Spyro and Cynder, chapter 20

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#20 of Spyro and Cynder: A New Life

A bit short and blotchy, but I'm tryin'.

If you're under 18, gtfo. Nao.




"I still find that hard to believe."

"Are those crystals really that powerful?"

"Shows the power of love I guess..."

"She faked it probably, that's just too much. Once you're dead you're gone."

"Malefor sealed his spirit away from his body and she merely broke the seal, he didn't really die. She needed Spyro in order to bring him back. It only makes sense that way."

Spyro groaned as everyone debated over the recounting he had just given about their second encounter with the Dark Master over two years ago. "Like it or not, believe it or not, it really happened. I died defending Cynder from his final attack, and she brought me back with the intensity of her love for me. That's what happened."

"Where is she now then? Why isn't she here to defend your claim?"

Spyro glared at the dragoness sneering at him. "Because you were out there kicking her around without giving her a chance when you got here. You guys appear and the first thing you do is attack Cynder without even bothering to speak with her? She has good reason not to grace you idiots with her presence."

"We should hear it from her mouth at least," someone else said, but Spyro growled.

"You didn't believe her rant yesterday, why the hell would it make a difference if she was here now? You wouldn't believe her anyway. This is exactly why she's inside. I freed her, she tried to atone for things she was forced to do, and you're all out to get her whether or not she was consciously responsible for forcing you all into hiding. I grew up not knowing I was a dragon until merely a week before I beat her evil form, and after I met Ignitus, I wanted to see what other dragons were like. You all disgust me." There was a loud cry of outrage which Spyro quickly silenced with a loud roar that shook the air. "YOU are the ones who should be ashamed!! You come here and start trashing me and my mate based on your own assumptions, and you refuse to let us explain ourselves!! Is that any example to pass down to your kids?! I should just call you all cowards for not showing your sorry faces until now, and not bother listening to your excuses, since that's what you're doing here! Now shut the hell up and listen, dammit!!" Many of them stared at him in partial terror as his scales briefly darkened. "You're pissing me off to no end and triggering my dark side I was cursed with on the Eternal Night! Now if everyone's paying attention, let me just say this. I find it sorry that someone who lived in darkness for most of her life is far more accepting and caring than any of you here. You need to drop your prejudice and apologize to Cynder, TODAY. Your pride, prejudice and anger are all stepping stones for the Shadow that controlled Malefor and Cynder; as you are now, you're no better than Cynder's corrupted past. And by the way, I really appreciate the fact that not one damn individual among you has even offered a shred of thanks for our efforts in stopping Malefor's schemes and saving your sorry asses from world annihilation. Maybe I'll take a spear through the heart to save you and get spat on because I was felled by a simple spear. I used to think dragons were a noble race, but you've proven me dead-wrong." Spyro left them in dead silence without another word or a second thought. In the dojo, Cynder stopped him and looked him in the eyes.

"You okay?" she asked, worried. She knew it hurt him to bring up his death. Spyro sniffled and shook his head.

"I tell them about it and they keep at it...they didn't care that I died, they're too focused on their own pride and selfish arrogance..." He wiped his eyes and sat back, his chest heaving. "I don't know what to do! They're so thick-headed...GAH!!" He punched the floor several times and fell down with a frustrated, strangled roar. "THEY'RE SO STUPID!!!!" he screamed.

Cynder wiped her eyes and draped herself over him, both of them quietly crying out of frustration and anger. In the Pool room, Flare was watching them sadly, feeling very sorry for Cynder. Spyro was trying so hard to help her feel better and to get others to accept her, but everything he did was nulled by their ignorance... She turned around quickly as the doors to the tunnels opened, relaxing as Solar walked in carrying several large birds already plucked and cleaned. "Hey...you've been gone a while," she said, nuzzling him as he walked up beside her. He gave her a quick grin but kept walking, heading to the guardians' room to deposit his catch. When it was all situated he came back out and sat down by Flare.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, the kids are napping outside with the others."

"What about that?" he asked, indicating Spyro and Cynder. Flare's face fell and she frowned angrily.

"Spyro's just about had his heart ripped out...he drudged up enough courage to tell everyone about his death, and they dismiss it as a shadow-trick between Cynder and the Dark Master, then start getting on his case when he exposes their ignorance..."

