Spyro and Cynder, ch 21

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#21 of Spyro and Cynder: A New Life

If you're under 18 and/or do not like the idea of videogame characters having sex, leave now. Go.

For those of you keeping up with this, I'm still going at it. Series is starting to draw to its close, so stay tuned. This time I'm not gonna tell what chapter is the end.

This whole story is almost fifty chapters!! (counting RoD)

wow...holy crap xD

This may be another long read, I wanted to shorten it but there wasn't really a good place to do so :s




Flare and Cynder anxiously watched Anya as the little dragoness played with a dragonfly. Cynder glanced up at the sky nervously, noticing the huge cloud overhead. She sighed and rubbed her belly, still feeling and enjoying her mate's semen inside her womb every time she moved. "How long did Solar say he'd be gone? That cloud keeps getting bigger..."

"I don't know. He said he'd be gone a while."

Anya raced up to Cynder and smiled up at her. "Cynder, can Spyro play today?"

"I'm sorry, Anya," Cynder sighed, rubbing the little one's back, "he's busy again."

Anya nodded sadly and looked at the ground. "I want daddy...he always played with me..."

Cynder forced back her sudden tears and sighed, picking Anya up gently. "Anya...we...have something to tell you." Flare looked away sadly.


"Ignitus...saw your parents in the Pool of Visions. They're..." She choked and hugged her. "I'm so sorry, Anya...they're gone."

Anya froze. "...Gone?"

"They're dead," Flare whispered.

Anya moved to pull away and Cynder set her down. "But...isn't that good?"

It was Cynder and Flare's turn to freeze. "...what?!"

"Mommy and daddy are in a better place right?"

Cynder wiped her eyes. "I...I guess so?"

"Mommy was always sick and daddy was always so tired...and when Shadow comes back they can look after me any time!" The two older dragons were utterly confused with Anya's response to this news. However her face fell again. "I don't have a family anymore..."

Flare and Cynder glanced at each other. "Should we?"

"We'd have to talk to the guys first."

It took Solar a week to return from Dante's Freezer; when he finally returned the first thing he did was take Flare for a little "stroll", from which she returned tired and panting but very content and a bit wet between the hind legs. Then he took Spyro, Cynder and the guardians into the secret chamber in the tunnels to discuss and test his hypothesis on how to prove Cynder's innocence...and to also potentially locate "seeds of the Shadow". They also tested with Miaqua, who was still recovering from her encounter with the shadow creature but was still strongly haunted by visions of its sneering face.

The next morning Ignitus called everyone together, and a grumbling crowd of dragons and many of the cheetah refugees gathered in the garden around several tall pillars that Spyro, Solar and Cynder were sitting on. When everyone was gathered, Flare and several of the other dragonesses took the kids to a nearby area, still within earshot and eyesight of the gathering. Solar cleared his throat and produced three large, four-point star-shaped crystals glittering with light. Many of the dragons gathered stared in awe at the crystals, having heard stories about them. "I hope you all know why you're been called here. Can anyone tell me what these crystals do?"

There was a lot of muttering, but for a while there was no upfront response until Miaqua shouted from the back. "Those crystals draw energy into themselves!"

"Correct," Solar said. "They draw energy into themselves and become a sort of focus for that type of elemental energy. However, these crystals here are thus far only capable of absorbing light and dark energies." He touched one and grunted, and the crystal dimmed and went out, still floating by him. "These crystals were used in my homeworld, Paralos, as sources of shadow energy for various research facilities. The Shadow used the Dark Master to convince the scientists of Paralos to conduct experiments to try to create the 'purple dragon gene', a chemical sequence inside the body that would turn any dragon into a purple dragon." There was a lot of talking, but Terrador shook the ground and redirected their attention. "Currently I am the only living victim of their research. They infused these crystals with evil power and used that energy to fuel their experiments, many of which were attempts at super-powering dragons. Some of you have seen that I can punch through solid stone with no injury and without tiring easily. Where am I going with this? Well, I was the subject of light testing; they tried to force my body to learn light powers. They thought that if my body was enhanced, I would be more receptive to enhancement of light powers." He looked to Spyro, and Spyro shot a beam of light into the sky. "Spyro has light powers, this is what they were trying to mimic. At first I thought only purple dragons could learn light, because light can only be harnessed by those who are pure of heart." He looked to Cynder, and she shocked everyone when she shot her multi-beam attack into the sky like Spyro had. "Cynder, too, has the light element. She is not purple, though. Her imprisonment under Malefor did enhance her and give her other elements such as poison, but those are permanent curses if we can call them that. I was shocked when I learned that Cynder has control over light."

"So doesn't that mean we all do?" someone asked.

