The Helpine : Chapter 1

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#1 of Helpline

This series was inspired by several real life events through different media, different tv shows and other points of inspiration. it is a collaboration of many ideas, not just based off one anime.

The Helpline

By Kendo Kawabata

Chapter 1 : Bully

The school cafeteria was fully packed, the noise not being masked by the double doors that gave entry. Every student sat at their respective tables, each group of kids easy to spot which clicke they belonged too. Just a glance suggested who was in what, and usually that glance was enough to be proven right.

At the end of the cafeteria, only one table wasn't completely occupied. The table had been moved from its original position long ago, and sat in such a way in the corner that all the other students tended to forget about it. Except for the kids who were already sitting at the table, looking out at the other tables like vultures circling their prey, waiting for the chance to strike.

"How about that one?" a largely built rhino said, brushing his mow-hawk mane from his eyes and clad in the bright blue clothing of the football team as he pointed to a mouse two tables over. She was small and slender, with a meek and rather geeky looking attire with large framed glasses on the end of her nose. "She looks easy" the rhino added with a grin.

"No. She looks like the type who'll go run crying to daddy if we look at her wrong" said the leader of the group. He was a handsomely striking wolf, who's features could either melt a girls heart when he asked them for something, or could strike fear into he hearts of anyone who pissed him off. "Choose another" he said as he reclined on his seat, at ease.

"How about that one?" asked the horse on the side to the rhino. The horse was also largely built with hanging forlocks over his head that mostly obscured his eyes. He held his hand up, pulling the sleeve of his football jersey back as he pointed to another table, where a chubby hippo was sitting with his face buried in a book, the boys clothes almost bursting at the seams. "He looks like he'd be easy to catch if we ran after him" he said.

"No. I don't like running after fatties. It's just too easy" the wolf said with a smirk, before giving the fat studen a look that suggested he was invading his private space, even though the kid was a few tables away. "What about you Eric? Who do you suggest?" the wolf asked as he lazily turned himself just a little to acknowledge the fourth member of the group.

Eric was the only one who hadn't said a word. He was a couger with short red hair, sitting one space apart from the others. It wasn't a personal choice, he just hadn't earned the chance to sit 'with' them in the same space. Eric looked up from his tray of food as he gave them a look that suggested he didn't want to be there.

"I don't know. And I don't care Greg" he said as he looked at the wolf before he looked back down at his tray, pushing his fork through the soggy looking mashed potatoes. The wolf raised an eyebrow as he slowly sucked on his tongue in a long drawn out noise of irritation.

"Eric, I told you to choose buddy" said Greg as he gave a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Come on man, you said you wanted in the group. Hell, you practcially begged for it, but now you wont even participate? Man, I'm feeling a bit hurt here" he said as he gave the cougar a sympathetic look.

"Look, I don't want to choose, ok?" Eric said as he looked back up at the wolf. "This is stupid, and you know it" he said flatly.

"I think he's chickening out Greg" said Tim the horse with a smirk across his face. Brad, the rhino, giggled as he suddenly seemed eager, like something good was about to happen. The two of htem looked over at Greg, a look of anticipation on their faces.

"Eric, maybe I need to remind you of the rules of my little group here" Greg said as he leant backwards on his seat, almost laying down on the seat if he leant down any further. He was fully relaxed out and completely at ease, but his tone of voice suggested anything but. "Remember, my dad, is fucking loaded. He has so much money, he has a big stake in this school. So anyhting he says, goes. And that means, everyone has to listen to what I say. Because for all general purposes, I own this fucking school" Greg said to him.

"now, you've already expressed interest in joining our group, given your past discretions though" Greg said as he suddely pulled himself up and adjusted himself into a position so he was staring at Eric as he spoke. "You are on probation, and you know what's at stake if you disobey. So, I am reminding you" Greg said as he suddenly gave him a smile.

"You either do what I say, or you end up taking the hit and we leave you high and dry so that the whole school will know what a useless pile of pussy shit you are" he said with a sweet smile. "So, pick out next target, or you kiss your future goodbye" he ordered.

Eric didn't say anything as they three of them look at him like they were about to pounce, just looking for the instance that they believed he would chicken out. Eric had been on the bad side of Greg before, and he didn't want to be back on that side again. With a sigh bent his head and nodded once before he looked up and took a look over the cafeteria.

"That one" he said as he pointed, without enthusiasm, towards a student a couple of tables over. Greg turned and took a look at where Eric was pointing, to see a black fox with silver highlights through his fur sitting alone on one side of a table, looking over a textbook.

"The newbie huh?" Greg said as he looked the boy over from his position on the seat. The fox was a transfer student that had started the year late. So, the boy was still new to much of what happened on campus. Including, who was really in charge.

"Well, that's a good choice" Greg said with a nod of approval as he turned back to face the others. "A fox. Natures born and bred sluts. Well, I approve" he said, as Brad and Tim both made silent 'Yes' movements with his their arms. "But" he said as he held his hand up. "Before we do anything, we have to establish our alibi."

"Mrs Williamson owes you that favour for when you smuggled in that packet of cigarettes after hers went missing" Brad said with a grin. "She can vouch for us all day, if she doesn't want ot get into trouble for letting a student buy her cigarettes" he said.

"And that boys, is why you always keep a receipt" Greg said with a smirk. "Well boys, we'll grab him at lunch and do the usual thing with him. And if he doesn't play nice with us, well, we'll keep coming back till he learns" he said with a grin across his handsome face.

Brad and Tim both grinned as they went back to their meal, all three of them intending to finish up their lunch and get themselves into their positions to get what they had planned done properly. Only Eric was the one who wasn't eating. Although, he didn't object to them either.

The schools bathroom was typical, a group of wall mounted urinals next to a row of cubicles, and a lockable entrance door. There were a few students amongst the facilities, getting themselves refreshed up before they were due back in class when the lunch period finished.

The fox was amongst them, having just used a cubicle and was now washing his silvery hands with the schools no-brand soap. No-one was in a hurry as the lunch period had time before it finished.

The door to the bathroom opened and closed once, then twice more. The fox heard the doors movements as his ears turned towards the noise, but he didn't see who came in without turning around. He did blink a couple of times when he heard something along the words 'get the eff out.'

There was a scattering of footsteps as the fox looked up at the mirror before him, seeing the others in the bathroom quickly exit behind him as four rather large students, wolf, horse, rhino and cougar, walked up behind him, creating a circle. He slowly turned around as he saw them all standing there, effectively blocking him from running if he chose to.

"I hear you're the new student around here. Is that true?" the wolf asked as he seemed to inspect the fox up and down.

"Yeah, I'm new" the fox said, a pit in his stomach growing out of nerves of behind surrounded.

"Well, my names Greg" the wolf said with a friendly smile on his face that made the fox feel a little better. "I'm the captain of the football team, and the school captain as well. I thought, as my civil duty, that I'd do the nice thing get us all on the same page" he said. The fox felt himself relaxing, it seemed they just wanted to be friendly.

"Oh, and this is Brad, and this is Tim" Greg said as he pointed to the horse and the rhino beside him. 'And that is Eric" he added as he pointed to the cougar, who looked like he didn't want to be there.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Matthew" said the fox as he held his hand out. The wolf however, didn't accept the gesture as the horse and rhino stepped up closer to the wolfs sides. The nerves suddenly came back with reinforcements as he slowly dropped his hand.

"Well...Matthew was it? Nah, that's too long to remember. I'm just going to call you Fox, like that gay game character" Greg said with a grin on his face, except this time it wasn't in the least bit friendly. "As I said, I'm the big guy on campus here. And my father is on the board of directors for this school. Which means, I run this school while I'm here. And my boys here" he said as he gestured with one hand to the other three around him. "Are my boys. They take care of anything, and anyone, who disagrees with me."

"Um....ok?" Matthew said as he took a step back, but realised he had nowhere to move backwards to as he felt the cold metal of the sink press into his back.

"So, here's the deal Fox" Greg said. "I'm assuming you want to play nice and get on my good side, cause aside from being sluts, foxes are smart" he said with a grin. "So, whenever I say jump, you jump. And when I say jump, what I really mean is you hand over your cash or whatever fancy thing I happen to want off you, or something I feel that I deserve to have more then you" he said.

"Or we get to beat the crap out of you" said the rhino with a grin on his face that somehow made him look more thick then the was.

"Yeah, we get to see if foxes really yip when you beat them up" said the horse with an identical smile.

"Hang can't do that to me" Matthew said at the surprise of what was just dumped onto him by the group. "You can't be serious. You can't threaten me like that for no reason" he said as he looked at the wolf.

Brad and Tim suddenly moved forward and grabbed the fox. Matthew let out a surprised yip as he was easily hoisted off his feet by the two bigger males and he was pushed up against the wall between the hand dryers. The two males then each grabbed one of the metal jets on each side of Matthew and turned them slowly so they were pointed to his face as they held him in place.

"Yeah, that's what everyone says at first" Greg said with a smile as he walked back and forth slowly with one hand in his pocket, his stature giving Matthew the impression he was fully in charge. Brad and Tim placed their spare hands on the buttons of the dryers and Matthew felt a shudder go through his body.

"But, as I said, I'm covered. My dad controls much of what this school can and can't do, like say, decide where funds go or what kind of programs can go ahead" Greg said as he explained out loud. "So, I can pretty much do whatever I want, such as this" he said as he nodded to his boys.

The buttons were pushed at the same time and Matthew felt a burst of hot air flow against his face as he closed his eyes quickly. The heat around his face continued for a few seconds before it died down and the air flow stopped as he opened his eyes again slowly.

