New Threads: Halloween pt. 4

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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#4 of New Threads

This is the last part of this particular story. The New Threads setting is open, I will do more in it and if anyone else wants a stab at it feel free.


Cliff's chest felt tight when midnight rolled around. His eyes locked onto the digital clock, the din of the party soaking his ears. A few people had already left, but not enough to break things up. Seth was sound asleep on the couch in the den; Jennifer was talking about work with Mai, Josh was right next to her, silently looking at the other guests the same way a cat watches birds through a window. Cliff scratched the inside of his right thigh, his costume had gotten quite uncomfortable; tight in the wrong places, and too warm. He shot a glance back at the crowd to make sure nobody was looking in his general direction, and upon seeing that they weren't, he grabbed the pair of small horns and pulled at them only for them to remain firmly in their place. A second try accomplished nothing. He felt around his head where the horns were attached by the headband... the headband that was not there, with the horns being connected directly to his flesh.

He cursed under his breath.

"Don't panic." He told himself. "Don't panic, there's gotta be a reason for this."

Of course he panicked He rushed over to Jennifer in the briskest pace he could manage in the costume's hoofs. He took her wrist in his hand and she turned to face him, looking straight into his wide open fear struck eyes.

"We gotta talk."

Jennifer sighed as she excused herself and followed Cliff into a side room; she thought Cliff was being silly until she noticed his heavy breathing.

"It's about this costume." He said in a sort of half-whisper.

"Cliff; if you're ashamed of how you look in it, just change." Jen said.

"I can't."

She looked at him, silently wondering if it'd be better or worse if he was just crazy.

"What do you mean?" She said.

"I can't take the horns off. And it's not like they're stuck."

Jennifer wanted to say something but some part of her vetoed the idea. Her bunny tail twitched as she listened.

"This is going to sound weird but... The horns are like a part of me now. I have to take the rest of the costume off."

Jennifer's bunny ears flicked. She looked down at his chest; she didn't remember him having such svelte shoulders. "I think I left..." Cliff was interrupted by a sharp pain in his hip. "I think I left the receipt at home. "

Cliff looked Jennifer in the eye. His eyes had taken on a different color, going from blue to a warm yellow.

"I think it's changing me." Cliff said.

Cliff looked Jen over for a bit.

"You transformed too."

Jennifer cocked her head to the side like a confused puppy.

"Excuse me?"

"The bunny thing. I didn't say anything because it seemed absurd but now... "

He was silenced by a sharp clinching numbness in his gut that spread downwards.

"I was hoping you'd say something, Cliff." Jennifer said "I wore this to get you to notice."

"I noticed all right." Cliff said with a grunt, he was pawing at his waist, trying to find the clasp for the satyr legs, finding only a smooth transition from skin to fur.

Jennifer turned around, waggling her bunny tail from side to side.

"Don't you think I look cute like this? Cute and exotic?" She said.

"And sexy?" Cliff said, running his hands over his hips as they filled out. He could feel the movement of his body.

"Yes, Cliff, yes!" Jennifer was almost shouting, she was looking at him with a mixture of anger and what Cliff interpreted as longing.

"I wanted to be more than friends. You never went forward so I was hoping something provocative would nudge you along. Now..." She said as she stroked her ample hips and folded her long ears back against her head.

"I'm gorgeous. I haven't felt this good about my body since ever." She said in a slightly aggressive tone, leaning a bit closer to him.

"Don't you want to pet the bunny?"

"Jen, you look great but..."

"You're such a knob, Cliff. How can you not take this?"

"Jennifer please..."

Jen seized him by the arms and smelt of him. Her nose picked up a faint, distinctly feminine smell.

"What is it?" Cliff said; his voice a bit higher than he was accustomed to.

"Are you sure it was a satyr costume?" She said, arching her brows.

"What are you talking about?" As he said that, a chill ran up his spine, his voice was now unmistakably higher pitched, softer...

Cliff stared at Jen like a convict on hanging day.

"We need to tell the others."

"Cliff, I think it's too late for that." Jen said, breaking into a nervous giggle.

Cliff looked down at himself and saw that the fur ruff was now part of him, the pale almond fur flowing from his collarbone down his chest in a heart shape, accentuating the soft, pert shapes growing from his chest. He let out a bleating cry as they pushed out further by a full inch. He clasped his hands over them, not for modesty as the shaggy mane covered them quite well, but rather to hold them back, stop them from growing in, though in his mind he knew this was a futile endeavor. They grew out two inches further, almost to spite him. Jen was just watching him with stifled laughter.

"This isn't funny!" He said, almost in tears.

"I'm sorry, it's just how messed up this all is." Jen said, failing to suppress her laughter.

"You didn't look at the tag when you picked it out. Now look at you."

Cliff let out a strained bleat as his body started radiating with warmth; his waist was pulling itself into a thinner shape as his hips pushed out, the competing sensations were uncomfortable, very much so, but nothing that registered as pain. His ears rang like a detuned radio as they pushed out longer, longer.

His hip joints made a sound like a tree limb snapping as he fell backwards onto his furry rump. His legs bent in a way that wasn't human, more the way the back legs of a sheep work, big thick haunches flowing into lithe, athletic legs ending in shiny black hooves. He tried to get up, but only managed to stumble over his hooves, falling back on his ass again; getting another round of barely-restrained laughter from Jennifer. She bent down and took him by the hand, pulling him up to where their faces met. He threw his arm around her shoulder, bracing against, taking in the feel of her curves and musculature, the whole thing left an impression in his head; of him as a delicate creature and her as the stronger one, the alpha female, his mistress.