"I would like to say yes, based on the fact that I too have light powers. However, my light energies are limited to healing, evil-detection, and reading memories. Normal dragons usually cannot use light, even though it is an inherent inclination. Now, here is what I want you to consider. Light is thought to be purple-only, and with a pure heart. Spyro is both. Cynder is not purple, but she wields light. Malefor is purple, but he cannot use light. Malefor had a corrupted heart and thus cannot learn light. Light powers must therefore stem from one's disposition. That proves to me that Cynder is good, and was merely a mind-slave under Malefor. He controlled her actions like a puppeteer." The blank crystal floated over to Cynder. "Now, I want you all to pay close attention. We have established that these crystals draw power and become a generator of sorts for that power. We have also proven that Cynder wields light. However, as I found at Dante's Freezer through my own experimentation, some enemies use magic as a source of light attacks, yet when touched with these crystals, they give off an evil aura. Those with a strong inclination towards goodness fill the crystals with light upon contact. We've established that light inclination is a direct result of one's disposition, correct? Therefore, that must mean Cynder is good." There was a lot of muttered agreement. "What do you think will happen when Cynder touches the crystal?"

"It'll go dark, like her heart," called an angry voice from the back. Every looked back to see Vale sitting in a tree, glaring at Cynder.

"That was rude, but a hypothesis nonetheless," Solar growled back.

"I don't think anything will happen," came another voice. Many of the others agreed.

"Well I think it'll fill with light," came Miaqua's voice. "I did some spying on her and only saw a caring and loving mother. I don't see how someone under the Shadow's control could be so loving with helpless babies. I think the Shadow would rather have had Cynder have no children if she was still under his control since he's so focused on destruction and nothingness."

Solar nodded. "If Cynder was still under the Shadow's rule, there's a chance he would have used her to breed more destroyers, but his sole intention is to destroy. Cynder was a mere tool to him. He would not have allowed her to create new life." He glanced over at her and nodded. "You've given your ideas. Will the crystal go dark, stay a crystal, or will it fill with light? Hidden evil will neutralize light or fill it with darkness, a lack of light power will keep the crystal neutral, and a good heart will fill it with light. Cynder, touch the crystal."

Cynder took a deep breath to calm herself after all that talk of the Shadow, and reached out to touch the crystal. Everyone shouted in surprise when the crystal filled with light and gave off a soft, warm flash that flooded over them. Cynder smiled and pulled back, blushing a bit when she realized Spyro was smiling at her. In the back, a sudden roar of anger caught their attention. "Load of shit! Spyro filled it remotely, I saw him!!" Vale shouted. "This was rigged!!"

Solar roared back. "ENOUGH. Spyro cannot project his light powers without physical contact or an open attack from his breath. That's how light works."

"I don't care! Cynder's still evil!!"

Solar glared at him, then brought one of the other crystals to himself and drained it. "Fine. Vale, what do you think will happen when you touch the crystal?"

"It'll fill with light," Vale said rather snidely.

"Ignitus, can you put a barrier around Cynder?" Cynder gasped in surprise when a glowing barrier covered her. "Cynder cannot project any of her elemental energies beyond that barrier. Spyro?" Spyro too was encased in a barrier. "Spyro, too, cannot project his light through that." He made the crystal hover to Vale, and everyone turned to watch. "Touch the crystal."

Vale just looked at it with a nonchalant expression. "Have someone else touch it first." The crystal floated down into the crowd.

"Does anyone else here hate Cynder, or think she's still dark? Step forward and touch the crystal." There was a lot of uneasy shifting, but finally someone stepped forward resolutely and touched the crystal. No change. He tried forcing his thought into it, but no change came about. "Does anyone here know him, can you tell me about him?"

"I can," came a nervous voice. A dragoness stepped beside him. "He's my mate and a very caring individual. It's hard to get him angry."

"So a good heart overall then?" She nodded and Solar continued. "Anyone else want to try?" Several others stepped forward, and they all got the same thing, no response from the crystal. "Now, does anyone here feel that they're a good individual? Miaqua?"

"Um...I'm...well...I can try I guess..." She strode forward nervously and touched the crystal. No response yet again.

"Now, someone step forward with a very strong negative emotion." The crowd parted around one particular dragon as he stepped forward. They knew him as violent and bad-tempered, and very few ever stayed around him if they could help it. He glared at Cynder with a deep hatred, then touched the crystal. Everyone gasped and he stared at the crystal in surprise when small tendrils of darkness began seeping through the crystal like ink dropped in water. Solar levitated the crystal to himself and they watched as he touched it. The dark power flew out along his paw like a brief fire and he grunted in pain until the crystal was cleaned again. "Now we've seen that a cruel heart fills it with darkness. Vale, your turn. No one else has been able to fill it with light. I doubt you'll be able to."

