Feeling out of place: Chapter 11

Story by lonleyone on SoFurry

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#14 of "Feeling out of place"

I know its been months since i've posted anything, and I sincerely apologize for taking so long. I've had alot of random things getting in my way, and after dealing with all of that, I had a lapse of inspiration. Hopefully posting this finished chapter will get me back into the swing of things. But anywho, I'm really sorry and I hope I haven't disappointed you guys. Enjoy ^.^

The next week at school was a bit tense. Everyone was waiting for the school boards decision, and a lot of people were irritated about it. Finally a couple weeks later they finally announced that the two were permanently expelled from all county schools. After that everyone was much more irritated, everything going back to how it was during the first day of school. They would give me dirty looks and throw things, but none of them actually tried to hurt me, which was relieving. The weather was getting so much colder, soon it was frosting in the mornings I was beginning to envy everyone for having their thick fluffy fur to shield them from the cold. Stores were already getting prepared for the holiday season and it made me think about my plans for thanksgiving. Every year we would go to both of my grandparent's houses, and every year I felt more and more isolated from the family. My uncle Leo was probably the only one who ever actually wanted to talk to me. My grandparents were nice, but I could tell I was their least favorite of my cousins. Every year was the same, uncle Leo and I would talk on the couch at my mom's parent's house, and at my dad's parent's house I would just be ignored by everyone. Mom and Dad never would admit it, but they knew I wasn't truly a part of the family.

I stood outside the school with Damien, his arms wrapped around me to shield the cold as we were talking about our plans for the time we had off school.

"Well I'm going up to my grandma's in New York, I would invite you but my grandparent's are really old fashioned" He explained.

"Oh so they don't know your gay?" I asked looking up at him.

"Oh they do, they just don't know I'm dating out of my species, they're kinda anal about that." He told me. I was surprised the species mattered more than gender to them, but I couldn't really blame them, a lot of people were like that. "So what are you doing?" He questioned.

"Going to Boston to see both families, I'm really not looking forward to it though" I told him. "They really wouldn't care if I came or not, and I would rather stay home then sit by myself all day."

"It'll only be for a day hon, and I'll be right here when you get back" He reassured me. After Roy came out I said goodbye and went to the car, relieved as Roy cranked up the heat.

After we arrived at his house I talked to him about what he was doing for thanksgiving. I sat in his bed buried under the covers as he laid next to me.

"If you don't wanna go to your families place you should come with us, you'd fit in great." He smiled. " I mean my mom's side of the family is a lot of mixes, and so is my dad's."

"I'd have to ask mom though, I know she probably wouldn't like the idea of me being gone for thanksgiving" I replied.

"Well you're more than welcome to come, I mean it" He said as he nuzzled my neck. It amazed me how happy Roy could make me when I felt bad about something. He was always so nurturing and kind, and he was the closest anyone's ever been to me. Roy knew things about me that I hadn't even told Damien yet. As we laid there I could feel Roy's arm wrap around me over the blanket, his head resting right behind mine. "You make a good pillow" He chuckled as he laid on top of me. I didn't mind though, he was so warm and I was too cold to care what he did.

After a few hours at Roy's I walked to my house and was going to try to convince my mom to let me go with Roy to thanksgiving this year. I decided to wait until dinner to bring it up, and asked her if she would mind if I went.

"But honey... why wouldn't you want to be with the family?" She asked.

"Mom besides uncle Leo no one there really cares whether or not I come. I just want to go somewhere and feel welcomed instead of feeling invisible." I explained.

"Josh thats not true, mom mom and pop pop care a lot about you" Dad told me.

"Dad they didn't even remember my name when they set the table last year, apparently they think my name is Joel." I chuckled.

"Well... maybe it wouldn't hurt if you went with your friend" Dad replied.

"I don't know josh, I mean what about being with us?" Mom frowned.

"It's not that I don't want to be with you guys, I just want to be acknowledged for once, instead of sitting in the corner for hours unnoticed " I explained. Mom let out a heavy sigh as she looked over at dad. "Okay okay you can go, but you're going to go with us at Christmas." I was glad they understood my position, but I still felt a little bad about not being with them on thanksgiving. The holiday always left me thinking, because before we had moved to greenfield, I couldn't come up with many things I was thankful for.