"Now, you can run to a teacher and cry like some little sissybitch, but they wont do anything about i" Greg said with a grin. "They dont' want ot piss me off before the next budget comes along. So, you're going to play ball and be a nice fox, aren't you Fox?" he asked.

"Screw you" Matthew said, before a second blast of air hit him in the face. He closed his eyes and waited for the hot air to stop flowing, but it didn't. The air continued to flow against his face and it started to heat up. He whimpered as he felt the temperature rise up and he started to struggle, but the guys held him firmly in place as the hot air continued to rise in temperature.

Suddenly, the air stopped as Matthew let out a panting breath, his features now redder then before under his fur as he looked like he had just stepped out of a sauna. He could feel his skin suddenly start to sweat as he looked at the wolf before him.

"Now, after school today, you are going to meet me and my boys behind the bike shed. And you're going to hand over any money you have. And if its not enough, I'm going to name a sum and you'll deliver it to me tomorrow. Or else" he said with a sneer on his face.

"You can let him go now" Greg said as the two jocks dropped the fox onto the floor, as Matthew let out an oof as he landed on his backside. "Just remember. After school. Do not be late. Lets go boys" he said as he waved his hand as he walked out to leave. Brad and Tim sniggered at the fox on the floor, although Eric didn't look at him as he passed.

Matthew sat there on the floor, panting as he felt his face cool down slowly as he heard the bell go off in the corridor outside.

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do on this matter" said Principle Bell, a rather rotund middle aged fat bull as he said back in his chair, dressed in an ugly green sweater that looked like something his grandmother had knitted.

"You can't be serious" Matthew said as he sat in the chair opposite the desk. "I am not making this up. They held me up against the wall and used the handryers on my face" he said to the principle, who looked rightly bored.

"Mrs Williamson, as she has already explained, Greg and his friends were with her during their lunch period. She has vouched for them, and I have no reason to disbelieve her" Mr Belle said in a bored voice. The teacher in question had come in almost the moment that Matthew had entered the office, almost like she was waiting for him to tattle.

"She is lying" Matthew said to the bull. "I am not making this up. He tried to burn my face with the handdryers, and he threatened me" the fox insisted. "You believe her over me?"

"She is a teacher who has taught here for many years" Mr Belle said as he continued to sound bored. "And you are just a studen who hasn't even been here for a week. I am not going to take your word on something like this without proof" the bull said.

"But Mr Belle" Matthew began, but he was cut off with a wave of the bulls pudgy hand.

"I'm sorry....Matthew is it? But Greg is a .....very high profile student in our school. And I'm not going to pull him into anything that might tarnish his reputation without proof that he's done something wrong" Mr Belle explained.

"Now, kindly leave my office. I have actual matters and issues to attend to beside you. Please leave my office" he said as Matthew didn't seem to move fast enough. "Or I will issue you with detention for wasting my time, which is what I am seriously tempted to do" he said as he pointed to the office door.

Matthew didn't say anything as he got up, having no words say as he was surprised with the principles reaction to his explanation. How could the principle flat out ignore what he told him? Just because Greg was the school hero or something? The fox didn't look back as he closed the office door behind him, the receptionist not even looking up his way as he left the office area and headed into the corridor.

He was late for his next class, but he thought that it could be explained when he went in, but he didn't get very far before he bumped into something that felt like it was a brick wall. He oophed and stumbled back a little before he looked up. And eeped inwardly.

Brad and Tim were looking down at him, the two large males standing like guardsmen just down the hall from the prinicples office. As Matthew looked at them, it was obvious from the look on their faces that they were waiting for him.

Without a further word the two of them picked up Matthew between them, Brad clamping his hand down on the foxes muzzle to keep him quiet as they dragged him through the empty hallways. The classrooms on opposite sides had no idea of what was happening as the trio walked through the schools exit together.

The bike shed was a large two walled building that looked like it hadn't been updated in a very long while. A number of expensive looking bikes were tied up to the railings that Matthew could see as he was literally dragged up the path to the construct.

Greg was waiting for him there, grinning like a bastard from ear to ear, as if he was expecting this to happen. The cougar Eric was there too, except he was leaning against one of the bikes and looking like he didn't want to be there. Brad and Tim let go of Matthew as they dropped him to the ground in front of the grinning wolf.

"So, a little bird told me that you went to the principle and tried to tell him a little sob story. What the H man, I thought we were friends?" Greg said in a pleading tone of voice as he gestured at the fox. "I thought we had an understanding here."

"You threatened me in the bathroom" Matthew said as he pulled himself up, trying to stare defiantly at the bully in front of him. However, the glaring was not going as intended as Greg didn't seem the least bit intimidated.

"Moi? Threaten?" Greg said as he put on an air of being offended. "I was just introducing myself to you. I don't know how you thought I was threatening you, but you shouldn't go to the principle and lie about me" he said.

"That wasn't a lie" Matthew said as he took a step forward, but a heavy hand grabbed him on the shoulder and pulled him back, almost knocking him off off balance. Greg chuckled as he lost the look of being offended from his face as he resumed a look of smugness on his features.

"Well, whatever. It still wasn't nice of you to go tattling like that" he said. "So, we're going to change the deal a little. I'm not going to take your money now, but you are going to hand it over to me tomorrow" Greg said as he stepped up in front of Matthew.

"And the going rate now is a hundred bucks Fox. Each" he said with a grin on his face.

"What?" Matthew said in shock. "Are you nuts?"

"That's a hundred for me, Eric, Tim and Brad. We're hungry boys, and hungry boys need a lot of food to eat. So, four hundred all together. That'll cover our lunch money for the week, and maybe a little extra on the side" the wolf said.

"I don't...I ...I can't.... I'm not just going to hand over that much money. I don't even have that much money at all" Matthew said as firmly as he could, although on the inside he was feeling butterflies in his stomach. "You can forget it, I'm not doing what you tell me" Matthew said, feeling his heart race in his chest.

Greg smirked at the defiance the fox was showing, almost looking amused at how the smaller vulpine was trying to stand his ground. Out muscled and out numbered, the fox had some balls. Well, Greg was going to step on them. He looked over at Eric behind him and jerked his thumb at Matthew.

"Go on" he said with a grin on his face. Eric looked up from the spot on the ground he was looking at, but he didn't move. Gregs grin faltered a little.

"I said, go on" Greg said, his voice losing its friendly demeanour. "Eric, I gave you an order" he said again, his voice starting to sound annoyed. Eric didn't move as he looked away, clearly not wanting to be part of this. Greg slowly walked up to the cougar and leant in, talking in a hushed voice.

"Eric, do not forget how deep my fathers claws are in this school" Greg said in a low voice. "One word from me, and the teachers lose your school work. Or, perhaps they find drugs in your locker. And I'm not talking the soft shit. Or..." Greg said slowly as he made sure that Eric was listening. "That scholarship you were trying to get? It could get delayed. Or worse" he said, his voice now becoming quite threatening.

"So, either you give this fox a warning, or I get Brad and Tim to discipline you for insubordination. And then they deal with the fox" Greg said to him. "It's your choice, so you better make the right one" he said firmly.

Eric did not say anything, but his ears lowered slightly in submission. He gave a slow nod as he stood up. Brad and Tim both grinned as they suddenly grabbed Matthew under his shoulders and hoisted him easily up into the air between them.

"hey, let go of me" Matthew said as he struggled, but the thin fox wasn't able to squirm his way out of the two jocks firm grasp.

"Eric here, is going to give you warning about how and why you shouldn't go tattling and spreading lies about me" Greg said as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest, a smug grin on his face as Eric leant down and grabbed Matthews left foot in his hand.

"Let go of me.. what the hell are you doing to me?" Matthew said as he struggled, but Eric had him by the ankle and all the fox could do was try and kick, but he was off balance and not having luck landing a kick.

"I'm sorry" Eric said as he didn't make eye contact with Matthew before his hands slipped down to the foxes shoe. Matthew didn't get a chance to protest before Erics hand very quickly and suddenly twisted his foot inwardly.

Eric said nothing as he lsowly nodded and walked up to the fox, who took only one step backward before brad and tim grabbed him by the shoudlers and held him firmly in place.

Matthew let out a sharp cry of pain as his foot was twisted the wrong way as the jocks let go of him, letting him fall to the ground. The pain was making him gasp as he hurrieldy grabbed at his foot, trying to almost claw his shoe from his body.

"See, that was the warning" Greg said as eh watched the fox tear his shoe from his foot and then remove his sock. His silvery coloured foot was displayed as he whined, feeling the pain from the movements as he rubbed his fingers over his ankle, gingerly trying to see if it was broken.

"See, you tripped over trying to cut class outside" Greg said to him. "And if you try and tattle on me again, you're going to break your ankle after falling out of the atree you were stupidly climbing for no reason" he pointed out as Brad and Tim sniggered behind Matthew.

"You bastard" Matthew whimpered as he wiggled his toes around, trying to see if anything was broken. It looked like it was just sprained, but not broken. "You can't do that to me" he said, although there was less conviction in his voice this time in his protest.

"Boys, lets go. Mr Donnelly is covering us in class. We better get back and make an appearance" Greg said with a grin on his face. "Just remember foxie, four hundred by tomorrow" Greg said over his shoulder as Brad and Tim tailed after him like two obedient puppies.

Eric looked down at the fox with what looked like a look of pity on his face, but when Matthew looked up at him, he didn't want to care if the cougar was feeling sorry for him.

"Get the hell away from me" Matthew said with anger in his voice. "What the hell did I do to you anyway?" he all but shouted at the cougar. Eric didn't say anything, but Matthew suddenly felt a little guilty at the face that Eric look genuinely hurt. But he didn't want to feel sorry for someone who had almost broken his ankle.

