Crisis of Power, Chapter 8

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#8 of Crisis of Power

A long read, be prepared XD


Well, I'll make a longer story short. We stayed at Jeremy's house until his uncle could come to see us. He was an awesome guy, I can say that much---great sense of humor, liked to have fun, but also knew his stuff to the core. With his coaching, our powers developed at an astounding rate...and so did our relationship, amazingly. With all our hectic training, Amber and I were too tired at night to get anything going, but we both felt a far deeper love for each other than before. Phil, Jeremy's uncle, also helped us with our flight, showing us an area that Dragonsearch had commissioned to him alone to monitor out in Harison's Peak. We had to be invisible; the training ground was the massive factory. It only operated between Monday and Thursday, and he was the only one with authorization to go in after those hours aside from the managers (who, come to think of it, were secret but very proactive dragon supporters). Jeremy got to watch us train, and from his thoughts I could tell it would be hard to get him to mistrust dragons; he adored our beauty and strength as dragons. Phil also gave us a ride home and even went so far as to put in a deal with the local car company to give Amber and me lessons and, here's the cool part...a Harison 3600 Angelo Silver Limited Series! You want a rare, fashionable but unbelievably well-built car? Look no further than our driveway! It killed me to do it, but I insisted that the car be manufactured to resemble an ordinary car so we didn't stand out. Amber wasn't happy but she understood why I did it. Our new home wasn't too far from the old one, which was under renovation by the time we got back. Sadly, the stress of the move had freaked our cats, so despite our best efforts Mom and Dad finally decided to let them settle down on their own and take the kick in the wallet from the breeding business.

We had another close encounter with P.D. and boy did it scare us---we had to lead them away from the neighborhood and then lose them in the mountains. The whole place was in shock: in one night, three families were shot in their sleep. We knew who, and Amber was incredibly pissed off that these people would stoop so low in their search for dragons. What set her off the most was that none of the victims were dragons in the first place! Unfortunately, when we tried to report to the police, they wouldn't accept our story without proof, which we didn't have. Needless to say, the village was in an uproar (and I heard a rumor that one of the government's email servers exploded the day after). Amber, as I've said, was furious, but after her heated phone call to her district officer at P.D. I was mortally afraid; holy SHIT can she go on a tirade!!

I couldn't find that book for days, but the attack led me to almost literally tear the boxes apart until I found it. Something in it had come to mind with Amber's reminder that our one-by-one dragon awakening was too slow, and I was determined to find out more about this. I shut myself in my room as I pored over the book, analyzing its every inch of wording and going nuts on the internet with my research. Next thing I knew Amber was standing by me at 4 in the morning with a cup of coffee for me.

"Tony, you've been making notes since Monday afternoon..." she yawned when she saw me come back to reality.

"Monday...what time is it?"

"4 A.M. Wednesday."

The realization opened the floodgates and suddenly I was swamped with fatigue, hunger, and an insane need for the bathroom. I came back from the latter need to find Amber looking over my notes, and I pulled up the nearby chair and readjusted her robe over her shoulders. She handed me the coffee. "Sorry...I didn't realize I was so into it."

"What've you found? I can't read this writing." She watched and listened sleepily as I explained and flipped through notes and their corresponding pages, but her eyes grew with interest as I came to my conclusion.

"That's what I was remembering. Orthar here on page 272 apparently sent out a state-wide call to dragons, by focusing his thought into the planet's energy lines. Using this he gathered them together remotely; they didn't know why they were there, they had simply felt compelled to go. He also hypothesizes in the next paragraph that similar focus on a much more direct level can transmit that 'call' along the energylines instead of through physical contact; in fact here on page 89 is where the tribal chief did just that for the ceremony!"

Amber gasped slowly as she realized what I was planning. "I'll get Phil to clear us an area if he can?"

"I was gonna ask you to but yeah, Phil may have a better chance, 'specially since he didn't have a two-hour bitching with the district manager."

She laughed and leaned against me. "He had it coming; not only was the attack unauthorized, but he violated the group's laws by willfully allowing the attack to continue instead of stepping in and leaving this area to me." I set my empty mug down and she hugged me with a happy murr. "You're a genius, Tony."

"Well every genius needs a bed...and a girl," I whispered, and she gasped as I picked her up and carried her to the bed. She sloughed off her robe and levitated it to the hanger on the door, and she smirked at me as I ran my fingers through her soft fur.

"Tony...I haven't had your penis in me for a while," she said with a naughty grin. I just laughed and took off my shorts, and she murred as I slowly pushed my erection into her. "We'll need to check on the caves again and get that set up before we do anything; after all, we need a place where everyone can stay."

"How're you gonna cover their disappearances?"

"I've got it worked out with Phil and a few other undercovers; it'll be a framed 'mass genocide', unfortunately, but it's the most effective way."

I hissed through my teeth; that didn't sound good. "Isn't there another alternative?"

"I'm afraid not...Dragonsearch has apparently been gathering lists of everyone currently in the workforce, in retirement, in the military...the action may scare the nation, but it'll bring them to realize that Dragonsearch means business. While the nation kicks into gear, we'll be mobilizing on our own. I'm just hoping it doesn't get too dramatic towards the end..."

"Why not? Dramatic endings are usually good..."

"I don't want this to be like a movie; I wanna see if we can quietly disrupt and stop Project Dragonsearch. Drama may make things far worse."

I kissed her on the nose. "Well, then we'll have to dissolve them quietly."

She fell quiet and I felt turmoil in her mind about it, and she sighed and mentally spoke to me. "Hopefully we can do it within the year."


She grinned. "Kids...if you're ready that is."

"Hey if it happens, it happens. Now shut up and get some sleep already." We both laughed and she tucked her head against my shoulder as I hugged her tight under the blanket. The next day was a busy one, but after Amber had drawn out the plan with Phil I took her out to a movie and dinner...all through the steak and fries and shrimp we were laughing about the movie. It was nice to just get our minds off our work and have fun. Jordan and Susan were doing very well, but were very anxious about the whole dragon situation. While Amber and Susan chatted in the other room at Jordan's dorm, Jordan and I discussed more pressing matters.

"Well, the plan seems all well and good...but Tony, is 'mass genocide' really the best idea?"

