Army Shark Bitch

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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A story i did for a friend. not a commission. Did some kinks I haven't done in stories before, so it was fun to do.

Army Shark Bitch

By Kendo Kawabata.

Jerreh sat on the stool in front of his commanders desk, sitting straight backed and at attention as he waited for the inevitable argument that would ensure. He tried not to look nervous, although it was apparent, even though he was a very large shark indeed.

He was dressed in tight fitting cammo trousers that hugged against his thick thighs, showing off the curves of his heavily muscled legs. Two heavy leather boots lay on his feet, the laces perfectly tied together, the leather shining as if they were brand new. Although they had just been polished.

A tight fitting white shirt covered his large beeft torso, his upper body covered in muscles that bulged out. His pecs were huge, almost doubling as a bosom of its own accord. 'Mantits' they were called by the other cadets in the academy. His dogtags didn't even hang over his pecs, resting right on the curve at the top.

A jaunty cammo print cap sat on his head, his hair perfectly shaven down to a buzz cut, the black hair barely visible against his black skin. His bright blue eyes were focused before him as he fidgeted slightly, his whole body moving easily. His ass was definitely the biggest part of him, stretching the back of his pants to near breaking point as the big meaty cheeks almost hung off the edge of the slightly too small stool.

His eyes briefly glanced over the desk of his commanding officer, the desks surface void of any kind of non essential clutter. A small stack of papers, a pen holder with two pens, a steel ruler, a laptop computer and a small satue of a rider on a horse with a flag beside it, covered the desk in a rather perfectly aligned display.

Jerreh gulped slightly as his gaze met the eyes of his commanding officer and he found himself blushing a bit more, his dark cheeks turning visibly darker as the gaze that met him was narrowing right at him.

Kendo was the commander of the military academy, and the brown lion was sitting back in his highbacked chair with his hands under his chin, a contemplative finger pyramid covered in black leather gloves. His uniform was perfectly pressed, the leather jacket polished to a sheen and not a crease in sight.

The chair turned slightly, the lions long black hair catching the light gently. It was swept back under his officers cap, held perfectly in place without a strand out of place. He blatantly ignored military protocol about his hair, and the last person that brought it up had been given quite the bitchslap to the face.

"Well now, Cadet Howly" said Kendo, as he looked at the shark through the lenses of his glasses that were perched against his nose. "Tell me, do you know why you are in my office at this hour?" the lion asked as he tapped his forefingers together, his blue eyes bearing down at the shark.

"No sir" said Jerreh as he felt a slight bit of sweat build up on the back of his neck. "I have no idea why I am sitting here sir" he said, although he fidgeted a little.

Kendo raised his eyebrows slowly. Although he used both, it had the same effect as if he had used only one, and the effect made the big shark squirm in his chair slightly, the stool creaking a little to hold his bulk.

"So, you have no idea?" Kendo said as he leant forward, his jacket creaking slightly as he picked up an item on the desk that Jerreh hadn't noticed before. He quickly recognised it as a riding crop as the lion leant back in his chair again, holding the item in his hands as he flexed the leather rod back and forth, making it creak.

"No sir, I have no idea" Jerreh said as he heard the leather in the rod creak. He fidgeted a little, the leather creaking hitting his ears rather audibly.

Kendo blinked once as he looked the shark over, taking his time to contemplate what was being said before he slowly stood up. Jerreh was much bigger, in both size and physique to the lion, the two of them a rather stark contrast. While the lion was slender and well shaped, Jerreh was a hulking bodybuilder. Although, their difference in size meant nothing compared to the power of authority the lion was currently wielding.

Slowly, the lion made his way around the desk, his thick leather boots making obvious stepping noises on the polished wooden floor of the office. Jerreh felt a twinge in his pants to the creaking of those big boots, the boots rising up halfway to the lions knees, tied up with multiple buckles and laces.


Jerreh felt his face sting as something hit the side of his cheek as he brought a hand up, the lion lowering the crop down slowly. Jerreh hadn't seen or heard it coming and he felt more shock then pain to the strike against his cheek.

"Cadet, I'm afraid I have to contradict you there" Kendo said as he tapped the crop against the palm of his gloved hand. "and you know for a fact I hate liers here at my academy" he said as he looked down his nose at the shark.

"Sir, I have no idea why I am here" Jerreh said as he looked back up at his commander, although he could feel his heart race a bit in his chest. The commander had that way about him, able to look his nose down at anyone and everyone and show them that he was in charge just by his presence alone.

Kendo reached up with a gloved hand and pressed his index finger on his glasses and pressed them into place before he looked down at the shark again in silence, the look on his face suggesting that he was not amused.


Jerreh felt a sudden strike against his other cheek, a burst of pain against his flesh as the lion brought the riding crop back against his hands. Jerreh looked up at the lion, his seated position being the only way the lion could have the height advantage against him.

"Cadet, you missed two important sessions today" Kendo said as he tapped the crop against his gloved palm again, the leathery tag tapping quickly against his hand. "And you have twice lied to me about it" he added as he looked down at the shark.

"I...I did sir?" Jerreh asked as he swallowed a lump in his throat. He could feel his cheeks burn from the pain, and his crotch got a little tighter as he fidgeted again.

"Yes cadet. You missed your physical training session this morning" Kendo said as he tapped the crop under the sharks chin and forced the male to look at him. Jerreh gulped, the tag moving slightly from the movement. "And you missed your physical examination this afternoon as well" he said as he looked down at the shark, keeping the sharks gaze.

"Sir...Sir I'm sorry, but I must have forgot about them" Jerreh said as he tried to look away, but the shark found himself unable to look away as he felt that leather tag press up against the underside of his chin. "I...I didn't intent to skip out on my sessions today" he said as convincingly as he was able to.

