Chapter 3 – Turn Up the Heat

Story by Bubba on SoFurry

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#3 of Flatmates

Chapter 3 â€" Turn Up the Heat

As many of you have guessed, there is some adult activity included so minors and the easily offended need not read. The rest of you, enjoy.

"Can I ask you something?" the fennec inquired.

"Sure," Derek shrugged.

"What is heat?"

It was at a low point in his shift when he asked the question. It was an electronics store that he worked at with Derek and a few other friends. It was a basic part-time job; show up, do a bit of work, hang out with friends, go home, pick up your check a week later. For as long as he had been working there, Richard had gotten used to the formula. The managers were okay and the pay was decent, and he did enjoy teaching customers about video games.

With the last of his customers heading over to the register for check-out, Richard made his way over to Derek's department, finding it just as vacant of clientele as his own. This wasn't unusual, as mid-day mid-week tended to slow to a crawl. He started with some small talk before leading into the question that had been bothering him for the past week...

The lupine just stared at his friend, trying to comprehend what he was asked. Frankly, he didn't know what he should be more surprised from, the fact that the fennec didn't know anything about heat, or that he was actually asking about it. It took him several moments to finally muster a response, "What?"

Richard, quickly becoming uneasy with the subject, began fidgeting in place. "I'm asking," he explained, "because Roxanne told that she'll be going into heat soon. I just want to know what that means."

"Oh," the lupine sighed, understanding his friend's predicament. He then proceeded to reach into his pocket and pull out a condom, offering it to the fennec.

Freaking out when he saw the square wrapper, Richard pushed the offering away, looking around franticly for any witnesses of the attempted transaction. "Dude, put that away. I just want to know what ‘heat' is."

"Well I, unfortunately, don't have any experience in that field," the wolf objected, "but I do know someone that does." Turning to the camera department, he found another co-worker there, dusting the shelves. Grinning, Derek cupped his paw beside his muzzle and called out, "Hey Fran! Get over here!"

The rabbit's ear perked at the sound of his name and turned toward the source. Seeing who had caught his attention, he returned a grin of his own as he strode toward them. Fran was very much a rabbit, from his cute little bobtail to his tall stalk ears. His lithe form, which he constantly showed off, was accented by his black fur (or ‘onyx' as he often declared it). Two studded earrings adorned the base of his right ear and a silver bracelet hung loosely from his left wrist. His swank personality complimented his appearance through his behavior and his parlance. "Hey boys, what do you need?" he greeted as he approached, his slender hips swaying with each step.

"Hey Fran," the fennec stammered, trying to re-introduce the uncomfortable subject. He raked the claws of his left paw through the fur of his neck, his eyes shifting from his friend's face to the floor and back, "uh, you see, the thing is, um..."

"His roommate's going into heat," Derek cut him off apathetically. He wore an almost bored expression as he pointed his thumb at the faltering vulpine.

"Oh. You need me to lend you a rubber, dear?" the lapin, shifting his weight to his other hind paw, reached into his back pocket.

"What, no! You guys need to stop doing that!" Richard pointed an accusing claw at the two. "I just want to know what that means, that's it," he voice grew steadily louder, trying to convey his sincerity. He swung his open paws up in a desperately hopeless shrug, lamenting, "Derek said you would know more about it."

From hearing the last statement, Fran turned on his heel to face the wolf. His paws came to rest on his hips, pouting in frustration. The bracelet jingled on his paw as he waved it accusingly at the lupine, "Why must you continue to bring this up? I told you to drop it, how many times now."

Derek just crossed his paws over his chest, letting escape a chortle of amusement. "You must not know me very well," he smirked arrogantly, undeterred by the rabbit's scowl. "I am never going to let you forget that."

Turning his nose up in bemusement with a huff of impatience, he returned his attention to the now perplexed fennec. Richard opened his maw to ask but was interrupted by Fran's explanation. He started slowly, building his confidence to recount the incident, "A couple of months ago, Natalie and I were closing the store when her heat kicked in. Unfortunately for myself, I hadn't noticed it until I had her on her paws and knees in the DVD section."

"Oh God," the fennec's disgusted countenance shifted back and forth between the rabbit and the movie department. Holding a paw to his muzzle, he stifled a giggle from the fox's reaction to his tale. "Wait, I thought you were..."

"Gay?" the lapin knew this was coming up, "I am, dear, very much so. That's the thing about heat. Essentially, it makes the female more receptive and, uh... invigorates the males nearby."