"Amber and Phil and several other undergrounders talked it over for hours, Jordan...I'm afraid there's nothing else. Starting next week Amber and I are gonna head to the caves and start preparing while Phil and the others get things set up in P.D. to minimize resistance and risk."

Jordan sighed and I could hear his tail tapping against the chair. "Well, I guess there's no other option..."

"Amber thinks that if the four of us pool our energy we can be far more effective with both the summons and the actual call itself when they're all gathered."

Jordan stirred his mug of hot chocolate. In our silence I could hear Susan laughing about a high school incident, and nearby the burgers Jordan was cooking were beginning to thaw and spit on the low-set burners of the stove. "Something about this doesn't seem right...but then again I've never really been a risk-taker; that's why companies are after my input. I try to find a neutral zone. But with this...this is so massive and life-decisive, I guess there really is no gray area."

"Jordan, don't worry about it. 'History repeats itself'; we're doing what happened in this very country a long time ago, but on a more massive scale. Just like the events that happened in Arom are happening now on a global scale."

He sighed again, rubbing his eyes. "So much at stake...but there's no arguing that it has to be done. I'm in, and I'm pretty sure Susan will be too. Is there a set date or time-range, and for that matter a gathering location?"

"Phil and Amber coordinated it all. The gathering will be in the Harison's Peak car factory. Phil and other undergrounders will make it seem like a trap and when everything's situated they'll blow it up."


"SHHHHH!!! Harison's Peak has more than one factory, Jordan; the one we're planning to use is being stripped down for renovation, it's the perfect setup for such a move."

"What about those who won't believe?"

"Amber and I will turn into dragons, and if needed you and Susan and the others we've gotten so far will need to do so as well. I've already been practicing mass-communication with the others and Amber; it's really simple. The only hard part to this will be the summons and the call."

"Why is the summons so hard?"

"Because it's more than a simple communication. They're veiled, so direct communication is harder. Also, it'll be suspicious if all of a sudden a lot of people start hearing things. We need to be sneaky, almost demon-ish; give them an idea and slowly develop it, compel them to remember the date and drive out there. That in itself will be suspicious, but Amber's also got her own way of suggestion."

"What's that?" I pulled a folded-up paper out of my pocket and handed it to him. "Flyers?"

"Phil printed off a ton of them and is hiding the paper trail. Amber has laced them with energy to ensure that those who are meant to see them will be the only ones that see the message."

"But won't that hinder future projects? Mass flyer-handouts will look suspicious after one, let alone two similar 'genocide' incidents."

"Hence Phil and others using Dragonsearch's vast control to hide the paper trail and cover up evidence. I'll be trying to convince the people not to tell others about it."

"You two sound like devils plotting a downfall," Susan said with a smirk as she looked in at us from the "living room".

"Well given the circumstances we're 'devils of light'."

"Oxymoronic beings," she laughed, and turned back to her conversation with Amber. Jordan and I laughed and he went to check the burgers.

"Tony, you like a bit of hickory, right?"

"Yeah man, pile it on!" I loved his hickory-seasoned burgers...give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, but give Jordan a grill, you're in heaven even after the meal. After a little while we were feasting on hamburgers and oven-cooked fries (which were REALLY good, Jordan had perfected his timing to get them nice and crunchy without drying them out). Afterwards we sat in his living room and Amber sat on my lap and leaned her head on my shoulder while Jordan and Susan cuddled on the couch, and we discussed the cavern and what we were going to do with it. I still had to rig up the solar-powered lighting system, but the more I thought about it the more impractical it seemed...especially considering that we'd need several thousand feet of cables to power all of that cavern much less what we'd be tunneling. That's a lot of solar power, believe me, and concealing all that would NOT be easy at all. Technically we could just light the front part and have everyone practice their nightvision power, but the strain on the eyes would be a bit too much for older dragons even if being a dragon made them physically fit.

The next few days were spent in the caverns, the four of us exploring but always leaving a trail to follow (usually by manipulating the rock to change to a different color without affecting it otherwise, leaving colored stripes on the walls that were charged with energy to glow in night-vision). Several times we encountered some problems, like an unseen pit or an unstable floor that was really the ceiling of a pocket, but luckily nothing life-threatening. I had the most geological expertise of the group, but wasn't fully prepared for the spelunking trip; nevertheless it was fun and enjoyable. We staked out safe spots, spots of caution, and we also heavily marked problem areas like cracked floors, unstable roofs and open pits or cracks. Deeper in we even found a natural hot spring, which explained why the cave wasn't as cold as it should have been. We didn't dare go in it though, until we could test the water and make sure there were no acids or malevolent bacteria. It smelled a bit like sulfur, but sulfur is a common element in many natural water sources. We got really lucky; on our fifth day there, the guys we'd encountered in the mountain earlier had come looking for us, apparently sent by Amber's dad...and they had, among other things, water-testing kits. Needless to say, at the end of that day we were all kicking back in that heated felt realllllly good, but was a bit awkward because we were saving power for the lamps and thus had no was fun to say the least, having to quickly teach the others how to see in the dark. We all camped outside for the night, discussing which caverns could be expanded and trying to figure out a feasible power supply. Around midnight Amber and I trained the others in flying but had to stop when Amber felt a scanning satellite approaching. As everyone slept, I used them to practice the mass-communication and calling, but it was tricky. Without a wider and less receptive audience to practice on, I was gonna have to wing it...

Day 1 of our covert operations commenced a week later, after we'd used our powers to expand the caverns and morph the rock into various shapes or to push it back. Amber and I spent the day together, Amber fueling me while I meditated, communicating to the vast number of dragons in the local community. Damn there were so many!! It was hard, and I met a lot of resistance, but I had put a bug in their ears so to speak, now all I had to do was wait, let it develop a bit, let them mull it over, then try again. Needless to say, the strain knocked me out. Amber...can angels become embodied? I don't think so, but if they can, Amber was definitely one---when she felt my strength all but gone when I finally gave up for the day she tended to me as I lay on the bed, even holding me against herself like a little child and just softly rocking me. She did it all of her own volition...I felt awful for being a burden, but she told me that night that if I were a burden to her I'd know it. Mom came in and snapped some pictures of us, much to my ire, but Amber just laughed and hugged me tighter. Jordan and Susan came around midnight with an emergency, but I still couldn't move, only hear.