Eric said nothing as he turned and walked away, leaving Matthew on the ground by himself. Matthew didn't watch him go as he made sure that his foot was fine, before he tried to figure out what to do next about tomorrow.

When Matthew arrived at school the next day, he was feeling nervous. He hadn't gone to the principle about the incident, because he just knew that there was be a repeat of the completely bored and excuse-away from the previous meet. He also hadn't told his parents. He knew that they would either give him the traditional methods of anti-bullying that never actually worked, or tell him to address the problems to the school. Which of course, wasn't going to work anyway.

What he was nervous about though, was about what Greg would do once he found out that Matthew didn't have the four hundred dollars. Yes, he had money saved up, but it was nowhere near that amount.

"Dammit, what the hell am I going to do? He can't be serious though...he can't actually hurt me like that...could he?" he kept saying to himself. But it was getting harder to believe that, considering that he could have had his ankle broken the previous day.

For some reason, the halls were always packed with students at this time of morning, as if they had nothing better to do then just mill about their lockers and take up space for the people who actually needed to get their lockers open or get to their bags.

"Excuse me" Matthew said politely to a tarted up cheerleader who was leaning against his locker, completely fixated on her mobile phone. The racoon girl gave him a sneer at the audacity that he was disturbing her before she moved away, still fixated on the screen on her phone.

"Tart" Matthew thought to himself as he spun the combination dial of his locker and removed it. He dropped his backpack to the ground as he opened up the locker, and felt a hit of shock strike at him as he saw a white envelope sitting ontop of his text books.

"Where the hell...?" Matthew said as he looked at it. It hadn't been sitting there when he shut the locker the previous night, and no-one else knew the combination to his locker but him. He looked around a moment, expecting some idiot from one of the sport teams to show up and start hassling him about the great prank they had just pulled on him. But that didn't happen. No-one was paying attention to him.

"Great, what's going on now?" Matthew said to himself with a sigh as he pulled the envelope from his locker and opened the flap. He let out a shocked gasp and almost dropped it as he saw four hundred dollars in large bills sitting neatly folded inside the paper.

"Where the fuck did this come from?" he said with a gasp under his breath as he moved closer to his locker so that no-one else could see what he was holding. He ran his fingers through the envelope, making sure that he wasn't seeing things. But there was actually four hundred dollars right there in his hands.

The bell suddenly rang overhead and the throng of students started to move at a faster and much more harried way as everyone started to actually get themselves ready to start the day. Matthew didn't get a chance to think anymore on the money as he quickly stuffed it into his pocket and started to gather his books.

"So, did you bring me the money, Fox?" Greg asks as he was once again by the bike shed, Matthew flanked by both the heavyset Brad and Tim. Eric was standing behind Greg, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. Matthew again got the impression that the cougar didn't want to be there, although he did get the impression that Brad and Tim were enjoying themselves.

The buses were lined up outside the school, ready to take the students back to their respective dwellings, or close enough. They didn't have long before the buses left without them, but Greg and the jocks didn't seem to care. After all, as expected, Greg had a car.

"Yeah, I have it" Matthew said as he pulled the envelope of money from his pocket. It had been crumpled since it had been jammed against his thigh for the majority of the day, but he crushed it in his hand all the same as he tossed it at Gregs feet.

"Well, that's not very nice manners there" Greg said as he bent over and picked up the crushed envelope. "Tossing it at me like that, and crushing it up like you're angry at me. Didn't your parents teach you about being nice? Surely they taught manners" Greg said in mock surprise.

"My parents taught me not to be a bastard and blackmail kids with violence" Matthew said, although his slight outburst gave him a shove against his shoulders, first one then the other by the two bigger males behind him.

Greg didn't pay attention as he uncrumpled the envelope and smoothed it out in his fingers, then opened up the flap. He raised an eyebrow as he pulled out the small wad of notes and began to flick through it, letting the envelope fly off in the wind.

"Well, I'm surprised Fox. You actually got it all" Greg said as he tucked the money into the inside pocket of his jacket. "I thought you would have chickened out, but you came through for me. Guess that gives you a free pass. For now" he said with a pleasant smile on his face.

"So, we let him go now?" Brad asked as he and Tim looked at the wolf.

"Not right now" Greg said as he looked at Matthew and then gave him a wink. "Rough him up" he said as his face lost the pleasant smile.

"What?" Matthew said in shock as he was grabbed from behind, the two jocks using their brute strength to throw Matthew to the ground. He landed with an ooph, a dust cloud raising up as he coughed slightly as Brad and Tim both kneeled on either side of the fox.

"Hey, leave him alone" Eric said as he took a step forward, but Greg turned and glared at the cougar as the rhino and the horse began to start punching the fox in the midsection and across his chest. Matthew yipped in pain and cried out as he tried to ball himself up, but the horse and the rhino simply punched whatever piece of the foxes body that they could reach.

Eric didn't move further as Greg continued to glare at him while the beatdown continued, and Eric didn't dare meet his gaze. Greg kept his focus on Eric though, as he patiently listened to the muffled cries and yips of pain that were coming from the act of violence not too feet from him.

"That's enough" Greg said as he held his hand up, still looking at Eric. At his word, Brad and Tim stopped and immediately stood up, leaving the coughing and gasping fox on the ground. Matthew was covered in dirt and was coughing heavily into his hand as he tried to sit up, feeling various aches and pains in his body from the assault.

"See, you don't get it yet" Greg said as he broke his gaze from Eric and then pulled his hand up to his face as he began to inspect his nails. "I own this school and I can do whatever the hell I dam well please. And until the day comes that I graduate, which trust me is still a ways off, you either do as I say, or you get hurt. Simple as that" he said as he looked over his nails at a leisurely pace.

"" Matthew got out as he managed to sit up, but the pain in his stomach made him fall to his side as he doubled over. He suspected there would be bruising, although there was a good amount of pain, the guys had clearly pulled their punches.

"Now, like I said, you got your free pass, and you got your warning" Greg said as he switched to his other hand. "But next time, and trust me there will be a next time, I'll be expecting. And if you fail to deliver, well, lets just say that a broken ankle is not the worst thing that can happen to you" Greg said as he held a hand up.

"Let's go boys. I know a liqour store nearby that doesn't ask for ID" he said as both Brad and Tim followed him, the three of them not looking back as the two lackey students started talking about what to do with the money first. Greg stopped as he picked up Matthews backpack from the ground and then tossed it at the fox, where it fell into the dirt with a heavy thud.

Eric stayed behind as he looked down at Matthew as the boy was still curled in a ball on the ground, trying to move without hurting himself. Eric looked like he was about to say something as he took a step forward, but he heard Greg calling after him sharply. Eric took his gaze from Matthew as he hurried off towards Greg.

Somehow, Matthew managed to pick himself up, the pain not so bad that he couldn't move as he tried to brush himself off, but there was enough dust and dirt in his clothing ot make sure that it was noticeable. With a small whimper he picked up his backpack from where Greg had thrown it at him and started to shuffle towards the bus.

Matthew sat in the bus on the way home, having to walk past the teachers who were overseeing the students getting on the bus. None of them, and none of the students either, had asked him why his clothes were so dirty, or even why he was walking like he had been beat up.

He draped his backpack over his lap as he tried not to think about the pain in his body. If no-one was going to ask now, when he was in plain sight, he doubted anyone was going to ask at all or ever. He really did feel as alone as he looked.

"Fuck" he thought to himself as he looked down at his backpack. "God, I hope my phone didn't break in there" he thought as he wearily undid the front pocket of his backpack. He wanted to take his mind off the pain, at least for the duration of the bus-ride, and his phone would be a welcome distraction.

His phone was sitting there, but next to it was a folded up piece of notepaper. It was surprising because he hadn't seen it in there before. He had a slight sense of foreboding as he slowly pulled the paper out. It looked small and unassuming, but it was still enough to send chills down his spine.

"Fox. Your free pass ended. Since I'm not going to see you this weekend, you have until Monday lunch time to bring me $500. Otherwise, I wont be held responsible for what happens if you decide to disobey. Greg."

"Oh shit" Matthew thought as he suddenly went cold on the inside. He realised that Greg must have put the paper into his backpack when he tossed it his way, which meant... which meant the bastard wolf hadn't planned on letting Matthew off the hook. And now he was demanding more money.

"Oh fuck..." Matthew said as he sat back in his seat, a look of disbelief across his face as his heart raced with a new found fear in his chest. "What the hell do I do now?"

"Mom? Dad?" Matthew called out as he opened the front door of his home and shut the door behind him, holding his side a little. He waited for a moment or two, but he didn't get a response from them. However, he wasn't surprised. With his luck of course his parents would be out of town for the weekend without even telling him.

Well, there was a note on the fridge, but it didn't really count. Since it was usually just contact information.

"Great" he said as he dumped his backpack on the floor and shuffled his way slowly into the living room. He slowly eased himself into one of the armchairs, feeling his body protest against the movements as he sat back with a sigh.

"I do not know where that money came from, but I don't think I'll be getting anymore. And if he's right about owning the school and being able to get away with it, can he really break my ankle?" he thought to himself as he shivered a little from the thought.

He slowly shut his eyes and gave a short wish that when he opened them, he'd be somewhere else with a new life and a new name. And that all of his problems were going to go away.

When he opened them, he was staring at the faded ceiling in the same position.

"Crap" he muttered as he slowly sat up. "I could really use some help with this" he said to himself. He felt the pain in his body, protests to his movements as he went to get up from his seated position. But he stopped mid movement as something caught his eye that he hadn't seen before.

Sitting on the cheap coffee table was a pile of letters and flyers. The usual pile of junk mail that was shoved into the letter slot despite the large obvious sign that displayed a big obvious 'NO JUNK MAIL'. No doubt his father had picked them up and tossed them there before his parents had left.