The leather tag dropped from his chin as the lion then abruptly turned around and bent over his desk, looking for something. For a moment, the back of his jacket rose up, giving the shark a glimpse of the lions tight round ass that was currently covered in the tight satin of his dress pants. Jerreh found himself licking his lips from the sight, the dress pants riding up slightly to show off that spherical ass.

However that view was only lasting for a moment as the lion righted himself, Jerreh quickly hiding his tongue and tried to act like he hadn't noticed as Kendo turned around, revealing the piece of paper he had picked up.

"Tell me Cadet Howley, is this you?" Kendo asked as he held the piece of paper up between two fingers, showing the shark what was printed there.

Jerreh gulped. He hadn't been expecting to see that photo. It was him, at a nearby gay bar that the shark happened to frequent. He was dressed in the shortest pair of denim shorts imaginable, merely nothing more then the actual waistband and a bunch of tattered frayed trails of denim dangling over his heavy black thighs.

There were actually two images, both side by side, showing the barely dressed shark getting fully immersed in the crowd, one picture showing him feeling up a twinkie looking bunny boi in a mesh pair of boxers. They both had their tongues in the others mouths. The other showed him with his arm around a bull, dressed in a pair of orange speedo briefs, the two of them looking quite drunk as they saluted their half full beer mugs to whatever song was playing on the jukebox. And the time stamps showed that he had been there when his sessions were being held.

"So, the cadet thought it would be fun to skip out of his appointments to go and slut it up in a local skank bar" said Kendo as he dangled the images in front of Jerrehs face like it was candy. "Somehow I am not surprised to see you giving it out so easily" he said.

"Sir...I...I can explain" Jerreh said slowly, his cheeks starting to burn with humiliation at being caught. He hadn't expected the local bar to actually have surveillance.

"How much?" Kendo asked.

"Sir?" Jerreh asked as he was surprised by the question.

"How much did you charge them?" Kendo asked as he dropped the paper onto the desks surface.

"Sir..I..." Jerreh began to speak, before there was another crack as he felt the side of his cheek burn again, the crop having hit him out of nowhere to strike again. He brought his hand up to his stinging cheek, the crotch of his pants starting to get tighter.

"I did not ask you to explain yourself. I asked you, how much?" Kendo asked as he waved the crop before the sharks face, the males eyes watching it as it was waved before him. "How much did those bar skanks charge to get a good time with you?"

"What?" Jerreh asked as he felt that crop rub down the side of his cheek and down his neck.

"Did you charge them to feel you up and get a good time? Or did you just hand it out for free like some desperate slut?" Kendo said as he tapped his crop against the sharks large chest. "Did you make some money pimping out your body, or did you just give it away like some sample?" he demanded.

"I....I didn't charge for it...."Jerreh said as his cheeks began to burn again in embarrassment. "But that doesn't mean I'm a slut...I just....I just like a fun time...." he began to say.

"Oh yes, well, that makes things better now, doesn't it?" Kendo said with mock sarcasm in his voice. "You skipped out on two appointments and missed your assessments, but you are forgiven because you gave a bunny a smooch and gave a drunk bull a jolly, all for free. It's all well and good because you like a fun time" Kendo said as he stopped his sarcasm as he looked down at the shark.

"Tell me something, slut. Was it worth it?" he asked as he looked down at the shark.

"I am not a slut" Jerreh said, his cheeks burning with shame and embaressment. "I...I'm not a slut" he repeated, although his enthusiasm was wavering as the lion glared down at him.

"I asked it if was worth it" Kendo said as he brought the crop up again. Jerreh winced and flinched a bit, but the strike didn't come. He opened his eyes and looked up as saw the commanding lion was now annoyed with him. "Now answer the question my slut. Was it worth it?" he demanded.

Jerreh said nothing for a moment, his cheeks burning in humiliation as he shook his head and looked down at the floor.

"No wasn't" he said slowly.

"And why not?" Kendo asked as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Because....I'm in trouble now" Jerreh said, his cheeks still flushed crimson red.

"No, that's not good enough" Kendo said as he struck the side of Jerrehs cheek with the crop. Jerreh let out a small yelp as he brought his hand up again. His cheek was now burning, both of them were in a mixture of humiliation and pain. Kendo said nothing as he began to walk around the shark, dragging the tip of the crop against the sharks body as he walked around him.

"Tell me slut, did they go for your cock?" he asked as he tapped the crop against Jerrehs' bulging lap, clearly . "You are a big boy, and a fine specimen of a shark. Surely, the sluts in the bar would appreciate what you were gifted with, wouldn't they?" he asked.

Jerreh felt his cheeks burn as the crop touched his crotch. Dammit, his cheeks were never going to stop blushing at this rate. The tapping didn't help, his cock was swelling from the attention he was getting.

" sir..they didn't" Jerreh said in embaressment as he listened to the thudding of the lions boots as they walked around him, feeling the tapping of the crop as it tapped and dragged across his body like the lion was carrying out an inspection.

"What did they go for then, if not your cock? Surely, a great big manly shark like you wouldn't be on the receiving end, would he?" Kendo said as he knelt over slightly behind the shark, brining his head next to the sharks ears. "Unless, the shark likes it like that, bending over like a slut in heat" he said in a barely audible whisper.

Jerreh whimpered, his hands clencing on his thighs as his cock surged from the humiliating prediction from the lion. Sadly, it was true.

Kendo smirked to himself as he tapped the crop against his shoulder and then walked back to the front of his desk. He leant back, crossing his arms across his chest as he looked down at the humiliated cadet before him. The sharks cheeks were burning with shame, and his crotch was protruding in a very obvious way.

"You have to be punished boy. I could look the other way, but that wouldn't be fair on the other cadets who must be punished. I don't play favourites like that" Kendo said as he reached up and removed his cap. He placed it carefully on the desk and ran his leather clad fingers through his thick mane a few times as he settled his appearance.