Ever since Steve helped me the day I got beat up, he had been a lot more open to me, and he even talked to me in the halls when I saw him. I was over his house helping him study and I felt something different about him. He was acting much less reserved, and he was joking around with me as if I were one of his friends from the team. While we were I looked over and saw Steve looking at me rather than his book.

"Is something wro" I managed to say before I saw Steve pull me to him. Before I could react I felt him pressing his lips against mine, my body cradled in his arms. After I realized that was going on I pushed him off of me, stepping up of the bed, covering my mouth in shock.

"I, I'm sorry, I just, I couldn't stop myself" he muttered, nervously rubbing his arms. I couldn't really think of what to say, I was shocked by the fact that'd he'd even try to kiss me. As I turned around he was standing behind me, a confused, anxious look on his face, a look I've seen him make before. "Josh, I think, I think I really might be... gay" He stammered. I didn't want to believe it, but the look in his eyes showed a lost, scared reflection that I too had seen in my past.

"Well, are you... attracted to girls?" I asked.

"I thought I was, but, lately I cant even get close to a girl without thinking of..." He trailed off.

"Thinking of what?" I wondered.

"...You, I just, I can't get you out of my head" He explained, rubbing the back to his neck in frustration. I didn't know how to feel, I was a bit glad that he was coming to a resolve of his sexuality, but I couldn't understand why it was me he wanted.

"Steve, I know what you must be going through, but you have to understand, I have a boyfriend" I told him.

"I, I know that, but... I still can't help but feel the way I do. I promise I wont try anything, it'll be enough just to have your friendship for now." He explained. I felt my blood running warm and cold at the same time, and the look in Steve's eyes were the same as Damien's.

"Steve, I... I'm sorry, I can still tutor you and be your friend, but you can't act on your feelings for me, I don't want anyone to get hurt by it" I said. He looked at me for a moment before stepping towards me, making me tense up a bit. He gently wrapped his arms around me and pulled tight, my face buried in his chest.

"It's ok, I have no right to try and sway your emotions, or to pursue anything with you. B, but if things don't work out with him... I'll, I'll be here." He whispered. Those words made my blood run warm again, and I couldn't push him away. We sat like that for a few minutes, his paw rubbing up and down my back.

We returned to studying and I could tell Steve was still tense, a desperate look on his face as he looked at his textbook.

"Josh, um, just to make sure, I don't want anyone to know about me ok?" He said sternly.

"I know" I nodded as I looked over his work.

"How... is it that you can be so calm about it?" He wondered.

"Calm about what?" I asked.

"Being... gay" He responded. I thought for a moment about what he meant. I know I never really had a problem with being gay, it was just other people knowing I was nervous about. But Steve seemed to be afraid of both.

"Well for me it just comes naturally, I have no doubt in my mind that I like men and it's been that way for a while" I explained.

"But, don't you ever feel weird...being with another guy?" He asked.

"Why would I? I mean I know you've been with women, so it's newer and different for you, but I've only done stuff with guys, so it's normal for me." I elaborated.

"Even so, when you first found out you were gay, what went through your head?" He questioned.

"Well I didn't really care, people already hated me, so it wasn't anything I had to worry about too much socially. And emotionally it didn't affect me either, I never liked girls so it was only reasonable to assume I was gay. But seeing that you've have been intimate with women, and considering your social standing, I can see why you're so worried" I told him.

"Yeah... I just wanna know why I'm like this." He sighed.

"Well, thats not the question, the question should be, how are you going to handle it?" I told him. "There are gay men who get married and have 3 kids before coming out, and it's sad to see that kind of thing happen. Just make sure you're honest to yourself" After saying that Steve was mostly quiet for the rest of the evening. After he dropped me off, he looked at me for a while and thanked me. I hoped he would eventually understand himself, so he could be happier.