Solar growled. "Cal and Craga are hiding in the mushroom forest...I almost think Caligin needs to show himself."

"They'd probably all gang up on him."

"Did Spyro reveal that 'Malefor' is still alive?"

"No, Cynder already let that one slip in her rant, he only told them about that fight you helped with."

"The Dark Day..."


Solar sighed, watching as Cynder cradled Spyro against herself, folding her wings over him. "I was there too...I felt Spyro was dead. A shadow trick would have kept his very basic body functions alive at least, but he was completely gone." Flare watched as a four-point star-shaped crystal appeared and floated in front of him, giving off a beautiful rainbow glow. "These things are strange...they're more than just crystals. They seem to function on their own..." His eyes went wide. "Could it...it's not unheard of but..."


"Oh, nothing..." he stammered, quickly putting the crystal away. I'll have to ask Ignitus later...why didn't I think of it sooner?! "Flare, I'm gonna go see if I can talk to Spyro. There's gotta be some way around this."

She shook her head. "No, just leave them for now Solar. Spyro's already really upset, just give him some space."

He sighed and looked at the floor. "There's gotta be something to do about all this though..."

The next week was rather uneventful; after Spyro's lecture and outbreak, everyone was unusually quiet around him. He and Cynder kept to themselves, unable to see the other dragons without being overwhelmed with emotion. They stayed in the dojo and their room, helping their kids learn to stand up and discussing a larger family. Cynder wanted to be pregnant again as soon as possible, but Spyro wanted to wait a year and let things calm down. Dragons were slowly filling the temple grounds as more and more arrived. By the time two weeks had passed after Spyro's talk with everyone, many younger dragons began showing up both from the air and in boats, having been sheltered at other locations before heading to the Dragon Temple. Spyro and Cynder were amazed that there were actually others their age still alive; one morning they woke up to find the guardians escorting a group of over twenty teenage dragons! It wasn't just dragons appearing here; several cheetah families were also looking for safety. As one of the cheetah-tribe boats approached, Cynder shouted excitedly and took off, leaving a confused Spyro to play with the kids. Several times he grunted and flexed his back and wings, feeling a strange, strong urge to fly. Shortly afterwards Spyro glanced up as he felt Cynder coming back.

"HUNTER!!" he shouted in surprise.

Hunter laughed as he approached. "Yes, I'm here, but with dire news for the guardians. I must speak with them quickly."

"They're off for the day, they were called to Munitions Forge."

Hunter knelt down as Aleron came up to him. "Hey little one...where are your parents?" he asked, glancing up quickly at Flash and Kira as they wrestled with each other.

Cynder giggled as Spyro looked at her in surprise. "He doesn't know yet," she mouthed. Spyro laughed to himself.

"They're pretty close by," he said. Hunter looked up at him oddly.

"You're babysitting then?"


Hunter smiled at Aleron as the little dragon batted at his tail, and picked him up to look at him more closely. He turned to Spyro to say something, then paused and looked quickly between Spyro, Cynder, and Aleron. "You're kidding me!"

Spyro and Cynder fell over laughing. "Aleron looks just like his dad, doesn't he?" Cynder asked, nuzzling Spyro with a grin.

"Well congratulations to both of you!" Hunter said excitedly, though he wasn't sure how else to react since he'd never really been in this kind of position before.

"That's Aleron, and these two little devils are Flash and Kira," Spyro said as he gently pulled Flash away from his sister. Kira turned her big green eyes to her mom as Cynder picked her up.

"Hey baby, it's almost lunchtime," she said, tickling Kira and making her laugh. "Spyro, I'm gonna take them back and give them some lunch."

"Okay. Be safe and stay out of sight," he replied, giving her a quick kiss before she took off with the kids cuddled tight against her chest. Hunter watched her disappear, then turned to Spyro with a questioning glance.

"'Be safe and stay out of sight'? Why? This is the Dragon Temple."

Spyro sighed. "I know...you'd think this place would be safe, but for her it's not now with everyone coming here."

"Because of her past?"

"Yep...she blew up at them, I told them about what happened on the Dark Day and then blew up at them, Ignitus and Terrador have blown up as well and still no one will accept her. They think she has us all under a dark spell."

Hunter groaned. "That's very disappointing to say the least. Although, Spyro, I haven't seen you for a year or so and you never told me about that day. What happened exactly?"

The purple dragon hesitated, then lowered his voice. "I died."