But sitting ontop of the pile was a golden flyer, around the size of an envelope. Across the top half of the flyer were seven black arrows, three on each side of a single arrow that pointed downwards. Underneath the arrows was a message.

'We Exist To Help'.

"What kind of flyer is this?" Matthew asked himself as he looked it over, before turning over in his hands. There was no writing on the back, but there was a phone number listed there. However, it wasn't an area code or any kind of number that he actually recognised.

"Seriously? What is this?" he asked as he looked it over again. The paper was firm, but it was very soft to the touch. It glittered in the light in such a way that for a moment, Matthew thought it might have been made out of real gold.

"Yeah right, that would be my luck for sure" Matthew said as he rolled his eyes and took the paper into his hands and quickly tore it up. The paper ripped open easily and was quickly reduced to a small pile of shredded glittering gold. Matthew left them there as he slowly stood up, ignoring the pain in his side

"I gotta think of a way out of this" he thought to himself as he carefully made his way into the kitchen, feeling the pain start to dull down as he headed for the refrigerator. He was able to open the door without much trouble, and pulled out a bottle of soft drink.

He shut the door as he twisted the cap off the bottle. He brought the bottle up to his lips and stopped when something caught his eye.

The flyer was sitting on the counter. In once piece.

"What the hell?" Matthew said as he put the bottle down and picked up the flyer between his fingers. He shook it a few times, seeing that it was all in once piece. He took a glance into the living room to where he had left the ripped pieces of paper, but they were gone.

It was the same flyer, it had to be. But he had just ripped it up, didn't he?

"I do not need this" Matthew said as he scrunched the paper up in his hand and made his way over to the kitchen sink. He grabbed a wooden spoon from the nearby cutlery hook as he turned the tap on full blast.

The scrunched up flyer was dropped into the running water, where it was met with the handle of the wooden spoon. With several furious stabbings the flyer was forced into the drain, each stab sending it deeper down the drain as the water clogged up slightly from the blockage.

"There" Matthew said as the water finally broke through. The water soon flowed down the drain as it broke up the paper enough to send the flyer down the pipes with a satisfying gurgle. "Well, that's one problem solved" he said as he turned the tap and the water shut off, draining away down the pipe.

"Now I just have to figure out what to do about Greg" he said as he walked over to the counter and picked up his soda bottle. He brought it to his lips and took a drink of the cola, before he had a sudden realisation. "Wait, I really don't have to pay him" he said.

"I don't have to do a damn thing he says" Matthew said as he found the realisation washing over him like a warm shower. "He's just full of smoke, like all spoilt brats. Even if his dad is on the board of directors. He's not invincible."

"If he does break my ankle or hurts me in a big way, there's no way they can prove that he didn't do it" he said as he talked to himself out loud. "There's no way they can overlook something of that scale, especially nowadays" he said to himself.

"And if it implicates the school in any way, teyh'll hang him out to dry. They'll hand him over with a shotgun in his back if it means saving face" Matthew said as he found a smile spreading across his face. "Wow, I was really worried about all this, but I didn't have to at all" he said.

He felt good that he had actually outsmarted the school bully, so good in fact that he didn't feel anymore pain from his attack earlier. The prospect of a worry free weekend was helping to elevate his mood as he crossed the living room and picked up his backpack from where he had dropped it.

Matthew walked back into the kitchen to grab his drink bottle to head back into his room, when the phone started to ring. Matthew paused and put his bottle back down as he grabbed the handset from where it was positioned next to the microwave.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hello Fox." Matthew suddenly felt his body shiver, a deep chill running down his spine as his tail bristled in fear.

"Greg? How... how did you get my number?" he asked in a low voice.

"School directory. You know, those little handbooks they give out to everyone? Yeah, I have one" Greg said on the other end of the line. "So, Fox. I bet you got my note in your bag by now, right?" he asked.

"Yes..." Matthew said slowly as he held the phone against his ear.

"Well, that's still standing Fox. I'm not changing my mind. Specially with how rude you've been to me since you arrived at school. But, I bet by now you've also thought that you can just not pay and perhaps I wont do anything. I'm guessing, something about the school can't overlook a broken ankle like that, right" Greg asked.

"I...I ...what?" Matthew stammered, his heart starting to race. There was no way that Greg could think that far ahead, right? Jocks weren't supposed to be that smart.

"I think you have by now. See, trouble is, you're not the first one to think along those lines" Greg continued. Matthew suddenly became aware of voices on the line, that sounded like laughter. "And I bet you won't be the last either. But, I would like to point out, that you better get rid of those foolish thoughts there Fox."

" can't threaten me like this" Matthew said as he found a newfound anger in his voice. It was surprisingly easy to be brave on a phone line when you weren't there in person. "Who do you think you are? You can't threaten me like this. You have no right to...and ....and i'll tell my parents about this...and they'll go to your parents...and you'll be in trouble" Matthew said as bravely as he was able.

However, by the time he stopped talking, he realised how foolish he sounded. And judging by the laughter on the other end, so did the other boys.

"You? Going to my parents?" Greg said as laughter was heard around him. "My parents are under the impression that I'm a good boy. After all, my spotless school record, perfect attendance and high grades are proof that I'm not a thug" the wolf continued.

"You think you're the first kid to try and outsmart me?" Greg continued. "You want to know what happened to the last kid who thought he was untouchable? He thought I couldn't hurt him at all, cause the school wouldn't be able to turn their heads at it" he said.

"Well, his prize scholarship that he worked so hard for? He got dropped out of the program" Greg said with a sneer in his voice. "His good grades that he worked hard for to prove he wasn't a dumb jock? Non existent. In fact, he's in the bottom of the class. Oh, and his place on the team? It's hanging by a thread.

"Maybe the school can't overlook the fact that you might get your ankle broken, but that doesn't mean I can't touch you to make your life miserable" Greg said. "That's what happens when you can go to your father and he'll change the school to suit me. Oh, and I'm going to move up the schedule. You have until you get off the bus to have the money. And it's been doubled. Have a nice weekend Fox" Greg said before he hung up.

Matthew felt the phone slip form his hands and drop onto the counter. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he felt his throat dry up. The aches in his body began to come back in full force, and he suddenly felt like he was going to throw up.

"Oh shit..." he said out loud. The only thing he could think of, and it was not going to help. Now what was he supposed to do? How the hell was he going to get a thousand dollars in just two days? Students never came near that kind of money unless they were rich. And he wasn't.

"Oh god...I'm fucked" he whimpered as he slowly swallowed a lump in his throat, feeling his backpack drop to the floor with a heavy thud. He realised that his school year could be ruined after just the first week, all because Greg wanted it to be.

Matthew slowly turned and leant his back against the counter, gripping the edge with his hands. He felt like his knees were about to give out as he held himself steady, swallowing another lump in his throat.

That's when he noticed something on the refrigerator door.

The golden flyer was there. And it wasn't even being held up by a magnet.

Slowly, Matthew picked up the phone in his hand and walked towards the flyer, reaching out and gently touching it with his hand. Yes, it was real. Was it the same one? He didn't know. But at that moment, he didn't care as he studied it. The paper was intact.

"We Exist To Help"

He pulled the paper off the door and turned it over, revealing the strange number on the back. He felt like he was on autopilot as he held the phone up, his thumb easily moving across the buttons to input the number. Without hesitation Matthew held the phone against his ear, holding it in a trembling hand. The phone rang exactly twice.

"Hello. And welcome to The Helpline" said a calm male voice on the other end of the line. "Thank you for calling us Matthew."

Matthew felt his heart catch in his throat. Did...did the guy just say his name?

"Please hold onto the line as we connect you through to your appointment. Our services are now open to you. Thank you for calling us" the voice said as the phone suddenly went silent. It didn't disconnect, but it felt like whatever was on the other end had simply vanish.

Suddenly, a chill passed through Matthew as the air around the kitchen shifted, like a giant bubble had burst and a ripple had pulsed through reality around him. He blinked just once as the pulse went through him, both body and soul and then he realised that he was no longer in his kitchen. Or in his house for that matter.

"Welcome to The Helpline. Tea?"

He found himself sitting in a white seat in front of a mosaic patterent patio table. On the table was a perfectly laden table setting. In front of him lay a white floral teacup on a saucer with a silver spoon resting on a plate next to it. A large floral pot sat in the middle of the table, with a three tiered cake stand beside it. Beautiful tea cakes, each perfectly designed sat on the stand, looking mouthwatering.

Across the table sat a doe with deep red hair that was tied back in a ponytail. It curled around her neck and dropped off her shoulder, reaching her elbow. She wore a black dress with white sleeves and a white collar. It looked like something that had once been in a museum. She had surprisingly green eyes that were fixed on him in a warm manner.

Matthew took a moment to look around and he found that the table was in the middle of a circular platform, which itself was in the middle of a huge square pond. The edges of the pond were raised up, the corners spouting a tall round brick column covered in small green streaks of moss. Green grass extended beyond the pond, meeting high hedges that towered above them. The sky was light up in the dying light of the day, evening having set in.

"Where...where am I?" Matthew asked as he looked at the doe. He took another look around and noticed that, to his right, was a large sprawling grey manor house. It had an old look to it, like it had appeared out of a historical sight. Matthew couldn't see inside the house, as the windows were all shut.

"You are at The Helpline" said the doe with a smile as she reached forward, her long lacy cuffs brushing over the table as she picked up the teapot. "Please sit up, your appointment has started" she said with a smile.

" did I get here?" Matthew asked as he watched her slowly pour a light pink liquid from the teapot that smelt like roses. It fill up quickly.

