Feeling out of place: Chapter 10

Story by lonleyone on SoFurry

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#12 of "Feeling out of place"

Soooo yeah, I'm sorry this chapter took so long. I had a birthday and am now 19 WOO, and that kinda distracted me from writing BUT since i love you guys soooo much, ima write a side chapter as a self punishment ^.^ But anywho here's chapter 10. I hope you guys enjoy it ^.^

The school day had become very lonely after Damien got suspended. I was hanging out with Roy every day after school since Mr. Night decided Damien was grounded as well. The week before Halloween Roy had to go to clinic and Mrs. Renetta invited me to drop him and his dad off. I had never actually been to one of them before, but I had heard they're a bit depressing. Even so I wanted to support Roy and I agreed to go with them.

As we drove I sat next to Roy, and I was perplexed by how calm he was. I guessed this was so routine for him that it didn't bother him as much as I thought it would. I felt my stomach tighten as we pulled into the clinic parking lot, a bunch of other furs walking into the facility. We got out of the car and walked inside as I saw long hallway's with dozens of large doors on either side. We stood in line as I watched furs being accompanied into the rooms by doctors, and I noticed some doctors walking out of rooms and pressing a switch, causing a loud clanging noise. As we stood in line Roy began explaining a couple of things to me, like the locks the doctors were engaging, and the secondary security in case someone broke out. It worried me a bit to think just how violent the transformation was. Furthermore the strength of someone in that state. Finally it was Roy's and his dads turn and we followed a doctor down the hall. As we passed by the containment rooms I felt my heart drop. Men, Women, children, all restrained and alone in those rooms, with nothing but what seemed to be a large plastic barrel of water. We stopped in front of two open rooms and Mrs. Renetta talked to Mr. Paul for a bit as the doctor wrote some things on his charts. I looked into the room Roy would be staying in, and I felt a flood of grief well up inside of me. I didn't want to see Roy having to be chained up like that, I didn't want him to have to deal with such a heavy burden. I felt myself break, and the tears began flowing down. I tried to conceal it but Roy knew, and he pulled me to him, causing me to cry even harder.

"Josh it's ok, I'll be fine. Don't worry" He comforted as I bawled into him.

" I'm sorry, I just... I can't..." I muttered inbetween my sobs.

"It'll be alright, you don't have to be sad for me" He whispered. We sat there for a few moment before I could collect myself enough to stop crying. The doctor had them enter their rooms and disrobe before he put them in the restraints. I stood with Mrs. Renetta as they locked them in the rooms before we walked away.

"I remember the first time I came here with Paul. I had the same reaction as you. But with time it becomes a normal thing, and it doesn't hurt as much" She explained.

"I just never realized how scared and lonely Roy must feel, to have to go through that every month. I just wish there was something I could do" I replied.

"Josh, you've helped Roy in more ways you could ever know. Before you moved here Roy was very closed in. He doesn't have many friends besides those on the basketball team. And you're the only one who he's ever openly told about himself. You give him a happiness I've never seen from him, and I'm grateful for that" She smiled. I never would've thought I was so important to him. Then again he was just as important to me. We walked out to the car and Mrs. Renetta drove me home, my mind stuck on Roy the entire time.

As I walked inside I felt a bit emotionally drained, and it didn't help that Damien was grounded. I laid out on my bed and thought for a while deciding to go out for a walk.

I was walking the 6 block journey to the shopping center, just trying to get my mind off of things. I took my cellphone out to see if he had gotten his phone back, but to no avail. I decided to go to the ice cream parlor and drown my sorrows in devils food cake batter ice cream. I let my mind wander as I sat there, feeling sorry for Roy and missing Damien. I saw the Halloween decorations out across the shopping center and remembered when I was a kid, and mom said I couldn't go trick or treating. Back then I thought she was being unfair, but I realize now how dangerous it would've been. Before I realized it I had already finished all of my ice cream and headed out towards home.