"Oh poor thing! What the fuck happened?!?"

"Project Dragonsearch..."

I heard Amber utter a string of swearwords. "I've got a score to settle with him...bring her in."

Mrs. Nacyl hurried past my room and gasped. "Oh my gosh! Get her in the tub, I'll get the bandages!" There was a lot of running around during the next fifteen minutes, and I finally decided to try a trick I'd read about: sight-casting, where you copy light patterns in another area for your eyes to detect. It took a bit of doing, and all I got was a grayscale image, but what I saw...almost broke my heart from what I'd heard so far. A little cat-girl, barely three years old, horribly beaten and bearing a bullet-wound through the shoulder. While our mothers cleaned her up with Susan's help Amber and Tony worked together to extract the bullet using their powers, like I had with the bridge incident. My focus gave out then, so I just lay on the bed and listened. After what seemed like hours, an ambulance arrived and several medics took the girl and Mr. Nacyl to the hospital. Amber slowly walked into the room, about ready to cry, and slumped onto the bed by me. I forced myself to move and I hugged her.

"You gonna be okay?" I thought to her, and she sobbed and shook her head.

"There's no reason for this...I feel sick now..."

"We'll get them for this..." I said in reply, holding her tight as she cried into my shoulder. These bastards would pay...every death felt personal for me, they would realize that...

Days 2 through 5 weren't much different, except that Amber would focus her power with me and expand our influence radius. The little girl healed remarkably well, but when she woke up she was terrified and quickly sank into an almost comatose state from the stress and fright. My mom, being a cat herself, went to the hospital to be with her while we worked. Jordan wrapped up whatever business stuff he was working on and he and Susan stayed at our place to help us. The other dragons we assigned to the caves, to plan things out and work on better morphing the rock into staircases and other necessities in certain areas. With Amber's help I wasn't so worn out, but because my power was stronger than hers I was putting out more energy...and boy was I beat at the end of the week.

As I lay on the bed, trying to absorb more energy from the air around myself but failing, Amber came in with some homemade chicken noodle soup. I couldn't move very well again, so she set the soup bowl on the nightstand near me and crawled onto the bed next to me, wrapping her arms around me. "I'm so proud of you Tony..." she thought to me as she kissed me. "But please, stop wearing yourself out like this."

"Personal sacrifice is the price of saving lives in these times," I thought back. "Whoa what-" She quickly lifted me up and crawled behind me, her clothes disappearing. She propped me up against herself, giggling a bit naughtily as my head fell between her soft breasts, and she wrapped her arms around my front as the soup bowl hovered towards us.

"Just relax, Tony, you need something to eat." Seeing how I couldn't exactly move I did as she said and relaxed as she fed me the soup. Damn, that was good soup... "If you're tired, Tony, you can sleep, I'm here for you..." she said as she brought the bowl to my mouth and tilted it a bit so I could drink what was left.

"I'm not really tired, actually...physically drained, yes, but I'm not really ready to fall asleep here."

"Lots going on up here?" she asked, running her hand through my hair.

"Pretty much..."

There was a knock on the door and Jordan's voice came through. "Is Tony okay Amber?"

"Yeah, the door's unlocked but beware."

Susan laughed and Jordan opened the door. "How'd I guess..." He and Susan sat at the foot of the bed. "May's warming up to your mom, Tony, but she's still in a lot of pain."

"Poor little thing..."

"Yeah...but if Dragonsearch is allowed to keep going there's gonna be FAR worse. Already there are more reports of attacks across the country."

Amber growled and I could feel the vibrations through her chest against my head. "Those damn bastards...but we're working as quickly as we can. Nothing we can do..."

"If needed, Jordan and I want to see if we can head out into the country and try to awaken more dragons."

"Can you sense them?" I asked mentally, and they looked at each other disappointedly. "That's the problem, I'm the only one of us that can freely detect other dragons. If anyone were to go it's me, but I'm already booked with this."

Days 7 to 14 were very hectic, but I was getting better with my power...albeit slowly and not noticeably. Night of Day 15 found Amber rocking me gently again, humming a few church hymns in her own little remix as I rested against her, yet again unable to move on my own. I was meeting less resistance and gaining more favor in the minds of those I was reaching, and Amber was preparing the mailings with Phil and arranging the "showdown" in the old factory. Amber sighed and hugged me, lying back against the bed headboard. " much longer?"

"Why? Tired of babysitting me?"

"Far from it...but I can't stand knowing that Dragonsearch is out there killing innocents." She ran her hand through my hair softly. "Get it out of your head that you're a burden to me, okay? I'm your spouse, it's my duty and my desire to make sure you're okay Tony."

I laughed a bit. "You like having my head between your boobs don't you?"

She giggled and pressed her breasts against my head. "Yup." She glanced over at the bedside table, levitating the bowl of chicken soup towards me. "You really like this stuff, huh?"

"Hell yeah!" I laughed. "This is damn good stuff when you make it." She carefully fed me, laughing when my arm twitched as I tried to raise it to feed myself. "What happened to May?"

Amber sighed, the spoon stopping halfway to the bowl. "She's recovering slowly...poor little thing, she's skittish around everyone now."

"What happened that night?"

"Crime scene investigators think she was kicked and beaten before she was shot. Her family is dead...but now we have ammunition. I put a bug in the newspaper system, tomorrow's edition will cover this and openly say that Dragonsearch is responsible. I just pray that the editor isn't in cahoots with these fuckers..."

I sighed. "I doubt it'll make it out there. Don't be surprised if it's not in the papers."

The next morning though, I woke up to an angered scream. I bolted out of bed, still in my boxers, and rushed out into the hallway to find Amber storming upstairs with an absolutely vicious look on her face. "Out of my way," she hissed, shoving me into the wall as she headed into our room.

"Amber, what's wrong?" I didn't need to ask again; she headed straight for her locked drawer and pulled out her holsters and several cartidges of bullets. "Amber, stop, what's going on?!"

"Shut up and leave me alone," she growled, loading her guns. I dashed over and held her hands steady before she could load another cartridge.