"You're not here to ask those kind of questions" she said with a friendly smile, although she did not seem to be chastising him. She leant forward and poured the pink liquid into his cup, filling the porcelain cup full. "You're here to ask for help. And we are here to give you that help" she said with a smile.

She was friendly, but something about the way she spoke stopped Matthew from asking questions like 'Who are you?' and 'What is this place?'

"All...alright" Matthew said with a nod as he looked at the mouth watering cakes on the stand. The doe nodded when she saw where his gaze was and he reached over and picked up a small brown cake covered in red icing and dusted with chocolate shavings.

"My name is Carrie. And feel free to help yourself" the doe said with a smile as she picked up her teacup in a perfectly manicured hand. She blew gently on it before she brought it to her lips and took a sip. "So tell me, what is the problem you are having?" she asked.

Matthew wasn't sure how to answer, but it came rather easily. It was almost like he had the feeling that she was someone that he was able to trust.

"There's...a bully at school" he said as he put the cake on his plate and picked up the spoon. "He's..threatening me" he said as he slide the spoon into the cake.

"How is he threatening you?" Carrie asked as she took another sip of her tea.

"He's...threatened to break my ankle, and make my school life horrible if I don't bring him money by Monday. Money I don't have. And I don't think I can ask anyone for help" he said as he slid the piece of cake into his mouth. He was taken aback by how the cake was as delicious as it looked.

"And why can't you ask?" Carrie asked as she set her teacup down.

"He said he has the whole school in his back pocket because of his father, and that he can get away with anything" Matthew said. He suddenly felt the craving for more of the cake as he quickly put the spoon back into the slice.

"Do you believe him?" Carrie asked as she selected a rather petite looking cupcake that was covered in bright blue icing and decorated with a spun sugar butterfly.

"I do. And...I'm afraid of him. I don't know what to do about this...I mean...I thought I had it figured out, but he's already thought of everything" Matthew said. "I don't want my life ruined before I've even finished the school term" he said.

"I think we can help you Matthew" Carrie said with a smile to him. "The traditional measures of dealing with bullies, hanging around teachers, avoiding them entirely, informing people in authority, ignoring them. None of them work" she said as she dug her spoon carefully into her cake. "They never do. The only thing that does work, is to stand up to them. But the minute you fight back, suddenly you are the bad guy for stooping to their level. Am I right?" she asked him as she slipped her piece of cake into her mouth.

Matthew said nothing as he took a sip of his tea. It was delicious, like drinking a liquid flower, and it went down his throat as smooth as silk.

"But we don't use traditional measures" she said as she placed a small lacquered box on the table beside his plate. "The help that we offer, is very direct. And very effective" she said to him with a smile.

"What do you do?" Matthew asked her.

"Take the box" she said to him.

He picked up the small box and lifted the lid. The box was made of wood and was highly polished. Inside, was a pendant on a golden chain. The pendant was a large beetle, and it looked like it was made out of black glass. He took a closer look and realised that the black was moving. It was actually clear glass, but it was filled with a black smoke that swirled inside it like a cloud.

"When you are ready for us to help you, simply say the words 'I wish for help', and then break the scarab" Carrie said to him as she picked up her teacup and took another sip. "And then we will take care of the problem. It is as simple as that. And you can choose when and where to call us. There is no time limit" she said.

"Just like that?" he asked as he looked up from the box.

"Just like that" she repeated back at him with a smile.

"Wait... what's the catch?" he asked her. "Usually, if something is too good to be true, it is. There has to be a catch to this, no-one offers help for nothing any-more" he said.

"There is no catch" said Carrie as she put down her teacup. "There is no payment, no sacrifice, no option to hand anything of value over. No silly thing where you will go to hell if you die or anything like that. This offer, is completely free" she said. "However, you have to understand the conditions of accepting."

"What are they?" he asked, not sure where this happened to be going.

"When you break the scarab and we come to help you, you cannot take it back" she said. "The help you want, may not be what you need. And the help that you need, may not be what you want. But once you ask for it, you cannot undo it. No matter what happens" she said to him.

"Are you...going to do something dangerous?" he asked.

"You can only use the scarab once, and once only" Carrie said with a smile. "So please be sure when you use it."

Matthew wasn't sure what to say to that as he looked down at the glass scarab in the box, holding it in his hands. The smoke in the glass swirled like a cloud, and it was cold to the touch. When he looked back up, he was surprised to see that he was back in his living room, sitting in the armchair.

"What the....?" he said to himself as he looked around. It looked like no time had passed at all, judging by the clock on the wall. He was surprised to see that he had shifted from the kitchen to the living room, if he counted the fact he had ended up in some garden.

"Was...that real?" he asked himself as he looked around. Then he realised that he was holding something in his hand. He looked down to see that he was holding the small box in his hand, and he realised he could still taste the cake in his mouth.

"Guess it was real" Matthew said as he looked at the glass pendant. The smoke inside still swirled as he carefully lifted it from the box. For gold, it was surprisingly light.

So, he now had the option to get help for his problem. But as he stared at the smoke swirling, he wasn't sure if he would actually use it. Or, if it could actually work. He did know though, that he had the weekend to figure it out.

Monday morning came far too soon for Matthew to enjoy. He had spent the whole weekend constantly fondling the pendant in his fingers, always slipping his hand into his shirt to feel that it was still around his neck. Just to make sure that it was real. It was always there, still hanging on its golden chain.

Every time he touched it, he wasn't sure what to think. Sure, it was nice for him to have an escape plan to deal with Greg if it came down to it. But every time he touched the scarab, it gave him the chills, like it had been in the fridge overnight. And that chill reminded him of Carries warning. That he couldn't expect anything to happen, and once the scarab broke, it was beyond his control.

And permanent.

The journey on the school bus did nothing to settle his uneasiness about the whole ordeal. Mostly, it had to do with all the questions that Carrie somehow got him to not ask when he had the chance to.

Like, what the fuck had just happened?

Thankfully, Greg was one of those spoilt kids who was permitted to drive his car to school, so he was never on the bus. And thankfully, neither were his spoilt friends. He really didn't want to run into those kids. But it didn't make Matthew feel better, as the bastard would still be at school when he got there.

He did not have the money. How was he supposed to actually get that much during the weekend?

He looked out the window of the bus and saw that there was a large group of kids standing in the front lawn of the school, right in front of the bus lane. They were all milling about, trying to spend as much time outside the school before it was mandatory for them to enter. Matthew did a quick scan of the crowd, but he didn't see Greg or the others in the group.

"Guess I'm safe for the next five minutes" he thought to himself as he reached under his shirt and felt the pendant against his fur. The cold glass sent a chill through his fingers, reminding him that it hadn't gone anywhere.

He heard a car horn blare outside the bus, like it was trying to overtake the bus and tell the huge vehicle to move faster. More then likely one of the teachers trying to get one of the good spots under the trees before they were taken. Not like he cared.

The bus finally pulled to a stop and before the doors even opened the students were all quickly pulling themselves out of the seats and creating as much hustle and bustle within the cramped confines as quickly as they could.

Matthew picked up his bag from the spot beside him when he saw a gap in the students as they began to exit the bus and he stood up, slipping into that spot before it was gone. As he started to move, he felt the nerves in his guts start to work on overdrive. Gregs warning passed through his ears about having until he got of the bus. Well, it was time now.

As he slowly walked down the aisle of the buss, he saw something outside. A couple of students, no three of them were hurrying through the crowd, like they were trying to catch the bus before it was leaving.

However, they didn't turn to get on the bus, the three turned right in front of the bus. A student moved right in front of Matthew and his vision was blocked briefly. When the kids crew cut shaved head finally moved out of the way, Matthew saw something fly past the front of the bus, just barely under the windows. Something that made his heart stop.

Then he heard the tyres of a car screech.

Then the kids outside started to scream.

Matthew felt himself getting carried out of the bus amongst the other students as they literally tried to stampede their way off the bus to see what had just happened. Matthew wasn't sure what had just happened though, but he knew that it was bad.

He was pushed along the front lawn as the students behind him kept pushing, and by the time he managed to actually turn around, there was a very large crowd milling around the front of the bus. Many had their mobile phones out and were hastily snapping pictures and making commentary on what had just happened.

"Oh my god, he just threw himself in the road" said a very loud voice nearby, loud enough to be heard over the students. It didn't sound like they were upset or scared. It sounded like they were stating something obvious. "I can't believe he just did that, I think he's suicidal" the voice said loud enough that most of the kids started to repeat it amongst themselves.

Matthew turned towards the sound of the voice and saw Brad and Tim standing there to the side, watching the commotion with a satisfied grin on their faces. Brad was lowering his hands, after having just shouted through them. Tim was grinning as he cupped his hands around his mouth and began to shout again.

"Quick, someone help. He just threw himself in front of the bus" Tim shouted, no concern in his voice or on his face as he grinned like a big idiot, very pleased with himself.

"What the fuck?" Matthew said, confusion written across his face as he heard the students around himself start to talk to either temselves or their phones as they updated their accounts quickly. From the sound of their voices, it seemed they were all in agreement that someone had just thrown themselves in front of the bus on purpose.

"Out of the way, get out of the way" a firm voice shouted as several teachers and Principle Bell started to push their way through the blocking students. It took several attempts because most were unable to look away from their phones, but soon there was enough space divided between them that Matthew was able to see what had happened.

Matthew gasped and wrapped his hand around his mouth as he saw Eric, the cougar, lying sprawled on the ground in front of the teachers car that had tried to overtake the bus in a hurry. He was lying on his side, his body contorted in a rag doll, a red puddle spreading slowly around his head. Above him was the grill of the teachers car, an obvious dent in front.

"Oh god...I didn't even see him...he just threw himself in front of me" the teacher was shouting, hands on his head as he was almost tearing his hair out over the situation. Matthew looked down, his heart racing as he looked at Eric again. He wasn't moving.