Right after checking in with my mom and dad Damien came to pick me up. He couldn't keep his hands off me as we walked to the car, instantly grabbing me and pulling me into a kiss when we got inside. I moaned as his tongue slipped over mine, and his warm body pressed against me.

"God baby I need you so bad, I realized were not gonna see each other for a week or more and I want to get as much fucking in as possible." He grunted as he kissed down my neck. I definitely could see what he meant, and it only made me want him even more. He pushed my hand onto his crotch, a raging erection pulsing from within. "Fuck hun, think you could give me some road head?" He asked as he practically humped my hand. I was a bit apprehensive about doing stuff like that, given the risks and distraction it could pose, but I couldn't resist his efforts and gave in to his request. He unzipped his pants and pushed his cock through the hole in his boxers, moaning loudly as he pumped it a few times. I nervously got in position, leaning over his console and draping my hair back before taking the tip in my mouth, licking around it a bit before going down further. I heard him start the car and continued working on him as he backed out of the driveway, and started down the street. He was much rougher than he usually was, pushing down on me, and pumping into my mouth as he focused on the road. But I didn't mind, I was a bit excited about doing it, and felt a rush going through me as I went deeper, taking his cock into my throat as he drove.

"Ahhh shit babe, fuck thats nice, lemme fuck your throat a bit." He grunted as he thrust into my throat, causing me to gag a little as he pushed his beaming length further into me. I loosened up enough to let his member slide in and out of my throat, gagging less and less until he was finally throat fucking me. I had to steady myself as he stopped and made turns, making it difficult to focus, but he was doing most of the work for me, sliding his wet cock in and out of me as his eyes stayed on the road. Within minutes I could feel his body quivering, preparing for a powerful release. "Babe at this next light I need you to ease off and open that empty cup in the holder" He breathed as he pointed to the cupholder. As I felt the truck stopping I lifted of of his cock and took the lid of the styrofoam cup. He quickly took it and vigorously pumped his cock, moaning loudly as he shot huge heavy streams of cum inside it. I tried to catch my breath as we waited at the red light, Damien draining his cock before letting out a heavy sigh and putting the cup back in the holder.

"Fuck hon that was amazing" He breathed as the light turned green. I looked at the cup and saw he nearly filled it half way with his seed. I suddenly felt an idea spring into my head, something I wouldn't usually do, but I was too turned on by Damiens impulsive actions to care. I took the cup and downed the contents without hesitation, enjoying his warm jizz as it went down my slightly abused throat. I put the cup down and looked over at Damien, his face in total awe. He looked back at the road for a moment, his breathing a bit erratic for some reason. "Babe... that was... so fucking hot. When we get home, I'm gonna rape your ass so hard" He muttered as he looked at the road. I didn't know whether to be excited or worried by his words, and I was a bit surprised at myself for what I was doing. I grabbed Damien's paw and leaned my head on his shoulder as we drove to his house, his grip incredibly tight. Soon after we pulled up to his house, and while trying to undo my seatbelt Damien pinned me down against the seat, kissing me deeply as he wrapped an arm around me. He removed my seatbelt and pulled me out of the truck, draping me over his shoulder as he went inside and up to his room.

When we got into his room he threw me on the bed and locked his door, immediately stripping off his pants and shirt, his member miraculously hard and throbbing. He crawled on top of me and began trying to take me clothes off as well, forcing my pants down and peeling off my shirt. Before I could even react he had his bare cock against my hole, sliding against it as he pinned me down against the bed. I could feel him shuddering anxiously as he tease my hole, running his paws over my back as he gently ran his claws over my skin. I felt helpless, but in a good way. I wanted him to take me, to make my body his. I lifted myself up and wrapped his arms around my waist, both of us on our knees, and the warmth of his chestfur on my back. He gently kissed my neck, working his way up to my ear.

"How far would you go with me?"He whispered.

"As far as my being would permit, if there were no boundaries, I'd do anything" I replied. As those words escaped from me, his paws gripped me tighter, his warm breath gliding over my cool skin. He gently pressed his tip against my hole, pushing slightly inward, a light gasp echoing from both of us.