As I was leaving the shopping center I decided to take a side street home to avoid crossing the highway during rush hour. As I was walking I thought I heard something behind me, and as I turned I felt a crushing blow to my cheek as I flew down to the ground. Before I could collect my senses I felt a deep hit to my gut, knocking the wind out of me. As I tried to breath I looked up and saw the two guys from the party snarling down at me. I tried to stand up but they kicked me back over again, shooting a wave of pain through my chest. I felt another heavy punch to my gut as the other kicked me in the ribs, another stabbing pain resonating through my chest. After another few blows my mind went numb, and all I could feel was the pain. After lying there for a few moments I suddenly no longer felt any pain. I tried to open my eyes and tears were blurring my vision, and after I wiped my eyes I saw him. Steve was taking on both of them, knocking them down and beating them to a pulp. He took both of them by the collars of their shirts and threw them down before walking back over to me. Before I could say anything he knelt down and picked me up, supporting my back and legs.

"Are you alright?" He asked as the other two ran away.

"Y,yeah, thank you" I stuttered.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner. The team got together for dinner and when I heard someone saying that those two went after you I came as fast as I could." He said as he began walking towards the shopping center.

"Um, Steve you don't have to carry me you know" I told him, feeling I bit embarrassed.

"It's alright, besides I don't want you to get dizzy and fall over from getting hit in the head" He explained. I understood his point, being that I was pretty dizzy from getting hit in the face. After a few moments we got to the parking lot and he put me in his car before driving me to my house. He helped we walk inside as mom and dad rushed over from the living room.

"Oh my god sweetie what happened?" mom yelled as she rushed over to me.

"Two guys jumped me on my way home" I told her, not wanting to do into details.

"Steve can you take him upstairs for me? I'll go get the first aid kit" Mom said as she rushed into the kitchen. Steve helped me upstairs and I sat in the bathroom as my mom came up with the first aid kit.

"Now why exactly did these boys do this?" Dad asked as he stood out in the hall with Steve.

"Well, Damien beat them up because they messed with me before, and they all got suspended for it. So I guess they wanted payback." I told her as he rubs disinfectant on the scrapes on my arms.

"What do you mean they messed with you before? How long has this been going on?" Mom questioned.

"It was only two times, once at Steve's party at once today" I muttered.

"Is that why you were so upset that day? Virgil can you get get me the phone, I'm gonna call the school and give them a piece of my mind." She scorned.

"Mom don't, if they get expelled it will only make everything worse." I pleaded.

"Well what else do you want us to do josh?" Dad fussed.

"I don't know, but if they get expelled then it will only fuel the hate people have for me. But if we just ignore it then maybe things will settle down" I told him.

"Sweetie, I understand what you're saying, but we have to make an example out of them. I know you're scared, but if people see that hurting you holds consequences, they'll think twice before doing it. If we act like nothing happened then they're bound to do it again." Mom explained. I didn't want to admit it, be she was right, but I couldn't help but feel this would hurt Steve somehow. Those guys are both on his team, and if they both get kicked off, it might make things harder for him as team captain. After mom and dad went downstairs to talk to the school Steve and I went to my room to talk about what had happened.

"Steve... I'm really sorry. I don't want this to cause you any more trouble than it already has" I apologized.

"Josh, If those guys have that kind of attitude towards you, then I don't care if they get kicked off the team, or out of school." He reassured me.

"But... the other guys on the team... they'll hate me for it" I muttered.

"They wont touch you, I'll be sure of that. If they even think of hurting you they'll regret it" He sterned. When he said that, I felt a slight pressure on my chest, like someone was resting their hand there. I couldn't understand him, he would do all of that just to keep me safe, but why? I didn't see how he gained anything from it. After a while mom called me downstairs and we walked down to see what was going to happen.

"Well I talked to your vice principal and he said he's going to have to have a conference with the parents of the other two boys." She explained. I was a bit worried about what would happen, but I was glad that Steve was there to support me in all of it. Steve left after making sure I was ok, and I went up to my room to go to bed, my body still aching from the fight. I got in the shower and let the warm water ease my muscles before getting in bed. As a laid there I thought about Steve, and how good of a friend he was. As my mind slipped into the darkness, I that the pressure on my chest still remained, leaving me with questions in my mind.

