Commission : The Stables 2

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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The Stables Two The old switcheroo

By Kendo Kawabata

Commissioned by poiuythj

Mark and Chris stood outside the sex shop, staring at a different outfits in the window that was on display. A look of longing was in their eyes as they stared at the perfect looking outfits, even though they were beyond affordable. Money wasn't the object that prevented them from buying. Rather, it was themselves.

Mark was a large fox, and large was the operative word. Standing over 6 ft tall, and built like a brick wall. Red fur with a blackened muzzle and arms, he was dressed in tight fitting skinny jeans shorts that hugged his muscular rump, a white belly shirt stretched over his large well developed pectorals that only covered his pectorals. A heavy looking black collar sat snugly around his neck, his eyes focused on the slutty looking cheerleader outfit that was in the window.

Chris was a horse, although he was built more like a pony. Actually, a pony twink. A slender and under-defined body with bigger hips then he should have that made his rump jiggle no matter what he did. He was a creamy white colour all over with brighter then normal blue eyes that stood in a stark contrast. He too was dressed in jeans, but they were covered in ass-less black leather chaps. A black leather vest covered his slender torso, open at the front to reveal his under developed chest. Underneath the black leather cap that sat on his head, he gazed longingly at the masters harness on the shop dummy in the window.

The two of them had been staring at the outfits in the window for the last fifteen minutes or more, neither of them saying anything. But they were both sharing the same thought together.

'It's not going to be in my size'. Nothing ever was. It was like a plus size guy going into any basic clothing store and finding that even the extra large shirts were really a medium in disguise.

"Let's go in and ask" Chris said as he turned to the big fox beside him. "They should at least have that one in my size" he said as he gave another look to the leathery harness.

"They wont have that in my size. They never do" Mark said softly. He had a very soft voice, and despite his towering size, he was as gentle as a lamb. He knew this song and dance already. It had been performed many a time already.

"We're going in" Chris said firmly as he narrowed his eyes at the fox, his temper starting to rise up already. Mark lowered his gaze, his ears flattening in submission as he simply nodded, not wanting to get Chris upset, especially in a public place like this. Chris had been so quick to anger lately.

The bell above the door tingled as Chris forced it open, stepping into the well stocked sex shop. There weren't many others in the shop, a mare browsing a rack of lingerie and a bull and his bovine in the back inspecting DVDs. It was as typical as any other shop that you would expect to walk into.

As Mark stepped in and the door jingled closed behind him, a rather curvy cougar in a tight fitting dress, and definitely a cougar in each sense, walked up to them, obviously the owner of the shop. Or at least the assistant. The way she flounced her window opened top was definitely give away that she owned the place.

"Hi, how can we help you today?" she said, her gaze not even meeting Chris as it went straight to Mark, who blushed and took a step back. He knew what was coming, and they had just stepped into the store.

"Those outfits in the window" Chris said as he stepped in front of her, between her and Mark. His gaze had narrowed again. "The leather harness and the cheerleader. We'd like them in our sizes, if possible" he said firmly.

"Oh" she said, a slight look of discomfort on her face from the straight forwardness of the pony, but she hitched her smile up around the wrinkles in her face that her heavy make-up didn't cover. "Which outfits were they? We have several on display at the moment" she said in a forcibly sweetened voice.

"The cheerleader outfit, and the masters harness combo" Chris said. "We'd like one of each for us, in our sized" he repeated.

"Oh, so they're for the both of you" she said without batting an eyelid. Working in a sex shop, there was probably not much that would actually catch her off guard. "Well, I'm sure we do have them in your sizes, just give me a moment" she said as she headed towards the counter.

Chris gave Mark a glare, which made the hulking fox shrink back, the glare once again suggesting that it was all Marks fault. He then followed the cougar towards the counter, Mark grudgingly following.

"Alright, let me see" the cougar said as she picked up a heavy looking folder from under the front counter, which was covered in all soft of minute last minute grab items. As if anyone would really walk outside with lollipops in the shape of horse cocks. She placed the folder on the counter and opened it up, revealing a well documented inventory of all the clothing in the store. "Now, what size were you?" she asked as she began flicking through the laminated pages.

"I'm a medium" Chris said. "He's at least a four to five XL" he said as he gestured to the fox behind him.

"Hmm" the cougar said as she flicked through the pages a few times till she found the cheerleader outfit that was outside on display. "Well, your in luck" she said with a smile as she looked up at him. "We have the cheerleader outfit in small, medium and large sizes, so it should certainly fit you well enough" she said.

"Oh crap" Mark thought as he suddenly wanted to turn and run. She had done exactly what everyone else did whenever they were out in public.

The trouble between them was, they were always perceived by their sizes, not by what they were wearing. Mark was dressed like a toy-boy and Chris was dressed like a leather daddy, but because Chris was the smaller one, everyone perceived him as the submissive one in the relationship.

And it pissed Chris off something fierce. Especially because it was happening more and more lately. And Chris was starting to not handle it very well any-more.

The two of them had left college together, pretty much the same size together. Both of them were Chris' size at the beginning. And it had worked out just fine between them. But over the years together, Mark seemed to hit that growth spurt he never had and just got bigger.

As he grew taller and broader and packed on the muscles without even touching a protein shake or stepping foot in the gym, Chris stayed small. Chris tried everything he could to match Mark. Various personal trainers, diets, proteins, workouts, gluten free, carb free, dairy free, Paleo, everything. He slaved away in the current gym, his third in as many months, pounding weights and working the machines for long hours, and yet he had the body of a bottom heavy Twinkie that he absolutely hated.

They just didn't have the bodies that suited their personalities, and Chris was getting angrier every day about it. He knew it wasn't Marks fault, the fox did nothing to purposefully make himself bigger, but he just didn't seem to stop growing. And Chris was stuck at being 5 ft even, while every other person in the gyms just got bigger and bigger each time they stepped in.

And in places like this, where they were dressed for their roles and the public perception about them was wrong, it was enough to make Chris lose it.

"The cheerleader out fit is not for me, it's for him" Chris said, a bite of anger in his voice as he spoke to the cougar. "I'm after the master combo" he said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but there's no reason to be angry, it was just a misunderstanding" she said after a moment of uncomfortable silence.

"So, you thought it was ok to make a judgement call instead of actually asking? What, you think because I'm small that means I'm the bitch?" he said, his eyes are starting to glare as his voice began to rise up.

"I...I wasn't suggesting anything...." she said, suddenly finding herself at a loss for words over the ponys sudden minor outburst. Mark gently grabbed Chris' arm.

"We should just go, we don't need them" he said softly, but Chris pulled his arm away.

"Yeah, you're right. We don't' need them" he said, his voice definitely loud and angry by now. "We can actually go to a store where we don't' get judged on our size before we even make an order" he said.