"Does it affect different species differently," Richard suggested, more to himself than to Fran, "maybe it has a stronger effect on lapins than others."

"Oh sweetie," the rabbit rested his paw on his friend's shoulder, looking at him piteously, "I guess you've never heard the old saying; when a vixen goes into heat, they all do."

Realizing the severity of his dilemma, his attitude became helplessly bleak, with a crestfallen face and sagging shoulders. "Oh man," he whined hopelessly, "what am I going to do?"

"For starters, I would recommend ignoring his advice," the lapin emphasized the end of his statement with a critical claw pointed at Derek. "He'll just tell you to take advantage of the situation."

"Hells yeah, I would," the wolf interjected. Quietly listening to the discussion with a little amusement, he cut in with his own comment, "A bitch in heat is a free ticket to do whatever the fuck you want to her."

Rolling his eyes at the wolf, Fran turned back to the fennec. Wrapping his arm comfortingly around the slumped shoulders, he proposed, "I, however, would suggest staying at a friend's place. And I just so happen to have a guest room; what do you say, darling?" Those water blue eyes stared down at the floor, the mind behind them working everything over. After a moment, Richard just nodded in agreement before looking up into the lapin's own olive green eyes, a small smile finally returning to the corner of his muzzle. The rabbit's own muzzle grew wide as he hugged his friend close, adoring the fox for trusting him and turning to him for help.

The emotional moment between the two was cut short, however, by the teasing wolf, "Aw, how cute; the couple's first date. Go easy on him, Fran." The lapin ended the embrace and glowered at the irritating wolf. "Oh, don't mind me, you lovebirds," the lupine continued to banter. Fran, fed up with his antics, swatted a paw in an infuriating dismissal at him.

As Richard freed himself from the rabbit's other arm still around him, he informed his friend and soon-to-be host, "I need to stop by my flat and grab some things before I meet you at your place."

"No problem," the lapin waved it off, "It'll give me time to prepare the guest room. You take as much time as you need getting ready." Thanking him again, Richard rushed back to his department to help the customers that were browsing through the shelves.

It was a few hours later that Richard finished his shift for the day. Walking to his car, he stripped himself of the tacky, uncomfortable uniform top he was forced to wear. Free of the gaudy material, he sighed in relief, wearing just the white undershirt and beige khakis. Tossing the shirt in before him, he climbed into his car and drove off, the sun sinking lower behind him.

The stars in the sky were just becoming visible as Richard exited his car and ambled to his building's entrance. A large, tired yawn coming from his stretching maw indicated how much energy his job had taken from him that day. Once he made it to Fran's apartment, he noted to himself, he would have to go straight to sleep. As he reached his floor, however, his senses became peculiarly alert. His eyelids were no longer drooping, but open and unwavering. He even noticed a difference to the air around him; it almost seemed... heavier. His whiskers trembling as he inhaled before his head snapped down in a sneeze. His skin was tense and the fur on his neck and upper spine had bristled. ‘What is going on?' the fennec wondered as he traversed the corridor, stopping in front of his door.

His brooding didn't alleviate when he entered the flat. Despite the light being on, the entire residence seemed abandoned. Sliding the uniform top from his shoulder, he took a few wary steps inside, closing the door behind him. "Roxanne," he called out, "you here?" No reply, "Hello." His attentive ears perked to a soft shuffling from the vixen's room.

Finally, a vulpine head peeks out of the room, its nose twitching and green eyes gleaming, fixed on the male. Slowly, more and more was revealed until the entire body was revealed, female and naked. She looked a complete mess; her fur was matted with sweat and in disarray. Her ears laid flat on her head and her maw was parted into the slightest snarl. With each pant, her chest swelled. Her groin was slick and her tail was plumped with her excitement. The claws of her paws were extended, not sharp enough to cut or pierce, but would deny release from anything in its grip.

The fennec's ears dropped and his eyes grew wide in dreaded realization, ‘She's in heat'. Backing into a defensive posture, he scanned the room back and forth for a solution, his gaze never straying far from the vixen. His heartbeat rose from the adrenaline pumping into his system from the tense situation, his thoughts flashing through his head faster. ‘What do I do? I don't know how to deal with her in heat. Who would; who could help me out? Damon! He must have gone through this before. How do I contact him; I don't know his number?' His search soon found her cell phone on the table, ‘That's it!'