"We'll see about that," Vale growled. The crystal floated to him and he grabbed it. Everyone gasped in shock and he yelled in fright when the crystal filled with darkness and gave off a bitter flash. Vale jumped away from the crystal in terror and it floated back to Solar. "It...it drained something from me!" Vale shouted in fear.

"No, you fueled it. It merely used your reserves of hatred and pride as a circuit to fill itself with the evil of your intentions." He looked at Spyro and Ignitus cancelled the barriers around Spyro and Cynder. "You two need to purify it, the darkness in it is too strong for me."

Spyro and Cynder flew up to the crystal and everyone watched anxiously. Spyro lay his paws on it with a deep breath, and yelled in pain as the dark power flew out along his arms like fire. The crystal slowly emptied and became blank. Spyro pulled back and landed nearby, rubbing his arms and groaning. Cynder touched the crystal, and again it filled with light and flashed when it was completely filled. She then flew over to Spyro and healed him the best she could with her light powers. Ignitus stepped forward.

"If anyone here still has a problem with Cynder, you'd do best to leave. However, since you have nowhere to go, your only choice is to deal with it. Spyro and Solar have brought up good points in the past weeks which the majority of you have refused to accept. The puppet is not always willing to follow its master's commands, yet has no choice. Cynder was essentially a prisoner in her own body until Spyro defeated her and freed her from Malefor's bonds. Those of you who say her scale color is proof she's evil have obviously not been educated; black is a rare color, yes, but it's still a natural scale color. Cynder's parents were probably from the far south where a black hide is essential for blending in with surroundings to survive. Now, everyone, I want you all to touch these crystals. We are doing this for security purposes and require that everyone cooperate. Your own personal safety hinges on this."

Solar glanced over at the purple and black pair. "You two may go and help Flare babysit, your input isn't required anymore."

Spyro left and Cynder followed, both glad to get away. Cynder nudged Spyro and he glanced back to see a wary look in her eyes. "Vale scares me," she whispered.

"Me too. But it confirms what I found when Miaqua was terrorized. That creature's darkness trail led straight back to him. Either he's in league with the darkness, or the shadows are using his intense negative emotions as a gateway. Either way, we need to keep an eye on him."

"Dadda!" Flash yelped when Spyro entered the dojo. Cynder squealed softly at how cute it was as their kids crawled over to meet them. Spyro picked them all up and stood up on his hind legs, quickly spinning around a few times and getting them all to laugh. Flare giggled and hugged her kids against her side with her wing as they quietly cuddled together, ready to nap. Aurora peeked out from under Flare's wing, and Flare smiled at her and nuzzled her tiny nose softly.

"Hey Rora, what's up? Oh who's that? Is that Uncle Spyro? Yes he is!" she cooed, making Aurora giggle and pull back into hiding behind her mother's wing. Flare laughed to herself and glanced up at Cynder. "Miaqua and Terra and the others took the kids outside, they should be coming back soon."

Cynder nodded, then nuzzled Spyro, snapping him out of his trance as he hugged the kids. "Spyro, you take them to the room, I'm gonna go outside and see how things are going." Spyro quickly took the kids to the room while Flare put her head under her wing to watch her children.

"You little ones are so sweet," she whispered, watching Inigena bat at her green brother sleepily. Aurora rolled onto her back with a cute yawn, stretching and then closing her eyes. Colnasis cuddled closer to Flare's side, nuzzling her scales and making her giggle to herself. "Awww...." Some padding paws nearby made her look up to see Hunter come into the room. "Sir, are you lost?" she asked. She hadn't been introduced to Hunter yet.

"No, I'm looking for Spyro, I have urgent news from Ignitus for him."

"He's over in his room there with his kids," she said, pointing. "What's going on?"

"The magic stormcloud that has been gathering for weeks is beginning to move out." With that he raced into Spyro's room, leaving Flare confused and a bit scared.



"Earth team, get the shields up NOW!!"

"Where the hell is Spyro?!"

Spyro killed the mage he was struggling against with an icicle through the chest and raced over to Ignitus. "We need to pull out, there's too many!!"

"No! We can't let them take this position or else the cloud will expand! Spyro, take Solar and get to the core!" Ignitus flew back up into the air towards the advancing mage army, blasting them with a shower of explosive fireballs. Spyro paused time and raced off to nab Solar, killing every mage he encountered as he searched. Ice was the most effective element against these black-cloaked fiends, and he made good use of it, spearing them and shredding them with icicles and blades of ice. He located Solar and unpaused time for him, then led him to the core, his time power fading and the world around them slowly gaining motion again until it was chaos.

"Solar, you have to destroy that Spirit Gem before they completely corrupt it!" Spyro shouted over the din of the battle. They could see the crystals; many of them had already been destroyed, but a band of powerful shadows was guarding the final crystal.

"Can't you just blast them with light like you did when you came back?" Solar asked, spearing an ape through the head with the crystal at the end of his tail.