He turned around and marched himself towards the door, fury in his eyes as he just wanted to get out. Yet another bloody shop that had gotten it wrong. He noticed, out of the corner of his eye, that the mare in the lingerie section was looking at him, although it was more of a curious look on her face then anything else. He turned away from her gaze as he stormed out of the store, the door banging open and closed behind him.

Mark found him outside near the escalator of the mall, pacing back and forth and looking like he was ready to explode.

"Hun, its ok. We'll just go to another store" Mark began. "They usually have more then one around here..."

"I don't want to hear it, ok?" Chris snapped at him, making Mark step back and shrink a little. "You know what, I can't deal with this. I'm going to the gym. You take a taxi and go home and stick a pin in your arm and try and deflate. Maybe if you were smaller people would actually get it right" he said angrily.

"This is not my fault and you know it" Mark said in as hard a voice as he could manage, which wasn't much. But the slight change in his tone of voice was enough to make Chris shut up for a moment. "You can't be angry at me all the time like's not fair. its not my fault I'm so big and its not my fault your a ....a pony" he said.

Chris knew that when Mark said that dreaded word, it was because he was angry and upset. Chris sighed and sat down on the nearby bench besides the obligatory potted plants and a garbage bin. He rubbed his face in his hands as he tried to calm himself down.

"I'm sorry" he managed to get out. "I just....I'm just so sick of this. We can't go anywhere without getting judged wrong" he said with a sigh. Mark sighed as well. It too was getting to him somewhat, although not as much as Chris.

"Look, I know your upset, but maybe you should at least get to the gym today" he said softly. "Try and do some work outs. at least give this one a better chance then less then two weeks" he said.

"Yeah.." Chris said after a few moments of thinking about it. "Yeah, your right. It'll be better then getting angry in public. Again" he said. "I'll take the bus there. you take the car home" he said as he stood up.

"No, I'll get the rest of the shopping and take the bus. You take the car. You know it doesn't stop near the gym at night" Mark said to him. "I don't have that much shopping to grab anyway, just stuff for dinner" he said.

Chris nodded as he took the car keys from Mark. He tried to give him a hug, but it was an awkward one where they didn't actually hold one another. Kind of a meaningless gesture really.

"I'll see you later tonight then" Chris said as he stepped back and started to walk off. Mark said nothing as he watched him walk off. It was really starting to affect the both of them. And it just felt that it was getting worse.

Chris was slamming the punching bag with everything he had, imagining that each hit was striking that stupid cougar in the face. He wanted to punch that fucking ghastly make up off her face and cave her skull in. He grunted and growled as he snorted through his nose as he slammed his padded fists into the gyms bag, over and over again.

He had been at the gym for the last couple of hours, going through a new routine that the latest of his personal trainers had designed for him. Yet another routine that would supposedly help him pack on the muscle and grow into the large muscled male that he wanted to be. Yet, for all his punching and squatting and bending and pounding and thrusting and grunting, he had yet to add on anything at all.

And then the trainer would tell him that even though this workout had done wonders for all his other clientele, it was obviously Chris' fault for not putting in enough effort and not eating right, and then he'd pass him on to another trainer in the building like he was something to be rid of.

He gave the bag one last hard thrust, almost knocking it against the wall before he grabbed it to steady it, his naked torso heaving up and down as he had to stop his workout. His arms were burning something fierce and he was completely out of breath. No way he could continue at this rate.

His head hit the bag as he closed his eyes, slowly inhaling deeply to gather his breath and to stop his heart from hammering like a pistol. He was trying to take out his frustrations on the bag, but he knew it was a lost cause, not with the way he was feeling.

The horse knew that when he got home, he'd have to apologise to Mark, properly this time. But the apology would always go the same. He was sorry he snapped, it wasn't his fault that mark was bigger then him, and he'd try to make it up to him. But a few days later, something would set him off and he'd start getting angry all over again.

And it was even affecting their sex life. The last time they had tried anything in the bedroom, had been two months ago. Mark enjoyed a bit of roughness in the bedroom, didn't mind getting tied up and spanked and have a rough pounding from his lover.

But the type of sex they enjoyed had slowly started to turn into the kind where Chris ended up spanking him long after it had stopped being enjoyable. The crop had started to strike too hard, the gag wasn't removed when Mark screamed their safety word, the bruises were starting to show and the restraints were so tight they cut off circulation. Their last session had ended with Chris wielding the black paddle so viciously that Mark hadn't been able to sit down properly after that day for most of the week.

"God, I am so pissed off" he grumbled to himself as he removed his sticky forehead from the punching back with a wet noise akin to someone removing Velcro. "Why the fuck can't we be who we want to be? I don't want to lose him over this...." he said to himself as he tried to wipe himself down.

"Maybe I can help with that."

He brushed part of his mane from his eyes as he looked over to see a mare standing in front of him, wearing the most tight fitting yoga pants that she could have possibly have bought, and a work out shirt that might as well have been a bikini bra. She had a nice red pelt on her, and she was covered in a sheen of sweat that somehow made her rather large breasts seem bigger. She had a strange mark around her eye, like a crescent moon that was against the edge of her eye. Around her shoulders was a tiny little bag that probably hid an even tinier dog.

"You look familiar" he said as he looked at her, suddenly have the feeling that he had seen her before as he undid his boxing gloves and tossed them into his nearby bag.

"I saw you at the adult shop earlier" she said to him as she leant against the wall. "I was browsing the lingerie at the time" she admitted.

"oh let me guess, you came over to tell me that I could have handled that better?" he asked her, suddenly looking annoyed. "or to go easy on the bitch? well, truth be told, I've heard that crap a thousand times before, so no need to lecture me today" he said to her.

"Actually, I thought that I could help you with your problem" she said to him as she watched him bend over to pick up his gym towel.

"I don't have a problem" he said as he picked up his towel and began to dry off his face. She waited till he was done drying his face and moved on to his neck before she continued to speak.

"Actually you do, with how your the small one and everything must think you're the submissive" she said plainly.

"what makes you think I have a problem with that?" he snapped at her, then wished he could take that back. It had been pretty obvious back in the sex store. "It's...none of your business anyway" he said as he dried off his neck. "And if you want to advertise some kind of work out class or new diet some stupid celebrity is doing to cover up her lipo, forget it. I've tried it all" he said.

She calmly slid her hand into her very tiny purse. No dog in there he noticed, but she did pull out a small photograph and handed it to him.

He took it, slightly confused as he found himself looking at a rather pudgy looking human girl, that seemed to scream 'geek' at him. She had a round full face and braces in her teeth, large ugly looking glasses and long stringy hair.

"That used to be me" the mare said with a smile. "Geek, I know. Probably didn't help that I really loved sci fi at school, but that did use to be me" She said.

