A favourtie Situation Chapter 18

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#18 of Favourite Situaion

A favourite Situation Chapter 18

By Kendo Kawabata

Matt was not so sure that he was able to hold out any longer. He wasn't feeling too good, but then again he hadn't been feeling well over the last month at all. The other workers were overheard, in hushed tones, comparing him to how he looked when Spencer was still the overseer of the warehouse, and to how he was looking now.

When Spencer ran the place, Matt had been in good health. All the lifting and carrying of heavy boxes and constant work had given Matt a workers body, giving him the slender defined muscles that stood in contrast to how he used to look as a skinny twig. He had a healthy glow about him, his skin bright and giving everyone the impression that, whilst still a slave, he was well looked after. As well as could be.

Now though, Matt looked like he was some kind of recovering drug addict. His skin was pale and clammy, always covered in a sheen of cold sweat. His eyes were dark and looked raw from the constant crying he could no longer hold back. His face was hallowed, the skin sunk against his skin. He was in no way the same slave he had been before Spencer was fired.

The boy had fallen far and had fallen fast, that much was for sure.

Matt felt his stomach cramp up again and his knees buckled as he stumbled, barely managing to hold onto the boxes he was carrying. He resisted the urge to cry out in his constant discomfort, as he knew that he'd only receive a beating for making unwanted noise.

The new overseer was a wolf named Brent, and he was younger then Matt by at least three years or so. He had been practically hand delivered from the B.O.S.S., and he had been very eager to assert his dominance from the minute he was handed the job on a silver platter. He had a top dog complex that he was quite willing to explore, and as the other workers thought, exploit.

Matt had been slapped, spanked, yelled at, dragged by his collar, spat on and shocked by his chastity belt. And that had been in the first ten minutes of Brent's arrival. And all Matt had done was greet him with a 'Good day Sir.'

And it had not been going easy for Matt since Brent's arrival. But he had no real reason to believe that it should have been any easier.

Is stomach started to settle and Matt held onto the box as he lifted it back up. Although his stomach was settling, Matt knew that the cramping would be back, and just as bad. He had to move quickly or else he'd stumble again. He inhaled and lifted, hoisting the box into his arms as he felt his back flare up from the discomfort, but he forced himself to ignore it as he hurried forward.

He cried out as his stomach cramped up again and he stumbled forward, the distance between himself and the shelving shortening rapidly as he collided with the structure, landing on top of the box as it was wedged against him. He panted and groaned from the pain of his stomach as he forced himself to move to right himself again.

The other workers were not permitted to help Matt in any way, as they apparently had their own jobs to take care of and not look after him like he was some kind of unable child. He was also not permitted to use the pallet jacks or any of the moving trolleys to transport the stock around. Matt had to do everything by hand, and by himself.

According to Brent, Matt was perfectly capable of handling everything by himself without the need of silly and useless tools to hinder him by making him lazy and slow. And slaves became lazy when they had help from people who had their own jobs to do. Brent had also increased Matt's workload, so that Matt now not only had to unload, register and pack away all the cargo and goods in the proper places, Brent also had the tracking system lengthened so that Matt was capable of taking said stock and transporting it to the loading bay on the other side of the warehouse.

And Matt had to load up the pallets for the outward deliveries as well, if Brent decided Matt had nothing else to do. Which was just about every day. Or every-time Brent saw him, whichever seemed to come first.

The other workers, and Matt, although in the back of his mind, swore that Brent was just looking for an excuse to display his authority on Matt whenever he could. Or beat him just for the hell of it, which they all believed. The bruises, black and ugly against Matt's paled skin, were testimony.

The part that Brent didn't see was that the business was suffering because of his 'business sense' that he was forcing on the place. Because of Matt's increased duties and the other workers decreased responsibilities, the business was not being as efficient as it used to be. Nothing was getting out on time, nothing was coming in on time, and clients were starting to lose interest in the business as well.

But if there was anyone or anything to blame, Brent put the blame squarely on Matt for not being efficient enough. And he was not afraid to dole out the punishment on it either.

Matt managed to stand up, his stomach starting to settle again as he righted himself, ignoring the pain in his back as he found the space to put the box. He groaned as he reached upwards and pushed the box into place before he sighed and turned back to the full pallet on the other side of the loading bay that he had to unload. The day hadn't even started, and Matt had five stacked pallets to unload, and two of them were from yesterday.

Brent did not seem to know anything about running the business properly, or seem to know anything about management aside from yelling at people and giving orders. He was also somewhat eager to hand out threats for firing people if they brought out any complaints to him, or even calling the bureau to list them for abusing the slave on his watch.

Matt didn't blame the guys for not helping him, but it didn't make him feel any better about the situation.

He stopped briefly to wipe his eyes, feeling them burn slightly from the contact of his skin. The irritation caused his eyes to briefly loose focus as he stumbled again. His stomach gurgled, cramping up once more as he fell forward, grabbing onto the desk for support as tears streaked down his cheeks, burning from the contact of his eyes.

"Please God, kill me now" Matt whimpered to himself as he held himself on shaky arms to steady himself. But if there was an omnipotent deity that did happen to be watching him, that deity chose to make Matt's insides hit him with an extra hard cramping in response to his prayers. Matt's arms gave out as his stomach kicked him every-which way it could as he collapsed on-top of the desk.

Apparently, Brent had been getting ideas from Timothy on how to handle Matt, as this was a punishment that Timothy had once threatened Matt with what seemed like ages ago. Brent did have a certain meanness that had to have rubbed off from Timothy, as he was completely unapologetic about anything he did to Matt.

Matt's owner and master, Thomas, had removed Matt's computer and his mint plant from his room the day after Spencer had been fired. Being the only two things in the room that were not slave issue standard, Thomas had them locked up in the warehouse office until 'such time as he could remove them.' Brent, after making his first impression on Matt on the first day, took it upon himself to throw those items out of the office and into the dumpster behind the warehouse, while Matt had been forced to watch.

He also seemed to take great pleasure in putting vibration enabled ends on Matt's movement stop device, and adjusting the volume of the vibrations at random intervals during the day. From a low buzz he could ignore, to the kind of diesel powered chainsaw vibrations that drove Matt over the edge and ended up with a shock to kill his climax from his chastity belt. Brent threatened/promised now and then he wanted to set a record and try to break it.

The movement stop had been installed after a week under Brent's authority and ever since, Matt's bathroom breaks had been steadily decreasing. At first, Matt was able to handle it when he got bumped down to once a day, but then it became once every second day and he started to get a little uncomfortable. When he was bumped down to once every third day, it was more then just uncomfortable, it was downright unpleasant.

Then about a fortnight ago, things took a somewhat worse turn.

The water to Matt's sink in his bedroom had been cut off suddenly, including the water to his shower. Matt had no water or was able to wash either himself or his clothing for three days before Brent turned everything back on except for the sink. And after a beating with a black paddle for how dishevelled Matt had become, a water dispenser was installed in Matt's bedroom.

Matt had been warned that if the water in the dispenser ran out, it would not be refilled, except for the start of every week. So if the water ran out on Tuesday, Matt had nothing to drink for the rest of the week. However, Matt was not sure that would be happening as he was sure that Brent had spiked the water somehow.

Whatever was in the water, was turning the contents of Matt's stomach into liquid. With the movement stop inside him, Matt had been seriously and literally clogged up, unable to remove the plug by himself for any reason, and he had no way to relive himself. He had lost sleep, he was afraid to eat, and he was in a constant source of discomfort and pain.

And everytime Brent passed him and saw that Matt was trailing behind in his work or unable to move due to his constant pain, he'd just break out the riding crop or the paddle and start punishing Matt for not being efficient, and he wouldn't stop until Matt moved at a satisfactory pace.

"It's all my fault...It's all my fault" Matt whimpered as he struggled to pull himself up. "I ...I should have kept my mouth shut..." he whimpered as he thought once again about how he had brought all of this about, but no matter how many times he cried that he was sorry, he knew nothing was going to change.

If only Spencer was there, but he wasn't. Spencer had been fired, and it was thanks to Matt. He could spin it anyway he wanted about how Timothy was to blame for all this for finding Matt's hidden stash and his hidden chat logs, but it was still Matt's fault. He should have never taken those things and hidden them, and he should have taken better care of what was on his computer. He knew he was supposed to hide things of any kind from his authority figures, but he had done it anyway.

"Please god, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything" he whimpered as he found himself unable to stand up, his legs giving away as he slumped to the floor, his back resting against the side of the desk. His entire body ached, his head was spinning and his eyes were burning from his own tears. He was just physically and mentally unable to take it any-more.

