Big, Black and Blushy

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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Big Black and Blushy

By Kendo Kawabata

For Mmind Horseyz

Mind wasn't sure why he was even in the club, or why he had even agreed with himself that it was a good idea to go there. But, for some unknown reason that he couldn't think of, he was there.

Standing around, trying hard to either be noticed, or to be ignored. He wasn't entirely sure as to which way he was feeling, so he felt a little bit more confused.

The club wasn't exactly what you'd call a club. It was a two sided old warehouse that had two sides removed to make it more open, and included a full sized dj booth, open bar and dance floor. Neon lights, strobe lights, flashing lights, all the kind of lights you'd expect to make you have a seizure. The club was called' Vertigo', and even standing still with all the lights flashing, he couldn't help but feel slightly dizzy.

He reached up and brushed a strand of his long dark mane from his eyes. He was a big stallion, truth be told. Seven feet of black stallion and built like a brick wall. He was sculpted like some artists dream, not exactly a hulking fixture, but more on the line of a well defined athlete.

Solid black fur covered his body, complimented by a thick luxurious black white tipped tail. His mane was long and sleek, always seeming to cover half his face. He was constantly brushing it back from his eyes, which were a rather bright shining blue. Under the illuminating lights they almost glowed behind his fringe of black mane.

"What am I doing here" he mumbled to himself as he leant against a support pole that held up part of the roof. He was dressed to impress, well at least he thought he was dressed to impress.

A very snug pair of skinny jeans hugged his muscled legs, and did nothing to hide the rather impressive bulge between his legs. Stallions were always packing, which was normal for their kind, and Mind was no exception. The snugness just seemed to make it stand out more, making it all the more obvious of his impressive size.

Which was nothing to say about the other side. The waistline of his jeans were low, very low. Unlike most jeans, they went under his half braided tail, revealing the top of his round curvy backside. And perhaps just the first glimpse of the top of his deep inviting crevice. His ass stuck out like two large beach balls that seemed to make his jeans strain to contain them.

He wore a white shirt, and he wondered why he had chosen it. It was white and very plain, but it was just like his jeans, very snug. And seemed to be a size too small. It rode up slightly, revealing his navel and the first rounded muscles of his abs. He went barehoof, his white hoofs against the cool floor of the club.

If anyone looked at him, they'd think of just how yummy the hot looking stallion really was. He really was a catch, the looks of a hot star made in flesh. Unfortunately, the muscled hunk was ignored by the other patrons of the bar.

"What am I doing here anyway" he thought to himself as he scanned the crowd. They were all dressed however the hell they felt like, it seemed. Long as it covered they were let in. Males and females were crowding the dance floor, a writhing jiggling mass of bodies pressed up against one another as the danced to some kind of warped techno beat that the dj thought was cool music.

"No-ones even looking at me" Mind thought to himself as he sighed, looking down at the floor. Part of him had been hoping he was ignored so that he could go home. But the other part had hoped someone would at least take an interest in him. As much as he wanted to go home and just sit at his xbox and play games all night, he had kind of hoped that maybe he could have brought someone home with him.

But it seemed that the patrons of the club were all interested in each other then himself. Which was causing him to submit to the urge to just go home.

"Well, maybe I should have a drink first. Then I can go home and take these stupid clothes off" he thought to himself as he pulled himself away from the support pole and began to head his way over to the bar.

The bar seemed typical for most club. A large wall of shelves lined with mirrors and lights to make the countless rows of bottles light up on display in such a way that it almost hurt your eyes to even look at what was available. The bartender was a doberman dresed in a typical tenders outfit, black pants, white shirt, black bow tie. A bow tie in a club? Really?

"What will you have?" the doberman asked, as he wiped down a large beer mug with a towel. Mind looked him over for a moment as he found a bar stool. Did all bartenders do that, just stand around and wiped down mugs while they waited to fill an order?

"Coke zero and vodka please" Mind said as he leant on the bar. He had to shift a little as he felt his cheeks cover the entirety of the stool and sag slightly over the ends. He shivered, feeling a draft against his lower back, blushing a little as he felt his jeans slide down an inch or two to expose more of his butt then he would have liked.

