Feeling out of place: Chapter 9

Story by lonleyone on SoFurry

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#11 of "Feeling out of place"

FINALLY chapter 9. Sorry for the delay, I had to give myself some catch up time ^.^ But alas it is here, and i hope you guys enjoy it ^.^

The next couple of days I was so glad to have everything back to normal with Damien. No more anger, no more jealous outbursts, just the sweet affectionate wolf I loved. And he was handling his emotions in much more positive ways. If he was upset or wanted attention from me he would tell me instead of letting it build into anger. I was so happy with him as we would walk down the halls together, his arm wrapped tightly around me.

After school I went over Steve's house to study. As we pulled into his driveway Steve had a look of irritation on his face.

"Shit my dad's home" Steve sighed. He hesitantly got out of the car and I followed. As we walked inside I saw an extremely large dark-tan lion with a deep auburn mane sitting on the coach with a case of beer next to him. He caught sight of us and gave Steve a look of disgust.

"So this is the furless piece of shit that's been teaching your sorry ass? Your lucky he got you to the playoffs or I wouldn't tolerate him being in here" He sneered. I felt a bit hurt by his comments, but it was nothing I hadn't heard before. "Too bad he couldn't teach you how to throw a damn ball or you guys would've won"

"Josh don't listen to him, I'll be right up" Steve told me as I began walking upstairs. I felt relieved when I got to his room and out of sight of Steve's dad. I was setting my things down and I heard yelling coming from downstairs.

"You have no right to talk to him like that!" Steve yelled.

"What do you care? He's a human, there all weak and pathetic, but the really sad part is that you're getting taught by one" Steve's dad scoffed.

"At least I didn't drop out" Steve retorted.

"I dropped out cause I had to work to feed your ungrateful ass, if it weren't for you I could be in the NFL right now" His dad snarled.

"Yeah cause it's my fault you can't keep it in your pants" Steve growled.

"Your mom was the one who forgot to take her damn birth control so don't bitch at me you little punk!" His dad screamed.

"Both of you just stop! Steven go upstairs and calm down a bit ok?" Steve's mom interjected. "Tony I've had it with you talking to him like that!" She yelled I heard Steve walking up the stairs. He swung the door open and slammed it shut before throwing his bookbag down and sitting on the bed next to me, burying his face in his paws, rubbing in aggravation. I sat silent for a moment as Steve collected himself, not wanting to say anything that would anger him further.

"Josh...I'm sorry about what he said" Steve muttered as he kept his face buried.

"Are you alright?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I just need a second, I don't wanna blow up in front of you" He sighed as he brushed his hair back and tried to calm himself. After a few moments he laid back and sprawled out on his bed, thinking to himself.

"Steve...I'm sorry I caused so much trouble" I apologized.

"It's not you, this happens all the time. I'm sorry you got caught in the middle of it" he told me. I felt so bad for Steve. I couldn't imagine what it was like to have a father who was that cruel. Steve leaned up and started unpacking his things. We tried to forget what happened and started going over Steve's homework. A few minutes later we heard a knock on the door and Steve's mom came inside. I had never actually seen Steve's mom this close. She was always either in the kitchen or at work and I had only ever spoken to her once or twice to say hello.

"Josh I'm sorry about what happened down there. And I'm sorry I've never really told you how much I appreciate you helping Steven" She apologized. She was thin with a light beige fur and a blonde mane with bright blue eyes.

"It's ok" I told her as she smiled warmly.

"If it weren't for you I Steven may not have been considered for the sports scholarships he's been offered, I'm very grateful for you helping him. Oh and my husband won't be at the party in case you were worried. Well I should let you boys study, call me if you need anything" she smiled as she stepped out of the room. I turned back to Steve and began going over the work again and I saw he looked hurt by something.

"Are you alright?" I questioned.

"I didn't want to tell you yet, about the scholarships. I didn't want you to feel like I was using you or anything." He muttered.

