A Favourite Situation Chapter 16

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#16 of Favourite Situaion

A favourite Situation Chapter 16

by Kendo Kawabata

Time has a funny way of passing, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. For Timothy, time was passing by at a snails pace, and the snail was being slow on purpose. It had been a week since Timothy's grand public punishment, where he had been humiliated in front of the entire warehouse staff, his father, the warehouse boss and of course, his slave. For Timothy, it felt like six months.

Thomas, his father, had been true to his word about his sons punishment, something that had shocked Timothy when they got home. Freedoms and liberties that Timothy had taken for granted for most of his life, had been stripped away amidst plenty of arguing and shouting, mostly on Timothy's part.

Thomas had ensured that everything he had promised to do to his son, was being done. No tears or yelling or screaming or even name calling got him a reprieve or even a reconsideration from his father. When all had been said and done, Timothy had remained grounded, bored and unable to do anything even remotely fun.

And it was pissing him off something chronic.

He was being driven to school everyday by his father, and not in his big flashy expensive car. He had to be driven in his fathers expensive, but nowhere near as good car. When he arrived at school, he had to face the fact that he was no longer on the football team, and all the benefits and good shit that came with the position of being the big football hero, were now useless.

Timothy was unable to now flaunt his status around as if he had been given free chocolate every day. And everyone knew he was no longer a self proclaimed legend. All the weaker kids who looked up at him like he was some kind of godlike figure now pointed and laughed at him behind his back. His teammates, who revered him as the best in the school, now chose to eat at a different table at lunch and ignore him. Even the teachers, who were willing to comp his homework because he had that special talent on the field, were no longer accepting his pathetic excuses as to why his homework was not being done. Or handed in. If ever.

The once proud and arrogant teenager was now facing life at the bottom of the barrel at school. He could almost feel the sniggering behind him when his father pulled up in the parking lot every day right on time. The two of them were silent on the ride home, only a question or two from Thomas asking his son about his homework. The minute they got home, Thomas would look through his bag to make sure he wasn't lying and then send him up to his room where he was not permitted to leave.

Dinner would be the only time he was allowed out of his room and it was brief. They barely spoke to one another, and then Timothy would be sent back to his room and not permitted to leave till morning. His room was now a prison, his father having effectively cleaned it of anything good.

His game systems had been confiscated and locked up. The Internet had been cut off from his computer, and his cellphone had been taken from his possession. Anything that should have brought him joy was taken without question and without compromise. The only thing left for Timothy to really do now in his room, was homework.

And the sex.

God how he missed the sex. Timothy's nuts were aching and he had a serious case of blue-balls. He had been so used to getting his rocks off, he just couldn't go back to pawing. He was used to getting blowjobs and anal from the guys on his team and guys on the rival teams. He missed the odd cheerleader who was happy to give up her pussy for the non existent chance for his number. And he missed putting Matt in his place, since a guy with a tiny dick should submit to the guy with a real dick.

He missed the feeling of having his body worshiped and his cock treated like it belonged on a legend of a porn star. He missed the abundance of sex, and now he only had his right hand to get himself off. Not only did it not bring him any pleasure and something primitive that some loser with no sex life would do, it was insulting to his manhood.

Timothy had followed every one of his fathers rules and regulations for the past week without making an issue out of it or trying to test his fathers patience. His ass had recovered after the first couple of days, although he couldn't look at the reflection of his butt in the mirror without feeling some shame and embarrassment about the humiliating acts that had been forced upon him.

He had been harboring some kind of hope that his father would reconsider the option of undoing his punishment after he had suffered, needlessly, for a week and seeing that his son was so miserable with his life ruined for no reason. He thought Thomas would relent and let everything go back to normal. He would give back everything he had wrongfully taken, give back his car that he had stolen, and let him have his friends back so that he could have sex again, and give him back his handler title so he could go and get that worthless slave of his and tan his hide till he screamed for mercy.

But his father was not budging. Thomas had given no indication or inclination of any kind that Timothy would be let off the hook after just one week. He was tempted to give his father a piece of his mind and tell him that he had suffered enough. But, in one of his very rare smart moments, Timothy thought better of it. He had the feeling that his father could make things worse for him, he just didn't know how exactly.

If the first week had been rough, the second week was even worse. Time seemed to stretch longer and everything started to sink in to him now that he knew the punishment was real. During the first week, he had harbored some kind of hope that it wasn't. Another week of being grounded, watched and treated like a nobody at school. And it did get worse when the tutor showed up.

Oh GOD, the tutor. It had to be even worse then not having sex.

His tutor was brought over on the weekends from one of the local colleges, and he was some kind of elderly old man who always seemed to harbor a cough whenever he came over. Plus, he was old and ugly, even for a doberman. And he was married.

Timothy thought that since the house belonged to his father and that in the absence of his father, Timothy was supposed to be considered the law of the manor. However, his tutor told him from the get go that if he disobeyed or messed up and didn't improve, his progress would not only be slowed, but he'd end up coming over on afternoons as well. He had a no nonsense way of dealing with Timothy's studies, and Timothy was feeling more like a prisoner in his own home.

The only thought that really kept him going was the simple thought of revenge. He wanted payback on his bastard of an ex-brother and that bastard in his fathers employ. Those two were the ones who really deserved punishment, not him. The overseer who dared to help in that punishment on a freeman without questioning it, and the slave who dared to not only touch him, but allow someone else to touch him as well. Matt was his slave, HIS. No-one else was allowed to touch him, not Timothy's property.

And he was a freeman after all, and freemen deserved better then this bs.

By the end of the third week, after his tutor had left him for the day and had also let it slip that due to Timothy's spoiled brat attitude that his work was now a week behind, Timothy was now ready to throw down the gauntlet and go into that warehouse with all guns blazing, if he had an actual set of guns.

If anything, all the extra time he had with nothing to do gave him plenty of time to think. And the problem was, there was little he could do as a freeman. Under the laws of the B.O.S.S., a freeman could not lay a hand on a slave unless they had the authority of the slaves title holder. There was no way that Spencer was going to give permission for Timothy to do anything to Matt, and his father, well he could forget about that. Plus, the punishment for doing that, was not something Timothy wished upon himself.

So actually touching Matt was completely out of the question. Plus, Matt had a mouth. And, if they were as close as Timothy was starting to believe, Spencer would believe anything that Matt said. And since Timothy was wrongfully being punished, his father would be inclined to believe Spencer. Although Spencer shouldn't believe Matt anyway, because slaves lie. It was a well known fact.

Sitting at dinner that night, Timothy had nothing to say to his father. But he didn't really want to say anything either. He couldn't trust himself to not say the wrong thing, and make his life extend into something worse. So, dinner was a sombre affair that night, as it always seemed to be lately.

However, his father had something very surprising to say that night.

''Timothy, I have to visit the warehouse tomorrow'' Thomas had said as he put down the evening paper and addressed his son across the table. Timothy picked at his food a little as he looked up at his father.

''And?'' he asked, sounding a bit bored already.

''I have to go there after I pick you up from school tomorrow. I have business there that may take a while'' Thomas said as he looked at his son from across the rather expensive dining room table.

''Sounds fine'' Timothy said as he poked at his mashed potatoes. Honestly, mashed potatoes were such peasants food.

''You will be coming with me'' Thomas said. Timothy's ears picked up on that and he sat up a little more in his chair. Now, the conversation was getting interesting.

''Hang on, I thought you said I wasn't allowed there anymore'' Timothy said. If he was going to the warehouse...

''I'm aware of what I said Timothy'' Thomas said, not looking impressed. ''However, I'm going to be there a while. There is an issue about some stock that hasn't arrived after it got transferred out, and I need to see what happened to it. And I am not going to dive all the way home and leave you here unattended for what could possibly be a whole afternoon'' Thomas said, as he gave his son a look that suggested he knew he would be doing something wrong.

''Dad, what could I possibly do while you're away for an afternoon?'' Timothy asked him.

''Would you like me to take a guess?'' Thomas asked as he raised an eyebrow at him.

''No'' Timothy said, shrinking a little in his seat.

''While you are there, I am going to leave you in the loading bay. I am tell you this now, you will not do anything to disrupt anyone, including Matt'' Thomas said sternly. ''If you can prove that you can behave while you are there, I might, keyword MIGHT, take into consideration on lessening your punishment.''

''So, all I have to do is behave for an hour or so and you'll let me off the hook?'' Timothy asked. He could actually feel his hope raising, as well as ideas starting to form on what he could do to get revenge on Matt. Maybe stage an accident....

