Chapter 2 – Adjusting

Story by Bubba on SoFurry

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#2 of Flatmates

Chapter 2 â€" Adjusting

Here is the next chapter in my new series. This one does contain mature content, so no minors.

Mid afternoon in the boarding school dormitory found Derek and a rabbit fem lounging on a couch, watching TV. The wolf's arm was resting over her neck, lazily massaging her shoulder as she rested her head on his shoulder. With a small grin forming on his muzzle, he leaned down to get a kiss. He was, however, interrupted by a knock at the door. "Probably just at the wrong door," he assured her, moving in for a second attempt. As a second knocking cut him short, the lapin giggled cutely at his frustrations. "Who is it?" he called out, annoyed.

"Pizza delivery," a voice answered.

"I didn't order a pizza," Derek argued.

"Free pizza; you're the winner of the free pizza sweepstakes," the voice explained.

"I didn't enter any contest," the wolf disputed.

"Your room was chosen at random," the voice countered.

"Then choose another," Derek offered.

"I don't choose the room... The room chooses me," the voice declared, becoming more surreal at the end.

Just as he was feeling insulted, he suddenly realized who it was, "Richard, get in here!"

The doorknob twisted slightly before it paused, "You have someone with you?"

"Yeah," Derek answered.

"Are you descent?"

The wolf flashed the fem rabbit an innocent smile as she glared at him accusingly before answering, "Descent enough," Earning him a smack on the chest. The door cracked open, allowing the fennec to check the scene himself before entering, pizza box balancing in his paw. "You actually brought a pizza?" Derek asked, bemused.

Dropping it in his friend's lap, the fennec offered, "Consider it a peace offering, farewell gift, what have you."

"So you like the place?" The lupine asked, catching on to what his former roommate meant. The fennec just nodded as he went to collect his stuff. "Anything you didn't like about it?" he continued asking.

Richard answered from the other room, "Not with the apartment."

"Location?" Derek threw out.

The fennec's head popped out from the doorway, "It's a bit of a drive; kind of outer city, suburban area. It's nice enough."

The fem rabbit, silent up to this point, piped up, "What about your roommate?"

Richard halted for a moment before answering, "She's a little... promiscuous."

"You mean she's a slut?" the wolf asked flatly, "What's wrong with that?"

"No," the fennec growled, frustrated when his friend would use harsh language like that, especially when talking about other furs. "More like... teasing, I guess."

Throwing his hands up in defense, Derek offered, "Alright, alright. How about I meet this ‘promiscuous' roommate of yours? I could help you move in while I'm at it."

"I got it covered," the fennec waved it off.

"Not with that little two-seater," the wolf objected.

Richard grimaced at the lupine's objection but gave in. He knew that with his own car, it would take at least two trips, if not more. After some reluctance, the fennec accepted the offer and followed the wolf to his sedan, a few bags of his stuff hanging in his paws. It took both furs several trips from the dorm to the car before all the fennec's possessions were stuffed into the trunk and seats. With that taken care of, Derek went inside for a rather lengthy goodbye to the fem rabbit that Richard stayed outside for before they were on the road, the fennec leading with his own car.

As he had explained, the drive was a good forty minutes before the two cars came to a stop in front of the building. With as much in their arms as they can carry, the two furs made their way in through the front doors toward the elevator, Derek getting distracted by a puma passing him in the opposite direction. Putting his stuff down inside the elevator, Richard turned around to find his former roommate standing in the middle of the lobby, gawking at the feline exiting through the front doors. Walking up behind the wolf, the fox lightly smacked him in the back of the head to get his attention.

Snapping back to reality, Derek commented, "Dude, there are some yiffy chicks living here."

"Yeah, but we're going this way," Richard objected, pointing over his shoulder.

Taking a quick glance, the lupine countered, "You mean toward the closing elevator doors?"

The fennec whipped around, confirming the wolf's words; the elevator doors were slowly cutting him off from a number of his possessions. Sprinting as fast as he could, the fox lunged the last few feet, landing in front of the sliding obstructions with his outstretched paw blocking them from closing the whole way. As he picked himself up, Derek strode past him nonchalantly into the elevator, waiting as his friend dusted himself off and selected the correct floor.

"That was a great first impression, by the way," the wolf mentioned.

"Yeah, well it was either that or lose..." rifling through his stuff, the fennec concluded, "all my shirts. You decide."

A few moments later found the two in the living room of the flat. Setting his armful down with a huff, Richard looked about the room to find that is was less occupied than he'd anticipated. "Hello?" he called out, waiting a few seconds for a reply. When none came, he picked up his stuff and instructed his friend, "Guess she's not here. Come on, my room's this way."