As subtly as he could, he sidestepped along the wall toward his solution. The forest green eyes, glazed with feral instincts, tracked her prey. After following a few steps, she took one of her own, dropping into a crouch. Richard froze from her actions, sucking in a deep breath in trepidation. "Roxa..." the rest came out as a shocked huff, the air forced out of his body, as the vixen rushed him and slammed him into the wall.

Immediately, his paws were pinned to the wall above him, keeping him defenseless. Burying her muzzle into his neck, she inhaled his scent. "Hhah," she sighed out, "male." Maneuvering her hind paws, the fox straddled his right leg, grinding her sex into his thigh. Lifting her head up, she gasped in satisfaction into his ear. The fennec winced as she nipped at his large, sensitive ears. Slowly, one paw drifted from a wrist, down his arm, across his chest, toward his crotch.


The vixen's movements stopped dead, staring at him with unfocused eyes. Falling back, she landed hard on her haunches, stunned by the palm strike to her temple. Richard brought his shaking arms down, gasping for air as he tried to calm his nerves. Relocating his roommate's purse, he raced over to it, taking only a second to find the cell phone. With it in paw, he began making his way quickly to his room.

Turning back to a rustling, the fennec had just enough time to let out a yelp and duck to the side as the recovered fox lunged over the couch at him. Back on his paws, he sprinted to his room, closing it just before his roommate barreled into it. "Let me in," she cried out, pawing and scratching at the door, "please!" Her hind legs started to spasm, inducing her hips to hump the air pathetically. Her panting turned to pitiful sobs from the sexual frustration burning in her.

Resting his back to the door, Richard searched the phone's address book, "Carla, Chad, Crystal, Damon!" Selecting the name, he brought the phone to his ear.

The wolf was sitting at his desk, reviewing a spreadsheet on his computer when the cell phone by his paw began to vibrate. His initial frustration from being distracted by his work shifted to amusement when he saw the name of the caller. Accepting the call, he leaned back in his chair and spoke into the phone, "Hey babe, how are you doing?"

"Damon! You've got to help me!"

The lupine's brow furrowed in confusion. That wasn't his girlfriend's flirty feminine voice but the freaked out voice of her roommate, "Richard? What's going on?"

"It's Roxanne! She went into heat and now she's attacking me! What do I do?"

‘Damn,' the wolf mused over the situation, ‘her heat has never been this severe.' "Where are you right now?"

"I locked myself in my room. Roxanne's right outside it."

"Alright I'll be right over. Just... make sure she doesn't break the door down."

Break the door down!?"

Hanging up, Damon opened his desk drawer and retrieved his keys. Just as he turned toward the door he paused, reached back into the drawer, and pulled out a line of condom wrappers. Having everything he would need, he hastily left the apartment to rescue the fennec.

Damon stepped out of the elevator to the floor that the vixen's flat was on, only to be knocked back by the heavy musk attacking his olfactory sense. "Whoa," the wolf exclaimed, blinking, "that is really strong." Stopping outside the entrance of the flat, the lupine leaned against the wall and opened his jeans, revealing his already full erection. He pulled out a condom from his pocket and opened it, sighing as the latex rolled onto his sensitive shaft. Leaving his jeans open, he opened the door and entered.

The air was even thicker in the flat than the rest of the floor. He immediately found the vixen; she was leaning against one of the doors with one paw clawing at it and the other between her legs. From the silence of the flat, he could easily hear two sets of whimpering, one of need from the fox and one of fear from the other side of the door. Clearing his throat, the wolf called out to her, barely above a whisper, "Babe."

The vixen's ears perked to the masculine voice. Turning toward it, she found the arctic wolf, already primed for her. Running toward him, she leapt into him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist. She humped against his lap, looking at him with begging eyes, "Please?"

"Of course," he assured her, soothingly. Holding her heated body close to him, he carried her to the couch and set her on it. Turning her over, she rested her knees on the seat cushions and leaned her chest over the top, her arms hanging over the back. Holding her tail up, the lupine deftly slid inside her.

"YES!" the vixen's eyes snapped open from the sensation she'd been craving. She shivered from the feeling of the male holding within her. Standing straight up, the lupine held her hips firm, using his hips and thighs to set a strong pace. The fox remained sprawled over the couch, letting him use her as she needed, enjoying the electricity sparking through her repeatedly. Neither noticed the timid head poke out of the bedroom door or the beige flash across the room that followed it.

