Crisis of Power, Chapter 9

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#9 of Crisis of Power

A bit short.

If you're under 18, gtfo NAO


I'm gonna skip ahead about two months, because the time between that police incident and the next point of interest was rather dull. I mean, seriously, you've already heard me detail unlocking dragons and moving them to the caves, right? That's about all we did during that time. Amber and Susan stayed in the caves with the others, mobilizing everyone and training them in draconic arts such as our various vision powers, flight, firebreath, the works. It was rather interesting how many relationships began forming, and how quickly too! When we got back from the police station we already had five requests for "official mateship confirmations"...they were rather surprised that there was no official procedure. Well...I forgot about that, lemme briefly detail. We got back, got those requests...Amber and I looked at each other oddly afterwards in our room as everything quieted for the night.

"They seemed kinda disappointed..." I said as I slowly stretched into a split. "Ow my hips are killing me..."

"Well, tell you the truth, I don't know of any 'official' dragon procedures other than the call. I know there were orders for mateship establishment, meal preparation, prayers, fasting, all that jazz. My parents didn't get to teach me any of them though..."

"Let's just hope it's the Creator's will that we get through this alive with the others..."

She sat down by me and I hugged her, softly fondling her breasts the way she liked. "Tony, should we make our own little rituals?"

"I dunno; I mean, there may be some in that book, but are they really neccesary?"

"I guess that's something to think about..." She sighed, then sat up, an idea sparking in her head. "Tony, I think I've got a way to tell everyone apart in a crowd and train their levitation at the same time."

"What's that?"

She held out her paw and a piece of wood flew off the makeshift desk. She took it and began carving out a simple symbol. "We have everyone make their own symbol, like this..." She then held it over her head and kept it there with her energy, giving me a silly grin. "See?"

I couldn't help laughing at how ridiculous it looked. "Well, I guess it works." I brought over a few more and she eyed me oddly as I hid them from her view while I carved. I put them over my head; the one in front was blank. "Whaddaya think?" I asked, making them flip to the next one. She rolled off the bed laughing; I'd made a bunch of punctuation and emotion symbols like you see in cartoons, with a "?" currently hovering over my head.

"That's fucking brilliant," she gasped, sitting up. "Wow Tony...that was great." She calmed herself and sat back down, intentionally shifting to the side at the last minute so she was sitting on my lap. She shifted into her normal fox body and leaned against me, prompting me to hug her close with my arms and wings as I stayed in dragon form.

"You're so cute..." I murmured, breathing into her ear and teasing her, making her large triangular ear flick at the disturbance. "I love you Amber..."

"Mmmm..." she murred, stretching her arms back and holding my head. "I love you too big guy..." She moaned softly as my hand trailed down her front to her sex-craving little snatch already moist with desire. "Everyone else is in their rooms..."

"Mmmhmmm..." She giggled as I rolled backwards and pinned her to the soft cushioned bed, pecking her neck and then lightly nibbling her pert nipples. "I'm gonna fuck you to sleep..." I whispered with a grin. She grinned back and ran her hands along my back, trailing them along my wings.

"Feeling dominant tonight, are you?" she asked, then squirmed with a pleasured yip as my erection sprang from my sheath and rubbed her clit. "Oooh yeah, put that big penis in me, you know you want to..."

I couldn't help laughing. "Enough with the sexy-talk, it's not like you." She murred and hugged me tight as I kissed her while slowly pushing my penis deep inside her vagina. "What...mmmph...what do we do about...oooh yeah...about the ceremony stuff?" I asked as I started pumping my hips against her.

"Aaaaahn...not...not while we fuck later, sex now..." she moaned. I couldn't refuse that even if I wanted to. For the next half an hour we made slow, tender love to each other until I rolled off of Amber, watching her sigh happily and rub her cum-inflated belly. "Oooh this feels so good..." she whispered. She giggled and closed her eyes as I reached over and toyed with her breasts, giving her perfect foxy tits a good firm massage. She rolled over on top of me and lay her head under my chin, murring softly as I kneaded her butt and stroked her tail.

"You like this don't you?" I asked.

She just nodded and curled up on me even more. "There were times I was afraid I'd never find love like what I have with you..." she murmured. She hugged me tight, burying her face against my neck. "Please don't ever leave me..."

"How could I leave someone so perfect and cute?" I asked, running my hand through her hair. As I pressed my nose into her hair and inhaled her beautiful scent, though, my mind kept running the same questions...could I really stay with her forever? 'The only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability'...I could assure Amber I'd be there, but what was stopping something from popping up and tearing me away from her? "Amber, about the ceremonial stuff...what do we do?"

