Unexpected Exploits Chapter 2A: Adventures in Cubsitting: A Shower Session, a Dominating Cub, and the Discovery of Submissive Bliss

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#2 of Unexpected Exploits

This is a roleplay between me and Realwarpet.

The Luxray leaves for an exploration, after having a fairwell shower session with his new lover. Then, Liam meets a very interesting and intuitive pair of brothers.

Unexpected Exploits

Chapter 2A:

Adventures in Cubsitting:

A Shower Session, a Dominating Cub, and the Discovery of Submissive Bliss

Liam awoke the next morning on the couch with his two new lovers. On his right was the Romanesque male of his dominant dreams; on his left was the kit whom he has ushered into sexual discovery. He stood gently, as not to wake them up, and walked to the bathroom.

As he headed to the bathroom, Yarxul woke up as well. He packed the supplies he'd need for his journey, and went to check on Liam, who'd started taking a shower, so Yarxul joined him. 'Good morning.' Yarxul said as he started washing Liam's body.

Liam murred from his new lover's touch. "Morning, Daddy." He kissed the Luxray. "When do you leave, and when will you be back?

'After this shower, I'll be heading out.' Yarxul said scrubbing Liam's body. 'So, think you can give your bitch a nice send off?'

He thinks for a moment. "Whatever sendoff he wants...Though no doubt you'll be getting sent off dozens of times while you're away."

'Not usually.' Yarxul said giving Liam some reassurance. 'As for how long I'll be gone, between three days to a week., he said as he finished cleaning Liam.

Liam kissed his elder lover and allowed his hand to cascade down his wet chest and around to the feline's firm rear. Giving it a nice hard squeeze, the Smeargle said, "Just to be sure, I'm gonna fuck you so good that no other boy will be able to satisfy you like I do."

'Only one guy ever came close.' Yarxul said kissing Liam's neck.

"Turn around and tell me while I send you off." He commandingly groped the larger male's gluteal globes.

'I think you'll be finding out later.' Yarxul said as the water cascaded down his back.

After testing the big cat's love hole with his finger, the Smeargle positioned his thirteen inch manhood and slowly slid it in to the Luxray's anus.

Yarxul purred as he took it. 'Mmmm nice and big, just what i like.'

Moaning all the way into his lover's tunnel, he held his position and embraced him. He knew Yarxul didn't need the accommodation, but the student wanted to feel the man's body before he has to leave.

'Love ya Liam.' Yarxul said as he wasn't in the best kissing position.

"I love you too, Yarxul." He licked the black and blue fur's cheek. "Now, how do you want it? Slow and passionate, or fast, hard, and intense?"

Yarxul smiled. 'Let's take it nice and slow.' he said enjoying it.

Liam smiled as he pulled back, oh so slowly, until the very tip of his meat stick was clenched by his lover's whole. Then, just as teasingly, he slid all the way back in as he moaned and trembled slightly.

'Mmmmm very nice, Liam.' Yarxul said groaning as he pushed back on him.

He murred, and he got a little braver. He bit Yarxul's neck and repeated his slow rhythm.

'So, you enjoy biting then?' he asked with a moan.

Coyly, the Smeargle responded, "I don't hate it." He slowly and forcefully slamed back into the warm, welcoming canal of the feline.

'Good to know.' Yarxul said groaning as Liam hit his prostate.

He wrapped his arms around the more built male's chest and lightly drug his claws downward as he pulled his cock out.

'Finished up already?' Yarxul said chuckling.

"No, just wanted to try THIS!" He impaled Yarxul, fast and hard in one thrust.

Yarxul groaned as he took it easily.

"I love you, Yarxul. I know we haven't even known each other for forty eight hours yet, but I love you. Take care of yourself." He cuddled into the strong, broad back of his Luxray.

'I believe it's been nearly forty-eight hours,' he said getting up and hugging him. 'If I find something nice, I'll bring it back as a souvenir.'

The emotional youth leaned in and kissed the older man. "Do you want to finish or do you have to go?"

'I'll take your cock first.'

"Then get back up against the wall and let's finish up," he smiled happily.

