Commission : The Stables

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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By Kendo Kawabata Commissioned by Amethyst Starfall.

Brand new silk shirt? $150. Designer Jeans? $300. Drink orders to impress? $250. The look on your face when your date turns out to be a trap? Priceless.

Nathan chuckled slightly to himself as he remembered that silly stupid little comic picture that popped up into his head now and then as he sat back in the booth, idly stirring his drink with his straw. It came to mind every time he went out clubbing, which was a lot.

He was a 5'4 human male with shoulder length brown hair that constantly seemed to get into his eyes, which he always felt like he was constantly brushing back. He had a rather slim figure hidden under his clothing, the kind of stick thin figure that most men would die to have. His clothing, while stylish, was slightly too big for him and seemed a little baggy on his slender bdoy.

Nathan was dressed in a pair of slightly baggy designer jeans, accompanied by a short sleeved grey silk shirt, the top two buttons of which were undone, revealing soft pale skin the colour of fresh milk. Around his neck lay a silver necklace with a hawks head pendant hanging against the barely visible line of his pectorals. It matched the silver ring that was on his right hand, complete with an emerald for the eye.

Sitting back and rubbing his feet together, the gentle rubbing sound of leather upon leather coming up from under the booths table, Nathan surveyed the club floor as he sighed a little. He felt like he was the guy in the comic, having spent a good portion of money to look the part to bring home a good lady on his arm.

Although, to be fair, he needed a date first. One that was hopefully not a trap.

Nathan brushed some of his hair out of his eyes again, for what felt like the hundredth time that day. He leant forward, resting his chin on his hand as he eyes the patrons that were walking past on the way to the dance floor. One thing they had in common, was that none of them were looking his way.

The Stables was the biggest club in the city, and one of the most popular. The 'guy outside with a clipboard saying no to a hundred people' kind of popular. Nathan was lucky that he didn't look like a tool enough to get a 'NO' from the big burly looking horse that did security outside. The big horse outside wasn't the only equine on staff, it seemed as if the whole place was designed that way. Sure, Nathan could probably name about a dozen or so species that was currently grinding it up on the dance floor.

All the staff and employees of the club though, were equines of some variety. Both male and females, they came in all shapes and sizes. And the same was said for their attire. If there really was a dress code to get in, it didn't apply to the guys working.

The guy behind the bar was a big enough zebra. And not muscle big, but fat big. He wore nothing but a bow-tie on his torso, and perhaps the skimpiest pair of denim shorts around his waist. There were in tatters, pracctially nothing but threads hanging off the waistband. He had a big soft looking gut and a wide ass under his long black tail. But he didn't look grossly fat, as he carried it rather well.

The waiters all seemed to be mares of different colours, but boy were they shapely. Voloptuous came to mind. The girls were all wearing the same black bikini that barely covered the kind of breasts that were so big they went into bosom territory. They had wide round hips with a booty to match, but they walked with grace between the tables and patrons. All parts of them jiggled in a way that they almost begged to be touched and licked.

He could see the dj booth over on the dance floor at the opposite end of the bar. Two giant plasma screens were hooked up behind the booth, showing flashing videos of various patrons or music video briefs. It just seemed to make the dance floor all the more hectic and crazy looking under the flashing lights.

The dj himself was covered in glow-sticks. He was a red horse of some description, it was hard to tell what as the flashing lights and glow sticks didn't really give much away. But it seemed he was dressed in nothing BUT the glow-sticks. They were wrapped around him like some kind of rope bondage device, which should have been obscene, but no-one seemed to question it. Nathan had to admit, it did look pretty sexy, specially when he danced around the booth and showed himself off.

The human sighed as he took a drink from his glass and ended up finishing it. The patrons themselves weren't all horses and equines, the club wasn't completely equine friendly. Indeed so far, Nathan had seen females of several different species dancing with males of several different species, but sadly, none of those several different species had managed to show him any kind of interest.

Although it wasn't for his lack of trying. He had tried to chat up a few that he had become interested in, trying to see if he could have gone anwhere. Sadly, he was shot down by two vixens, a she wolf, and a female bovine who easily had more then fifty pounds on him. That had been somewhat unnerving to say the least.

"Guess I could go and try my luck somewhere else" he thought to himself as he stared at his empty glass. The lights from the dance floor were reflected in the glassware, the clear glass turning various shades of bright neons that flickered back and forth.

However, something else was reflected in that glass.

Nathan squinted as something appeared on the side of the glass, filling up the side very quickly and spilling over into the bottom. It took him a moment to realise that someone was now standing beside the table, although it took Nathan a few moments to actually remember how to look up as he squinted, trying to make out who was in the glass.

His jaw dropped when he looked up, seeing the lights from the dance floor were now shinging behind the newcomer like rays of sunlight. His eyes adjusted, feeling like he was staring at a mountain, until he realised it wasn't a mountain, but an actual person.

"Greetings" said the towering stallion as he extended his hand to the human that was sitting before him in the booth. "My name is Atlas. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance" he said with a deep but good humoured voice.

"I...I'm Nathan" he said as he tore his eyes away from the huge form above him and had to shake his head a few times to make sure that he wasn't dreaming. Well, he wasn't dreaming when he realised that the huge male was still there after he shook his head.

Nathan literally had to look up at the huge horse. The equine was wearing a tailored black suit with a black tie and a deep red shirt, although everything about him seemed to be dark with the lights behind him. The material was tailored to show off the horses muscles, which were huge in theirown right.He wasn't body builder giant huge, but he had enough bulk to make his presence known.

His fur was a deep black grey colouring, and his mane hung over his eyes in a rather handsome way. His eyes were charming, and his hand, it was huge. Nathans was easily lost between those fingers as they were squeezed gently.

Although his eyes were drawn to the horses bulge as the big stud shifted himself into the booth opposite Nathan without further hesitation. He had no idea how big that thing was, but if he had to guess, it was like he had a giant watermelon stuffed in his jocks. The huge stallion settled his weight onto the booths seat and leant back, his legs easily grinding up against the underside of the table.

Nathan gulped slightly as he felt immediately dwarfed. The horses pecs were huge round slabs of muscle with the fabric of the shirt hugging them tightly, the middle buttons of the jacket almost straining to bursting point. Atlas lowered his arms and laid them over the table as he leant forward a little, the chair under him creaking from the movement.

"I saw you were here by yourself, and I noticed that you were here by yourself for some time" Atlas said with a pleasant smile down at Nathan. "So, I thought I'd play the part of the good Samaritan and come over and see how you were doing" atlas said as he leant his huge arms on the table between them.

"Really?" Nathan asked, feeling his cheeks flush slightly. It was slightly embaressing to be told that you were a charity case and the only reason someone was with you was out of pity. But, as he watched the horses pecs expand and contract under the tight fitting material of the jacket with each breath, he found that it didn't matter.

"Yes, really" Atlas said with a smile that showed his teeth. They were quite the shade of white, almost illuminating in the various lights of the club that flickered around them.

"What makes me so special?" Nathan asked as he felt a little nervous from the way this titan of a horse was looking down at him, but he also felt somewhat curious and intrigued. Just why was a big hulking stallion lke this hitting on him?

"Well, I have an... eye for special...candidates, you might say" Atlas said with a smile. He gave Nathan a look that suggested he was definitely giving him a look over, like he was trying to inpsect him. It gave nathan a shiver, but it was a good shiver.

"Candidates? For what?" Nathan asked as he felt the stallions eyes roaming over him, like the stallion was undressing him in the darkness of the club.

"Well, candidates who require a certain level of, you might say" Atlas said, his voice nice and deep. It was a bit of a pleasure to listen to him talk and Nathan felt himself starting to feel more at ease.

"Help? With what? You horny or something?" Nathan asked as he tried to crack a joke to the big horse, but even he could tell that it fell flat. Horny? That was the best he could come up with? Half the people in this club were probably horny and looking to pick up.

Altas raised an eyebrow to Nathan, who squirmed rather visibly in his seat.

"Well...if you are... your pickup lines need" Nathan said as he looked down at his glass, squeezing it with his fingers. 'Boy that was stupid' he thought to himself, suddenly wishing his glass was full so he could drink from it.

Altas suddenly let out a chuckle as a humoured look crossed over his face. Nathan let out a weak smile, wondering if the horse was laughing with him or at him.

"Hehe. Well, i'd be lying if I said I wasn't horny" Altas said with a chuckle as he brought a large hand into the air and made a gesture to the barman. The zebra saw the gesture and nodded as he turned and bent over, a big fat stripy rear end appearing to anyone who was looking.

"But, that's not what brought me over" Atlas said as he continued to talk to Nathan, bringing his huge hand back down as he rested both hands under his chins in a contemplating pyramid.

"Well...what did bring you over" Nathan asked as he looked up at the huge horse opposite him. "I just...thought everyone here was after a date or something for the night" he admitted, feeling better that the huge horse hadn't walked away from his crummy joke.

"That may be true, but if I wanted a date, I'd get one tonight. That part isn't hard for me" Atlas chuckled, the motion made his huge pecs bounce under the tight fabric of his shirt rather erotically.

"I can see why it woudlnt be, you're a stud" Nathan thought to himself as he couldn't help but roam his eyes over the horses massive torso once again. It was getting harder not to stare at him.

"So tell me, what brought you here tonight?" Atlas asked him as he looked the smaller human over.

"I's the same as everyone else here. I wanted to hook up" Nahan admitted with a shrug. "Not going too well, I guess" he added as he rubbed his fingers over his empty glass a little. Atlas nodded, his fingers rubbing aginst his chin in the pyramid of contemplation.

"What is your interest tonight?" Atlas asked him as he looked Nathan over with a studious look.

"Women" Nathan admitted with a nod. "I was hoping to get lucky and bring her home...or take her out...or ....or something..." he said as he found himself trailing off. Atlas gave him a smile, the kind that seemed to confirm something, or perhaps give him an idea.

