kneading harder and longer until Garret fell backwards onto the mattress, his legs in the air.

Neil took Garret's right foot and went to work rubbing and massaging the liquid latex into the flesh and coaxing the new shape out, before his eyes he saw the shape of the leg become leaner, more muscular. The foot itself grew longer, more suited to balancing on the digits and ball of the foot. After he finished the other foot, he ordered Garret to sit up. He took Garret by the collar and nudged him off the bed, standing naturally on the digits of his new feet. Neil stepped back and admired his new dog. "Good boy." Garret was panting, eager to please, excited to learn how to please. And Neil produced a black leash and gently fastened it to Garret's collar.

"Down." Neil said, and Garret dropped down on all fours like it was his second nature. He gave a tug on the leash and the dog followed his movement. "Let's go for a walk." Neil said. And at the word walk', a surge of enthusiasm went through Garret. He lead his master out the door, a natural. "Good boy," Neil said. "Next time, what do you say we switch roles?" Garret barked.

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