"He was right..he was right. It could have been worse" Matt mumbled to himself as he hung his head, unable to hold it up any-more as he literally had no strength. Thomas had told him he had been trying to protect Matt from people like Brent from doing such things to him. But it seemed that Thomas was no longer protecting him from anything. And Matt was seeing first hand how badly things were turning out.

Matt felt his stomach kick against his kidneys as it cramped up again and he cried out as he wrapped his arms around his midsection and fell to his side, curling up into a fetal position as he hugged his body. The pain was starting to get worse, and matt was sure that he was sicker then he looked. No-one could last being this plugged up for almost three days straight without suffering side effects.

"I'm sorry dad...I'm sorry dad...please...make it stop" he cried softly as he held himself on the cold floor of the warehouse, hearing the sounds of the other workers doing the minimal jobs that they were doing on the other side of the warehouse.

It was his fault once more that things had gotten this badly. Matt had to mouth off at his master, and admit how he really felt. He had to poke the proverbial bear with a stick until it bit him back. If he had only taken his punishment without question and didn't resist against it, he wouldn't be in this mess. But sadly, he had to. He had to have gone and shouted at his master that he hated him and now, he was paying for it.

"Please...I'm sorry....please...let it end" Matt whimpered as he closed his eyes, his body shaking slightly as his cramps hit him hard in his guts. Brent was sure to find him like this and then punish him for not doing his work, but he didn't have the strength to care, or to fight back.

Matt could not see any way out of this any-more. He couldn't handle another three years added to his sentence without hope, especially without Spencer there. How was he supposed to handle it till that next evaluation day at the four year mark, when he couldn't even handle a month? As he lay there on the cold floor, feeling his body wracked with pain, he could only see one way out, and it was not something he had the courage to do.


It wasn't the first time that Matt had entertained the thought. But it was getting more and more frequent as he wasn't able to see a way out of his current situation. The thought crossed his mind as he held onto his body as tight as he could, feeling his overfilled insides gurgle as he grimaced in agony.

He knew the way to do it. It was easy enough. Just stand in the doorway of his room and pull the tracking cord down until it no longer gave. Then just wrap the cord around his neck until there was nothing left to wrap. With his room several feet above the ground, all he had to do was fall forward and he'd end up hanging off the ground. And by the time the tracker hit the other side of the loading bay, he'd no longer be moving.

But Matt was not capable of killing himself, as he was simply too scared to do so.

When he was younger, the school allowed classes called 'Christian Life', or CL classes, which basically covered the bible and the fundamentals of the Christian religion, to teach kids to have morals and empathy and to be good people. Matt believed, and it was good to believe in something like that, at least to him it was.

But science had been pushing to disprove anything and everything that people believed through faith, robbing people of the comfort of belief. And political correct pushers practically outlawed any kind of religious teachings in school any-more. And the atheist movement was pushing to stop people believing, as it was pointless to believe in anything that didn't have any kind of actual proof. Not to mention every other religion out there forcing people to squash their religious beliefs while forcing their own beliefs around like it was better.

What scared Matt the most was that he was no longer sure. What happened when he closed his eyes for that last time? What really lay on the other side? Was there really something waiting to greet him? Or was there just nothing, and everything he was, would just....disappear?

Matt wanted to die and just end it all. He didn't want to live like this any-more. But he was too scared to die for fear of what would happen if he did. He didn't want to die and just disappear like his life meant nothing.

He heard voices nearby, but they were out of sync, like he was listening to a bad record being played by some incompetent pretty boy dj. He couldn't hear them, but he didn't make an effort to try it. His body was starting to shut down for going to long without sleep and without food. He didn't fight it. He didn't have the strength.

The voices got closer, and some part of his still functioning brain figured that it was Brent, having now just discovered that Matt was not performing his duties. He didn't care if he got a beating, he didn't have the strength to fight back and try and stop the inevitable. Maybe this time Brent wouldn't stop and he'd just die from it.

The voices were right above him now, and he felt a pair of hands slide under his arms and start to pull him upwards. He whimpered as the movements made his stomach cramp up and he tried to resist moving as it was causing him pain. But a second pair of hands found their way onto his body and started to help him up as well. His body started to ache and he tried to resist, but whoever was holding him ignored his meagre efforts to stop them.

Someone spoke and Matt felt hands on the sides of his face, big warm hands holding him gently, but firmly as he heard the voice speak again. But he couldn't make it out as he felt someone rub their hands over his stomach, trying to pry his hands away from his stomach. He winced and screwed his eyes shut as he felt a flare of pain in his stomach as he felt himself cramping up again.

"pen...rr...ays..." Matt heard the voice speak as he felt that voice start to come into focus. "pen...or...ayes" he heard again. Something about that voice sounded familiar, but it was still distorted, like a bad echo on crack. The voice had to repeat itself several times as Matt was forced to stand up straight, as best as he was able to. "Open your eyes" he finally managed to make out clearly enough to understand, but not recognise who it was.

"Can't...hurt so bad" he whimpered as he felt soft warm hands slide into his and pry his hands away from his stomach. Matt tried to resist but the hands were stronger then his were and he found his hands easily moved away.

"Matt, I need you to open your eyes for me" the voice said as it began to distort a bit less, and the familiarity about it was suddenly clear. Matt slowly began to force his eyes open as he found his vision badly blurred, and his eyes stung as he opened them.

"Sp...Spencer?" Matt asked, suddenly feeling a light of hope rise up in his chest as he struggled to focus on the very large blackened blurred shape before him. He didn't want to believe that it was Spencer right in front of him, but he couldn't help but feel that hope rise inside him and start to flare up like a distress beacon lighting up a night sky. It would be just too much for him to bear if it wasn't him and he got his hopes up for nothing.

"Yes Matt, it's me" Spencer said as he looked down at Matt, wanting to cry himself as he saw the poor wretched creature before him. He barely recognised the boy that he was holding in his hands, and it had only been a month since they last saw each other. Matt looked so beaten down and destroyed that he wanted to go into a blind rage and destroy anything that he could get his hands on. Or just hold onto him tightly and just break down crying over the fact that this had happened to someone that he cared deeply about.

"Spencer...I'm so sorry' Matt said as he found his vision starting to clear enough that was able to make out his features enough that he could recognise him. "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. I...I left the computer on and Timothy found out...I hid everything from them...I mouthed off to my master and I got you fired....I'm so sorry" Matt whimpered as he started to just blurt everything out, finding himself unable to stop. "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault...everything is my fault...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." he found himself crying.

"Shhh, Matt, it's ok" Spencer said as he slid his hands to Matt's shoulders and gripped them firmly. "Don't talk, I know you're sorry. You don't have to say anything to me, I'm not angry with you" he said as he shook Matt slightly, just enough to make him feel the motions. "Now I need you to stop crying and focus on me, ok? Can you do that?" he asked. "I need you to focus on me, ok?" he asked.

Matt sniffed a few times as he felt Spencer shake him, grimacing as the motions made his stomach churn. But he took a few deep breathes as he inhaled and sniffled a little, willing himself to stop crying because Spencer asked him to. He blinked a few times and nodded as his vision cleared enough that he was able to see clearly. Spencer smiled, seeing he was at least trying.

"Good boy" Spencer said with a smile as he rubbed Matt's shoulders gently, his thick fingers squeezing Matt's flesh in small circles as he held the boy before him. "How is he? Anything serious?" Spencer asked as he looked at someone behind Matt. Matt was suddenly more aware of the second pair of hands that were now feeling his stomach from behind. Whoever was holding him had very soft hands.

"He's going to be very, very sick if he was left unattended for too much longer" Catsie said as he ran his hands over Matt's stomach, feeling the skin move from Matt's insides contracting. His handsome features grimaced in annoyance as he felt something he shouldn't against his fingers."He's been obstructed for too long and whatever was put in his system wasn't intended to stay there" he said he did not look impressed by what was going on, although not as much as Spencer was.

"It...it hurts" Matt whimpered as he felt Catsie's hands inspect his stomach. Even though those soft hands were just touching against his skin, it still hurt to have them there.

"I know it does. Your insides are too full, and if they can't go out one way, I don't want to be here if they end up going back the other way" Catsie said as he looked over Matt's shoulder at Spencer. "Plus, he's dehydrated and I can only assume that with the way his body is shutting down, he's gone too long without sleep" he said. "This is not going to make a pretty report in the slightest" he added with a shake of his head.