"What kind of vodka?"

"Ummm... "Mind squinted his eyes up at the blinding display of bottles, trying to find the section that had vodka. The doberman gave him a look that suggested that he was wasting his time. He finally found the vodka selection without going blind.

"Umm... the chocolte whipped cream one please" he said. The bartender nodded as he fished down the bottle and make a slight show of pouring the mixtures together, even adding a twirl of the vokda bottle with the skill level that suggested that if anyone else had done it, it would have crashed dismally on the floor.

"Here you go" the doberman said as he handed the horse the drink. Mind managed to pull out some money from his back pocket to pay for the drink. Considering how tight his jeans were, that was a bit of an accomplishment right there.

The doberman took the money and quickly moved away to serve someone else, Mind getting the feeling that the bartender was more eager to serve some hottie chick then the stallion. Specially with the way the doberman leant over the bar and actually started to engage in conversation with the she wolf. Probably cause she leant over the bar in such a way that her tits were more exposed.

"Slut" Mind thought to himself. And women were constantly bitching about how they were objectifided by men, and then they go to clubs dressed like a pimps top earning whore and use their bodys to get what they want.

He did feel a pang of jealousy that the bitch was getting attention over him, but the sweet drink was making him feel a little better. Although that pleasant feeling was going to go away once he was done.

"Guess no-one wants a big horse like me" he thought to himself as he sipped slowly on his drink. Still, at least his drink could make him feel better.

"Goddammit" he thought to himself as the dj suddenly turned on some techno mix of Robbie Williams 'Rock your Body'. If the song had been an offense to the ears before, the way it was upped with a techno beat and dragged out to go on for almost ten minutes, that was just overkill. "I really...really need to get the fuck out of here now" he growled to himself as he sipped on his drink again.

"What's next, Justin Timberlake and Bieber bitch?" he thought as he put his glass down.

"Looks like you might need another stool there."

His ears perked up as he heard someone speak beside him. He slowly turned his head to see that someone had taken the seat next to him and was looking him over.

It was a light brown lion with a flowing long black mane, and rather decorative glasses perched on his nose. Mind couldn't help but take stock of his outfit, it seemed rather decortaive. A long sleeved shirt that covered his arms, but only covered his slender pecs, the covering more decorative then a real cover.

The bottom of his outfit looked like a set of chaps with shorts, but like his top, they seemed more decorative then something to actually cover his body. They were made of some kind of leather and latex mix, designed to show off the flesh.

And Mind had to admit that the exposed flesh on the lion was quite attractive to see.

"Ummm...what?" Mind asked as he suddenly realised that the lion had actually said something to him before sitting down and he snapped his attention back to the lions face.

"I said, you could almost use another stool there to support that fine ass" the lion said matter of factly as he leant agains the bar with his arm, giving the horse a very obvious looking over.

"Umm....thanks.... I guess" Mind said as he suddenly found his cheeks heating up slightly from the comment.

"You're welcome. I can't deny, that's an impressive ass you got there" the lion said with a grin as he adjusted his glasses with his fingers. "Bet its a lot to handle" he added with a grin.

Mind found his cheeks warming up again at the lions rather straightforward remark and he attempted to hide his face behind his mane as he looked down at the drink.

"Um...thanks again" he said with a mumble as he stared down at his drink, clutching it in his hands.

"So, what are you drinking?" the lion asked.

" and coke" Mind mumbled as he continued to look down at his glass.

"Hey bartender. Crystal Skull Vodka and Coke Zero please" the lion said. Mind looked up as he saw the bartender give an annoyed look to being spoken to so directly, but he made the drink rather quickly.

"So, what brings you here tonight?" the lion asked as he took his drink from the bartender.

"Ummm....just....looking around I guess" Mind mumbled as he found himself flushing again. Why the hell was he blushing so badly right now?

"Yeah, me too. Was hoping to run into someone tonight" the lion said as he took a drink and leant back on his stool, his gaze looking around at the dance floor. Although Mind had the impression that the lion was keeping him in his sights.