"Before you do anything reckless, please, tell me what's going on!!"

"They're at it again!" she yelled, throwing me off so hard I tripped on the bed. "They've slaughtered fifteen more families Tony!! We've waited far too long!!" She buckled her belt around her waist.

As shocked and appalled as I was, I threw the door shut and sealed the window. "Amber, I can't let you throw away all our work!"

"WE'RE MOVING TOO FUCKING SLOWLY!!!" she screamed, tackling me out of her way. After a short scuffle I finally pinned her to the bed, her angered crying tearing me apart inside. "Let me go!!!"

"NO!! I'm not gonna let you go out and ruin everything we've worked for!! You go out there, you're gonna get shot and where does that leave all the rest of us?!"

"You can take of everything, now let me GO!!"

I only held her even harder. "Amber, I'm not letting you go! You die, or get jailed or whatever, there goes our entire underground operations!! More will be killed as a lesson to you! Please, think about what you're doing!" She whimpered and started sobbing, trying to throw me off. "Settle down!! Amber, just settle down!" We lay there on the bed, Amber pinned under me and unable to move, for a good ten minutes before she finally came to her senses and gave up, sobbing uncontrollably. "You okay now?" I finally asked. I didn't get a response but a quick mind-check told me she was. I slowly picked her up and held her. "It's okay, Amber...I'm sorry if I hurt you but I can't let my little fox go running off to the wolves...methaphorically and literally."

"I-i-it's not f-f-fair..." she stuttered, and buried her face in my shoulder.

"I know...but you yourself said it was gonna get nasty at some's only starting, Amber. There's nothing we can do without exposing ourselves and screwing everyone associated with us. Just let it go, Amber...they're in a better place now at least."


" buts. You wanted to have a family, right? You going all vigilante on them won't make it any better. Think of the future, can't help others without properly taking care of yourself." I unclipped her belt and tossed it into the bed, then hugged her tighter. "I love you too much to let you do something so reckless out of revenge, Amber."

"I'm so sorry, Tony..."

After her little episode she finally calmed down enough to eat a small egg sandwich for breakfast, but she was pretty downtrodden the rest of the day. With my energy returned overnight it was my turn to help her, and we spent most of the day in the room just cuddling with each other as she overcame her depression.

Now we get to the fun stuff; this is where things really started getting crazy. A week after Amber's rage attack, we were ready. I was getting positive responses from nearly everyone I was subconsciously contacting, Amber had sent out the mailing and with my monitoring help we found that the response was a strong intrigue and urge to find out what this was...the Harison's Peak factory was ready and awaiting the all we had to do was wait for the scheduled time. We spent two days further preparing the cavern, making huge expansion progress compared to our prior visits, and after a long, hard day wiring the solar-power system for the caves I figured we needed a break. I booked us a quiet stay at a hotel out in the country by the largest lake near us, intending to take Amber waterskiing and other fun water activites offered there. didn't see it that way.

We drove out to the hotel, got situated, drove around and relaxed, yadeyada the usual trip stuff, not much to describe there. Sorry for my shortness but I personally hate this part, because that night...our quiet plans were changed drastically. We drove back to the hotel to find a slew of black cars taking up nearly a third of the entire parking lot, including our reserved parking spot that was specifically labeled "RESERVE" with a big red sign. Upon entering the hotel we passed a big, overweight tiger-human standing guard at the doors. He looked us over with a scowl, staring at Amber before diverting his attention elsewhere. My dragon-sense was going nuts; there were tons of dragons around here, but there was also a very powerful malevolence in the air...this place felt more like a bar than a hotel. We passed by several open rooms, holding our breath as cigarette smoke clogged the hallways as dark-color clothed furs and humans lounged in the rooms chatting and laughing. Amber stifled a surprised yip as she almost slipped on something; a wave of smoke had obscured her vision enough to make her miss a plastic soda cup lying on the floor in a puddle of its contents.

"This is not good," I growled. We passed by a few tough-looking guys, and they eyed Amber with evil grins.

"Hey babe, room number 173, be there okay?"

"Sorry, this guy's the one I'm booked with. For life." she said very crossly. They laughed like it was a joke.

" what room she goes into," I heard one of them whisper as we went around the corner.

"Amber, disappear on the count of three, they're trailing us." She and I both faded from sight on my mental count of three, and not a moment too soon; one of their cohorts came slinking around the corner, then looked around and raced down the hallway. Amber and I stood by a door, watching, and he ran back to the others. Amber's ear tracked him and I tuned into what she was hearing.

"Guys...they must be magicians or sumthin', they simply vanished. All the doors are locked, they couldn't have gone into one that fast without the lock-light going off."

"Are you blind you fucktard? balls need relief."

OH YOU SICK FUCKING BASTARD!!! Amber's mind screamed in shock. I wrapped my arm around her and we quietly ran to our room, fading into view before rounding the last corner. Some more guys shouted some rather obscene and downright rude catcalls, but we ignored them and I ushered Amber into our room. I started packing our stuff off the bed as she listened against the door. Amber looked very upset as she felt her way around the energy lines around us. "Tony...these guys are a rogue gathering of Dragonsearch...they're here to get us!"

"Shit..." I flipped Amber's pistol over in my hand a few times, looking it over, then slipped it into an easy-to-reach pocket of the suitcase. "Any idea why?"

"Hang on..." She concentrated a bit more. "They've felt a powerful presence in the area and are seeking it out...Tony, that's you! You're the strongest dragon around here..."

I sighed and locked the suitcase. "Anything else?"

"There's another attack planned...but these guys are rogues, they can't record their activity...oh my gosh this is bad..." She leaned against the door and buried her face in her hands, "Tony, I'm scared...even if you're with me and I have a wedding ring these guys'll get ideas..."

My mind raced quickly as she came back from the door. "I have an idea that I really think you'll like."

"What is it?" she asked, sitting down by me. I locked the door and sealed it, and she stared at me as I shifted into a dragon. I blushed a bit, this was an awkward idea but I had a strong feeling it would work.

"Well, seeing how you really like getting 'inflated' and guys typically don't go for pregnant women..."

She gasped and punched me in the arm with a grin. "You sly perverted bastard..."

