New Threads: Halloween pt.3

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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#3 of New Threads

part 3. The bait and switch with Cliff will end in part 4.

"Don't be like that. You look cute!" Jennifer tried to console Cliff, but he just stood there red-faced and sullen. He was in costume at last; and as his luck would have it, it was hardly flattering.

The satyr costume consisted of a pair of chestnut-brown fur trousers that ended in black hooves that forced him to stand on his toes, like how he imagined it was like to wear platform heels. Even as he stood there motionless, it was an effort to maintain balance. The costume also came with a 'ruff' of lighter brown fur that hung over the top part of his chest like a shawl or a feather boa. Topping it all off was a pair of floppy goat ears and a headband with a pair of little nub horns attached to it.

He picked it out, he knew he did, and it just made him feel like more of a fool. "Cliff, nobody's going to throw shade for you dressing silly on Halloween." Mai said in between sips of her wine cooler. "Seth is literally dressed as a seal." She pointed at the fat sea lion on the floor licking a bowl that had until very recently been full to the brim with fruit punch.

"You're right..." Cliff sighed. "It just feels weird, this costume. I'm actually relieved that woman talked me into keeping the receipt because I'm returning it after tonight."

Jen rolled her eyes.

"I mean, it's not like I'm going to wear it after tonight; you know?"

And then an influx of guests came in through the door, at the front was Josh, who was wearing nothing but a loincloth, devil horns, and several layers of deep red body paint.

"Sorry I'm late." He said with a shudder, courtesy of the windy autumn night. "Had a wardrobe malfunction, it's the makeup."

Cliff arched his brows. "You're not late."

"Well it felt late when I got here." Josh said with a shrug. "Must be how long the costume took."

"Well it looks... It looks great man" Cliff said, patting Josh on the back as he passed him. Cliff didn't swing that way, never even considered it, but the red body paint did look good on Josh, accentuating his athletic build earned from years of varsity sports. Jen was talking with Mai about something in the corner of the room, and then she craned her head up to look at Josh as the light caught his body paint and made it glisten like spilt petrol under a street light.

"Hi Josh!" She said. "Is that body paint dry?"

Josh looked down at himself, then back at Jennifer. "Yeah, why?"

"Well it didn't look dry."

Josh chuckled a bit. "Yeah, about that... She said it was 'wet-look'. Even when it's dry, it looks all shiny. Said it'd look good on me with my muscles."

Mai had walked over, checking him out. "Sure does look wet." She said, running a hand over his arm.

When she took her hand off, she didn't notice that some of the paint had rubbed off on her palm. She couldn't help but let her gaze linger for a bit longer, Josh was always good looking, and the paint really brought out his good features. It brought out every little facet of his long, powerful legs, his broad chest...

"Is that grease paint?" Jen said, snapping Mai out of her gazing. "Nah, they said it was latex based. Supposed to be waterproof, quick-drying, all that good stuff." Josh said, he flashed a smile at Mai and she smiled back, had she looked at her hand, she would have seen the paint that rubbed off on it turn from red to a glossy black. She couldn't help but admire Josh's horns, which were applied so well that she couldn't see anything that gave them away as being just costume accessories; no band, no headpiece , the edges of the pale horns blended into the red of the skin perfectly. Thanks to the loincloth, Mai could really admire the costume work, how his finger and toe nails were painted stark black to fit the demon motif, the forked tail hanging above his shapely butt...

"Mai... there's something on your hand." Josh said. Mai looked and saw that her hand was mostly covered in a layer of greasy, black latex paint.

"The f..." Mai cursed under her breathed as she rushed to the bathroom. Locking the door behind her, she took a rag and ran it under the hottest water the faucet could produce. When it was soaked, she put a liberal amount of liquid soap on it and wiped her stained hand with it with very fast, very rough movements. She scrubbed until she felt like she was about to flay the skin off her hands but all that was accomplished was that the paint was smeared and spread up to her wrist, with what paint that did rub off on the rag soaking onto her other, previously clean hand. The paint was now thicker, with a color and texture like fresh tar.

There was a knock at the door. "Mai, you okay in there?" It was Josh's voice.

"I'm fine." She shot back; her voice almost broke into a yell.

"You don't sound fine." Josh said, she heard the doorknob rattle. "Mai, what's going on in there?"

She looked down at her hands, the stuff was up to her elbows, and her fingernails looked sharper, longer.

She cursed his name under her breath and undid the lock; he opened the door just long enough for her to pull him inside. She took him by the wrist and waved her coated hand in front of his eyes.

"See this?" She hissed, trying to keep her voice down so to not draw any more attention from the rest of the party-goers.

Josh looked at Mai like a dumb animal. "What's that on your hands?"

"I don't know. I tried to wash that gunk off my hands and it just spread out."

She took a bit between her thumb and forefinger and pulled at it. Josh watched slack-jawed as the stuff stretched out into a long semi-solid strand, only to snap back like rubber when she let go.

"And it's spreading, too..." Mai said to Josh, who was still gawking like a confused dog. She saw the body-paint on his neck shift like vegetable oil running over a metal sheet.

"Josh I thought you said that stuff was dry?" She said, pointing a now-clawed finger at him. The stuff had flowed up to her shoulders and put out tendrils that snaked along her chest and neck. Josh reached back to where she pointed on his neck and pulled. The stuff he had thought was body paint made a distinct _squeaking _noise as it stretched out. Its hold on him was tight, like a second skin. So tight, it actually hurt when he pulled at it, he let go and it snapped back into place. The spot where he gripped it still stung a bit, like he pinched at his real skin. Mai was staring at him.

"What's wrong with your teeth?" She said.

"What's wrong with your dress?" He shot back.