"It's nothing to feel bad about, I'm glad I could help you get a scholarship. I know you're not using me" I reassured him.

"It's just that you do so much for me and I just realized I never do anything for you in return" He sighed.

"Steve you're my friend, I don't need you to do anything for me, I'm more than happy to help" I smiled. He seemed a bit confused at first, before a content grin came across his face and we went back to working. After a few hours I got a text from Damien and thought It was getting late and should head back home. Steve led me out of the house, making sure his dad wasn't around as we left and he drove me home.

After Steve dropped me off I went inside and ate dinner before waiting for Damien to get off of work. After an hour or two I saw his headlights in the window and rushed downstairs to let him in. As soon I opened the door I rushed out and jumped into his arms, kissing him deeply as I breathed him in. I could never get over how much I loved the smell of the hardware store that lingered on him after a hard days work. He playfully squeezed my butt as he kissed my neck before we walked inside and up to my room. After the door was closed I began rubbing his back and shoulders, wanting to ease any tension that work may have caused him.

"Mmm thank you baby" He moaned as I rubbed and kneaded his taught muscles. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt from behind him and ran by nails all across his chest, belly, and sides, causing him to shudder in enjoyment.

"I love you Damien" I whispered as I ran my hands through his soft smooth fur.

"I love you too. Mmm you spoil me honey" He chuckled as I massaged his body.

"Honey if you want... I could... um... release a different kind of tension" I stuttered, nervously rubbing the inside of his thigh.

"You sure babe? You don't have to if you don't want to" He reassured me.

"I'm sure, I want to make you as happy as possible honey" I told him as I nuzzled his back.

"Hon... I don't need sex to be happy, I just need you" He said as he turned and pulled me into a hug.

"I know, but I like it, I like making you feel good" I mumbled as I rested my head against his chest. He rested his paw on the back of my head and played with my hair, pulling me tightly to him.

"What did you have in mind?" He asked as he kissed the top of my head. I reached down and slipped my hand into his jeans, grabbing his package and slowly rubbing it. I kissed underneath his chin as I felt his member rapidly getting hard, his arms holding me tighter as his breathing got heavier. I unzipped his pants and opened them up, pulling down his briefs to reveal his half erect member and large sac. I slid my fingers over his bare cock, causing him to twitch and writhe in pleasure. I let my other hand service his heavy nuts as I slowly pumped his cock with my other hand, Damien growling in dominance. I eased down onto my knees and slipped Damien's pants down as I nuzzled his package, breathing in his strong masculine aroma. I began sucking on one of his nuts, moaning into his sack as Damien panted in euphoria. I let my tongue slide up along the bottom of Damien's member to the tip, eagerly taking his cock in my mouth. Damien grunted in resistance to the seemingly blissful feeling of my warm mouth on his rod, his fists clenching as I worked on him. I put his paw on the back of my head, wanting him to guide me as I sucked his throbbing dick. As soon as I did he began thrusting, slowly pushing himself in and out of my mouth. I let him go deeper gradually, until he was pushing his rod down my throat. I relaxed my muscles, letting cock sink deeper and deeper.

Damien pulled his member out and sat down on the bed, spreading his legs and inviting me to his manhood. I slid my hands over his muscular thighs and caressed them as I started again, eagerly sucking his cock. I felt a heavy flow of pre coming out of his tip, and I saw a knot beginning to form at the base. I took my hand and massaged his knot and twisted and pumped his member as I sucked him off, desperately wanting to taste his seed. He began bucking his hips, moaning with every thrust as I felt his cock swelling inside my mouth. His moans got louder and turned into a deep growl as he plunged his cock into my throat, nearly gagging me with the heavy flow of cum rushing into it. He pulled out a bit and let the last few spurt land in my mouth, awarding me with his thick warm cum. I cleaned and drained his cock before he put his pants back on and pulled me to him, kissing me deeply. We laid down on my bed and I rested my head on his chest, his strong arms tightly wrapped around me.

"Hey baby?" Damien questioned.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Do I make you happy?" Damien asked.