" I guess I was too..." Mind said as he felt his cheeks start to cool down a little as he took another sip of his drink. "Just um...haven't...found anyone..." Mind said as he put his glass back down.

"Oh? Who's' your type tonight" the lion asked as he turned his attention back to the horse.

"Um...was..hoping a guy...a big um....."Mind wanted to finish that sentence, but he found his cheeks blushing again.

Unfortunately, he was a sub. And from his experience, no-one wanted a horse his size to be a sub. Most others expected him to be a big dom and rouhgly take them like he was trying ot breed a mare. It didn't help that he wanted to be treatedl ike the mare by someone bigger then him.

So it made him embaressed to head out to places like this, knowing that no matter what, most either expected him to dom, or rather, simply laugh at the idea of having such a big manly looking horse bend over like a mare in heat for them.

Part of the reason why he didn't want to come that night, and the reason he had wanted to simply slip away. Not one person had bothered to even come up and speak to him when he got there. The lion was the only one that night ot even speak to him.

So why did he still feel like slinking away?

"A big guy huh?" the lion said with a smile as he leant forward a little as he held his drink under his muzzle. "so, you into guys your size, or bigger?" he asked as he took a sip.

"well...bigger...i guess" Mind said as he looked down at his glass, holding it in both hands.

"I like a bigger guy myself. Although, the right kind is hard to come by I will admit" the lion said with a nod as he put his glass back down on the bars surface. Mind flicked his ears to that statement.

" do?" he asked as he tilted his head a little to the side so he could look at the lion without being too obvious.

"Oh yeah. They're a lot of fun" the lion said with a smile. "Specially if they sub" he added.

"Wait...what?" Mind asked as he looked over. Did he hear that right?

"Oh, I will admit I have certain types that I look for, but there's something special about dominating a guy thats bigger then you" he admitted as he stirred his straw around in his glass with his fingers. "Not every guy is into it, I will admit. But, you can't deny it feels good" he said.

" bigger subs?" Mind asked as he felt his cheeks start to heat up again. Could this lion, no he couldn't be. He had to be riling him up to let him down later or something. Wouldn't be the first time someone had done that.

"I've had a few myself" the lion said wht a smile. "Big and small. But like I said, there's something about taking a bigger guy then you, and making him submit and want more" he said.

Mind could feel his cheeks stay warm, and he shifted a little on his stool. He could feel his sheath swell a big, his cock ready to drop out from the way the lion was talking. He had to press his thighs together so he could keep it under control.

" you to them?" Mind managed to stutter as he held his gaze down on his glass his fingers were starting to shake a little, little ripples appearing on the surface of his drink.

"Well, first thing that usually catches my eye, is how sexy their butt looks" the lion said. Mind almost gasped as he felt a hand suddely caress against one of his big cheeks lightly, an almost feather touch through the confines of his jeans that made him shiver.

"The big, juicy boucny kind that you just want to spank repeatedly, just to make it jiggle and shake" the lion continued, speaking as though the conversationg was completetly normal as his fingers slowly caressed that big cheek. "or the kind that you just want to bury your face in and lick and slurp and make the guy whine like a girl" he admitted.

Mind could almost hear the creaking in his jeans as his tail gently whipped back and forth against the lions hand.

"Course, the bigger the guy, the rougher you can be" the lion continued. "Small little subs, yes they are fine and all, but you have to be carefull. Too hard and fast and you might hurt them. But a big guy with a nice big butt, you can go hard and rough almost from the get go, no need to hold back cause they're sturdy and can handle it" he said.

"Oh...oh really" Mind panted a little as he felt his hearbeat start to beat a little harder. His fingers were shaking a big more now.

"And can't deny their bodies either. I like the definition myself. Course, a muscle gut is fun to cuddle upto, but their abs and muscles, meow" he purred with a grin as he continued to stroke the big meaty cheek. "you just want to pour honey or melted chocolate on a set of well defined abs and just lick slowly while the guy is handcuffed and spread eagled on the bed."

"That....that sounds...good..." Mind said, alhtough his voice faltered as he felt his cock threatening to drop, but his skinny jeans had almost reached their limits and his crotch was starting to ache a litlte from how much bigger the bulge was getting.