"Ah, I see" Atlas said with a smile and a slight chuckle."Tel me, anyone here catch your fancy?" he asked him as he gestured with a hand to the rest of the club.

Nathan felt his heartrate increase as something started to invade his nostrils. He felt his nose twitch and his nostrils flare a bit as a spicey fruity smell invaded his scents. He felt slightly confused as he had no idea where this scent was coming from, but it smelt like....female. His cheeks flushed slightly with a sudden burst of arousal and he felt a heat in his loins.

"Your drinks" said a voice above him and Nathan started slightly as he saw the waittress had appeared with their drinks. Nathan felt himself flush again at the sight of her. She was a very pretty white mare with the kind of hourglass figure that any woman would be jealous of.

She leant over and placed a rather huge glass of liquid in front of atlas, her bosom so big it jiggled softly with each movement that she made. It looked somewhat easy to do considering her bikini looked like it was made out of cheesewire and a label.

She turned and leant over towards Nathan and he got a first class view of her cleavage as she set down a frosted glass and a bottle of beer before him. Nathan felt his cheeks flush again and the heat in his loins flare up again as he got another whiff of female scent. He was unable to talk till the waittress got her huge breasts out of his face and walked away with the tray under her arm, her pert mare ass giving a soft jiggle with each step.

"Her...." Nathan said with a big of a slur in his voice as he watched the 10 rated female walk away. His gaze was transfixed on her butt as long as he was able to watch her, still feeling that spicey fruity smell in his nose. Atlas chcukled at him, seeing the expression on Nathans face.

"Amanad? I'm sorry to break this to you, but she's a lesbian" Atlas said with a smile to him, chuckling slightly at how crestfallen the boy got so quickly.

"Oh....go figure...I sure know how to pick them" Nathan said as he grabbed the beer bottle and held it up to pour it into his glass. His hand was slightly shaking and his face was stil flushed. That female scent was still very strong, even though the waittress had left.

"Tell me Nathan, what about the guys here?" Atlas asked. "Do you have any interest in them perhaps?" he asks as he leant back a little, his shirt jacket stretching from the movement, the buttons looking like they were ready ot burst if he moved even an inch.

"No...not.....not really" Nathan said, his cheeks starting to burn a little. He could feel his crotch grow tight as he grew further aroused. For some reason, that female scent was all he able to focus on and he shifted a bit uncomfortably in his seat so he could adjust himself.

Atlas looked him over, giving him that studious look again before he nodded.

"Perhaps I can help with that" Atlas said as he picked up his huge tankard style glass and began to slowly drink from it.

"Help? How?" Nathan asked him as he reached under the table to adjust his pants again. If Atlas noticed the adjustment, he didn't say anything. Although, Nathan could swear that the scent was getting stronger.

"Well, I can help you have better luck" Atlas said as he put the tankard down, having drowned it all in one long slow drink. A small rivulet of alcohol had leaked from his lips and had dripped down his thick neck, leaving a small stain against his shirt that was somewhat noticable.

"I think the problem is, your image" Atlas said as he leant forward, bringing his hands under his chin again. "Now, I'm not trying to sound insulting, but I think you could do with a new look. A bit of flair, a new style, in essence, a complete makeover" he said.

"Really?" Nathan asked as he adjusted himself again. Damn, that female scent hadn't left yet, it was still completely in his face and in his lungs. If that waittress had sat on his face right there in the booth he could understand why that scent was there. And it was making him harder with each moment that passed.

"Of course, that's up to you. I think a good change in your image could be beneficial to you" Atlas continued. "You could end up with a date by the end of the night and have an unforgetable experience if you allow me to change you up a bit" he said.

'Well..I dont know..." Nathan admitted as he panted slightly. He was starting ot get a litlte hot under the collar, and his cock was almost bursting through his briefs. He could feel himself fidget as he got worked up just sitting there.

"Are you sure? I wont charge. You might even enjoy it, I guarentee" Atlas said with a smile. Just as he spoke though, he swore he could smell something else in the air. Yes, he could still smell that fruity spicey smell that signalled a very good female was nearby, but now, he could smell something else.

There was another scent, just a faint one, that smelt like....something else. He wasn't sure, but it was a different scent. It wasn't bad nor did it make him wrinkle his nose in disgust, but he just couldn't place what it was.

"well....i guess...."nathan said as he found himself groping his crotch through his pants. For some reason, this new scent within the scent was starting to make him leak in his briefs, and he felt a rather desperate need to shuck his pants and whip it out.

Atlas smiled in an almost knowing way as he stared at Nathan as the boy fidgeted, seeing his right arm move back and forth and the somewhat dazed look on his face. He smiled as he brought his hands down from under his chin as he looked directle at Nathan.

"You come with me and I help you, and you can take care of that little problem under the table" he said in a voice just loud enough for Nathan to hear, but not enough for anyone else ot be listening. Althogh that was hard on itself with how loud the music was playing on the dance floor.

"O...OK" Nathan said with a slightly dumb nod as that underlying scent started to get a little stronger. It smelt like oak wood, he realised. Like a strong woody smell of fresh cut logs or something. It was mixing with the spicey fruity smell and it was just making his blood boiling a bit more.

"Well, then. Shall we?" Atlas asked as he slowly eased himself out of the booth and stood up to his full impressive height. He turned to look down at Nathan, who hadn't moved.

"" Nathan asked as he kept his hand over his crotch,f eeling it bulge outwards. He was nowhere near the same league as endowment as the huge stallion, but that didn't mean he wanted to show off he was aroused in public.

"I doubt anyone is even going to pay attention in such low lighting" Atlas said as he gently leaned down over the table and leant over the smaller human. "besides, I tihnk its cute that you're so turned on" he said as he then leant a bit closer.

Nathan let out a very long moan as he felt the horses thick lips press against his as something long, very long, snaked its way into his mouth. The horses tongue was long, almost like a living snake that filled his mouth completely and started to tongue wrestle with him.

Nathan moaned and shivered as he felt a hand snake down against his body, the horses huge hand rubbing over his crotch, two very thick fingers were rubbing up aginst his bulge. He whinned in a submissive manner as he shuddered, humping upwards ab it against that strong hand as his mouth was invaded.

Slwoly, that long tongue was pulled from his mouth as Atlas pulled his head away, Nathan looking through lidded eyes as he saw what looked like, at least six to seven inches of long horse tongue was pulled from his mouth. His cheeks deflated and felt empty after all that tongue was pulled away and slipped back into the horses mouth.

"Feel better?" Atlas asked with a smile as Nathan took in a deep breath, that overpowring female scent invading his nostrils again, but this time, the strong woody scent was starting to overpower the female scent. Although it was still making him incredibly turned on.

"Yeah..."Nathan said slowly as he panted, feeling those two big fingers stroke his bulge like the horse was trying ot get him off under the table. Although Atlas' seemed to have no intention in getting the boy off so soon, as his figners were just causing enough stimulation to keep the boy hard.

"Are you going to be a good boy and follow me so I can help you out?" Atlas asked as he gave the boys bulge another squeeze, making him moan a bit further. Nathan felt a bit helpless, although the horse was just holding his bulge between two fingers, he felt like he was pinned down and unable to fight back. Or maybe it was the strange scent that was driving him horny with lust and unable to do anyhting but subimt.


"Good. Then lets get going" said Atlas as he smiled and stood up, pulling his hand from the boys crotch as he stepped back, giving the boy a chance to breathe. Nathan panted slightly, missing the feeling of the huge hand on his crotch already. It took him a moment to realise that he was now free to leave as he hurriedly pulled himself out of the booth seat.

Atlas smiled as he slid his hand down the boys back slowly, his middle finger rubbing down the boys spine slowly, feeling each of those indents along the way till his hand touched the boys waistband. Nathan let out a soft gasp and Atlas could feel him shudder as he slowly rubbed his hand down further.

The large stallion hand slowly cupped one of Nathans cheeks, giving it a squeeze that made the boy moan. Atlas smiled, glad that he was right when he thought that Nathan had a nice sized ass. Indeed, it was slightly larger then a normal males backside, and definitely soft. He squeezed again and the horned up human moaned again, pushing back a little agains the stallions digits.

"This way" Atlas said as he gently pushed on Nathans backside, making the human boy walk forward. Nathan hesitated a moment as he felt Atlas push forward, but it didn't take much for him to start walking as they left the booth.

He did feel a little embaressed that he was walking in front of a huge stallion in a suit and being guided with an obvios hand on his pants, and a bulge in the front of his pants, but that embaressment didn't last long as they left past the dance floor and Nathan was practically herded down a side corridor he hadn't seen before.

The short corridor ended at a door, which Atlas pushed open and ushered Nathan in, turning to close the door and lock it behind them. Nathan took the moment to look around as to where he had been ushered in, the air conditioning in the office helping him to think clearly for a moment.

The office was large and spacious, dominated by a very large black glass desk in the middle of the room, a large desktop set up on the desk. The wall on the right was covered in shelves, dominated not by books, but by hundres of mishaped bottles of liquids of all colours. The wall on the left was covered in small boxes, each one labelled in miniscule handwriting.

"Whose...whose office is this?" Nathan asked as he looked around rather curiously. Atlas finished locking the door as he turned around, slowly removing his jacket. Atlas hung the jacket o nthe back of the door, giving his arms a stretch. His muscled flexed under the tight shirt he was wearing, his bulk all the more apparent.

"The managers" Atlas said with a smile as he walked over to Nathan and wrapped his arms around the boy, spinning him around to face him. Nathan gasped a bit from the suddent movement as he felt that horse bulge suddenly press up against his sotmach as the large stallion leant down and began another assualt on his mouth.

Nathan felt himself suddenly pushed back against the desk as he horses tongue delved into his throat, moaning again from the sudden warmth. The horses breath washed over his face from those large nostrils against his face as he felt himself shuddering and growing weak.