"Oh, hey! I was wondering when you'd get back." Leaning in the doorway was the vixen, wearing a tight pair of jeans and a peach t-shirt ending at her midriff. "So, who's your friend?" she asked, eyeing the wolf up and down.

Taking a step back, the fennec acknowledged her, "Hey Roxanne. This is my friend Derek. As you can see, he is helping me move my stuff in."

"Mind if I offered an extra paw?" she offered which, surprising to Richard, actually sounded sincere.

"Really? Sure, that'd be grea..."

"Don't worry about it," Derek cut in, "The two of us have it covered." As he said this, the wolf swelled his chest and hefted the boxes he carried with more emphasis.

Giggling a little at his antics, she turned to leave, "Okay then, Mr. strong wolf. Just let me know if you do need any help."

With her not looking, the lupine turned to his friend, silently saying, ‘Damn!' Grunting in annoyance, Richard led his former roommate to his new room, where they deposited the boxes and made their way back to the car for more. During the number of trips between the car and the room, the wolf started conversation, "Your roommate is one of the hottest vixens I've ever seen! She's like... modeling or porn hot."

"She seems nice," was Richard's only comment.

"Nice?" Derek sputtered, exasperated, "Nice is what the girls back at school are. Your roommate up there, Roxanne; her body screams, ‘take me now'. If you don't end up yiffing her, then I will."

Stepping in front of his friend, the fennec interjected, "Okay first, she's just my roommate, not my mate. Second, she already has a boyfriend. And third, I really want to stay at this place, so don't complicate things."

Seeing how serious his friend was about this, the wolf nodded in understanding, "Alright â€" don't worry about it. She is off limits to me. We cool?"

"Yeah," Richard sighed in acceptance. "Come on; let's get the last of this stuff upstairs."

As they made their way to the elevator for the last time, Derek couldn't help but notice another resident of the building, a slim raccoon fem dressed in a tight shirt and tighter shorts, jogging past them toward the door, "I would just like to make clear that I made no promises about the other chicks here."

A few moments later found the wolf exiting the flat, saying his goodbyes to his friend. "Don't be a stranger, man," he said as the door closed. Now alone in his new room, Richard, as tired as he was, looked outside his window to confirm how late it was. With a yawn, he began rummaging through his packed belongings.

It was at this time that Roxanne appeared in his doorway, now wearing a white silk nightgown. However, it was only after he had finished adjusting his alarm clock that he noticed her there. Even then, it was only a quick look and a simple, "You on your way to bed?"

With a flirtatious smirk, she took a few steps in, "Nights like these can get kind of cold. If you climb on into bed I'll keep you warm."

At this, the fennec faced her with his full attention. He stared at her for a moment, as if questioning her intentions, then walked over to one of his boxes. "That's what this is for," he stated matter-of-factly, pulling out a thick wool blanket. "Well, good night," he said sweetly to her as he tossed the blanket onto his bed. Stunned by how her bulletproof ploy was shot down, the vixen promptly turned and walked out of his room without a word, leaving him to set up his bed.

The next morning found Richard in the kitchen nursing a bowl of cereal. Despite having just woken up, he was already fully clothed in a dark grey shirt and a pair of jeans. His bowl was about half empty by the time Roxanne entered, looking for something to eat herself. The vixen, however, was clad in only a purple robe that ended about mid-thigh. "Mornin' Richy," she greeted as she passed behind him.

His only response was a grunt as he had a spoon full of cereal in his maw. Once swallowing, he tiredly told her, "Richard," correcting her on his name before ladling into his bowl again.

She simply huffed at his response, continuing her search for breakfast. As she did, she noticed where he was sitting and grinned deviously. Striding over to the refrigerator, situated across the table from where the he was sitting. "I wonder what we have in here?" she said to herself, but loudly enough to acquire the fennec's attention, then proceeded to bend forward to look at the lower shelves, making sure to hike her tail up high. Finding nothing, she closed the fridge door, "Guess I can go down to the waffle house; great sausages there." She turned around to find Richard the same way he was before, only now he held a paw to his forehead and was staring more intently at his cereal. "You okay there?" she asked, the smirk on her muzzle growing.

Still looking down, he explained, "Next time you wear that, make sure to wear something underneath." The vixen simply giggled and strutted out of the room, her tail bouncing behind her.

About midday, Roxanne was lying on the couch and watching tv. Dressed in a green blouse and khaki pants, she was enjoying her day off. Just as she was getting relaxed, loud music began booming from her roommate's room. Roused by her curiosity, she decided to get up and investigate. Inside, Richard was kneeling in front of a receiver, tweaking the controls on it. "Hey, what's up?" he greeted her animatedly as he saw her enter.