"And the way they beg for their release, its so much fun to make them do that" the lion said as his fingers rather blatantly rubbed their way slowly towards the obvious crease between the horses buttocks, towards that highlighted cleft.

"Especially when you have them on edge, and they beg to shoot. Doens't matter if they dont fit, have them on edge for long enough and they'll blast like a fire hose and wont care they didn't blow in a mouth or someones hole" thel ion conitnued.

"Oh...oh really..." Mind mumbled as he felt his cheeks heat up even further.

"The kind of big....strong...muscled...manly males...that just want to be ...a bitch in the bedroom" the lion said, a smile growing across his handsome features as his fingers reached that cleft, and found something that was there that wasn't discoverable unless oyu knew where to put your hand.

"I think you might be one of them" The lion said with a grin as he rubbed his fingers along that special thing he found under the horses tail.

"Oh...oh god" Mind mumbled as he felt his cheeks were now blushing quite furiously.

"If you want to continue this, pony" The lion said as he pulled his hand away. "I'll be at the handicapped stall in the back. Don't keep me waiting, pony" he said as he lsowly slid of f the stool and began to walk away.

Minds face could be glowing red if his black fur didn't quite hide the majority of it. The way the lion had said 'Pony', he was certainly no pony. But the tone, it was almost like the lion was saying 'boy' or 'pet' or even 'bitch'. Like the lion was already talking down to him, putting the horse in the place that he deserved to be in.

And it just made Mind all the more painfully hard.

He quickly drank down the rest of his drink, swallowing the now flat coke and vodka down his throat as he put the glass back down. He was nowhere near buzzed or anything, but he felt a little light headed from his arousal. Of all the people who were in the club that night...

He slowly pulled himself off the stool, aware of how his crotch was now so much fuller that it was obvious to anyone who happened to look his way. He put his hand down to try and non chalantly adjust himself, only to discover that there was a light damp pant between his legs.

His cock had dropped ages ago, and it had now snaked partly down his thigh, leaving a very obvous bulg in his jeans. There was no proper way that he could actually hide it from anyone who happened to be looking.

"oh fuck" he found himeslf whimpering. He was more turned on then he thought. Just the thought of what that lion had wanted to do to him, or to any other male that fit the bill, it was turning him on something fierce.

"any other male" he thought to himself as he managed to make his crotch look a little more presentable, although it was still rather obvious. Just less awkwardly pointed forward. That phrase ran through his mind a few times as he looked around at the dancers and the other patrons huddeld in the booths and at the tables.

The lion was looking for a big submissive male to have some fun, and so far he hadn't found any other. Did he really want some other male to take the place?

The answer he decided, was no. he didn't want some other male to take his place, especially if this lion was the only one who was interested in him among everyone else there. So, he slowly started to make his way towards the toilet block at the end of the club.

The toilet block was nothing special. A few cubicles for males, a few cubicles for females. And two large stalls for the handicapped. One of them was open, the other closed with the door switched over to occupied.

Mind walked up the one that was occupied and brought his hand up. He didn't knock straight away, he just kept his hand up in a fist, ready to knock. But he felt a bit hesitant. He always did. He had to wonder, did he want to just bend over for some lion that had come up and say a few blatantly lewd things to him? Just like that?

Then the door slowly opened to reveal the lion behind it, a smile on his face.

"Well, come on in, pony" he said with a smile, the tone of his voice no less of an order.

Mind nodded, his cheeks burning again as he walked in. the door was closed behind him, the lock clicked back into the occupied position.

"Well, aren't you agood pony for following orders" the lion said with a smile as he stood before the large blushing horse. Mind shifted on his hooves a little, at a loss as to what he should actually say.

"put your hands behind your head pony" the lion ordered. "i want you to keep them there. Take them away, and I will have to punish you" he said firmly.

Mind nodded, managing to get out a 'yes sir' as he slowly brought his hands up. His snug shirt tightened a bit and stretched over his pectorals as he placed his hands behind his head, lacing his fingers togheter as he rested his arms in place. He kept his head tilted down so he could see what was going on.