"Catsie, you were called in to help him. Now start helping. I don't want him to get worse" Spencer said with a bit of anger in his voice.

"Getting angry at me won't work" Catsie said to him with an annoyed look. "Unless your the one holding the whip in the bedroom, getting angry won't hep now" he said as he pulled his hands away from Matts stomach. "Get him upstairs and into the shower" he said as he moved away and picked up a large bright white medical toolbox that was sitting on the floor. "This is not going to be pretty, and I'd rather we do this in a place that has a working drain" he added.

Spencer nodded, not questioning or objecting to anything as he pulled Matt forward carefully, then lifted him up by grabbing him under his legs and pulling him up, putting Matt against him like he would a child in his embrace. He wrapped one arm around Matt's body and held him close as he started to follow Catsie up to Matt's room. Once they were inside, Spencer shook his head to how dirty the room had become. Clearly, Matt no longer had time to clean up after himself. And the empty space where his computer used to be, was slightly depressing.

"Strip him down. Don't take the device out yet" Catsie said as the pink clad lion pulled the shower curtain back and twisted the taps, water suddenly cascading from the shower-head above as Spencer gently lowered Matt to the bed. "Best to get him in here before pulling the plug out, literally" he added as he pulled the sleeves of his scrubs up over his elbows.

"Spencer...I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said anything....it's my fault it got worse" Matt whimpered as he looked up at Spencer once the bigger male let him go on the bed. Spencer knelt in front of him and began to remove his tunic slowly.

"Matt, don't apologise. I'm not angry with you" Spencer said to him as he pulled Matt's tunic over his head. He did glare somewhat in anger to see the bruises on Matt's chest and across his stomach, feeling the desire to grab Brent and strangle the little shit to death. But he couldn't. He knew he wouldn't be able to stop if he did. "Don't worry about this Matt. We're here to fix this. You're going to be ok" Spencer said.

He noticed that Matts ribs were much more pronounced then they used to be, and he grit his teeth at the sight. Matt really was more like a crack addicted victim then a slave, and the sight disgusted him. Matt had been very well off under Spencers care, that was much more obvious now.

"Right, waters good. Get Matt into the shower" Catsie said as he saw that Spencer had removed the rest of Matt's clothing. "I'll take care of him from here, you do not want to see what's going to happen" he said to Spencer as the bigger Blackwargreymon stood up.

"I can help him" Spencer said to the lion. ""I want to stay and help him, he needs me around" Spencer said, but Catsie shook his head at him and gave him a surprisingly stern look.

"Spencer, I know you want to help him, but you're only going to get in the way" Catsie said to him. "He's really sick right now, and no offence to either of you, but if he doesn't get it out of his system, he's going to get worse. And he can't do that if you're in the room watching or listening" Catsie said as he walked over to Matt. "I've seen this a lot, and I have seen worse, so it doesn't bother me and Matt won't feel bad about it. But with you, it'll just make him embarrassed and make it all the more difficult for him, and it will just draw all this out" he added.

Spencer didn't argue with what Catsie was saying as he could see the logic behind it and nodded. He then put his hands into his pocket and pulled out the key to Matt's movement stop and belt system, as well as the controller to his chastity belt. With a swipe on the black screened device and a few keystrokes, the device was disabled as he handed the keys to Catsie.

"Alright. I'll be downstairs sorting out the mess that little shit left" Spencer said as he nodded to Catsie. "Take as long as you need. The others aren't here yet. Just yell out if you need anything, ok?" he said as he gave a smile to Matt, who didn't have the strength to return it as Catsie helped him to his feet. Spencer didn't say anything as he turned and left, making sure to shut the door behind him.

Spencer did not look back as he descended the step, not wanting to see or hear what was going to happen up there. He knew why Catsie was using the shower for what Matt had to do, but it didn't make the thought any more pleasant. He shook his head as he looked around the chaos that was the loading bay to get his thoughts off Matt.

The loading bay was a complete and utter mess. Boxes and pallets stacked in every which way, and there was no order or structure to it as far as he could see. The floor looked like it hadn't been swept in days, and the whole place seemed to reek of people not caring about it.

"Fucking hell" Spencer said to himself as he shook his head in disappointment and anger. How could someone like Brent let a place go to hell like this and not realise that it was mostly his fault? He looked up as he heard footsteps approach and saw several of the workers suddenly appear. The only one he recognised was Russell, the fennec fox. All the rest were new.

"Its about time you came back and took over" Russell said as he walked up to Spencer and shook his hand with a grin on his face, the fennec obviously happy to have him back. Spencer had to smile as he shook his hand as well,

"I see you guys took good care of the place while I was away" Spencer said as he shook Russell's hand and let go as he looked over the new faces of the crew. It was a shame that the rest of the guys who had been under his command had all gone.

"We tried, honestly" Russell said to him. "but Brent threatened us all with firing if we didn't listen. He just lumped all the jobs on Matt and told us to back off. Couple of us got fired for coming in after hours to sort out the mess and get things done on time. The others quit cause they were sick of being bossed around by a twenty something little bitch" he admitted.

"Well, the little fucker is getting fired today" Spencer said, and he jumped slightly when every single one of the workers in front of him cheered to that. Obviously, Brent was a bigger bastard then Spencer figured.

"Alright, that's enough of that. Now, as of today, I am officially back as boss of his warehouse" he said to them as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "and I am not Brent. We will be bringing this place back into order, and it will happen by the end of the day, no excuses" he said firmly to them. "Any objections to that?" he asked.

None of them objected.

"Right. Russell, you handle the paperwork. Find out what has been left here for too long and work from there. Half of you, get his loading bay organised. Get everything unloaded and onto the shelves. All priority items to the front for loading. The other half" Spencer said as he gestured with his hands as he spoke. "Get the other side in order. Get everything loaded and wrapped up to go. Matt is taking a couple of days to recover, so he will not be doing any work. I want you guys to pick up the slack, so hustle up" he ordered.

Thankfully, none of them dared to argue back or even looked like they wanted to as they all did exactly what he asked of them. They all practically ran to start getting the place back into order, Russell quickly taking charge as he began to hand out orders to the others.

Spencer stood back as he leant against the desk, watching the guys take charge as they quickly began to sort out the mess. It was surprising how quickly they worked together and how quickly the back loading bay was starting to get organised while he watched them go. They had only been at it about ten minutes and it was already starting to look ten times better then it had been when Spencer had walked in.

"He had to have been one big ass idiot to think that Matt could have handled everything here by himself" Spencer thought with a shake of his head as he did not look impressed, nor did he feel impressed either. It astounded him sometimes as to how young people could think they knew everything in this day and age.

It took almost an hour for the guys to finish rearranging the warehouse and getting it back into order. Obviously they had been itching to fix it for a while as they had just flown from one task to another. All that was left was to sweep the floor and with the amount of dust and dirt they were pushing about, it really needed it.

Spencer heard footsteps behind him and he turned around to see Matt being led down the stairs by Catsie. Matt was a little unsteady on his feet, and he had to hold onto the railing of the steps for support, but his skin had lost its pale look and he looked a lot less dead in the face. He was redressed in a clean uniform, but it was hanging off his frame a bit, Spencer not happy to see that Matt had lost more weight then he had thought.

"Well, we got it out of his system" Catsie said to Spencer as he lead Matt over to him by his hand. "It took a while, but that was to be expected. Took a look at his water supply in there. Liquid laxatives, and I'm sure Brent poured in more then one bottle in that dispenser. Didn't give him too much, a few vitamin boosters and a shot of adrenaline to get his system back in order" Catsie said as he explained. . Spencer raised an eyebrow.

"Adrenaline? Seriously?" he asked.

"Look, I can see Matt is exhausted, and you and I would both agree that he needs a couple of days rest, but right now, he can't afford to sleep, not just yet. He's seriously dehydrated and malnourished, and as a side note, his stomach may cramp up and he'd need to use the bathroom again. And I don't think either of us would like that to happen while he's asleep" Catsie pointed out.

"I think I'd agree with that one too" Spencer said with a nod.

"So, he's got to be awake enough to start drinking fluids and eating properly. Plus, I think that excuse of a bed of his could do with some clean sheets" Catsie added as he let go of Matt's hand and put his medical toolbox on the desk.

"So, I guess your done?" Spencer asked him. Catsie shook his head.