"P...punished sir?" Jerreh said as he looked up at the lion. He tried to cross his legs as he could literally feel his pants strain against his arousal, but he couldn't do it without being obvious. He could feel his face flush with the thought of being punished by his commander.

"You missed your physical, and your training. All to slut it up in a local bar. Your punishment, will be that you have to make it up" Kendo said as he stood up, placing the crop on the desks surface. "And since you cannot seem to think with anything other then your balls, I will have to do something about that as well" he said.

"What...what are you going to do to me?" Jerreh asked as he clenched his fingers against his thighs. He wasn't sure where this was going, but running away from the situation was far from his mind.

"Stand at attention, boy" Kendo ordered sharply.

Jerreh hurriedly stood up and snapped himself to attention, standing with his back straight and his gaze forward. His arms were glued to his sides as he presented himself. He could hear his hear pounding in his chest, and he tried not to think about the massive bulge in his pants that wasn't trying to go down any time soon. In fact, it was getting worse.

Kendo smirked as he could see the massive shark was easily aroused from all the attention as he reached up and slowly began to undo his tie. He slid it out from under his collar and undid the top button it was concealing. He rolled the tie around his fingers before slipping it off and laying it on the desk.

"Remove your shirt boy" Kendo said as he undid the buttons on his jacket, his gaze never leaving the shark.

"Excuse me sir?" Jerreh said as he saw the lion was undoing his clothes. The lion simply removed his jacket, sliding the perfectly pressed piece of clothing off his slender frame and folding it in half. It joined his tie on the desk as he turned back around, picking up the crop. He had a white shirt on underneath his uniform, so brightly white it was almost glaring.

"I didn't stutter" Kendo said as he picked up the riding crop again, flexing it between his hands. "I said, Remove. Your. Shirt. Howley" Kendo said as he pronounced each word firmly, as if he was talking down to a stupid four year old. "Or, should I just get out a pair of scissors and cut it off, because if I do that, you will be walking back to the barracks naked" he said.

Jerreh was about to point out that cutting off his shirt didn't mean he'd be walking back naked, but the look on the lions face made him keep his mouth shut as he submitted to the request. He reached up and removed his cap and placed it on the chair behind him. Then he grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted it over his chest and off his head, pulling it off his torso in one swift movement.

The lion smiled as he watched the shark strip. He had a huge barrel of a chest, two big slabs of perfectly round pec muscles that were capped with two thick meaty nipples. His shoulders were wide and slowly tapered their way down to a slender waist. His abs were very defined, crowned by a bulging six pack that begged to be rubbed and licked.

A heavy buckled belt was holding up the sharks pants, but the bulge that was protruding from his crotch looked like it would just make his pants fall off if there was nothing to hold them up. Kendo smirked as he held the crop out and pressed it against the sharks obvious arousal, which made Jerreh squirm and blush even fiercer.

"Pants. Off" Kendo said as he tapped the crop against the fat looking bulge.

"But..." Jerreh said, finding himself blushing again. Privacy was not a privilege on the base, the cadets often seeing each other in any and all states of undress. But it was usually just a get naked, get dressed and go kind of deal, like passing someone in the showers and seeing them naked. Getting naked outside of a purpose, was somewhat embarrassing for the shark. Unless sex was involved and he was trying to show off.

The lion however, was not buying it.

"You don't want to take your pants off Cadet?" Kendo asked as he raised an eyebrow. "Why? Embarrassed are we?" he asked as he slid the tip of the crop around the fat bulge.

"Yes sir" Jerreh said, his cheeks burning.

"Got a tiny little limp dick you don't want me to see?" Kendo asked. "Little boy in your pants? Smaller then your little finger?" he said with a bit of a sneer in his voice. Jerreh felt his cheeks burn again as he tried to glare at the lion.

"I do not have a tiny dick...sir" Jerreh said, as he remembered to add the sir at the end. Kendo smirked again as he pulled the crop away and tapped it against his shoulder.

"Prove it" Kendo said as he poked the sharks chest with his crop. "Take your pants off, that is an order, boy" he said firmly, his face turning serious.

Jerreh felt his cheeks burn again as he somewhat clumsily undid his belt and opened up his pants. He hesitated a moment, not wanting to do it, but the creaking of the crop as Kendo flexed it, reminded him to hurry up as he undid his pants and slowly slid them down his legs.

Kendo watched as he adjusted his glasses, watching the shark strip down to nothing but his dogtags. Jerreh folded up his pants and placed it on the chair with his shirt and cap, along with his heavy boots which he removed as well. He then stood back up to attention, his face now burning fully in shame and embarrassment.

The shark was going commando, which Kendo was not surprised to see. And he was wrong. The shark didn't have a tiny little limp dick. He had a rather impressive size. Easily reaching down halfway his thighs and thicker then his wrist, a thick cut head on the end with what looked like a prince Albert piercing. And what also appeared to be a couple of jacobs ladder piercings along the end of his shaft.

He had wide hips that were held up by his powerful looking thighs, the shark having an overall hourglass figure. His balls were huge, the size of coconuts and hanging down in a heavy looking white sac.

"Well well, looks like your not such a sissy little shark afterall" Kendo said as he slid the tip of the crop over that fat shark cock. Jerreh shivered and whined slightly as the leather tip dragged itself up his cock, and he couldn't help as he shivered, his cock jumping slightly. It was already half hard, and it was steadily moving upwards from the stimulation.

"And he's eager too. Does he get much action?" Kendo asked as he inspected the cock with his crop. "Or is he just for decoration?" he asked.

Jerreh didn't know how to respond, but his blushing face told Kendo the whole story.

"Oh, it is for decoration then, is it?" Kendo asked with a smirk. "Does no-one want to play with him? Do they just look and laugh cause its just a big fat useless limp dick?" he asked. The tone of voice he was using sounding like he was talking to a toddler, or a misbehaving dog.