''I said Lessen'' Thomas said with a frown to his son. ''I didn't say abolish. You still have a long way to go to prove to me that you have accepted your punishment and are genuinely sorry for it. And trust me, you are nowhere near it'' Thomas said as he went back to his paper.

Timothy opened his mouth to argue that the last few weeks had been more then enough of a chance, but he swiftly closed it. He knew he would not get a chance like this again, and he would rather have access to the warehouse then say something stupid and end up having to serve time in the car instead. Plus, he had his self preservation to think about as well.

But a sinister smile began to spread across Timothy's face as he saw the window of opportunity had raised itself. Plans and thoughts were already forming in his mind as he went back to eating his dinner, and he began to wonder if there was a way to not only get back at Matt and Spencer, but get them both at the same time and get away with it Scott free.

The school day ended up dragging far more then Timothy would have liked. It was passing by so slowly he really could have improved his grades by actively listening to his teachers and what was going on around him. But he made no effort to do anything productive as he whiled away the time by thinking on what to do to Matt.

By the time that the last bell had rung and Timothy got himself ready to head out and away from the concrete prison the school had become, he thought that he had figured out a plan of action against those two bastards. Well, he hoped he had one sorted out.

Every-time he thought about how to get back at Matt and Spencer at the same time, his idea on plans would drift back to that one moment he had witnessed between them both in the warehouse. That one fleeting moment that he wasn't supposed to see. That one moment that proved to him, that Spencer was involved with Timothy's property. And if they were, that was what he had to prove to his father.

It was strictly against all the bureaus policies and guidelines that no slave could have a relationship of any kind outside a master-slave relationship. And if was discovered that Spencer, as an Overseer, was having an inappropriate relationship with Matt, who was not his legal slave, but more like a ward, well, that was worse.

It would have been bad enough if it was Spencer's own slave, but to do it with someone else's, it was against the bureaus law. After all, anyone who was a slave, was a slave for a reason. And they were in that position to be punished for the reason they were a slave. Matt had been punished for drinking underage, smashing property and crashing a car. He was a slave to be punished, not get into a relationship with someone old enough to be his father.

As Timothy spun the combination on his locker and shut the metal contraption secure, he thought some more on the subject. Spencer had been up and down in his fathers good books, always able to redeem himself whenever he did something that Thomas did not approve of. But if Timothy could prove that Spencer was involved with Matt, this was not something he could just bounce back from.

And, perhaps more importantly, Timothy was sure that if Spencer got fired, it would break Matt faster and harder then anything else had in the last year, and Matt would be nothing more then a broken slave with no free will to do anything more then what was ordered of him.

The thought was enough to give Timothy a boner about how badly he could reduce his once older brother. His jeans tented in the front as the thought aroused him and he had to shake his head a bit to clear his thoughts to put it down.

What killed the boner quicker then anything, was the thought that Timothy had zero proof.

As he made his way past the throngs of students and outside into the parking lot, his mood slowly became dour as he knew he had no proof, and that to find proof would be hard. He knew he had seen what he had seen ,but what would his father say about it?

"You saw Spencer put his hand on Matt and touch him like a lover? Go back to your room and don't bother me unless its important."

Yeah, that's what his father would say. He'd probably chalk it up to Timothy being delusional or trying to weasel out of his punishment. No, if Timothy was going to go to his father about this, he would need proof, or he'd be punished until graduation of his final college years.

His father was waiting for him, his own personal fancy car in the car space where Timothy's rightful even more fancy car was meant to be parked. Thomas was standing outside the car, leaning against it with his arms folded over his chest, watching his sons every move as he walked towards the parking lot.

"In the car" Thomas said as he pointed to the door behind him. Timothy did not even get a 'Hello, how was your day?' kind of greeting, just an 'In the car' order from his father. Timothy would have been pissed about it, but he was instead still in thought about what to do about Matt and Spencer.

Timothy sunk into the car seat and shut the car door as Thomas slipped into the drivers seat. He looked out the window as his father started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, the school buses leaving before them as they trundled off to deliver everyone to their stops of origin.

As they left the gates of the schools property, Timothy had already dismissed the idea of catching them in the act. Spencer may have just been a big dumb meat head with a fat stupid gut, but he wasn't as dumb as he looked, which wasn't much of a compliment. He was probably smart enough to not do anything in front of any possible witnesses and keep whatever it was they had professional till there was no-one left in the warehouse to catch them.

But that did leave the cameras. There were cameras all over the warehouse, save for one in Matt's room. That did ruin things a little, as the cameras would only show Spencer going into Matt's room, and then leaving. They would be unable to show anything that actually happened inside the slaves room, if anything did. It would force Spencer to actually explain his actions as to why it took him so long in the slaves room then he needed to be.

But, he was sure that, once again and heaven forbid, Spencer was smarter then he looked and could probably think of one hundred legitimate reasons as to why he would spend so much time in Matt's room. And he was probably smart enough to not get caught on camera doing anything more then letting Matt get a treat now and then.

As the buildings passed them by and the people on the street became a blur of figures and colours, Timothy knew that he needed rock solid proof about what was going on between those two. The only question was, where the hell would there be any kind of proof of that?

Timothy was unable to come up with any kind of answer by the time they made it to the warehouse. The car pulled to a stop besides Spencer's suv, the sight of the big vehicle making Timothy glower in anger. Another insult, the bastard was able to have a big car while Timothy had nothing.

"Out" Thomas said over his shoulder as he hopped out of the car, Timothy grunting in reply as he got out as well. He hooked his backpack over his shoulder, resisting the urge to drag it along the ground in a show of how much he hated being there. But he figured he could get away a little easier if his father wasn't any more angrier with him then he already was.

Thomas however, seemed alright with ignoring Timothy as he walked into the warehouse, with his son following behind him. Timothy looked up and glared slightly as he stepped in through the front doors and found Spencer was already waiting for them by the front area.

The warehouse was noisy, signaling the fact that it was busier then normal that day. Even as Timothy stepped in through the door, he heard multiples swears and angry shouts, as well as what sounded like a minor collision between two workers in a nearby aisle.

"Sorry about the mess" Spencer said as he stepped up to Thomas. "We've had two trucks arrive late and a third one arrive at the same time they finally did. They thought it would be funny, or better for them if they could just arrive whenever they felt like and take their time unloading. So we're trying to catch up before the next delivery arrives" he explained.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll have to speak to their companies. Most of this shipping business requires everything to run smoothly without hiccups like this. If they were doing this on purpose, then I'll make an official complaint. Perhaps one dire enough to get them fired for this stupid behavior" Thomas said as he and Spencer began to walk towards the office together with Timothy following behind them.

"I already have their names and their numbers from the truck, I figured you'd want them" Spencer said as they walked. "They didn't seem too happy to hear me complain to their faces, so I can imagine what kind of expression they'd have if you got them fired" he said wit ha chuckle.

"Good" Thomas said as they headed into the office, Spencer closing the door behind the three of them. "Now, I think we'll have to pull the cameras down for a while and actually see what's happening with the so-called missing stock. I take it you've already gone through everything to make sure it actually arrived?" Thomas asked as he sat down in the chair behind the desk.

"Matt checked off everything twice over" Spencer said with a nod as he pulled the files from a nearby folder on the desk. "And I did double-check all of his paperwork as well, and I also double checked them against everything that got delivered into the warehouse and got delivered out of the warehouse" Spencer said as he laid out the papers on the desk.

"And?" Thomas asked as he looked up at him.

"They never arrived, and they never left. It's more then likely a mix up of one of the others delivering the stock" Spencer said. "I know they wish to blame Matt over this, but I think it's only because we have a slave and they feel they can blame him as an easy scapegoat" Spencer added.

"I'd still like to review the footage though. Just to make sure we've covered all the bases" Thomas said to him. "In a situation like this, it's best to cover everything so they can't land the blame on us" he pointed out. It was then he looked up and seemed to actually notice that Timothy was standing by the door of the office looking bored.

"Spencer, could you please lead Timothy to the loading bay and seat him somewhere? He's not permitted to move from that spot" Thomas said as he pulled the keyboard towards himself and began to disable the cameras to the warehouse.

"Sure thing" Spencer said with a grin as he grabbed Timothy by the shoulder in a firm and a rough grip that was strong enough to almost pull Timothy off his feet.

"Hey, watch it. That's a brand name jumper" Timothy said as he was grabbed as Spencer opened the door to the office and began to drag him outside.

"As if you can't afford another one on your allowance" Spencer said as he pulled the spoiled boy from the office and began to drag him towards the loading back. He didn't release his grip on Timothy as he lead the boy into the crowded loading bay.