"huh?" he said, as he took another look at the picture. Behind the frames of the ugly thick glasses, he saw a crescent moon mark around the girls eye. "This...this is photo-shopped" he said as he gave her back the picture.

"It's not photographed" the mare said with a smirk on her face. "I assure you, that was me" she said. "Last year."

"Fine, lets say it did used to be you" Chris said to her as he handed the photo back. "what's that got to do with anything?" She gave him another smile, this one amused.

"well, I was human. And now I'm a horse. Don't you want to know how that happened?" she asked him as she leant against the wall, her arm resting under her breasts, lifting them up a bit to make them more pronounced.

"How is that even possible?" he asked her. He still wasn't sure if he believed her or not.

"I went to a club one night" she said to him. "and I met the owner there. He's the one who did this to me" she said as she gestured with her hand over her body.

"how is that possible?" he asked. "he...just made you a horse with bigger tits?" he asked. She chuckled when he said that.

"It's a little more then that, but basically, yes" she said. "the owner is...well, I can't really describe him. To be honest, I'm not even sure I remember exactly what happened in his office, but all I know is that I walked in a geeky little girl and walked out a sexy mare" she said with a smile.

"He just...took you in his office and changed you?" he asked.

"He changed my entire life" she said with a smile. "he even offered me a job afterwards. I work as a waitress, and trust me, I haven't had more fun in my life working there" she said.

"He...he just does that? He turns people into horses?" he asked, still not sure if he wanted to believe this or not. It sounded really far fetched, like something you'd red in some ones fan fiction. or commission.

"his whole club is full of people who he managed to turn around" she said. "of course, he doesn't exactly advertise what he does, its pretty hush hush, but when I saw how frustrated you and your boyfriend looked at getting mixed up like that, I thought I'd ask" she said.

Chris looked her over again, seeing how content and confident she looked as she stood there before him. If it really was possible to turn a human into another species like that, what else was this person capable of?

"do you really think your boss could help?" he asked her slowly. He did not want to get his hopes up again, like every single personal trainer tended to do to him. Oh sure, eat rabbit food and work out like buggery and in six weeks you'll have a washboard ab. then its his fault he didn't get it.

"I asked him" she said. "if you see him first thing tomorrow, he'll see what he can do. But if you don't show up, he'll forget about it. This is a one time thing" she said to him as she handed him a card.

"show up tomorrow morning at 9. the club will be empty. If you miss, that's it" she said. "he doesn't normally do this as a favour to anyone, but he said he'll make an exception just this once" she said as she turned and walked away.

He looked down at the card as she walked off. The front of the card looked simple enough. It was a picture of a small building with a triangular roof, the words 'The Stables' written in block lettering underneath. As well as the address written under it. On the back, was a simple set of words that read 'Owned by Atlas'. That had to be her boss.

"Damn, could this guy really help me out?" he thought as he continued to flip the card over in his fingers, reading and rereading the minimal information that was written on it.

"Guess I'll find out tomorrow" he thought as he headed towards the locker room to get himself changed. Now he just had to talk Mark into going. If it worked, it would have to be a miracle. but if it just turned out to be joke...well, he didn't really want to think that far ahead.

The building was odd on the outside, not what either of them expected to see. It looked like a normal and plain industrial building on the outside, something that almost anyone could walk past. The only thing that told them that they were in the right place, was the unlit neon sign above the double doorway that read 'The Stables'.

It looked more like some-ones warehouse then anything else. and it was in the warehouse part of town. wasn't that what those dive bars and clubs did? charge people an exuberant amount of cash to hand out in a building that was declared derelict in the first place?

"Is this really the place?" Mark asked, looking sceptical as he stood there, in a pair of loose fitting sweatpants and a shirt.

"It matches the address on the card" Chris said as he looked back down at the card again. He was dressed in cargo pants and a hoodie. Neither had felt like dressing up, in case things didn't work out. No reason to put in effort if they were short of the outcome.

"Well, its almost nine" Mark said as he looked at his watch. "I still can't believe you believed a stranger with this kind of thing" he said.

That had been his exact reaction when Chris had come home from the gym and told him about it. Mark hadn't believed a word about it, and thought Chris must have actually been either too worn out from his workout, or he had taken a hit of something in the locker room. But after a while, he had eventually agreed to go along with it, if only to sate his curiosity.

"Mark, what choice do we have?" Chris said as he looked up at him. "Look, I love you, we both know that. But with the way things are going...we're just waiting to implode on each other. If this guy can help us, why not?" he said.

"but what if he doesn't? Or can't? Or this is all just a big joke?" Mark said to him. Chris sighed and lowered his head a little.

"I don't want to think about life without you" he said as he looked at his watch. Literally the moment that the hand turned to 9, he stepped up and knocked on the closed door.

"This could just be a joke" Mark repeated quietly as Chris knocked on the large set of doors.

"I know" Chris said, his ears drooping slightly.

Only a few moments passed before the door suddenly opened up outwards and a figure stepped out.

It was a bottom heavy zebra in just a pair of lace up leather shorts that were straining at the edges to contain the huge stripy booty above the zebras bare but very thick legs. He had a cleaning towel over his shoulder and a long black mane that was hanging rather shaggily over his eyes. He looked at the two startled furs outside the doors before he nodded.

"The boss is waiting for you two. Come on in" he said as he stepped back and gestured with his hand to let them in.

Chris and Mark found themselves walking through a short hallway and into the main area of the club. It looked like a combo bar with a large dance floor, a stage for strippers under a DJ booth and a number of table booths spread around. Kind of like a cross between a diner and a bar. Just one of those places that seemed to try to have a bit of everything in it.

"Sorry, we're just cleaning up after last night" the zebra said as he went back behind the bar, his huge ass jiggling easily in the barely containing shorts. "big night last night. Full house" he said.

"you get that often?" Chris asked as they looked around. It definitely did look like the bar had been used. Rather heavily. Bottles were absolutely everywhere, on the bar, the stage, the booths. and the floor felt a bit sticky from all the fluids that had been spilled the night before. At least he was hoping it was from the alcohol.

"most nights" the zebra said as he started moving empty bottles from the bar into a trash can. "anyway, boss will be out in a minute. He's just tidying up his office" he said.

Chris looked over at the stage, wondering what kind of performers were actually hired to entertain. there were some posters hanging on the walls around the stage, framed with bright lights. They must have been the performers. most of them seemed equine, a mix of male and females. one was a Doberman in a black jockstrap and a black bow-tie. Must have been a stripper.

Mark and Chris didn't end up waiting long as they listened to and watched the zebra clean up the bar before a simply huge horse walked over to them, seemingly from nowhere.

He was the biggest black stallion that they had ever seen, and he was dressed rather formally in tight black pants that did nothing to cover the huge bulge between his legs, and his purple silk shirt was straining at the seams, each movement made his huge chest rise and fall, the buttons looking like they were about to burst if he even so much as laughed.