"I still had all that light power from the gems flowing through me, I don't have that anymore!" the purple dragon replied a bit angrily, dodging a vicious sword-swipe. He yelled in pain as the creature's backstroke caught him in the arm and left a stinging cut, but it didn't survive Spyro's retaliating ice breath. "Damn it..." He didn't have time to heal himself. "Solar, I'll clear the way, you're the only one physically strong enough to break it!"

"Lead the way then!!"

Cynder sighed as she watched Spyro and Solar, hearing them somehow. Miaqua pulled her paw away from the liquid in the large basin and the Pool of Visions faded. "Sorry...I'm worn out..."

"It's fine, at least they're not heavily injured," Cynder replied, her tail flicking in agitation. "I can't believe this...what they're doing...but what's the point of a giant storm of magic power?"

Terrador grunted. "We appreciate your help, Miaqua. The course of the battle isn't going very well, I should head out there. Cynder...mobilize the females and the get the kids to the underground tunnels under the garden. This is not going to end well, it seems."

"I'm gonna go find Vale and make sure he's not doing anything," Miaqua growled, rushing off. Cynder and Terrador left the room, Terrador heading out to the balcony and taking off while Cynder went into her room to grab her sleeping children.

"Shhh, it's okay," she said, startling them out of their sleep as she lightly shook them. Kira started crying, which set off the other two. "I'm so sorry guys," Cynder apologized, quickly strapping them into the carrying-armor and slipping into it herself. She raced off through the temple to the garden where everyone was watching the huge stormcloud writhe like some gigantic jellyfish in the sky. "Everyone underground, now!" she called ahead of herself. Flare had heard Kira and Flash crying as Cynder approached and had already started gathering the kids. "Everyone underground!" Cynder called again, "Follow me, we need to get to safety! Gather the kids and stay calm!"

Hunter heard her shouting and decided to go look quickly to see if anyone was outside the garden. Not too far away he spotted Miaqua. "Get inside," he ordered.

"I know, but have you seen Vale?" she asked, scared. "He might be up to something!"

"You go that way, I'll look this way!" They split up and started searching the temple grounds. Hunter could feel a steadily growing oppression in the air as he drew further away from the temple. "Something's not right..." Hunter heard a groan and violent yell of anger, and found Vale at the edge of a cliff staring at his paws. "Vale get inside the temple NOW!!" Hunter shouted.

Vale just glanced back. "This storm is because of me isn't it?"

Hunter froze.

"The darkness in the crystal...shadows haunting me...now this powerful storm..."

"Get inside the temple before something terrible happens!"

Vale kept staring at his paws, then looked at Hunter slowly. "No."

"Don't you 'no' me, Terrador has ordered everyone into the temple! That includes you!"

"Vale?" Miaqua shouted, appearing from the forest. She froze when she saw him and he grinned evilly at her reaction.

"Figured it out already just by looking at me." He looked back at Hunter with a scowl. "The crystal, the shadows and this storm all point to one thing; I am darkness. I'm the next bane of the world, what point is there in me fighting against my destiny?"

"Miaqua, get back to the temple," Hunter ordered, slinging his bow off his chest and nocking an arrow, leveling it with Vale's neck. Miaqua squealed in fright and ran away without a second thought. "Vale, you do not want to do this."

"No I don't, but one does not choose his destiny." He stood up on his hind legs, spreading his wings into the wind. Above him lightning flashed and thunder cracked. "If I'm part of darkness, then so be it!"

Hunter's bow sang before Vale could do anything. The dragon just narrowly dodged it, the arrow lodging itself like a bar-piercing through his outer hide. Hunter took the chance and darted in, using his cheetah speed to overcome Vale's reflexes and deliver a swift, sure strike to the joint of the neck and shoulder. Vale fell limp instantly. "One does not choose his destiny, but he can fight for a better one," Hunter growled, dragging Vale by the tail back to the temple.

Back on the battlefield, Spyro unleashed a powerful laser-like blast of light from his mouth, shearing through the army in front of himself and clearing a path to the crystal. He froze time and grabbed Solar's wings, restarting time around them and letting Solar bolt through to the crystal just before the time freeze gave out. The mages didn't know what hit them. Out of nowhere Solar appeared with Spyro, both of them cutting their way to the crystal. In one swift motion Solar roared, taking out the mages defending the crystal with their magic-shielded bodies and bringing his fist whipping around to the crystal.

All at once there was a bright flash that threw the dragons back and flattened the shadows and apes within a 30 foot radius if the crystal. Spyro slammed into Solar and the two fell hard on the ground, Spyro getting another bad cut as he rolled along a fallen sword. A hideous laughing voice rose up from the crystal and Spyro forced himself to stand up and face the shattered jewel. "Who are you?!" he bellowed angrily, hardly in the mood for an ethereal battle.