"No. I'm going to stick around for a while. Thankfully, they pay me by the hour. It would be better if I stuck around in case Matt has a relapse or he develops a worse symptom. Can't be too careful when a slave has been made as sick as this" Catsie pointed out as he opened the kit and began to lay out several syringes of different colours. "Just in case anything else was spiked into his food or water that wasn't supposed to be in there."

"It's good you're the one that came when I called this morning" Spencer said to him. The lion just smiled back at him.

"I just like doing my job is all. And thankfully, you keep things interesting" Catsie said with a smile as he continued to lay out his medical supplies on the desk, laying them out in whatever order he had envisioned as Spencer turned to Matt.

Matt looked slowly up at him, his eyes were still red although not as bad as they were before. He looked like he was about to either cry, or break down and apologise again, so Spencer wrapped his arms around the boy and pulled him into a tight bearhug.

"Matt, it is not your fault. We're both to blame" Spencer said as he held onto Matt, the side of his head rubbing against Matt's cheek as he held the boy close. "But I'm back now, and everything is going to be ok, I promise you" he said softly as he held tightly.

"But...I got you fired..." Matt whispered as he felt tears in his eyes. How could Spencer not blame him for that after what happened? Matt knew it was all his fault, Spencer should hate him for all that happened because of him.

"Matt, I'm here now. We're going to make things better, so I don't wan you to blame yourself any longer, and I don't you want you to apologise anymore, ok?" Spencer asked him as he pulled Matt from him to look down at him. Matt went to open his mouth to say something, but he closed it and nodded as he wiped his eyes. Spencer smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"That's my boy" he said with a smile as he looked down at him. "I don't think any less of you, so don't think I ever will" Spencer said with a smile to him, which was enough to make Matt smile a little back at him. "Now, come with me Matt. Thomas needs to see us in his office" Spencer said to him. That statement wiped the smile from Matt's face and it was quickly replaced by a look of fear.

"NO..no I..I ...I can't ..." Matt whimpered as he felt his body begin to shake with worry. He hadn't seen Thomas in the last month at all, and he had no idea if he was still angry with him over what happened. "I...I..I can't see him...please...please don't make me see him.." Matt said as he started to shake more visibly.

"Matt, look at me" Spencer said as he saw that Matt was starting to panic right in front of him as he put his hand under Matt's chin firmly and made the boy look up at him. "Matt, do you trust me?" he asked firmly.

"I...I do" Matt whimpered softly as his body stopped shaking a little. But not by much.

"Then I want you to trust me when I say that everything is going to be ok" Spencer said to him with a soft smile. "Thomas is not angry at you, and he is going to take care of everything. I want you to trust me when I say that it is all going to work out" Spencer finished saying as he gave Matt's forehead another soft kiss.

Matt had to admit he felt a little uneasy. Not just the fact that Spencer was suddenly back and able to kiss him publicly, that was actually more welcome then uneasy. Matt had just heard the phrase that Thomas was going to fix everything before. He did not honestly believe that things were ok enough to be fixed, especially given the track record of everything that had happened in the last year.

But if he couldn't trust Spencer after all that they had been through together, who could he trust?

Matt was too tired, even with the shot of adrenaline he had been given, to fight anything or anyone, and he did not have the energy to fight with Spencer on this one. So he just nodded and didn't disagree with him as Spencer wrapped his arm around Matt's shoulders and pulled him close. Without a further word the two of them began to walk towards the office.

"What the fuck do you mean I'm fired?" The two of them jumped slightly to hear a voice of that calibre coming from the office, especially since the door was closed and the office was somewhat sound proofed for privacy. Spencer had to smirk as he saw the upstart young wolf was obviously in a rage in the office, with some of the contents of the office having been thrown around from someone's bitchfit.

Spencer rather quietly opened the door to the office as Brent picked up a file sorter from the desk and threw it against the wall in anger. Thomas was sitting at the desk with his hands folded in front of him, watching the wolf have his tantrum with the same stoic look that he always managed to have.

Thomas did look a lot better then he had the previous day when Spencer had seen him last. He was back dressed in one of his designer suits and he looked like he had taken a shower at least. Spencer thought it was actually a bit of a relief. Seeing him as he had the previous day had been shocking to say the least.

"Brent, I will say it again, for the fifth time" Thomas said calmly as he looked at the furious wolf before him. "You. Are. Fired. I cannot get any more clear then that" he said as he sat back in the seat. "Which word exactly are you having trouble undestanding? You? Are? Or Fired?"

"What in the hell are you firing me for? What the fuck have I done wrong? I don't deserve this" Brent yelled as he slammed his hands on the surface of the desk, glaring at Thomas like the man had just broken the law.

"Brent, you are fired because you are incompetent" Thomas said calmly as Spencer shut the door to the office and moved into the corner behind them all, keeping Matt close to him with his arm. "The warehouse is a mess, as you have forbidden everyone from cleaning up. The stock has been sitting on the loading bays because you have forbidden everyone from touching it. And nothing is in order, because all the workers are permitted to do are stand around and watch" he explained.

"It is not my fault that the damn slave is so useless and lazy that he can't get anything done" Brent shouted Thomas as he glared at him in fury. "The downfall of his place is on his shoulders cause he can't do anything right."

"It is the job of an overseer to ensure that, in the absence of a master, owner and or handler, that the slave does his job and is taken care of as well" Thomas explained calmly. "You have done neither. All you have done, is use Matt for your own selfish means. And I am not appreciative of your methods" he said flatly.

"Hey, don't go blaming all of this on me just because the slave is so useless he can't follow a simple order and get the job done" Brent shouted as he threw a stack of papers to the floor. "All of this, is his fault. So what are you firing me for when you should be whipping his ass?" Brent demanded.

"It is the job of the overseer to help guide a slave to be able to do his job and carry it out" Thomas continued without flinching. "But, you forget, you are also the warehouse manager and nothing has been done. This place ran smoothly before you stepped in, and it has gone downhill since you took over. The blame is solely on you" he said.

"What the fuck have I done wrong?" Brent demanded angrily. "Tell me, you tell me what I have done wrong? I'll tell you. Nothing. I have done nothing wrong."

"Do I really need to repeat myself?" Thomas asked. "Stock has not gotten out on time, the warehouse is in shambles, a number of key staff have left, and you have shown zero state of improvement" he explained. "So, it is a result of your poor skills that I am firing you."

"You can't fire me" Brent said as he slapped his hands on the desks surface again and leant over to glare at Thomas, as if he was trying to bully the older Flamedramon. "We had a deal old man. I get the job, I stay. You can't leech out on a deal like this. I am entitled to keep my job" he said angrily.

Thomas then slowly stood up as his stoic expression changed to one of anger and rage. Brent actually back down a bit as he saw how angry his ex boss was becoming, and how quickly Thomas lost his carefully constructed mask.

"You are a pompous arrogance spoilt brat" Thomas said flatly as he glared at the younger wolf. "Do you really think this is how the real world works, that just because you have a job you can do what you like and not have consequences to it? Do you really think that you are entitled to a high paying job just because you think so? Well guess what, I am your boss. And I am still entitled to fire employees for fucking up too much. And you guess it, you fucked up way to much for me to even consider giving you another chance to right things."

"Ok, well...well maybe you can fire me as your manager" Brent said as he seemed to think up a loophole. "But you can't fire me as your overseer either. I'm still going to be here all day to make sure that slave of yours gets what he deserves" he said with a smug smirk on his face.

"Fat fucking chance" Thomas said to him. "Yes, you are listed as an overseer and a manager, but if I fire you from one, I fire you from the other. Because there is no way in hell I would permit you to step foot in my warehouse after getting fired to do anything to my slave. And his name is Matt, not Slave" he said to him.

"This is completely unfair. I don't get a chance to fix things? I always get a chance to fix things, that's the way it's always been" Brent shouted at Thomas. "And that's what I'm demanding now. A fucking second chance, not a firing. I am a good manager and a good overseer. I am not letting you fire me over this just because you don't like me."

"This is the real world, not college" Thomas said flatly. "Yes, school might have given you every chance to redo your work and give you enough attempts to pass till you actually do it, but this isn't school. This is the real world. And if you fuck up at your job, you get fired. End of story" he said firmly.

"You are fired Brent, because you cannot run this warehouse, and you spend far too much time beating down Matt then he deserves to be" Thomas said as he sat back in the chair behind the desk. "And I am not firing you because I don't like you" he added.

"But I'm throwing you out because I don't like you" Spencer said as he had had enough of the conversation by now and strode forward, picking up the wolf by the back of his shirt. Brent let out a surprised squeak and started to struggle in surprise, but Spencer easily held the kid up off the floor with seemingly no effort. The wolf started to protest but Spencer ignored whatever he was trying to say as he opened the office door.