"Anything?" He questioned.

"...Anything" I told him. Soon after, all I could feel was fiery warmth all around me, gentle arms cradling my body, my knees quivering. There was no pain, no doubt, only flames engulfing the both of us, binding us into one. After it was over, I collapsed, his arms catching me, and pulling me back to him. His gentle voice flowed through my mind, his heartbeat resonating with mine. As we laid there, I fell deep into the void, the rise and fall of his chest relaxing as the waves on a shore. My hand laid in his, and I drifted away, anchored to him no matter where I would dream.

The next day Damien had to leave for his grandparent's house, and I had to make my preparations to go with Roy. I was a bit anxious to see what the rest of his family was like, even more so as to what they would think of me. But Roy reassured me time and again that they were much more accepting than most people were. I packed my bags and as I did, faint remnants of the conversation between Steve and I kept popping into my head. I couldn't forget his confession, nor the faint feeling of insecurity that came with it. I was a bit of a burden for someone to lay their heart onto you, and to carry those feelings along with no means to embrace them. I wanted to be Steve's friend, but how much strain would I be causing him to stay so close to him? I wondered if I were laying water beyond his reach, and how long it would be before he fought tooth and claw to get to it. But perhaps I was misjudging his patience. I hoped he could merely find another path to find what he seeks, so he wouldn't chase after a fleeting shadow he could never grasp.

I tried to brush that aside for the time, and walked over to Roy's. The air was getting so frigid, you could feel the life being sucked back into the earth. Looming clouds overhead curled and bellowed, gathering for a future snowfall. I rushed over to get out of the cold, fearing the stinging chill of the still winter air.

I got inside and took my bags to Roy's room, shedding my heavy coat before laying in his bed as he played on his PS3. I felt a bit wiped out by the situation with Steve, and I hoped getting away would help take my mind off it. Roy turned off his game and turned to me, a slightly worried expression on his face.

"You alright?" He asked as he laid next to me, propping his head up with his arm. I was hesitant to tell Roy about what Steve had said. I didn't want to put any more worries on anyones mind.

"Yeah just tired" I murmured. Roy rubbed my back softly, offering a reassuring smile.

"You're gonna love it at my grandmas house, the place is huge and all my relatives are pretty nice." He told me. I wish I could have been more excited about it, but my heart was too weary.

I helped Roy pack his things before loading up his dads car and starting the trek to his grandparent's house. Soon after we started driving I was beginning to feel much better, and excitement was building inside of me. I wondered what kind of family Roy came from, and if the rest of his family were as nice as he and his parents. The car ride was fun as Roy would point out certain landmarks, and his parents were talking about various relatives. After a couple hours of driving we turned down a long paved driveway lined with trees, eventually coming up to a large metal gate with a call in screen on the side. I thought perhaps it was just a gated community, but when the gates opened and we drove in, all I could find was a large manor surrounded by acres and acres of open property.

"This is where your grandparent's live?!" I asked Roy in shock.

"Yeah I know, I had the same reaction when I first saw it, I can't wait to show you the pool room, and the arcade." Roy smiled, his tail wagging a bit in excitement. I wondered just what his family did to make all this money, but was to distracted by the massive house to be bothered with it. We pulled the car around to the front and parked as I saw an older fox couple rushing down the stairs.

"Oh my goodness is that really my grandson? Oh you've grown so much" The older woman cheered as she pulled Roy into a hug. "And this must be the boy your mother told me about, oh I'm so glad you decided to come, I'm Mrs. Grace, and this is Mr. Tom." She told me. I was floored by how kind and welcoming they were, this was nothing like my grandparent's place.

"These are obviously my dad's parents, and my mom's parents are the ones who live here, c'mon i'll show you around." Roy suggested as he took me inside. The interior of the house was even more massive, with large marble staircases and a huge entrance hall. Roy lead me to the kitchen where a few more family members were strewn around. Roy pointed out an older man with a mustache next to a woman with long gray hair as his mother's parents, as well as other various relatives. Roy demanded that we go take a swim and rushed over to the pool house which was separated from the main building by a long glass corridor. Roy stopped suddenly when we walked in, scowling at a dark figure leaning against the wall inside. I stepped in and saw a large black fox, the tip of his tail white along with a white V on his head. He blew out a cloud of smoke as he flicked the ash from his cigarette, smirking a bit at the two of us.