After a few days passed I felt a great relief when Roy came home, and even greater after Damien was ungrounded. I spent Halloween with Roy, not wanting him to be lonely as he passed out candy in his ninja costume. But all my worried came back to me when I was called into Mr. Night's office the next week at school. As I walked in I saw the schools guidance counselor sitting next to Mr. Night. I sat down and Mr. Night finished writing something before looking up at me.

"Well josh, we had conferences with the parent's of those two boys, and I explained to situation to them. Now the school board is deliberating whether or not to expel them, but rest assured you won't be bothered by them anymore." He smiled.

"Josh I'm Mr. Toya, Mr. Night's filled me in on whats been going on and I wanted you to come by my office after lunch." He told me. Mr. Toya was a thin but fluffy raccoon with large green eyes.

"To do what?" I asked, a bit curious as to why he wanted me to come to his office.

" Just to make sure your ok emotionally and psychologically. It's nothing against you personally, but with the rise in school shootings we make sure to observe anyone who's been in situations like yours. Too much stress from bullying can take the nicest person, and warp them into an unrecognizable form. We don't wanna see that happen to anyone." He reassured me. I felt relieved that it was nothing too serious, but I wondered what exactly he wanted to talk about.

After our little meeting I walked back to anatomy and talked told Roy about what happened. After anatomy had finished we went to gym and I noticed Steve was a bit more chipper than usual, while a few other guys in the class were downright pissed at me. And they didn't hold back to let me know, whether by "accidentally" running into me, or chucking a few footballs in my direction while playing on the field. After a while Steve noticed what was going on and called attention to it.

"If any of you want have a problem with josh, say something now. Otherwise I don't want to hear any of you bitching later if those two dicks get expelled." Steve yelled as everyone grew silent. It was quiet for a few moments, before one wolf stepped up in front of the group.

"Yeah I have a problem. That fag is dating the principals son, so obviously he's gonna get special treatment. If Chad and Craig get expelled it's his fault" The wolf sneered. When I heard those words, I felt a deep fire rush through me, something I'd never felt in my life. Before Steve could say anything else I briskly walked up to the wolf, looking up at him.

"Whether or not those two two get expelled is up to the school board, not Mr. Night!" I yelled.

"Do you wanna get beat again you little bitch?" The wolf snarled as he got in my face.

"Hit me, I fucking dare you. I dare any single one of you to even fucking touch me!" I screamed to the group. The wolf clenched his fists, but he stood motionless, merely growling in intimidation.

"Josh what's going on?" Roy panted as he ran up.

"Something that I should have done a long time ago, without having to depend on someone else." I muttered. "None of you have the balls to go through with how you feel, if you did, I'd be on the ground getting my ass kicked right now. But no, you all just hide behind your empty threats, standing with your tail between your legs." I muttered. They all stood silent, the wolf in front of me seething with rage. I finally realized they all worked by intimidation, rather than action. They knew if they couldn't scare me, they lost any power they had. I walked away from the wolf, satisfied with the look of aggravation on his face. Roy looked at bit shocked, as did Steve, by the way I acted.

"Josh are you alright? I've never seen you so mad before." Roy said as we walked to the sidelines.

"I'm just tired of being treated like dirt because of something I can't control." I sighed. I thought that maybe Mr. Toya had been right, too much could lead someone to do something they would never do in their right state of mind. After gym had finished I went to lunch and spent some much needed time with Damien, comforted by his arms wrapped around me as he nuzzled my neck. I talked to him about the meeting with his dad and about my coming meeting with Mr. Toya.

"It'll be fine hun, I'm just still upset that I wasn't there to protect you from those jerks. If Steve hadn't of been there... they could've killed you" Damien muttered as he squeezed me tight.

"I know, but I think I'll be ok from now on." I reassured him. After lunch I tediously walked to the guidance room, nervous about the meeting with Mr. Toya. I stepped into the office and the secretary had me sign in before sitting in the waiting room. As I sat there I felt my anxiety building as the ticking of the clock echoed in my ear. A few moments later Mr. Toya opened his office door and waved me in. When I walked inside I felt a familiar discomfort spread through my body. His office was set up like a psychiatrists office, with a small couch laid across from his desk. I felt a flash go through my mind as Mr. Toya asked me to take a seat. I sat on the side of the couch as Mr Toya looked me over for a moment.