Much has happened, little lizard, since our last meeting, came a voice that seemed to speak to their minds rather than through the air. Now you have unleashed my power that the mages have worked so hard to gather.

Spyro froze in shock and dismay. "No!!"

Fear not, Spyro. With that the voice vanished and a powerful updraft suddenly shot from the earth, almost blinding them with dust and ash from the flames around them. Solar groaned and got up, licking a cut on his arm from the mad rolling.

"What the hell was that?" he demanded.

"'Fear not'?" Spyro asked himself.

"Spyro, what the hell was that thing?"

"I worked so hard to seal that power and now...but..." Spyro fell quiet and suddenly started coughing and shivering.

The next day dawned miserable and gray and rainy, but inside the temple it was warm and comfortable. Spyro stretched his legs, hissing as the cut on his back pulled at him. "Where..."

Something warm and soft lay down on him and he felt a familiar tender kiss on his mouth. "Hey you."

"Cynder...I can't see anything..."

He felt her paw on his cheek. "The poison on the blade knocked you out, you'll be blind for the next few days."

He sighed and closed his eyes. Cynder lay down on him, her head on his neck. "That battle...what happened to the cloud?"

"It's still there Spyro." She sighed and hugged him. "Vale went nuts yesterday. He thinks he's the next 'bane of the world'."

"What the hell?!"

"He says the crystal going dark, shadows haunting him, and the storm approaching were because he's destined to be the next Dark Master. He thinks his destiny is unbreakable."

Spyro growled. "That idiot...the shadows and darkness are because of his attitude."

"Ignitus is speaking with him but he's not going to listen."

He ran his paw blindly along her back. "What we need is for Cal to come back and try."

Cynder giggled and lifted her head up, nuzzling his nose. "Good news then, Cal's bringing Craga here soon."


"She's due soon."

"Due?" His eyes shot open. "Oh my gosh it's been two months already?!"

"How time flies...yep, it's been almost two months since Anya arrived here. Speaking of Anya..."

"I know...her parents are gone."

"Well, yeah...but Spyro, do you...should we adopt her?" She waited for a response but got none for a few minutes. "She really wants a family...and she gets along well with the kids, especially Kira."

"That's a huge decision..."

"I know. Flare is asking Solar too."

"Lemme think about it tonight, it's not really something that can be decided in a wingbeat like this."

"'K..." She lay her head on him again, murring softly when he hugged her. "Is Ignitus still upset over whatever it was?"

"He's been too distracted by what's going on..."

"Who's distracted?"

Cynder looked up to see Ignitus standing in the doorway. She quickly slid off of Spyro. "Has he contacted you yet?" Spyro asked, not moving.

Ignitus sighed with a strange smile. "Spyro, I think I was confused."

"How so?" Cynder asked. "What were you so upset about a while ago?"

He sighed and looked back across the dojo to the Pool. "The Chronicler appeared to me several times to tell me that the books are fading."

"Wha?!" Cynder gasped.

"Yes, his chronicles are beginning to fade and crumble, at the mercy of the Shadow's corrosion through this world. We've seen this corrosion with the other dragons here and their unwavering stubbornness in their beliefs about you, Cynder. Now I know what he wanted of me." He looked up at the stained-glass ceiling of the dojo. "At first I thought he had chosen me to take his place. He has...but there's more to it. I have a bigger role to play now than just guardian. As you two know I'm also a master of legend and history. The Chronicler has requested today that I remain here in the Temple to pass on stories to the new generations before my time comes." He chuckled to himself. "Your kids still have a 'grandpa' now it seems."

Spyro sat up a bit, Cynder helping him up. "So...you don't have to go?"

"No. However, the children here must go, and soon, with their families. We can't harbor any more here, it's getting too crowded. Kane said his people could take in other dragons?"

"That's what he told me," Spyro replied.

"I'll send a messenger to him as soon as I can. I hope you recover soon, Spyro...that cloud was supposed to dissolve, but it's stayed the same size since Solar broke the crystal. I feel it's drawing power into itself."

"Any word from Caligin and Craga?"

"I told you, they're on their way," Cynder said with a playful smack to his forehead.

"Ah that's right..."

Ignitus smirked and left them. Cynder crawled on top of Spyro again and kissed him softly.

"Now, about families..." she whispered slyly. Spyro grinned and laughed.

"Close the door and then we can talk," he replied with a similar tone. Cynder glanced at the door and it closed, sliding into place from its socket in the side wall. She giggled and murred when Spyro wrapped his legs around her and playfully nipped her neck and shoulder.