He walked right up to them, easily bigger then Mark was, which surprised the fox. he was used to being the biggest in the room, now he wasn't. The huge horse smiled down at the both of them with the kind of friendly smile that suggested he was delighted to see them.

"Ah, you must be the boys my girl Lisa told me about" he said as he extended a rather large hand to Chris, who took it with a bit of a blush on his face. He was scowling inside, at the fact that here was another horse, in the size and shape that he wanted to be. "My name is Atlas. I own the club" the hulking horse said with a grin that showed off very white teeth.

"It's nice to meet you sir" Mark said as he took the horses hand as well. He didn't blush, but he did shuffle a little uncomfortably on his feet when he saw the silent scowl in Chris' eyes. He knew that look.

"Now, shall we go to my office?" Atlas suggested as he gestured with his hand towards a door that was off the side of the dance floor, next to what looked like a giant mirror hanging on the wall. "It's probably best we discuss this in private" he said.

They both nodded as they let Altas lead the way, and they both got a good view of the horses backside. It was big and full, straining the pants with an obvious bubble ass that looked like something they wanted OT bury their faces in. His tail flicked about over his backside, like he knew that they were watching.

Atlas opened the door and let them into his office, letting them walk in first before he closed the door behind them.

It was bigger then it looked, that was for sure. A huge mahogany desk dominated much of the room, and there were shelves on the left side of the room, lit up with miniature lights to reveal hundreds of various coloured bottles with label tags. It turned out the giant mirror was actually a one way window, as they could clearly see the dance floor through it, but they hadn't been able to see from the other side.

"Please, have a seat" Atlas said as he gestured to the chairs opposite his desk. Mark and Chris sat down as Atlas took his seat. His shirt seemed to strain even more as he leant forward, his arm muscles bulging the purple silk.

"Now, Lisa told me the gist of your problem" Atlas said. "Now, normally I don't do this sort of thing for just about anyone" he said. "my talents in this ....field I like to keep on the low. So, I'd like to hear from you two about the problem" he said as he leant forward.

"I...I thought Lisa told you what was wrong" Chris said to him.

"I want to hear it from you two" Atlas said to him. "Straight to the horses mouth, so to speak" he said. "and please be honest. the more honest you are, the more inclined I will be to help" he said.

"We've been friends since high-school, and we moved in together after" Chris started to explain. "everything was great, we were made for each other practically. Mark is just a wonderful sub in the bedroom, and I felt like I could dominate my way over him any day really."

" bad" Mark said quietly as he looked down at his large muscled thighs. The chair felt too small for him. "I ....started to put on muscle" he said.

"And he wasn't even doing anything" Chris said. "I work out all the time, I've gone through gyms and trainers and regimes all the time, and Marks the one that grows" he said, a bit bitterly. "He just packs on the muscle and gets bigger and wider and I stay small" he said.

"It's...hurting us" Mark admitted. "We haven't had in months" he admitted. "last time we did, Chris got carried away and starting taking out his anger on me. We sleep in separate beds now" he said sadly.

"It's even affecting us in public" Chris explained, also starting to look sad. "I dress like a dominate and he dresses like a toy-boy, and everyone assumes he's the one in charge because he's bigger" he said. "and if I correct them, they act like we're the ones that misled them and its not their fault they got it wrong" he said.

"We love each other" mark said. "but... I don't feel we can be together if he hates me for something I didn't do" mark said.

"I don't hate you" Chris said, looking shocked that mark would even say such a thing. "when...when the heck did I say that? I've never said that I hated you" he said, looking stunned.

"you do hate me, at least my body" Mark said to him. "every-time I have to buy bigger clothes and you come home from the gym and the scales don't change, you glare at me. I struggle to put on jeans that fit and you curse under your breath because yours still fit" he said.

"Mark...I ..." Chris began.

"no, I can't not say anything any-more" mark. "he wants us to be honest, so I am. I know you love me, but I want you to look at me like you used to, like I was the fox that you were proud to have under you. You look at I'm the fucking hulk on a rampage" he said, and it was clear from the way that he was looking at Chris that he was more hurt then he let on.

Chris was unable to say anything as he looked at mark in both shock and sadness. He had no idea that mark had been feeling that way, or that things really were getting that bad between them. God, he felt so stupid at that moment. how could he have not known that things were really that bad?

Atlas was the first to break the silence as he hooked his fingers together.

"Well, I can see the problem now" Atlas said to them both wit ha nod. "it's more of a problem then I thought. And not what I'm used to dealing with I will admit" he said.

"What are you used to dealing with?" Chris asked slowly.

"I'm used to dealing with people who aren't happy with themselves because they are human and boring" Atlas said. "people who come to my club are usually unhappy and lonely, changing their appearances and bodies help them in more ways then they realise. Most of my staff are like that" he admitted.

"My latest acquisition, he goes by the stage name Hoser. He was a confused young man who didn't know what he wanted. I transformed him, gave him a new body and a new lease on life, and now he's the main event of our weekly 'whitewash' night" atlas said with a bit of a snicker through his lips.

"how are we different from that?" mark asked.

"Because its two of you, and its hurting you more then the others have been, because you are not happy in your bodies, yes, but its not because your human" atlas said simply. "I can see Lisa was right in bringing you to my attention after all. I will help you" he said.

" will?" Chris asked, his eyes going wide and hopeful.

"As I said, I normally don't do this, but I an see that you're in need" he said as he stood up. "So, I'll help you both out and give you exactly what you are hoping for" he said.

" are you going to help?" mark asked. he could not fathom exactly how this horse was supposed to help him out. What was he going to suggest? And wait, did he say that most of his staff had been humans before? how was it possible for him to change humans into horses?

Atlas gave him a warm smile as he stepped away from his desk and walked up tot the mass of shelving that was taking up the entire wall.

"I'm an alchemist" Atlas said simply as he began looking through the bottles.

"seriously? Like the anime?" Chris asked with an eyebrow raised.

"No, I don't clap my hands or follow any laws of exchange or anything" atlas said with a chuckle. "I've been studying my craft for a long time. Longer then you can believe, let me tell you. I've had all sorts of chances to do many things with my craft, but I find its best to just simply help people with their problems" he said as he pulled a few bottles from the shelf.

"What .." mark asked before Atlas put up his hand.

"No questions" he said firmly, and mark quickly shut up.

"I wont tell you anything that you wont understand" Atlas said as he opened up two empty vials and began to carefully measure liquids into them. "So, just accept that this is help, and do what I say. I know what I'm doing, even if you can't understand it" he said.

They both kept quiet as they watched Atlas at work. He poured various liquids into the bottles, filling them about halfway before he stopped. The bottles looked old, like labels attached with twine old.