She sighed, rubbing her pleasurably bloated belly as her body's dragon powers started slowly absorbing the semen held within her. "Honestly, Tony, I don't know. We may need to have our parents do some research for us, but for the most part we're on our own. We'll have to wing it and remember what we do."

The next morning Amber and I invited Jordan and Susan to help us flesh out an official mateship ceremony, and then performed it on each other before calling in the other groups looking for union. Fortunately for us, a local priest was dedicated to our cause and he agreed to marry these groups as well, so they were officially couples. After that we presented our idea of the "name tags", the hovering boards, as a method of identification in crowds and for practice with levitation abilities. Amber was rolling on the floor, as were many others, when we decided "what the heck" and made it official that everyone could use the "!", "?" and other labeled mini-boards too. It was very...interesting, to say the least, in the aftermath, but it made it very convenient; if someone was really into their work and was asked a question, they could flip up the "?" board and finish up their work instead of having to stop and listen to a yes/no question compared to an involved answer question. After about a week of this development, Amber was really into this whole planning thing, and she and Susan and several other females and a few of the more knowledgeable males would hang out in one of the open caverns deep in the mountain, deciding various traditions for us dragons to use. I would go out incognito with several others and locate/convert dragons and bring them back, but the more we worked, the less I got to be with Amber...the more alone I was. I'd go to speak with her, she'd ask me to do something without looking up from her work...I didn't say anything at first, but after almost three weeks of this treatment it was really getting on my nerves. She wouldn't even come to bed until late at night, then she'd immediately fall asleep only to be up early and back at the drawing board. I know she was really excited about all this, but is it too much for a guy to ask his wife for even ten minutes of together-time? It hurt a lot because of everyone in the whole group, all 320 of us now, I was still the only one who could freely perceive the presence of a dragon behind the natural cloudy barrier. Amber would come out and personally send the call to those I couldn't fully reach, but then she'd lead them inside and get lost in her work. At the beginning of the fifth week, the cavern-expansion crew encountered a deadly collapse that crumbled a good part of the recently opened areas; fortunately there were no fatalities, but many of them had been knocked unconscious and were lucky to be alive. They recovered quickly with help from our trainees in healing, but after that everyone was paranoid about every room in the cavern and it grew incredibly quiet. As that fifth week progressed, Jordan and Susan and several others began growing rather restless and were outside a lot more often than the others. They had trained almost everyone in the arts of stealth, invisibility, sensing detection, and picking up on electromagnetic frequencies, which helped a lot because they were training others to do this as well. I was glad to see so much fruition in our plans, but still...Amber...

One night I came back exhausted from flying under invisibility and dodging satellite beams to find Amber in her usual chamber, poring over some roughdrafts written up by the others. She glanced up as I leaned against the wall with a groan. "Hey..."

"Hey..." She looked back down and started writing. " almost done?"

"Yeah, just gimme a few hours..." she replied, only half-listening. Susan noticed my irritation.

"Well, I'll be resting, long day today..." I continued, trying to get her attention.

"Okay, remember to patrol the streets again later, there's still more out there," she said as she flipped between papers. That was it. I'd had it.

"Damn it!" I snarled, Amber jumping up in shock, her tail fluffed at the scare. "Is it too much to ask for some time for just us anymore?!"

"But you're the only one that can sense dragons..."

I glared at her. "Is that all I am to you now? A tool to find other dragons?"

Her face fell as her eyes widened. "Tony...I...I didn't..."

"Well, the 'tool' is gonna go hang itself up on the tool rack for the night." I could've really let loose, but...something inside me wanted to test her with this, and I headed to our chamber and threw myself on the bed, ignoring the confused glances from everyone that I passed by. Now all I had to do was wait...Using my power I created a barrier around my thoughts so she couldn't access them.

An hour later, I was about to fall asleep for the night when a familiar soft padding echoed faintly in the chamber and I felt Amber slowly approaching the bed. "Tony...I'm so sorry..." she whispered, but I pretended to be fast asleep to see if she'd continue. "I don't know what's wrong with me's all so exciting, finally bringing dragons back into the world, rebelling against the government..." She sat on the edge of the bed but I still didn't move. "I didn't realize I was hurting you..." Her hand went along my arm and her voice went to a whisper. "You mean so much more to me than a 'tool', Tony...I'm so sorry if I made you feel used..." I grinned to myself as she lay down behind me and hugged me, burying her face against my back. "I love you so much, Tony...I know I don't show it like I should." I felt her tears on my back and pretended to wake up with a slight start, and I rolled over to face her.