"They...they pushed him" Matthew said to himself as he took several steps back. "Brad and Tim...they....they just pushed him in front of the car" he said as he turned around.

But the horse and bull were gone. Matthew looked around the crowd of students as he tried to locate them, but they had already made themselves scarce. Matthew could hear the students around him start to argue about which status sounded better, the teachers trying to order calm amongst those that were crying over the situation. And someone shouting that an ambulance should be called.

It didn't last for too long as Principle Bell started to order the students inside and away from the accident scene. He wanted to go up to the principle or one of the teachers and tell them what he saw, but he knew that Eric needed hep right now, and the time to squabble over who saw what wasn't a good idea right then.

The accident was all anyone was talking about as Matthew made his way to his locker. But no-one seemed to have seen that Eric was thrown in front of the bus and the car. Everyone seemed to be on the side that Eric was suicidal.

"He was pushed...I know he was" Matthew said to himself as he headed to his locker, finding his hand shaking as he put his bag on the rack. "How the heck am I going to convince anyone that he was pushed? I know he was but...I didn't see it actually happen" he thought.

Those thoughts though were pushed out of his mind when he looked up and saw that the door to his locker was open. The combination lock was hanging off the hook, still opened.

But the horse and bull were gone. Matthew looked around the crowd of students as they were pulling out their mobile phones and started to take pictures of what was going on, but he couldn't see them anywhere.

The principle and the teachers were able to get some kind of order going as the students were forced away and told to get to their home rooms. Matthew wanted to tell someone what had happened, but with the way things were going on, he knew Eric needed the help and he didn't want to interfere.

The accident was all anyone was able to talk about as the students headed to their lockers and home rooms, Matthew along with them. He could feel his heart running through his chest, mostly out of the fear and shock as to what had happened.

That shock turned into confusion when he saw that his locker was wide open, the combination lock on the floor.

"What the hell...?" he said to himself as he approached his locker and took a look at it. Nothing looked like it had been taken, and nothing looked like it had been added. He looked over it several times, but nothing looked out of the ordinary. Now he was even more confused then before.

He jumped when someone put their hand on his shoulder and he was spun around to see Brad and Tim were now standing before him. The two were grinning down at him as they stood on either side, keeping the fox trapped between them and the lockers behind him.

"Times up Fox" said Brad with a grin on his face. "You better have the money. Or don't. I'd prefer it if you didn't" he said.

"Come with us. Gregs waiting. Or do we have to drag you there? That's fun too" Tim said with a snicker. Matthew said nothing, knowing full well that all the teachers were outside, where he wasn't able to call for help. He nodded as he reluctantly followed the jocks down the hall, still feeling his heart race in his chest.

He was led into the male toilets, where they had first met him. Matthew stepped in as Brad shoved the door closed and locked it behind him, leaning against it with his arms across his chest like some muscle headed security guard.

Matthew looked over and saw Greg was sitting on one of the changing benches, sitting back completely at ease with the situation at hand. He was inspecting his nails again, only looking up when he felt like it.

"Hello Fox. Have a good weekend?" Greg asked with a grin on his face, as he looked up at Matthew as if he was pleased to see him. In his own way he was. And the sight of Gregs happy grin on his handsome muzzle made Matthew angry.

"What the hell did you do?" Matthew said as he glared at the wolf. "You threw Greg in front of a car" he said as he pointed an accusing finger at Greg, who just blew on his fingers a little.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Greg said with a bored look on his face. "Didn't you see what happened? Eric threw himself in front of the car. He must have been suicidal or something. Guess he couldn't handle having his scholarship put on permanent suspension" he said as he began to pick at his nails.

"NO, I saw them "Matthe said as he pointed at Brad and Tim. "I saw you two in front of the bus. You threw Eric across into the car" he shouted at them both. "How could you do that to him? He was your friend."

"Prove it" Brad said with a dumb grin on his face.

"Students are out there all the time. It's called the arrival and departure lane for a reason" Greg continued as he dug around in his nails. "Ask anyone what happened. All they'll say is, is that Eric threw himself in the street. It's probably all over the social networks right now anyway" he added.

"Why did you do it?" Matthew demanded as he felt angrier. "He was your friend." Greg stopped picking at his nails and started to laugh. His laughter echoed around the bathroom as he slapped his thigh, like he had just heard a really funny joke.

"Friend? You think he was our friend?" Greg said as he slowly stood up, calming himself down as he grinned at Matthew. "Remember what I said about the last kid who thought he had outsmarted me?" he asked. Matthew said nothing as he thought for a moment, then it slowly began to dawn on him.

" was Eric, wasn't it?" he asked.

"He was actually smarter then the rest of the kids" Greg said with an amused look on his face. "He had an actual backbone. I liked that. Makes things interesting. It was fun to play around with him. He thought he didn't have to do anything if he told a teacher or told his parents, cause you know. They always promise they'll do something. And he thought he didn't have to listen to me either."

"But, my dad really does have fingers everywhere. It wasn't that had to get his grades wrecked. Or his place on the team put in jeaopardy. Or his scholarship suspended" Greg said. "you have no idea how easy it is to convince a teacher to give Eric dentention for no reason other then walking into a room. Helps when a performance review comes up" he said with a grin on his face.

"Yeah, he was stoopid" Tim said with a goofy grin on his face.

"So eventually, he got on his knees" Greg said with a grin. "Right where you're standing as a matter of fact. He begged to get it all back. How could I deny that to one of my boys when he asks like such a faggot? Course, I didn't wipe the slate completely clean. His scholarship is still hanging by a thread" Greg stated.

"Why the hell did you do it?" Matthew said. He couldn't believe his ears. How could someone like Greg be so cold hearted? "Why did you ruin his life like that? You could have killed him."

"Haven't you figured it out yet? He went and put the money in your locker" Greg said with a grin. Matthew blinked in surprise. "See, the first time I asked you for money? I didn't think much off it, till I realised that it really would have been hard for you to actually get that much money without arousing suspicion. It was the whole point of asking for so much, cause you couldn't do it" Greg explained. "So, I came in early to watch your locker in case something was up."

"Turns out, Eric had swiped the janitors master key for the combination locks and had gone to put more money in your locker" Greg said with a grin. "Well, I couldn't have one of my boys being naughty like that under my nose. So, I did something about it."

"Yeah, he's useless to us now" Brad said with a grin as he and Tim exchanged rather hearty high fives.

"'re a fucking monster" Matthew said in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Greg simply had no heart at all. He was just a malicious bastard, and the worst part, he enjoyed it. The way he was smiling like all of this was a big game to him, it was almost sickening.

"Go tell someone" Greg said with a grin. "I mean, its not like they can do anything about it. No-one saw what happened back there. And Brad and Tim will agree about anywhere I happened to be at the time. And oh look" Greg said as he pulled out his phone and tapped the screen. "Its all over our social media right now that Eric is a suicidal basket-case. Who's going to argue with that?"

Brad and Tim grinned at each other as they grabbed the startled fox from behind and easily wrestled him to the ground. Matthew yipped and tried to fight back, but the two behemoths were able to easily manhandle him to the floor where they pinned him down with one arm behind his back. He found himself with his face pushed against the floor and unable to move anything except his free arm.

"Now, there's the little matter of the money you owe me" Greg continued as he slid his phone back into his pocket. "Now, I know it's really harsh to ask for so much, but like I said, I'm hoping you don't have it cause that's more fun then having the actual money" he explained.

Brad held Matthew in place as Tim groped at his hips. He felt around till he found Matthews wallet in his back pocket and pulled it out. He made a show of slowly going through it while Matthew struggled, tossing out his cards all over the floor and fingering each hole.

"Guess he doesn't have anything for you boss" Tim said with a smirk. "he's tapped dry. Hah, check out the photo on his student ID. He looks like a tool" he said with a grin as he flipped the piece of plastic around in his fingers.

"Well, I did say what would happen to you" Greg said. "It's such a shame really, how kids can break their ankle just falling down the stairs. Course, yours is going to be broken before you fall, but we'll help with the fall."

"Why...why are you doing all of this?" Matthew said in anger as he felt Brads knee press into the small of his back. He whined as he felt the pressure and tried to reach back to hit him, but the bigger male was just out of his reach. Matthew tried to push back, but all he could do was tilt his torso up.

"Because I damn well can" Greg said flatly. "Because I enjoy it? Because I want to do it? How about because I can do it" he said. "I have every reason under the sun to not be the way I am, but ...I am. Feel free to pick a reason, its not like anyone's going to believe you" he said.

"Now break his fucking ankle already and toss him out the door and down the stairs outside. We gotta go make an appearance amongst the other and crew a few tears for our fallen comrade" Greg said as he waved his hand at Brad like he was waving away a pesky fly. "You know, show we care and all that."

"Hold still Fox. Or I might break your leg by accident" Tim said with a grin as he tossed Matthews walled away like a dirty rag and went to grab at the foxes kicking legs. Matthew struggled as hard as he could as he kicked his legs around in any direction he was able to.

"No..don't touch me...don't touch me you sick fucks" Matthew shouted as Tim made several grabs at Matthews legs, the foxes limbs quickly wildly as he dumbly grabbed at them. Matthews heart was now pounding in his ears as he struggled as best he could.

"Go ahead and shout for help. Not like anyone is going to hear you" Greg said as he looked bored as he leant back against the wall, pulling his phone out again. "Just hurry it up already" he ordered.


Matthew made up his mind as he tilted his chest up as far as he could and shoved his hand into his shirt. He gasped in shock as he felt Tims hands finally grab his leg and start wrapping around his ankle as he desperately felt around. He touched something gold and pulled as hard as he could.