"More than happy honey, you give me reason" I told him.

"Reason?" He wondered.

"You're my reason to get up in the morning, to look in the mirror and recognize the reflection, to feel a purpose in my life." I explained, nuzzling his chest.

"Hon..." he muttered before he held me up to him, kissing the bottom of my head. I let myself become lost in his arms, and fell deep into the darkness, thankful for the shielding arms protecting me from the dangers within.

As the days went on I was becoming more and more excited about Steve's party, and it seemed like he was excited as well. The closer it got to his party the better mood he was in when we studied together. Eventually the day of his party arrived and I was getting into my costume when my mom came in to give me the keys to borrow her car.

"Awwww sweetie you look so cute in that, you almost look like a little girl!" Mom said in awe.

" Mom I'm not a girl I'm an angel" I groaned in embarrassment.

"Oh you're so adorable I have to get my camera. Where's you're father he has to see how cute you look" Mom ranted as she rushed out of the room. I could only sigh and let her have her fun as I got ready, but nothing could ruin my good mood for the party. I walked out of the room and went downstairs to meet a blinding camera flash. As my eyes refocused I saw my mom prepping to take another picture, and my dad with a look of absolute shock on his face, his face turning pink for some reason.

"Oh sweetie you have to take a picture with your father I never get enough pictures of you guys together" Mom blathered as she placed dad in front of the wall. She moved me over next to him and dad still looked completely baffled by my appearance. She scooted us together and readied the camera as dad shuffled and wrapped his arm around me. We both smiled and mom took the picture before I asked her for the keys and hurried out the door, not wanting to be late. I made sure I had Steve's gift before starting the car and driving off to his house.

I pulled up onto Steve's block where there were dozens of cars parked. I finally found a spot and walked around to his backyard where loud music was pumping and an assortment of costumed furs where talking, eating, and dancing. As I walked in search of Steve I noticed I was getting a lot of looks, some of them hostile, other just looks of confusion. Eventually I found Steve wearing a Dracula outfit talking to his mom around a snack table, and walked up to give him his present.

"Happy birthday!" I shouted over the loud music.

"Oh hey man. Wow nice costume, I think you may have a few of the girls here getting jealous" Steve laughed. I took his statement as a complement and handed him his gift. "Josh you didn't have to get me anything, you already do too much to help me out" He told me.

"I wanted to get you something, besides that's what friends do" I reassured him.

"Thanks a lot man, I'm gonna put this with the others I'll be right back" He replied as he walked away. I said hi to Steve's mom and proceeded to grab a drink from the snack table before looking around at the other costumes. Most of the girls were in something revealing or skimpy like a nurse and a lifeguard. The guys however were all in classic costumes like pirates and zombies. As I was watching the others at the party I looked over and saw a few of the girls walking up to me.

"Oh my god you look so pretty!" Said a skinny wolf girl in a nun costume.

"Um thanks I guess" I replied, not really sure what to say.

"I've seen you around school, you're Damien's boyfriend right?" Asked a lynx girl in the fire fighter costume.

"Yeah" I told her.

"God you guys are so cute together, I wish I had a guy like him." Commented a hyena girl in a cowgirl costume. I felt a bit of relief that they didn't come over to make fun of me or anything, but I was a bit confused about why they were so fascinated with me.

"So um... how do you guys like... do it?" the lynx girl questioned.