"Amber...what're the tears for?"

"You're always telling me you love me, you're always caring for me...and I don't do anything in return and I feel terrible for it," she sobbed, and curled up against me as I hugged her tight. "I'm so sorry, Tony...I haven't been a good mate to you..."

"Shhh...yes you have. I mean, you could be better, but...I guess I don't understand just how much this whole project means to you, seeing how I'm barely even a year old in terms of my dragon side."

I ran my hand through her hair when she sniffled and shook her head. "It's just...all my life I've felt so alone, and now...and I've always dreamed of saving the world...I'm so sorry I've made you feel used..." She sighed. "But, y'know, it's partly your fault, up until you just blew up you've been very submissive to me, and I've gotten used to it. I'd always heard wives were supposed to be submissive to their husbands, but you don't ask anything of me."

"Because I don't have anything to ask; you're the smartest one here in terms of dragons, what do I have to ask? But, now that you bring it up...I will ask that you be a little more respective of me...and others. You've been a bit of a dictator here."

"I have?"

"You've been so wrapped up in everything going on, you haven't been looking at what we're doing already."

"I'm sorry..." She nestled against me and I folded my wing around myself over her. "There's so much going on..."

"Well, I can help with that. What's the biggest issue other than avoiding P.D.?"

I felt her mind working. "Well...the cavern safety, mainly, ever since that collapse."

"I'll take over that. Not a suggestion; I'm going to take that over. You're worrying about too many things at once."

She smiled against me and hugged me tight. "Well then, I won't argue. But remember, you need to take Dave and the Leboskis into town later to find more dragons."

"Cave safety first. I won't have you or others fall into a pit while we're gone."

"You win," she sighed, and we just lay there on the bed cuddling with each other. A knock on the wall caught my attention and I looked up to see Jordan's symbol hovering in the air.

"Is this a bad time?" he asked.

"Not really, is something wrong?" He came in and hesitated when he saw Amber still in my embrace.

"Sorry, I'll ask later."

"No, you came here for a reason, what is it?"

He rubbed his neck, his wings vibrating nervously. "'s...Susan and I are getting restless here. It's not that we don't like it here, but it's...getting crowded. I know the caves can be extended, but..."

"But what?" Amber asked, rolling away from me. "Something about the caves?"

"Yes. We and quite a few others...there's a problem here. If, by some odd chance, Dragonsearch finds us, all it'll take is one small nuclear bomb and the whole uncovered dragon race is gone forever. We shouldn't be clustered together in one area."

Amber and I looked at each other...he was right. "What do you suggest, then?"

"Susan and I, the third and fourth unveiled dragons, and the second dragon couple, we want to branch off and begin what you two have started, but in a different location. We want to gather dragons in another location, maybe halfway across the country so we can more effectively reach out to other dragons." He kicked at the floor. "The reasoning behind this is not only to uncluster everyone, and branch out and thus bring in more members, but...if one clan falls, the others will avenge it. Why wouldn't that rule apply for us? If you were to be attacked, we could gather strength from afar and avenge that attack. Or, if there's an outbreak of genocide between our two locations, it would be harder for them to track us down if we hit them from different locations."

Well...I'll cut to the chase. After discussing it further with him, two days later, I was standing with him on the speech-shelf I'd personally morphed from the cave wall in the Gathering Chamber.

"Friends, there comes a time in every great organization where some will branch off to continue the service to others. Amber and I, as of this day, authorize these two dragons, Jordan and Susan, to do just that. They will be seeking a new dwelling location for themselves and those who wish to follow them." I turned to him, and had to cough a bubble out of my throat. Jordan was trying not to cry. "Jordan, do you and your mate swear to stay loyal to our cause, to lead dragons in the way of good intent, and to protect those you now and later place in your charge?"

Susan stood next to him and they held hands with sideglancing grins of excitement and sadness, and he sighed and looked me in the eyes. "We swear. We will do our best to keep everything in line."

I placed my hands on their heads, steadying myself and clearing another bubble from my throat. "Jordan, Susan, arise as dragon leaders, and lead your clan well. Shun the darkness and aim for the light." I felt like a moron...half of this was off the top of my head, but everyone looked at me as a leader, what else could I do? I pulled my hands away, and Jordan and I quickly hugged each other...I might never see my best friend again... "Keep in touch, especially in these dangerous times."