'No, I need some kisses. Press me against the wall.' Yarxul said as he kissed the Smeargle

Liam kissed the feline and backed him up slowly to the wall. He used his tongue to gently part the elder man's lips and explore his welcoming maw.

Yarxul's tongue greeted Liam's as it entered him. Of course, that wasn't the only thing he wanted to enter him.

Liam put his paw under Yarxul's leg and pulled it up. He then guided his cock to his lover's exposed tailhole. Eagerly, he shoved inward until he hilted inside of the masculine bottom.

Yarxul moaned inside Liam's mouth as he took his cock

His Luxray's moans driving him, Liam slowly rammed in and out the loosened love tunnel. He wrapped his spare arm around Yarxul's neck and pulled their chests together as tightly as he could.

Yarxul groaned as he was getting his prostate hit.

He continued his slow, passionate pounding as he broke the kiss and exclaimed, "Oh, Daddy, I'm getting close!"

'Fill me baby!' Yarxul said as he came together with Liam.

Upon hearing his lover's words and heeling hot feline jizz on his stomach, the younger fur hilted the big cat and unleashed his load into the willing body of his beloved Luxray.

As Liam filled him, Yarxul gave him a long, deep kiss.

The Smeargle moaned into the kiss as his balls drained into Yarxul's insatiable ass.

Yarxul broke the kiss after Liam stopped cumming.

Panting in post-orgasmic afterglow, he leaned in and cuddled the feline against the wall as he pulled his cock out of the warm, wet love tunnel.

Yarxul smiled as he washed up, and finished showering.

The canine stepped out of the shower and pulled a towel out of the closet for the Luxray.

'Thanks, Liam.' Yarxul said drying off, then getting dressed.

As they dressed, the younger male asked, "Is there anything I should know or need to take care of while you are gone?"

'No. My friend's gonna come by and watch the house with ya.'

After dressing in a pair of jean shorts and a black t-shirt, Liam said, "I'll wake up Sparx for you."

'Thanks.' Yarxul said kissing him as he headed out.

The Smeargle carefully raised the cub into his arms. Softly nudging the kit, he said, "Wake up, Sparky. Your dad's about to head out for his trip."

Sparx yawned as he woke up. 'I know.' he said getting up and rubbing his eyes.

Liam carried the Shinx up the stairs and to Yarxul's bedroom.

Sparx yawned as his dad gave him a hug and kiss too. The boy was still tired.

"This would make a good picture." Liam giggled to himself as he laid Sparx in the bed.

'It might.' Yarxul said heading downstairs and heading out

"I love you." He said blushing.

'Love you too.' he said smiling.

Filled with anxiety, Liam held the door open for Yarxul and saw him out the door after one more kiss.

After that, it was just Liam and Sparx in the house.

Liam took the chance to sketch the naked, slumbering cub. Just as before, he recreated the overall body first, then the finer details. After finishing the image, he added cherub wings and a halo to the cub and used his paints to color the image. Of course, he included the red markings he put on the cub the night before.

It looked cute seeing the young cub all curled up and sleeping.

Liam looked at the time and realized it was getting late in the morning. "I should wake Sparx up, or else he'll be up all night." He quietly put his isle and paints away before nudging the cub's shoulder. "Sparx, it's time to wake up. What would you like for breakfast?"

Sparx yawned as he was woken up again. 'Anything.' he said as Liam heard a knock on the door.

Liam heard the knock just as he was about to mention special pancakes to the cub. He picked up the kit and carried him to the door to answer it.

At the door were a Lucario and a Riolu. 'So, you must be Liam.' the Lucario said smirking at him.

"Yes, I am, and you must be Rio." Noticing the Riolu, he bent down and asked, "Who is this little guy?"

'This is my little brother.' Rio said as Dejanero was glaring at Liam.

"Well, it looks like Sparky has a playmate." Liam smiles at the pup.

'You look like a little bitch.' Dejanero said as Rio smacked him upside the head.

'Watch your mouth.'

Momentarily speechless, he then says, "Well, he's certainly a live one."

'Yeah, I got to watch him while my parents are outta town. Don't know how they handle him.'

"Come on in. We were just about to figure out what to do for breakfast." The Smeargle held the door open for the two canines.