The loading bays doors were open, all of them, letting in a rather surprising amount of sunlight. There were pallets piled up everywhere, and the floor was covered in pieces of binding strips and cling wrap. Spencer hadn't been kidding, the place was packed and full to the brim, and they probably wouldn't be able to get everything out on time thanks to the mix up.

"You can sit your little cherry red ass right there" Spencer said as he pulled Timothy over to the desk. But instead of putting timothy to sit at the desk, he instead grabbed the chair and hauled it across the floor over towards the punishment cross. "And you can behave, unless you want to be strapped up to this thing again" he added wit ha smirk.

"Don't you speak to me like that" Timothy said with a sneer on his face. "Just because I'm not a handler anymore doesn't change the fact that I'm the boss' son" Timothy said with anger in his voice as he stared defiantly up at the bigger male.

Spencer however just laughed at the smaller male as he tried to look intimidating, and instead gave him a shove downwards and forced Timothy to sit in the chair with a rather firm thump onto the seat. Timothy landed with said firm thump and the chair rolled back till he hit the shelving behind him.

"You might be the boss' son, but one word from him, and you're back on that cross and I'll tan your hide personally myself. If you think Matt hurt you, I can be even worse" Spencer said as he leant down enough to look Timothy in the eyes. "And yes, you might not be a handler anymore, but that doesn't change the fact that you're a little punk ass bitch" he said.

"Now, you sit your ass there and don't you dare move" He threatened, as if he was ordering a dog around. "Although, I do seem to remember you getting rather hard from your little punishment, so who knows, may you enjoyed it" he said with a smirk as he stood up and began to walk away.

Timothy stared after him, just wanting to get up and slap the bastard across his stupid smug face enough to knock that stupid ponytail off his head. But he restrained himself and didn't even utter a mild curse at him, especially as Spencer would not hesitate to go to his father and spill the beans on how Timothy was acting like a spoilt brat. And that would be an altercation on his punishment.

And the last thing he wanted, was for his father to focus his attention on Timothy and not on the fact that he had presented him with whatever evidence he could find.

"Evidence" Timothy mulled over once more as he looked over the packed loading bay. He had a thought before on where he was able to actually find any, but he wasn't too sure now. The last thing he wanted to do was to spend all his time looking in the wrong place and find nothing and get stuck in his punishment for god knows how long.

He waited a few minutes on the chair, giving his father enough time to turn off the cameras and get absorbed into his findings. And enough time for them to forget he was actually out there. Once he felt that enough time had passed, Timothy got up off the chair and began to make his way towards Matt's room.

Timothy saw someone coming and he quickly backtracked to his chair, landing on it with enough force to almost knock it over, just as someone stepped into the loading bay on the other side. Timothy felt a scowl appear across his features as he saw Matt was the culprit that had almost sprung him. Just the very sight of his former slave was enough to make him grit his teeth together and mutter several foul things under his breathe.

Matt looked exhausted, almost dragging his feet exhausted as he walked up to an overfull pallet and slid the jack under it and began to pump the handle. He looked weary and his skin was shining from all the sweat that had built up. His tunic was soaked and clung to his skin like an extra layer of latex, his muscled defined all the more from the stuck material. He seemed to struggle, even though the pallet jack made carrying such a huge load all the more easier.

But Timothy felt no pity or sympathy for his exhausted ex brother. He just silently glared daggers at the worn out flamedramon, his thoughts turning to all the possible evidence he could find. Anything in that room at all, a love letter, a used condom, claw marks on the sheets, hell even a freaking sex video on Matt's computer would be more then enough to prove that Matt was a slut for black cock. He wouldn't put it past Matt if he had managed to use the webcam on his monitor to capture the two of them in the act for later usage.

"His computer..." Timothy thought suddenly as a creepy smile spread across his features. He hadn't actually thought of that before. But it kind of made sense. Matt did not have a slave regulated computer, which was known as the Slavetop system. It was a very basic notebook sized laptop, filled with specialized spy-ware that the owners could access remotely to see what their slaves looked up and who they may be communicating with. Basically, a plastic trap.

But Matt's computer was his desktop system from before he was enslaved. The only thing that had been done to it was that it had been reset to factory standard settings. Nothing else had been added to it, or installed. The desktop was probably the only comfort of privacy that Matt was able to indulge in. And it was probably the only thing he let his guard down around.

And if there was any incriminating evidence, it would most likely be on there.

The minute Matt left the loading bay, struggling with the overloaded pallet and had disappeared from sight, Timothy slid his hand into his bag and felt around in one of the pockets for a minute till he found one of his usb drives. It was a basic little thing, something he should have used for his schoolwork, but it still had the sticker on it that proved it had never been used.

Until today.

Timothy made sure that the loading bay was empty and devoid of all people before he got off his chair and made his way through the pallet stacks, taking care to keep a look out in case anyone saw him. But all he heard was the sounds of the employees arguing and stock getting shifted. He grinned to himself. They were too busy taking care of their problems to keep an eye on him.

Matt's room was as spotless as it ever was. The cheap thin bed was made as it always was, the sink and dishes clean and in their place. The floor was free of any kind of dust, and the shower was clean and smelt like disinfectant. The computer desk was free of dust as well, and nothing extra was on it, save for the stupid mint plant that Spencer had bought Matt. If there was one thing that Timothy could never really punish Matt over, was the fact that his room was borderline psycho tidy.

"Maybe I should just shit in the shower and watch Matt try and explain it" Timothy thought evilly as he shut the door behind him and slipped over to the computer. He sat himself in the chair, grunting slightly in the discomfort that the padding on the seat had worn out and it was now like sitting on a piece of wood.

"Stupid idiot, can't even ask for a replacement chair" he thought, then he smirked as he realized how stupid that actually was. If Matt had actually asked, he probably would have been bent over his desk and spanked for asking for a luxury that was beyond what a slave deserved. Or, maybe once he was back being his handler, he could just punish him for wearing the stool out by sitting down way too much.

"Now, lets see if you've been keeping any secrets from me" Timothy said as he plugged the usb into the slot and brought the black screen-saver off. The basic desktop background appeared, bare of the majority of shortcuts that would normally pepper a screen. Timothy frowned a little. Computer tech know-how was a bit beyond him, but even he could see that all the icons were just the basics that came when you first turned on the system.

He brought up the menu and did a quick look through the applications that were listed there. If there was anything on there that shouldn't be added, he could get Matt into trouble for that. But there was nothing there either. Just the basic solitaire and minesweeper games that the companies thought everyone needed, and all the basic applications that were installed.

He sighed a bit and sat back. Well, it looked like this was a bust. Matt's computer looked as clean as if he had bought it the day before. There was nothing in it at all that could get the stupid idiot into trouble over. He rubbed his forehead with his palm a bit as he thought for a moment on what Matt actually did with the damn thing if there was nothing to do with it?

He rubbed his face again in frustration as he found himself annoyed. There was nothing there on the computer for him to use against Matt. He shook his head and went to unplug the usb device before something in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen caught his attention. He hadn't noticed it there before, but he found his heart leaping in rather high hopes as he realized what it was.

There was an internet tab resting in the toolbar. Matt did have internet privileges, but the parental block system had been cleverly worded so that there was little Matt was able to actually look at. But, as Timothy knew, there were ways around a parental blocking device, or any kind of filter. Such as replacing the word 'boobs' with the words 'anime honkers' got you all kinds of things. And Matt was, grudgingly, smarter then Timothy about computers.

Licking his lips in anticipation, Timothy moved the mouse and clicked the cursor onto the tab in the toolbar. With a quick sudden movement, the window maximized and filled the screen. Timothy felt his eyes go wide beyond normal proportions and he found himself salivating at what he saw.

"Oh fuck, this is too perfect" He said as he grew one of the sleaziest grins he had ever managed to have across his face. "I have you now Matt, I have you good. I'm going to ruin you over what you did to me" he said as he had to restrain himself from whooping in joy over what Matt had left on his computer for the world to see.

It was an internet chat program, the kind of disposable flash based chat program that once you deleted the open program, it literally vanished without a trace. Nothing was left to trace, and nothing would indicate it ever existed. Only, Matt hadn't deleted the chat window. He had just minimized it, so it was still there.

"Oh, this is better then the time I got that rhino quarterback from the first round team at finals bent over the hood of my car in the parking lot while his girlfriend was getting him a drink. Hehe, and he thought he was straight" Timothy said with a grin to himself as he rubbed the crotch of his pants, the literal jackpot of information in front of him was turning him on.