"Good pony" the lion said with a smile as he reacehd out and cupped the horses bulge. Mind let out a soft nicker at the touch, his crotch swelling with arousal. The lions fingers carefully traced over that large bulge, fingertips brushing over the grapefruit sized balls and around the heavy cock that was straining against its confines.

"Mmm, big pony" the lion murred as he slowly caressed that growing bulge. It started to snake its way down his pants leg again, straining his pants. Mind nickered softly at the lions words as he pushed his hips forward a little. His tail whipped over his backside as he found himself licking his lips.

"does the big pony want me to let it out?" the lion asked as he looked up at the horse with a grin on his face.

"please..." mind found himself whipmering as his cock was strainig against the fabric.

"please what?" the lion asked firmly as his fingers found the tip of the zipper in the jeans. He didn't tug or move it, he just held the tag in his fingers as his other hand slolwy rubbed over the horses hip.

"Please sir...please use me" mind whimpered again as he found himself blustering. "Please... please use me like one of your subs...please" Mind blustered again as he felt his cock straining. His arousal was high now and he found himself begging to be used. How did this lion manage to take control of the situation so easily.

"Oh god, he's going to think i'm a whore" mind whimpered in his mind as to how eagerly he was acting. The lion had asked him a question ad he practcially begged to be used without prompting. The lion was nice enough to actually consider him good enough to enjoy, but what would he think if he knew just how badly the stallion wanted to be treated like a fucktoy? He'd be ashamed, he'd turn around and walk away, he'd laught at him he'd...

"Oh, that's a good pony. I like an eager boy" the lion murred in approval as he tugged down the zipper. Mind found himself whimpering as all he could hear was the hearbeat in his ears and the slow, deliberatly slow sound of the zipper being tugged down.

The lion didn't mind that he was eager?

Slowly, that zipper tugged downwards, teeth seperating as the bulge opened up, the material getting pushed to the sides. The zipper ran over the bulge and down between the horses legs, the jeans seeminly made for the well endowed male.

The lions fingers left the zipper and gently seperated the edges of the new gap in the jeans and pulled them aside. Mind panted, his breathing coming out slightly ragged as his cock and balls were suddenly tugged through the gap.

He really was well endowed, expected for a horse. Fourteen inches of thick fat ebony cock was pulled through the gap in his jeans, his grapefruit sized balls hanging down in a dangling leathery sac between his legs. Blood rushed into his now freed cock as it pulsed and surged forward, the medial ring pulsing outwards like a cock band, his cockhead half flared already.

"Oh, such a big pony" the lion purred in approval as he gazed at the huge fuckstick that was bobbing gently before him. A thick string of pre oozed from the slit on the end and dripped onto the floor as Mind panted slowly, his heartbeat racing.

"Thank you sir" he mumbled, his cheeks still burning.

"Such a very, very big pony. Pony must be proud to have such a big cock" the lion said as he slowly wrapped a hand around it. His fingers barely reached around to touch fingertips against each other, and every pulse of blood was felt as he slowly squeezed it.

"Yes...yes sir I am" mind whimpered as he felt his hips push forward. His cheeks clenched as he gently humped forward, his balls swinging gently from the movement.

"does the pony get to use this, or does he prefer being used?" the lion asked as he slowly rubbed his hand upwards towards the slowly swelling flare. The lions soft touch felt so good to the horse as he whimpered, wanting to thrust harder to fuck that grip against his cock. But he restrained himself somehow.

"I...i prefer being used" the horse admitted. "like a slut...." he added before he could stop himself, but he quickly bit his lip and his cheeks flushed in shame to the remark. He turned his head to the side and closed his eyes in the embaressment to his admittance.

"aww, is the big pony embaressed?" the lion asked him. Mind kept his eyes closed as he slowly nodded. A big manly stallion like him, wanting ot be bent over and bred like a cheap whore. God it was humiliating.

"well, I like to treat my subs the way they want to be treated. And sluts, well, they are more fun then virgins" the lion said, approval in his voice.

"they...they are?" mind asked as he opened his eyes and looked down at the lion who was slowly giving him a hand job, the lions soft warm fingers travelling along his thick cock slowly.