Atlas' huge hands began to rummage at the boys shirts, thick fingers expertly working the buttons as they were popped open one by one. Slowly this thick fingers opened up the boys shirt and exposed his sledner front, that soft supple white skin a stark contrast to the horses black hands.

"Mmm, you look good there Nathan" Atlas said as he slowly removed the boys shirt while he continued to lap and slurp at the boys mouth, his large tongue slithering around in his mouth like a living python. Nathan was too caught up in the pleasure to put up much of a fight as his shirt was pulled off his arms and dropped to the floor.

Atlas smiled as the boys body was exposed, his upper torso laid bare as he started to work on the boys pants as well. His thick fingers moved quickly and expertly, seemingly with much experience at removing clothing. Nathans belt was pulled out with a quick zipping noise and tossed to the floor where it landed with a dull thunk.

"Now, lets get these off you boy and let me see what I'm working with here" Atlas said as he tugged open Nathans pants, the boy blushing as he felt the much bigger male taking control of the situation so easily and readily. He gripped the edge of the desk behind him as his pants were quickly slid down his legs and pulled off, his shoes following suit.

"Well now, look at you" Atlas said as he gazed at the human boy before him, seeing the human clad in just his underwear. They were nice sized briefs, obviously a size too small so they revealed a little more then they should have.

But the boys cock was throbbing hard, a clear sign of his arousal as Atlas looked him over. He had a very slender frame, borderlining on twink, although his hips were slightly wider and his rump was definitely fuller. In fact, Nathan was definitely more girly then he was manly. Atlas looked him over again, in just the right light and the right angle....

"Well, I think I know how to change your image there" Atlas said as he rubbed his hands over the boys hips, slowly hooking his fingers into his briefs. Nathan blushed more fiercely as his length was suddenly sprung free, a healthy six inches bobbing in the air between his slender legs.

"What...what are you going to change?" he asked as Atlas stood back up to his full height again, his massive bulge seemingly bigger. Nathan moaned as he felt another wave of that scent hit his nostrils again as he shivered. Several thick drops of pre leaked from his cocktip and dripped onto the carpeted floor between his sock covered feet.

"I'm going to change you" Atlas said with a smile as he walked over to one of the shelves, his large thick tail waving over his big ass as he inspected the bottles on the shelves. "I had a feeling that you would be susceptible to my ability to change people, and I was proved right" he said as he pulled down a twisty looking vial filled with bright pink fluid.

"Sus...sus what?" Nathan asked as he felt the oaky woody smell his nose this time, except there was no trace of the strawberry fruity in it. But, the scent was making him leak harder as his cock throbbed, begging for attention. He wanted to grab it and stroke off, feeling the need to shoot a load over the carpet. But, for some reason, he didn't want to touch himself if Atlas didn't give him permission to.

"Well, you did notice that rather delightfull female smell earlier? The one that had you fidgeting in the booth?" Atlas asked him with a smile as he shook the vial in his hands, popping the top with his thumb rather easily.

"Ye....yes" Nathan moaned as he looked up at the huge horse. He felt a little weak in the knees as he panted, his arousal growing higher with each passing second. His cock dripped onto the carpet slowly, creating a small damp patch.

"Guess I have to admit I'm to blame for that" Atlas said as he poured some of the bright pink fluid onto his palm and began to rub his hands together like he was washing them with the fluid. "See, I have a way of manipulating my natural pheromones to make someone rather enticed towards me" he said, his hands staining pink from the fluid.

" got me horny on purpose?" Nathan panted as Atlas walked forward. The horse brought his large hands up to Nathans body and started to rub the pink fluid onto his chest. Nathan let out a moan and a deep shudder as he felt his body twinge and twitch, as well as a deep warmth that began to spread as the fluid came into contact with his skin.

"Guitly" Atlas said with a grin as he rubbed as much of the pink fluid onto Nathans chest. "Now, just enjoy the changes that happens. We have a lot of work to cover before I let you go" he said as he wiped his hands onto the sides of his pants, the pink fluid losing its colour against the material.

"Changes?" Nathan asked, getting a slight moment of clarity from what Atlas had said to him before he let out a moan as his knees buckled. He gripped on the desk for support as the warmth slowly spread across his body, like someone was pulling a hot wet blanket across his body.

Atlas smiled as he started to undress himself, watching the boys body become flush with arousal, the pink fluid starting to seep over the boys skin as it started to spread, like the boy was being spray painted. Nathan was finding it hard to stand up properly as his body was feeling weak with his arousal.

The huge horse removed his shirt and dropped it onto the floor, his huge barrel chest on display as he stretched his upper body out. His muscled flexed and tensed with his movements, his huge slab like pecs bouncing with his movements as he watched Nathan succumb to the special fluid.

"What...what are you doing to me?" Nathan moaned as he found himself drooling slightly, panting as his body was flushed with his aruosal. The hot warmth had spread over his body and his skin was tingling in a pleasant way, like a million little tongues were licking over his muscles on the inside. It felt weird, but it was giving him such a good feelign that he didn't want it to stop.

"Giving you a new image, just like what you agreed too" Atlas said as he strode over to the sweating boy, seeing he was on the verge of orgasm. But the stimulation he was feeling alone wasn't enough to send him over the edge, it was just enough to keep him on the edge and let his arousal simmer. "Only, it was not your clothing that I had any intention of changing" Atlas said as he stepped up to Nathan and started to lick over his face.

Nathan moaned as he felt that large slimey warm tongue cross over his face like Atlas was licking a lollipop. Nathan moaned and tried to open his mouth to catch the big tongue again for a frenching, but Atlas seemed intent on just licking him.

Suddenly, Nathan felt a new warmth spread over his face, although it wasn't from the tongue or the fluid or his arousal. This was an internal warmth, like it was pressed up against his skull. He moaned and trembled as he felt his skin start to crawl, like it was moving under Atlas' tongue.

Slowly, Nathans featured began to change. His lips started first, starting to plumpen up a little as they spread out a little more, becoming more feminine. They reddened, as if they were permanently wearing lipstick. His cheekbones grew higher, becoming more prominent as his chin began to narrow and become pointed.

His eyes grew slightly larger and more rounded, his lashes lengthening slowly and filling out, becoming a luminous display of literal eye candy. Hair on his eyebrows began to softly fall out as they seemed to pluck and arrange themselves, becoming an asset over his eyes.

Atlas' hands began to rub over Nathans skull as he continued to lick over the boys changing face. As his fingers rubbed, Nathans scalp began to itch and his skin began to crawl as well. They could almost hear the carpet rubbing sound emenating from Nathans skull, as his hair visibly shifted. The short strands of hair began to lengthen, slowly extending as his hair flowed down his back. The boys hair began to change colour, the roots starting as the flowing hair darkened and the volume increased as well as his hair grew down to meet under his shoulders.

"Mmmm, not bad" Atlas murred as he pulled his tongue away from Nathans face, seeing the now very effeminate looking face panting in front of him. There was still much of Nathans cute boyishness in his face, but it was now harder to tell if he was actually male or female.

"But, I'm not done yet" Atlas said as he plunged his tongue back into Nathans mouth, the boy moaning again as his cock continued to leak pre like a dripping tap. Atlas started to rub his hands over the white torso, his frenching picking up its intensity as he rather hungrily explored the boys mouth.

The itchy warm feeling began to spread down Nathans face, almost leaving it like water running down a pipe as it began to spread to his shoulders. His shoulders starting to push inwards, becoming smaller as the horses hands seemed to slowly mould the boys shoulders to make them smaller.

As Atlas rubbed his hands down Nathans arms, his tongue still exploring the horny boys throat, and Nathans arms began to tremble. His skin warmed up and his flesh itched in a pleasurable way as Atlas rubbed his hands over those limbs.

Slowly, his arms began to lose their muscle tone, starting to deflate like a balloon letting the air out. The hair on his arms began to fall out, turning white and falling out at the root as it gently drifted onto the carpet. As the horses hands took Nathans and interlocked the fingers and squeezes around them, those smaller human hands began to shrink smaller, his fingers becoming more slender and soft to the touch.

Nathan felt that long slimey tongue slide further into his throat and his long lashed eyes opened wide as he found himself expecting to choke. But the choking never came as Atlas continued to rather quite deeply french with the human male, long strands of saliva starting to drip from Nathans mouth as the horse rather eagerly explored his throat. He found himself able to breath through his nose and experience the deep throating from the tongue without discomfort, but the thoughts as to why disappeared as quickly as they came.

The horses huge hands started to work their way down Nathans waist, the boys stomach sinking in a little as his sides narrowed slowly, compressing into a slender hourglass frame. The boy found himself moaning out loud as his hips began to widen, the bones slightly cracking as they extended outwards, his hipline becoming curvey in all senses. He found himself getting lifted off the desks edge as his butt began to fill out, slowly inflating like two balloons side by side. The big horse hands gently cupped them and gave them a squeeze to test their fullness, the horse grunting through his nostrils in approval.

The boy let out a soft squeal, his voice sounding a bit more on the feminine side as he felt those big hand touch his aching hard cock. However, unlike the rest of his body, the touch was only feather light, like he was deliberately teasing him with the tips of his large fingers. But the touching was still sooo wonderfull as Nathan moaned and clenched his backside to make his cock jump against the fingers.

And his cock started to grow as it flexed and jumped, the warm pillar of flesh throbbing with each touch against it as it bounced up and down. Slowly, like an already inflated balloon filling further, Nathans cock swelled. It slowly grew longer in inches and swelled outwards gently, definitely getting bigger then before. And his testicles swelled as well, inflating outwards as they churned with a larger amount of seed.

Suddenly, Nathan found himself getting pushed back, his thighs grabbed from underneath as the horse lifted his legs up, spreading them open as the frenching was broken. Nathan panted as his throat was suddenly vacated, feeling slightly empty as the long tongue exited his mouth with a wet slurping sound, disapearing back into the horses mouth.