Hunter stared at him. "Wha?"

"Malefor killed me."

"...But...you're still here, and a father no less."

"Cynder brought me back through the sheer force of her love."

The cheetah stood there looking at Spyro for a while, unsure of what to think given the current situation. "That proves her without a doubt, but the newcomers think it's a lie?"

"They think it was a plot between her and Malefor to seal my soul from my body and then have Cynder break it to make me think she loves me so much it'd bring me back from death. They're wrong; Malefor and I killed each other at the same time and we struggled in the otherworld; Cynder's love shattered his power and slew him as it drew me back. There was no shadow power at all, or I would have seen it."

Hunter followed him quietly to the temple until they reached the ground-level entrance to the tunnels leading up to the main building. "Spyro, is there anything I might be able to do to help the situation?"

"I don't know...I really don't know."

Solar came by at that moment. "I think I know a test that just might be able to prove her, Spyro."

Spyro's eyes lit up. "Really?!"

"Yes, and I have a feeling it may help us locate potential traitors. I have to go to Dante's Freezer to look in on a disturbance though, it might take me a while." They followed him up to the temple to find Flare and Cynder napping with the kids. Moving to a quieter room they sat down to converse about various things, including a quick introduction between Solar and Hunter as the two had never met before. Spyro couldn't shake off the intense need to fly though; several times Solar noticed his restlessness but didn't bring it to attention. He was feeling the same need too, but it wasn't nearly as strong.

A few days passed while Solar was away; things grew quieter and more calm even for Cynder, but that didn't mean things weren't still heated. As Aryp sat on the forest floor, gazing up the cliff to the temple, several of the older teenagers approached him. They were older than Spyro and Cynder, but smaller; they were actually the normal height for their age, compared to the abnormally grown-up duo residing in the temple. Aryp groaned and rubbed his forehead. "We've been too hard on her..."

"Oh stop that," one of them hissed at him, earning a glare. "We were there when Cynder attacked us, she's still obviously evil."

"Don't you start getting all cocky again, Vale."

"Her scales are black, it's an evil color."

"Black is a natural dragon color, your grandfather was black and green like Cynder is black and red."

"I think we've been way too hard on her," said the lone dragoness of the group. "I'm not sympathizing with her because we're females; logically we've been incredibly rude, coming here and then practically making ourselves at home."

"Whaddaya expect?!" Vale asked in exasperation. "We've been in hiding for ages and finally have some leg-room; besides, we were told to return here when dark times fell, this is pretty much our home now."

Aryp sighed. "For the last time, no it's not. We're here temporarily to weather out these raids until the guardians and Spyro can determine and eradicate the source."

The gray-scaled dragoness sighed, her blue eyes scanning the temple. "I'm gonna go use that skill of mine to spy on her and see how she acts in private. It's the best way to determine how truthful all this is." With that she flew up, suddenly becoming invisible and completely silent. Vale snorted.

"Miaqua, stop being so immature..."

Aryp growled. "Enough is enough, Vale. You're part of the problem."

"Hey, she almost took my head off after giving me these scars," he said, glancing quickly at the jagged gashes along his side. "I'm not even the least of her actions."

"The dance is going to begin soon," the old dragon growled. "Get going."

"I'm not flying up there. Cynder scarred me badly, I'm not showing off these gashes for the whole world to see."

"Well then get lost, your arrogance is not welcome with me."

"Fine by me, geezer," Vale snorted, walking away. When he was sure he was alone he hid himself smong the mushrooms and watched the skies sadly as several of his friends, along with many of the other boys around his age, flew up into their positions. "Damn you Cynder..." he whispered angrily, running his paw along the scars in his deep-blue scales.

Up on the balcony, Spyro was stretching his wings, feeling oddly restless. "What the hell is going on..." He glanced up to see the guardians flying back to the temple, but before he could go back inside to wait for them, he spotted some motion over the forest. Sitting by the railing he watched as several dragons flew in complex formations, each on their own and seeming to focus on the ground below when they stopped. Was this some sort of play? A game? An airshow? Whatever it was, he felt compelled to join them, to stretch his wings and show off. "Gah, stop that," he barked as his wings started twitching.

"Stop what?"

Spyro jumped and whipped around to see Ignitus walking down the ramp slowly. "Oh, Ignitus...I wasn't expecting you to get out here so quickly."