"Oh, and I'd avoid the others on your way out" Spencer said as he rather easily threw the wolf through the door and onto the floor outside the office. "They know you've been fired, and they're not afraid to vent their frustrations out on you" Spencer said as he didn't give the wolf a chance to reply as he shut the office door rather firmly.

Spencer watched rather amusedly as Brent grabbed the office door handle and tried to open it, but Spencer just held the handle easily in his hand and the wolfs efforts to open the door was fruitless. Brent even hammered on the window with his fists, shouting what had to be obscenities as he was trying to intimidate the bigger male through the glass.

Matt just stood in the corner as he watched, trying to remain as invisible as possible. The noise the wolf was making at the door, and indeed all the shouting and arguing was scaring him more then it ever had. He held his arms against one another and slunk back into the corner as far as he was able to go.

Brent finally seemed to take the hint that he was not getting back into the office as he slammed his hands against the glass and shouted what looked like it was probably a 'Fuck you' through the glass before he flipped them off and began to walk away. Spencer was actually trying not to laugh as he was holding his hand over his mouth and trying to hold it back in.

"You know, I think I'm starting to see what you mean by young upstarts believing they are entitled to something all the time" Spencer said as he turned back to Thomas with a grin on his face as he started to settle down enough. Thomas just nodded to him, as he didn't look amused.

"Unfortunately, not many do agree" Thomas said as he turned his attention the computer, which was still standing thankfully. He typed in a few commands for a minute or so, then sat back in his chair. "Cameras are down. What a shame they seem to do it at the most inappropriate time." It was then he looked up and saw Matt was trying to hid himself in the corner.

"Matt, I know your afraid right now, but you are not in trouble" Thomas said in a surprisingly soft tone of voice. "I'm going to fix everything today, and I'm going to make things right, as I should have done before all of this started. I don't want you to be afraid anymore" he said gently.

Matt didn't say anything, nor did he relax much. If Thomas' tone of voice was meant to help relax Matt, it wasn't helping as he intended it to. But Matt did not want to push anything as he took a few steps forward out of the corner, but he still held himself protectively. Thomas saw the way Matt was acting and he didn't push the issue further.

"So can we tell him yet?" Spencer asked with a smile as he sat down in one of the chairs.

"Not yet" Thomas said with a slight shake of his head. "I'd prefer the others to be here for this. I'd rather get it all done with everyone here than explain myself several times this morning" Thomas said as he sat back in his chair again. "But yes, you will be able to break the news to him soon."

"Break...break what news?" Matt asked as he started to feel worried. Who else was suppose to come here? What was happening? And why were Thomas and Spencer talking to each other like they were friends?

"How long till they get here?" Spencer asked as he looked at Thomas.

"Timothy should be on the way now. The driver should have picked him up from school and be on the way now" Thomas said to him as he looked at his watch. "She should be on her way and be here after Timothy gets here" he explained.

Spencer nodded then seemed to notice that Matt was still standing in his position and hadn't moved. He reached over and slipped his arm around Matt's waist and gently pulled him towards him, pulling Matt into his lap. He was very gentle with his movements as he handled Matt like he would a valuable figurine.

Matt was surprised by the sudden gesture and he looked over at Thomas, suddenly fearful about the public display of affection as Spencer wrapped his arms around him in an obvious hug right in front of Thomas. Matt was actually fearful to what Thomas would say or how he would react.

But Thomas didn't say anything. He didn't even look uncomfortable or annoyed in the slightest by the display of affection that Spencer was giving Matt. He just seemed to act like it was no big deal, or nothing out of the ordinary.

But as Spencer held Matt in his warm embrace and Matt actually started to relax for the first time in days, Matt thought he glimpsed something behind the mask of his master. He thought he saw something in his eyes, an emotion Matt hadn't seen for how long he could remember. He thought he saw jealousy, or maybe sadness in Thomas' eyes.

But then Matt blinked and Thomas looked as stoic and unreadable as he ever had been, and Matt thought that he had imagined it. But it was hard for Matt to focus on Thomas' face when Spencer's arms felt like the best thing he could imagine and he closed his eyes as he found himself sinking back into that warm embrace, wanting it to last.

It didn't last for more than a few minutes before the door to the office suddenly flew open with a bang that it actually startled all three of them. Matt gripped Spencer's arms and held on as he saw Timothy, clad in his school uniform burst into the office, throwing his backpack on the floor and slamming a black briefcase on the desk with a furious look on his face.

"Why the hell did you just fire Brent for?" Timothy demanded as he looked at his father with hatred in his eyes. "How could you fire him like that? He was doing a great job as an overseer" he said angrily. "I just saw him outside, and he's not happy. How could you do that to him?"

"Timothy, I'm glad you could show up" Thomas said flatly, giving no response to Timothy's sudden and abrupt angry entrance. "I trust the bank didn't give you any trouble?" he asked flatly as he narrowed his eyes at his son.

"You didn't answer my question" Timothy said as he practically threw the briefcase over the desk at his father in anger. "And yeah, the bank didn't give me any trouble. Why the hell did you pull me out of school to make a fucking withdrawal?" he demanded.

"Because I had more important matters to attend to" Thomas said to him as he took the briefcase.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Timothy demanded angrily to his father. "You pull me out of school to do something you were too lazy to do, after all the shit you've given me about how important my education is? What, all of a sudden you don't have a problem with me missing out on classes?" he demanded.

"And why the hell did you fire Brent for? What could he have possibly done wrong to make you fire him after he was doing such a good job?" Timothy demanded. "I bet you only fired him because we got along so well and I told him how to handle Matt properly? What, you firing my friends now?" Timothy said to his father in anger.

"So it was you that suggested he poison Matt and forbid anyone from helping him?" Spencer said as he spoke up. "So it was your idea then? Well, guess I have another reason to beat the shit out of you" he said. Timothy then seemed to realise that his father was not alone in the office and turned around, surprised to see Spencer sitting nearby.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Timothy said as he turned to his father and pointed a finger, accusingly, at Spencer. "I get his ass fired and you bring him back? What kind of messages are you sending me here?" He said angrily. "What the hell are you playing at dad?"

"Timothy, would you kindly sit down?" Thomas asked him as he opened the briefcase.

"Wait..what the hell are you doing with my slave?" Timothy said as he seemed to realise that Spencer was holding Matt in his lap like he would a beloved child. "Who the hell said you could touch my property like that? You let go of him right now you stupid jerk, I did not give you permission to touch him" Timothy shouted at Spencer.

"Yeah? And if I don't let go of him? What are you going to do then?" Spencer said as he went to stand up, but Thomas stopped him with a gesture of his hand.

"Timothy, I said, SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" Thomas shouted at his son.

The anger was enough to shock everyone in the room, even Spencer and matt who could see that he was getting angry with Timothy's behaviour. Timothy was so shocked to be spoken to like that, like he was a troublemaking brat who was getting into trouble. Speechless, for once in his life, Timothy slowly sank into the other available chair in the office and didn't say a word.

"Timothy, as I have explained to you countless times, and as you have always refused to believe, Matt is not your slave. He belongs to me, his MASTER, which you are not" Thomas said flatly to his son as he leant over the desk to look at him. "You had the opportunity to look after him, and you blew it. Big time. You have no right to object to anything that I have to say to do with Matt any longer" he said.

"Dad, he's the family slave" Timothy tried to point out, but Thomas slammed his fist on the desks surface and cut Timothy off before he could say anything.

"Timothy, he is my slave. I am not repeating myself on this" Thomas said. "And to answer your question before, I fired Brent because the warehouse has suffered in both business and productivity. And his overseer methods on handling Matt have ensured that Matt was nearly poisoned and could have suffered permanent damage."

"So? He's just a slave. Its not like he's not replaceable" Timothy said with a straight face to his father.

The silence that followed in the air after that was so thick it could have been karate chopped by Jackie Chan. Timothy and Thomas just stared at one another in anger and disbelief over the other for several long moments, or perhaps it was minutes, no-one was sure.

The silence was only broken by an abrupt knocking on the door. Thomas broke his gaze from Timothy and looked over, then nodded at the door and waved whoever it was outside the office to come in. The others in the room turned around as they heard the door behind them open as three people walked in.

The first thing everyone noticed were the two huge rhinos that stepped into the room. They were identical, from their football player mugs to the size of their horns and the expansive muscles on their bodies. Each was dressed in heavy leather black boots and tight black leather pants. Both wore matching motorcycle jackets and dog tags hanging across their bulging pectorals.