He didn't get time to ask questions as Atlas ducked his head and thick rubbery lips found the boys nipples, Nathan squealing softly from how senstive they were. The horses strong teeth slowly and gently bit down the nipple and tugged slowly, thick lips slurping around the nub as his hands stroked up and down the white thighs sitting aginst his shoulders.

Nathan felt his legs tingle as they started to lengthen, muscle tone deflating in his thighs as the hair on the skin began to fall out. His skin took on a silky texture as Atlas rubbed his hands up and down those creamy white thighs, the boys legs gaining a few inches in length. The horse grunted around the nipple in his mouth as he switched to the other on Nathans chest, pushing the boys legs down to get at his calfs and feet.

The horses big hands began to stroke and rub at the feet beside his head as he feasted on the boys nipple, his thick fingers sliding between the boys toes to gently spread them as he kneeded the boys soles. Like the rest of his body, Nathans feet began to slowly change as well as they deflated, becoming smaller, his toes gently becoming longer as his feet took on a delicate femme quality that felt good in the horses hands.

"Mmm, I think you're almost done there sweetie" Atlas said as he pulled his lips away from Nathans nipples, letting the boy fall back fully on the desk, his limbs spread open like an invitation. Panting with his hair falling across his face, his erect cock leaking over his slender stomach and covered in sweat, the boy looked good.

"Almost...what?" Nathan panted as he found he wasn't able to move properly, feeling exhausted all over, his body aching like he had just done the most intense workout ever.

"Well, I think almost" Atlas said as he gave Nathan a look over, like he was appraising him. The whole process had taken what felt like a few moments to the two of them, but it had taken a fair bit of time that they hadn't noticed outside being caught up with each other. "But...something isn't quite right" he said as he rubbed a thoughtful finger under his chin.

"What....what did you do?" Nathan panted as he struggled to sit himself up, but his arms were too weakened from the pleasure for him to actually sit up properly. His neglected cock throbbed hard, his stomach and navel saturated in his boy juices.

Atlas did have to admit, his work had almost outdone itself this time. Nathan looked like the perfect trap. Under the lights of the club outside the office, or rather in the absence of light, the human boy looked like one nine to ten girl. Only when you got up close and put your hand in the boys pants would you discover what kind of girl he really was, but with the way he was looking, it was doubtful any hot blooded male would care.

But, as Atlas rubbed the prominent bulge in his dress pants as he watched the spread out boy pant on the desk, it didn't seem good enough. He cursed himself for being a perfectionist, but he wasn't satisfied with the way that he had changed Nathan.

"Hmmm, maybe another way..." he mused to himself as he continued to stroke his bulge. His statllionhood was throbbing down the side of his leg with each stroke across the material, low gutteral moans coming from the horses throat as he watched Nathan lay splayed out for him.

"A--another way?" Nathan panted out as he struggled again to get up. His hard aching cock was demanding attention as it continued to throb with neglect between his legs as he tried to manouver himself off the desk.

"well, you do look much, much better now" Atlas admitted as he continued to grope at his throbbing bulge as he looked over Nathan. "But, I think you'd look more appropriate as something else" he admitted as he stopped touching himself.

"What....what do I look like now?" Nathan asked as he managed to slip his feet onto the floor. Unable to stand up properly, he managed to slwoly roll himself over till he was bent over the desk, almost like he was begging for a spanking with his rump pushed out. He slowly pushed upwards with his hands as he tried to stand up, but all he did was accentuate his new girlish ass.

"There is a mirror behind the door. Take a look" Atlas said as he gestured with his free hand. Nathan looked and saw the floor length mirror hanging off the back of the door, something he hadn't noticed when he first arrived in the room. He nodded and slowly pushed himself back off the desk, his legs wobbling slightly as he found his footing.

Atlas grinned as he watched Nathan stumble slightly towards the mirror, his movements making his butt wobble in a rather enticing way. His crotch swelled further, the strain on his pants starting to reach his ears as the seams around the material strained slowly. He had to avert his gaze, lest his pants rip open from his arousal alone.

As Nathan held himself up against the mirror, Atlas once again turned his attention to the various bottles and applicants on the shelves. He hummed to himself as he took his time to inspect the various bottles and their contents, intending to find the right bottle for this occasion.

Nathan had to blink several times as he inspected himself in front of the mirror, able to see his apparent new body for the first time. His first impression was that he didn't' recognise the girl he was staring at in the mirror. It took him a moment to realise that it was himself he was looking at, and it made his dick twitch harder.

He was drop dead gorgeous. His face had the features that belonged on a cosmetics magazine to replace that bitch Tyra Banks. His hair was the kind you'd find in a salon on a supermodel. And his figure, wow. He couldn't believe how practically a ten he was now.

"Wow.." he said to himself as he stroked a hand down his chest, feeling the slender pecs that covered his torso. He moaned softly as his fingers found his nipples, seeing they had gone up a size and were definitely larger then they used to be. And they were more sensitive. A thick drop of pre dribble from the tip of his cock as he rubbed his nipple with his finger, making him moan a little more as he toyed with himself.

He moaned as he caught sight of his cock and managed to get a good look at it. It was so much bigger now, and it was throbbing hard and angry with need. He slowly ran his hand down his stomach, right down to his hard cock as he couldn't hold back the urge anymore as he slowly wrapped a hand around it. He moaned again, louder this time as he steadied himself against the door and started to slowly paw himself with his hand. His hand had easily been able to wrap around his cock before with his fingertips touching the middle of his thumb. Now, his fingertips were touching his thumbtip.

"Oh fuck...oh fuck..." he moaned, feeling quite high with his lust as it built back up again, his cock throbbing as he could hardly restrain himself. The changing, the horse, the hot scent, the fact he was now a knockout, it was starting to get a little too much for him to handle.

Nathan panted as he leant over the door, staring at himself in the mirror. It was almost like he was watching some hot chick/guy pleasuring himself in front of a window while he did the same, and it was boiling his hormones. He moaned and closed his eyes as he felt a tingle in his balls, his cock throbbing harder with his fingers.

"Oh god...I'm...I'm gonna ... I'm gonna shooooot" he moaned out loud as he felt his cock throb, the tingling spreading over his shaft as he felt his hips bucking forwards into his hand. He was so damn close, he knew he was going to shoot all over the mirror, and he wanted so badly to shoot it was hurting.

He squealed.

He let out a loud, slightly high pitched, rather effeminate squeal as something thick and wet suddenly jammed itself into his ass and went straight up his rear entrance. The very sudden intrusion and deepness of said intrusion was the final straw that pushed him over the edge as he felt his body shudder and his legs buckle.

Nathans cock spasmed and started to spew as he grabbed at the wall, hands against the mirror as he panted and moaned like a real girl. He leant his head back and cried out as his cock shot the biggest load he had ever managed to shoot up until that day. Thick white ropes of seed flew into the air and splattered over the mirror, thick drops landing on the plush carpet beneath him as he cried out from the pleasure of his orgasm.

"Fuuuuck" he moaned out, his fingers and toes curling up as his cock continued to climax for several more very long seconds before his cock started to slow down his shooting. Nathan panted nad moaned as he looked through half lidded eyes as he gazed downwards slowly, panting as he felt the amount of sweat cling to his newly whitened skin.

The bottom half of the mirror looked like someone had flung a water balloon of cream against it. A big fucking water balloon too, the cum load he had just produced was absolutely shaming any other load he had ever shot. It was simply drenched in boy cum that was slowly dripping down the smooth surface to join the large splattered puddles of cum that were now soaked into the carpet. He panted slowly as he looked down at his slowly wilting dick, slightly surprised to have cum that much.

"Did....did I that?" he panted as he took a deep breath of air as he suddenly realised that whatever was inside his butt was still there, and it was pretty deep in. He slowly looked over his shoulder and whined slightly.

Atlas was standing behind him, his arm going down and stopping with his wrist against Nathans perfectly round bubble butt. The position that his hand was in gave no false suggestions that Atlas now had one of this very large and very thick fingers buried to the hilt in Nathans tight ass.

"Damn boy, that was one impressive load you shot there" the horse said with a grin as he gave his index finger a wiggle inside that tight ring, making Nathan moan and whine again as he curled his finger in that tight tunnel. "Never thought a human boy like you would be able to produce that much" he admitted as he slowly uncurled his finger.

"Oh god..."Nathan moaned loudly as that huge finger curled so easily inside of him, feeling like it was an actual sized cock inside of him that was able to twist into a pretzel. He kept his hands planted on the wall beside the mirror as he panted, feeling his cock start to stir to life again.

"I think you'd look better as a stallion" Atlas said as he slowly and carefully removed his finger. It slid out with a soft wet sucking sound, the lube he had poured on worked easily as he slid his digit out. Nathan let out a soft gasp as he felt that thick finger slide out without hassle, suddenly feeling an empty feeling inside him as his ring gaped open slightly before it began to close up.

"A....stallion?" Nathan panted as he looked over his shoulder again as he saw Atlas produce a vial with a stopper in his hand, which he uncorked. A rather strong scent suddenly hit Nathans nostrils and his cock hardened up in an instant. The scent smelled like a freshly washed horse that was in heat, and it made him slightly giddy.

"Yes, a stallion" Atlas said as he tipped the vial against his fingers, a creamy red liquid began to spill out against his fingers. "A big studly stallion in the stables for all the guys and girls to fawn over" he said with a smile across his features as he made sure that his very large fingers were suitably coated in the liquid.

He ended up using the entire vial of liquid on his fingers, his digits looking like they had been dipped in a vat of liquid berries. Once he was satisfied with their coating, the horse then returned his digits into the crevice of Nathans rear and began to rub against his back hole.

Nathan panted as he leant forward again, the touch seemingly like an electric shock that went up his spine in the most pleasurable way and it made his skin itch and crawl. Those fingers against his hole felt like two cocks that were fighting for first entry, and with the way they were moving it wouldn't be long before he was penetrated again.