Pointing at the receiver, she asked, "What is that?"

"This," he explained as he got up patting it proudly, "is my sound system for the room. This thing can get so loud that it can drown out any other sound in the flat."

"Really," she replied in a challenging tone. Her face changed to one of pleasure while she sucked in a deep breath of air, and then cried out, "OH G..."

The rest of her scream became silent against the blast of rock music that assaulted her from the four corners of the room. Her expression of faux pleasure became a real grimace as the fennec turned the volume down to a more manageable level. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that," he teased her with a wide grin as she stormed out.

It was getting into the evening by the time Richard finished unpacking and setting up his room. As he lay on his bed, he heard the front door close. ‘Did she actually leave?' he thought enthusiastically. Getting up, he went into the hallway to confirm his suspicions. "Oh," he sighed as he saw Damon hugging Roxanne in the living room. As the two released each other, Damon noticed the fennec in the hallway, "Hey, uh, Richard. How you doing?"

"Good, good," he replied, "So you two are going out?"

"No, we're just going to hang out here," the wolf answered.

Nodding in understanding, the fox explained, "Then I'll be heading out, leave you guys alone." With that said, he made his way through the door and out the building. Outside on the sidewalk, Richard decided to take a walk around the area and become familiar with it. It was well into the night by the time he returned to the flat. Upon entering, he found all the lights turned out and no evidence of the couple's presence. ‘Maybe they went out somewhere after all,' he wondered to himself as he made his way to his room, undressed, and flopped into his bed.

Just as his eyes drifted shut, he heard from through the wall, "Ready to go again, baby?" A murr of approval was its response followed by some shuffling.

Richard's eyes snapped open in horror, "No."


"Ahh, right there."



*squeak* *squeak*

"Yes, ahh!"

*squeak* *squeak*

The fennec on the other side, curled into a ball and pulled his ears against his head as the cries and yells grew louder and the squeaks of the mattress became thuds of the bed post hitting the wall.

*thud* *thud*

"Oh, yes!"

*thud* *thud*

"Give it to me!"

*thud* *thud*

The sun had risen into the sky by the time the vixen and wolf left the room, kissing and nuzzling each other. They didn't get three feet before the other bedroom door creaked open. Standing in its place was the fennec, slumped against the side, glaring at the two with bloodshot eyes, one of which was twitching slightly. Noting the tension between the grimace of one and the smirk of the other, the wolf said a quick goodbye and left the flat with his stuff.

After a moment of uneasy silence, the vixen finally spoke up, "Sleep well?"

"I... So..." was as far as he got before exhaustion had him collapse into the hallway. With one more smirk, Roxanne turned on her heel and strode into the kitchen.

It was a good ten minutes before the fennec managed to pick himself up and shuffle into the shower. The water rinsing down on him was quite refreshing and helped to wake him up. Before he was able to start rinsing, however, a knock came from the door. "Occupied," he yelled out, continuing to let the water fall onto him. The knocker either didn't hear him or didn't care as the bathroom door opened, then the glass shower door opened, revealing a nude body on each side. "What the!" Richard cried out, throwing his paws in front of his crotch and tucking his tail between his legs. "What are you doing!?"

"I need to get ready for work," she said nonchalantly, stepping into the shower with him. "So you can either leave," she proposed, looking him up and down, "or you can stay."

The fennec managed to slip out before she closed the glass door, hearing her snicker. "Yeah, well I hope I didn't use up all the hot water," he declared, proceeding to flush the toilet. The vixen's giggle abruptly changed to a yip at the sudden change in water temperature. Richard walked out of the room with a snicker of his own.

Now dressed in a yellow shirt and jeans, Richard decided to relax the day away by laying flat on his bed and cranking up his playlist of trance music. Heaving a sigh, he heard and felt the multiple layers of rhythms pulse through him, leaving him completely at ease. He never even heard the front door open and close as Roxanne left for work. He did hear it several hours later when the afternoon was growing late.

Rolling out of bed, he turned off his music before going into the hallway to find his roommate and Damon making out. Knowing where this was leading, the fennec growled deeply then stomped back to his room. Seeing this display, the wolf broke off the kiss awkwardly, "You sure this is a good idea? I mean, your roommate's right in the other room."