And the talk just made Jerreh blush all the more as he looked to the floor, unable to respond. But his cock did. It slowly pulsed with life, showing the lion how turned on the shark was as his cock started to rise and grow a bit bigger.

"Guess its not so limp after all" Kendo said as he put the tip of his crop under the sharks chin and forced the muscled male to look at him. "But you're not here to enjoy yourself. You're here to be punished. You missed your exercises and your examination, so we're going to start there" he said as he stepped back.

"Jumping Jacks. Now" Kendo barked at the shark as he leant backwards against his desk.

"Now?" Jerreh asked, his cock throbbing in mid air. A thick bulb of pre appeared at the end of his black cockhead and started to slowly dribble down the underside of his white shaft. Kendo narrowed his eyes at him from behind his glasses as he glared at the shark.

"Yes sir" jerreh said as he took a deep breath and began to jump on the spot, spreading his legs and extending his arms up and down as he performed the exercises, completely naked before his commanding officer.

Up and down the shark jumped, his face blushing as his body seemed to jiggle and shake with each movement. His big pecs bounced up and down, and he knew his ass was jiggling like jello behind him. And his cock was slapping up and hitting his abs before slapping against his thighs with each movement. Each part of his body jiggled and shook with each movement he made, on full display for the lion.

Kendo said nothing as he watched the shark, keeping his gaze on the jumping male as he observed him. The more jerreh bounced, the harder his cock was becoming. He was definitely getting near full arousal, and drips of pre were starting to land across the floor. Each slap of the sharks cock against his abs were an enjoyable sound as he watched the big male bounce.

Kendo did not move, nor did he say anything as he watched the shark jump on display. The exersize went on for about ten straight minutes, the shark starting to get covered in a sheen of sweat from the routine as he began to pant a little. His balls jiggled and shook between his thighs as he continued onwards until the lion ordered him to stop at last.

"Thirty seconds to rest. Then Burpees" Kendo said as he brought his wrist up and began to count.

Jerreh panted as he bent over to catch his breath. He hadn't done jumping jacks like that for a long time, and definitely not for ten minutes straight. He could already feel the sweat starting to form in his hair and drip down his spine like small river. He sucked in as much air as he could as his heart raced, trying to count to thirty before the lion did.

"Thirty. Go" Kendo said as he struck the desk with his crop. "NOW" He barked when Jerreh didn't move quickly enough.

Jerreh hated Burpees. He didn't know anyone on the base who actually enjoyed them. Everyone thought they were designed with torture specifically in mind. You jumped on the sport and landed in a squat, hands on the floor. Then you kicked your legs back into the push up position, then returned to a crouch. And then you leapt up like a frog, only to land, rinse and repeat.

They were the most hated form of exersize on the base, and every single cadet believed they were just made to suffer while doing them.

Jerrehs body bounded and extended with each movement, his dogtags bouncing over his pecs as he jumped up and down, each time he jumped and extended, his body protested against the horrible exercise.

But the shark didn't complain as his commander started to walk around him, inspecting his movements. Jerreh found himself correcting his movements as he got himself into a rhythm that allowed himself to move without doing it wrong, going in one fluid movement. But he still hated the whole thing.

Kendo watched the shark from behind, the crop over his shoulder. The sharks ass was on full display to him. The big thick tail was curled upward, almost instinctual as he bared his full backside with each movement. Each time he squatted down, his cheeks parted. There was a stripe of white between those big melons, his ass looking like a very deliciously fuckable oreo.

And everytime he squatted, Kendo got a peek at the sharks tight pink hole buried in that deep crevice. He found himself grinning as the shark continued to do the movements, not stopping in he slightest, although his body was becoming very shiney from the exercises.

The shark went beyond ten, then twenty, then started to head into the thirties. His body was taking on a full shine, like he had either climbed out of the pool or was splashed with oil. Kendo took a breath in and he could smell the sweat dripping off the sharks body. The sharks musk was getting stronger with his arousal, the air conditioning was set on low and was doing no good in filtering out the smell that was rapidly rising.

But it wasn't exactly a bad smell. The shark was clean, hygiene a very important issue on the base. The smell of sweat and musk carried a faint hint of soap, indicating that the shark was well scrubbed before he got there. But there was something about the sharks natural scent, a bit like fresh salt water, that was rather pleasing.

"That's enough" Kendo said after Jerreh somehow managed to hit the forty mark. The moment he spoke, the shark collapsed on the floor mid burpee, closing his eyes as he lay flat out on the floor, slighty squishing on the drips of sweat that had covered the floor under him. He breathed a deep seated sigh of relief as he allowed the relief to flood him that the exercise was over with.

"GAAAH" He almost shrieked as something struck his backside rather hard. He practically leapt into the air and grabbed at his ass as he turned to confront the lion with an angry look on his face. Kendo put his foot back down on the floor, having just kicked the shark against his ass with a full on kick.

"I didn't say lie down, now did I?" Kendo said as he glared at the shark. Jerreh opened his mouth to speak, but he quickly shut it as he saw the look on the lions face. He kept his hands on his ass, feeling the power that came from the lions boot strike, but he lowered his gaze to the floor as he quietly subsided his anger.

"No sir, you didn't. I'm sorry sir" Jerreh said, his cheeks blushing. He looked down and blushed even heavier as he saw his cock was now at full mast, and it was dribbling pre from his arousal like mad.

"Look at you, fully hard from this. I think you like the humiliation and abuse don't you boy?" Kendo said as he tapped his crop against the sharks cock. Jerreh gasped as the tap wasn't exactly subtle or gentle, and his dick twitched and dribbled out more pre. He kept his hands on his cheeks as the lion struck his cock again with the side of the crop. It wasn't enough to leave a mark, but it was enough to be felt.