"So, your chatting to someone named Jeanne. Who is that, your new pimp?" he said to himself with a grin as he licked his lips and scrolled up to the top of the chat. Based on the time on the chat log, Matt had been up early this morning to talk to this, Jeanne person. "Must be a girl, stupid name like that" he said to himself as he started to read.

"Oh, this looks good. Now, what was the button combo?" he asked no-one in particular, as he looked over the keyboard for a moment. "Ah, that's right. Control, Alt, Print screen" he said as he pressed the button combo and then dragged the mouse over to bring up the program 'Paint.'

"And lets see....Add" he said triumphantly as the cropped screen image appeared on the program. "And a couple of adjustments.....save into the usb.....save into... the ...usb.....Oh come on, don't save it in fucking videos" he cursed at the computer as he managed to almost save the file in the wrong directory.

"OK, there we go. NOW it's on the usb. Stupid computer" he muttered to himself, but the moment of annoyance was over with as he grinned at what he had just managed to copy over.

Jeanne - So, your master ended up choosing you to punish his son. I can see that happening, what with it being all the more humiliating. Although that was rather risky on his behalf. Tell me though, how did it make you feel?

Blueboy21 - Honestly, I'm surprised I enjoyed it. I mean, I asked Spencer how to make him hurt. And I wanted to make him hurt. I really, really wanted to hurt him. I wanted to make him suffer, I wanted to bring him pain. After everything he did to me this last year, I wanted him to pay. And I wanted to enjoy seeing him pay.

Jeanne - Well, that is understandable. After what you've discussed with me in the past, and what I've heard from various other slaves, and from my own experience, slaves will relish the chance to induce pain to those who dealt it to them.

Blueboy21- I'm not going to lie. I loved every damn minute of it. All that rage I felt, all that anger hatred, I was happy to let it all out on him. But when Spencer stopped me, I'll admit I was angry that he did, cause I felt like I wasn't done. But, if he didn't stop me, I can't help but wonder how far I would have gone.

Jeanne - Anyone ever tell you about stooping to their level?

Blueboy21 - You mean as in, don't? Heard it all the time from teachers at school when I got bullied. Always found it stupid that they can break your things and drag you through the mud and gang up on you, but you're going to far when you kick them in the balls.

Jeanne - A number of people would probably say that you stooped to and went under Timothys level by punishing him as you did, and they'd insist a bit more if they found out you wanted to do it and got enjoyment out of it. I can understand why you did it, and I'm not judging you here, but you always should keep an open mind on what people will say about you, and trust me, they will say it.

Blueboy21- Then let them say it. Everytime Timothy takes me to get his rocks off, I never enjoy it. I never want it. It's practically rape to me. So boo-hoo to all the little political correct greenies out there if I happen to enjoy beating Timothy while he's bound and helpless. They're not the ones who have to suffer taking it from him. I'm almost wishing lately that he breaks the law again, so next time I can go longer and really make him hurt.

"Yeah, proof you wanted to hurt me, you smart ass shit" Timothy said as he went back into the chat window and started to scroll down again, looking for more dirt to find. He startled and jumped slightly when he heard a noise outside the door. He froze, his fingers resting just above the keyboard as he felt his heart hammer in the brief spell of panic.

But the door didn't open and he didn't hear anything on the stairs. It was probably just someone dropping something or banging into something out in the loading bay, and it just sounded closer was all. He let his breath out of his lungs as he breathed a sigh of relief before he went back to looking.

As he scrolled and read, his eyes flickering over anything that might look interesting or blackmaily, he didn't pay too much attention. It was all stupid slave banter and 'why me' bullshit, nothing worth noting. All touchy feely crap.

Then he hit paydirt, again. Another paragraph made him smile as he found something interesting. He grinned as he cropped the image with the button combo, and made sure to save it in the right spot this time. He managed to do so in one movement, adding a second piece of incriminating evidence to his pile.

Jeanne - Do you think you hate your father, or do you know you hate him? I ask because its important to know the difference. Sometimes, people don't know the difference.

Blueboy21- Why do I get the feeling I'm going to be judged on my answer?

Jeanne - I told you before, I'm not here to judge you. If it makes you feel any better, I hate both my parents, and for very good reasons. They deserve having me hate them. And I can live with that. But if you hate your father, I'm not going to judge you if you have a good reason to hate him.

Blueboy21 - Thought for a minute there you'd probably quote some bible verse at me or something.

Jeanne - I think Family Guy pointed it out first. 'The bible says to honor thy father and mother, it doesn't say anything about liking them.' And remember, I'm not here to judge. I'm only here to listen.

Blueboy21 - Well, honestly, I can't find a reason to love him anymore. I've tried Jeanne, honestly, I've tried. I've tried to see things from his perspective. I know I screwed up and on some level, I deserve this. But, I don't think I hate him. I just...can't find myself calling him dad and loving him if or when all this is over.

Jeanne - well, not hating your father is something positive. Means there can be a bridge to rebuild, if you want that opportunity.Of course, after everything that has happened, it would be a very big bridge to rebuild.

Blueboy21 - Have you forgiven your parents for whatever they did?

Jeanne - I rescued my boys. My two boys, were slaves to a very horrible person, against their will. I found them, in a very horrible condition, and I rescued them. I went to my parents for help, and they wanted to call the police and give me up for kidnapping. They refused to help in every way, then again they are rich pricks. I've spent the last several years helping my boys get better, and my parents have not once tried to help in any way. In fact, I think they prefer to believe I don't exist.

Blueboy21- I'm guessing that's a no.

Jeanne - I can live without my parents in my life, and I'm not sorry if I ever hear from them again. But if you don't want to have a relationship with your father again, you have to be prepared to live with that situation. Do you want to rebuild your relationship with your father?

Blueboy21 - I don't think I do Jeanne. When this is all said and done, I just want to slap him in the face, turn around and run. And I don't want to look back.

Jeanne - Where would you run to?

Blueboy21 - To Spencer. I want to run to him and live with him for the rest of my life. He's the only one that makes me feel anything anymore.

"Oh yes, I knew it. I fucking knew it. Called it, I called it bitches" Timothy said rather loudly as he pumped his fists up in the air in an act of triumph. "YES, fucking called it" he said gleefully in the air up at the ceiling as he pumped his fists so vigorously in the air that he let out a startled eeeping noise and had to grab onto the desk for safety as he felt the chair tip over.

"Woah, almost fell off the damn chair" he said as he regained his composure. "But still, I knew it. I fucking knew there was something between those two. I damn well knew it" he said with the biggest grin on his face. But the grin was short lived as a sudden realization hit him like a cold bucket of water to the face.

"SHIT" he swore loudly as he looked back at the computer monitor. Yes, the evidence that Matt couldn't love his father anymore was there. And that last line was practically an admission of who he prefers, but there was no actual confession about Matt's feelings. Just his preferall on where to run.

"Dammit. This isn't enough" he said as he started to scroll through again. "If only I can find something on here....come on you idiot, didn't you admit you love the bastard somewhere on here" he said as he scrolled through, looking a little more closely, his eyes darting back and forth looking for key words of any kind.

His eyes grew wide as he suddenly found what he was looking for, quite literally after the paragraph he had just copied. It was a couple of lines downwards, and he couldn't believe he had missed it the first time. His grin grew back across his face as his features lit up like a lightbulb in a balloon.

Jeanne - So, I'll ask it the same way. Do you feel you love him, or do you know you love him?

Blueboy21 - I know I love him. When I told him, I knew I meant it. I don't regret saying it, and I don't feel bad knowing that I said it. This doesn't feel dirty or wrong in anyway. I know I meant every word. And I really don't care if anyone else says its wrong to love him.

Jeanne - Well, I would still advise being careful. What you two did on Christmas, that was risky. Especially with the rules the bureau has in place for something like this.

Blueboy21- I know it was. But he took the cameras down, and there's no way I'm going to tell anyone what we did. I know he could lose his job if anyone found out, but I wanted it as much as he did. We both needed it, we were...going down shit creek and needed this to happen to get us up on the right path.

Jeanne - I understand that Matt, but remember, no-one is going to look into the reasons why it happened, just the fact that it happened. And Spencer could lose more then his job over this.

Blueboy21 - I wanted it as much as he needed it. He was trying so hard to hide the fact that he loves me so he wouldn't be hurt, but it was killing him inside, I know it was. And I wanted to feel him Jeanne. I wanted him inside me, I wanted to physically feel his love, and I wanted to feel loved from him as much as I love him.