'Hope you at least know how to cook.' Dejanero said coming in. Rio just sighed and came in the house too.

"I know a thing or two," Liam said with a smile. "Let me see what's in the kitchen." He put the Shinx down and thought to himself on the way to the kitchen, "Well, now I can't make cumcakes I wanted with Sparx, so I'll see what else I can find."

Well, he could, but it'd be a bit odd. Either way, pancakes are still a great choice.

He came back into the living room. "How do pancakes sound?"

'Fine, but put blueberries in 'em.' Dejanero said as he started watching TV.

"Any other special request?" he asked Sparx and Rio.

'Nah.' they both said nodding.

Liam set to work in the kitchen and found a pink, frilly apron that fit him. He mixed up the batter according to the mix's directions and made enough pancakes for everyone. After setting the table for four and laying out everyone's portions, Liam retrieved toppings--whipped cream, blueberries, strawberries, maple syrup, butter, powdered sugar--and set them in the middle of the table. With that finished, he returned to the living room. "The food's ready."

Dejanero raised an eyebrow seeing the pink apron. 'What the hell are you wearing?' he asked not sure what to make of it.

"I didn't want to get my clothes dirty, so I found this. Yarxul's black one didn't fit, but this one did."

'Why does he have a pink apron?' Dejanero asked. 'Seems way too fruity.'

"In any case," the Smeargle began as his untied the apron, "I'm done with it." He pulled it off and folded it in his arms. "Now let's eat."

'Alright, Weirdo." Dejanero said as he got up. Rio sighed as he apologised for his little brother's rudeness.

They sat at the table and ate. Liam tried to have a pleasant conversation.

He didn't seem to get along well with Dejanero, but Rio was a lot more like Yarxul.

Liam thought to himself, "Rio seems to be an ok guy, but Dejanero needs some disciplining. When I was a pup, my ass was fired up for much less."

Dejanero looked right at him. 'Don't even think about it.' Dejanero was reading his aura, rather easily for a Riolu.

"Oh yeah...I forgot his species can read auras and emotions." He then said, "I wouldn't dream of it."

'I'm sure you would.' Dejanero said as he smirked. 'You'd look better over my knees.' Dejanero said as Rio smacked him again.

Attempting to be patient with the pup, he disavowed the comment and took up the plates to wash them.

Dejanero had wolfed down his food first, with Sparx finishing next.

'That was really yummy.' Sparx said smiling.

Liam returned the smile. "Thanks, Sparky." He kissed the kit's forehead before washing up the pan and utensils.

Sparx went back to watch some TV as Dejanero went with him.

"So, where do you know Yarxul from?" He asked Rio as he worked on the dishes.

'We met when we were kids.' Rio said as he reminisced.

"I'm all ears. I am really curious about Yarxul's past."

'Well, i just saw him outside his house and went and talked to him.'

"Surely you two got into some adventures together."

'Many, but when we were kids it was mostly lost and found stuff.' he said chuckling.

"He spoke highly of you. I'm sure you had each other's backs in fights."

'Yeah, the fighting started at ten.' Rio said smiling.

"If the present is any indication, he must've kicked a lot of ass." Liam chortled.

'He does, did, and will. So do I, though.' Rio said trying not to part all the focus on Yarxul.

"So what do you do for a living?" Liam wanted to keep the small talk going.

'Same thing as Yarxul.' Rio said smirking.

"You're an explorer and archeologist, too? Then you must have your fair share of stories to tell." Liam finished up the dishes and joined the elder male at the table.

'Most of the time I work with Yarxul.' he said grinning.

"Let's see...I have the feeling I've figured out something..." The student returned the grin.

'Oh, and what would that be?'

"Well...you've known each other since childhood, always took up for each other, and worked together a lot...I also have the feeling that you two were each other's first."

'Well...close.' Rio said grinning. 'I was his first, but he wasn't mine.'

Wanting to learn more about his lover, he said, "I'm always up for a good story."

'And what is it you wanna know?'


'Hmmmmm. I dunno. You might need to ask.'

"Hmmmm...I don't want to seem rude by asking about Yarxul and not knowing anything about you."