"Well, since you seem to enjoy the humiliation, how about I help you out with that" Kendo said as he brought the crop back against his shoulder as he turned his back to the naked shark. He strode across the floor to the window at the side of the office door and grabbed the rope.

The white plastic shades suddenly pulled upwards, revealing the dark windows as the glass was exposed fully. He hooked the rope to the side so the shutters were locked in place as he strode over to the other window. Jerrehs eyes went wide as the windows were fully exposed. While the lights in the office prevented them from actually seeing outside, anyone outside would have a fully clear view of what was going on inside.

"Now you can do your punishment with the windows open" Kendo said. "If you're lucky, you might get a captive audience."

"But sir...someone...someone might see" Jerreh whimpered, although his cock hardened at the thought of someone passing by the commanders office and peeking in and seeing him get forced to do exercises naked. The lion however, did not look amused.

"I'm not embarrassed" he said as he turned his attention back to the shark. " If you don't want to make up your mistakes for me, which I have proof of by the way cadet, feel free to leave now. Although you will be walking back naked and fully aroused" he said as he narrowed his eyes at the shark.

"Or, you can complete your exersises, and I will allow you to at least walk back with your pants on. Maybe your shirt too if I'm impressed enough. Your call boy" Kendo said as he crossed his arms over his chest, standing next to the office door.

Jerreh whimpered slightly as his cock throbbed again at the thought of heading back naked. God, the embarrassment of that sight, it was almost enough to make him climax right there and then. Or even on the way back. And he'd never be able to live it down if it happened.

"I'll...continue to make it up for you...sir" Jerreh said as he looked at the floor. His face continued to burn like it was burnt from a day out in the sun, and he thought he'd never stop blushing.

"Good. You've had more then enough ample rest now' Kendo said as he pointed the crop at the floor space before him. "Get into position for sit ups, now" he barked as he kept the crop pointing at the floor.

Jerreh nodded as he quickly moved towards the open space and squatted down, moving his considerable bulk onto the floor as he sat down on his large ass. He shifted his tail out of the way as he placed his hands behind his head and lifted his legs up. His cock lay across his abs, reaching up to the valley between his pecs and already drooling pre into the grooves of his abs. His heavy balls fell down between his legs now that there was enough space, and they were big enough to actually graze against the floor.

Kendo looked over the splayed out shark before him as he stepped forward, his heavy leather boots thudding softly on the floor as he stepped up between the sharks spread legs. His boots touched against the sharks large feet, as he looked down and tapped his crop against his open palms.

"Begin" Kendo said as he looked down at the shark. Jerreh nodded as he felt his cock spurt. He could feel the leather of the boots against his feet, and it sent tingles along his flesh. His cock jumped and pulsed as it was laid out on full display, and he couldn't help but wonder what those big boots would feel like with more contact against him.

The shark then leant back till the back of his hands rested on the floor, and he paused for a moment before he leant himself upwards. His elbows touched his knees as he counted a loud 'One' as he looked up at the lion, then he leant back again.

"Tell me, why does your cock not get any attention?" Kendo asked as he looked down at the shark.

"I...I don't know sir" Jerreh said as he bent himself back and forth, not pausing in his counting as he continued on with his situps. " does get enough attention sir" he said as he felt sweat drip around his eyes.

"It doesn't though, does it Howley?" Kendo asked as he watched the shark, tapping his crop against his open palm. "I think its just a big fat decoration to put on display, am I right?" he asked as he felt the way the sharks feet were pressed up against his boots.

" does get used...used sir" Jerreh said as he bent back and forth. His muscles were starting to complain a bit as he continued onwards. They hadn't recovered at all from the jumping jacks, or the burpees either, and his muscles were protesting as he felt them burn. But he didn't dare stop while the commander of the base was right ontop of him.

"How? Just by your hands?" Kendo asked as he looked down at the shark. "I bet you're the only one that touches it each night. Do you play under the covers, fingers in your mouth to keep yourself quiet as you jack? Or do you sneak into the showers and sit on a toilet and cum into the bowl?" he asked.

Jerreh blushed visibly red from the comments, but he was unable to really respond as he bent back and forth. He could feel the burn starting to rise in his abs as he worked them over, not stopping his movements. The lions degrading words were making him blush and burn, and his cock jumped from each insult.

"What, no denial? So its true is it?" kendo asked with a smirk. "no-one touches that big fat useless cock but you, am I right?" he asked. The sharks cock jumped and throbbed, a thick glob of pre leaking onto the sharks abs as they rubbed against the fat cock. His piercings were glistening as they were covered in pre, his entire stomach glistening from his bodily juices.

Jerreh didn't want to answer as he continued to move up and down, but he was panting rather hard as his arousal was building up pretty quickly. Something about the way the lion was simply in charge and degrading him, humiliating him so easily, it was turning the big manly shark on like nothing had before.

"No-one on this base will touch this cock, will they?" Kendo said as he pressed his weight onto his left leg and slowly raised his right foot. Jerreh didn't pause in his situps as he watched the lion slowly raise his boot and then carefully place it onto Jerrehs hard cock. As Jerrehs body moved back and forth, so did the heavy leather boot. But it kept a firm pressure on the sharks cock that added extra stimulation from the ridged leather sole.

Jerreh let out a moan and a deep blush at the lions words, his cock throbbing harder from the extra stimulation as he continued his crunches. The sole of the boot was rubbing up and down against his hard shaft, softly squishing that big cock against his wet dripping abs as the lion kept the pressure with his foot.

"Its just a big fat decoration for you to play with, but I bet you can't please it either" Kendo said as he slowly began to grind his boot on the fat cock. His shiney leather boot creaked against the fat cock as it was stimulated between the thick heavy leather and the sharks moving body. "I bet you paw off every day. Probably more then twice. And you can't satisfy it" Kendo said.