"We don't have time to undress," I said, pulling back the flap of my pants and underwear and letting my erecting dragonhood out through the front of my jeans. "We'll need to be careful not to get wet or anything."

"You always clean up after we fuck so what's it matter?" she asked with a smirk, pulling at her pants. Like mine, her jeans had a flap-covered hole in the front (they were made for women who want to be "equal" to men and she'd bought them because they were a bit more comfortable), and she pulled her underwear down past her pussy and quickly slid onto my length. We had to make this quick, and luckily through our draconic bond we could share arousal and pleasure, thus nearly tripling the speed and intensity of pleasure if so desired...and we needed both now. Already Amber was sending me the pleasure of my girth stretching her vagina and I was sending her the incredible feeling of her squeezing my now the stimulation level would've had me ejaculating in her but I held it back as I grabbed her hips and started rapidly making love to her. Amber couldn't restrain herself and soundproofed the room with her power as she started screaming with pleasure every time I hilted myself in her. It was weird, being fully clothed yet making out, but the feeling of the fabric of the pants rubbing against my penis felt really good. Two minutes later she fell on top of me, almost limp from the ecstasy coursing through her, and I finally reached my climax and roared loudly. Even through my blissful haze I could feel my cock jetting thick ropes of cum into her, and she sat up and we both watched in hazy fascination as her belly began to grow out a bit, her womb full of cum. She grinned naughtily at me, thinking to me "It's not enough, I just look fat now!"

"Amber, I'm almost out..." I thought back wearily. "Lemme try something." Focusing my power on my balls and lower body I restocked myself (lol...and yes I'm using chatspeak, I don't know what else to say) and started all over again. Amber yipped happily as I continued thrusting into her perfect tunnel, and she screamed loudly and bounced up and down my length as she orgasmed. Tapping into her euphoria I hilted myself in her again and roared as I filled her with even more cum, and through our haze we both felt her belly as it distended even was weird, feeling myself ejaculate and seeing it instantly swell her out a tiny bit more with each pulse. Repeating my trick again I produced even more seed than before, prolonging my orgasm and filling her to a reasonably "pregnant" appearance. When we finally recovered she slowly slid off my member, sealing herself with her energy and keeping my cum inside her. She murred happily as she ran her hands over her midsection. I grinned at her when she looked at me. "You're gonna look cute when you're really pregnant," I said, and she giggled and secured her pants.

"Good thing my boobs are big enough to pass this off...hey wait," she said, stopping me as I went to secure myself. "Last thing you need is sticky underwear, lemme help." She leaned down over me, brushing her hair back over her shoulder, and took my penis in her mouth and slowly, sensually began cleaning me off. " any more by any chance?" she asked, sideglancing at me hopefully.

" drained me."

"Awww, but you taste so good," she whined, but went back to cleaning off my dragonhood, running her soft tongue all over it until I was good to go. I willed my erection away and re-did my pants as I turned back to a human, and we both slid off the bed. Amber looked cute with a swollen belly, but it seemed she was having a bit of trouble with the extra weight. She glanced at the clock and her eyes widened. "Wow, only took us six, maybe seven minutes!"

"Wow..." I was surprised, but a sound outside brought me back to reality. "Okay, we should really get going."

"Tony, can you help me?" she asked. I extended my arm and laced it with hers, and I unlocked the door and we stepped outside into the hallway. Some guys nearby eyed Amber but when they saw her midsection they turned back to their discussion.

"Think you can make it to the car?" I asked, putting on a show.

"I think so...if I don't fall asleep walking," she ended with a laugh as I led her down the hallway. True to what she'd said, most of the guys we passed looked at her lustfully, which angered me to no end, but as I'd thought they lost interest when they saw her "en_cum_berance" (bad pun but hey, it works perfectly). We made it to the door, but one of the guards stopped us.

"You two came in earlier, right?"

"Yes. We need to be on our way; my wife's not too thrilled about the other tenants and she's also not feeling well so we need to get going."

He looked at her suspiciously. "She looks different from earlier..."

She gritted her teeth and her legs buckled a bit, and she leaned against me. "Please, I need to get outta here..."

"You okay?" I asked, holding her.

"Think I'm gonna hurl..."

The guard sighed and stepped aside. "Okay fine, whatever, I didn't get a good look anyways. Get lost."

Amber flashed him a glare as we passed by and shouted "So much for customer service fucktard!" just before the door closed. We made it to the car, I helped her in, and we drove off to the interstate. When were a safe enough distance Amber sat up and laughed. "That worked really well!"

"Yeah, but I'm hoping he doesn't have anyone trail us, I didn't like the way he was looking at us."

She ran her hands over herself again. "Mmm...I've said it before but it feels really good when you fill me like this." Her hands wandered up to her breasts and I turned to her as she moaned softly.

"What is this, breast masturbation?" I laughed, and she giggled.

"Mmph...oh yeah..." She stopped briefly and grinned at me. "Didn't you know females can achieve orgasm through breast massage?"

"No." She smirked and continued to massage herself, and I shook my head humorously. "Amber, your moaning and gasping is gonna get me going." My penis was already starting to erect again, but what was more prevalent on my mind was what to do about the situation. An attack was planned, but we couldn't go to the authorities without proof...rogue P.D. members knew of me, or at least my power signal in the energy field...we had to do something but what could we do without landing into even more trouble? Amber's dad was a marvel when left to his devices, but he was too far to do anything within a reasonable time...we couldn't go in and confront them...

"Tony, why're we going here?" Amber asked as I pulled into the police station.

"This is all we can do at the moment about that attack."

"Aww, I didn't get to climax," she whined jokingly, smoothing out her clothes. "But what can the police do?"

I sighed. "I'm not sure. But you overheard their plans, right? If they're gathering there for--"

"We're the only ones that left, if the police ambush them they'll know who did it."

I paused, mulling this over. "Okay then, we tell them about the smoking and their lame attempts at stalking. That alone should be enough for an inspection."

"What about the attack?"

"I don't know. I'm honestly stuck, Amber...unless we can get into that place, pull a few cords and cause a panic or something. C'mon, let's head inside before someone gets suspicious."