Jennifer leaned in and kissed him on the neck, her whiskers tickling his soft skin. His ears had stopped ringing, having grown into a pair of long caprine ears, capable of picking up the hum of the refrigerator amidst the din of the guests' chatter. Jen ran her hand down his hips, stroking along the grain of his bristly fur. He became aware that something was absent.

He pushed himself away from Jen a little bit and grabbed for his...

"It's gone, Jen."

Jen pulled him back into her arms, embracing him. "Took you that long to figure it out? What's happening?" Cliff let out a feeble little bleat, he blushed like a schoolgirl.

"You're not a satyr. You're a faun." She said.

"So I'm a..."

"A woman now." Jennifer said, running a hand through Cliff's hair.

Cliff felt like he was jetlagged, everything in sight fuzzy, little dots of light swimming past him. Jennifer lead him, taking great care to keep him from stumbling over his faun legs again, until they reached her bedroom. She dropped him on the bed and looked him over; he was barely recognizable as a male, he clutched his stomach as his insides were reshaping themselves. What now took the place of Cliff's manhood was growing into him, connecting with his body. He now had a modest bust underneath his, or more appropriately, her mane. She stood for a bit, working her digitigrade legs was only natural now, she bounced up and down on her hooves a little. There was a spring in her movement, a gracefulness; like the movements of a deer as it leaps through tall grass. At Jennifer's urging, she walked to one end of the room, than back. the light-colored fur underneath Cliff's tail flowed down her round, supple posterior, creating a heart shape that Jennifer couldn't look away from. Jennifer had come up from behind, she stroked Cliff's new curves, savoring how soft he had become, how delicate."What are we going to do?" Cliff said, as Jennifer hooked her arms around her pulling her closer. She took her and lead her back to the bed before pushing her down onto it,

Jen jumped into bed next to her, the springs squeaking under the impact.

"Let's not think about that right now." She said, whispering into his ear.

Cliff blinked, her eyes now looking very much like a goat's, with rectangular pupils following Jennifer's movement as she stroked the inside of her legs. She picked up her right leg and played with the hard, glossy hoof. She put her hands in Cliff's hair, scratching and petting him as the hair grew out into a shaggy bob cut, the same nut brown as his fur. She let out a nervous bleat as Jennifer playfully nibbled one of her faun ears. She put her strength into her legs and jumped on Jen, pinning her down on the sheets. Jen giggled and Cliff rubbed her bunny feet, savoring the sensation of fur on skin, nuzzling the limber toes. After a while, she changed position, continuing to stroke and rub Jen's feet while keeping herself lower on the bed, letting Jennifer sit up and look down at him; occasionally stroking her hair and ears to encourage her to keep servicing the alpha female bunny. The submissiveness wormed its way into his mind through her subconscious, without her even being aware. Jen grabbed her by the neck and pushed her onto her back, Cliff looked up at the bunnygirl with a mix of fear and adoration. Jen looked taller, was taller now, by several inches.

She took a fistful of Cliff's chest fluff and pulled her into a rough kiss, their teeth clicked against each other. They looked into each other's eyes,the imprinting had finished itself; Cliff was shaking. She was scared, her new body brought with it so many new sensations, so many questions for the future, but looking at Jen put her soul at rest. The bunny girl was her rock, her guiding hand. As long as she had her, things would be alright. Jennifer leaned over her, stroking her chest fluff, her horns.

"Jennifer. This... I don't know why but this feels so right."

"Feels good, doesn't it, little faun?"


They were now curled up together, Jennifer cradled Cliff in her arms; caressing, whispering little snippets of love songs into her ear.

"I love you." She said

Jennifer said nothing, but the way she pressed her nose against her neck, tickling her with her whiskers said enough.

"I'm going to have to think of a new name." Cliff said.

"Yes. How about Cassandra?" Jennifer said.

"I don't know..." Cliff said, breathing in through her teeth.


Her ears perked up. "Cleo sounds nice!"

Jennifer kissed her on the forehead. "Cleo, my little faun." The two shared a small kiss.

"I like the way that sounds."

"Me too." Cleo said; her will was joined inextricably to Jennifer's. As they cuddled, she was the passive actor, letting Jennifer run her hands all over her, petting her like a house cat. Every so often, she would stroke her horns or playfully nip her on the neck,and Cleo would let out a little bleat of pleasure. At that moment, Cleo was more comfortable than she had been in a long time. She rolled onto her side, Jennifer was behind her, holding her close, Cleo could feel her breath on her neck.

" Sure is nice being away from the noise for a while." Jennifer said, running her hands down Cleo's hips.

"Yeah." Cleo said.

Jennifer's hands clasped together over the low part of her waist, pulling herself even closer.

"Is the door locked?" she said.


"Great." Jennifer said.

"The others wouldn't mind if we were somewhere else for an hour." She said. Cleo just nodded.

They turned the lights out.

New Threads: Halloween pt.3

"Don't be like that. You look cute!" Jennifer tried to console Cliff, but he just stood there red-faced and sullen. He was in costume at last; and as his luck would have it, it was hardly flattering. The satyr costume consisted of a pair of...

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New Threads: Halloween pt.2

"You might wanna put your costume on, Cliff. They'll be here any time now." Jennifer called from inside the bathroom. Since he got the costume two days ago, Cliff had been putting off actually trying it on. There was no particular reason, at least...

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New Threads: Halloween pt. 1

It was a dry, cool October Friday. The sky was a crisp blue, no clouds to be seen anywhere. Jennifer waited outside a rustic storefront for her three friends. It was in a less-busy district, there were still lots of people out and about, but it wasn't...

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