The way the lions words were, they were degrading. He talked like the shark was some two dollar whore he had picked up off the street. Like he was a dumb stupid inbred puppy dog that was fun to tease. Like the big shark was utterly beneath him and the lion knew it.

And Jerrehs cock hadn't been this hard in ages. His cheeks burned with embarrassment, he felt ashamed. And yet, his cock was so close to exploding. He continued to do his sit ups, his body working back and forth as he panted, his face flushed with arousal. His body was dripping with sweat and the office was heavy with the sharks musk.

He was so close to blowing, if only that boot pushed down a little more.

"I bet you need someone to put you in your place, as a bitch" the lion said with a firmness in his voice as he pushed down on the sharks cock with his boot hard enough that the patter of his sole would be visible on the sharks cock. "As my bitch" he said.

Jerreh moaned loudly as his cock started to spew, thick ribbons of pearly white shark seed raising up into the air and then landing down on the shark as he did his best to keep going with his sit ups as he literally covered himself with his spunk.

However, he was unable to hold himself up as he found himself falling on his back, his cock continuing to shoot up and across his pecs. His cock pulsed and throbbed angrily as his balls churned and erupted over and over again. It was the biggest, hardest climax he had ever felt.

His mind was reeling as he panted, feeling that thick seed splash across his pecs. His mind was conflicted with the lions insults and his own arousal, his afterglow hitting him as his body laid out on the floor, his climax dying down.

The lions grinding foot continued to do so, not stopping its 'torture' as he forced the shark into a climax, seeing just how pent up the big slut was. He smirked to see the big dopey look on the sharks face, his tongue hanging out of his muzzle as he looked like he had been blasted by a fire extinguisher.

"Tell me boy, was that better then your hands?" Kendo asked as he slowly pulled his boot away from the sharks still twitching cock. Jerreh panted several times as he tried to get his breath back, his huge pecs rising and falling rather rapidly as he struggled to form a coherent thought.

"Yes....yes much better" Jerreh moaned in admission as he felt the boot pull away from his cock. He couldn't deny it, all the times he had stroked off under the covers of his bunk bed or in the privacy of a toilet cubicle, or hell, even behind the barracks in the shrubbery, had never given him a hard climax like this before.

"I had a feeling I was right about you boy" Kendo said as he stepped away from the shark and walked back to his desk, placing the crop on the surface as he slowly picked up his tie.

"Wh...what? "Jerreh said as he suddenly tried to move, but his body was rebelling against him as he struggled to shift his bulk. It took all his effort to sit his body up, his cock slapping against the floor as it slowly oozed a string of cum onto the surface. His sweaty body heaved and panted as he continued to fight for his breath as he looked over his shoulder at the lion.

"I had a feeling that you weren't the shark that you were portraying yourself to be out there" Kendo said as he turned around, leaning back against the desk as he unravelled the tie, letting it dangle between his fingers. "And I'm glad to see that I was right" he said.

"Right? About...about what...sir?" Jerreh asked as he turned himself around so he could properly look up at his commander. His body was dripping with sweat as he rubbed at his face with the back of his hand, although the gesture didn't do much.

"I'm very well informed here boy" Kendo said as he slowly let his tie sway back and forth. "A number of cadets owe me favours for their...indescretions, and they all report to me on various things around the base. Very little happens that I don't know about."

"For instance, the amount of times a certain shark pleasures himself when he thinks no-one can hear him" he said as he saw Jerreh blush once more. "I find it interesting that you have so much solo time to do it, considering that his base doesn't exactly forbid cadets helping each other for relief."

"After all, its only natural that men need relief more then women do, and at times, they will oblige in helping" Kendo said to him. "But, not one cadet has ever been approached by you for relief of your needs. For a shark with an impressive build and such a big dick, I'm honestly surprised that most dont just claw their way into your pants or bend over att he sight of you naked" he said.

"I...I have had trouble...finding...willing....bottoms..."Jerreh admitted as he found himself blushing again. But his cock started to throb again.

"Because you're not a top shark" Kendo said. "The way you paraded yourself around in that bar, I have more then just a couple of pictures. You weren't there to get a bottom. You were there to be the bottom, am I right?" he asked.

Jerreh said nothing as he blushed some more, but he shook his head as he slowly pulled himself to his knees. He took a deep breath as he gathered himself.

"No sir. I ...I don't enjoy bottoming that much" he said, his cheeks flushed again with embaressment. " it on occasion, but I prefer fucking. It's....hard to put into words....but I like being a sub...but I like to top" he said, looking away slightly.

Kendo said nothing as he looked down at the shark before he stood up. He slowly stepped forward up to the kneeling shark, standing in front of him. Jerreh looked up and found himself at the right level to be staring at the lions covered crotch. He gulped as he suddenly was able to smell the lions scent. Clearly, although he wasn't that hard, the lion was aroused. And his musk was earthy and rich, even through his tight pants.

"So, you like to be a submissive top?" Kendo asked him. "Hmm. I guess I was wrong about that. But, I'm glad you are still the submissive bitch I thought you were" he said. Jerreh blushed as he felt his cock rise up again as it filled with fresh blood.

"You see boy, I have needs as much as any other cadet here. But I don't want just anyone. I need a bitch. A real submissive, slut of a bitch who will do whatever I say without coming up with a bunch of reasons as to why they can't do it" Kendo continued. "You wont believe how many so called 'subs' will say they won't suck dick or bend over whenever I want them too."

"But you boy, you did everything I asked, and you did it with complete arousal" Kendo conitnued as he looked down at the shark, who was slowly inhaling around his crotch. "Even now, your naked and dripping in cum and sweat, and you still wont try and challenge me about how big of a slut you are" he said.

"I..."Jerreh said, but he was unable to actually deny any of it as he continued to inhale the commanders scent. It was heavenly, specially with the aroma of the leather belt nestled in the loops of the lions pants.