"Now, we need a catalyst to work" Atlas said simply. "I need your seeds" he said.

"what?" they both said at the same time.

"Normally I use my own, but that's if I want to turn someone into a horse" atlas said. "Lisa took me as her first horse cock and became a mare. Hoser took me over his desk and ended up a stallion. But, since one of you is a horse and the other doesn't want to change species, I'll need your own" he said.

"seriously?" Chris said.

"yes, seriously" atlas said. "semen is a very potent source of life, quite literally. Eggs are nothing without the sperm, and it is the perfect catalyst to my mixtures. It literally brings it to life" he said.

"so, I will have both of your seeds in these vials" he said as he placed one in front of each of them. "don't worry if you create a mess, my cleaner is used to cleaning up messes around here" he said as he sat back down in his chair and looked at them both. "he's a pretty big slut. uses his tongue a lot, but I have to remind him to hurry it up. he tends to savour it. sometimes I think he does it on purpose" he muttered under his breath.

They both sat there in stunned silence, looking down at the vials with disbelief on their faces. Atlas sighed a little. He knew that look. They were unsure. They weren't the first to have doubts about him. it was a lot to take in after all.

Well, he was going to help them, even if they needed a push forward.

Atlas had a special little trick for such a situation. His pheromones. All he had to do was release them, and whoever was nearby would suddenly relax to the point where they either trusted everything he said, follow him to the letter, or just get very very horny.

The scent of fresh hay and horse hide hit their nostrils, and they both moaned slightly as it invaded their lungs and began to spread a warmth through them. Their loins began to tingles they relaxed in their seats, feeling their respective goods start to harden in their pants. He normally didn't turn people on this fast, but they needed to get going if he wanted to help them.

Mark was the first to open his pants, well he didn't so much as open then as he ripped them open. The zipper audibly broke apart as he tore the front of his pants open, his black cock ballooning from its sheath as it rapidly inflated.

He leant back as his pants pooled around his ankles, his large balls sagging slightly between his legs as he took his inflated cock in hand. The big fox was panting hard as he started to rapidly move his hand up and down his rather impressive twelve inches of hard fox cock.

Chris was a little slower as he simply pulled his pants down instead of ripping them open as he sat back, taking his cock in hand. He wasn't as big as Mark was, but he was carrying a good sized seven inch horse cock that seemed bigger thanks to his somewhat smaller frame.

Atlas smiled as he sat back, watching the two males paw off in front of him as they were panting hard and moaning from how sensitive their cocks had become. He had to adjust his cock a bit as it snaked its way down his tight fitting pants. Heck, it was rather arousing to watch them both paw.

Thanks to his pheromones the boys were more turned on then they usually were, and their hands were working their cocks like greased poles. It was only a matter of time before they shot, the question being which one shot first. They had never been this turned on before, and the fact that they hadn't had sex in months meant they were pent up.

Mark fondled his large balls as they hung in their white furry sac, his black cock a good contrast to his white torso. His fingers were getting greasy from the amount of pre he was leaking, his fingers making soft squelching noises as he pawed off. Each movement made him grunt and moan as his huge chest heaved.

Chris was grunting as he ran his hand up under his shirt and started to pinch his nipples. He gasped and moaned as he found them extra sensitive, each pinch making his horse cock throb harder. His pre wasn't dribbling out as it normally did, it actually jumped out in small shots that hung in the air for a moment before they splattered down on his fingers.

"oh fuck..oh fuck..I'm so close" mark panted as he felt his balls start to boil and tingle, his cock throbbing harder. "oh fuuuck" he moaned out as he went over the edge before he realised it and he started to shoot. Very large thick ribbons of fox seed started to spew over his front, soaking into his shirt as it rained over his body.

Extra ribbons began to rain down on his fingers and onto his crotch, the smell of thick fox musk hung in the air as he panted, starting to come down from his sexual high.

Chris was the next to blow his load as he let out a whickering moan of pleasure as his cock started to shoot as well. His load, while his cock was smaller, was no less impressive then his partners as he shot over himself. He actually hit himself across the chin and over his neck, his cock pointing upwards towards his face.

Neither of them had cum that hard in a long time, they could almost feel the fact that their balls were empty. Their cocks were aching and felt bloated as they slowly began to soften, the two of them looking rather flushed from their intense climax.

Atlas grinned as he stroked his hand along his throbbing cock through his pants leg. He could already feel a small wet spot start to form against the material as he watched the two studs come down from their orgasm.

"I...I haven't felt so good in so long" Mark panted as he looked down at the mess that he had created on himself. "It's...It's been so long..." he whimpered softly as he looked at his seed covered hand.

"Oh god...I so needed that" Chris said as he panted as well, his soaked chest heaving up and down as he looked down at his own mess. "fuck" he muttered, even himself surprised with how much he had ended shooting.

"Now, if you could add your seed to your vials, we can begin" Atlas said as he removed his hand from his trouser snake and gestured to the bottles in front of the boys. "don't worry, it'll only need a little, so don't worry if you don't get too much in the bottles" he said.

Mark moved first as he took the bottle in front of him in his clean hand. He slowly began to rub the rim of the bottle against his fingers, letting his seed start to slide off into the bottle and into the liquid already in it.

Chris had to slide his fingers against his neck to collect enough seed into a large sized blob before he grabbed his vial. He held it up and dangled his fingers over it, letting the seed ooze slowly down into a tear-drop that fell into the liquid.

Atlas nodded as the vials liquids began to glow softly for a few moments. Marks vial glowed a bright red, while Chris' glowed a bright yellow. Then they both began to fizzle slightly before they started to smoke like burning incense. Marks smelled like apples while Chris' smelled like oatmeal. It seemed odd to them both that the vials bubbled without giving off heat, like they were sitting on the stove top.

"Now, you just have to drink it" Atlas said. He grinned at the look on their faces.

"drink it?" Mark asked as he looked down at the bottle suspiciously.

"Well, what did you think I was going to ask you to do? Take an injection?" Atlas said with a chuckle. "just drink it all in one gulp and the effects will start taking place" he said. He had already turned off his own pheromones when the boys climaxed. They wouldn't be needed anyway, with what was going to happen.

"Umm...this is safe right?" Chris asked as he looked at his vial. He didn't want to admit it, but it looked like pee.

"Just drink it, unless you want to stay the size of a pony" Atlas said, only slightly amused by the horses look on his face.

Chris gave him a glare over the rim of the bottle. The statement had come out to him like it was a dare, and he kept his glare on the horse as he moved his head back and down the bottles contents in one gulp. It looked like pee, but it tasted rather sweet, like lemon ice blocks.

Mark took his to his lips and downed it as well. It tasted like a spiced apple pie, only without the ice cream that went along with it. He smacked his lips together a few times as he felt it run down his throat. Despite the fact that the vial had been bubbling, the liquid was cold.