The male's thrusts swiftly grew more aggressive, rocking the vulpine's body over the loveseat. "Oh god," she groaned, digging deep gouges into the back of the furniture, "more!" The lupine bent over her back, moving his right paw to her shoulder and his left under her taut stomach to her hip for an unyielding grip. Using his entire body, he drove his length into her with more and more force, making her yelp in glee, "Ahh! Yes!" His rutting became more erratic as his full knot battered her slick entrance. "Put it in!" she urged him, gripping the loveseat, "Knot me!" Crouching behind her, he lunged himself into her again and again until, finally, his arousal was shoved completely inside her sex.

"Fuck yeah!" she yelled from stretching to accommodate his new girth. As they were knotted, nearing the peak, the wolf began quick, savage thrusts and ravaged her. This only lasted a few moments before he closed his maw over her shoulder in a mating hold, pressing himself deep within her and releasing his climax. The mating hold was the last she could endure, sending her to the pinnacle of her pleasure. Clenching on his length repeatedly, she screamed at the top of her lungs, "AAHHH!"

Hip-hop music played in the background as Fran skipped around his apartment, a feather duster in one paw, dusting any surface he felt needed attention. He was dressed in a tight undershirt, tighter black jeans, and a loose studded belt. He hummed the tune and hopped from paw to paw in time to the beat, twirling the duster every now and then. He was tidying up, not only for the cute fennec coming over, but also for himself. Cleaning his house always helped to relax him, and was very rewarding.

He had just finished with the guest room when a quiet knock resounded from the front door. The rabbit turned toward it with a wide grin, excited that his friend had finally made it. "Oh honey, you don't have to knock," he giggled, making his way to the door, "mi casa et su casa!" His smile disappeared when he opened the door and found the condition of the fennec. He held a paw to his maw, gasping, "Oh my. What happened? Come, come in." He ushered the fennec in and sat him down on the couch, wrapping an arm around him to comfort him. "You poor thing, what happened?"

Richard, shaking visibly, gripped his paws together, trying to steady himself. It was several moments before he could manage to speak, "W-when I got to... my flat, my roommate was... i-in heat. She... attacked me, b-but I got away." Looking down at himself, he wrinkled his muzzle in disgust, "I think I need a shower."

"Feel free," Fran assured him, "did you get a change of clothes?"

The fennec looked down at his empty paws. "Aw, man," he cringed, balling his paws into fists and bringing them to his forehead, tears brimming in his eyes.

"Hey, Hey; don't worry about it," the lapin comforted him, petting his head softly; "You can borrow some of mine. It's the least I can do as your host. Now you go get yourself cleaned up. You'll feel a lot better; I promise."

A few moments later, Richard was standing under the rush of water in the bathroom. The warm water did an amazing job of rinsing his fur and relaxing his body. The clothes he wore coming in were now in the trash. They stunk of the vixen's heat and the pant leg was slick with her excitement. Had he the chance, he probably would have burned them. But with his muzzle pointed toward the showerhead, basking in the wonderful deluge, that and the events of the evening had left his mind before he had reached for the shampoo, ‘I guess he was right.'

The fennec exited the bathroom, his waist wrapped in a towel, feeling clean, scented lightly with vanilla, and, most importantly, smiling. Fran looked up at him with a grin of his own, "Well, someone's looking a lot better." The vulpine just nodded in agreement. "The guest room is the second door on the right. There are some clean clothes in the dresser. I'll be there in a moment to tuck you in." Richard smirked sarcastically at the last comment, heading to the room.

In the room, Richard had slipped on a pair of boxers and had just gotten into the bed when a knock came from the door, "How're you doing in there, dear?"

"I'm fine, thanks," the fennec replied.

The lapin peeked in before allowing himself in. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he told the fox, "A female's heat usually lasts a week. Even so, you can stay here as long as you need to."

The fennec nodded in understanding, yawning as he closed his eyes. Fran just stared at him for a moment, adoring how cute he looked. Slowly, the rabbit leaned forward toward his muzzle. "You kiss me," the fox spoke without even opening his eyes, "and I will boot you out of your own place." Grinning mischievously, he brought his finger pads to his lips then tapped them lightly to the vulpine's nose. Getting up, he made his way to the door, "Hey." The lapin turned to his friend's voice. He was up on his elbows on the bed, his blue eyes sincere and trusting, "Thanks."

"It's just because I love you, sweetie," Fran replied. With that, he closed the door, leaving his friend to sleep.

This will be my last chapter for quite some time. But I do love this story too much to give up on so fans of the series should keep their eyes open in the fall. Same with comments, I may not see them right away but don't let that discourage you. This series will thrive on feedback.

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