Atlas smiled as he used his other hand to slowly unzip his dress pants as the tip of his fingers slipped into the boys tight ring, the resistance broken as they were almost sucked in by the boys greedy hole. Nathan didn't know it, but his hole was hungry and it had a desire to be filled, which the horse was gladly going to oblige with. Plus, his own cock was needing to breed and explode inside some willing recipient, and it wasn't like he wasn't going to go without sating his own needs.

As Atlas moved his fingers around in that hole, just using the thick tips of his fingers, the creamy red liquid started to shimmer slightly and pulse across his fingers slowly, like it was trying to fight its way off his digits. In a sense, it was.

Nathan moaned loudly as he curled his toes, feeling those thick fingers suddenly push forward past the first knuckle. He cried out, feeling like he was double penetrated as his ring started to give a lot more easily then it should have been. He moaned, his cock returning to a full hardness as those two fingers began to slowly stretch apart.

With a soft squelching noise, the red liquid began to slowly move its way down Atlas' fingers as he held that ring apart, able to get a glimpse of the boys surprisingly pink insides. The view was blocked when the red liquid began to fight its way into the boys ring and started to fill his insides like a slime filled enema.

"Bwaahh" Nathan cried out as he suddenly felt something hot and wet touch his ring, his eyes bulging wide as that heat covered his back entrance. He shuddered and started to see stars in his eyes as that heat started to move upwards inside of him.

Atlast tugged out his cock, albeit with a little difficulty with how hard he was. But he managed to pull two feet of fat horse cock from his pants without ripping them apart. It took a little more effort to pull out his balls, two grapefruit sized baby makers that were pent up and needing to empty themselves. His fat cock was a deep midnight black colour, while his balls were covered in a pure white furry sac that jostled with each movement.

"Mmm, freedom" he murred as he watched the red liquid disappear into Nathans backside, the boy now starting to shudder visibly. "Damn boy, I've been waiting ot bend you over and plough that ass of yours since I saw you sitting there in my booth. Didn't think I could hold out this long" he admitted as his cock began to drool a thick syrupy blob of pre that slowly wormed its way down onto the carpet.

"You''re booth?" Nathan moaned as he couldn't help but push his butt backwards onto those fingers, feeling them slide in almost too easily into his butt. He shuddered as he felt that liquid heat inside of him start to spread and warm up his insides. His butt came to rest against Atlas' hand, having swallowed up those two cock sized fingers far too easily.

"Well, this is my club after all" Atlas said with a chuckle as he felt and saw that boys butt swallow up his fingers. Seemed his hole was already getting greedier and he wasn't even trying yet. "I'm surprised it took you this long to figure it out really" he admitted as he slowly warpped a hand around his cock and stroked it slowly, feeling it pulse with need.

"You''re the owner?" Nathan moaned as he looked over his shoulder, his long hair falling over his eyes as he tried to make out the big stallion behind him. He gave another squeal, again in a feminine tone, as those big fingers found his prostate and probed it in a way that made him shoot a spurt of pre onto the already splattered mirror.

"Yes, and I enjoy my position quite thoroughly" Atlas said with a chuckle as he slowly probed his fingers in and out of that boyhole as his cock bobbed in midair. He was resisting the urge to mount the boy like a rutting stallion only because he knew he couldn't take it right now. But damn if he didn't want to just pound him into oblivion.

"Oh god" Nathan panted as his cock jolted with another pressing against his prostate, his knees buckling slightly from the pleasure. The way those fingers were moving around inside of him felt like heaven, and he couldn't help but whimper for more.

"Well, I will be" Atlas said as he kept his fingers buried up to the hilt in the boys backside as he carefully moved his way behind Nathan, his huge cock wobbling back and forth with his movements. He grabbed it with his free hand and slowly pushed it towards Nathans legs.

Nathan let out a moan as he felt something very hot press up against the underside of his backside, akin to a hot poker that was slowly pushing forwards till it touched the back of his balls. It felt huge, and very, very hot. And it was leaking. It was leaking something that was equally hot and slimey as it slowly pushed his balls to the side.

He let out another girlish squeal, partly in fear as he saw the absolutely monstrous cockhead of Atlas emerge from under his balls, reflected in the cum streaked mirror. His balls were pushed upwards, one hanging on each side of the huge mushroom head as it emerged from between his thighs and began to push forward again.

Nathan squeezed his legs together, mostly out of reflex as he saw that huge cock push forward another couple of inches. But all it did was make Atlas moan in pleasure as his cock was squeezed, a sudden and unexpected third finger suddenly entering Nathans hole, stretching that pink ring further. The big horse nickered in pleasure as he humped forward, his big muscled butt flexing as he started to hump the boys thighs.

That huge horsecock pushed forward till Atlas' crotch was pushed flush with Nathans extended backside, nearly two feet of horse cock jutting out from under the boys own impressive length. It slowly moved back and forth as Atlas took his time humping the boys legs, his fingers still wiggling and moving around in the boys hole.

Nathan felt his face heat up at the very sight of that monster. It was so much bigger then he had expected, it was literally pushing his legs apart. He could feel the huge shaft pulse and throb with need as it spurted pre through its enlarged head, the pre splattering onto the mess on the mirror and causing fresh streaks.

He felt the horses breath over his neck as thick rubbery lips nibbled over his skin as the horse grunted, almost lifting Nathan off his feet as the huge cock rose upwards. Then a moment later, Nathan realised that to hump the boy and finger him, Atlas had bent down in order to do it properly. Cept now, he was standing himself upward and pulling Nathan with him.

Nathan felt his feet lift up off the carpet, his toes leaving the fabric as he was now riding the horse cock like was sitting on a saddle. He had to lean backwards and wrap his arms around the horses neck, and he was instantly met by the horses mouth again, the huge slimey tongue working its way down his throat.

Slowly, Atlas pulled his fingers from Nathans butt, pulling them out with a wet slurping noise as the boy moaned, his cock jumping in respsonse. He felt slightly empty again after feeling so full with three cock sized fingers in his butt, but he didn't get to dwell on it as he found himself focusing on that delicious tongue that was violating his mouth.

He felt the air shift around him as he was suddenly moved, holding onto the horses thick neck for support as he was turned once again towards the desk, the horses huge cock pointing the way. It only took a couple of steps before they reached the desk, Nathan finding himself being slid off that huge cock.

Slowly, inch after inch of that huge cock slid back between Nathans legs as he was slid along that shaft, his legs squeezing around it as he felt it move. A thick wet blob of pre was squeezed out of the huge mushroom head, where it landed with a splat on the desks surface as Nathan felt hismelf fall forward gently.

Atlas grabbed him by the hips and swiftly turned the boy over, putting Nathan again on his back as he lifted and spread his legs again, exposing him to the horse. Atlas smiled as he slowly rubbed his hands up and down those beautfiul creamy thighs as he took a good long look at the breathtaking human boy before him.

"I'm going to fuck the stalltion out of you boy" Atlas siad to him as he slid his hand back into Nathans crack and pushed three fingers once again into that hole, making Nathan squeal out again as he felt him clench. "All those bottles on the wall, turn my little lonesomes into something much better then they were."

"All the staff you see, were unhappy with their lives, just like you" Atlas said as he pushed his fingers in to the base, feeling how much easier it was to spread the boy now. "I brought them into my office here, and gave them a little potion that I concocted, and now they're not only much better, they're much happier" he said as he started to pump his fingers in and out slowly of the boys hole.

"You look much, much better now my dear boy, but sadly you're not good enough. Not yet" Atlas said as he watched the boy grab at the desk and hold on, his knuckles turning white from how hard he was holding on. "But, this new little potion I gave you, will let me literally fuck the stallion out of you" he said, a grin spreading over his face.

"And a word of warning, my little ponyboi" Atlas said as he wiggled his thick fingers in that hole. "I will fuck the stallion out of you, and the longer I fuck you, the bigger you are going to get. So if you want to stop me, you have to make me cum boy. Only when I do will the changes stop and you'll be a pridefull specimen."

He then leant over Nathan and forced his tongue back into that moaning mouth, feeling the boy wrap his arms around his neck again as he held on, feeling that large boy cock spurt pre against his shirt and soaking through to his abs.

"And its going to take me a good while to cum, so you better squeeze tight boy" Atlas said to him as he licked the boys lips and pulled away, trailing his large long tongue down Nathans neck slowly, then down his neck and chest. He gave Nathans navel a kiss and a smooch, before he pulled away, pulling his fingers from his backside with a wet slurping noise.

Nathan panted, red in the face from his arousal, sweat collecting on his skin as he felt his legs lift up again and spread, his legs seemingly doing a full 180 degree split. Which surprised him as he had never done something like that before.

Atlas moved his hips a little, his huge cock wobbling slightly before it thumped down onto the desks surface with a heavy thud, the mushroom head pushed forward up against Nathans taint. The boy could feel the heat coming from the head alone as it was pushed up against his nethers till the big horse had found its target.

Atlas' lips spread into a grin as the boy squealed again, his ring stretched wide open as that huge horse cockhead pushed into his depths, spreading him much wider then the three fingers had managed. Nathan whined and squealed out a bit more as that huge cock pushed in, the widest part of the head stretching past his ring and then sliding in with a squealching noise.

"Mmm, yes, its been a while since I deflowered a real virgin" Atlas said as he felt how that ring was gripping around his cockhead like it was a heated metal glove. Nathan oblviously hadn't had any backdoor action in his life if he was this tight, and it did make him slightly question how long he could last with a ring that tight on his cock.

Nathan was so damn tight he could feel the boys heartbeat around his cock. Each twitch and pulse of the boys love tunnel constricted around his cock in tune with the boys hearbeat, and from the way it was restricting and pulsing, the boys heart rate was racing like mad.

"Damn, I might have overestimated this kid" Atlas said as he held onto Nathans slender waist with his hands. "Better get to fucking good and hard before I lose damn tight" he grunted under his breath as he gave a hard thrust with his hips.