The liquids went down their throats and spread into their systems rather quickly, flowing a cosy warmth through their bodies that instantly relaxed them. They relaxed back on their seats, their goods hanging soft against their legs as they let the liquid warm themselves up.

"Oh, I probably should have mentioned this" Atlas said, almost as if he had suddenly remembered something important. "But the effects are going to hit you like a tonne of bricks" he said.

"what?" Chris said as he looked at the hulking horse.

"See, unlike a normal transformation, whereupon they usually just increase in size and whatnot" Atlas explained. "You two are actually going to swap mass and volume and such. So, in laymans terms, one deflates, one inflates, so to speak" he said.

"What does that mean?" Mark asked as he sat up slightly.

"Well, like I said, the effects will hit you like a tonne of bricks, and I can't and won't stop what will happen, which would happen about...." he said as he seemingly stared off into space while he held his hand up, his fingers moving around like he was counting something. "Now."

It was the fasted and hardest they had ever gotten in their lives. It was like someone flicked a switch and their boners bounced back to life, throbbing so hard that it actually ached as they began to drool pre rather hard.

"Oh fuck" Chris said as he felt a swelling in his balls as he spread his legs apart. He felt them sag low as they hung over the edge of the chair and swelled against his legs. He could almost hear them start filling with seed again as he looked over at Mark with a firm gaze. Lust was clouding over his mind and his vision, and all that he was able to think about was doing things to that fox beside him.

Mark looked over as he tore his eyes off his own hard boner to see Chris look at him with a rather intimidating expression. It was something that he hadn't seen on Chris in quite some time, a look on the horses face that said very plainly "I'm going to fuck you."

Chris didn't say a word as, in a move even surprising Atlas, he grabbed the large fox by his shirt and hauled him onto the desk with a sudden movement. The chairs were knocked aside as they fell to the carpeted floor, and Mark found himself getting tossed onto Atlas' desk on his stomach.

Mark found himself looking up at the huge horse, unable to see the equines face from how pronounced the huge chest muscles were before he let out an almost girly squeal of pleasure as his pants were ripped off and he felt Chris' tongue shove itself into his depths.

The foxes eyes rolled up into his head as he felt the thick tongue at work on his rear, sloppy wet slurping sounds becoming more and more audible as Chris slurped his foxes ass like he was starving. Mark had to hold himself up as he pushed his ass rather needily backwards, moaning loudly from the pleasure. Lust was also clouding over his mind as it took over his body, every fibre of his submissive being screaming to be mounted and taken hard.

Chris assaulted that fox butt with his tongue as he dug his fingers into the tight muscled cheeks, the only thing on his mind was to get more of his fox as quickly as possible. He had never felt this hard or this hungry for his fox and he was giving in to his cravings.

Atlas chuckled as he slid his chair back and leant back, hearing the piece of furniture creak as he spread his legs, his own hard erection pulsing down the leg of his pants as he watched the fox get assaulted from behind. He loved this part, when they got so hard and horny they just gave in to their feelings. Although normally, he was the one giving them what they wanted, but he was happy to observe.

Mark moaned out as he felt that inner warmth start to get hotter inside him as he felt something a little odd. Chris' tongue felt like it was starting to get longer. And it felt like it was getting thicker too.

Loud wet slurping noises were heard as Chris lubed up mark with his tongue, and his tongue was indeed getting bigger. It pulsed and fattened up, like a long fat wide snake that dove in and out of marks rapidly loosening hole. Chris had a vague thought that his tongue had expanded so much he couldn't put it back in his mouth, but that thought was lost as he felt a tingling in his legs.

His muscles were starting to expand as his feet grew larger. His shoes started to get tighter as the thick material stretched around his feet as they expanded in size slowly. Small cracking noises were heard as the bones in his feet broke and expanded outwards.

Suddenly there was the tearing of material as his shoes literally ripped open, his feet having expanded from his size 9 to a much bigger size fourteen in a matter of moments. His socks burst open as well as they were too small to contain his now mighty feet.

The muscles on his legs began to bubble under his skin as they started to expand outwards, his calfs bulging backwards as his thighs expanded outwards. They bulged around his bones as they started to crack and expand as well, slowly lifting him upwards as his legs grew longer.

He took no notice as his tongue continued to slither in and around his foxes hole. He had never given him a rim job this long before, but he was just so damn hungry for it as his torso was lifted up slowly, his rump getting higher in the air as his legs bulged outwards and grew longer.

His tail shifted as it grew longer, new strands of thick long hair joining his pony sized tail. It shimmered as the strands grew more fine and plush, gaining in length and in mass. It flicked back and forth over his backside, looking more impressive by the moment.

Under his tail, his rump started to inflate as well, growing in mass and muscle as it started to stick out in a noticeable way. His hips shifted and spread apart to accommodate his new thick legs and his muscled rump. His hips lost their pony femboi curves as his butt increased in muscle mass, the skin tightening, making it less wobbly and more firm.

Chris moaned into the foxes rump as he felt his spine start to lengthen, small popping cracking noises as new discs of bone appeared in his spine. Inches were added to his height as his body expanded. He had to take several steps backwards as his torso elongated so he could keep standing up properly.

His normally flat stomach started to sink in as the skin shrunk and compressed to reveal the six pack of ab muscles that he had never been able to gain. Once the skin had shrunk and his abs had become more pronounced, they started to visibly bubble under the surface as they began to expand as well. The mounds of muscle shifted downwards as new muscles appeared under his ribs cage, adding up till he had a hard firm eight pack of muscles on his stomach.

Chris moaned out loud as he planted his hands on the desk to keep himself stable as he felt the tingles and the boiling feeling spread across his chest. He huffed and grunted into the foxes ass as he smothered his face into those plump muscled cheeks with long low moans.

His shoulders separated first, pulling apart as they stretched his muscles along with them, making the horse seem wider then before. His muscles bubbled under the skin as they contracted and expanded, shifting around to fit his newly widened torso before they began to grow.

The chest muscles expanded outwards, ballooning as they seemed to inflate rapidly. They grew to the size of small barrels that heaved and bounced with each breath in his body. His nipples grew larger, becoming larger and darker in colour to stand in contrast to his creamy white fur.

The muscles in his arms bulged and bubbled as they grew, his biceps growing larger and larger by the second. The bones cracked and shifted as his arms grew longer, his hands tingled as the knuckled and bones cracked and grew larger. The strength in his arms increased as he gripped the tables surface, the wood actually cracking around his fingers.

His head heated up as he gasped and cried out as his skull cracked and expanded as well, but unlike the rest of his body, it expanded the least, only gaining a small amount of mass so that his head was in proportion to the rest of his now hulked out body.