'Hmmm. Well, there was a time I met Suicune.'

"Wow! Not everyone can say that. What was it like?"

'Well...hmmmm how to put it? She was definitely incredible. Not just her personality, but she was really hot too.'

"So you know her...intimately."

'Sorta. She was definitely grateful when I saved her Serene Lake.'

"How did you save it?"

'Had to find Celebi...and fight Dialga.'

"Fight....FIGHT Dialga?" Liam eyed the Lucario.

'Well, I did have help from Yarxul...but yeah, that was a hard fight.'

Adopting a fan boy expression, the Smeargle looked to the Jackal and declared, "Another Roman god of a Pokémon."

'Heh, thanks.' Rio said with a smirk. 'Though I've beaten a lot more than Dialga.'

"Do tell." Liam was a fan of Pokémon mythology and couldn't wait to hear his new acquaintances' stories.

'I've also fought against Groudon and Kyogre.' Rio said...though he REALLY hated the fight with Groudon.

"How did those turn out? Did they go Primal?"

'Nope, no primal...that would have sucked! We were fighting for quite a while.'

"I'd love to hear more, but I think we should check on the cubs."

'Sure.' Rio said standing up. 'By the way, I can read your aura, inside and out.'

Liam smiles nervously and inquires, "And what does mine say?"

'All sorts of naughty things.' he said as he smirked at him.

"Oh..." he began to sweat nervously. "Like what?"

'Had sex with Sparx.' Rio said rubbing Liam's head.

Liam stammers as he tries to think of an excuse, his lack of confidence resurfacing.

'Don't worry. If it weren't consensual, you'd be dead. Not to mention Sparx really likes you.'

Producing a smile of relief, the beagle states, "That's excellent to know...What else does it say?"

'Lack of confidence, mixed with some brony trends. Nothing I couldn't really tell by talking with ya.'

He realized something. "Does your little brother have this same skill?"

'Yep. Though, it's nowhere near as refined as mine.'

"At least he won't learn anything he's too young to know." He turned to go to the living room.

'He knows about the sex.'

"Meep!" He froze in place, unsure how to deal with the awkwardness.

'You shoulda realized that. He did mention spanking you.'

"I thought that was in response to me thinking he needed to be disciplined...How do I deal with someone who can read my mind?"

'That too.' Rio said grinning. 'As for dealing with aura reading...well you're screwed. If it were telepathy, you could stop it, but your aura is undeniable.'

"Damn...all I can do is secrete paint from my tail...that has no practical implications...."

'Yea, that won't stop anyone from reading your aura.'

He took a deep breath and walked out into the living room.

Sparx and Dejanero were watching some CSI.

"CSI? Isn't that a bit grown up for cubs so young?"

'Only if you aren't stupid.' Dejanero said.

The double negative in that statement came to his mind, but he did not mention it. He took a spot of the couch next to Sparx. "What's this episode about?"

'The pilot for csi Miami.' Dejanero said.

"How does it compare to the others." Liam made a sincere attempt to befriend the cub.

'Well, csi is pretty bad by crime show standards.'

Liam attempted to pet the cub. "Do you watch a lot of crime shows?"

'Why are you petting me?' Dejanero said looking right in Liam's eyes.

"Well..." the Smeargle froze. "I'm just trying to be friendly." He let out a soft nervous laugh.

'Then do something less weird.'

"Like what?" He blinked his brown eye lids.

'You know what.' Dejanero said smirking.

The awkward dog responded with a head tilt accompanied by, "What?"

Dejanero responded by unzipping his pants.

Liam automatically recongized what the pup was thinking. However, he was not in his dominant mood. "Woah whoa...you mean that? And now?"

'Yeah, now c'mere and suck me off.' Dejanero said sounding dominant.

"Wait," he turned to the elder jackal. "Rio, help me out."

'Ao on.' Rio said rubbing Liam's ass.

The Smeargle, caught between the dominant canines, got on his knees and shyly lapped his inexperienced tongue on the six inch puphood infront of him.

Dejanero grinned. 'C'mon bitch, I know you can use that tongue better.'

"I've never sucked a cock before, so actually I can't." The remark was quick.