Nathan cried out as the first few inches were forced into his rear, feeling that huge mushroom head spread apart his intestines as it sank into him. He panted as he looked down, seeing a very large and obvious bulge appear in his stomach, just above his own hard cock.

"Oh full" he moaned as he gripped the desk as best he could, his legs lifting up and resting against Atlas' straining shirt covered chest. The huge cock was barely inside him and he already felt fuller then he ever had before. His cock was pulsing with arousal as he felt that huge cock suddenly move inside him.

Atlas slowly pulled his cock out till just the head was pulling against Nathans ring. He couldn't have pulled out easily as Nathans ring was gripping under the head like an elastic band around a mushroom. He felt a drop of sweat suddenly run down his spine as he realized he was already starting to perspire, and he hadn't even started.

With a grunt he pushed forward, sending those few inches back into Nathans tight rear, unable to push anymore in just yet, so he resolved to just fuck him with the first four inches of his huge cock. It was still hot enough for him as his cock was starting to leak like mad in the boys insides as he slowly pushed and pulled those few inches through the boys love tunnel.

Nathan whined as he cluthed at the desks surface, his nails scratching on the polished surface as he could see that huge bulge throb and move visibly in his guys. It slowly moved back and forth, just a few inches moving but it felt like he was getting fisted. And it wasn't even the first third of the horses cock.

Atlas grunted and huffed as he pushed his hips back and forth, his muscled ass clenching as his tail furiously whipped back and forth. His big balls swung back and forth between his legs as he humped at the boys tight hole, able to push in another inch slowly.

"Oh god..too...too much...I'm so full" Nathan cried out as he curled his toes, arching his back as that bulge inside him moved upwards another inch, pushing upwards towards his navel. His hips felt like they were starting to separate as Atlas pumped his cock inside him.

The boys heartrate started to pick up and Atlas felt like his cock had entered a throbbing vibrating fleshlight. He grunted as he felt sweat start to appear on his forehead, and under his arms. His shirt started to darken as he grunted, feeling his body heat up as he ploughed that tight boy hole, grunting from the effort.

Nathan felt an itch start to tingle around his ring, stretched out as wide as it was. It felt like a warm burning sensation, and it started to itch as he felt that huge cock start to slowly pick up speed, the bulge pushing up and finally reaching his navel. Nathan panted as he tried to sit up to tell Atlas about the strange feeling, but he let out another girlish squeal as that huge cockhead mashed up against his prostate.

He felt back against the desk, starting to shudder as his cock felt it was on the verge of cumming just from getting mashed again as the itching started to get more noticeable. It was definitely starting to ache, but it was in a good way that made him want to beg for more of the huge cock getting forced inside him.

Atlas grinned as he felt the slight burning around his cock, licking the sweat from around his lips as he could feel the change in the boy start to happen at last. He had been thinking for a moment that the potion may have expired sitting in the bottle, but now he knew it was working.

"About time" he grunted as he felt the boys ring start to contract and get even tighter. The boys fleshlight like interior felt like it was clenching down on him like it was a vice, and he found himself huffing harder as he forced another couple of fat inches into the boys hole. His balls swung back and forth as his tail whipped across his flexing muscled rump, air snorting through his enlarged nostrils.

Nathan felt that cock sink in deeper as a deep seated warmth began spread slowly inside of him, his insides beginning ot heat up like someone had poured hot water into him. His skin started to prickle as goosebumps raised up, his skin visibly prickling before Atlas' eyes as the boy conintued to moan and squeal each time his hot spot was hit.

The desk started to rock and grind on the floor as Atlas finally managed to shove at least half of his enormous cock into the boys hole, the wood creaking as Nathan was bread on the polished surface. The boy panted, sweat dripping from his prickled skin as he felt a tingling in his love tunnel that started to spread with the warmth.

Slowly, the colouring in Nathans taint started to darken. His skin pigment changed, the soft whitish pink tones turning into a deep creamy brown chocolate that began to spread like oil over water. It surrounded his widely stuffed entrance and began to spread over the curve of his butt, slowly colouring in his skin as the brown spread.

His ring began to tighten again as it slowly began to inflate, rising up around Atlas' huge cock as it darkened further, becoming black in colour, the skin taking on the texture of fresh silk. Several long and hard deep thrusts later and Atlas was no longer plunging into a widely stretched human boy hole, but he was now thrusting into a very hungry horse hole. It looked like he was fucking a black donut with his cock, one that was spread very wide open.

Nathan moaned as an itch started to spread across his skin, following close behind the colouring that was spreading across his skin. The tiny prickled holes on his skin began to sprout short hairs across the coloured skin, spreading outwards from around his donut hole. The hair was short, thick and a deep creamy chocolate brown, a fine coating of award winning fur starting to cover his backside.

He gasped and whined as he heard the cracking of bones as they started to break and shift, his hips seperating as they slowly grew wider. A little less pressure on his cock allowed Atlas to plunge in several new inches, fitting almost two thirds of his huge cock deep into that hole now that the love tunnel had been widened. Nathans hips slowly widened out and curved a little, suddenly looking far too big for his already girlish frame.

Then his butt began to inflate. His hindquarters started to rise up against Atlas' thrusts, his cheeks lifting his body upwards as they grew bigger and rounder. Like balloons inflating, they grew rounder and larger, Atlas' cock plunging between what looked like two huge brown balloons covered in fur.

The top curves of his butt dipped together, forming a perfectly curved V on the top shelf of his rump. A patch of fur in the center of that V began to lighten in colour, turning the colour of fresh milk, before the fur began to lengthen outwards. Slowly, a milk coloured tail began to grow outwards, thick and luxurious as it extended in length and volume. It started to swish back and forth as it dangled over the edge of the desk, tickling against Atlas' fat full balls.

The fur started to spread down his legs as the colouring spread downwards. And the bones in his legs began to crack and shift as they started to lengthen, his already feminine legs starting to grow longer against Atlas' chest. He blustered a bit as he found them growing too long so he paused in his thrusting, having just a third of his cock left out of the boys hole.

"Hold on" Atlas' grunted as he grabbed Nathans ankles and bent them down, almost making his toes press against the boys face before he wrapped them backwards to make them fit aorund his waist. He felt Nathan grip his waist tightly with his newly long legs, his ankles locking against Atlas' rump . The big horse grinned as he held onto Nathans new widened hips as he resumed his thrusting.

"Much better" he grunted, licking his sweat covered lips as he felt those legs start to inflate around his waist, the grip of his thighs getting firmer as the boys muscles grew bigger. His legs grew with each hard pounding of Atlas' cock, the muscles growing as if each thrust meant one leg day in the gym. The muscles inflated down his thighs to his calves, soon spreading to his feet.

The colouring surged over his feet and was followed by his new fur, his calves starting to turn white to match his milky white tail. The fur grew longer around his feet, his feet increasing in size and growing much bigger to help support his rapidly growing frame. His legs were starting to surpass the size of Atlas' own, growing in bulk and the skin tightening to show off the definition.

Nathan cried out as he felt his back start to crack and shift, feeling his spine spasm as it started to lengthen, new discs appearing across his skin to stretch him out. His head started to dip over the back of the desk and his shoulders started to follow, each hard thrust adding another inch to the boys body.

"Damn, he's getting big" Atlas grunted as he heard Nathan moan and squeal as his his body changed, the colouring spreading fast up his torso and spreading over his lightly muscled chest. He held his cock in the boys ass as he started to somewhat awkwardly shuffle till he was no longer holding Nathan over the front of his desk, but had the boy spread out over the long part of his desk. But from thew ay they boy was groaning, he'd be bigger then the desk soon.

Nathans stomach sunk inwards as his insides started to shift around, fur spreading across his navel. His navel deepened, a white swirl of colour starting to spread over it and downwards towards his crotch. As his midsection spread wider to match his hips, the skin sunk onto the increasing muscles, his six pack becoming highly defined and very lickable. A loud gasp and another cracking noise, and two new mounds appeared, an eight pack now forming on his elongated torso.

His chest muscles started to inflate as his shoulders seperated and widened, a white streak forming up the valley between his pecs that was starting to rapidly form. His chest started to inflate upwards and outwards, his pecs swelling as they grew rounder and bigger. Nathan couldn't help but rub his hands over his enlarged pecs, moaning to how good it felt, no how good they felt.

Atlas grinned as he grunted, seeing Nathans nipples grow hard as they darkened, the skin turning black as they too began to grow. Hardened from his sexual arousal, they inflated till they were the size of the shot glasses that were served in the bar. Nathan rubbed his fingers against one and squealed as his cock shot a blast of pre clear over his head from how overly sensative they had now become.

His shoulders rounded, inflating beside his head as the fur started to spread down his arms, the muscles on his biceps bulging. His arms lengthened as they grew to match the size of his torso, increasing the power in his upper body. His veins started to bulge, popping across his muscles like snakes wriggling under his skin that bulged along with his rapidly beating heart. The fur started to whiten across his forearms and down his hands, which were also growing in size.

His hands grew to the size of dinner plates, his skin turning white. Nathan moaned as he grabbed his newly enlargened nipples with his equally enlargened fingers and started to rub, his crying and moaning increasing in pitch as he furhtered his arousal. His cock was still throbbing and slapping agasints his body as it fired pre across his new abs and chest like a small water pistol.

"Dammit..he's still too fucking tight" Atlas thought to himself in anoyance as he grunted, his hips finally becoming flush with the boys backside. Of course, with Nathans ass now several inches bigger in the booty department, there was still an innch or two of Atlas cock that he couldn't force into the boy. But still, it was one hell of a fuck to be pounding the boy into a stallion. Although he was growing into one that was bigger then Atlas was.

Nathans neck started to length and thicken, growing in size to prepare for the new head he was about to grow. The colouring reached past his cheeks and started to spread across his temples, and Nathan was almost ready to lose it as his mind was swamped in pleasure and lust from the change.

