Chapter 1 - New Roommate

Story by Bubba on SoFurry

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#1 of Flatmates

Chapter 1 � New Roommate

I have returned! I apologize for my long hiatus, I was having difficulty finding that motivation to write. I did not, however, lose my inspiration as I have plenty of ideas for stories. This will be the first of an ongoing series that I hope my fellow readers will enjoy. It is like my previous stories in that the young readers are not allowed to read.

Graduation was almost exactly what the young fennec had expected. Just a lot of speeches and a long wait for a rolled up paper and a rose. This is what the hype was all about? This is why the crowd cheered and his classmates swelled with pride; doing something that has become a social standard? �Whatever,' he thought as he played along, showing the crowd a grin when it was finally his time to collect.

His name was Richard Zuller, his last name being somewhat of a curse throughout his life. He was always last for everything, was never chosen at random for anything (no one ever randomly selects the bottom of the list). Even now at graduation, he had barely enough time to sit down before they all stood to leave. He had learned to deal with it years ago, but it never quite left his mind.

He was fairly average in appearance. His fur was tan-beige in color, save for his torso which was a cream white. Both contrasted the pale black �socks' on all four of his limbs as well as the tips of his ears. He reached five foot nine in height, not counting his large ears that were traditionally found on fennecs. His body had a lean frame, almost no development in his gut or muscles. The clothes he wore were usually larger and baggy, trying to cover his body's shape. On the bridge of his muzzle rested a pair of thin frame, rounded rectangular glasses that aided the vision of his rich blue eyes.

It wasn't his appearance that separated Richard apart from the rest of the world, but rather his mind. He had always seen the world differently than those around him. He found interest in things that others only found pointless and weird, and vice versa. He could listen to music for hours at a time. But he never had the sexual interest in chasing other furs that his friends did. Throughout his life, he was called weird, strange, odd, a freak... He had gotten used to the sting he felt whenever he heard it, but it never did leave.

Making his way through the crowd outside the auditorium, Richard found his family waiting in the corner, camera ready. �Here we go,' he thought to himself as he approached them, forcing his tail to wag as he got closer. His parents took as many pictures as they could before he was able to get away to return the robe. By the time he returned, the graduates were already filing outside to the bus. "I've got to go," he told them.

"You can always come back and live with us," his mother assured him.

Richard just waved off the idea, "I know, but it's time I went to live on my own." Turning to leave, he called over his shoulder, "But I will call and visit occasionally."

During the ride back to the boarding school, Richard idly stared out the window, watching the headlights pass by. It had gotten dark during the ceremony. The fennec wasn't participating in the cheering and celebrations with the other graduates. He just didn't see the point in celebrating. It wasn't too long before the bus slowed to a stop and opened its doors, allowing everybody to file out.

His movements were on autopilot as his mind went over recent events and future plans, leading him to his room and opening the door. He was brought to full attention, however, by the image of his roommate and a sheep girl pushing and shoving their naked bodies against each other. "For the love of..." Richard muttered to himself as he immediately turned around and left the room, not caring if they heard him closing the door. Back in the hallway, the fennec looking up and down the corridor, as if searching for something. Ending with a shrug, he leaned against the wall beside his door, sliding down until he came to a rest on his haunches. With his eyes closed, he tried to nap until the two in his room were done; the sound of their yiffing and enjoyment making his ears twitch.

A couple of hours had passed before the noise finally died down and the sheep girl peeked out the room, searching for any witnesses. She was, at first, alarmed to see Richard by the doorway but was quickly calmed by the fact that he was asleep. Closing the door as silently as she could, she began to head to the stairway. "Took you two long enough," he declared as she passed.

The sheep girl froze in place, mortified that she had been caught. Turning to him, she blushed heavily, shuffling nervously from paw to paw, "Ah... yeah... sorry."

Groaning softly as he got to his paws, he opened the door to his dorm. "Just remember to lock the door next time," he mentioned over his shoulder, leaving her shocked by what he meant. A grey wolf was lying sprawled out, completely naked, with a content smile on his muzzle. His erect cock was pointing straight up into the air, glistening with sexual fluids. Richard immediately turned away from his roommate, "Derek, put something on."

The wolf just laughed in amusement, when are you going to grow up, man?"

"When are you going to cover up?" the fennec returned, not looking back.

Grumbling, Derek grabbed his boxers from the floor and slipped them on. Seeing his roommate's back was still turned, he took the opportunity to jump the fennec, hugging him from behind. "Well, congratulations graduate. How's it feel to complete high school?"

"Relieved," Richard smirked. "Now will you get off me, you mutt." Slipping out of the wolf's grip, he went over and collapsed in his bed. Letting out a relaxed sigh, he turned to Derek, "You didn't mess with my stuff while you were ... you know, with the sheep?"

Flopping into his own bed opposite, the lupine scoffed, "Why would we mess with your stuff?" Scanning the bags at the foot of his bed, he growled out as came to a stop at something. Grabbing a pencil from his desk, he reached down and fished out a pair of panties from between two bags, scowling at the wolf. His roommate's only reply was, "Alright, now that would be her messing with your stuff. Keep it as a going-away gift." With a flick of his wrist, the undergarment went sailing across the room, landing on the lupine's muzzle. As comical as the wolf looked, neither could contain their laughter for long.

Soon after they were able to catch their breath, Derek began asking, "You still serious about leaving?"

Richard just stared at him blankly for a moment, as if trying to understand what he meant by it, "My stuff is packed," he stated flatly, motioning to his bags of stuff.

"Yeah, I know," his roommate reasoned, "but you don't have to leave now. I don't think you've even seen that flat."