"The disturbance wasn't much. Having fun watching them?"

"What's going on?" Spyro asked as Ignitus sat down nearby to join in watching the show.

"You and Cynder were too young to understand this when you became mates, but you've now reached the modern mateship age and your instincts are starting to become more prevalent." They watched a few of the others loop through the air. "There is an inherent language in the motions, Spyro. You follow what your heart tells you; the first thing that comes to mind is what you perform at all times out there. You already have a dedicated mate, and you two fell in love in a more subconscious manner."

"But how does flying like that find a mate?"

Ignitus sighed with a faint smile as memories briefly flashed in his mind. "The hearts of true lovers are two pieces of one whole. By following your heart's suggestions out there, you appeal to your other half if she's watching. You could do the same for Cynder, but she's proven that she is your complement several times, the strongest point being bringing you back to life that dark day."

"I can't stop wanting to fly...it's really bugging me."

The old fire dragon chuckled. "Then why not call for Cynder and give her a private show? It would have to be private; if you did it out here, the boys would be very put off and the girls would be more impressed with you than the others out there. It's not just about the motions, but color too. Most of them out there would go for you just because you're rare. That and you're also far more mature than others your real age. You and Cynder are taller and more developed than others born that night in other places."

Spyro sighed, considering. "Where is she anyway?"

"Reading. Hunter brought some books and she picked a few to browse."

Spyro headed inside and found Cynder curled up on their bed with a book in front of her, the kids curled up by her side under her tail. As she read she hummed softly to them. Spyro stayed out of sight; someone else was watching her through the window, but he couldn't see who it was. Cynder yawned and stretched slightly, then looked down and rubbed Aleron's head softly. "You guys are a dream come true," she whispered, and gave them each a slow, loving kiss on the forehead. "I can't believe it was only a few years ago that I'd cry myself to sleep because I wanted a family and a normal life so badly..."

Spyro walked in quietly and jumped up on the bed, glancing quickly at the window before smiling at Cynder. "Hey gorgeous," he murred, and she sighed happily as he kissed her. "How are they?"

She looked down at the kids again with a proud smile as they snoozed. "Cute as always." She leaned her head on his shoulder. "Every day feels like I'm living in a dream...I keep thinking I'm gonna wake up to find it was all just a dream and that Gaul's still cursing me."

He ran his paw along hers softly. "Pretty damn long dream then."

"An eternal dream, I hope," she said, remembering her words when they'd gotten this bed two years ago. "I just wish there was something I could do to prove myself to everyone. They're slowly accepting me but the older ones are becoming more adamant."

"I know...unfortunately, unless the Shadow returns or something makes a move, there's not much out there for you to use to prove your good side." Aleron yawned and stretched, squeaking in his sleep. "Awww..."

"They're so cute..." Cynder whispered, running her paw along them. She smiled. "Ignitus was right when he said having children only makes life better." Flash yawned and his tail twitched as she rubbed his belly. "Don't you worry little guys...if that mean old shadow comes back mommy's gonna kick his ass. He won't touch you." She and Spyro laughed and murred, leaning against each other with closed eyes. Outside the window, the gray dragoness Miaqua couldn't help smiling at how cute this scene was. Cynder's babies were adorable! How could she be evil yet so tender and loving with them? From what she could tell Cynder harbored no ill plans...her good side seemed genuine. Miaqua felt her power beginning to give out and quickly flew back to the ground, fading back into view as she found Aryp watching the flight dance.

"What did you see?"

"Spyro somehow knew I was there...but I couldn't pick up any evil intentions from her. I really think she's good now...I can't imagine such an evil creature being so soft with her babies. She can't be dark still, it just doesn't make sense if she is."

"But she didn't sense your presence?"

"No but that goes for anyone who's not paying attention. She was devoted to them, not very aware of her surroundings."

"Spyro saw you though?"

"I think so, he kept sending odd glances my way. But the elders said my power only hides me from evil beings, it makes sense if Spyro could feel me nearby. He's so handsome and attentive..."

Aryp chuckled. "He's ideal for any dragoness but he truly cares for Cynder. They've already established themselves as mates."

"I know..." Miaqua sighed. "Seeing them with their kids makes me want a family too..."

The old fire dragon ran his paw along her back. "In time. Why aren't you out there watching the boys?"