"We will...we don't exactly have anywhere else to turn when shit happens, do we?"

An hour later, eighty-seven invisible dragons headed through the mountains to start their own outreach. Amber and I stood in the cave mouth, watching them with thermal vision until they were gone from all sight. Between us, we had personally awakened every dragon in this cavern...everyone was a personal friend...damn, how it hurt to see them leave. But it was for the better; as Jordan had pointed out, if we were all together and were attacked, that could be the end of dragons. So long as there was a hidden group somewhere out there, we still stood a chance. Beside me, Amber sniffled, and I wrapped my wing around her and led her back into the cave. Jordan would see to their safety...he was smart, and very perceptive of his surroundings in dragon form. Knowing him and Susan, they'd most likely establish a location near a large city, which might work in our favor since he had vast business knowledge and might be able to lay a few critical strings to pull later.

That about wraps most of it up...the two months after their departure were SSDD pretty much---Amber was still sorting out traditions and ceremonies and such, while I helped locate other dragons as well as overseeing safety projects in the cave complex. We only gained fifteen more members in those two weeks, but there's a reason for that; two hundred and fifty of the original group were from the Harison's Peak incident, with others that we had previously unveiled and those on our list from before the incident. Down in the town, people were growing more vigilant, and I had to tread very lightly. Already there were rumors growing that I was an assistant of Death; whenever I appeared, someone would vanish without a trace. I had to use my draconic skills over my body to change my appearance; even for strong dragons this technique was very limited, so I had to get myself a rather vast wardrobe to complement this skill's limitations. It wasn't just me, though; my comrades, Dave and the Leboski family, had it much worse. Before they went out, the girls in our caverns had fun with them...they would leave with makeup all over their faces. It saved our asses to have a professional costume and makeup artist on the team, she was in charge of overseeing the disguise work before these outings. She took it seriously too; she was a mom of eight and grandmother of twenty so she fussed over us quite a bit as she became more accustomed to her duties. Me, she left alone mostly because I could rather freely change my appearance, although she would monitor me and scrutinize the details of my changes. Towards the end of those two months Project Dragonsearch began another round of open attacks, and our parents were in the radar so we had to bring them up to the caves with us to weather out the hunt.

Now that all that time has been charted in detail, here's where the fun begins. Phil called Amber to investigate a rogue dragon gathering; some dragons had inadvertently discovered themselves "naturally" and were using their newfound talents for their own benefits, drawing attention to a town about three hours from our location. Dragonsearch was already mobilizing a plan to take them out, so the heat was on for us to get these guys to calm down and join us or at least lay low. We had several things working against us other than time. These kids were drop-outs and junkies, which may explain how they found their inner selves (through hallucinations and such). They liked to run away and ambush pursuers, and they knew the town well. They were also armed.

"How do we tackle this?" I asked as Phil tore down the highway, driving us to the checkpoint where we would solo the rest until we had either succeeded in gaining their favor or had...taken them out. I was not thrilled about potentially having to kill or injure someone, but if it came down to kill-or-be-killed, there was no other choice.

Amber popped a cartridge from her sidearm to show me the ammunition. "These are bullets Phil's been overseeing for a while now. They're like rubber bullets, except they can ricochet up to five times from brick, ceramic or metal surfaces. Each shell here contains five small BB's that will render a person unconscious when hit."

I noticed her gun had two barrels. "Please don't tell me you're double-ammo'd."

"Sorry Tony, but if they pull a gun on me I am to switch to a real bullet. If they fire, I shoot to kill. These are delinquents we're dealing with, don't expect sympathy or mercy from them." Her business-like demeanor was a bit shocking to me...

"Prepare yourselves, dropoff in 140 seconds," Phil called over the hum of the engine and the wind whipping over the van. Amber and I strapped our weapons to our belts and got ready to make the jump. Phil's car was disguised as a police car rushing to a scene, and he'd pulled a few strings to allow this...I was still in awe of the network capabilities these people had at their disposal. We wrenched open the doors and sprang out, the doors closing quickly behind us. We hovered and landed with barely a dust cloud on the roadside, then made our way to the town. We had approximately 36 hours before Dragonsearch officially launched their strike; we had to do this in around 24 just to be safe.

...I had never felt so pressured in my life...

But when I glanced at my little vixen running alongside me and saw the determination on her cute face, I found it hard to worry. Somehow, things would work out.

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Crisis of Power, Chapter 8

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WindSwept: Chapter 8

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