Feeling out of place: Side chapter: Coach

Story by lonleyone on SoFurry

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#13 of "Feeling out of place"

Ok so here's the side chapter I promised. The entire time I was writing it I had the artist "artdecade" stuck in my head. Oh and I have 2 questions for you guys.

  1. What does it mean in my updates when it says someone has "pawed to your submission"

  2. Whenever I finish Feeling out of place, I'm hoping to write another series, but inbetween this one and that one, I want to write some shorter ones and cover alot of different kinks and fetishes, just to get some more experience in those areas and broaden my horizons. So if you guys have any ideas on what you want me to write about for the shorts, please let me know ^.^

Coach watched as his team drilled on the field, his tired eyes unable to focus. There was an itch in the back of his mind, one he couldn't seem to rid himself of. He thought of how long it had been since he'd gone to that place, but he didn't want to go again, he didn't want to feel that doubt inside him again.

After another tiring school day, the heavy set bear drove home in his pickup, back to the lonely hole he called home. As he opened his door, he revealed the dark innards of his trash ridden home. No one ever came in, so he thought there was not point to bother to clean up. No, a few would come in, but he would rather forget those faces. But no matter how hard he tried, he could strip those images from his mind, those primal, rushing, stagnant memories. No, he couldn't ever forget them. The one from under the bridge, and the one from the abandoned factory, and the one from the waffle house, all of them still weighted on his mind. He shuffled to the bedroom to get out of his stuffy work clothes, eager to put on something more comfortable. He settled for sweats, given the cold weather that was slowly moving in. He didn't bother to put on underwear, he didn't need them for what he would be doing soon enough. But he wasn't in the mood to see those faces, to feel those delicate hands grabbing his body. He wanted something fast and easy, and he knew just the place to get it.

The bear drove on the empty stretch of highway, occasionally looking in the rear view mirror. He saw his tired self, getting ever older with time. His cocoa brown fur was showing signs of fading, and his eyes were dull, and filled with a self hatred. He knew the truth, but had always denied it ever since that first time in high school.

The young bear had just finished football practice and was eager to get out of his sweaty equipment. He was a bit muscular back then, but had a lineman's body with a bit of a belly. He stood only in his jockstrap, ready to hit the showers before heading back to class. But before he could, he felt some sort of urge within him. He stopped for a moment, sniffing the curious smell in the air. The locker room was filled with the musky aroma of sweaty adolescents, and for some reason the bear had begun to enjoy that scent. He didn't let it bother him, he was convinced it was normal for guys to like a scent that mimics their own. He got into the shower with the others, and soon the scent was gone, as was the unknown urge within him. After he dried off he went to get dressed before hearing something in the the second boys locker room. He remembered it usually being locked, so he wandered inside with his towel wrapped around him and flipped the lights on. As the door closed behind him he saw 2 guys from the team and another kid naked, one of them pounding the kids ass while the other had his cock in the kids mouth. As soon as they saw the lights turn on they scrambled for their clothes, but when the two jocks looked at the bear, they calmed down and dropped their clothed.

"Oh it's just you Rico, we thought you were coach for a second." A slim wolf chuckled.

"We were just unloading on our little bitch here" A rhino grinned as the grabbed a small orange tabby next to him.

"Wha, what? You're saying you guys are fags?" The bear stammered.

"Oh don't act so fucking surprised, you act like we didn't slap your ass in the shower thousands of times these past three years." The wolf contested.

"Yeah, we know for a fact you've been poppin a chubby when everyone gets undressed after practice" The rhino smirked. Rico could barely comprehend what was going on, he couldn't help but look over the small cat, his ass still wet from his fresh pounding.

"Hey, I'm no fag alright?!" Rico growled.

"Oh really? Kitten, go over there and see just how straight he is" The wolf smiled as he patted the cats rump. The orange cat nervously shuffled over to the bear, staying a safe distance away before getting down on all fours in front of him. Rico watched the cat as he raised his tail, offering himself. The bear looked at the cats soft features, his fluffy ears and tail, his slim body, and his taut pink pucker just a few feet away from him. Rico looked down and saw the massive tent he had been pitching.

"Well well, I think Rico might want a round at kittens ass. Feel free to if you'd like, he's got a nice warm tight hole that's perfect for fuckin" The rhino told him. Rico felt himself shaking, he felt so drawn to the cat, and yet he didn't want to give in. Slowly the bear walked over, getting on his knees behind the cat. He stripped of his towel, revealing his 7 inch length, and slid the bottom up and down the cat already lubed hole. Rico hissed in enjoyment as he felt his cock head flare, his sack gently bumping against the cat's. He rested his cock head right on the hole, taking his thumb and pushing his cock into it. The bear pushed deeper and deeper, grunting as his cock was blanketed in the warmth of the cats ass. At that point he didn't care if it was a girl or a guy he was fucking, he was so overcome by this growing urge that he began pounding the cats ass, his nuts plapping against the cat as he growled in pleasure.

"Damn you must've been needing that pretty bad" The rhino said as he pumped his own member. The wolf stepped in front of the cat and got on his knees as well, shoving his member into the cats throat without hesitation. The cat expertly took the wolfs meaty length as he thrusted into his throat. The rhino came over and stepped over the cat, his legs on both sides of the feline, and his aimed at the wolfs maw.

"Aw c'mon man do I gotta?" The wolf groaned as he continued fucking the cats maw.