Then everyone noticed, once they tore their eyes away from the twin rhinos, to the third person in the room. She looked like a librarian, clad in a very sharp purple suit and matching lethal looking heals, carrying a datapad in her arms. Her hair was immaculately cut and her striking eyes behind her glasses were looking over everyone, like she was looking down on them all, studying them.

Thomas went to address the vixen, but Spencer was the one who spoke first.

"Juliet" he said as she turned towards him, looking down at the seated male. "It's been a long time since I've seen you" he said with a smile to her.

"Adrian Spencer, good to see you again" Juliet said with a smile, her features becoming friendly as she recognised her former client. "I am sorry that I heard what happened to Kitty. It was a blow to all of us to hear that, he was one of the few that gave us little trouble" she said to him.

"Who the fuck are you?" Timothy said as he stood up and turned to the vixen. She turned around and gave a smile to Timothy as she adjusted her glasses, looking him over. She smiled, as if she found his little outburst rather delightful, but not in a pleasant way.

"I'm the one woman you do not want to piss off little boy" she said to him with a sweet smile on her face. "So, why don't you try that again and be a little nicer to me?" she asked as she pulled her datapad into her hand and began to tap across the surface with a stylus.

"I said, who the fuck are you?" Timothy said as he crossed his arms across his chest, clearly not in the least bit intimidated by the new arrival. Juliet raised her eyes at him, then pushed her glasses back on her nose as she looked down at him.

"You were warned, you can't deny that later on" she said as she tapped something with her stylus.

"Timothy, Juliet is here for business" Thomas said as he checked the contents of the briefcase. "And I advise that you show her some level of respect" he said as he started to count whatever was in the case. "For your own sake" he added.

"And why the hell would I do that?" Timothy said as he looked at his father.

"Because in about ten minutes, you'll be wishing that you had" Thomas said as he looked at his son with a stoic expression. Timothy looked at his father, narrowing his eyes a little at his father before he turned to Juliet again.

"And just why am I supposed to be showing respect to you? You going to be the new overseer here or something? Or did Dad hire you to be the new handler?" he asked with a sneer. "Or did he get a new wife I don't know about? You doing everything behind my back now Dad?" Timothy asked. "e seems to be doing everyhitng behind my back now, like he doesn't trust me" he pointed out.

The rhinos behind Juliet did not look pleased that she was being addressed like some kind of thug and they cracked their knuckles, the noise being surprisingly loud with how thick their fingers were. The noise intimidated Matt and he shrunk back a little, as Spencer gave him a reassuring squeeze on his arm.

"Juliet is a slave trader" Spencer said as he looked at Timothy. "Underground, black market. She's the best in the business" he continued as Juliet smiled at Timothy. "She takes orphans, runaways, the kind of people that no-one looks for, homeless and the like. And she sells them to the highest bidder" he continued.

"Only to the people who can afford to look after them" Juliet said as she stopped tapping on her datapad while she spoke. "Everyone undergoes a security and background check. I can't have scumbags or sadists or masochists or the like taking my product and breaking them in the first week" she pointed out.

"And of course, ex slaves that masters don't want any more" Spencer added. Timothy looked at Spencer as if he was appalled that Spencer had the nerve to address him like equals. Then he looked at Juliet as he seemed to register what Spencer had just said, although from the look of his face, he seemed to be having trouble connecting the dots.

Then he got a horrified expression on his face as he finally figured out what Spencer meant, as he rounded on his father who was still focusing on what was in the briefcase.

"NO" Timothy said as he leant over the desk and glared at his father, who seemed un-phased by what was going on. "No, you are not giving Matt to this bitch" he shouted at his father.

"I'd keep your voice down if I were you" Thomas said as he closed the lid of the briefcase and rested his hands across it as he looked at his son.

"No, no this has gone on far too long" Timothy shouted in his fathers face. "First you punish me over something that was not my fault, then you have the slave and that bastard punish me for it" he said as he pointed at Spencer. "Then when I finally get him fired, you decide to bring him back ,and now your going to hand Matt over to some bitch and get rid of him?"

"Timothy.."Thomas started, but Timothy didn't seem to hear him, or choose not to hear him.

"No, this has gone too far dad" Timothy shouted at his father. "You can't keep doing this to me, you can't keep ruining my life like this. I am your god dam son, when the hell are you going to actually treat me like one?" he demanded. "I do everything I can to make you happy, and all you care about is the damn slave? You are not taking my property away from me, do you hear me?" he shouted.

"Timothy, she is not here to claim Matt" Thomas said to Timothy as he looked up at his angry son.

"He's right dear" Juliet said with a smirk. "I don't touch bureau boys. Far too risky to touch since they do so much to control them" she said as she continued to tap on her datapad with her stylus."Plus, not very profitable. Costs more to undo the branding and the like then it is to pretty them up for sale" she said.

"Then what the fuck is she here for then?" Timothy demanded to his father. Thomas said nothing as he looked at Timothy with his expression never changing, staying completely emotionless and deadpan.

"Timothy, I will admit" Thomas said as he looked at this son. "That over the last week, I might have been harbouring some doubt about what I was doing today, wondering if I'd be able to do it and go through with everyhting. But the minute you said that Matt was replaceable, I know without a doubt that this needs to happen, and you blew any doubts I had about this out the door" Thomas said.

"Juliet is not here for Matt. She's here for you" Thomas said flatly.

Timothy blinked in surprise at the answer as he looked at his father in disbelief for several moments, several long moments as if he hadn't heard what he had said. He looked over at Juliet, who didn't look like she was joking, then at the rhinos, then at Spencer, and then back at Thomas as if he expected them to shout 'Gotcha'.

After several moments where he looked confused, his face broke into a small smile as he then started to laugh. He looked over at the others as he laughed, laughing at them one at a time before he gestured at his father with his hands.

"This..this is a joke right? You guys...you guys have all set me up haven't you" he said as he looked at his father. "good one dad, real good one. I admit, you got me. You got me good. But seriously" he said as he stopped laughing. "what the hell is she doing here?" he asked as he looked at his father.

"Does it look like I'm joking?" Thomas asked as he looked at his son. "I told you. She's here for you" he said flatly. "You convinced me when you said Matt was replaceable, and your attitude towards me and her, I have no doubts on doing this. And I doubt anyone else would argue over this either" he said.

"You're kidding me, right?" Timothy said as he gave his father a look that suggested he didn't believe him. "You brought me all the way down here for a joke, right?" he asked, although he did seem to look slightly uncertain.

"Do you know how much a Flamedramon goes for in my business?" Juliet said as she finished tapping on her datapad, then looked over at Timothy. "Starting price is around fifty grand in this day and age. They are very popular" she said with a sweet smile.

"Course, add in the fact you have muscles and strength, and you're probably well hung" she said as she added the facts onto her datapad. "Experienced top, but virgin bottom, no manners, doesn't listen to orders....oh and a high ego and obviously not very smart" she said as she tapped a few more tabs. "Asking price, I could be looking at a hundred and ten, maybe twenty, grand. Minimum" she said. "If I auctioned you off, starting price is at least sixty, and can probably go three times as high. People love breaking in a smart ass with an ego" she said.

"What the hell do you mean I'm not very smart?" Timothy said to her in disgust that she would even suggest such a thing before he turned around to face his father. "Dad, tell me now, I'm getting pissed off here. What the fuck is going on?" he said.

"Timothy, I asked you this morning to take the cab to my bank and withdraw ten grand from my account" Thomas said as he turned the briefcase around, exposing the layer of money lined within. "I then asked you to come straight here. I'm sure if the driver asked he'd tell the police that he dropped you here and that was the last he saw of you" he said.

"What?" Timothy asked in surprise. "What are you going on about?" he asked as he suddenly looked more uncertain and even a little afraid with what Thomas was explaining.

"But the cameras are down, sadly. They seem to be malfunctioning a lot lately, and they don't see you enter this place at all" Thomas said. "In fact, after the taxi driver left, you didn't come in. You just...ran away. With my money, which you took out of my account. Probably claiming to the tellar I had authorised it, which I did. But I don't have that money any-more."

"Hey, hey get your hands off me" Timothy shouted as the rhinos had come up behind him and grabbed his arms, one on each side. With a forceful thud, they both pushed Timothy onto the desk and started to cuff his hands behind his back. Timothy started to struggle but one of the rhinos grabbed him by the back of his neck and held him firmly down with ease as Timothy's hands were locked in place.