"Josh, I know you may be nervous, but don't worry. I'm trained to help people in your situation. Now, can you tell me what things were when you were a child?" He asked. I wondered why that was important but I thought back anyway and tried to remember.

"I was kind of quiet as a kid, well I still kinda am. I never went out of the house, and I was really close to my dad." I told him.

"And your parents, what are they like?" he questioned.

"Well, mom is kind of clingy, and she worries about me a lot. And dad, well when I was young he was really affectionate and loving, but as I got older he became more and more insistent on making me something I could never be." I explained.

"I see. Is there anything that ever happened to you to make you feel inversive or secluded?" He wondered. I thought for a few moments, and I remembered exactly what had happened.

"When I was around seven, I was walking home from the bus stop. While I was walking a man came up to me and started asking some questions. He offered to drive me home, and our house back then was down a really long road, so I said yes. After I got in he drove along and I didn't recognize the neighborhood we were going through. I asked him where we were going and he said he had to stop by his house to call my parents so they knew he was taking me home, I was so young I guess I thought nothing of it. We went inside and... he pulled me into his room. Everything after that is a blur, but all I remember was crying and feeling so helpless. After he finished he dropped me off somewhere and I had no idea where I was. Eventually someone found me and the police brought me home. I went up to my room and didn't say or do anything. I stayed like that for weeks, only leaving my room to go to school and the occasional meal. After a while they sent me to a psychiatrist, and he asked me a bunch of questions, but I never said anything. While all of that was going on I found my adoption information , and I learned that someone had found me in a dumpster as a baby. After all of this, I came to the realization that this world wasn't kind to people like me, and that I had no proper place within it." I went on. Mr. Toya remained silent for a moment, pondering to himself.

"Josh, I know how you must feel, but you know it's not your fault you were born the way you were. The world is a mess of balances, to gain one thing, we must sacrifice another. Even if everyone were fine about the way you were, then there would be something else for them to judge about you. Though the severity differs, everyone goes through something like this at some point in their lives. They question what place they have in the world. But only you can answer that question. We all have our burdens, and our sins, but only we can choose how much these things hinder our hearts and minds. You're an intelligent young man who has every chance at making something of himself. If you let the world around you inside, there's going to be some pain, but it's completely out shined by the marvels it had to offer. Don't make the mistake that many do, don't let the past make you afraid of experiencing the future." He told me. I was surprised at how much sense he made. I realized how scared I was of the people around me, but even if they did hate me, I didn't know if there was any true reason to fear being a part of something. I sat and talked with Mr. Toya for half of 4th period before walking back to class, with many questions lingering on my mind. As I sat there I stared at a carving on the desk. "Daniel Loves Clayton" With little hearts around it. It made me think about when I first started going out with Damien, and how much I've loosened up since then. And with Roy and Steve, they had helped me a lot as well. But I still had a long way to go, and I was determined to figure out just what kind of place I had in that world.

After school I went to Damien's house, feeling a bit wiped out from the emotional day. We laid in bed together, his body curled around my back as he held me to him. He nuzzled my neck and cheek as he ran his hands across my body.

"Mmm, you're so warm" I sighed contently as he rubbed my body.

"Well if you're warm maybe you should take some of those clothes off" He grinned.

"I don't know if I have the energy to" I whined.

"Then how about I take them off for you?" He offered.

"Ok, but can we...um, do it laying like this?" I asked.

"Anything you want honey" He swooned as he kissed my cheek. I felt him reach his arm around and undo my pants, eagerly pulling them down along with my underwear and peeling them off. He then lifted me up and pulled off my shirt, my body laying naked in front of him. As I laid there I heard him undressing, and pulling a bottle of lube from his drawer. He got back next to me, his fur feeling wonderful as it rubbed against my backside.