The thin gold chain easily broke as he pulled the pendant from around his neck and held it up like a grenade in his hand. All three of them stopped what they were doing and looked at him, a surprised look on their faces as they watched him hold his hand up.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Greg said as he looked at the fox, slightly confused.

"I wish for help" Matthew shouted as loudly as he could as he slammed his hand down on the ground beside him. He could feel the glass break against his hand before he heard it. The crack was louder then he thought that it would be. For a split second, nothing happened.

And then everything went black.

A lion stood in front of the square pond, standing in just a long tan robe that seemed somewhat too big for him, the edges reaching the grass at his feet. He had his eyes closed, his black mane cascading down his neck and across his grey shoulders. He seemed to be waiting for something as he stood there in the light of the setting sun.

"Sir, the request was made" said the voice of a black horse who stepped out of the open front door of the manor. He was wearing clothing made of pure white that were covered in various religious symbols. A high back collar reached up to his jawline. He was jet black black with a white stripe down the front of his face, his dark coloured mane curled over one side of his face, covering the right side of his head.

He held his white hands in front of him, almost in a praying position, black nails standing out against the white fur. The only eye that was visible was his left eye, and it shone in a rather otherworldy way.

"Shall we honour it Sir?" Carrie asked as she stepped up beside the rhino, her hands clasped in front of her as they both waited for the lion to respond. The lion said nothing for a moment before he opened his eyes. They were a deep sapphire blue and seemed to sparkle in the light.

"Connor. Carrie. The request shall be granted" the lion said without turning around. They both bowed their heads in response to him. "Mother, if you may" he said as he held his arms outstretched.

"Yes, Mentu-Hotep." An elderly and rather rotund lioness walked up, her hair greying and pulled back into a severe bun. She was grey like the lion, their age difference prominent. She was dressed head to toe in the black and white outfit of a Victorian maid. She gave the lion a scathing and deadly glare from behind as she took his robe in her hands and pulled them off his slender body.

He was revealed to be naked, his smooth grey and white fur covering his whole body as he calmed stepped onto the edge of the pond and began to walk forward. His feet touched the waters surface and it rippled softly, but he didn't sink into the water. Calmly, he walked forward towards the circular platform the tea setting now removed.

The water in the pond began to rippled and swirl toward the platform as it slowly flowed upwards like a river. The water poured upwards and started to climb up the lions body. He closed his eyes as the water swirled around him and completely covered him from head to toe. The water continued to flow around as it gradually took shape, forming a sphere of swirling water around him. And then, it slowly began to rise up into the air.

Carrie suddenly began to glow a bright red as her skin began to blister and boil. It was literally burned off her body as her skin flowed like a glowing magma. Her hair burst into fire and flowed around her neck as her clothes burned into ashes that fell to the ground, a figure of living fire.

Connor began to crack apart as his skin bulged and wormed around his body before it broke like an eggshell. His skin and clothes cracked away to reveal a figure made entirely of white hands that clung to one another, fingers and thumbs making out every detail of his body.

The water sphere suddenly shattered like ice, fractured pieces hanging in the air as the area around Mentu shimmered like oil on water. Images of sand and deserts, palm trees and ancient temples flew past as Mentu slowly lowered to the ground. It was as if millennia passed around him for a brief moment as he landed on his feet.

He wore a wrapped corded blue belt around his waist that covered his lower torso, long strands of cloth made in red and gold flowed around his legs. A pair of golden sandals covered his feet, and ornate golden bands were wrapped around his biceps. A large ornate golden collar was wrapped around his neck and covered half of his chest.

Atop his head lay a golden headdress in the shape of a cobra, the head raised up with a ruby forked tongue poking out in an eternal hiss. Gilded chains hung from the headpiece and lay across his cheeks.

He turned to face Connor and Carrie, a long golden staff in his hand. Atop the staff was a large golden Ankh, the Egyptian cross with an oval on the top.

"It's time to grant a wish" he said with a smile as he tapped the base of his staff on the podium, an unearthly gonging suddenly sounding that reverberated through their souls. He smiled to them both, and it was not a good smile.

"What...what the fuck just happened?" Greg coughed as he rubbed his eyes, trying to clear his vision. The black smoke that had filled the air was starting to clear out as his coughing began to calm down enough that he could stop.

"Hey, where did the fox go?" Brad asked as he looked down, the horse confused as all three of them were alone in the locker room. "What was that? A smoke bomb?" he asked as he looked up at Greg, expecting the wolf to answer.

"He got away" Tim said, the bull looking mean about the fact. "and I had a good thing to say to him too. I was gonna ask him 'what does the fox say', and then I was gonna break his ankle and go 'yeah, he screams' " he said. "Now I can't say it" he added, disappointment covering his features.

"Forget the fox. He can't prove anything anyway" Greg said as he pushed the two of them aside after clearing his throat. "And if he tries, we push him down the stairs like we planned. Only we'll make sure he ends up in a wheelchair" Greg said as he pushed past his boys and unlocked the bathroom door.

The three of them stepped out of the bathroom and both Brad and Tim collided with Greg as the wolf stopped in his tracks once outside the door. All three looked around in surprise to find that the hall was empty. Books and bags were strewn around on the floor, as if they had been suddenly dropped and left behind.

"Hey, where is everyone?" Tim asked as look around, confusion written across his face.

"The hell...?" Greg said as he took a few steps forward, his footsteps echoing in a disturbing way through the hall. "Did everyone evacuate or something?" he asked as he kicked at a bag next to his foot rather hard, the contents spilling out over the floor.

"Maybe everyone went to the hospital with Eric" Brad suggested as they started to walk forward slowly as they all studied the empty hallway before them. Their footsteps echoed as well as their voices.

"Oh yeah, that makes total sense" Greg said with a sneer and a roll of his eyes. "Hey, where the fuck is everyone?" he called out, listening to his voice travel down the hall, but it went unanswered. "Yo, Mr Balter? Ms Redder? Fat ass Bell, you bitches around?" he shouted through his hands as he walked forward. Even with the insults added, he didn't get a response.

"Greg, I don't like this" Tim said as they followed behind Greg. The hallway seemed strangely long as they passed by several rows of lockers, some open and some shut. The doors to the classrooms were all firmly shut. Brad tried one, but it was shut tight as if the door had been bolted shut.

"Oh shut up, you never like anyhting" Greg said as they continued to walk forward. Although he was starting to feel slightly nervous as well. The hallway usually ended up in a T junction, but it just seemed to move forward. It seemed much, much longer then normal and he wasn't able to figure out just why.

"That's not true. I do like some things" Tim said as they followed behind Greg. All three of them were starting to get nervous together as it seemed like all three were the only ones left in the hall.

"Wait, what's that noise?" Brad said as he suddenly heard something. He stopped as the other two stopped as well, their ears perking up as they heard something other then their own footsteps as well.

"What is that?" Greg said as he looked around slowly, trying to locate the source of the new noise. All three of them could hear it now, and it was making them shiver. It sounded like something was crawling, actually, it sounded like a lot of some-things were crawling. Something that sounded like ...big bugs. Coming from above.

"I don't like this" Brad said as all three of them slowly looked upwards.

Hands. White hands. Crawling like grotesque spiders out of some horrible fantasy were right above them. They crawled on the tips of their fingers, each one with black nails that somehow made it all the more frightening. And there had to be hundres of them.

"Fuck. RUN" Greg shouted as he didn't wait for the others as he turned and started to run. Brad and Tim took the order and ran after him, their feet thudding on the floor as they ran down the long hallway. The moment the boys started to run, the hands picked up speed and began to pursue.

The seemed to continue on and on, a never ending tunnel of lockers and strewn books and bags. The three boys ran as fast as they could, their hearts pounding as they panted, each one trying to outrun the others as they leapt over bags and stumbled over piles of books.

Greg looked up and gasped as he saw the windows in the classroom doors suddenly light up. He could hear the roar as flames erupted in the windows, so bright they lit up the corridor. The air began to shimmer as they ran, the temperature starting to rise as the flares roared in the confines of the classrooms.

Tim was the first to stumble as he tripped over a bag, the strap wrapping around his boot and sending the large rhino to the floor. He landed with an ooph and slid forward several inches on the tiled floor. Both Tim and Greg stopped when they hear him fall.

"Oh fuck" Tim shouted as the hands above them suddenly dropped like puppets and landed both on and around the fallen boy. They suddenly began to crawl over him as the terrified boy struggled as the white hands climbed over him like rats on a source of food.

"Greg, help me" Tim shouted as he clawed and struggled against the swarm as he started to get pulled backwards. He dug his fingers into the floor as he tried to grab onto something to keep himself from getting dragged, his nails scratching against the floor.

"Fuck this" Greg said as he turned and started to run, seeing the attention was on his lackey and not on him. A classroom door behind Tim suddenly opened, the roaring inferno exposed as the hands began to drag Tim towards the openening.

"Fuck, Tim hold on" Brad shouted as he ran to his fallen friend, but the hands pulled and Brad screamed as he was dragged into the roaring inferno. A blast of flames belched from the open door, Brad recoiling from the sudden blast of heat as the door suddenly slammed shut. Brad could hear the screams from inside the classroom, at least until the roaring of the fire overpowered them.

"Greg, they got Tim" Brad shouted as a fresh swarm of hands began to crawl down the walls towards him. He turned tail and started to run after his cowardly leader as the hands resumed their chase on the floor.

"Fuck him" Greg shouted as he ran. His heart was racing as he panted, feeling his body start to wear down from running for so long. The hall seemed to never end as he contineud to run forward, hearing the roaring behind the doors get louder.