Amber's pregnant appearance worked rather well in our favor; we reported the disturbance, and the police chief was appalled that a pregnant female had been made to endure second-hand smoke in a public facility like that. After learning that the men in there had also been planning on "using" her, he did indeed send an investiagation team as I'd hoped he would, but unfortunately I knew the best they could do was say "You're being a disturbance to the public, please leave". There had to be more we could do... As we sat there in the office, the chief glanced at me.

"Something wrong sir?"

"My wife overheard them talking about an attack being planned, but without further proof there's not much that can be done."

His eyes narrowed. "I'll send a few of my men to case the hotel and try to uncover a lead on this. We've been expecting some kind of attack recently; local teenagers have been talking about some group that's been striking country places like this."

"These are most likely that group," Amber replied. "I heard them say that they were going to strike the mall as one of their targets."

"Well like he said, there's not much we can do without reasonable doubt. Since the rumors have been flying, however, and citizen safety is an issue and rumors can start panic, I'll station some of my men near the mall."

I shook my head and he cocked an eyebrow at me, his husky tail staying itself and stopping the slight thumping sound as it hit his chair. "Sir, with all due respect, that's not a good idea. These people have overridden police security in other areas, 'a few men' isn't gonna be much of a problem for them."

"Hrmmm...probably right...but there's really not much we can do without more proof, I can't call in the SWAT team and say 'I've got a feeling we're under attack, send in about 50 men or so to case the mall and the town'."

"They're after me for some reason...maybe I can use myself as bait or something."

"No Tony, don't," Amber said, laying her hand on my arm. Her mind flashed at me. You can't do this now, or you'll feel compelled to the next time it can't save everyone, that's what you told me in my outbreak remember?

I know, but there has to be something we can do! I'll feel even worse if I know about an attack and do nothing to prevent it! We stopped as the phone rang and the chief picked it up. The first thing we heard...was a gunshot.

Needless to say, the rest of the night was a nightmare. In a panic, several of the rogues had cornered the police, intending to rid any "witnesses". Bad move; the cops, with their bulletproof vests, survived the initial attack and mowed down the shooters, giving themselves enough time to call for help. Within five minutes the entire police force was bearing down on the hotel, with SWAT reinforcements surrounding the area to prevent escapes. Against her insistence, I dragged Amber away from the scene and we drove home at the chief's commands. We passed another hotel on the way, and Amber needed a place to sleep so I checked us in there for the night. When I went back out to get her, I found that she had already used her power to drain her womb and was out cold in her seat, so I carried her inside, much to the amusement of the clerks. Thankfully the suitcase also had backpack straps, otherwise I couldn't have carried it in with us. One of the attendants unlocked our room for us...I don't remember much after that except waking up the next morning with Amber draped over me under the covers. She murred softly in her sleep as I buried my nose in her hair and breathed in her sweet scent while running my hands softly through her fur. As we lay there I kept imagining her being pregnant and then us playing with little fox-human crosses...what made me nervous about having a family with Amber was that foxes tend to have litters, often just two or three children apiece, unlike many other races aside from a few other canines and a few cats. Me being partly calico increased the odds; if I were strictly human, she'd probably only have one child even if her heat spawned multiple eggs...but calicos, both male and female, can increase odds of having multiple children, so coupled with Amber being almost totally vixen increased the likelihood that her first childbearing would give us at least two kids. She rolled onto her back on me, her tail brushing my legs...she was so soft...I reached around her and cupped her breasts as I hugged her. She slowly woke up and murred as she reached back and held my head.

"Hey..." she whispered. "Sleep well?"

"Kinda..." I yawned and she laughed as I tickled her. "Amber...they're moving out. Those we contacted are heading out to Harison's Peak."

"That means we gotta get out there too..."

"Sorry we didn't get that water-skiing trip."

"We can do that later," she whispered, rolling over on me and pecking me on the lips. "If you're so bent on giving me some fun..." She looked around "innocently" and I laughed, making our clothes vanish. She turned around on me and hiked her tail, shaking her ass in my face seductively as she ran her tongue along my penis.

GUYS!! We both shot up with a jolt. Get your asses back here, it's an emergency!!! Jordan and Susan...

"Another interruption..." I grumbled as Amber and I both materialized our clothes and hurriedly packed the suitcase. What's happening? You just interrupted our break!

_Well soooorry, but there's an attack being planned and we only have a day to prepare!

Fuck it all,_

I grumbled. Amber and I raced to the car with our stuff and drove as fast as we legally could back home to find our house in an uproar. P.D. agents had come in searching for us and had bound and gagged our parents, and Tony and Susan had gotten there not even five minutes before we pulled into the driveway. There was a note attached to the door, hanging on a cruel knife that I instantly recognized as a hide-piercing blade. Amber took the note, her hands shaking as she read it.

"Dragons can't hide forever..."

"Oh fuck..."

"This...was unexpected..."

"How many are there here?"

Phil smirked as he handed me a sheet of paper. "350."

"Wow..." I was scared; 350 people to convince that dragons are real and that they were all dragons themselves...I had no idea how I was gonna do this. But, to make a long story shorter, the speeches went over fairly well; many of the gathered were disbelieving of us until Amber, Tony, Susan, and two of our mountaineering friends turned into dragons and flew over the crowd. Several people panicked and there was a huge outcry, but we managed to calm them and convince them of Dragonsearch's threat, getting a big roar of support for dragons. Amber clasped my hand in hers and fed me energy as I sent out a massive call to them, many of them surprised as they felt something rise up in them.

"This is all we can do now," Jordan announced as I fell to the floor in exhaustion. "Your inner dragons have been awakened, now it's up to you to find them. It's different for everyone, so we can't really give a good example of how to do it." The crowd burst out with questions. "All we can tell you is to close your eyes and try to find that thing you just felt inside you now." Within an hour every last person present had turned into a dragon. We were overjoyed, and it was awesome to see people cursed to wheelchairs suddenly stand up and walk as their new forms gave them energy and strength...but it couldn't last for long here.