"Lemme try something a little different" He said as he rubbed his paws across my rear. I moaned in enjoyment as he massed my cheeks, but I suddenly began writhing when I felt him slip his tongue across my hole. I loved the feeling, and yet I couldn't stop cringing and twisting in resistance to this euphoric sensation. After a few moments he stopped and lubed up his finger before pressing it into me, slowly prodding and twisting, loosening my hole. After a few moments he began to get a bit rough his finger rushing in and out of me. Once he was finished he lubed up his member, teasing my hole with the tip as a pumped his cock. Then in one quick thrust, he shoved his member into me, all the way to the base. We both moaned loudly in pleasure, but mine was a bit more out of discomfort. He lovingly held me to him as he gently began pushing in and out of me. He was much slower than usual, taking his time and letting me feel every detail of his cock as it went into me. He began breathing heavily into my ear, knowing how much it overpowered me. I felt a rush go through me as me moaned and me ear, licking and kissing my neck as he pushed himself deeper and deeper with every thrust. Soon his pace began to quicken, and his heavy nets began slapping against me as he rammed my hole. I interlocked my fingers with his as he fucked me, wanting him more and more as he heaved and groaned in ecstasy. He suddenly stopped for a moment, and before I could ask why I felt a wet paw jerking my member. I gasped in enjoyment as he began to pump my cock as he began ramming my ass, his warm breath gliding across my cheek. Soon I felt his knot forming and he turned me over onto my stomach, slowly easing his cock in and out of me as he continued to pump my own.

"Baby, do you think... maybe we could tie?" He pleaded as he rested his swelling knot against my hole. I had heard how painful tying could be, and I was afraid to do it, but I wanted to show Damien how much I loved him.

"Okay, but please be gentle" I begged as I braced myself. He wrapped his arms around me, supporting us on his elbows as he began pressing himself into me. I felt the pressure building against my hole, and I became more and more nervous the harder he pressed. Eventually I felt myself being spread, and his knot began to enter me. Slowly it widened my hole, a burning pain emanating from within as his knot went further. I squeezed his hand as he made a final push, his knot tightly slipping into me. I grunted and writhed as I adjusted to its girth, tears escaping from my eyes. He held me tight and kissed over my neck, helping me forget about the pain. After a few moments he started up again, heaving and moaning as he pressed into me. With only a few thrusts a felt myself coming close to climax, my prostate going wild. Moments later I couldn't hold back and I cried as I shot streams of cum onto Damien's sheets. As I was cumming my prostate swelled against Damien's cock and he went into a frenzy, pounding into me and growling loudly. Then with a few final thrusts, he let out a few little yelps before releasing a flood of hot seed into me, a primal howl echoing through his room. His knot swelled even further as he came, his stream of cum dying down as he collapsed on top of me, panting as his tongue flopped out of his maw.

"That...was so...fucking...good" Damien panted. "Are you alright?"

"I'm alright, just tired" I told him.

"Well it'll be a while till I can pull out, go ahead and take a rest" He smiled.

"I love you so much" I said as I nuzzled my head against his.

"I love you to baby" He grinned as he pulled a blanket over the both of us. As he held me in his arms, the both of us bonded together, I felt a deep content. As I drifted into the darkness, I wondered if my purpose had always been right there, to be at Damien's side.

Feeling out of place: Chapter 11

I know its been months since i've posted anything, and I sincerely apologize for taking so long. I've had alot of random things getting in my way, and after dealing with all of that, I had a lapse of inspiration. Hopefully posting this finished chapter...

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Feeling out of place: Chapter 9

FINALLY chapter 9. Sorry for the delay, I had to give myself some catch up time ^.^ But alas it is here, and i hope you guys enjoy it ^.^ The next couple of days I was so glad to have everything back to normal with Damien. No more anger, no...

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Feeling out of place: Chapter 8

WOO!!, not so sick anymore and i got my mojo back :D I'm very happy with this chapter and i think you guys will enjoy it alot. If i can get 2 chapters out this week i will be SO happy. Anyway thanks to everyone for all the support and i hope you enjoy...

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