"All of you who wish to leave will follow Terrador and Volteer here to Tall Plains," Ignitus called over the garden. "I ask that you be courteous to the Atllawa, they will provide you with shelter until this issue is resolved. Move swiftly and quietly. We request that some, if not the majority, of the children be taken with you. There is more room for families out there. Those of you who can fight well, we request that you stay here. The Shadow's power is growing and an attack could come at any minute, we must be prepared for the worst."

"But what about the temple, can't they destroy it?" someone asked.

Terrador cleared his throat. "Malefor's forces disabled the temple's elemental shielding ability when Cynder was still his prisoner. We have managed to revive the shield generators. Those of you with powerful elemental breaths are encouraged to remain here to help us defend in the event of war. Warfang has already been besieged, as you know, but Ignitus has seen the true reason for their attack."

"They were after some sort of ancient technology left over from the days before Paralos segregated itself from this world. Many of you may not know about Paralos...in ancient times Paralos was a technologically advanced world connected to ours. They gave us the technology we use here at the temple, Warfang, Concurrent Skies, Munitions Forge, and other areas. We in turn gave them nature, for Paralos cannot support much life on its own. Ages ago they had to cut off their connection with us to prevent their technology from being used to destroy this world. Solar here is from Paralos; almost three years ago he was teleported here from Paralos, an exile searching for his mate. Paralos has been corrupted by the Shadow through Malefor. Fortunately we were able to avert a potential crisis by closing down the gates for good."

Solar spoke up. "The machine the Shadow's forces have retrieved from Warfang is foreign to me but what Ignitus described after the vision is definitely of their construction. We cannot take any chances with this, hence the urgency to get the children and weak or elderly to safety. We don't know what this machine can do, but the fact they were after it in such force means it's powerful."

While they were talking, Spyro and Cynder were walking through the mushroom forest, Cynder leading Spyro since his vision was still recovering. "Cynder...I have something to show you before things get nasty."


"Take me to that cave by the river."

He felt her lie down beside him, and climbed onto her back, feeling her soft scales under him. She tried to stand up and just barely managed to, her legs shaking. "You're heavy!" she grunted. "Guess it's all that muscle," she said with a playful tone, then jokingly nibbled his foreleg. Spyro laughed, and to her confusion he suddenly became much lighter. She craned her neck back to see him glowing with a faint green aura.

"Gravity's cool, is it not?"

She grinned and took off into the air, quickly reaching the small cave. Spyro slid off her back and squinted at the moss door. "What's in there?" Cynder asked.

He pulled the curtain of red-flowered vines and moss back, ushering her in with a wave of his paw. "Close your eyes and don't open until I say so," he said as she walked into the dark pocket. She closed her eyes, catching a few colorful glints here and there before her sight went black behind her eyelids. She heard Spyro slink past her and sit down in front of her, then open his mouth and breathe softly. She could feel light around her. "Okay, you can look now."

Cynder opened her eyes and then slowly gasped, looking around in awe. Spyro had not only expanded the pocket further into the hill, but had also created small mazes of shelves and tiny stalagmites. What lay on those shelves and stalagmites took her breath away. Colorful gems of various sizes and shapes glittered from the light of a central glowing stone, lighting the tiny room with myriads of tiny rainbows. So this was Spyro's hobby...collecting colorful stones... she looked around at how carefully all the stones had been arranged, even the opaque ones, to display their full color. Spyro moved to the side slightly and she gasped when she saw that several of the rainbows that had been on him now focused on a very familiar amethyst/obsidian stone perched on a stalagmite carved with small hearts and elemental symbols. As she walked towards it her interference with the light rays and rainbows made the light in the cave dance gently. "Oh Spyro...this was the stone I found for you when...when I was attacked," she whispered, watching the glitters in the amethyst dance wildly with every tiny motion of her head, the obsidian's glassy fracture patterns swirling with color from the light rays dancing off them. Spyro rubbed against her with a small purr.

"You like it?"

She looked around again, spotting some large crystals hanging from tiny threads attached to the ceiling and amplifying the light that was reflected at them from the other crystals on the shelves nearby. "Spyro...this is..." She shook her head with an open-mouthed smile, totally blown away by how carefully this had all been arranged. Spyro came up beside her and kissed her on the cheek softly. She then noticed a small area behind him where there were no crystals or decorations. "What's this for?" she asked, pointing with her wing.

"For us to sit and enjoy it," he whispered, leading her over to the spot. She lay down and smiled again at the intricacy and beauty of this little cavern, giggled when Spyro lay down on her back and gently rubbed her shoulders. He gently breathed wind at the hanging crystals and Cynder murred softly when the light in the cave started shimmering softly like water.

"Oh Spyro...this is so awesome..."

He lay down beside her and draped his wing over her back, licking her on the cheek. "I hoped you'd like it."

"This is what you do in your spare time?"

"Yeah...I've been doing this for a while now."