Amber got their attention as I rested. "Everyone, you must listen now," she said, also speaking to their minds now that the telepathic link was open. "I know you're excited, maybe even completely freaked out of your minds, but this has to be an absolute secret. Already we might be betrayed to Project Dragonsearch, there's no telling. No one, absolutely NO ONE can know about you. Project Dragonsearch can track anything and will do anything and everything they can to kill dragons. If you value your lives, and the lives of those around you in your lives, you must not breathe one single word about this to anyone. Dragonsearch will kill people without remorse or hesitation in their quest to wipe out our kind, even if they're not dragons your friends will most likely be killed for knowing where a dragon is. Now, some of you will be allowed to return to your lives, but the rest of you, I regret to say, will need to come with us to our base of operations. Now that you are dragons, we need your help to overthrow Dragonsearch. That group would probably have tracked you down through geneology research, so for your safety we need you to cooperate and follow us."

"Won't Dragonsearch kill us while we get there?" someone asked.

"No. When this gathering is over, we have transportation ready to take everyone to the base. Among Project Dragonsearch are rebels, such as myself, working from the inside and making it possible for dragons to survive. We have teamed up with some rebels who are also dragons; they will cover for us. The best of the best will be covering this event from not only the public eye, but the government's as well. I ask that everyone return to your normal selves; just imagine being normal again and you should be able to shift." When they had done so she continued. "We must get out of here as soon as possible, more shall be explained at the base. Phil?"

Phil raised his voice. "I need everyone to follow me in an orderly fashion to the vehicles. Quickly and quietly, please, we need to get out of here before Dragonsearch gets suspicious." The energy drain from the call was eating at my consciousness and the last thing I saw before falling asleep was everyone heading outside. Inside I felt really proud, but also nervous...would everyone have the sense to keep quiet about this?

Apparently they would; somehow, becoming dragons had given them a strange sense of responsibility and just how dangerous this whole matter really was. By the time I woke up again, we were in the caves. Amber had turned us both to dragon forms and was sitting against the wall in our personal room with my head again between her breasts, her tail wound around my waist and her wings shielding us both from view and keeping me warm. "You okay Tony?" she asked quietly when she felt that I was awake.

"I think so...did it work?"

"Jordan and Susan are gathering everyone to help expand the caves." She hugged me tight in excitement. "It's working, Tony...very slowly but we're making progress!" I just smiled and fell back to sleep; my internal clock told me it was midnight.

Well, I'm gonna cut to the chase---literally. Two months after that, everone was still safe and quiet...but one of the undercover agents at Dragonsearch was discovered and killed. I was scared...Amber had to go in for questioning. I was a nervous wreck. Would they just kill themselves off including her? Would they take her for torturing or as bait? I felt sorry for our parents, but they were blissfully unaware of our situation, as we hadn't been home for a month; Amber would drop in to call P.D. but then immediately leave. I couldn't get Amber out of my head; how badly I wanted to talk to her telepathically and ask if she was okay, but if I did that I might give her away to them...


I snapped up. "Huh?"

Jordan pulled me up by the elbow; he'd shifted into human form. "Amber's being transported to the local prison! You have to stop them, they're impersonating police officers and have shot fifteen people on the way!"

Well that boiled my blood and off I shot, out of the cave. I didn't even realize that I was moving of my own free will, not flying, but levitating, until I reached the main road and used my invisibility power to cloak myself. Did I just...get here without flying? I must have... I scanned for Amber and found that she was approaching. What was I gonna do? Thinking quickly I shifted into human form where no one could see me and dialed 911 as I saw the cars coming, using the cheap cellphone Amber had given me for such an emergency where I needed to not be tracked.

"911 emergency."

"Get me the police department; I'm on Route 65 North, about 6 miles out of town. Several police cars have passed by with no license plates or uniformed officers inside, unless the new dress code is black body armor."

"Please stay on the line while we refer you-"

"Oh shit! Get the police here now! They're-" I jumped as a bullet flew past me. "They're doubling back and shooting at me!" How the fuck did they know I was there?! I quickly scanned the area and picked up a very faint energy beam focused on me...a satellite infrared beam. They were usng a triangulation to determine my position as the cars pulled over and P.D. members rushed out. They were using handheld devices to navigate...a thought flashed through my mind; I hoped this would work... "Shit," I hissed to myself; I could grab the satelite with my power, but something was blocking me from manipulating its signal or forcing its beam off me. What the hell could interfere with me? It didn't matter though, they were hot on my trail and aiming strange guns at me. Hide-piercing they'd finally done it... The guys in the back had swords too; some were mere medieval-style arming swords while others were massive claymores. I couldn't outrun them with the satellite tracking me, I couldn't turn invisible because of the signal, turning into a dragon now had no defensive ability...

"Show yourself!" one of them shouted. "Hell will open the ground if you don't!"

Bingo! The idea hit me and left me laughing. "Hell will take you if you don't give up!" I called.

"Over there!" Bullets started dancing around me.

"You asked for it!" I called. They all yelled in shock as the ground opened up under them and partially closed over them as they fell into the twelve-foot-deep holes I created. They couldn't see me so I used the chance to mess with their minds a little as I walked into verbal range. I toyed with my voice a bit. "You have done well, contributing to this genocide."

"Who the hell are you?!" they shouted, scared witless.

"I am no one but a messenger. Hell will surely take you as it almost has now if you continue this path you've chosen. You must like the idea of earning eternal punishment for killing innocent people. The dragons will have their revenge, you'd best be prepared for your judgement."

"SHUT UP!!!"

"You could save yourselves and give it up and completely forget about it, but it would appear you like this path to doom."

"He's a dragon!" one of them shouted. "Don't listen to him!"

"What proof do yo have? Your machines are 65% innaccurate...might I also be something...supernatural?" I laughed...I was going too far with this, but at the same time I needed a cover. "What proof do you have to so certainly say I'm a dragon?" They were getting scared. "I am but a messenger. Your path is one of doom. I will not take your lives, but if you do not give up, someone else far worse surely will." I was impressed at how well I could make my voice was kinda funny. I turned invisible and glided over to the cars, quickly locating Amber and several others in one car and forcing its doors open. They were all asleep which made my job easier. As I ran my hand through Amber's hair in relief, a lightning bolt of realization paralyzed me...I'd called the police about the incident, they'd be here any minute! They'd be expecting me to be there, along with the P.D. agents...oh shit... "I'll be right back," I whispered to Amber, giving her a soft kiss before closing the doors again. Very quietly I put the P.D. agents to sleep, knocking them into a state of unconsciousness and making a strange, creepy laugh echo in their ears before bringing them up out of the ground, leaving them lying on the road. Sirens were approaching; down the road were police cars speeding towards us. I quickly gathered their guns, using my shirt to hold them by the barrels in case the police wanted fingerprints, then went and sat by the abandoned cars, holding one of the guns threateningly and acting like I was freaked out. The police rolled up and jumped out of their cars, two of them approaching me as I set the gun down and edged around the Dragonsearch members, acting like something had completely freaked me out.