"I dunno...I wanna be out there but it...just doesn't feel right."

"Don't let that hold you back."

"Where's Vale?"

"Off pouting somewhere because of his scars."

"He still doesn't get it does he?"

"Sadly no, and I don't think he wants to. You got your eye on him?"

Miaqua growled. "No. He's rude, selfish, stuck-up and a whole list of other things, not to mention a stalker. I want someone more dependable and less prideful."

"You'll find someone eventually. Why don't you go watch them and see if someone catches your eye?"

Miaqua shrugged and started walking away, but something blurry appeared quickly in front of her and made her shriek with fright. "What the hell?!?" she screamed, darting away. Aryp followed her immediately, catching up to her and grabbing her shoulder.

"What was it?"

She backed away, looking around like a cornered animal. "Shadow...creepy face..." she panted, struggling for words. Aryp picked her up and flew her to the temple balcony, leading her inside quickly and locating Ignitus.

"What's going on?" the fire guardian asked warily, his face softening into concern when he saw Miaqua shivering. "What did you see?"

"Shadow..." she whimpered, burying her face against Aryp's chest. "Help me...its face won't leave me!" she cried, rubbing her eyes. The shadow creature's face was burned in her eyes like an afterimage of a bright flash, grinning evilly at her whether her eyes were open or closed.

"Get Solar!" Ignitus barked to Volteer. The electric guardian rushed out immediately. "Where was this?"

"At the foot of the cliff," Aryp said, holding Miaqua tight as she cried in terror.

"Shadows?" Spyro asked as he hurried into the room.

"Spyro, go quickly and investigate. Base of the cliff."

Spyro rushed out of the temple and free-fell to the ground, halting time so he could land safely and make up as much lost ground as possible. It didn't take long for him to find the trail, but the direction was confusing; had it run into the forest, or towards the cliff? He folloed it towards the forest and paused when he saw the source...a dragon about a year older than himself was sitting there under the mushrooms, frozen in time along with the rest of the world around Spyro. He was watching the flight show with an angered expression. "So...he's the source? But how?" Spyro growled, then rushed back to see if he could locate the creature. Finding no trace he snorted and let his time power free, then flew up to the temple again, finding Hunter getting ready to assist him. "I couldn't find it...but I think I found a possible source." Hunter followed him into the temple to speak with Ignitus.

That night, Spyro took Cynder to a secluded area at Tall Plains. "What're we out here for?" Cynder asked, completely puzzled.

"Ignitus explained the flying dance to you, right?"

She nodded, then grinned as realization dawned on her. She sidled up to him seductively, brushing against him and murring. "Sooooo...my big strong mate wants to show off for his beloved?" she hissed teasingly with a warm smile and half-closed eyes. Spyro blushed a bit as he nodded.

"Would you stop trying to embarass me with stuff like this?" he asked with a returning grin as he nibbled her tail. "You make it so much harder for me to say anything, y'know?"

"Aw, but you're so fun to tease," she breathed, blowing air over his neck and making him shiver. He grinned evilly and she gasped and moaned as his paw sneakily rubbed her slit, his claw slipping in expertly to tease her inner walls. "Spyro! Naughty boy!" she laughed, slapping him with her tail.

"You started it, you bad girl, teasing me like this," he whispered against her ear, taking his turn to make her shiver. "Mmmm I'm gonna have to mate you good and hard if you keep this up."

"I think I'd like that," she murred enticingly. He smirked and quickly but gently wrapped his mouth around her neck, making her freeze in surprise as he ever so lightly kneaded her neck with his jaw, his sharp teeth pressing against her scales but barely leaving a mark. He slowly pulled off and firmly nibbled along her side, rubbing his teeth against her scales and making her shiver with a strange sense of relief; it felt like he was soothing a really bad itch, even though she wasn't itching at all. Spyro smelled her arousal growing as she stood there, unable to move away from him as he tickled her and teased her with his teeth and paws. Cynder growled as Spyro stopped and left her hanging as he walked away, swaying his hips in imitation of her "sexy-walk". "You bastard."