Jeanne - I've read the rules Matt. Spencer could lose his job over this. I have no intention on tattling on this, they don't like me in the B.O.S.S and probably wouldn't pick up the phone with me on the end. But if anyone found out you two had sex, he could face jailtime. An abuse of property.

Blueboy21 - I know. But I'm not regretting it just because of what 'might' happen. And you know what, I'd do it again if I had the chance. When he took me on the desk in the loading bay at Christmas for the whole night, I know they can't take that memory from me. And I'd take the risk again to feel his love in me.

"Got you" Timothy said with a grin on his face as he copied and pasted the chat screen capture into the paint program and added it to his usb of evidence. That was it right there. The admission. The final sword in the stone or the bird in the bush or whatever the stupid phrase was. He had what he wanted, and there was no way his father could deny this.

"I've got you Matt. And you too, you black bastard" Timothy said as he closed the paint program and pulled the usb from the slot. He went to shut down the chat program, almost out of reflex, but he, for once, smartly stopped himself from doing a mistake like that.

"No, dad would probably ask for proof or accuse me of faking this. Better leave this here for evidence" Timothy said to himself as he stood up from the computer, pushing the chair back from behind him.

"But I can't believe it. I have it right here" he said excitedly as he pumped his fist in the air, clutching the usb in his fist like it was a prized treasure. "I have what I need to get you out of here Spencer, and get my slave back as mine. Oh, dad is gonna make me the handler and give me sole use of Matt after this" he said, feeling rather exhilarated with how he was feeling.

He giggled like a naughty schoolchild and turned on the spot, his back facing the bed as he spread his arms out and landed with a flop onto the bed. The mattress barely bounced as he looked up at the blank ceiling with a feeling of pride and happiness, the bed slightly rattling from the impact as he grinned to himself.

"Oh, I can't wait to see the look on his face when I show this to dad" Timothy said with a grin as he looked up at the blank ceiling that Matt spent many hours staring at to pass the time. "And just wait Matt, I got big plans for you when I finish school this year and I move to college. Dads going to be so easy to talk into letting me take you with me and making you..."

Wait, the bed rattled?

Timothy slowly sat up in a moment of confusion. Beds didn't rattle, they creaked. Their joints creaked from years of repeated movements, not rattle like medication in a bottle. Timothy got off the bed and turned around as he looked at it. Why on earth would Matt's bed be rattling?

The thought tickled at his mind for a minute as he slipped his hand under the mattress and lifted it up, the cheap piece of furniture was easy to lift, weighing very little as he pushed it up against the wall. The bed frame was an old fashioned style, complete wooden base with wooden slats, no springs or support for the mattress at all.

Timothy leant over and placed his hand on the wooden frame and gave it a slight shake. He heard it again, a faint rattling coming from somewhere in the bed. But how was that possible? The bed was made out of solid wood, wasn't it?

Timothy leaned over and rapped his knuckles against one of the wooden slats. The sound that came from it, was not the knock you'd get on wood. It was plastic. The beds frame was designed to look like wood. It was very sturdy and hard plastic. Suddenly, it made sense. Wood doesn't rattle, but hollow plastic maybe....

He wrapped his hands around each slat and gave a tug, starting with one end and working his way down. He only got down to number four from the beds head when it came loose rather easily and pulled out from its spot. Timothy was surprised to find that one end of the slats crevice looked normal, but the other, fed into a hollow recess.

"What the hell?" Timothy said. Was something caught in the bed? It was on his mind now and he was not going to turn around and not find out what was making that rattling sound now. He leant over and slipped his hand into the empty hole and felt around, before his fingers came into contact with something. His face wrapped in surprise, as he pulled out a fistful of what looked like junk.

He looked at the junk in his hand for a minute or so, before his look of surprise turned into an evil grin on his face as he realized what this junk was, and where it had come from.

"Oh, checkmate bitch" Timothy said, almost unable to contain his glee. Whatever great deity in the sky happened to be there, he must have been giving Timothy the spotlight.

"Dad, you have to see this, now" Timothy said as he burst into the office with such a bang of the door, that it literally startled the two grownups and made them jump rather visibly. It took them both a few moments to register who had just barged in. Spencer was the first to react as he recomposed himself and glared down at the little smart ass.

"Timothy, get your ass out of here before I turn that ass red again in front of your father" Spencer said as he pointed to the door. "We're busy, and you're interrupting us."

"Dad, Matt has been stealing from the warehouse" Timothy said as he ignored Spencer and walked up to the desk and placed the various objects onto the surface in front of his father. The bag of magnetic stones, the magnifying glass, several metal objects and what looked like a few rather detailed black plastic army men spilt out across the desk.

"Timothy, what is this?" Thomas said as he looked in confusion at the objects. He hadn't seen these items before, and for a minute he thought Timothy was just being stupid.

"Timothy, get out" Spencer said as he pointed at the door again.

"Dad, these items were in Matt's room, hidden in his bed" Timothy said as he pointed at them. "They've been there for who knows how long. He's been stealing from the warehouse shipments, right under the nose of your overseer and everyone else that works here" Timothy said.

"That's ridiculous" Spencer said as he found himself getting angry at the accusation. "Nothing has been reported missing from any of our shipments, and there is no way Matt would be stealing from anyone. And anyway, what were you doing in his room? You had no permission to be in there" Spencer pointed out.

"Doesn't change the fact that Matt has been stealing" Timothy said as he looked at his father. "and you know that's a punishable offense" he pointed out to his father, who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Timothy, what were you doing in Matt's room in the first place? Did you plant these to get Matt into trouble?" Thomas asked as he looked at Timothy as if it was very obvious that was what had happened. "Because if you did, I am not in the mood to put up with this" he warned.

"I didn't plant them Dad. I found them. There's a hidden recess in Matt's bed, and that's where he's been hiding things" Timothy said as he looked at his father. "And if I was planting things from him, wouldn't there be actual evidence that someone's breaking into the warehouse deliveries?" he asked. "And besides, why would I bring these to you instead of telling you where to find them if I was planting them?" he asked with his arms crossed.

"He has a point there" Thomas said, not wanting to admit it. If timothy was planting evidence, there would be evidence of tampering with the stocks and deliveries. And then again, if he was planting the evidence, why bring it to the office and not just let it get found during an inspection?

"So there you go. Matt's been stealing. He's not such a golden boy after all" Timothy said with a smug grin of self satisfaction. "And it's probably been going on for a long time too. Who knows how long he's been putting his fingers in the cookie jars" he said.

"Well, then I'll bring Matt in and have a word with him. What happens with that, is none of your business, considering you are not his handler anymore" Thomas said to Timothy as he dismissed him with a wave of his hand. "Please leave now, while I'm still in a good mood."

"He still had no right going into Matt's room as he did" Spencer said as he gave Timothy a glare. "You are not a handler, so you have no right going into a slaves quarters without permission. Now you get your ass out of this office before turn your butt cheeks cherry again" he said.

"Yes, you are right" Thomas said with a sigh, finding another problem that we was being forced to handle. "Timothy, I will deal with this later. Regardless if Matt has been stealing, you still had no right going into his private quarters" he said.

"Well, if I'm going to be in trouble for being in Matts room, shouldn't Spencer get into trouble for fucking Matt?" Timothy said with a smirk on his face. He felt his satisfaction rise as he saw Spencer pause for a moment, a momentary fleeting expression of caught in the act flickered across his face before he righted himself again.

"Get out of my office" Spencer ordered, as rage flew into his eyes as he clenched his fists together. "Get out of my sight, you stupid spoilt little whore" he seethed through his teeth. Timothy however, did not look intimidated, as he was looking at the surprised expression on his fathers face.

"It won't be your office for much longer, considering you probably fucked Matt in here as well" Timothy said with a grin as he pulled a usb device from his pocket. "Tell me, was it just at Christmas that you took advantage of our property, or have you been violating him on a regular basis?"

"Timothy, what are you going on about?" Thomas asked as he looked over at his son. "If this is a joke, I am not laughing on it. It's one thing to come in here and tell me Matt has been stealing, but it is a whole new level of low to accuse Spencer of something serious like this without proof" he said as he started to get annoyed himself.

"I'm not making baseless accusations on this" Timothy said as he held the usb device out in his palm towards his father. "I found proof of it, on Matts computer. And he practically confesses that he and Spencer had sex on Christmas" he said as he placed the usb device on the desk in front of his father.

"I'm sure whatever you think you saw, is just a mistake. Spencer knows full well that Matt is off limits, and I know he wouldn't do anything to him against his will" Thomas said as he looked at the usb device like it was a giant ugly bug that he wanted to squash.