"So, since you have already proven you are good at following orders, I will give you a choice boy" Kendo said as he slowly began to wrap his tie around the sharks neck. Thankfully, it was long enough to reach around, but only just as he tied it in place, fashioning a basic looking collar.

"What...what kind of choice?" Jerreh asked as he felt the tie wrap around his neck, and his cock rose up higher and throbbed harder.

"You can leave now, and go back to the barracks, and you can forget about what happened" Kendo said as he finished tying the collar around the sharks thick neck. "You can go back to hunting around in bars to find someone willing to dominate you like the slut you deserve to be, and go back to pawing off to sate your appetite. And I will simply find someone else to fill the position" he said.

"Or" He said as he cupped the sharks chin in his hand and forced the blushing shark to look up at him. "You can submit to me right here and now, and become my property. Your body will belong to me, and I will do with it whatever I wish in order to enjoy you, and to make sure you're enjoying as well" he said. "And I promise you, I will treat you like the bitch ass shark you need to be" he said.

Jerreh gulped as he found himself looking up at the lions determined gaze. His cock throbbed hard as he saw the look in Kendos eyes, the lion meant every word of what he was saying. And he felt, for a moment, that he was going ot burst again just from being treated like a whore.

"If you want to submit to me, you can start by licking my boots, bitch" Kendo said as he took a step back and folded his arms over his chest. The look on his face as he looked down at the muscled bitch before him, was one that expected his order to be followed.

Jerreh slowly looked down at his commanders boots, his cock throbbing hard as he felt his arousal surge into his loins once more. He felt ready for another round so quickly, it was surprising. And his cheeks flushed in embarrassment, humiliation, shame, and arousal.

He could go back to the barracks and go on with his almost non existent sex life. It was hard to find a dominant top who wanted to have him use his big cock on them, and treat him like a bitch. None of the other cadets were willing to blow him or even touch him, and even in the bar that night it had been hard to be a submissive top without someone expecting him to bend over.

But, if he submitted to the lion, he could be put in a place he hadn't expected to find himself in. And after such a hard climax earlier, this lion knew all the buttons to push and would treat him like a bitch without compromise.

"Yes...master" Jerreh said as he slowly lowered himself down onto his hands and knees, pressing his pecs against the damp floor as he raised his ass upwards, his tail hiking up to put his phat cheeks on full display as he brushed his lips against those firm leather boots.

Kendo nodded as he looked down at the shark ,seeing how easily he submitted. The shark had no way to fight back, or even any desire. He had been right all along, and he grinned to himself as he heard the shark start to lick across his boots.

Jerreh could smell the boot polish. It was thicker then his musk at such a close range, and he moaned as he closed his eyes. He slowly dragged his tongue along the smooth surface, tasting the polish that scraped onto his tongue.

He moaned as he tasted the leather after a few long licks, his tongue touching the actual boot as he lapped away the polish. The shine of the boots was replaced by his salive as he slurped and licked eagerly, swalloing down whatever he collected in his mouth without complaint.

His backside was kept up in the air, his tail waving lazily as he moaned more, resisting the urge to touch himself with his hands as his cock grew back to full arousal. It was once again dripping onto the floor as his big balls swayed back and forth between his thick thighs.

To be on his hands and knees, in his commanders office, the windows all open as he openly licked at the heavy leather boots, it felt heavenly. It felt damn right. His nose inhaled the thick scent of polish and leather, hearing the creaking of the lions feet moving around in those tight confines, it made his head swim like he was getting drunk.

His saliva started to taste like polish as he completely covered the right boot, his tongue having covered the whole front. The shine on the boot was much more pronounced from the sharks saliva then it was from the polish, an overall improvement as he slowly switched to the other boot.

He attacked it with just as much enthusiasm, his tongue slowly turning black as he lappped up the polish and cleaned the big boot. He dragged his nose across the leather, inhaling as much of the scent as possible as he worshipped those articles of clothing with his tongue.

"Mm, good boy" Kendo murred in approval as he watched the way the shark was licking without hesitation. The slut was a born boot licker, and he couldn't help but admire the way the sharks big glistening body was shaking and moving as his boots were eagerly cleaned.

"Thank you master" Jerreh moaned out with his eyes half open, looking drunk on the aroma of the boots. He lapped and slurped audibly, his tongue going to town across the black leather as he even gave the thick leather a few smooches as he moaned in arousal.

"Do you want to hump them?" Kendo asked. Jerreh looked up through lidded eyes as he pulled off the shining boots for a moment, taking a moment to register the comment.

"What..master?" he asked as he licked his lips, leaving a trace of black polish across his thick kissable lips as he leant back, pushing his backside out as he looked up at his master like a drunk puppy.

"Do you want to hump my boot?" Kendo repeated with an amused look on his face. "Do you want to take my boot, press it against your cock, and hump it till you blow?" he asked. Jerreh found himself answering almost instantly without having to think about it.

"Yes master" he said with an eager nodding of his head, panting in arousal just from the thought of it.

"Then remove my boot and hump it like a good boy" Kendo said as he lifted up his right foot and held it out to the shark.

Jerreh sat back on his knees, resting his phat naked ass on his heels as he reached forward and took the thick laces in his fingers. He slowly pulled them apart, undoing the knot as he watched the miniature ropes move with fascination. He carefully took the sides in his hands and pulled them back, loosening the tightly wound laces.

Slowly, he tugged as he watched those big boots pull down the lions foot. The hem of the pants stopped just over the edge of the boot, and as he pulled down, he was greeted with the sight of the lions black socked foot. A strong scent of the lion hit his nose, the smell of a clean socked foot hitting him like a punch to the face.

He moaned, the boot barely off the lions foot as he had the sudden urge to pull that sock off and shove the lions foot into his mouth. He had no idea where this sudden foot fetish had come from, but he found himself willing to embrace it as he took a moment to press his nose against that socked ankle and inhale deeply.