"Yeah" "Yeah" The other two echoed. I then realized they had come over solely to ask that one question. To my luck I saw Steve waving me over and excused myself before having to explain the workings of my sex life. I walked over and Steve showed me the cake his mom had made for him. While we stood there I felt eyes leering at me, but I tried to ignore it as Steve's mom let the candles and gathered everyone around to sing happy birthday. As I watched Steve blow out his candles, I couldn't help but wonder what he had wished for. His mom cut the cake and began handing it out as the music started again and the party went on. I sat at one of the tables and ate as I saw Steve talking with a bunch of his friends. I had to admit I was envious of him. He didn't seem to have any trouble talking to people or making friends, I wondered what it would've been like to have an actual group of friends. Overall I was glad to see Steve so happy. I couldn't imagine how much stress his dad gave him, it was nice to see him have a break from all that. As the party kept going, I couldn't get the feeling of someone watching me, but anywhere I looked I couldn't find a single person looking at me. Eventually Steve's mom has everyone gather around to watch Steve open his presents. Everyone had gotten him something really good, whether it be a new video game, or a stereo system for his room. It had me feeling a bit discouraged when he had gotten to my gift. He tore the paper apart and opened the box, pulling out the wallet. He immediately took out his old wallet and began switching it out.

"Hey thanks a lot, I really needed a new one" He thanked me as he transferred the contents of his wallet. I felt a great wave of relief as he continued opening his gifts. After he had finished the party had spread out again and Steve's mom was prepping a second wave of food on the table for a hungry wave of what I assumed to be Steve's friends from the football team. I noticed Steve and his mom were taking some of the empty food bowls inside and I began to walk over to help. Suddenly I felt a cold rush of liquid pouring over my body. I opened my eyes and looked down to see myself covered in red. I turned around to see two guys laughing heavily, one of them holding the fruit punch bowl in their hand. Eventually the laughter grew louder, and the entire crowd of people were laughing. I felt a a twisting feeling deep in my gut, and my throat grew dry, making it hard to breath. Then finally the tears came, only masked by the dripping wet hair in my face. I ran out of the yard and back to the car, peeling off my costume and throwing it in a curbside trashcan before getting in and driving away. I stopped a few blocks away to try and stop crying so I could drive, but they kept on coming. After a few minutes I felt good enough to drive and hurried home. When I got inside I ran up to the bathroom and started a shower, taking off my damp clothes. I got in the shower and sat on the floor, letting the warm water wash over me. I couldn't understand why they were all so cruel, how was I so different from them? I stood up and began washing my self, getting the sticky feeling out of my hair and off of my body. I got out and dried off, feeling a lot better as I wrapped a towel around me and picked up my dirty clothes. I threw them in the hamper on the way to my room and redressed, my mom kicking on my door a few moments later.

"Sweetie is everything alright?" She asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's nothing" I told her.

"Are you sure? You looked so upset when you ran upstairs, and why where you all wet when you came in?" She questioned

"It's nothing serious, I just want to forget about it" I explained.

"Well ok, but if you wanna talk I'll be downstairs" She said as she walked away. I laid down on my bed and grabbed my phone, checking my messages. I had a few texts from Damien, and a recent one from Steve. I scrolled down and hesitantly selected Steve's message.

[Josh someone told me what happened, where are you? Are you ok?] He wrote

_I replied

[God man I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for anything like that to happen] He apologized.

[It's not your fault, really don't worry about it. I don't want you upset on your birthday] I told him

[Josh I'm really sorry] He continued.

[It's alright, I'll see you on Monday. Happy Birthday] I said as I sent and closed my phone. I didn't want Steve to have to worry about me. I just wanted him to enjoy himself on his birthday. I checked Damien's messages, which where all very sweet and loving. I called him up knowing he was off work and hoped I could spend the rest of the weekend with him._

"Hey hon how was work?" I asked him

"Boring, how was your day?" he wondered.

"It was going ok until 2 douchbags poured a bowl of punch on me at Steve's birthday party" I sighed.

"Are you serious?! Who did it?" He questioned.

"Hun it's alright, I just want to be with you and forget about the whole thing" I told him.

"Alright, I'll come pick you up" He said as we both hung up. I got my bag and packed an overnight while I waited for Damien to arrive. When I saw his headlights I ran out to the car and got in, kissing him deeply before we started driving.

"So what exactly happened at that party?" Damien asked as we drove.

"Well I was walking and two guys poured a bowl of punch on me,and everyone started laughing so I just left" I explained.

"Jeez hon I'm sorry, where was Steve during all this?" he questioned.