A dark red colour began to seep from the roots of his mane as it began to flow outwards, covering the left side of his face with long lush hair that flowed down his mane. Thicker and plusher hair began to sprout in the deep crevice of his chest and trail its way down his abs, creating a treasure trail that lead to his crotch.

Thick red pubic fur coated his crotch as he whinnied into marks butt, feeling the tingles and boiling feeling start to creep down his body, gathering into his crotch which started to heat up like never before.

His balls boiled as they expanded, sinking low against his now hugely muscled legs, gaining in mass and volume as they grew to the size of small cantaloupes. They swung low, almost visibly and audibly sloshing with their new-found volume of seed.

And then the tingles and the boiling surged into his already hard cock as he whinnied again, his cock expanding next. It just surged outwards as it increased in length, slapping upwards to hit his navel, then under his rib cage, then it stopped when the large mushroom head started to slap against the base of his pecks. And then it began to fill out, growing thicker as the girth just grew.

Atlas had by now removed his cock from his pants, the well stretched piece of clothing now puddled around his legs as he sat back, stroking his own immense fuckstick in his hand as he watched the show before him. He was grinning, pleased to see the effect that had happened on the horse. The male had become quite the stallion in just a matter of moments, and he was quite the looker as well.

Mark finally felt that immense tongue leave his backside which gave him just a moment to catch his breath, before he was suddenly flipped over onto his back. He let out a small squeal of surprise as he was forced over, but his breath got caught in his throat when he saw the hulking stallion staring down at him.

"Holy ....Chris?" Mark said in shock as he gazed up at the utterly handsome red maned horse that was staring down at him with unabridged lust in his eyes. The horse was at least if not bigger then he was, and it had only taken several minutes. Or was it longer, he couldn't tell any-more.

However, he didn't get a reply as Chris simply grabbed him by the hips and pulled him to the edge of the desk. His hands quickly grabbed the foxes legs and hoisted them upwards as he manoeuvred his hips. Mark let out a gasp as his legs were bent upwards and backwards, almost feeling his feet getting shoved against the sides of his head as he groaned from the new-found position. The fat horse cock bumped against marks backside before it was pushed into his crevice.

The moment that huge cock touched his hole Mark was swallowed up in his own lust as it overcame his body with a warmth that he had never felt fill him before. His tongue lolled from his mouth as he curled his toes and whimpered.

Chris grunted as he saw Mark moan and wirthe under him as he pushed his cock up against his hole. The foxes hole seemed to open up eagerly, gaining an elasticity that it had never had before as Chris found it all to easily to shove his now immense cock straight into his fox. With a wet audible popping noise, his huge cock-head was pushed inside and then the huge shaft began to follow.

Marks eyes went wide as he felt hat huge cock inch its way into him, spreading him open in a way he hadn't felt in so long. On the few occasions he had become horny and pent up when Chris was at the gym, he had resorted to using his toys. But they were a poor substitute to the real thing.

But this...this was so much better as Chris steadily fed his cock into the eager fox hole. He had never taken something so big before, or so easily, but he wasn't going to question it as he was suddenly hilted onto the huge cock, feeling those newly enlarged balls press up against the underside of his backside as he gasped out in the pleasure of the intrusion. It should not have been possible to take such a huge horse cock. But taking something like that without hurting, was literally magical.

The big horse didn't hold back the moment he felt his crotch press up against the foxes backside before he pulled himself out, leaving just the head tugging against the elastic ring before he plunged himself back in with a hard thrust. The force of the thrust was enough to make the reinforced desk actually shake slightly, before Chris landed another thrust.

Mark was unable to form words as he felt that monster sized horse cock move its way around inside of him. It felt like it was impaling his guts and rearranging them to make sure that it fit, and it each stroke back and forth was simply lighting the fire of lust inside him.

"Oh god more...MORE" he shouted as he held onto Chris' bulging arms as he was held down in the shape of a pretzel, hearing the horse above him grunt with each thrust as he was rocked back and forth. The horses hips were smacking against his ass with audible slapping noises as he felt his cock throb and pulse against his large pecks. Pre was already dripping down onto his abs and down around his neck from the assault on his ass.

"I'm going to fucking wreck your ass" Chris grunted as he thrust hard. It had been so long since he had done this to his fox, but he wanted to wreck his subs ass. He wanted to fuck him so hard and deep that he'd be dripping horse spunk all night and he'd be walking funny for a week. And every time he sat down and felt his open hole pulse from the assault, he'd get boned up remembering it.

Chris felt it in his chest first, a tingling feeling that felt like something was sinking down into him. A feeling of emptiness mixed in with his lust fuelled emotions. That feeling began to spread from the middle of his chest outwards as it seemed to creep under his skin. It didn't weird him out.

His chest started to deflate slowly, the muscles shrinking and the bones grinding as they grew smaller. The skin grew tight as the muscles underneath deflated and slenderised, forming tight against his body. His chest fur shined and increased in its lushness as his muscles lost much of its definition, but there was enough to just make out on his torso.

The foxes shoulders ground together as the space between them shortened. The rounded muscles shrank down to settle against his body, pulling close. Then his arms followed, the cords of muscles that wrapped around his arms started to pull back, his arms shortening as they pulled into proportion against his body as the fox seemed to shrink further.

Chris let go of Marks legs as he grabbed onto those smaller shoulders. They seemed perfect to hold as he squeezed his hands around those small muscles. Those shoulders were a perfect size for him to wrap his hands around as he kept his grip on his fox.

Mark felt his legs fall forward a bit, so he released his grip on Chris' arms and wrapped his hands around the inside of his knees, pulling his legs back as he kept himself exposed for his hulking horse. He moaned and grunted with each hard thrust inside of him, his tail wagging furiously under them between Chris' legs from how badly he was enjoying himself.

His spinal column ground against each other as he twitched while he was getting pounded. He panted and moaned as his torso shortened, discs disappearing as his spine shortened to match his smaller frame. His abs sunk into a soft looking fluffy tummy that was bulging from the amount of horse cock that was stuffed into him. That bulge was pushing up under his ribs, moving back and forth with each movement of the horses hips.

The foxes hips didn't shrink, but they did round themselves out, gaining the kind of feminine curves that the fox had always wanted. His hips did gain some extra width, which made sure that his rear end was going to change next. His slenderised torso looked slightly too small against his hips, his pre soaked shirt now hung over his torso like he was wearing his boyfriends shirt. It was cute in a way as the fox turned more femboi by the minute.

His butt inflated outwards, pushing past the tight muscles that had always covered it and turned it into the kind of round bubble femboy butt that would turn any kind of eye. It was the kind of rear end that Chris had always wanted on his fox, the kind of round bubble butt that you wanted sitting on your face or to fuck just to watch them jiggle. And those red cheeks did jiggle with each hard thrust of the horses hips. They jiggled and clapped like jello around his cock as it was pushed forward and backwards.