"The proof is right there dad" Timothy said, grinning as he noticed that Spencer hadn't said a word, and had in fact gone a shade of grey. "Matt's been talking to some stranger in a chatroom about his feelings, and he's been saying some things about you too dad. And his admittance that Spencer fucked him" Timothy said. "Its actually quite good reading, and you'd know about all this if you placed the spyware into his computer before you gave it to him. That's listed under the rules of giving slaves anything that the bureau hasn't made itself for its slaves" he said with a grin.

"So now your going through Matt's personals as well? You are in a lot of trouble here you little bitch" Spencer said as he found his voice again, a look of fury was glowing on his face. His fingers were digging so hard into his palm that he probably would have broken the skin if he didn't chew on his nails to keep them short.

"Maybe I shouldn't have, you're right. But that's not the issue here. The issue is that you can't keep it in your pants" Timothy said with a smirk to him, enjoying the furious look on the males face. "You can go through Matt's computer too. The program is still running there, if you don't believe me about this. But I did take a few screenshots to show you what he's been saying. They're right there on the usb."

"I can't believe you'd go so far to find dirt on us that you'd snoop through Matt's things" Spencer said, still with fury on his face. "You are an unbelievable little bitch" he said as he felt his face heat up with rage. The only thing that was stopping him from grabbing Timothy and choking the life out of him, was the simple fact that Thomas would have him arrested .

"Timothy, these are are some serious allegations you have here" Thomas said as he picked up the usb with his fingers, although he touched it like it was a diseased carcass. "If this is true, there will be ramifications here" he said. "But if this isn't proof, you won't see daylight again till I kick you out of the house when you turn twenty-one" he said.

"Ok then. Why don't you look at what I've got there?" Timothy said as he crossed his arms across his chest. "And if your not convinced, you can go up there and look at his computer. And if your not convinced after that, I'll take whatever punishment you want to give me" he said to his father as he looked him in the eyes.

Thomas looked at him in silence for several moments. Something was off, he was sure of it. Timothy was not opposing further punishment over this, unlike all the other times he had threatened him. All those other times, Timothy had whined and thrown five year old style tantrums and generally acted like a spoilt brat. But now, he didn't even flinch when Thomas mentioned grounding him till he was twenty one.

Which meant that either Timothy had found actual proof of what he was talking about, or he was so sure of himself he wasn't thinking that far into the future. Either way, Thomas wasn't getting a good feeling over this. He did chance a look up at Spencer behind him, and the furious look on his face only added to his uneasiness.

"Timothy, if your wasting my time, I think we can have a repeat of Matt beating you for another round" Thomas said. Timothy did not even flinch, and Thomas did not like where this was going as he slid the usb into the slot on the offices computer and brought the folder up.

Timothy grinned as he watched the expression on his fathers face. The look of surprise was there from the get go, and the fact it didn't change meant that Thomas wasn't going to deny that what Timothy had found, was real. And he was glad to see it. The minute he saw that look, he knew that he had Matt's fate decided and there was no way that Thomas would be able to deny what he was looking at.

The look of surprised turned to one of anger, so Timothy figured that he was looking at the part about Spencer and Matt. Timothy looked up at Spencer, who was standing behind Thomas and obviously reading over his shoulder, the guilty look that briefly spread over his face as enough for timothy to almost get hard over it.

Timothy actualy saw his fathers fingers clench and uncleacn over the keyboard as Spencer took a step back, a very heavily defeated look on his face and across his body as he seemed to deflate rather quickly.

But then Timothy saw another expression on his fathers face that he hadn't been expecting. This time, it was one that looked like Thomas was let down. His usually stoic face was suddenly slipping from its mask and there was an obvious sadness in his face.

If timothy didn't know any better, he could swear that Thomas was about to cry. Although, timothy was in no way feeling sorry for bringing this on to his father. Thomas sat back in his chair, slumping back a little as he seemed to take stock in what he was looking at, seemingly rereading whichever of the pictures he was currently looking at.

Timothy wasn't feeling sorry for him, but he did feel slightly uneasy about the long silence that was going on. He had expected Thomas to slap Spencer around and scream at him that he was fired or something. Or get any kind of reaction. Hell, he even expected him to grab the computer and throw it through the window.

But all his father did was sit back and look pathetic and look like he was about to turn on the waterworks. Timothy actually though he looked very, very pathetic. And he gave a smug grin to just how pathetic his father had fallen.

Both Timothy and Spencer jumped as Thomas suddenly stood up, the desk chair sliding back from his legs rather suddenly and crashing into the file cabinets behind him. Thomas leant over the desk, his hands planted on the desks surface as he looked down at the computer, his unhappy features suddenly turning into one of seriousness and displeasure.

"Spencer" Thomas said as he slowly stood up and turned to face him slightly. "Please, go and get Matt and tell him that I want to see him. Tell him its important" Thomas said as he stood up and adjusted his tie, loosening it a bit. "Then, I want you to leave. Immediately. Without question" Thomas said to him.

"Excuse me?" Spencer said as he looked surprised, but the level of his voice sounded like he wasn't able to put up a fight if it had to come to that.

"Spencer, if you truly have slept with Matt, regardless of how it came about or why it happened, you know I have to take action. I cannot have an overseer who oversteps his boundaries and puts his hands on what isn't his" Thomas said as he looked over at Spencer.

"But perhaps, I am overreacting. Whoever this...Jeanne person is, perhaps Matt is not understanding what he is talking about" Thomas said. "So, if that's the case, then I have no reason to fire you over this. But first, you look me in the eye" Thomas said as he looked Spencer square in the eyes.

"You look me in the eye, and tell me that you did not sleep with Matt and Christmas" Thomas said as he did not break eye contact with Spencer. "If you can tell me that, and I can believe you, you do'nt lose your job, you understand me?" he asked.

"But if you did, if you touched my boy without my permission, I swear that not only will you be fired, but I will have your masters licence stripped and you will never be able to work with any kind of slave again" Thomas said as fury flared up in his eyes.

Spencer opened his mouth a little, about speak to him and tell him that Matt had lied, that Matt was living in a dream world and that it had never happened to either of them. He wanted to say to him that it was all a big mistake, and that Matt had made it up.

But, the words were not coming out. He could not deny it, and even if he could, he knew Thomas would not believe him. Matt had admitted it to the one person that Spencer said he was able to trust, the very person that Spencer let him talk to. How were either of them to know that Timothy would stumble onto something that he wasn't supposed to know about.

Thomas shook his head, but it was more in sadness then anger before he looked up at Spencer. He did not looked pleased, and his tone of voice didn't soundl ike he was happy about it either.

"Spencer, you are fired. You are no longer welcome here, and I do not want to see you around my business anymore. Please go and get Matt, then I want you gone" he said as he pointed at the door behind Timothy, who was struggling to contain his glee.

"I'd ask you to go easy on him, but I'd be wasting my breath, wouldn't I?" Spencer said. Thomas did not respond to that as Spencer walked passed him and didn't say a word, nor did he look at him as he passed. But he did stop beside Timothy and looked down at him.

"You better stay the hell away from me if you do happen to see me again" Spencer said down to him with enough venom in his voice that Timothy actually looked scared for a moment. "Cause if you don't, I'll gladly go to prison for breaking your legs and rendering your little football dream useless" he promised as he shoved past Timothy with his shoulder before he stepped out of the office.

"Well, that's one problem taken care of" Timothy said as he regained his composure and looked back at his father with a smug grin on his face. "Guess we can hire someone competent now, you know, someone who can actually follow the rules and do the job for once" he said.

"Timothy, get out of this office and sit in the car. You will stay there till I am done here" Thomas said as he sat back at his desk. He unloosened his tie again and sat back, looking at his son with a displeased look on his face.

"Ok" Timothy said slowly, not expecting that reaction from his father, only taken aback for a minute or two before he grinned. "So tell me, am I back to being Matt's handler?" he asked rather hopefully. "Cause you're gonna need me around a lot more now that the meat-head is gone" he pointed out.

"I'd be stupid to give that title back to you" Thomas said angrily at his son as he gave him such an venomous glare on his features that Timothy was not only taken aback, but he was almost knocked off his socks from the anger directed at him.

"What?" Timothy said in obvious shock. He had not been expecting this at all. He had expected his father to hand him the job back on a silver platter.

"Don't think I don't know why you did this" Thomas said to him. "You thought if you could bring up some evidence against Matt and Spencer then I'd be inclined to think that its your morality meter spiking to make you do something good. I'm not that stupid, and I'm not fooled easily by you" he said.