'But you've done some rimming.'

Unable to deny the fact, the beagle lapped the Riolu's pecker from base to tip and flicked his tongue every time he reaches the top.

'See, you're a natural.' Dejanero said grinning

A strange sensation of confidence and embarrassment overcame the submissive canine. He glanced over in the kit's direction to see what he was doing..

Dejanero smirked as he rubbed Liam's head.

The dog pulls off Dejanero's bone to catch his breath.

'C'mon, you weren't even sucking. Get back to it.'

Whining softly, the canine got back on the pup's prick and started bobbing his head up and down the cubhood.

'Mmmm. Much better.' Dejanero said rubbing his head as he started thrusting in Liam's mouth.

The Smeargle continued his work as his embarrassment of the Shinx and Lucario watching him grew even deeper. Also, a strange enjoyment of his submissive position compelled him to continue. Without letting go of the cub cock in his mouth, he used his paws to undo his pants and let them fall to the floor.

'Mmm. So bitch, you really do enjoy sucking dick.' Dejanero said as both Sparx and Rio stripped too.

Liam said nothing out of embarrassment and blushed as he kept sucking the pre-dribbling cock.

Dejanero rubbed him as he was gonna cum soon!

The older canine pulled off Dejanero's boy bone and began to quickly stroke it in hopes of finishing up quick so that he could go hide in Yarxul's bedroom.

Dejanero groaned and came all over Liam's face. Before he could run off though, Dejanero stopped him. 'We ain't done yet.'

The frosted faced adolescent said, "but..you got what you wanted..." He tried to hurriedly pull up and redo his pants.

'What I want is your ass. Looks so soft and tight.' he said standing up and groping Liam.

On his knees, Liam is at the same height as the Riolu, who is looking upon him with a dominant gaze. He couldn't bring himself to run away when confronted with such a commanding person, even though said fur was less than half his age. With freshly shot cum dribbling down his face, he leaned over and said with a whimper, "Just fuck me and get it over with."

Dejanero grabbed Liam and started kissing him

Surprised by the kiss, the submissive male put up no resistance and let the cub have his way. Soon, Liam was moaning into the kiss as he felt his cock grow hard.

Dejanero forced his tongue into Liam's mouth. His hands wrapped around the elder male as his tongue explored Liam's mouth.

With their muzzles together, the pup jizz on the Smeargle's face smeared onto Dejanero's as the kiss went deeper. Liam pulled down the Riolu's pants, exposing his sleek, slender, blue body.

Dejanero broke the kiss. 'Feel better?' Dejanero asked groping Liam's ass.

The blushing dog bashfully said, "Yes, Sir. I'd feel even better if my face was clean."

Dejanero groaned and licked his cum off Liam's face. 'Don't call me sir. Makes me sound old....like Rio.' Dejanero said as Rio responded, 'Hey! I'm 35!'

He turned around and presented his ass to the cub. "Just please be gentle..."

'Mmmm I'll think about it. Now, you're gonna ride me, face to face.' Dejanero said giving Liam's ass a smack.

The older dog protested, "But you're so much shorter than me that it'll be hard to see you face to face."

'Doesn't matter. I just want you riding my dick.'

"Yes, Sir," Liam said as he stood on his knees and left room for the cub to get under him.

Dejanero got under him and pushed Liam down on his wet cock slowly.

At first Liam's virgin flower put up resistance, but the strong pull of the younger canine forced the puphood to slowly impale him in one thrust as Liam whined softly from his first ever penetration.

Dejanero groaned as he held Liam's waist and let the Smeargle set his pace to start.

Even though the Riolu's schlong was only six inches long, it felt much bigger to the tight, unexplored canal of the virgin Smeargle. He started riding the mass slowly and only moving about half and inch up and down on the tool.

Dejanero smirked as he was kissing Liam's body as he started moving at that pace. Though he regularly smacked the Smeargle's tight ass.

Whenever a smack was delivered, Liam's body tensed and tightened around Dejanero's rod, and he let out a soft whine. Soon, he was riding more dramatically, ascending halfway up the cub's cock before crashing down hard and slow.