Chris wasn't even paying attention to his rapidly shrinking fox as he leant over to plunge his tongue into the foxes mouth. Wit ha deep moan Mark wrapped his slender thin arms around Chris' thick neck and dug his fingers into the lush mane, his small tongue trying to match up with Chris' mouth serpent.

The foxes legs began to shrink down next, the bones grinding under the deflating muscles as his legs slenderised. They didn't lose much in the way of length, but they did become the kind of legs that would draw attention if he showed them off. His thighs began to bulge out, growing a bit wider and rounder, becoming more and more juicy. Thunder-thighs, that was what they called them as they rounded out to support his now bottom heavy boy frame.

His blackened feet began to shrink as well, losing the large foot size till they shrunk down to a size six, able to fill out any kind of heel that the fox wanted to wear. Or cute little sneakers from the childs section. Once his body had finally settled down, the empty hollow feeling that had been in the foxes body suddenly vanished, replacing it with just the fire of lust in him.

The only thing unchanged on the fox was his cock, which was still big, although smaller then Chris' new length was. It would be impossible for the fox to be able to conceal it properly, given even soft it was an impressive bulge. But neither of them cared about that as they were too busy giving in to their primal urges.

Chris opened his eyes once the fox pulled away from his muzzle as they both gasped for air, and the moment he saw the perfectly adorable femboi twink underneath him. His eyes widened as he looked down at Mark, seeing that he was exactly how he had always wanted him, and it made his heart swell to see that they were both finally what they wanted to be.

"Oh god mark, I love you so much" Chris grunted as he plunged his tongue back into the foxes mouth. His tongue was now too big for the vulpines smaller mouth, Mark not able to even tongue wrestle properly as his smaller tongue was useless.

"Please Chris, fuck me...fuck me and cum in me" Mark panted one his mouth was open enough as he wrapped his legs around Chris' torso, his arms wrapping around the horses thick neck. His fingers clinged to Marks reddened mane as he gasped and panted, feeling his large cock squish between them, his soaked shirt clinging to his smaller frame.

"Oh god Mark, here it take it you fox take it all" Chris growled as he felt his balls boiling with the urge to release. The way the foxes smaller passage wrapped around his cock like it was an iron glove and it was desperately milking at him.

Chris was unable to hold back any longer, even if he wanted to as he let out a neigh that was deep and strong as his balls boiled past the point of no return. His seed surged through his cock and poured into his fox, the pulsing of his climaxing cock was seen through the foxes twinky stomach, through the clinging shirt. Litres, it felt like litres, was being pumped into the now smaller fox.

Marks eyes rolled into the back of his head as his mouth went open in a climaxing O of pleasure as he felt himself get whitewashed from the inside. It was enough to send him off the edge as well, his unchanged fox cock pulsing hard as he suddenly erupted as well. Ropes and ribbons of pearly white fox seed splattered over his chest and across his face as he plastered himself with his orgasm.

They lay there on the desk, Chris leaning over his fox, the foxes cock squished between their cum covered torsos as they panted and moaned, looking into each others eyes from their hard and rough fucking. It had to have been the best sex that they had had in months, if not their entire relationship, and it was going to be hard to top.

"Fuck you look hot" Chris said with a grin on his face as sweat dripped from his newly coloured mane. Mark chuckled and moaned softly as he felt that huge cock barely start to soften inside him.

"You look amazing" Mark said with a smile as he took his hand and gently brushed it against Chris' face.

What felt like a small fire extinguisher going off struck them both in the face as they found themselves getting coated in a small torrent of seed. It sprayed over them both like runway foam, soaking into their fur and giving them a layer of white that would take them a while to wash off. It went on for several good long moments, the two of them too surprised by the splattering for them to actually register what was going on.

Struggling to open their eyes while they panted and gasped for breath, they both looked up to see Atlas' mighty cock was slowly deflating after he had stood up to unleash his own climax from the horny action that had happened before him. The horse had been holding off as best he can, but the erotic display had taken its toll on him.

"Well boy, I think that worked rather well" Atlas said as he let go of his cock. It landed with a very heavy THUMP on the surface of the desk as it slowly drooled out the last few spurts of horse seed. "In fact, you two indeed look like quite the pair right now. It's always good to see when my little experiments pay off" he said as he eased himself back into his chair, his cock sliding off the desk like a retreating python.

"Now boys" he said as they just stood there, Mark still laid out on the desk and impaled on his boyfriends barely softening cock as Chris panted and dripped seed down onto his already covered fox. The two of them were still blinking in surprise under their new masks of cum. "I believe I have a little arrangement for you both" he said.

The bell dinged above the door as it was pushed from the opening doorway. Chris had to bend slightly to pull himself through the doorway, feeling the top of the doorway brush against his ears as he stepped into the sex shop.

He pulled himself up to his impressive height, his singlet straining against his huge pectorals. He had bought the largest that the store had in stock, and it still was tight enough to make his nipples stand out very obviously. His compression shorts did nothing to hide either his crotch bulge, which stuck out like a very welcome sore thumb, or to hide the fact he had a rather terrific looking muscle rump.

Mark followed behind him, his legs coated in a black material that stopped midway up his thigh. His shorts were so small they could have been considered nothing more then a belt of material, showing off the curves of his phat rump and his still huge bulge in the front. A black belly shirt that did nothing more then cross over his slender chest completed his boy toy look.

"Good afternoon, can I help you with anything?" It was a different person at the counter this time, a female fennec dressed in a purple and black dress complete with a corset. "or are you happy browsing?" she asked.

"We're in need of a couple of new outfits" Chris said as he stepped up to the counter, he could almost feel the womans' eyes all over him. "those two in the window, the master outfit and the cheerleaders outfit."

"We're performing tonight at our club" Mark said with a smile as he held onto the huge stallions arm. "we need to look good" he said with a grin.

"Well, I'm sure that I can help" the woman said with a smile. "if you'll just give me your sizes, I'll see what we have in stock" she said.

Chris opened up his wallet and held out a small card that was written with their size details. There was a new card in the front window of his wallet that was proudly on display. It was a shiny black VIP Stables card. Mark had one too. Apparently all the staff and entertainers were the VIPS of the Stables.

"If you'll just give me a moment, I'll take a look out back. If you don't mind me saying, I think you're going to look amazing in that black leather" the female said to Chris with a smile as she left the counter and disappeared into a nearby doorway.

Chris found himself smiling. Someone finally got it right for once.

Big Black and Bukkake

Big, Black and Bukkake By Kendo Kawabata For Mmind Horseyz Mind had no idea what he was supposed to be doing, showing up at the lions doorstop that night. But, after a little correspondance over email and some talk on the phone, he had ended up...

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Big, Black and Blushy

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Army Shark Bitch

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