"That's the last thing that I'm going to do. I've already done all the research of the place. From what I've seen, it looks promising."

"Just don't forget about me when you're living large," Derek smirked.

The next day had Richard standing in front of the tall building. Reading over the directions again, the fennec entered the building and stepped into the elevator. As it slowly ascended, he nodded to the husky standing beside him in silent greeting, shifting on his paws uneasily as he noticed her looking him over occasionally. The fennec exited as quickly as the doors opened on the third floor. Finding the correct door, he knocked upon it, waiting patiently for a response.

On the other side, he heard some shuffling, followed by, "Who is it?"

Clearing his throat quickly, he replied, "I'm Richard Zuller; I'm here to look at the flat."

There was a moment's hesitation before, "Right, hold on a moment." After some more shuffling, the door finally opened in front of the fennec. On the other side of the doorway was an arctic wolf, his fur was matted and the loose clothing looked as if it was just quickly thrown on. "Come on in," he offered as he stepped to the side for Richard to enter, "My name's Damon and this is the apartment."

"Thanks," the fennec scanned the room as he entered, "I didn't wake you or anything, did I?"

"Nah," the wolf denied, "I was just, ah, exercising. Got to keep in shape, you know?" Getting an absent-minded nod from the fennec, he led Richard further into the room, "I'll guess it's time to give you the grand tour of the place. This is the living room; it's got a couch, chair, table, TV..." He motioned to everything as he listed them off, "Everything's built solid and in good condition. You can bring in some furniture of your own, if you want. Just make sure it doesn't get crowded in here. TV gets cable. You'll pay half the bill, but if you get any pay-per-view or anything like that, you'll have to pay it yourself." It all seemed fair to Richard, it was a nice TV too.

From there, the wolf led him to the kitchen, "This is the kitchen. If you know how to cook, that'd be great. Just always keep in mind to keep the place clean. Food is the same as the TV bill; help out with paying for it. Trash too, you got to help throw out the trash."

Continuing down the hallway, they stopped in front of the bathroom, "This is the bathroom. Just keep it as clean as you can, and stocked. Remember that this is the only bathroom in the flat so you will have to share."

Farther down, they stopped in front of three doors, two side by side and one a little farther down, "These are the bedrooms. The master bedroom is..."

At that moment, a vixen, clad in only a sheet, stepped out of the room. She's what most would consider very attractive. Her forest green eyes, unhindered by any eyewear, contrasted her crimson fur and jet black �socks'. At five foot ten, her body was complimented by moderate ears, CC bust, a tones stomach, and sleek hips that formed fluently with her long legs and fluffy tail. "Hey, yiffy boy, where did you run off you?" She was taken aback at first when she saw the strange fennec in the flat, but then turned to smile warmly at the wolf, "Damon, you didn't tell me you brought another partner in. He's really cute too."

"No, no, no," the lupine denied, chuckling, "He's here to look at the apartment."

"Hi, I'm Richard Zuller," the fennec offered his paw in greeting.

Taking his paw in her own, she squeezed gently as she shook, "My name is Roxanne. It's a real... pleasure to meet you. I would love for us to get to know each other a lot better."

Richard began fidgeting uneasily, trying to free his paw from her suggestive grip.

Fortunately for him, Damon came to his rescue, chuckling, "Go put some clothes on you temptress." Giggling, she sauntered back into the room, giving the two furs a view of the sheet slipping down her back just before the door closed between them.

The lupine returned his attention to Richard, finding the fennec with his head turned away from where the vixen just was. "You can look now," he announced with a little amusement.

"Your girlfriend is quite..."

"Yeah, she's a tease," the wolf finished the fennec's statement.

Richard then became worried about a problem this presented, "I wouldn't feel comfortable getting in the way of you two if I were to live here."

"Oh, don't worry," Damon assured him, "we live in separate flats. We mostly hang out in the other one anyway." Seeing that this had calmed Richard's worries, the wolf continued the tour, "Anyway, the room beside the master bedroom, this room, will be yours." Entering, they found it bare, save for a bed, a dresser, and a desk. "The room has all the basic stuff. You can do what you want with it. Guest bedroom is the same."

With the tour finished, Damon led Richard back to the living work as he explained the financing, "You'll have to pay three hundred a month for rent plus about one twenty five for utilities. The security deposit is another three hundred. That's about it, what do you think?"

Richard nodded as he took in the information. Finally, he stated, "Sounds fair. You take a check?"

The wolf was taken aback by this, "Really, just like that? You don't want more time to think about it or something?"

The fennec simply explained, "The price seems a little high, but it is a nice flat. Compared to the others I've checked, this is the best choice. You have the papers I need to fill out?"

"Uh, yeah; I'll be right back," Damon declared, leaving the room. A few moments later, he reappeared with the paperwork and a pen, "Also the contract is for two years. Just read over it and sign on the lines." With the filled out contract and check in his paws, the lupine simply stated, "That was a lot easier than I would have hoped. Welcome to the flat." A quick look at the clock had him curse out, "Damn, I've got to get going."

"You have work?" Richard asked.

"Yeah, I've got to go to my apartment first," the wolf explained.

The fennec just stared at him for a moment, and then looked back into the flat, then back at Damon, then back into the flat, then back at Damon, "I think I'm missing something."

"I don't live here," the wolf simply declared.

Richard just stared at him, stupefied, "If you don't live here, then who does?"

Him face instantly dropped as he was hugged from behind, the answer whispered seductively into his ear, "Welcome home, my new room... mate."

Thank you for reading and please post whatever is on your mind right now. I want to know if I still have the writing skills that I had before.

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