His face visibly contorted and started to extend outwards, his nose and mouth turning white to match the lightening colour around his eyes. His muzzle grew outwards, extending inches as his face elongated, his ears starting to climb up towards the top of his head. As the fur started to cover his face, his eyes teared up in the pleasure as he gripped the edge of the desk.

Both heard the splintering as the wood was crushed under Nathans newly strong grip, his hair starting to shift and change as it grew longer. It shifted and flopped over one side, forming a long and luxurious mane that matched his new formed tail. His teeth squared and whitened to pearly status, a surprisinly pink tongue lolling from his mouth as he drooled rather excessively.

His ass was against the edge of the desk, getting hammered by Atlas' huge cock, while his head was now hanging over the other edge. Getting fucked longways on the desk, he was now bigger then the wooden structure that was holding him. Atlas grunted as he realised he had fucked the boy at least two feet taller then he was, and he was definitely bigger all round too.

"FUCK" he growled at the thought of parading around a much bigger stallion then him in front of everyone in the club, and it was enough to send Atlas over the edge. He had indeed ended up underestimating this boy and now he was going over the edge.

He leant back, his head tilting back as he neighed out loud, the soundproofed office working hard to drown out the noise of his orgasmic cry as his enormous fat balls churned and boiled. His cock throbbed as he buried as much of it as he could deep into the boy, his hips flush with that perfectly spherical ass as he started to unload.

Nathan cried out, almost whinnying in pleasure as he felt what had to be litres upon litres of horse cum was being hosed straight into his insides. His abs started to swell and bulge slightly not just from the huge cock buried inside him, but the amount of seed that was currently whitewashing his guts.

Atlas grunted and huffed and made every sound a horse can make when he climaxes as he gave that boy everything he had, his seed being the final catalyst to make the changes permanent. But something happened as he looked down at the writhing muscle horse before him that he hadn't expected, and it took him by surprise.

Nathans cock just literally EXPLODED outwards, gaining an enormous amount of both size and girth as it just surged and grew in just a matter of moments.

Atlas could almost hear the rushing gurgling sound as his seed was surprisingly digested fast, but it sounded like it was moving as well. As if the torrent of his orgasm was being diverted, and it seemed it was heading straight into Nathans crotch to help increase his cock.

His cock grew, the head ballooning out and surging forwards like a big headed snake, pushing up against the underside of his hugely rounded pecs before surging over. The head seemed directed towards his muzzle,but it stopped just under his jawline, resting seemingly comfortably in the crook in his neck. The shaft suddenly followed, balooning outwards and inflating in width and girth, growing rapidly out till it did look a third sized leg resting on his torso.

And his balls grew as well, filling like two water balloons that were expanding beyond melon size and still going strong. They could both almost hear the sound of cum rushing to fill those huge balls as they swelled, the skin across his balls and his cock starting to mottle and turn a rather delicious looking mixture of milk and chocolate together.

Nathan let out a scream as he arched his back, his body unable to take it any longer as his climax hit him and hit him hard once his cock and balls finally stopped expanding. Atlas looked on in amazement as Nathans monstrous length throbbed like some angry animal and started to fire seed straight into the horses face.

And it was not a water balloon being splattered across a mirror this time, it was like someone had set of a damn fire extinguisher. Seed just exploded through Nathans engorged cockhead and splattered across his face, covering it in a thick coating of white as he received a self facial. And it didn't look like it was stopping.

The seed blast was so strong that it hit the desk chair and sent it rolling backwards where it slammed into the wall and received a royal spraying as that seed blasted around Nathans head like it was a geyser. And it was so thick it looked like it would have to be scratched off with a spatula.

And that fucking grip on Atlas' cock was so damn tight it was actually painfull. The contractions around his cock while Nathan had his climax was so damn tight he was afraid for a moment his cock would be snapped off at the base as he felt his legs shake from how tightly his cock was being squeezed. He grit his teeth and shut his eyes as he beared through the painfull squeezing as Nathan continued to hose down the back wall of his office.

Finally, after several of the longest minutes of both their lives, Nathans cock finally stopped shooting and just slapped against his huge chest like a dying python. Nathan was panting, cum dripping from his drenched face and new mane like honey dripping from a slice of toast, leaving fat thick globs on the once stain free carpet.

"Fuck" Atlas grunted as he finally managed to pull his cock free, a thick squelching noise emenating from Nathans hole as he pulled his gooey cock out of that hole, eliciting a grunt from Nathan and a wet popping noise as his cockhead came free.

Atlas saw Nathans hole close up rather quickly, preventing any seed from leaking out, if there was nay left to actually leak out. But the way that big puffed up donut hole was glistening and throbbing, it looked like it was itching for another round.

"Damn boy, haven't had a fuck that good in ages" Atlas said as he let Nathans legs fall from around his waist, slightly surprised that when Nathans feet hit the floor, his legs had to bend about two third of the way to accommodate his new body frame. He was definitely the biggest horse that Atlas had ever helped create, and definitely the best looking too.

Laying across that desk, covered in spunk and dripping with sweat, Nathan looked like a dream come true. Atlas couldh ave snapped a picture and made a calender out of the way that Nathan was looking, and he would be sure it was a good seller.

"Oh god..."Nathan panted as he slowly pushed himself up onto his arms, cum sliding from his whitened face as he lcked slowly at his lips, looking at Atlas with a somewhat dopey expression across his face. "That....was .....amazing" he panted out, licking his lips slowly.

'Damn boy, you are good" Atlas said, his cock dangling between his legs as he slowly unpeeled his shirt from his body. It was drenched with sweat and was clinging to his body like a second skin. His pants felt skin tight as well, drenched and probalby had to be peeled off as well. "Never had a fuck as good as you before. You're by far the best plough in this club" he admitted as he dropped his shirt on the floor, where it fell with a wet squealch.

"More" Nathan whined.

"What?" Atlas asked as he looked at the horse.

Nathan slowly lifted his huge body up off the desk, where it groaned from the sudden movement. His body was so big he had to duck to stop his head from brushing against the ceiling as he turned around and bent himself back over the desk, his long tail swishing back and forht.

"Again...I want to be fucked again...Please" Nathan begged as he looked back over his shoulder at Atlas. He wiggled his hips, his big spherical butt jiggling softly with each movement. He spread his legs and hiked his tail up, that big white tail framing that big fuckable horse butt and making it look all the more enticing.

Atlas stared at that ass for a moment, not able to form words as his cock slowly rose up, flooding with new blood and life as he felt the urge to fuck that horse again. This was definitely another first, he had never fucked the new horse twice in a row before, but damn if that ass looked inviting, like two chocolate ballons pressed together.

Nathans eyes turned into a pleading gaze as he reached back and grabbed a handfull of his left cheek and slowly spread it back, revealing his deepened crevice and that big donute hole that started ot wink like a mare in heat.

"Please...fuck me...I need it" Nathan whined as his cock thumped against the side of the desk, also growing in arousal as the horse was begging for another mounting. " be fucked...please boss...fuck me" he whined as he pleaded with his eyes, shifting his hindquarters back and forth slowly as he tried to entice the horse into another round.

"I am so going to need a new desk...oh fuck it, I'll just get a new office" Atlas said as he grabbed his cock in his hand and grinned as he stepped up behind his mountain of a horse boy.

It was only a couple of short weeks later, but business in The Stables had certainly picked up. Their clientele had expanded so much in such a short time that Atlas had been considering turning The Stables into a VIP club.

It certainly did have its appeal, and he was sure he could come up with a number of perks available to the first class VIP members of the club. After all, it was the perks that made memberships all the more better to obtain.

Atlas was currently sitting in his newly refurbished office, enjoying his new reinforced furntiure. Everything in his office had been removed and replaced with reinforced steel structures, for obvious reasons. Of course, a few of his staff had complained about the fact that the steel furniture looked absolutely hideous at first, so he had them all custom covered with freshly varnished oak covering.

The hulking horse sat back in his chair, having switched it out to a very large and plush armchair that supported his frame nicely, and even tilted back. Again, for obvious reasons. The big horse smiled to how quickly he had been able to test out the durability of that chair as he leant back, watching the view of the club.

A new window had been added to the office, covering the wall directly looking onto the dance floor. It was a one way mirror, allowing him to see out but no-one could see in. And it was reinforced. He had to admit, there was something about mounting a person just inches away from the public that was a massive turn-on, not just for him, but for his partners as well.

Although the show outside wasn't looking too badly either. It was a very special night for the club, the premiere of a very special event that the customers had been begging for. Including some of the staff.

It required all the patrons to come in various swimwear. And they wore it in demand. Males and females of various species were crowded on the dance floor, many holding drinks in their hands. The males wore speedos and swim trunks that were either so tight they could have been painted on, or so skimpy and low cut that they would have been considered pointless. The females were just as daring, showing off two piece bikinis that were considered two bits of string and a label.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the night to get started" the dj shouted as he waved his glow stick bound arm in the air, wielding a string of glow sticks in his hand as he kept his other hand planted on an earpiece against his ear. "Time for the main event to begin. Are you all ready?" he shouted.

He was met with a roar from the crowd as spotlights started to shine across the stage around him. To his left and right were two closed red curtains, new additions to go along with the short runway that lead out into the mosh pit before him, a brand new very sturdy pole jutting out from the end.

"I said, are you ready?" the DJ shouted again, and he was met with an even louder roar. The patrons were all fired up as they screamed at the DJ to get on with the show. They had all paid good money to see the main event for the evening and they were obviously not happy to have the event stalled cause the DJ was too big of an idiot to get it going.

"Alright, ladies and gents of all species and styles, put your hands in the air for our main eventer as he gets this party started" the DJ shouted over the roaring of the crowd. "Give it up for The Stables resident blast master, the one and only HOSER" he shouted.

The crowd started to scream in a mixture of excitement and frenzy as the curtains to the right of the DJ opened up, revealing the object of their desires.