"I just think you're being a jackass and you went off somewhere with your friends, so I don't think anything of it when I return home without having seen you all day" Thomas said as he let the rhinos manhandle his son, as he continued to talk without looking disturbed by what was going on. "Since I don't see you at night, I assume you're at your friend's, so I don't think anything by it" he explained.

"Get your hands off me you fuck" Timothy said to the rhino on his right, who just grabbed him by the throat and held in him place as he used his fingers to force the boys mouth open. Timothy struggled as a red ballgag was forced into his mouth and then secured behind at the back of his head. He struggled and shouted at the twins, but all that came out was a muffled grunting.

"But when I call the school to make sure you arrived, I find you're not there" Thomas said. "So, I call your friends and no-one has seen you either. So, I do what any good father does, and I call the police. They'll tell me that you're just technically missing. But if you've been missing for twenty four hours you'll be officially missing and then they can start looking into your disappearance" Thomas continued to explain.

Timothy was then hauled to his feet as Juliet walked in front of Timothy as the rhinos held him up like he was on display. He shouted something at her through the gag, but she didn't look intimidated in the slightest as she tapped her stylus against her cheek.

"Remember when I said to be nice? Well, this is the part where you start regretting it" she pointed out with a smile to him as she nodded at the twin. The rhinos then began to forcefully strip Timothys clothing from his body with loud ripping noises. His school uniform was shredded as his shirt and jacket were turned into rags that fell at the floor, his hard fooballer physique on display as Juliet looked him over, studying him like he was some kind of expensive book that she was interested in buying.

Timothy was now starting to show signs that he was visibly scared, as he shuddered and began to start whimpering as tears formed in his eyes. Like any normal bully, he started to buckle under the confrontation of a situation that he had no control over. Especially as the two hulking rhinos were easily able to hold onto the obviously smaller male with ease.

"And of course, everyone knows that you have a seventy two hour window to find someone and find them alive" Thomas said as he continued to calmly talk. "And I'm afraid that, with ten grand in your pocket, you most likely paid with cash and went anywhere you pleased. So, by the time the seventy two hours are up, you'll be long gone and untraceable" he explained.

It was by now that Timothy was starting to show signs of fear as it seemed to sink in that this was what was happening, and that it was real. He started to struggle more as he actually started to cry visibly. But no-one in the room was showing him any kind of sympathy or empathy,

"But you haven't run away. I sold you to Juliet" Thomas said. "I'm just making sure I cover my tracks well enough" he explained. "You'd be surprised how in-depth you have to learn about these kind of things" he says. "And Yes, I have been thinking about this for a while."

Timothy tried to speak, but he was unable to be heard from the ball-gag in his mouth. Whatever he was saying was only coming out as a muffled drooling noise as he salivated around the corners of his mouth as his pants were ripped off.

Juliet continued to tap onto her datapad, seemingly unaffected by what was going on as she studied Timothy like he was a piece of meat. And to her, he was. She didn't care about his past, or what family connections that he might have had. Timothy's status as the star quarterback to her was as insignificant as a discarded tissue. His self appointed future and dreams, meant nothing to her. All she cared about, was how much money she could make from selling him.

And she already had several buyers lined up who wanted a spoilt brat Flamedramon to enjoy breaking in half.

"In case you are wondering why I am doing this" Thomas continued as he watched the rhinos manhandle his son with surprising calmness, "I heard what you were saying to your friends over the phone the other night. I heard what you planned to do to Matt. The fraternity whore?" he asked.

Timothy squirmed and whimpered into the gag as his underpants were quickly removed and he was left naked and bound in front of his father, the rhinos rubbing their ands all over his body in an unwanted way that made the boy squirm and burn red from the humiliation through his tears.

"A tattoo. That'll bring the price up" Juliet said as everyone saw Timothy's tattoo across his stomach, a tribal design that spread over his navel like it was a sunburst. Thomas shook his head, apparently seeing this design for the first time and obviously not having been aware of it.

"The things you described you'd force matt to do, it made me wonder if you actually forgot that Matt was your older brother at one time, and you did love him" Thomas continued as the rhinos began to inspect Timothy's rear end after snapping on a pair of latex gloves. "But I have absolutely no doubt that you don't love him any more then you love me, and I'm not sorry to say that you have not learn any kind of lesson after all that has happened."

The sudden and rather loud muffled squeal gave everyone no doubt as to where those rhinos had suddenly thrust their fingers. Timothy was positively bawling through the gag as he was standing in front of everyone ,getting manhandled and abused, and not one of them were trying to help him. And it was still sinking into him that all of this was in fact, real and happening.

"He's definitely virgin" the rhino with his thumb up Timothys ass said for the first time as he looked over at Juliet. She nodded in confirmation as she continued to tap on her datapad.

"Timothy, after what I did to Matt, did you actually believe I didn't have it in me to do this to you?" Thomas asked as he looked at his son without a shred of sympathy in his face. "You have disappointed me in far too many ways, and I can think of no better punishment for you then to have you suffer in such a way that I cannot nor will not attempt to help you" he said.

"And I will just say, this is all your fault" he added as he sat back. "you have been nothing but a spoilt brat who has no respect for anyone or anything beyond yourself, and you are as selfish as you can be. I do love you Timothy, I love you as much as father can love his son, love a son like you" he said. "But I am all out of fucks to give, and I cannot handle this any-more. And I cannot handle you. I just cannot see that you will turn a new leaf and atone for your mistakes."

"Well, once I get things settled, I think I can go with a starting price of at least a hundred and thirty thousand" Juliet said as she closed the screen of her datapad and held it under her arm like a book. "No doubt they will compete for pricing, so it can only go up. But this will be a sale nonetheless" she said with a rather proud smile.

"I don't want anything from this" Thomas said as he slid the briefcase over towards her. "I sold you my son, and I don't expect any money from any future sales no matter what" he said as he sat back. "I don't wish to drag this out any longer, so you can take him away now" he said.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Juliet asked as she looked over at Thomas. He seemed to think for a moment, then he realised what she was referring too. He nodded and sat back up in his chair as he then turned towards Matt and Spencer.

"Matt, I'd like you to stand up please" Thomas said as he gestured with his hand to Matt.

Matt looked at Spencer, who nodded and gave his arm a gentle squeeze before he helped Matt stand up off his lap. Matt got up to unsteady feet and stood up straight as best he could as he looked at Thomas. He felt himself tremble as everyone in the office now had their gaze on him, and he felt the urge to run and hide creep through him as he started to feel both uneasy and scared being in the spotlight.

"Matt, I know you're afraid right now, but I want you to be strong for me here" Thomas said to him as he looked at Matt. "This will all be over soon, and I just want you to be strong for a little longer, and then you can go and get some rest, ok?" he asked gently.

Matt held his arms against his chest a little as he looked at Thomas, and he saw the soft expression on his face, seeing a look of genuine concern on the older males face. He didn't know what he was supposed to say or what he could possibly say, so he just nodded slowly as he tried to keep himself still.

"Matt, Juliet will take Timothy away, and I plan on never seeing him again" Thomas said to him. Timothy tried to shout through his gag but the rhinos held him in place as the boy futilely struggled. "This is a punishment for all that he has put both you and myself through, and I don't plan on reversing my decision over this any-time soon."

"However, he was your brother for sixteen years, and I have not forgotten that" Thomas continued. "So, if you can think of any reason for me to not do this, Timothy will stay" he said. Timothy stopped his struggling as he looked over at Thomas, and then at Matt, suddenly seeing a way out of this as he stopped his rather annoying snivelling.

"Timothy will be permitted to stay, although I will have to find alternate means to punish him. Perhaps put him through the bureaus slave groups like I did with you. Or military school in another country" Thomas continued. "But, if you can think of a reason to not let him go, I will accept it. It can be any reason you want. Even just saying that he's your brother will be a god enough reason" Thomas said.

"But this is your reason Matt, no-one else's. Wether or not you have a reason, I will respect your decision and go with whatever you want to go with" Thomas said to him. "Take your time if you want" he added gently.

Timothy started to whine and whimper towards Matt, as if he was trying to get his attention and start bargaining his way out of this. Matt ignored him as he ran through what Thomas had just told him. Any reason whatsoever, and Timothy would either be gone or he'd be around but punished. Matt didn't think he knew which way to go though.

On one hand, Timothy had been his brother before all this happened, and they were on good terms with each other, so it hadn't been all bad. He didn't consider their relationship at the time to be anything special, it just seemed like an ordinary relationship to him. But was something like that really worth saving?