"You asked for it. You tease me, I tease you back," he said over his shoulder, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Okay I get it, I'll watch," she said in resignation with a smile, a bit frustrated that he'd gotten her going like that and had stopped. Somehow she felt excited as he walked a short distance away and leapt into the air, spreading his wings against the sunlight. He sighed a bit nervously but set his face and let go, listening to his instincts. Cynder watched in awe as he flew high up into the air, then free-fell with a somersaulting spiral, pulling out with a gradual curve into a wide spinning loop, his eyes closed the whole time. Spyro felt a bit dizzy, so he flew up and hovered briefly to let his head clear, then repeated his free-fall trick, but with his wings extended. Cynder's eyes widened as he went into a complex series of incredibly tight loops and curves, almost curling in on himself like he was trying to tie himself in a knot.

"This isn't so bad," he said to himself, going into a few loops. He heard Cynder Laugh and clap when he spun himself vertically like a buzzsaw before pulling out and swooping over the ground back up into the air. This whole thing felt rather natural...he could swear he felt Cynder's presence there, almost like a heartbeat synching with his with each motion. There was no doubt of their connection in his mind now if this dancing flight was really the true way to find a soulmate.

"Wow...he's so cool," Cynder shiwpered to herself in awe as he repeated his tight aerial curves and loops. Somehow, every motion he made seemed perfect to her, even though he messed up a few times when he opened his eyes to glance at her. She felt like she knew his movements even though she had never seen this before...it almost felt like nostalgia, a pleasant memory...she smiled with a pleased sigh as Spyro covered his whole body in fire and spun around several times before coming in for a landing as the fire died off. He trotted up to her with a slight blush and she sat up and nuzzled him. "That was amazing...just perfect..." she whispered. Spyro smiled and sat there with her, the two quietly sharing loving nuzzles and caresses before coming together for a passionate kiss. Cynder eventually pulled away with a sly grin. "Sooo...is there...another part of this little ritual?"

He grinned back and licked her nose. "Hmmm, I dunno...we could make our own little 'ritual'...'improvise'..." he whispered, flicking his claws teasingly along her foreleg.

"I like the sound of that..."

He pushed against her suggestively and she giggled and let herself fall back, wrapping her legs around him as he stepped over her and wrapped his tail around hers. Spyro felt his heartbeat quicken and his dragonhood fill and harden with blood as Cynder gently breathed poison into his mouth mixed with fire. He lay down on her, admiring the feel of her soft underbelly against his member as it slowly erected, pushing along her scales until it was at full length. Cynder giggled and pushed him up a bit to look at his wonderful sexuality. Spyro looked down too and paused. "That's weird..."

"Mmmm...I don't mind at all," she whispered, running her paw along his massive breeding pole. He was getting bigger between the legs...Cynder couldn't wait to have it inside her now. Spyro groaned and thrust lightly against her paws as she sensually massaged his member, feeling her paws explore every vein until she teasingly stroked his urethral bulge, making him moan as she ran her fingers along it from head to base. He pulled back a bit and they watched excitedly as he slowly entered her; Spyro found it oddly arousing to see her pussy spread around his girth and her belly distort slightly upwards as he pushed in, creating a gentle, long bulge along her belly as she stretched pleasurably around him. Her cute moan made his dragonhood throb and twitch. "Oooooh Spyro...you're so big and long now...it feels so good!" she cooed happily, feeling very full now as he hilted himself in her. "Oh! You've never touched me there before," she squealed as he hit her cervix. Spyro felt the head of his meat pressing against a strong, soft barrier inside her as he brought his sheath up against her wet netherlips.

"Any farther and I'd be inside your womb," he remarked, looking down at the long bulge of his member inside her. She pressed down on the small hill in her scales and Spyro moaned and thrust involuntarily as he felt the pressure.

"Hehe," she giggled with amusement, "I could make you shoot your load like this, couldn't I?" She stroked him through her flesh, watching him whimper in bliss. He leaned down and kissed her, pulling out of her and then spearing her hard and fast, enjoying how her tight velvet walls spasmed around him when he hit her inner barrier. Cynder squealed in bliss as he repeatedly rammed himself against her cervix, then shrieked and bucked against him wildly as she hit an early orgasm that blew her away with sheer pleasure. Spyro moaned loudly and thrust even harder as her vagina milked him desperately, her juices spraying from her tight little puss.