"oh yes. Very much so" the lion said with a grin as his hand reached up to the horses flare and started to rub against it. "With a slut, I can push them. Do more perverted things to them then normal people'' he said. ''They beg so much harder and more eagerly, I can make them do so much more."

Mind felt his knees buckled a little as his sensitive knob was touched, the lions fingers rubbing mercilessly around the edges of that flare. The pleasure was good, vvery good, and his cock started to leak a steady stream of pre against he rubbing fingers.

The lions fingers were soon dripping in the thick pre as the scent of horse musk and cock filled the small large enough cubicle. Mind was panting now as he felt his cockhead manhandled, the head getting slicked up by his own pre as the lions figners wringed around it over and over again.

"oh god...oh god" he moaned as he bucked his hips again, pushing his cock along the lions grip.

"you like that pony boi?" the lion asked with a confident smirk. His hand slowly cupped around the shaft and started to bend it upwards slowly, moving the horses cock upwards.

"yes sir...yes I do" mind moaned. He wanted to grab his cock and start pawing it, but he clenched his fingers together to keep himself from moving his hands away.

The lion grinned as his free hand moved across the horses hip and slowly moved backwards, tracing the curves in his big butt to find that deep looking crevice. His fingers trailed onto the groove and found what he was looking for.

Another zipping sound was heard, mind finding his cheeks blushing furiously as the lion found the second zipper in the back of his jeans. The horse was going commando, and there was absolutely nothing to hold the lion back from finding his hidden recess. Not that he wanted him to anyway.

"i bet the big pony was hoping someone would find this and just bend you over and fuck you hard, weren't you?" he asked with a grin as he pulled the zipper all the way down. Mind found himself nodding as his crevice was exposed.

"yes sir...." he nickered soflty as those probing fingers began to slowly work their way into his crevice, probing into the warmth of his cleft. The moment those fingertips touched against his ring he jumped slightly, gasping and bucking his hips forward.

"I wonder, how big of a slut are you pony?" the lion asked as he slowly rubbed his finger tips against that big pony hole, finding no resistance from the big beast as he carefully angled the horses cock.

"big..." the horse blustered out, his face burning with shame again.

"maybe I should lead you out there like this and just bend you ove the bar. Make everyone take a number for this big fuckable slut butt you have" he said with a grin that suggested that the lion might end up doing just that to the horse.

Mind moaned and whimpered, buking his hips forward again as he imagined that. He closed his eyes to the image, of himself bent over the bar, his big tightly covered rump on display, just the hole in the back open, all the males of the club lined up hard and ready to take a turn at him.

"I do wonder, if that baretender would give me a bottle, a nice big thick bottle'' the lion said as he continued his molestation of the horses rump. ''Just slowly slide it up in that hole and stretch you out while everyone out there takes pictures and plasters images of you all over the internet."

The thought turned him on immensly and he could have erupted from the thought, if he was at home pawing himself on his bed like he normally did.

"oh god...i want that....i want that so badly" mind moaned, his cheeks bruning again with shame and humilation as he again admitted how big of a slut he was.

"well, maybe another time. Right now, your bitch ass is mine" the lion said firmly, in a tone that suggested he wasn't taking no for an answer as his fingers suddenly pushed in frimly.

Mind moaned and nicked ldouly, jumping slightly as those fingers buried themselves to the knuckles, three of the lions fingers getting swallowed up by his hungry hole all too easily. His cock jumped, a thick splatter of pre landing on the floor to join the growing splatter of pre already spilt.

"oh god sir...please...i'm getting so close" the horse moaned as he looked down at the lio nwho was slowly kneeling at his side, his head just at the right level to be crotch high.

"does the pony want to cum?" the lion asked as his fingers started to wiggle around in the horses backside. The fingers danced around in that spongey interior, spreading that rim around against the invading digits as the other hand started to work its way up and down the lowr half of that shaft.

"please...please" mind moaned as he gently pushed back against those fingers. He was panting now, his lips turning dry as his breathing was staggering. Sweat was starting to build up against his fur, he could feel it amass on his body as his lust was increasing.

"please what pony?" the lion asked with a confident smirk on his face as he continued to stimulate the big horse.