"Roy it's been a while, who's the cutie you've got there?" He asked.

"None of your business, just leave us alone" Roy sterned as he took me to the dressing room. "Sorry about him, he's kind of a freak." Roy sighed as he handed me a bathing suit.

"You seem to be a bit hostile towards him" I mentioned as I stepped out of my clothes.

"Well that's cause he's made passes at me, even though were related, well barely but still. He's my uncles stepson, so I guess were stepcousins, but it's still creepy." He explained. That definatley explained why Roy was so sour towards the guy, I wouldn't know how to react in that kind of situation.

We walked back out to the pool and saw the older fox still standing there, his eyes glued onto the both of us. Roy just ignored him and jumped into the pool while I tested the water with my foot. I wasn't surprised to see it was a heated pool and quickly jumped in, rising up to find the older fox looking down at me.

"Mm, i'd love to see you in my bed tonight" He grinned, taking another drag.

"Eh heh, no thanks I'm taken" I chuckled, feeling a bit awkward about the situation.

"Such a shame, I would really knock a couple good loads into you, too bad Roy's such a prude, now this trip won't be any fun" He sighed as he leaned back against the wall.

"I'm not a prude, you're just gross" Roy muttered before submerging once again.

"So beautiful, what's your name?" He smiled.

"Josh, and yours?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"Chase, so tell me about this guy of yours, how does he compare to me?" He questioned, lighting up another ciggarette.

"Uh, well he's pretty amazing, he's kind, gentle, loving, and he's always there for me." I told him

"Well that's nice and all but do you think he could ram your ass better than I could?" He chuckled.

"Josh don't answer that, you'll just be encouraging him" Roy told me as he pulled me over to the other end of the pool. I was a bit confused as to how Chase could just be so openly blunt like that. Eventually after getting an eyeful of Roy and I, Chase began walking out before turning back to us.

"My room's on the 2nd floor, 2 doors down on the right, either of you can feel free to visit if you get too lonely." He grinned as he walked away.

"Ugh he's such an ass" Roy snarled.

"Well he Is kinda creepy, but I can understand why he'd act the way he does" I told him.

"What do you mean?" Roy wondered.

"Well he's a stepchild, so he may not get the same treatment from family members as your other relatives would. I know how it feels to be the odd one out in a family, maybe he just wants someone to accept him for the way he is, or at least for someone to acknowledge him" I explained.

"Josh, don't read into him that much, I highly doubt someone like him is the kind of guy who's sensitive about what other people think" Roy scoffed.

"But Roy these aren't just people were talking about, it's his other family members. And if he really is being treated as the black sheep of the family, then the things that they say will only cut twice as deep. Maybe I am reading too much into it, but I wouldn't discount it as a possibility" I went on.

"Josh... sometimes I think you're too kind for your own good" Roy chuckled, turning away for a moment. "We should probably go get dressed, theres still a lot of stuff I wanna show you" Roy smiled as he pulled me along with him. I could tell something I said had struck a chord within Roy. Hopefully he could understand where I was coming from.

After getting dressed Roy showed me around some more, introducing me to many of his other relatives. I was surprised how many other species there were in his family, dragons, lizards, wolves, bears, and mixes of every kind. And most of the people in his family were so kind, they really treated me like I was one of the family. Soon night came and after dinner Roy showed me around a bit more before going back to our room. We went inside to find 2 twin beds and a large bathroom with a jacuzzi. Roy and I both took a turn with it before finally flopping into our beds, feeling well spent from the day.

I woke up later in the night, almost forgetting where I was, and looked over to see if Roy was sleeping. I saw that the bed was empty and that he wasn't in the bathroom, and wondered where he could've gone. I peeked into the hall and saw Roy further down, standing outside one of the rooms. His ears were lowered a bit, like something was upsetting him. Before I could say anything I saw the door open and Roy walk inside. I wondered what he could be doing, and stood there for a moment before deciding to follow him. I silently crept down the hall towards the door, the sound of voices becoming more and more clear as I approached. Eventually I found myself in front of the door, trying to listen in on the conversation.