Dejanero groaned when he did, and smacked his ass harder. 'You love riding my dick don't ya bitch?' Dejanero said with a smirk.

It was obvious though the artist wouldn't admit to it. Instead he looked away with a blood red blush in his fur as his submissiveness deepened, and he rose his as completely off of the impaling member and came back down, his anus swallowing the staff whole.

Dejanero held Liam's waist as he began thrusting in him. He was controlling the pace now.

Planting his paws on the ground. The Smeargle moaned with every hit on his prostate from the small but durable puphood. When he realized that Sparx and Rio were watching him and rubbing their erect cocks, his humiliation grew, and he tried to look away.

Sparx purred as he joined in, and decided to lick and suck on Liam's cock as Dejanero went hard. Rio was jerking off as he watched. 'Hey Liam, mind if i join in on this?'

The submissive Pokémon nodded his head as he was unable to answer verbally. He then moand even more from the dual sensations of anal violation and the kit's eager attentions on his cock.

The group got Liam doggy style on the floor with Sparx under him, Dejanero fucking his ass, and Rio put his dick in Liam's face. He was a tiny bit bigger than Yarxul.

Still inexperienced in the art of oral servicing, Liam licked Rio's cock a few times before taking about four inches into his muzzle and sucking as best he could. Meanwhile, the feel of the puppy dick in his loosening, slicking hole and the increasingly zealous Sparx's mouth on his own completely hard cock were sending him to never before experienced heights of lustful pleasure.

Dejanero was constantly hitting Liam's prostate as he went harder, and Sparx got half of Liam's cock. Rio rubbed Liam's head lovingly. 'Go on kid, take your time.'

Liam soon took in more of the gentler canine's cock as the ass pounding he was receiving drove him further into obedient lust, and he began bucking into the Shinx's muzzle with every hit of his assaulted prostate.

The three moaned as the two dogs rubbed him.

After a short while longer, the student moaned deeply as his manhood flooded Sparx's maw with his hot, creamy, canine load.

Sparx swallowed a bit of it before pulling off and getting it on his face. At the same time, Dejanero came in Liam's tight ass.

Liam, feeling the warm, virile pup jizz in his ass sucked Rio's full length and faster.

Rio groaned as he started thrusting in his mouth.

The youth received every thrust without putting up any resistance. He wanted to taste Jackal seed.

Rio pulled out of Liam's mouth and came all over his face.

In his lustful desire, he caught as much as he could in his mouth and ran his tongue as far as it could reach.

'Nice job, kid.' Rio said rubbing Liam's head.

"Th...Thanks." The Smeargle could barely manage to keep his head up.

Rio grinned and kissed him.

Liam, afraid to move from retaliation by the younger brother, held the kiss and allowed Rio to use his tongue.

Rio pushed his tongue in Liam's mouth as Dejanero gave his ass a smack.

The dog's moaning was muffled by the elder canine's mouth, but it grew louder with the firm blow delivered to his backside.

Rio reached down and squeezed Liam's ass.

"Are...are we done?" The canine, blushing in his submissive high, asked the older male.

'Sure. Woulda liked to fuck your ass too.' Rio said grinning.

"I...I..." Liam gulped. "I'd like that...does this couch pull out to a bed?"

'No, but we can go into the spare room.'

"Sweet...but what about...the cubs?"

'You two wanna play with each other?' Rio asked.

Sparx spoke up, "I think that would be neat."

'Fine.' Dejanero said grabbing Sparx's ass

Liam collapsed into Rio's arms. "Carry me, Please Sir."

Sparx, adopting his dad's attitude despite his naivety, smiled and grid his ass against Dejanero's paw.

'Alright.' Rio said carrying him.

'Mmmm yeah, you're a dirty boy,' Dejanero said smacking Sparx's ass.

The Smeargle nestled in the arms of the older canine as he was carried, princess style, into the spare bedroom up stairs.

The kit responded, "I know you've already read my aura and know exactly how dirty I am." Momentarily losing his dad's confidence, he shyly kissed the pup.

Rio grinned and set him on the bed. 'You ready?'

Dejanero grabbed Sparx's head and kissed him deeply as he put his still wet cock near Sparx's ass.