"Dad, I don't think you're stupid" Timothy said as he found himself struggling to talk for a moment. "I...I did this for good intentions..." he said. "You needed to know about this...about what was going on behind your back..."

"Don't give me that shit" Thomas said as he glared at his son. "Thanks to you, I've had to fire my overseer, and my warehouse manager. And now I have to punish Matt for his mistakes. Did you honestly think I would look at you in any kind of favor for this?" he said.

"Dad...your being unreasonable here" Timothy said in annoyance.

"Do you honestly think that I have forgotten everything you have done behind my back?" Thomas said. "All the lies and betrayels that you have done? You're telling me that, after everything you have pulled behind my back, and gladly done, that you would suddenly grow a concious and do this out of the goodness of your heart? No, you didn't" Thomas said in agner.

"Dad...I swear" Timothy said as he started to get annoyed. "I only did this because I have your best interests...." he said, but his father cut him off by suddenly standing back up and glaring at him.

"BULL. SHIT." Thomas said in annoyance. "The only reason you did this, was because you wanted back in on the picture. Well, sorry, but you don't get anything. Your punishment still stands, and you are not getting back into being Matts handler anytime soon" Thomas said firmly. "Because of you, I have lost not just my overseer, but my warehouse manager. And I have to replace both positions."

"Now get your ass in the car and I do not want to hear another word out of you till we get back home" he ordered. "If I hear one more word. I'm going to take your car and send it to the scrap metal workers and have it cubed, and you can watch" Thomas said angrily.

Timothy looked at his father with a complete look of surprise on his face and an open mouthed idiot look on his face. This was a complete turn of events that he did not expect to have happen, but with the look on his fathers face, he decided that I would be best not to test him, especailly with how angry he was looking. Plus, he did not want to see his precious and incredibly expensive car get cubed like it was a piece of shit Toyota. Closing his mouth and forcing himself to move, Timothy turned and marched out of the office, suddenly feeling his rage start to bubble over.

Thomas said back in his seat and rubbed his hand over his face for a minute. This was not the turn of events he had pictured happening, and this was not something that he had ever wanted to deal with. They had just reached the halfway mark of Matts enslavement, only a year to go before his evaluation day came up. And this suddenly gets pulled up?

"Matt, why couldn't you behave, just for a while longer" he said to himself as he rubbed at his eyes a little. "Just a little while longer, and we could have lasted a bit longer" he said. "Why are you forcing my hand in this again?"

Thomas only had to wait for a minute of two before Matt stepped into the room, looking quite worn out, but also confused. It had been a long time since Matt had last spoken to Thomas about anything, and the look on his face was obvious that he had no idea what was going on. Spencer had to let him off his tracker so Matt could actually step into the office, otherwise he wouldn't be there. Thomas said nothing as Matt sat himself into the chair opposite the desk.

"Is there something you wanted to see me about Master?" Matt asked as he looked up at the man who used to be his father. He was a little put off that Thomas was looking so deflated and beaten, and he didn't feel easy sitting in the chair. "Spencer said that you...." he suddenly lost whatever he was about to say as he saw the objects sitting on the top of the desks surface. He suddenly felt whatever colour he had left in his face drain away.

"Do you recognize these Matt?" Thomas asked him. His voice was tired, and not happy in the slightest. "Timothy found them in your room, apparently hidden in your bed. I'm only going to ask this once and I would like an honest answer. I do not want to escalate this any further, so do not test me on this" Thomas said as he looked at Matt. "So please tell me, how did you come by these objects?" Thomas asked.

"I...found them" Matt said slowly. "The boxes on the pallets come in broken sometimes, before I can move them. Sometimes the loaders aren't carefull with them, or they get broken in transport. I... I found them mostly under the shelves and under the desk in the bay" he said to him. "I never broke into any of the boxes or tampered with anything" he said.

"Then why didn't you hand them over?" Thomas asked. "Why did you keep them and hide them?" he asked.

"Cause I knew no-one would believe me if I said I found them" Matt said to him. "I kept them, because it was nice to actually have something that was mine for once." There was a tense silence between them both as Thomas mulled over the answer that Matt had given him. It sounded plausible enough that he didn't think Matt was lying. No-one would expect Matt to have actually found the items by himself without believing he had broken into anything.

"I believe you. But, I will still have to punish you for not handing these into me" Thomas said as he brought his hand along the desk and brushed everything int othe top drawer. Matt didn't protest as he watched his little treasures get swept away like they were rubbish. Once the drawer was full, Thomas shut it and then looked back at Matt.

"Now, I am also going to ask this once. Did you chat online with someone named Jeanne? I'd like to know who he is, and what he does. And why you have been chatting with him" Thomas said as he put his hand on the flat-screen monitor and turned it around, revealing the three pictured chat-logs on the screen to Matt. "Are these chat logs, truthful?" he asked.

Matt said nothing as he saw the logs there on the monitor screen. He actually cringed when he realized that he hadn't closed down the chatlog and had left it up and running, the one thing that Jeanne had told him never to do. He silentlt cursed himself for being so stupid as he looked up at Thomas.

"Jeanne is a councillor that Spencer recommended to me. He doesn't have anything to do with the B.O.S.S." Matt explained. "I go online to his chat website and I talk to him about anything that might be troubling me. I talk to him and not the therapists from the bureau because after what happened with Trent, I don't trust them to rewrite my answers for you" Matt said.

Thomas looked at him for a minute or so in silence again, but he didn't see anything in Matts face that said he was lying. Slaved lied, it was one of the cornerstones of the bureau, but he was once Matts father, and he knew when his son was lying. He knew Matt was not lying now.

"Are these chatlogs true?" Thomas asked.

"Which one?" Matt asked. He couldn't make out which ones they were, and he wasn't going to get out of his seat to ask.

"How about this one? The one where you said Spencer had sex with you?" he said as he pointed to the relevant log. "Is this true that he actually had sex with you? At christmas, when the cameras went down for so called 'Maintenance'?" he said.

"Yes, its true" Matt said as he looked at his master. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he found himself not caring about what answer he gave. If Thomas had found the chat-logs and was going to punish him over them, how much worse trouble would he be getting into if he just said the truth anyway? He found himself no longer caring, especially now that the cat was out of the bag. If Thomas wanted him to be truthful, then he was going to be truthful.

"And he was a much better lay then Timothy ever was. I enjoyed every damn minute of it. And you know what? He's twice as big as Timothy" Matt said firmly right at his fathers face, without breaking eye contact with him.

Thomas had not been expecting such a reaction from Matt and for a moment was taken aback by the statement. He actually had a rather comically wide eyed expression of both surprise and shock for several moments until the shock wore off. Then he recomposed himself.

"I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much Matt" Thomas said. "Because I've had to fire him. Just now in fact. He's no longer your overseer, and he's no longer the manager of this warehouse. I doubt you're going to see him again either."

"You did what?" Matt said in shock as he felt his heart actually skip a beat or two in surprise. Spencer hadn't said that, he had just told him to meet Thomas in the office and that was it. Spencer hadn't told him he was fired. He didn't give him any indication about it. "How could you do that to him?"

"He broke the rules Matt. You both did" Thomas said. "So if you want to blame anyone over this, you blame yourself and you blame him. I told you from the beginning, only Timothy was permitted to release his urge with you, and everyone else was off limits. You understood that, and so did he. It is not my fault that you both broke the only rule that was the most important" he said in anger.

"You can't do that to him. He's the best person in my life" Matt said as he found himself getting angry. "You...you had no right to fire him over this, when someone like Timothy has done far worse to me. You think I like getting raped by him over and over again? I don't like him fucking me, I hate it. But i'm not allowed to say no" Matt said aingrily. "I wanted Spencer to fuck me, he did not violate me in any way cause I wanted it."

"I don't care if you wanted it. I don't care if he was better them Timothy. Hell, I don't even care if you thought he was damn god" Thomas said angrily. "You two broke the rules. And apparently willingly. There are rules in place over your enslavement for a damn reason Matt, I have told you all this before. I warned you not to break them as there would be consequences. Spencer broke the rules, and he has lost his job over this because he couldn't keep it in his pants. And I am also going to have to punish you over this as well."

"You know what, he is fucking god to me" Matt said as he stood up and put his hands on the desk as he looked his master in the eyes. "He is close enough to god to me, and I wish he was. He's treated me better then you ever have in my entire life. He's treated me with far more respect and love than you have, and I'll tell you what since I'm being so damn honest. He's a far better master then you ever will be" Matt practically yelled.

