New Threads: Halloween pt. 1

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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#1 of New Threads

This is a multi-part TF story. First I've ever written, in fact.

It was a dry, cool October Friday. The sky was a crisp blue, no clouds to be seen anywhere. Jennifer waited outside a rustic storefront for her three friends. It was in a less-busy district, there were still lots of people out and about, but it wasn't as crowded as downtown. Jennifer watched some little black ants crawl over a dropped pizza slice, trying to pick it apart.

"They were supposed to be here by now." She muttered to herself. She looked back at the store. It was a rustic little affair, with little bat and pumpkin streamers put up for the season. The sign, reading simply "Re-Shape Outfitters", was wreathed in purple and neon-green tinsel. There was something about the store that made one want to go in, maybe it was the simple, homey brick-and-wood-paneling décor... maybe it was the smell of pumpkin spice that seemed to flow out of it. She put her hand on the door, surely Cliff and the others wouldn't mind if she waited inside.

The pumpkin spice smell was even stronger inside, and mingling with it was another scent, something woodsy... The woman at the front desk looked up from her magazine. "Can I help you?" she said, her brilliant green eyes staring through Jennifer.

"Yeah... I'm just waiting for my friends right now. We got this costume party coming up, so I was wondering if..."

"...If we have any costumes?" The red-haired saleswoman finished. "We have a very nice selection, a little something for everyone..." She paused.

"My name's Lola, by the way."


"Oh, Jennifer..." Lola said, trilling the R. "That's a very pretty name. Can I show you around?"

"Sure." Jennifer said; she was unable to ignore how muscular Lola's legs were underneath the orange tiger striped leggings she was wearing underneath her fleece jacket. It was the exact same color as her hair, that rich flame orange. Lola took her by the arm, running one long fingernail up and down her shirtsleeve and lead her over to a rack of costumes, all of them animal-themed.

"Anything you see that interests you?" She said, letting go of Jennifer's arm. "Or are you looking for something in particular?" Something about the way she said that last bit made Jennifer blush.

"Well..." Jennifer stuttered, trying not to look her in the eye. "I'm looking for something that'll get Cliff to notice me."

"Is he your boyfriend?" Lola said, and for a second Jennifer wondered if she really did see her pupils narrow.

"Not really..."

Lola smiled in a way that seemed knowing, sly, and almost lewd. "I see..." Jennifer shrugged it off and took an article of clothing off the rack. It was a set of bunny ears and a tail; they were well made, with soft fabric that felt like velour but what caught her eyes was the color. Bright, corn silk blonde; almost exactly like her hair, she noticed Lola coming up behind her. "The bunny girl, eh? That's a popular one." Lola said with a slight chuckle, giving Jennifer a firm pat on the lower back.

"That's gonna get Chad's attention."

"It's Cliff..."

"Oh right..."

Lola turned away, drumming her claw-like nails on the wall. "Have you thought about what you're going to wear with them?" She said, just as Jennifer was about to ask her to stop.

"I dunno..." Jennifer said, casting an aside glance at the rows of colorful, exotic costumes. So much was there, frills and capes and even some latex garments. Her hand came to rest on a short black dress that looked to be made out of glossy black vinyl; the same kind chairs are upholstered in, but thinner, more flexible. She pulled it off the rack and gave it a once over, it was a short dress, looking to only reach just the top of the thighs, with long sleeves and a turtle neck. It was not something she would ever even entertain the thought of wearing at any other time, but at that moment she couldn't help but idly fantasize about how good it'd look on her.

"Excellent choice!" Lola said; her voice snapped Jennifer out of the daydream. Jennifer was also surprised that she was following Lola over to checkout, impulse alone driving her to make the transaction. Lola handed her a receipt and she smiled when she saw the total; an excellent deal for such quality goods. She checked the clock on her smart phone, thirty minutes had passed and no sign of Cliff, Josh, and Mai.

"Would you like to try on your purchase? If you're waiting on someone, that'll pass the time and it'll be fun." Lola said; flashing Jennifer a toothy smile, a_fanged_ toothy smile.

"Yeah, that'll do." She said, trying not to look too hard at the mouth full of sharp, gleaming white teeth.

Lola pointed her towards the changing rooms and Jennifer went in. The changing rooms were nothing fancy, just a row of stalls set into a side-hallway. She locked the door behind her, the old sliding latch making just enough noise to be annoying. She took the vinyl dress out of the shopping bag and unfolded it. She turned it around, admiring the shiny black material. Curiously, there was a small slot in the fabric on the back side, where the base of the spine would be on the person wearing it. Her heart rate spiked, there was something about it she couldn't put into words. She disrobed down to her undergarments and socks and pulled it over her head, taking in a lungful of the vinyl rubber smell. It smelt a bit like new tires but not as strong.

She put her arms through the sleeves and began working it down around her neck, the vinyl was firm but flexible, she had worried it was going to be too tight but it was perfectly snug. She finished putting it on, adjusting the turtle neck so it looked nice and straight, and admired herself in the mirror on the wall. The fit was surprising, it looked and felt like it had been tailor-made just for her; the way it fit so perfectly and brought out her curves. It even looked slimming which was very welcome to her. She ran one hand up and down the dress; it felt so warm on her. Like a second skin...