With his shirt matted in sweat and his pants at his ankles, Liam and only panted and nodded in response.

"You know," Sparx began as he rubbed his dry hole against his friend's ready puphood. "I like it like my dad does."

Rio grinned and pushed into Liam's cum filled hole.

'Cause you're a slut!' he said sliding in Sparx's tight ass.

The Smeargle, on his back and his legs over Rio's shoulders, moaned as the sizable manhood slid into his recently devirginized boycunt.

The Shinx gasped and flinched from the Riolu's mass sliding into him. To incite his friend, he said, "You're smaller than the deliver guy from last night."

'Oh sweet, boy! You're still tight!' Rio said rubbing Liam's cock.

'Slut!' Dejanero growled as he hit Sparx's prostate harder than Mason had.

The younger male gripped the sheets and murred loudly as his ass was assaulted and his cock caressed.

Moaning submissively, the kit added, "and he pounded harder too."

'How's being the bottom feel Liam?' Rio asked as he smirked.

'Bull shit! I can tell when you're lying, and you're not good at it!' Dejanero said going incredibly hard on him.

"Soooooooooo Good!" the sweating beagle responded.

Sparx, unable to maintain the cool demeanor, moaned loudly as his ass was brutally fucked by Dejanero, who pushed him forward onto the couch.

Rio grinned and kissed Liam as he hit his prostate.

'Yeah, you like it rough don't ya slut!' Dejanero said grinning.

The adolescent moaned needily into the kiss as he began to buck into the gentle elder man.

"Y-yes!" The kit received the pounding, which was scores better than the previous night. He wanted to push his friend more, just as his dad would. "But Liam's cock is a lot bigger than yours!"

Rio forced his tongue in Liam's mouth as his cock rubbed Liam's prostate.

'Bitch! You haven't even taken all of his dick, let alone in your slutty ass!'

Moaning around his new lover's tongue, the artist allowed his mouth to be invaded by the Jackal.

"AH! AH! AH!" Sparx groaned as his inexperienced ass was being pounded for all it's worth by his dominant friend.

Rio soon broke the kiss as he got close.

Dejanero grinned as he smacked Sparx's ass, making him tighten around his ready to blow cock.

Feeling his own orgasm approach, Liam tightened his hold on the sheets and intensified his wild bucking on the dog dick pounding his prostate.

Sparx, feeling his whole body tighten from the last smack, began to tremble as he dug his claws into the couch cushions.

Rio hilted his dick inside Liam and unloaded in him.

Dejanero grunted as he was all the way in before he filled Sparx with cum.

The bottoming canine shot his load into the air when the Lucario seeded his love canal. Because his cock was spasming so erratically from the passion, sperm landed on their torsos and the bed.

The feline cub, rose up and wrapped his arms around the pup's head as his own, cubby cream fired forth, strand after strand, and landed all over the couch.

Rio smirked as he broke the kiss and pulled out

Dejanero had Sparx sitting on his lap now, and decided to reach at his chest and pinch the Shinx's nipples.

Liam held out his arms with a whimper, wanting so desperately to cuddle.

The Shinx began grinding his ass as his friend's still hard boyhood knocked around inside his hot, cum flooded entrance.

Rio grinned and let the boy snuggle on him.

Both boys were still ready for more, so he decided to start thrusting inside Sparx again.

Liam, coming down from his sexual high, pulled the elder male into a needy, lustful kiss. Avoiding the chest spike, he ran his paws through the elder male's back in need of emotional attention that he didn't know how to deal with.

The kit let his pussy get banged as hard and fast as the Riolu wanted. "Can I ride you cowboy, so that we can be face to face?"

Rio however knew what he needed and gave it to him; sex was way easier when you could read auras.

Dejanero turned him cowboy style. 'Fine, but you're getting fucked before bed.'

The Smeargle laid flat on his back and allowed Rio to do as he pleased. The youth has never before experienced such unbridled emotion. The only thing that compared was his more dominant extreme with his Luxray lover.

Reassuming is dad's attitude, the Shinx's declared as he leans into his friend's ear, "Like that wasn't a given."

Rio started rubbing on Liam's ass.