"Sir, are you all right?"

"Yeah-Yeah I'm fine...."

"We received a call that you were being shot at, are you injured?"


"Something wrong?"

"They're out cold," called one of the officers examining the fallen P.D. members.

"What happened here?"

I took a breath to "calm" myself. "They...they got out of the cars and came after me, shooting at me over there behind that tree...and...then just dropped, screaming as if something was tormenting them. There was this...weird voice talking to them but I don't know what it said..."

They looked at me oddly. "Sir...are you sure you're okay?"

"After seeing this, I...I don't know..." I looked at the car behind me. "They have my wife and some others locked up in here, they told me they'd kill her and me like the 'scaly demons' we are before that voice started harassing them." The unlocked the cars and began searching for evidence while one trained in medical practices examined me for mental disturbance.

"How did you get out here sir?"

"I'm...from the local village; I was searching for quartz crystals for a necklace for my wife, but someone's picked the roadside clean. I saw some really nice ones a month ago..."

One of the officers searching the car called me over. "Is she your wife?" he asked, indicating Amber.


"She's unconscious. We need you to come with us; we're taking her to the hospital." I picked her up and carried her to the police cars, but as I bent down to put her in the car...something felt very wrong. I heard sirens approaching... "Sir? Something wrong?" the officer asked, seeing me hesitate. I stood back up and eyed him quickly. He had his hand on the gun at his side, and his glove bore...

"I don't know sir, I guess my mind is playing tricks but I thought I heard something laughing..." I glanced back down at his glove as I turned back to the car. A Dragonsearch emblem...

"Foooooolsssssss..." hissed an echoing voice all around us. I whipped around with a yell as the officers looked around sharply.

"THERE IT IS AGAIN!!" I shouted. Inside, though, I was laughing as I manipulated the air to make sound waves.

"Who's there?!" they shouted.

"Killing innocents and detaining those who stand against you...your plans for your own doom are working very well..."

"Dragons are not innocent!!" one of them shouted, drawing his gun and pointing it at Amber. The road under him cracked and a bolt of energy shot up through the pavement and melted the gun, everone jumping away in fright. I was looking around like a crazed person, and finally edged behind a police car.

"Toy with dragons, you doom the world. Leave your project and you might be spared from my wrath."

"Uhhh...Tony?" Amber whispered as she woke up.


What's going on...?

Dragonsearch got you, just stay quiet and act asleep.

_What're you doing?

I'm scaring them shitless; fighting without violence...or...without injuring violence,_

I added, glancing at the gun sizzling into molten steel on the pavement. The Dragonsearch members were looking around frantically; some of them had ditched their guns after the one had gotten fried. "Do you rescind your allegiance, your oath of power and ergo a contract of doom for the entire planet?" I asked remotely through the air. Some of them shouted "YES!!!" in panic but the more steel-nerved ones mocked the "voice".

"Like hell we'll give up!"

"Mmmm...'hell' you say. That's exactly right. That's your current destination. Consider this. Are dragons really so evil? Many with dragon blood are unaware of their latent power; might not you be partially dragon yourselves? Your technology is fatally erroneous, you cannot rely on it as you wish to do. Your group's actions, your very leaders, are conspiring against existance itself. They have conned you."


"I am but a messenger, as I have told you and your cohorts here. My desires are my own; I am simply trying to steer you from the bumpy road that leads to the bottomless chasm that Dragonsearch is carving. Whether or not you heed my words, that is your decision. But be forewarned," I concluded, adding a violently hideous and bone-chilling laughter around the area, "Dragonsearch has provoked the planet and its protectors. Your war is against your own existance; eradicating dragons will swiftly doom this entire planet to a cataclysmic end. Do you want to be forever known in the depths of Gehanna as keys of the world's death? CHOOOOOOSE!!!" With that I left them hanging with an echoing laugh that sent them all to their knees in terror. During the act I was "frozen", shaking uncontrollably. I has also used a bit of my power to blanch my skin so I looked utterly frightened. In my head though I was laughing, and so was Amber. Just as the Dragonsearch crew began picking themselves up, looking around like spooked animals ready to bolt at the slightest disturbance, the police (real this time) rolled up and quickly surrounded us. Several of them quickly moved me and Amber and the other captives to safety while the Dragonsearch members were...I cringed as I heard at least five tazers suddenly jump to life as the P.D. officers tried to violently retaliate.

That was just fucking brilliant Tony, Amber said mentally as we sat in the back of a police car to be escorted back to the village. But wouldn't it have been easier to just, y'know, stun them, grab me and run?

Not really. I wanted to, but they would have suspected a dragon's work if that had been the case; these guys could have just gone back, reported the attack and then this whole area would be searched for dragons.

She hugged me tighter, burying her face against my arm. Tony, you're a genius, you know that?

A flash hit my mind. Uh oh...what do we tell the police now?

Crisis of Power, Chapter 9

A bit short. If you're under 18, gtfo NAO CHAPTER 9 I'm gonna skip ahead about two months, because the time between that police incident and the next point of interest was rather dull. I mean, seriously, you've already heard me...

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WindSwept: Chapter 8

Part 8 _I believe I made a mistake in the previous chapter, but then again I was rushing to get it done. It wasn't Nargalath that gave the speech, it was Murdon; Nargalath was our trainer at the mountain base. Anyway, here's the...

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Spyro and Cynder, chapter 19

Kinda short, but I'm still at it! This is kind of a haphazard chapter, but it's setting up the next few. I can't tell when this will end, but this is the calm before the storm. CHAPTER 19 "You're telling me the dragon that...

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