He heard a scream from behind him, but he didn't look back as he heard Brad calling him for help. A doorway slammed open and he felt a fresh blast of air touch the back of his neck as he put his doomed friend behind him. He could hear Brad screaming for help, until the sound of a belching inferno claimed him and the screams stopped.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Greg said as he found himself slowing down, his body unable to hold on. He panted and found himself wheezing for air as he stumbled forward. "What...what the fuck..." he panted as he found himself sinking to his knees, sweat running down his face and down his back as the hallway just continued on endlessly before him.

"Oh, I can answer that."

Greg heard the voice behind him as he turned and he was met with a ripple. Something pulsed around him, hitting him through his body and soul as he found himself staring at a large and imposing black throne. It was gilded with gold along the edges, a huge circular disk above the thone with a glowing eye of Ra set into the black marble.

Sitting on the throne was a grey lion dressed in some kind of royal garb, sitting cross legged like he was completely at ease. Greg looked around and saw that he was now sitting on a grey marbled floor, the walls around him rising high into the air. It felt like it was in some kind of palace.

"What...what the fuck is this shit?" Greg said as he glared at the lion. "What the fuck is going on here? You screwing around with me?" he demanded.

"I am Mentu-Hotep, and I am your judge for the request of help made on you" the lion said with a smile. "You've been a very bad boy to get my attention" he said with a smile on his face as he held up a golden staff in his hand, tapping the end on the black marble at his feet.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Greg demanded as he slowly stood up. The heat from the fire was now gone, and he could feel chills starting to set in. "Who the hell are you? Tell me what the hell is going on around here, or I swear my father will make your life a living hell" he shouted at the lion.

"Your father cannot help you now" said a female voice. Greg turned and brought his arm up to shield his face as a burst of fire appeared in mid air. It burned with an intense glow against the marble before the flames died down. A figure was standing in its place, a female doe that looked like she was made out out of flowing magma. "You are guilty. You have admitted it already" she said, her voice sounding like it was burning.

"Guilty? Guilty of what? You can't prove anything. Who the hell are you anyway? "Greg demanded of the burning doe.

"You have admitted it yourself" said another voice. The burning doe walked towards the right side of Mentus' throne as another figure began to appear. A swarm of the white black nailed hands began to climb ontop of one anotehr, linking fingers together form the figure of a horse. "You admitted it openly. And rather proudly too" the horse said, fingers moving to make his mouth talk.

"you said so yourself" said a voice coming from the swarm of hands that suddernly reformed into a male figure. "you admitted it openly. And rather smugly too" he said, fingers moving to make his mouth talk.

"Bullshit" Greg shouted. The horse moved up to the left of the throne as the two strange beings stood like sentinels beside the lion. "You can't prove anything, I have my ass covered."

"Terrorising students, threatening them with violence. Blackmail, bribes, assault" said Mentu as he leaned forward. "So many people would argue about why you do it. Blaming everything about your family and home life. Trying to come up with an excuse to wave away your bad behaviour. You said so yourself, you have every reason to not be the way you are."

"Your family is a good one. Your parents are pillars of the community. You are well off, with good grades and...good friends" Mentu said with a smile on his face. "Every reason that if you were without, would explain away your behaviour.

"But you admitted it yourself, you do it because you can. Because you chose to do it" Mentu said as he suddenly stood up, standing on the first ledge of his throne as he looked down at the wolf on the floor below him. "And that is good enough for me to pass judgement."

"You don't even seem concerned about the fate of your friends" said the doe.

"Aren't you even the least bit worried?" asked the horse.

"Like I give a shit about those fuckers anyway" Greg said. "They were friends, they were just a couple of big idiots who idolised me and did everything I asked. Just stupid jocks for me to boss around" he said. "and like anything I've done is really bad. Ok sure, I did do whatever the hell I wanted, and yeah, I'll admit it again. I did it because I wanted to."

"You think that's bad?" he said with a smirk. "Its expected. School is meant to be tough, and its learning how to survive. I'll do whatever the hell I need to do to get what I want and get out of school top dog. And if that means I have to push a kid in front of a bus to remind him of his place, I'll damn well do it again. It's stupid stuff that every teenager does, and since I'm underage, I can get away with it. They're not going to ruin my life over something like this if I'm just a stupid teenager who didn't mean anything by it, no matter who's life I ruin. And anyway, who the hell are you, to think you can judge me?" he demanded.

Mentu smiled as he stepped forward and pointed the ankh at the end of his staff towards the wolf. He didn't seem the least bit intimidated by the wolf, and it made Greg pause for thought with the way the lion was smiling at him.

"I am the morning and evening star. I command the sun to rise and the moon to fall. The waters of the Nile drown my enemies and the burning sands of Egypt scar those who wish wrong. I am the voice of my people, and the law of my kingdom. And I pass judgement upon you" Mentu said, his voice echoing around the tall temple.

"And that Judgement, is guitly".

For a moment, silence passed through the temple before a low growling was heard. Greg slowly turned around to see that the slabs of marble on the floor behind him hand sunk into the ground, turning into marble steps. And moving up those steps was a horrible creature he had never seen before.

It had the head of a crocodile that was drooling around its razor sharp teeth. Its torso was that of a cheetah, heavily laden with muscles. And its hind quarters was the backside of a hippo. The beast was colossal, the size of a mountain bear. It snapped its huge jaws, a long slimey tongue licking across its sharp teeth as it focused its attention towards Greg.

And it looked hungry.

"Ammit. Feed" said Mentu with a grin on his face.

Greg did not have time to scream before the monster pounced on him.

Matthew sat beside the hospital bed, looking at Eric as the boy lay spread out. It was strange how laying back in a white bed covered with wires and wrapped in bandages gave the cougar a look that suggested he was both lost and alone. The doctors said he had a cracked skull and his neck had been splintered in the third disc down from the skull. He had been sedated for most of the day.

When Matthew had broken the scarab, everything had turned black for a moment or two, then he had realised that he was alone in the bathroom. The three bullies were nowhere to be found, as if they had been snatched up and pulled out of reality. After several moments of confusion, the bell to start the school day finally rang so he scrambled to grab the contents of his wallet and ran out of the bathroom.

Greg and the others were not seen all day. The students did notice the absence of the schools bullies, but it was not a priority with the biggest talk of the day being about Erics apparent suicide attempt.

Matthew kept looking around, expecting Greg and the others to walk in and make themselves seen, but by the time lunch had come and gone, he had to accept the fact that the three boys were well and truly gone. He couldn't explain why, but he just knew he had seen the last of them that morning.

Somehow, he wasn't surprised to not be sad about it.

He couldn't focus on his school-work all day as his thoughts constantly turned towards Eric. He had questions that only the boy could answer, and he hoped that he'd be able to get them if he was allowed to see him.

The minute school had let out he had hopped on the bus and got off down town. He had walked the blacks towards the city hospital and after a quick enquiry at the reception desk, found the room that Eric was currently occupying. He found both of Erics parents sitting outside talking to the doctors.

Both of them looked gratefull that their son had a visitor. His mother mentioned that Matthew was the only one to visit, which did surprise him that not even a teacher attempted to visit him. Perhaps everyone knew that Greg had forced Eric to do horrible things around the school to other students, but perhaps they just didn't care.

So, Matthew had sat beside the boys bed, every now and then reaching forward to give the cougars hand a squeeze to try and wake him up. It was already heading into the evening and soon visiting hours would be over.

"Guess you're safe now, now that Gregs gone" Matthew said as he looked down at the golden chain in his hand. It was the only proof he had that something had happened, the only proof as to where Greg and the others had gone. He didn't really care about them, considering all that they had done. "I'd ...I'd just like to know why you did what you did for me" Matthew said as he slipped his hand into Gregs, pressing the golden chain between them.

He sat like that for a while, starting to feel himself nod off before he heard Eric groan as the cougars eyes started to open up.

"Eric?" Matthew said hopefully as he saw his eyes slowly flutter open.

"Matthew...?" Eric said in a groggy voice as he looked over, his eyes half open and his voice sounding slightly nasally from the breathing tubes in his nostrils.

"Hey buddy" Matthew said, a smile spreading across his face as he saw the cougar was awake. "I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling?" he asked as he held the cougars hand firmly in his grasp.

"Like...hammered shit" Eric said as he weakly rubbed his face with his hand, wincing as he felt his fingers brush over the bandages as he slowly lowered his hand down and rested it on his stomach. "Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital" Matthew said as he felt relieved that Eric was awake. He didn't want to go and grab the boys parents just yet. He wanted just a few minutes with him alone before he had to give him up. "You were hit by a car. Everyones saying you were suicidal, but Greg admitted to me that he had Brad and Tim throw you in front of it" he said.

"The fuckers..." Eric groaned as he suddenly coughed a few times before he rested his head back. "Did...did they get caught?" he asked as he looked over at Matthew.

"Yeah...yeah they did" Matthew said slowly, avoiding Erics gaze. The gold chain still sat between their hands, and he could feel the chill coming from the metal.

"Good. They deserved it" Eric said as he closed his eyes, taking a deep and slowy breath.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Matthew asked. Eric opened his eyes again and looked over at Matthew, who took a deep breath as he asked his question. "Why did you put the money in my locker? I mean, if Greg really did have your school life hanging by a thread, why risk it by helping me?" he asked.

"I...didn't want to see you get hurt like me" Eric admitted after a moments pause. Matthew felt Erics hand gently squeeze his tightly with his fingers, and he smiled as he gently squeezed back.

A Favourite Situation - Epilogue

A Favourite Situation Epilogue By Kendo Kawabata Matt could feel every movement against his skin as the facial piercings were slowly removed one by one. Each little tug against his skin, the grinding of metal against flesh, the vibrations as...

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A favourtie Situation Chapter 18

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A favourite Situation Chapter 17

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