"He's the master I want, because I don't hate him" Matt shouted at Thomas' face. "I love him far more then I love you, and nothing you do, nothing you will ever do, will make me love you again" he shouted, Matt feeling the anger surge into his face as his skin heated up, the hatred and fury rising inside of him.

The look that had passed Thomas' face earlier returned as he seemed to break down in disappointment. The look on his face suggested that this was something he did not expect to have heard from his son, ever. Matts anger slowly simmered down as they stared at each other in silence, but he was still furious that his master had the nerve to fire Spencer, but let Timothy do as he pleased after everything that had happened.

"So...so this chat log about where you're speaking to me...you really hate me that much?" Thomas asked him as he looked at his slave, the hopeless look on his face was there as he spoke, unable or unwilling to hear the question.

"What in the world makes you think I actually still think of you as my father?" Matt demanded. "You said so yourself, we're not legally family anymore. You cut me out. We're not even bound by blood anymore. And you haven't regretted any of it. You threw me into that bureau and enslaved me for what? Smashing a few mailboxes?"

"You crashed a car Matt" Thomas said as he stood up as well, his disappointed look turning into one of anger and frustration. "You got drunk, underage too. You damaged property, and you crashed a car with you and three of your friends in it" he almost shouted. "How many times do I have to explain this again to you before you understand? You broke the law. The actual law" he said.

"How does any of that mean I deserve enslavement?" Matt said angrily. "You threw me under the bus and left me there. You didn't even get that sleazebag bear to defend me" he said. "I can't help but feel that you wanted me out of the way, cause you love Timothy more then me. Why else would you enslave me and not him?"

"Because someone could have died" Thomas said, his face growing red in his contained anger. "Someone could have been injured Matt. I cannot believe that you still do not see this. You broke the law, three times in one night. It was only by a fucking miracle that someone didn't get hurt" he said. "What if someone had died Matt? What if one of your friends did, or they got hurt with more then just a couple of scratches? Do you think you don't deserve to be punished if that had happened?"

"So that gives you the right to put me in this getup and turn me into Timothy's sex doll?" he demanded. "You think that it was ok to turn me into a slave?"

"what other choice did I have Matt?" Thomas demanded. "The courts were ready to punish you over this, and they gave you a slap on the wrist. They basically told you 'don't do it again, now go home' and left it at that. If someone wasn't going to punish you, then I was going to" he said. "

"So slavery was your choice?" Matt said. "turning me into a prized pig with piercings and letting Timothy fuck me anytime he wants?" he said. "That's your idea of a punishment?"

"Yes Matt. I chose slavery, and I chose it to keep you protected while you were in it. Why do you think I went to such great lengths to ensure you had everything you needed? Why do you think I installed everything at my warehouse, on my property and make you my slave? It was so you could be punished, but you could be protected at the same time" Thomas said.

"Protected?" Matt shouted at him. "What protection? Getting humiliated every day? Spat on by delivery drivers? Treated like a sideshow attraction? Almost getting raped by Luke? Having my younger brother treat me like some used sex doll? How the hell is any of that protection?" he demanded.

"Because I follow the rules Matt" Thomas shouted back at him. "I have followed every rule and regulation that the Bureau has thrown at me, and I could not trust anyone else to follow the rules like I can. I did this to you, because I care about you Matt. I have never cared more for Timothy then I do for you" he said.

"Fuck you" Matt said. "You left me at home all the time, and took Timothy with you on everything. You threw me out of the office when I came out to you, but you practically gave Timothy a medal. You gave me nothing for my birthday every year, and you can forget about Christmas too. But you go buy Timothy a fucking car with the money that belonged to me?"

"Of course you don't fucking care about me. You've been playing favourites with Timothy ever since he was born, and you damn know it." Matt said as he didn't break his gaze from his master. "This is the most time we've spent talking, maybe the second time, when we've spent talking together face to face. But guess what? Its about punishing me. Again. You didn't even ask me if I was ok when Luke tried to rape me, you didn't even show your face to me. All you do is punish me. That's all you care about."

"You are never here. You let everyone else look after me and treat me like crap. You get to live in a big soft bed surrounded by luxury and eat fancy food, while I have to sleep on rubber and eat cold oatmeal every night. You let timothy do as he pleases and bail out your brother every-time he got into trouble, but you left me to the dogs without lifting a finger."

"You want more? You got that sleazy family lawyer to bail out Timothy, but I had to face my trial alone. You let Timothy rape me every-time he wants his rocks off, because guess what, saying no means nothing. And you are actually surprised I don't want to love you anymore? That's right. I don't want to love you anymore. You have done nothing to prove to me that you deserve to be loved, DAD" Matt said, with such venom in his voice on that last word, he could have killed Thomas with the amount of poison he practically spat at him.

For the longest of time that passed between them, neither of them said anything. Matt glared at his master, no longer caring what happened to him. Spencer was gone, and there was no-one left who he could care about. Matt had nothing left to lose, and he didn't care what happened to him. And if shit was going to hit the fan, he was going to let Thomas know exactly how he felt about it.

Thomas said nothing as he sank back into his seat, the look of disappointment turning into one of defeat. He actually looked moist around the eyes, like he was about to break down and start crying at any minute. Matt sat down as well, the anger he felt was still there as he glared at Thomas, not wanting to even blink in case he broke whatever bravado he was feeling.

Thomas brought his hand up slowly and wiped his eyes briefly. His fingers came back moist as he slowly looked up, the look on his face suggesting that he had simply given up. He looked like a man with nothing left. But Matt was not feeling sorry for him. He didn't want to feel sorry for him, ever again.

"Do you really think I don't care about you?" Thomas asked him, his voice croaking slightly.

"When I said I wanted to slap you and run away when I get free? I meant it" Matt said flatly.

Thomas slowly nodded and took a deep breath in, letting it out very slowly. He slowly leant forward and placed his arms on the desk. He shook his head briefly, like he was trying to gather strenght, before he spoke.

"Matt, you broke the rules today, and you have cost me an overseer and a warehouse manager" Thomas said as he slowly stood up. "For that, you have lost your computer privileges. And when I say lost, I mean lost. I'm taking that computer and your desk out of your room. And you can forget about that plant too. Anything that is not slave regulated by the bureau itself, is going to be removed. After its been thoroughly searched."

"But your attitude just now? And the things you've written here?" Thomas said, as a single tear started to fall down his cheek. "This is unnaceptable, and I am not standing for it any longer Matt. Your attitude, and the things you've just said? I believe you don't care anymore, like there is nothing I can do to make your life even worse then it is. So you believe that you have nothing left to lose."

"Clearly, you do not understand that you are being punished for something you did, and clearly you are not getting the message that you are not the victim here" Thomas said as he looked down at Matt. "It would seem, that like your uncle, you will never understand. So, I don't think you have been punished enough. I'm sorry to say that this will have severe implications on your evaluation day" he said. "Which, I'm sorry to say, was going to be the only one you were going to see. "

"What?" Matt said, the sudden revelation dropped whatever anger he was still feeling.

"You were only ever going to see your first evaluation day Matt" Thomas said with a shake of his head as he wiped his eyes again. "I don't care if you continue to believe me or not, but all that stuff I've been telling you about being in this for life? I lied Matt, so you would adjust to what was going on a lot quicker. And you would accept your punishment and start going along with it, so that when your evaluation day comes along after the first two years, I would gladly release you."

"But this little outburst you've just displayed? I'm sorry Matt, but it seems you will not learn your lesson in the next year. Perhaps another three years will teach you" he said as he stepped away from the desk. "Perhaps when you have met the five year mark, the actual message will have finally sunk in."

"No..." Matt said softly as he found his legs collapsing under him as he fell back into the chair. Another three years? In this life? He had barely survived one year. How could he survive another four?

"Yes Matt. And if I have even one more outburst like this again, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep you around. If you cannot follow my rules, then I'm afraid I will just have to give you to someone else to take care of you. And trust me, no-one else will be as kind to you as me" Thomas said as he walked past Matt and opened the door.

"You will go back to work, and I will not hear another word about this, or I will tie you to the punishment cross and punish you with my bare hands" Thomas said as he looked down at Matt.

Matt couldn't find a single word to express what he was feeling as he tried to stand up, but with the realization of everything that had happened to him, his legs and arms started to shake as he found his breath catching in his throat. He found his lungs were not working as he found it was getting hard to breath as his heart started to pound so hard that he swore he could see it through his chest.

Darkness swam in his vision as Matts body gave out and he found himself falling to the ground, blacking out of concioussness and all viable though. As he hit the floor and crashed onto the carpet, the last thing Matt thought of, was that it was his fault Spencer was gone.

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