"To be honest I didn't really think you'd come" I heard from inside. I recognized that voice, it was Chase's voice.

"Look, I'm, I'm just here to apologize" Roy stammered.

"Apologize?" Chase questioned.

"Well, you see, Josh made me realize something. I never took the time to consider your feelings, well family wise that is. He helped me see that maybe you don't get a lot of attention in the family, and maybe you're displacing your frustration by acting the way you do." Roy explained.

"Look... I didn't ask for your pity or anything alright? I don't need anyone telling me how I feel" Chase muttered, sounding as if he were on the verge of tears.

"Chase, I'm just trying to understand. You always go out of your way to pursue me and hit on me, I wanna know why." Roy sterned.

"... do you remember when we were kids, and you came back from your first time at the lycanthropy clinic? You were so scared and confused, and I thought if anyone knew what I was feeling, it was you. I mean I know were technically related, but none of that mattered to me, as I grew up I took a liking to you, but I try to act hard assed so people don't see how much pain I'm always going through." Chase said shakily.

"What pain?" Roy wondered.

"My dad thinks I'm useless, and my step mom and the rest of the world treats me like I'm not even there, including you" Chase sobbed. After that I heard chase crying a bit, and then there was silence. I held my breath and listened in a bit further, and heard something strange. Then it became louder, it was muffled moaning. My face shot red and my body trembled in shock. After a few more moments there was no denying it, Roy and Chase were kissing. I heard another moan and heavy breathing before deciding to sneak back to the room as fast as possible.

I briskly stepped back to the room and jumped into bed, too jolted from what I had heard to sleep. Was Roy really doing what I thought he was doing? I tried to lay down and relax, but my heart kept racing. The more time that went by the more excitable I became, not knowing what to make of what was occurring. After almost 2 hours passed, I heard Roy come in and I sat up in my bed, unable to stay silent.

"Oh hey, didn't mean to wake you" Roy said nonchalantly as he crawled into his bed.

"Roy... I um... I saw you go into Chases room" I breathed, my words barely escaping from me. Roy's ears perked up and his eyes widened, looking at me in utter shock.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to snoop, but I saw you leave and I wondered where you were going so I followed you and I heard you guys talking and... well..." I trailed off.

"Josh..." Roy whispered shakily, furrowing his brows.

"Roy I'm sorry, please don't be mad" I pleaded.

"I'm... not mad, I thought, I thought you would be the one freaking out right now" Roy looked up at me, his expression somewhat relieved.

"Well... you're my best friend, I wouldn't judge you for something like that" I told him. Roy looked at me with amazement in his eyes, staying silent for a few moments. "So... did you guys... yknow..." I mumbled.

"Well...yeah" Roy admitted. "Do you think I'm weird?"

"No, and I never will" I smiled. Roy finally smiled back, and we both went to sleep, the silence no longer strained or awkward. As I fell into the darkness, I found myself enveloped in a comforting warmth, only to realize that it was Roy's arms pulling me tight, as were the bonds of our friendship.

Feeling out of place: Chapter 12

When Roy and I finally returned from his grandparent's house a week later, I decided I should stop by my house to talk to my parents and unpack a few things. It was cold and snowy that night, so Roy offered to come along. While we were walking down...

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Feeling out of place: Side chapter: Coach

Ok so here's the side chapter I promised. The entire time I was writing it I had the artist "artdecade" stuck in my head. Oh and I have 2 questions for you guys. 1. What does it mean in my updates when it says someone has "pawed to your submission" ...

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Feeling out of place: Chapter 10

Soooo yeah, I'm sorry this chapter took so long. I had a birthday and am now 19 WOO, and that kinda distracted me from writing BUT since i love you guys soooo much, ima write a side chapter as a self punishment ^.^ But anywho here's chapter 10. I hope...

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