"Hey it's you mouth or your ass, take your pick" The Rhino sneered. The wolf lapped at the rhinos throbbing dick as he kept thrusting, slowly taking it into his maw a he took one paw off the back of the cats head and brought it to the rhinos massive nuts. Rico watched as the rhino eased his cock in and out of the wolfs maw, but his attention turned to the rhinos butt as he saw it tighten with the rhinos thrusts. As he kept fucking the cat he took his paws and grabbed the rhinos cheeks, squeezing them firmly. The rhino merely moaned in approval, scooting back a bit to give the bear a closer look. Rico ran his hands all across the rhinos body and ass, eventually spreading his cheeks apart and leaning in, letting his tongue glide across the crack.

"Mmmff Fuck thats nice, never had my ass eaten out before" The rhino grunted as he pulled the wolf deeper into him. Rico continued fucking the cat as he licked the rhinos hole, running his hands over his built abs. The wolf picked up his thrusting pace and release the rhinos cock for a few moments as he approached his climax. He pulled his cock out of the cats mouth and pumped it eagerly.

"Where do you want it?" He hissed.

"In my... mouth please" The cat panted. The wolf shoved his member back into his mouth, thrusting wildly until a loud grunt escaped him, warm cum pumping into his maw, coating his throat and tongue. After his heavy orgasm the wolf caught his breath before returning to the rhinos cock, Rico still pounding away at the cats tailhole. Soon the bear felt his cock stiffen, and his balls tighten, and a surge of euphoria radiating from his cock.

"Oh fuck oh fuck OH FUCK!" Rico screamed as his member shot load after load into the cats hole, the bear pounding into him as he came. The bear could barely hold his body up after that, his body resting on the cats as he slowly eased his cock out. Rico sat on the tile floor, toweling off his messy crotch as he looked over at the rhino who was grunting while he came thick white streams of cum onto the wolfs maw.

"So how was it Rico?" The wolf asked as he stood up.

"I..I..." The bear stammered, realizing what he's just done.

"If you want you could join us again sometime, I'm sure kitten would like that" The rhino grinned as he helped the cat up, wrapping an arm around him. The bear stood up and rushed out to the locker room, covering any evidence of his deed with his towel. He didn't want to believe that had happened, but he could still feel the warmth of the cats ass on his member. He hurried to get dressed and rushed to his next class, realizing how late he was. As he sat there he couldn't get the images out of his mind, and he questioned just how certain of himself he truly was.

That first time, and even after all he'd been through, the bear still refused to admit anything to himself. He felt his member growing a bit stiff from those memories, making him even more eager to arrive at his destination. After a few minutes he pulled into the blue moon truck stop, grabbing his hat before stepping out of his truck. He walked down and into the bathroom, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw no one was there. Everything here was routine for him, the graffiti on the stalls, the dank smell of piss and bleach, and the flickering light in the corner. He began walking down past the stalls, counting as he approached stall number 6. He opened the door and peeked down at the floor of stall number 7, grinning as he saw two feet facing the wall separating the two of them. He reached down and pulled one sheet of toilet paper, and let it fall on the floor. Within moments he saw the toilet paper holder being pulled through from the other side, leaving a small hole between the stalls. The bear pulled his sweatpants down along with his boxers, pumping his cock a few times before stepping forward and putting his cock through the hole. He grunted in enjoyment as he felt a wet warm maw engulf his member, skillfully sucking and licking at his dick. He recognized this mouth, he had felt it so many times before. He began thrusting a bit, pushing himself deeper into the maw as he gripped the top of the dividing wall. The bear moaned softly as as the maw began deep throating him, taking his entirety inside of him. He began panting heavily and moaning louder as the maw sucked him, letting the bear thrust all the way into him. The bear was overcome by the slick wet warmth, and he was quickly approaching climax. He pulled out of the maw and pumped his cock furiously aiming toward the opening in front of him. With one loud grunt the bear shot huge loads of cum, the maw nuzzling his cock as he spurted his warm seed. The bear caught his breath for a moment before zipping up his pants and watching the toilet paper holder go back in place. He waited for the other one to leave, he didn't want to risk getting seen. After a minute or two he heard the other door open and footsteps leading out of the bathroom. He waited a few more moment before standing up and peering out of the stall, making sure the coast is clear. He walked out and got in his truck, glad to have gotten that out of the way. Though he felt a bit of regret inside him, his relief from his pent up load was more than enough to overshadow it. As he drove he thought how long he would be able to keep that up, going to glory holes and fucking cheap whores to get off. He thought it was easier that way, easier than showing anyone who he really was, or what he truly wanted.

Feeling out of place: Chapter 10

Soooo yeah, I'm sorry this chapter took so long. I had a birthday and am now 19 WOO, and that kinda distracted me from writing BUT since i love you guys soooo much, ima write a side chapter as a self punishment ^.^ But anywho here's chapter 10. I hope...

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Feeling out of place: Chapter 9

FINALLY chapter 9. Sorry for the delay, I had to give myself some catch up time ^.^ But alas it is here, and i hope you guys enjoy it ^.^ The next couple of days I was so glad to have everything back to normal with Damien. No more anger, no...

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Feeling out of place: Chapter 8

WOO!!, not so sick anymore and i got my mojo back :D I'm very happy with this chapter and i think you guys will enjoy it alot. If i can get 2 chapters out this week i will be SO happy. Anyway thanks to everyone for all the support and i hope you enjoy...

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