She turned her head and kissed him. "It's perfect," she whispered. He smiled and kissed her back, enjoying the cute glitter of appreciation in her emerald eyes. He felt a small twinge of desire from her and edged behind her, nibbling her side tenderly before gently lifting her tail, making her rear follow suit. She purred at this advance and looked back with a rather dreamy expression, watching his member quickly stiffen to full length. No matter how many times she had it inside her he still impressed her. Spyro slowly walked himself over her, feeling her soft velvet part around his dragonhood and gently squeeze it in anticipation. She was starting to lose her tightness, but they were still maturing and she was growing pleasantly warmer within, making up for her less vigorous grip. Cynder turned her head back and gazed at the collection of gems, her arousal making everything seem much more pretty. Spyro stood over her for a short while, slightly bucking his hips and teasing her as he pushed at her cervix, licking her neck affectionately. His motions grew more deliberate and methodical, slowly thrusting in and out of her and feeling her inner flesh grow smoother with her juices. Cynder stretched a bit under him and lay her head on her arms, enjoying the attention. They both wanted to go slow and gentle this time around...Spyro's dragonhood wasn't mating her so much as pleasantly massaging her inner tunnel. They watched the light glitter around them, the visual enhanced by the physical relaxation and pleasure of their slow coupling. Cynder could feel her orgasm slowly approaching, but it felt much different this time. Even with their previous slow matings her excitement had welled up like boiling water, but this was even slower and calmer than when he'd gotten her pregnant, it was a gradual rise, almost like falling asleep but in reverse. Spyro gently nibbled her wingarm, thrusting just a little harder into her soft vagina. He too could feel his climax growing closer, but it was like a warm bath more than his usual rising flame of arousal. Beneath him Cynder suddenly moaned softly and relaxed, her rear tensing around him and massaging his length, her sweet juices slowly running along his length when he pulled out. His peak arrived and he let out a loud sigh of pleasure as his groin tensed and a slow wave of ecstasy rolled over him. Cynder purred as another gentle climax warmed her when she felt her mate's deliciously hot cum pour inside her. Spyro didn't ejaculate in waves this time, it was more like his member just opened up and poured his semen into her with gentle pressure. He felt her relax her inner muscles and the warmth of his seed left his member as it flowed from her tunnel into her opened womb. They relaxed in their afterglow, admiring how their climaxes seemed to make the cave just a myriad of color.

"Love you Cynder," he whispered to her as he lay on her back, his dragonhood slipping out of her as she brought her hips back down.

"I love you too," she whispered back. He brought his arms forwards and rubbed her chest as they relaxed and enjoyed their little retreat.

While this was going on, Solar was babysitting the kids with Ignitus while Flare helped with the other children. He picked up his son and nuzzled him, getting a cute giggle from the little earth dragon. "Hey you."

Ignitus tickled Flash's belly, smiling when the little one laughed and grabbed the older fire dragon's huge paw. "I never dreamed children could be this joyful," he mused to himself, watching Aurora and Kira wrestle with each other.

"I'm gonna go check on the others in the garden," Solar said as he set Colnasis on the floor and rubbed his back. "I'll be back soon."