She smiled up at him, running a claw down his chest, "Who are you here for, me or him?" He just grinned at her as she pulled him by the hem of his jeans into her room. With the bedroom door closed behind them, their passion was reignited. As they kissed, the lupine ran his paws down her sides, reaching her ass and gripping it to pull her into a more forceful kiss. A moment later, the vixen pulled away and took a step back, slipping the shoulder straps off her form to allow the dress to pile around her foot paws. With nothing else on, she fell back and landed gracefully on the bed. Lying on her side, she teased the wolf, "I'm sorry dear, but this is a ‘no clothing' zone. Grinning down at her, he stripped off his own clothing and joined her on the bed, the pink tip of his growing arousal extending from his white sheath.

Hovering over her, the wolf began shuffling closer to her before he was flipped onto his back. Leaning forward over him, she breathed into his ear, "My turn." Lifting her hips up, she aligned her sex with his now fully extended erection and sank down to the base, sighing, "I love how you fill me." She grinding on him before rising back up to the tip and she lowered herself again, setting the pace.

"I cannot deal stand this," Richard growled to himself, getting out of bed and putting on a pair of shorts before making his way to the door. He paused with his paw, however, a plan forming in his mind and turned back to his room with a devilish grin on his muzzle. Ignoring the growing volume of his roommate's antics in the other room, he went to his computer and searched through his files for a specific song, making sure his sound system was turned off first. Finding the song he was looking for, he fast-forwarded to a specific time and paused it, waiting.

On the other side of the wall, however, the activities were becoming quite heavy. Clenching tightly onto his shoulders, Roxanne hefted herself up before slamming down onto him, crying out every time his shaft sank in deep. Underneath the vixen, Damon grasped her hips and pulled her down to add more force to the penetration. As she reached his base, he would shift his hips up, reaching an extra inch deeper into her and grinding his knot against her entrance. "Oh god! Just like that!" she huffed, gyrating her hips as she pistoned on top of him. "Yes! Yes! Ahh!"

Hearing all this, Richard's grin widened, knowing they were close to what they were working for. Turning the dial for the volume all the way up to the max, he went back to his computer and moved the mouse over to the play button.

"Oh fuck!" she gasped as their exertion became stronger. She now added more emphasis on each down stroke and her breasts bounced as her chest heaved. Her breathing began to hitch as her sex grew more and more sensitive. Damon was nearing his peak as well. His knot was fully inflated and flushed red. His abs tightened and his arms strained, his panting became more excessive. "I'm close, Damon. I'm so close," she warned her wolf, exasperated. "I'm almost there. I'm... I'm..."


At that moment, the entire flat vibrated with Bon Jovi. *WHOOAH, WE'RE HALF WAY THERE! WAH-OH, LIVIN' ON A PRAYER!* The loud rock music and the lyrics, quite ironic considering the condition of the two, shook through the couple and threw them off their pace. Just as Roxanne regained her senses, she realized something horrible; the climax she had been working to the entire night, that she was so close to, had disappeared. "No, NO!" she shifted awkwardly on Damon's hips, trying to find that feeling again. Her expression became frantic and she bellowed above the music, "RICHARD!"

Upon hearing this, the fennec just broke up, laughing, "Ah, ha ha ha ha ha! Ah, ha ha ha!" A moment later, Roxanne appeared at his door naked, flustered, and snarling dangerously. At this point, he reached his paw out toward her and lip-synced the lyrics, *TAKE MY HAND AND WE'LL MAKE IT â€" I SWEAR!* The vixen just slammed the door on him, leaving him to cackle even harder.

By the time Richard could collect himself enough to turn the music down and go to the living room, Damon had already left and Roxanne had put a robe on, still looking agitated. Still chuckling a little, he went over and sat across from her. Biting his lip to stifle his merriment, he proposed to her, "Truce?" She looked at him for a moment, pensively, discerning his intentions. Finally, after heaving a sigh, she took his offered paw and shook it in agreement. With that taken care of, they both sat back to relax, recouping from the night's events. "Tell you what," the fennec spoke up after a moment of silence, "How about I take the guest bedroom; that should be a descent buffer between us."

Roxanne just nodded absently. Again, silence overtook the mood of the room. Then, with a big yawn, Richard got up and bid her goodnight. "Wait," she called out to him, "you should sleep in the guest room tonight. I really need to take care of... something," she forced herself to pause and change the last word. He stood staring at her for a moment, then nodded in understanding and moved down to the next door. Before he could go in, though, he heard her warn him, "I guess I should warn you that my heat is coming up."

With that said, she went into her room and closed the door, leaving him to think, ‘Heat?'

I hope you like how my series is progressing. I already have ideas for the next couple of chapters, so I'll try to get those out. Please comment on my work. The more I hear about this one, the better I can make the next one. I don't know when the next one is coming out, but it appears that I got over my writer's block so it shouldn't be too long.

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