"Inside, he texted me apologizing earlier today. I should have known something like that would've happened." I sighed.

"Well it's over now, lets just forget about it" He said as we drove on to his house.

As we both got dressed and got into bed, I felt a great relief as I sank into his arms, feeling protected once again from the dangers of the world.

After a long weekend with Damien, I no longer felt the shame and embarrassment I had felt before, and I was glad to be back into my normal routine. As I sat in 2nd period talking to Roy, I was surprised by a call over the intercom for me to report to the office. I walked down the hall, a bit curious as to why I was needed. As I opened the office door I was shocked to see the two boys who poured punch on me, sitting in the chairs outside the office, holding ice packs and bloody tissue's to their cheeks and noses. I walked past them, both of them sneering at me as I walked into Mr. Night's office. As I walked in I was even more shocked to see Steve and Damien sitting across from each other, Steve nervously rubbing his hands and Damien laying his ears at his dad.

"Josh, please have a seat" Mr. Night said warmly as I sat in between Steve and Damien. "Josh I just need you to clear up some things for me. You're not in any trouble, I just need you to tell me what happened this weekend at this party"

"Well, those two guys out there poured punch on me, why what's going on?" I asked, a bit confused by what was going on.

"Well Damien took the liberty to beat up those two boys, he's lucky someone pulled him off them or he would be in even more trouble" Mr night grumbled as he shot a look at Damien.

"Damien how could you do something like that?" I asked as I turned to him.

"Hon I couldn't help it, when I heard it was them who did it I went to confront them and they were bragging about it. I couldn't just stand there and let them gloat at your expense." He explained as his ears lowered in guilt.

"Well I'm going to have to suspend you Damien, and those two boys." Mr night sighed.

"But... they didn't even fight" Steve noted with a disappointed look on his face.

"Yes, but the incident at your party is grounds for suspension. They assaulted josh and the school board doesn't tolerate bullying, in or outside of school." Mr Night explained. Steve looked a bit sad at the whole situation, and I felt bad that Damien caused so much trouble for everyone. But I had to admit I did feel a little happy that those jerks got what they deserved. However that was no excuse for his behavior. After Mr. Night lectured Damien for a bit he let Steve and I go while keeping Damien in the office.

"Steve I'm really sorry about all this, I can't believe he did that" I apologized.

"No, I should be the one apologizing. I should've done something so those guys wouldn't have messed with you in the first place. If I had been there none of this would have happened" He muttered.

"Steve it's not your fault..." I told him as he cut me off

"Yes it is! I should have been able to protect you!" Steve yelled as he stormed off. I couldn't understand why he was so upset. Furthermore I wondered what he meant by "protecting" me. I sat outside of Mr. Nights office to wait for Damien so I could talk to him. After a few minutes I saw the door fly open and Damien briskly walking out of the office. I got up and walked up to him and grabbed his arm to get his attention.

"Honey please calm down" I begged.

"I'm sorry babe, I just can't believe that crap. I don't want anyone hurting you, and to think someone could just do that to you and laugh about it... it just gets me so aggravated" He growled as he tried to relax.

"But beating them up isn't an acceptable answer, it always just makes things worse." I told him.

"I know hon, I'm really sorry. But what else am I supposed to do? I couldn't just sit and do nothing" He pouted.

"But think about it hon, when you're not around, and those guys are mad about getting beat up, who are they gonna take it out on?" I asked him.

"I guess I never really thought about that" He admitted.

"Just please promise me this won't happen again" I pleaded.

"I promise hon. Well I should go, I don't want dad to bitch at me again. Can you come over later tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah, well I'll see you after school. I love you" I told him as he walked out to his car. Even though Damien may have went overboard by beating those guys up, I still felt glad that I had a boyfriend that was so keen on protecting me. After looking at the clock and realizing it was almost third period, I rushed back to class to grab my things before the bell rang.