"No rush," Ignitus replied, lying down. Aurora and Anya curled up by his side while the others arranged themselves in front of him. He chuckled at their intent looks silently begging him for a story. "Storytime again? Hmmmm...let's see here...I don't think I've told you about how we became guardians? It was a long time ago, waaaaaay back...Cyril was actually the first of us to be called here. Terrador was second, Volteer was third...believe it or not I was the last one called here, maybe a month or so after the others. I left my family in Warfang---this was a good fifty years before the dam was built---and headed here to the temple to find a small skirmish. That's a term for a small fight. A rogue band of apes was attacking the Temple and the guardians were using it as a means to test us. To tell the truth, Volteer was a wimp and Cyril was too much of a snob at that time to do any real fighting. Terrador was doing most of the fighting; even back then, for him fighting was a serious matter that judged one's value. I helped the best I could, but I'd never really fought before so the most I could do was breathe fire all over the place. Believe it or not I actually set the balcony on fire! The guardians weren't happy at all about that, but they were still impressed. Cyril and Volteer needed training...for a while Terrador got off the hook because he was almost a master of combat even at such a young age. I caught up to him quickly enough, we were even rivals for a while until one of the Grand Golems attacked the temple grounds. That was a fight to see...lightning pouring down from the sky! Fireballs exploding every which way! Earth blasts and tornadoes tearing up the area and the enemies! Icicles and ice energy flying all over and freezing things solid! I told Terrador not to get too close to the golem until it was weakened, but he flew in anyway. He flew this way and that way around its punches and stone projectiles, one almost took his wing off! But he got in there and with several sharp blasts he took its arm clean off. A stone knocked him out and I had to call Cyril's attention to him. Cyril caught him as he fell and they were both almost killed as the golem swung at them, just barely missing when Volteer's lightning attack smote its neck with a loud CRACK. I couldn't do much because it was made of stone, and fire is rather weak against stone, but I did see a complex of vines underneath its stone skin. Cyril had to fly Terrador back to the Temple, so Volteer and I had to come up with a plan and fast, or else we'd both be golem meals!" The kids backed away a bit in fear of the idea. "Volteer's lightning was the only thing strong enough to crack its skin, but he was running out of energy, so every strike had to count...the first three missed, that was scary! We needed everything we could get to take this thing out and he was missing it! But he finally grabbed onto the golem's chest and let loose with a Thunder Fury. The entire sky went dark, Volteer became a living spark of electricity, and all at once a gigantic bolt of blinding lightning shot from the clouds to Volteer and blasted the golem's rocky armor clean off its chest, knocking Volteer out when the falling pieces above him hit him over the head. The golem grabbed him and looked at him like a snack..." Kira whimpered and Inigena tried to hide behind her tiny wings. "I had only a few seconds to distract this thing, I hoped Cyril would return to help...in a panic I shot fireballs at its vine-covered chest, hoping the vines would burn and weaken it. BOOM! BOOOM!! The fireballs exploded, but the vines weren't dry enough, they simply charred. It did, however, distract the monster. It swung at me and hit me in the leg, dropping Volteer. It hurt so much but I had to get Volteer before he hit the ground! I fell after him, and managed to grab him and pull out of the dive enough that when we did hit the ground it didn't hurt quite as much, but we were sent rolling quite a distance. The golem tried to step on us and I shot it with fire, burning off the vines that held its foot together. The pieces almost crushed us; I grabbed Volteer and just barely managed to avoid the falling foot pieces. By some stroke of luck Cyril returned and distracted it with ice, coating its vines in solid ice and slowing it down enough for me to get away with Volteer. I dropped him off at the temple and quickly flew back to help Cyril fight this thing. Cyril suddenly froze in midair and began glowing, and the next thing I knew the air had gone bitter cold. With a loud roar and a much louder rush of cold air he flew at the golem, surrounded by hundreds of small sharp ice pieces swirling around him like a tornado. He cut through hundreds of those vines before letting off a deathly-cold blast that froze the golem's remaining arm solid! But the golem still had the ability to throw rocks, and Cyril was very hard-pressed to avoid being hit. One rock hit him in the wingskins and almost sent him to the ground!" Kira whimpered again. "We were fighting a losing battle, but there was one spot that Cyril's icy blast had opened up behind its head. I told Volteer to fly up behind it and shoot that spot with an icicle flurry while I drew its attention. The golem grabbed me and started squeezing me...and suddenly dropped me and grabbed its head with a howl of pain when Cyril blasted its weak point with sharp icicles. The monster spun around, grabbed Cyril, and threw him at the ground. I couldn't see well after being squeezed like that, but I flew up behind its head, grabbed onto the vines, and blasted it with as much fire as I could put into one blast. The monster shook with a loud roar and swiped at me, just barely missing. Smoke was pouring out of its eyes and the cracks in its head. I shot it again with fire and it stumbled; I could see and hear flames crackling inside, but it wasn't dead yet. One more blast of fire and the monster fell to the ground and burst aflame as the vines under its skin caught fire. We won!" The kids gave excited yelps, making him chuckle proudly. "Not long after that we became official guardians here at the temple. Terrador was rather sore for a while because he missed most of the fight, and Volteer wasn't terribly happy at having missed the chance to see such a large creature burst aflame like that, but we were glad we took on that monster and lived to tell about it."

"What about the other guardians?" Anya asked.

"They used the attack as a final test for us, they were ready to jump in if the monster actually reached the temple. We managed to defeat it before it did, though."

"What about Spyro and Cynder?"

Ignitus laughed to himself. "They were hardly even a thought in their grandmothers' eyes, little one. This was long before them."

"Can you tell us a story about them?"

Ignitus thought for a bit. "Well, I can tell you about what happened that night almost eighteen years ago..."

I think we all know where that's going xD

For those who don't, go play Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

WindSwept, Chapter 9

Another short one, but you'll live :P This one may seem a little over the top or w/e but it's been sitting in my head and begging to get out \>\< I've been really pressed for time so I apologize for any loss in quality @@ PART 9 ...

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Crisis of Power, Chapter 9

A bit short. If you're under 18, gtfo NAO CHAPTER 9 I'm gonna skip ahead about two months, because the time between that police incident and the next point of interest was rather dull. I mean, seriously, you've already heard me...

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Spyro and Cynder, chapter 20

A bit short and blotchy, but I'm tryin'. If you're under 18, gtfo. Nao. ========== CHAPTER 20 ========== "I still find that hard to believe." "Are those crystals really that powerful?" "Shows the power of love I...

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