"please sir.. make me cum...please...i .... I need to shoot so badly" Mind moaned as he squeezed his anal ring against those invading digits. They didn't lessen, they just conitnued their onslaught of his insides as his cock was leaking pre steadily. His cockhead had reached full flare, the head bloated out to twice its size to signal how close the horse was.

"well then pony, you better blow for me. And you better make it a good one" the lion said as he slowly lowered his head enough, his nose pushiing against he side of the cocks large fat base, the slight nook where the base met his body.

Mind moaned and gasped as a warm wet tongue betan to lap at his right nut, slowly licking it was way across that jiggling sac. He was now being stimulated in three areas and he couldn't help but whine and nicker from the pleasure.

Those fingers probed and wiggled around as the lions hand flew up and down the huge shaft. The pre was dribbling down the bulging urethra tube, meeting the lions moving fingers. The digits began to lube up, his hand starting to make lewd slicking noises against the horses fat cock as he pawed him off.

The lions tongue danced against the horses big nuts, slurping against the big grapefruit sized orb. It felt so good, warm and wet against his leathery sac as he horse found his hips bucking slightly as he was brought closer and closer to orgasm.

"oh god...i'm gonna cum sir..." the horse moaned as he found himself getting so close to climax that he was unable to hold himself back. He tilted his head back and pushed his cortch forward, bumping his hips against the lions head as he let out an orgasmin whinney.

The urethra tube bulged out as his cock bobbed up and down, his fat balls churning as the horse started his climax. Thick gooey ropes of cum shot out of the bloated head of his cock and soared through the air, splattering against the door of the cubicle.

The lions hand continued to stroke the huge pulsing shaft, effectively milking the big horse cock of its seed as the horse conitnued to whinney and bluster in his orgasmic throes.

"wow pony, that was quite the load" the lion with a chuckle as he slowly pulled his fingers from the horses butt, his other hand letting go of the cock as it started to soften. Mind let out a moan as he felt himself get let go, his knees quivering a big as he found his body start to get sapped of strength from his orgasm.

"you can let go now pony" the lion said as he slowly pulled himself up, grabbing some of the toilet paper from the holder to wipe his hands dow.

Mind let out a long breath as he brought his arms down and fell back against the toilet, sitting down on it with his legs spread, his large cock slwoly drooping down as his big balls hung over the edge. He was panting hard, long deep breaths as soft drops of sweat dripped from the edge of his mane.

"Thank...thank you sir" the horse mumbled, his cheeks blushing furiously as reality sank in about what he had just done.

"You're a very good pony" the lion said with a grin as he stepped up between the hroses legs, looking down at the big horse that was splayed out sitting before him. "you did a good job there" he said with a grin.

"thank you" mind said as he looked up at the lion who was smiling down at him.

"now, I would very much like to do more with you" the lion said as he suddenly produced a small square of paper and tucked it under the horses big balls. "so, keep in contact pony. And don't forget to clean up after yourself" he said with a smirk on his face as the lion turned and unlocked the door.

Mind struggled to get up as the door suddenly opeend and exposed himself, but it was brief as the door closed when he got up on his hoofs and struggled to push his dripping cock back into his jeans.

The piece of paper fluttered to the ground and he quickly snatched it up, pushing it into his pocket as he hurried to obey the lions order of cleaning down his mess. The cubicle smelt very strongly of horse cum and it took more then a roll of toilet paper to clean down the door.

And more then three flushes of the toilet to dispose of the evidence.

Mind slowly stepped back into the club, his cheeks burning with embaressment of having done something like that in such a public place, but it seemed as if no-one in the club was any the wiser. He didn't get the look from anyone that suggested they knew what he had done, and he seemed just as seemingly invisible as before.

He found a seat at a nearby booth that was free of patrons and slowly sank into the seat, exhaling softly as he got himself comfortable.

Slowly, he dug his fingers into his pocket and pulled out the piece of paper that the lion had given him.

It was an email adress, and a message.

"I expect pictures of you dressed in your sluttiest best. Kendo."

Army Shark Bitch

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The Helpline : Chapter 3

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