Standing in the spotlight, was Nathan. Although he had adopted the stage name of 'Hoser'. The hulking stallion was standing, his arms over his head and gripping his wrists in a tight grip behind his head, his pecs gunned and on full display as he allowed the crowd to drink in his body.

His chocolate brown body was clad in very little. A black bow tie was fixed around his thick veined neck, slightly undersized due to his enourmous body. His mane flowed over his head and down his neck thanks to several thousand long carefull strokes of a thick brush. A fully functional black leather bit and bridle, complete with reigns dangled off his muzzle.

The bulked out defined muscles were covered in a layer of oil, making his muscles glisten under the many spotlights that were fighting to cover his body to the screaming crowd. Across his chest and upper torso was a thin black leather harness. It wasn't all that functional, but it did criss cross his chest to only serve as a highlight to draw focus to his enlarged torso muscles.

Around his waist was a black thong that was failing to contain his enourmous cock and balls, the cover only managing to hold less then half of those huge goods. Soft, the shaft was almost three quarters exposed, as well as his bowling ball sized orbs contained in the white leather skin of his sac.

Slowly, Nathan began to walk forward, each step of his massive thickly muslced legs making that huge pouch jiggle in a very lewd way, but each jiggle and jostle just made the crowd scream in delight and work up into a frenzy.

Nathan made his way to the pole in the middle of the stage and brought his hands down from behind his head, revealing that he was in fact holding something against his back. The frenzy died down a little as the crowd saw the object and looked on in a slightly hushed awe.

The big barely clad horse was holding the biggest dildo the crowd had seen before. It was bigger then the biggest legally selling Thor model that was on the markets. It was a deep brilliant black and the silicone wobbled as he brought it out to show the crowd.

"Now, I wonder how many more clients would know that he used one of those create-a-cock kits on me" Atlas said to himself with a chuckle as he was able to see everything with his front row seat. Speaking of, his cock was currently out in the open, the horse not wearing his pants his office as he allowed his huge length to lie across his body like a pulsing snake.

Dollar bills began to fly into the air as several of the patrons threw their money at the horse on stage, several more trying to jump up against the stage to get a feel up of the hulking stallion before them. Nathan ignored them as he brought the huge silicone cock to his front and pressed it up against his chest.

He opened his mouth, his maw opening wide as he gave the fat mushroom head a wet sloppy slurping make out session. Excessive amounts of drool began to coat down the huge black shaft as he sloppily made out with the fake cock, his thick equine tongue slurping up his own drool to pull it back in his mouth so he could drool it back out again.

The crowd was getting frantic as a chant started to build up. They began to shout his stage name over and over again as they cheered on the erotic display of the horse making out rather passionately with his favourite toy. Dollar bills were being picked up from the floor and thrown back at the horse, a few of them sticking to his oily shined up body.

Once the toy was successfully drenched in his own saliva, Nathan pulled his mouth from the huge head and bent down, sticking his phat bubble ass out to the crowd, giving them a good view of his ass and the expertly braided tail above it. The patrons behind him caught a glimpse into his deep crevice, seeing the poorly concealing piece of string in his crevice disappear into the inner depths.

Nathan stood back up once he had secured the huge toy to the floor beside the stripper pole. He reached out and grabbed the pole in both hands and pushed his body to the side, allowing himself to do one full circular rotation above the crowd, the patrons still screaming out at him and throwing their hard earned singles at him.

He grinned, drinking in and loving the attention he was getting as he pulled himself upright and held onto the pole with both hands as he pressed his huge pectorals up against it, the pole almost disappearing into the valley between his chest muscles. Behind him, the DJ grinned as he continued to spin his discs, also fortunate to have a front row view of the attraction.

With the obvious experience he must have had, Nathan slowly began to slide down the pole, bending his knees and pushing his rump outwards, showing off by not even looking back to align the huge head of the dildo against his phat cheeks. His thickly braided tail whipped back and forth in a wagging motion as that huge toy head pushed up against his cheeks, the silicone shaft bending slightly as it met the resistance of those huge cheeks.

Slowly, that resistance disappeared as Nathan relaxed his perfectly spherical cheeks. The head disappeared into that huge rump with a light OOPH coming from Nathans lips. He slowly spread his legs apart as he lowered himself down further, his overstuffed pouch dangling between his legs like nuts in a sling.

The crowed knew that huge dildo had found its target when Nathans lips formed a perfectly spherical O and he closed his eyes, a long drawn out moan of absolute pleasure emanating from his throat. He gave a sudden push downwards and there was a soft squelching noise that was barely audible at all, his tongue lolling from his mouth as his pleasure heightened.

To the crowd, it seemed as if getting penetrated was the most absolutely heavenly thing that Nathan could do, even if it was in public. And to him, it was. Ever since Atlas had changed him, Nathan had the urge to bend over and get fucked. And often. It drove him to heights of pleasure to have enormous toys or a well hung male pound his phat bubbly ass, and he thoroughly enjoyed every hard thrusting pounding minute of it.

And he was never going to ask to have it reversed either, as his cock began to push against its covering as that toy slowly sank up into his ass. Inch after fat, huge, thick veiny silicon inch slid upwards into his ever hungry hole as he moaned and whinnied from the pleasure of being penetrated. And his cock ballooned outwards against the pouch that was already straining to contain it.

Nathan leaned back as far as he could, holding onto the pole for support as his butt pushed against the base of the stage, his huge cheeks covering that base and making it disappear from view. Thanks to the hugeness of his cheeks, he could never and probably would never be able to force every inch into his hole, and it always left him with a desire for more that would never be fully sated.

He slowly ground his hips back and forth, twisting his lower hind quarters back and forth against that huge toy as the crowd drank in the sight. More singles flew before him through the air, some landing on his rapidly ballooning cock as he held onto the pole before him for support, his tongue lolling from his mouth and drool sliding down his neck onto his chest.

The thong could no longer hold back the cock that was stretching it beyond its factory standard resistance and it simply tore off, flying off his cock like a rubber band being ejected over his thumb. It flew over the heads of the patrons as they all jumped upwards to grab at it, a rather buxom and well equipped vixen in a sparkling rhinestone bikini being the lucky enough one to catch it.

Although she lost it a moment later as a minor scuffle ensued over the nights prize.

Nathan took no notice as his cock surged forward, bobbing just out of reach of the crowd below as they worked hard to try and reach up to grab it. Thick blobs of pre began to drip from the engorged head, drooling excessively with each hard firm throb of the stallions mighty cock. Those lucky enough to stand under the drooling top were rewarded with the stallions thick honeyed pre.

Slowly, Nathan pulled himself upwards, eliciting a moan from his lips as that huge toy began to slowly slide out of his big butt. Once he had managed to get half way, he stopped pulling and pushed instead, grunting out erotically as he refilled his ass with as much of the huge toy as he could.

So began his movements on stage, the horse moaning and grunting as he pushed and pulled himself up and down on that huge toy, pleasuring himself in front of the excited and frenzied crowd. Those close enough were able to hear the audible and lewd slurps and splortches of the huge toy as that huge ass repeatedly swallowed it up as that big ass jiggled around that cock.

His cock bobbed with each movement, swaying and bobbing up and forth as he forced himself, eagerly, on that huge toy. He cried out in lust, his tongue lolling from his mouth as he looked positively drunk, allowing himself to sink into his pleasure as he tried to satisfy his need to be pounded and filled.

The Dj watched, his own hard cock straining against his glow painted jockstrap as he watched Nathan bounce himself up and down, picking up the pace as he grunted and moaned. He could hear it over the music and above the roar of the crowd as he watched the enticing way those cheeks jiggled. They looked like two big jiggling water balloons bouncing on a huge cock, and he knew he'd get that horse ass again as soon as he took his break.

Nathans body began to shine even brighter as sweat collected on his body, his body heaving up and down as he bounced with practiced ease. That toy was moving in and out of his ass so willingly and eagerly, no resistance whatsoever as he hugged the pole between his huge pectorals, grinding himself down on that cock.

"Oh god...." he moaned in his throat as he felt the dam about the burst, his tail whipping back and forth rapidly at the DJ. To anyone else, it looked like he was overly excited from riding the toy, but the DJ grinned as he saw the telltale sign that Nathan as about to blow. He grabbed the mic and brought it to his lips as he groped himself with his free hand.

"Alright guy and gals, prepare yourselves. It's time" he shouted into the mic as the crowd heard his words. They seemed to get even more excited as they raised their hands into the air and started to bounce up and down, all of them screaming to be the first.

Nathan slammed himself backwards, his ass covering the toy and making it disappear from view as his cock bobbed back and forth, pulsing angrily as his balls boiled and churned. He opened his maw wide as he gripped the pole in an iron grip as he bellowed out his orgasmic cry, his cock firing his load into the air.

The DJ groaned as he watched the erotic sight as Nathans cock sprayed his seed over the screaming crowd, literally showering them with a torrent of white horse cum. Litres upon litres of horse cream sprayed over the crowd as Nathan ground his hips back and forth, his cock wobbling from side to side as the spray followed suit.

"And that's why they call him Hoser" he grunted to himself as he licked his lips, his cock painfully hard as he dropped his headset and knelt down on the floor of his dj booth, unable to hold himself back any longer as he whipped his cock out from his jock and started to furiously jack himself off. His climax would sate him for a while, till he got worked up enough to get Nathan to himself again.

Atlas chuckled as he watched Nathan fire his load over the crowd, although he was less then impressed with a large splatter of the cream struck his window, instantly covering it in a small explosion of thick goopy horse cum. It completely obscured his view of the crowd as they were drenched, very eagerly, in white.

"Well, there goes my view" he says as he leant back in his chair, one hand wrapped around his fat length as he continued to slowly stroke it up and down. "Still, it would seem that 'Whitewash' night was a success" he chuckles as he closed his eyes, imaging that huge horse butt of his insatiable bottom horse swallowing up his cock once more.

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