"Oooooh yeah..." he moaned, letting her squeeze his cock until her climax wore down. He slowly humped her while she recovered, then gradually sped up until he was ramming her again, both of them moaning and gasping quickly with each of his thrusts. Cynder moaned, her legs stretching straight up into the air and quivering as she shuddered, pleasure wracking her whole body in apprehension of another orgasm. He felt her mind and sensed her growing swiftly closer to her edge, and slowed to time himself just right. With a few more thrusts and then one good hard spearing they both roared, spewing fire and thrusting madly against each other, Spyro's cock filling her with wave after wave of hot cum.

"Ooooohhh..." she moaned, rubbing her belly. "You've...got a lot tonight!!" she squealed, feeling his liquid warmth spill into her womb.

"Oh my gosh..." Spyro gasped, feeling his legs shiver. He steadied himself and kept thrusting into her, making her squeal and moan cutely. She wrapped her legs around him and almost hung upside-down under him, swinging a bit against the ground as he continued to pleasure her.

"You got more?" she asked in awe. "This...feels like...more than your...your normal...OOoohhh...alreadyyyyooohhh yes, harder..."

He sped up, standing up a bit straighter, wrapping his tail tightly around hers so she wouldn't slip forward off him as he pounded her while she hung underneath him. Her hips brushed the grass back and forth, her head hanging and her mouth open in a silent moan as her clit constantly bumped against his sheath while his member stretched her tunnel perfectly. This felt so much different from previous times...Cynder gasped in surprise as Spyro suddenly leapt into the air, wrapping his arms and legs around her and taking flight. He was gonna mate with her while flying again? Spyro felt her go limp under him with another cute, needy moan as his hips continued their eager thrusting into her heavenly depths. Spyro let himself go again, looping through the air and spinning with her held tight against him...all they could remember when they woke up hours later in the tall grass was a nearly endless euphoria of motion followed by a brilliant intensity while Spyro filled her even more. Spyro's crotch and Cynder's pussy and upper half of her tail were drenched in their mixed juices, a small trickle of semen dripping from Spyro's sheath and Cynder's vagina. "That was incredible," Spyro whispered, turning over onto his side and ignoring the rather thick, sticky trail of cum that lay in broken strands and drops in the grass between them from him pulling out and rolling onto his back. Cynder sighed and rubbed her full belly, turning her head and seeing her mate lying on his side with a warm, hazy smile and sleepy eyes, his purple scales glinting in the setting sunlight.

"Spyro...I don't know what to say...that was..." She lay her head back with a joyous smile, still caressing her satisfied belly. Spyro chuckled to himself and lightly ran his paw along her arm, feeling the gold and ruby bracelet that still lay wrapped around her thin arm. She looked so cute lying there with a belly stuffed full of cum, her ruby-red underscales gleaming and her black scales glittering. She sighed and looked at him again, the two just staring at each other while fighting the urge to fall asleep. "Thank you..." she whispered.

He gently pulled her closer and hugged her, petting her back and shoulders. "Anything for you, cutie." He smiled and closed his eyes, feeling her cuddle tight against him in sheer happiness and comfort while they slowly lost the battle against fatigue. Spyro imagined water, imagining warm, soothing water flowing over both of them and cleaning them...they were drifting away on a gentle rocking sea of warmth...

"Spyro?" Cynder asked curiously. Spyro snapped awake and looked down; they were covered in a cycling bubble of warm water. The snap in his concentration made it quickly give out and run off into the ground around them, carrying their mess and leaving them clean. He quickly shimmered with heat energy and dried them both off, then hugged her again with a shrug.

"Guess water's another power I have," he said, getting her to laugh before they both fell asleep again. In the back of his mind, though, Spyro kept wondering what Solar's test was...how could he prove Cynder was good? And what was he to do about the shadow that had scared Miaqua?

Crisis of Power, Chapter 8

A long read, be prepared XD CHAPTER 8 Well, I'll make a longer story short. We stayed at Jeremy's house until his uncle could come to see us. He was an awesome guy, I can say that much---great sense of humor, liked to have fun,...

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WindSwept: Chapter 8

Part 8 _I believe I made a mistake in the previous chapter, but then again I was rushing to get it done. It wasn't Nargalath that gave the speech, it was Murdon; Nargalath was our trainer at the mountain base. Anyway, here's the...

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Spyro and Cynder, chapter 19

Kinda short, but I'm still at it! This is kind of a haphazard chapter, but it's setting up the next few. I can't tell when this will end, but this is the calm before the storm. CHAPTER 19 "You're telling me the dragon that...

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