While we were lifting weights in gym, Steve was being really quiet and seemed bothered by what had happened. I wanted to talk to him about it but I was afraid of sparking another outburst from him. After a while he seemed to loosen up a bit and I tried to ask him what exactly was bothering him.

"Steve, are you alright? I didn't mean to upset you earlier" I apologized.

"It's not you Josh... I just feel so guilty about what happened. I promised you nothing bad would happen, and that I'd be there if anyone tried to mess with you. I couldn't even do that" He sighed.

"It would've happened either way. It was just a matter of time and place. You have nothing to feel at fault for." I reassured him.

"Then why do I still feel so upset? I don't understand, you're telling me it's ok... but I still can't get rid of this twisting feeling in my gut" He muttered.

"Don't worry, maybe you're just thinking about it too much" I smiled. Finally he relaxed and smiled a bit before letting me spot for him at the bench press. I felt bad that Steve worried so much, he already had a lot of stress in his life, and I didn't want to cause him any more. After gym I sat in 4th mod, lonely in Damien's absence as I waited for the bell.

After school I went over Roy's for a while after he drove me home. I told him all about the party, and Damien beating up those two boys. After a few hours of hanging out Damien called wanting to pick me up. I left Roy's and packed an overnight before leaving with Damien. After we got to his house and a set my bag down, Damien grabbed me from behind, pulling me tight to his chest.

"Honey... are you angry with me?" He whimpered.

"I'm not angry, just worried. I don't want your temper to get out of control like that. It's ok to be angry about certain things, but violence isn't the way to control it." I explained.

"I'm sorry hon, I'll try harder I promise." He swooned as he nuzzled my neck. I felt so safe wrapped in his arms like that, but I prayed those arms would never be used to hurt someone again. He gently rubbed my chest and I felt a hardening member pressing against my back.

"Can we?" Damien pleaded.

"I dunno hon, all the drama from today has me beat" I told him.

"Well what if I just jerk off and you lay next to me and watch?" he chuckled.

"I think I can handle that" I smiled back at him. He picked me up and laid me down on the bed, hopping in next to me as I laid my head on his chest. He briskly unzipped his pants and flopped his half erect member out, slowly pumping it as he wrapped and arm around me. I watched eagerly as his cock thickened out, and it's large veiny entirety began throbbing as Damien worked it. I rubbed Damien's chest and abs under his shirt as he pleasured himself, nuzzling against me as he did. I kissed him deeply as I caressed his muscular arms, one of them flexing as he jacked his meat. After a few minutes I saw a small knot forming, and gradually increasing in size as his breathing became heavier. I reached over and began playing with his sac, causing him to moan and pre began spurting from his cock. His pace quickened as his cock became slick with pre, his body tensing up in desperation for climax. As I saw his breaths becoming short and shallow, I leaned down and took his cock into my mouth, a light scream emanating from Damien as he pumped heavy streams of seed into my mouth. I swallowed every drop as the flow lessened to a light dribble, allowing me to clean and suck his cock dry. I crawled back over to him and let him hug me to his body, his warmth radiating into me. As we laid there I felt myself drifting deep into the darkness, happy to have my guardian at my side.

Feeling out of place: Chapter 10

Soooo yeah, I'm sorry this chapter took so long. I had a birthday and am now 19 WOO, and that kinda distracted me from writing BUT since i love you guys soooo much, ima write a side chapter as a self punishment ^.^ But anywho here's chapter 10. I hope...

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Feeling out of place: Chapter 8

WOO!!, not so sick anymore and i got my mojo back :D I'm very happy with this chapter and i think you guys will enjoy it alot. If i can get 2 chapters out this week i will be SO happy. Anyway thanks to everyone for all the support and i hope you enjoy...

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Feeling out of place: Side Chapter: Mr. Jones

Hey guys I'm sorry I don't have chapter 8 ready yet, I was really sick this week so I made this "filler" chapter untill I can finish. I'm about halfway done the chapter so if I'm lucky maybe I can get out 2 chapters this week. Hopefully you guys like...

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