Jennifer's hand reached the odd slot in the back of the dress and an idea came to her. She took the little rabbit tail and strapped it on under the dress, taking care to make it line up perfectly with the opening. She pulled the hem of the vinyl dress down and the tail fit through like it was the most natural thing, like it was designed for someone with a tail. She turned and looked over her shoulder at the mirror. It was a nice touch that they made it actually look like a blonde rabbit tail instead of it just being a cotton ball. And then, she tried the ears on; it only made sense. A bunny girl needed her ears.

The ears were attached to a headband-like thing, but they were built different than most costume ears, with sleeves that went down over he own ears that connected to the bunny ears. The feeling was unusual; but after a couple adjustments they felt just fine, almost natural, with her hair doing more than enough to hide the artifice.

With the ensemble complete, she turned in place and checked herself out; any doubt in her mind was gone. She did indeed look like a very cute bunny girl. And then she saw her tail move... It was a slight motion, just a twitch to the side; but it was enough to tell her that something was going on.

"Okay..." She stuttered to herself, trying to put the image of a waggling bunny tail out of her head. "This was fun, but they're probably here and I need to change back.

She reached back and pulled the tail only to receive a shock of pain.

It was stuck fast. She reached around for the strap it was sewn onto and found that the strap had receded into her skin, leaving only a faint ring-shaped bulge that was rapidly disappearing into her flesh. Her tail flicked as she drew heavy breathes; more things came to her attention. She could feel her body pushing out, muscles tightening and growing, her feet and legs in particular felt bigger than normal. At first she thought she was hallucinating, but a sharp pain followed with a cacophony of popping joints took that idea right out. She dropped down onto the bench in the dressing room, grasping at her socks; her feet felt smothered by them. The seams on the toes were already frayed and near-shredded when she pulled them off, but no relief came when she saw what her feet looked like.

They were almost twice their original size, longer and leaner. The muscles rippled underneath her taut skin, she could see all the tiny slivers of blonde hair growing out of them, growing out of her legs. She bent forward, perching on her hands and toes as the rest of her body conformed to the new model asserted upon her by whatever magic was in the costume. Her new musculature pulsed with energy as the rest of her body from the waist up bulked up into a curvier, more elegant shape. Her nose felt numb for a few second just before it pushed out into a cute little bunny nose, followed by a set of delicate whiskers.

Her new nose wrinkled, it was so sensitive, and she could pick up the most minute, subtle smells around her. Her bunny ears twitched as she heard another person, a woman by the sound of the footsteps, strolling into the next stall over. The ears on the costume had just about finished merging with her body, with the beginning and end of the change announced by a few seconds of tinnitus.

Her teeth ached as the two in front pushed out farther, forming a very subtle overbite that completed the bunny girl image. When it was over, she collapsed back on the cushioned bench, quivering, taking deep breaths in and out; it was the rush of a life time seeing her new, long legs. How perfect they were, hard, toned muscle under soft skin. She stood up and took a few preliminary bounces on the balls of her feet; it was a shock to her how light she felt. She took another glance back at the mirror as she stepped out of the dressing room, winking at the reflection of the bunny girl she had become.

Back in the store, she saw that Cliff and the others had finally showed up. Cliff was browsing through a row of capes while Josh and Mai were having their purchases rung up by Lola. Cliff looked up and was startled by how fast Jennifer had caught up to him.

"Find anything that suits you?" she said, waiting for him to point out her new look.

"Er... Not yet, I can see you've already picked your costume out." Cliff said, giving her a little nervous laugh.

"Bunny girl... I didn't expect that, Jen."

"Like it?" Jennifer turned in front of him with a dramatic flourish, like she was modeling her outfit.

"It's very realistic..." Cliff said, running a hand through his auburn hair. He couldn't help but fixate his gaze on how well the latex-looking dress emphasized her chest, her ample hips.

"I was looking for something that'd get your attention." She said, thrusting her hips out a little.

'It worked." Cliff was admiring how close the accessories matched her hair color; the ears, the tail, the furry paw socks.

"I know it did, Cliffy." Jennifer said with a giggle. She took his hand, surprising him with how firm her grip was.

"So have you decided what you're going to be?"

"Y'know I was thinking of being a satyr."

Jennifer stroked his chin.

"A satyr... That'll be interesting."

Their chat was cut short when Cliff saw Josh heading out and Mai waving them over.

Cliff grabbed a costume, a set of goat horns and a set of hoofed trousers and made his way to the checkout counter. He took out a handful of bills and dropped them in front of Lola.

Lola nodded and printed off a receipt.

"Don't bother." Cliff muttered.

"No, you need the receipt."

"I'm in a hurry,"

"Then take it with you, you can take it back any time for a month."

Cliff shrugged and took the receipt from her hands.

He pulled open the door and looked back at her over his shoulder.


And so they went. As they piled into Josh's car, Cliff stroked Jennifer's bunny ears. He was more than a little surprised at how soft and warm they were.

"Are those made with real fur?"

Jennifer looked at him with a sly twinkle in her blue eyes.

"Yeah, they're real."

Back in the store, Lola looked over her copy of the receipt. One word stood out to her, in cheap black ink:



Rika, who had been asleep in a back room for most of the day, came out and stretched, a silent yawn escaping her mouth.

"Mistress, what's wrong?"

Lola stifled a laugh. Her tiger tail came loose from its hiding place under her jacket and flicked sensually in Rika's direction.

"Nothing, kitty."

New Threads: Halloween pt.2

"You might wanna put your costume on, Cliff. They'll be here any time now." Jennifer called from inside the bathroom. Since he got the costume two days ago, Cliff had been putting off actually trying it on. There was no particular reason, at least...

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The Socks

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Rubber Rabbit Doll

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