"Hurry up boy, before I change my mind" Kendo said as he saw the shark was inhaling against his cock. It took a moment for the order to register before the shark blinked and blushed in embaressment. He pulled his face back and resumed pulling the boot away from the lions foot.

Once fully off, Kendo placed his foot down, although there was a noticeable inch or two of different between his foot and the floor, his boot adding an increase to his height. He wiggled his toes now that they were free, giving the shark a brief view of each digit under the cover of his sock.

Jerreh cradled the boot against his pec like it was a treasured item now that he had it in his possession. He slowly leant down and rested one hand on the floor as he spread his knees apart, getting himself into a comfortable position as he brought the boot down against his crotch.

He moaned loudly as he pressed that boot against his cock, pressing the ridged sole against his shaft as he started to hump his hips forward. He kept the boot held in place as he thrust his cock forward, sliding it across that rough rubber surface as he gasped from the stimulation.

Kendo smirked as he watched as he heard the moaning of the shark as the big muscled male humped at his boot like it was a mounted fleshlight. The look on his face was one of pure bliss, his eyes half glazed over and his tongue hanging from his mouth as his hips haunched forward over and over again.

"He's submitted far more easily then I thought" Kendo thought to himself as he stood there, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the shark hump and moan, watching that big body flex and waggle as the shark pleasured himself with just the boot.

"Oh good" Jerreh moaned as he humped forward, feeling his big balls smack against the back of the boot, the laces swaying back and forth and tapping against his heavy orbs. He had no idea that humping rubber could feel so good, but the stimulation was beyond anything his hand could have done.

He started to hump faster as he felt his climax build up again. He had never felt it rise so quickly before, even compared to ealier, but the thought of cumming on his new masters boot was such a turn on that he was ready to blow at any moment.

"Are you going to cum already boy?" Kendo asked as he looked down at the shark. Jerreh panted as he looked up at his commander and master, pulling his tongue back into his mouth as he panted, licking his sweaty lips for a moment.

"Yes master... I'm going to blow...please....let me blow..I need to" he moaned as he grit his teeth down and moaned, as he did his best to hold back. He didn't want to blow so soon, to have it over with so quickly, but he was unable to hold himself back.

"Then you better blow slut. And thank me for the priviledge" Kendo said with a smirk as he saw the pained look on his shark boys face, seeing the way he was struggling. He was quite enjoying the show, the evening had panned out better then he had planned out.

Jerreh let out a loud cry that could easily be heard outside the office as his balls boiled and churned and he erupted. Thick ropes of pearly shark cum splattered across the floor under him as it sprayed over the edge of the boot, coating the floor in a good load of shark seed.

Jerreh moaned out long and hard as he felt his second climax hit him, feeling his body slowly down as he started to weakly hump at the boot, his tired body starting to run on empty as he brought his motions to a halt, panting hard through his open mouth. His tongue hung from his open maw as he panted rather desperately.

"Th....tha...thank.....thank you..." he panted through his mouth as he weakly put the boot down on the floor, a coating of seed pressed up on the underside of the boots sole. He wanted to lie down and crash on the floor and not move, he thought he could sleep for hours with the way his body wanted to just fall in a heap.

"you are welcome boy" Kendo said as he smirked and then turned around and walked around his desk to sit back in his chair. He sat himself down and reached into one of the drawers on the side and pulled out a crisp white towel, which he then threw at the shark. It landed on his head and covered his panting face.

"Clean up. I want every drop gone. If I find one drop of your cum anywhere in here, I will spank that bitch ass till you can't sit down" he said. Jerreh nodded as he pulled the towel off his head. He just wanted to lie down and fall asleep, but an order was an order, and he was still a cadet. Although it looked like he was a bitch as well from this point onwards.

Kendo said nothing as he watched the shark move around on the floor as he wiped up the mess on the floor, making sure to get every drop of sweat and cum that had dripped there. Once he was done and had wiped Kendos boot clean, he stood up and wiped himself down with the towel.

"I'm done sir" Jerreh said as he stood back to attention. His cock had finally managed to go down and it hung limp between his thighs, although the shark was no longer embarrassed to be naked before his master now. Considering he had just used the lions leather boot to bring himself to a climax, it didn't feel embarrassing to be seen naked.

"You can redress yourself and go. You are dismissed boy" Kendo said with a nod as he waved his hand at the shark. Jerreh nodded as he then turned around and exited the office, being carefull to shut the door gently behind him.

"What...the fuck...just happened in there?" Jerreh said as he stepped off the steps as he found himself having a moment to actually register what had gone on. His commanding officer had just turned him into a willing submissive bitch, and he had offered no resistance whatsoever. But did he really just enjoy all that?

He couldn't deny though, that he did. He had cum twice, and loved every moment of it. And, as he stood there, rubbing a finger across the makeshift collar around his neck, he had to stop touching it as he found himself chubbing up again from the thought of getting back in there and licking the lions bare feet.

"I think...I'm going to enjoy it" he thought to himself as he started to walk his way back to the barracks, but every step began to prove to him how tired he was. His limbs began to feel heavy like lead as tiredness settled in, and by the time he made it back to the bunker and found his bed, he was out like a light the moment he laid down and shut his eyes.

Although, his last concious thought was the next time, it wasn't going to be so easy.

The Helpline : Chapter 3

The Helpline Chapter 3 Driven By Kendo Kawabata Sharon opened the door to her home and sighed as she heaved the grocery bags inside, landing them with a thud on the nearby hall stand. The thin paper bags were heavier then they looked, most...

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Commission : The Stables

Stables By Kendo Kawabata Commissioned by Amethyst Starfall. Brand new silk shirt? $150. Designer Jeans? $300. Drink orders to impress? $250. The look on your face when your date turns out to be a trap? Priceless. Nathan chuckled slightly...

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The Elder Scrolls Skyrim : Chapter 6

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