Then again, he just couldn't ignore everything that had happened to him since all of this hand started. Timothy has just embraced it all like a duck to water and let it become second nature to him. And then there was all he had put Luke through as well. And he had now driven Thomas to this point as well. He couldn't forget all of this, could he?

Someone somewhere, probably a religious uppity freak, would be telling him to forgive Timothy. And someone else, maybe a sane person, would be telling him to let Timothy go into this unknown future. But neither option seemed to sit well with him, and he wasn't sure if he could make up his mind.

Timothy began to struggle again and shout through the gag as thick globs of saliva drooled out of the corners of his mouth as he struggled, trying to get Matts attention. Thomas nodded at one of the rhinos and the big hulking male nodded back as he hooked a finger into the ballgag and tugged it enough to let the gag slip out and give Timothy enough room to talk.

"Matt...Matt for gods sake...don't do this to me...please...I'm your brother...Please...you can't do this to me Matt, don't do this to your little brother...please...." Timothy managed to get out in a rather desperate breath before the gag was shoved back into his mouth and he continued to whine and beg through the gag, although no-one could hear or understand what he was saying.

"I'm your brother?" Matt said quietly in disbelief, mostly at the fact that Timothy would dare say something like that at a time like this. "I'm your brother? I said that to you all the time, repeatedly" Matt said as he looked at Timothy. "You didn't care. You went and did everything to me anyway. And what, you think now that excuse will work on me?" he asked quietly in disbelief.

Timothy whimpered as he tried to continue to reach out to his brother in whatever attempt he was making to convince Matt not to let his happen to him. But Matt stared at Timothy like he was looking at a stranger, like he was someone Matt could forget about after turning his head and looking the other way.

Matt made up his mind, and it was surprisingly easy to do so.

"There is no reason" Matt said as he looked away at the floor of the office by his side.

"Thomas, thank you for your business" Juliet said as she strode forward as the rhinos had to restrain Timothy as he started to struggle all the more physically. "I will take it from here, and if you ever require my services again, please feel free to call" she said with a smile as she picked up the briefcase.

Thomas nodded as he let her take her money. Matt didn't watched as he just hugged himself and looked down at the floor. He didn't see the commotion that happened behind him, nor did he want to see it. All he heard was Timothy struggling and several muffled screams and something of a struggle, as Juliet ordered her rhinos to take the brat out and take him outside. They must have had a car somewhere if he was being taken outside.

Timothy's extraction went by very quickly, and all too soon there was silence in the office with just Thomas, Spencer and Matt in the room. There was further silence between them all before Thomas was the first to break it.

"Matt" he heard Thomas say in a gentle tone of voice. Matt slowly looked up and over at the desk of his master as Thomas was sliding several papers across the desk surface.

"First of all Matt, I'm sorry" Thomas said to him. "Wether you believe me or not, I am sorry. I did what I thought was necessary over what happened, and I thought I was doing the right thing. But, it wasn't. All I did, was fuck things up further. And I'm sorry that it took so long for me to realise, and to take too long to fix anything."

"I still believe in the bureau and what it does" he said gently. "I believe they are necessary, well, a necessary evil, who can do what no-one else will. But when it came to you, I should have known to never set you up with them. But that is my fault, and everything that has happened to you and everyone else, is on my shoulders. No-one elses."

"Spencer has already gone over these, and I assure that they are legit. Come your evaluation day in the coming year, you will be released" Thomas explained. "I have already signed the release forms and I have added in a clause that says I cannot change my decision on this matter regardless of what happens. So, once your evaluation day comes around, you're being set free regardless" Thomas said.

Matt blinked. This was a surprising turn of events. Just an hour ago, he believed that he had another four years to go before he even had the chance to think about freedom. Now...Thomas was saying...he'd be free regardless? How...how was this possible?

Matt began to sway slightly on his feet as he suddenly began to feel light-headed, like he was unable to cope with another bit of news. Spencer then quickly stood up and slipped his arms around Matt to hold him steady, and Matt sank into the warm comfort of Spencers arms rather gladly.

"And there's more" Thomas said.

"You belong to me now Matt" Spencer said with a smile to him as he held him steady in his arms. Matt looked up at him with very widened eyes at the news. Wait, what?

"What?" Matt said in surprise. "You...you're my master now?" he asked as he looked first at Spencer and then over at Thomas.

"I'm not a master to you any longer Matt. I have failed in every sense in being one to you. You said so yourself, Spencer has more respect from you then I do" Thomas said, and he actually looked sad as he spoke. "And I would rather see you under the command of someone that can look after you better then I am able to do" he said.

"Unfortunately, you will have to stay here for the remainder of the year. Spencer's home is not equipped to handle a bureau slave, so you will have to follow all the current rules for the rest of your enslavement" Thomas said. "But, as long as he follows the rules to the bureaus knowledge, i'm sure you'll be a lot better off under his care then you were with mine."

Matt was actually surprised to hear all this and for a moment he couldn't speak. This was definitely starting to be a little too much for him to handle, but somehow he was able to hold on and focus.

"Spencer has full ownership and control of you, so any and all orders you take will be from him. You will no longer have to answer to me, even if I ask you how you are doing" Thomas said to him as he stood up.

Matt had no idea what to say and he found himself stammering a bit as he tried to say something, anything to Thomas over what was happening. But Thomas held his hand up as he stepped in front of Matt.

"Matt, I've already made up my mind. As I said to Spencer, I cannot take this anymore. And you deserve better then me" he explained. "This...this is not open for discussion, and I don't want to draw this out any longer then it needs to be. For both our sakes."

"But...I..." Matt began, but Thomas held up his hand again, and as he lowered it, Matt saw the expression on his face change. He was no longer emotionless and hiding behind a stoic mask. He was actually growing sad, and Matt was shocked to see that there were tears in his eyes.

"Matt, I don't deserve to hear anything from you" Thomas said. "I'm not going to accept your forgiveness, nor am I going to insult you by asking for it. Nor can I explain myself to you in any kind of way to get myself out of the mess I have caused us all."

"I'm going to leave now Matt, and I'm not going to see you again" Thomas said as his voice shook slightly. "I have failed as a father to you, and I have failed as master. I don't deserve to be in your life any-more that you deserve to be in mine. I know you will be better off without me, and I am prepared to live without you in my life. There's...there's no-one out there who would disagree with me on this."

"If you want to talk to me, for any reason, that is entirely up to you" Thomas said as he looked at Matt. "If you choose to talk to me in ten years, I'll listen. If you don't wish to talk to me ever again, I won't come looking for you" he said as he looked down at Mat with sadness across his face. "It's entirely up to you" he said.

Matt didn't know what to say as he looked up at Thomas, and for a moment, he didn't see him as his master. He just saw his father looking back at him, who looked a lot sadder then Matt had ever seen him before in his life. He just seemed to..defeated, and Matt had never seen him like that before.

For a moment, Matt wanted to reach over and just hug him, suddenly getting the urge to not let him go and hold onto him for as long as he could. He suddenly realised that, with Spencer being his new master, Matt was losing his father. This time, permanently. There was no going back from this and he wanted to hold onto him and beg him not to go.

But part of him couldn't stand to touch him, or perhaps he was afraid that if he moved then all of this would burst and he'd wake up on the floor of the warehouse getting beaten down by Brent. He didn't want to touch him and he actually shied away from him a little, unable to say anything as all he could think of was the lies and pain that had been delivered out of that wolfs mouth.

But Thomas didn't say anything as Matt couldn't look at him. He just closed his eyes and nodded, as if he knew the time had come to leave. Thomas slowly opened his eyes and nodded at Matt just once, before he moved away from him.

"Take care of him" Thomas said quietly to Spencer, who nodded at him as he held Matt in his arms. Matt didn't watch as he heard the office door open and close behind him, and he couldn't help but feel a chill through his body as he suddenly realised that that was probably the last time he would see his father in a long time.

And he didn't know which way to feel about it.

Matt felt Spencers arms hold against him in a warm tight squeeze as he was held from behind, and he suddenly felt both a mixture of a wave of nausea and fatigue hit him rather hard as he felt his head spin. .

"Spencer..." Matt said softly.

"Yes hun?" Spencer asked.

"Don't let me go, ever" Matt said as he felt tears brimming in his eyes.

"I promise I won't" Spencer said as he gently brushed his tears away.

A favourite Situation Chapter 17

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A Favourite Situation Chapter 16

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All in the Family

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