Mai looked down and saw that the thin black cotton dress was well along its transformation into a tight latex gown. The both of them could hear wet creaking sounds as the transforming fabric clung ever tightly to her body. Likewise, Josh felt his teeth. They were definitely sharper than before. He felt around for a second more and couldn't find any that hadn't changed. He looked to Mai, expecting for her to say something, only to see her clawing at the encroaching blackness that had wasted no time taking her upper body, now spreading down her waist.

"What's going on?" He said.

"You know what's going on." Mai said, surprising herself by flicking her now-rubber cat tail.

"What, we're turning into our costumes?" Josh said, trying his best to ignore the feeling of heat that started in his chest and flowed down into his bones.

"That's..." His body shuddered as the latex pushed inside him, seeping down through his pores. "That's crazy."

"This_ is_ crazy, Josh!" Mai said, having to restrain herself from yelling as the black rubber got intimate with her own insides. She grabbed the counter, bracing up against it as an electric sensation flashed through her spine. She could not repress the sound she made; it was a low guttural snarl like an angry cat. The dress was completely changed now, a tight-fitting gown with tattered edges and sleeves that blended seamlessly into her now paw-like hands. It was simultaneously going up her neck and down her legs, which had filled out a bit.

Josh couldn't keep his eyes off her. What was happening was so unreal, so grotesque, yet it allured him.

"Josh you..." She growled. "Why don't... Do something." The rubber had reached her orange and black striped thigh-highs, converting the nylon blend to more rubber, the symbiotic material then 'learned' this patter, as more orange stripes flowed into existence on the sleeves of the dress and along her tail, the tip of which was twitching madly.

"What can I do, Mai?" Josh said, his devil tail had coiled itself around one of his legs, the sensation of it hugging his chiseled calf was... quite exciting. He made no attempt to move it.

"Think of something!" She snarled as she kicked off her high-heeled shoes; reveal a pair of powerful looking feet, the toes looking distinctly feline. "I can't even..." Her face flushed red against the blackness spreading up her throat, mingling with her already-dark hair. She let out yet another strained growl as she thrust her hips back and forth, breathing deep, her nerves setting themselves ablaze as it corrupted-no-reshaped her insides.

Josh finally snapped into action and grabbed the hem of her dress only to receive a white-hot surge of pain all the way down to the deepest part of him. For an instant he felt like he had been dipped in boiling oil. He fell backwards, his own latex-coated body now in a state of excited flux; tendrils of crimson latex flowed and crawled over him. His body paint was now alive, like an octopus it pulled his anatomy into new shapes; bigger muscles, longer pointed noise, pointed elfin ears...

He looked through blurred, bloodshot eyes as Mai was over come, shaking with a feeling that looked so much like pleasure. Her ears were unmistakably feline, her face, the sole thing not coated in rubber, was now perfectly porcelain white. Her eyes opened, revealing feline slit pupils trained on him.

She stood and walked over to him, stroking his neck, the claw tickling his shifting flesh.

Josh's body seemed to conform to whatever decision Mai had imprinted on it, as its violent pulsating subsided. He felt so soft, so relaxed, like liquid. She took his chin in her powerful hands and began sculpting him a new face; molding the chin into a harsh, angular point. She worked his cheekbones until they were just wide enough to perfectly complement his powerful lantern jaw line. She pulled his ears into fine points, before running a hand through his hair turning it from his natural color to a stark-midnight black. She worked her way down, sculpting his neck, his shoulders into broader, stronger forms. She took her time re-shaping his arms from bicep to finger tip into herculean shape, the red rubber creaking under her artisan touch. She sculpted him a set of abs that could cut gems, legs that could outrun speeding cars, when she got done; he looked like he belonged in a museum. He sat there in mindless bliss, now a full foot taller and built like an Adonis.

She gave him a little peck on the forehead and that brought him back to the waking world. His bright yellow eyes flashed open.

Josh looked at Mai, She looked back at him.

Her feline ears twitched. They both reached an understanding that gone unspoken, that could not be trusted with words. Her thick fingertips shimmered with a deep violet haze as they filed out of the bathroom.

They saw Cliff not a foot from the door. The violet haze traveled from Mai to him, enveloping him. He did not see the haze, and thanks to it, neither did he see that Mai and Josh had become a rubber cat-girl witch and a rubber-skinned demon, respectively.

"What were you two doing in there?" Cliff said.

" We..." Mai sputtered, she elbowed Josh in the side, prompting him to speak.

"-We weren't doing anything. Let's just drop it and enjoy the party okay?" Josh said, flashing Cliff a toothy grin. Like a switch being flipped, something in Cliff's mind accepted the thought Josh put there.

"Oh..." Cliff shot him a knowing smile.

"I gotcha, sorry about that."

Mai smiled at Josh.

"Just put a sock on the doorknob next time." The three of them laughed at Cliff's little joke and he walked back to the dining room, the tail on his costume twitching in tune with the music.

New Threads: Halloween pt. 4

12:00 Cliff's chest felt tight when midnight rolled around. His eyes locked onto the digital clock, the din of the party soaking his ears. A few people had already left, but not enough to break things up. Seth was sound asleep on the couch in the...

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New Threads: Halloween pt.2

"You might wanna put your costume on, Cliff. They'll be here any time now." Jennifer called from inside the bathroom. Since he got the costume two days ago, Cliff had been putting off actually trying it on. There was no particular reason, at least...

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New Threads: Halloween pt. 1

It was a dry, cool October Friday. The sky was a crisp blue, no clouds to be seen anywhere. Jennifer waited outside a rustic storefront for her three friends. It was in a less-busy district, there were still lots of people out and about, but it wasn't...

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