'God, you're as slutty as your dad.' he said grinning.

Rolling over onto his stomach to let the older man have free reign on his rear, the beagle moaned from the attention.

Sparx smirked and said, "And he's one man whose hole you'll never have."

Rio grinned and slid his cock back in.

Dejanero smacked Sparx's ass. 'I'll fuck him when he gets home then!'

The younger canine let out a long, loud moan as his sphincter is stretched again.

Sparx moaned from the smack.

Rio grinned. 'Like that, Liam?'

Dejanero grinned and smacked it again.

The Smeargle could only manage to turn his head and nod wantingly as he re-adjust the Lucario's rod.

The kit said, "Will you make this good for both of us?"

'Good.' Rio said hitting his prostate.

'Only if you're good.' Dejanero said kissing him.

"T...T...T..." Liam, caught up in his mind's lust fueled overload, tried to stammer out something.

Sparx received he kiss without resistance and pulled Dejanero close to him.

Rio grinned and rubbed his back.

Dejanero pushed his tongue in Sparx's mouth as he kept nailing him.

"Take Me, Please!"

Sparx grinded on the pup's staff as he let his muzzle be invaded.

'Alright. My dick's not leaving your ass.' Rio said showing Liam's butt no mercy.

Dejanero had one hand on Sparx's head, and another groping his ass.

The youth moaned with every hit on his inexperienced prostate as he gripped the sheets again.

Remembering what Yarxual did the previous night, he tightened his ass' hold on the Riolu's cock.

'Been awhile since I had a guy.' Rio said grinding on Liam's ass.

Dejanero gave him an ass smack when he did. 'We're fucking doggy style next time.'

Liam was already close due to his cock rubbing against the silk sheets.

Sparx said as he gasped, "Can I wear a collar then?"

Rio rubbed all over Liam's body as his thrusts got harder.

'We don't have a collar.' Dejanero said as he thrust upwards.

The wantonly panting and needy canine, moaned out, "I caaaaaan't take much mooooooore...I'm gonna...gonna..."

As the pup pounded away, the Shinx said, "My dad has one hidden in his closet." He was turned on, but he maintained his cool, just like his dad.

Rio chuckled when Liam said he was close. 'Cum then, baby.'

'Sweet, we'll get it after I fill your slutty ass.'

The penetration and friction caused the Smeargle to climax and moan as his male juices flooded the mattress and coated both his body and the Lucario in hot, sticky, semen.

The kit hugged close to his friend as he got close to a second draining of his youthful sack.

Rio came hard and deep inside him.

Dejanero French kissed Sparx as he came deep in the cub's ass.

Liam could say nothing as he slowly came down from the intoxication of having his ass used for the third time in just minutes. He only wanted to be loved and held.

Shooting his own seed into the Riolu's face, Sparx held tightly in a in post-coital embrace.

Rio smirked as he spooned the Smeargle.

Dejanero grunted when he got cum in his face. 'Alright, up to your dad's room.'

With the Lucario's dick still in his used hole, the Smeargle in turn spooned with a red body pillow to exhaust his emotional energy.

Sparx smirked. "I think I can go one more round."

'Good, cause I'm collaring you.' Dejanero said as he pulled out.

Liam fell asleep in Rio's arms.

The kit got it with cum seeping slowly out of his hole and leaving a trail on the floor, as he lead Dejanero to Yarxul's bedroom.

Dejanero was constantly groping Sparx as they got in Yarxul's room and got the collar Sparx mentioned.

After slipping on the midnight black collar, Sparx smirked and asked, "You want in my ass now, or can I taste you first?"

'Go on bitch! You need some milk in your stomach first.' he said putting a leash on him too.

Having time to reevaluate his style to mimic his dad's, he smirkd and said, "Yes, Master." Getting on his knees he teasingly licked and suckled on the tip.

'Swallow it damn it!' Dejanero said rubbing his head.

He took it all the way in and choked on it a bit.

'Much better' Dejanero said rubbing him.

He pulled back and went back down at a steady rhythm.

Dejanero rubbed Sparx's head as the boy was a pro, or at least by comparison to all his other blowjobs.

The kit began to drag his tongue along the underside of his friend's cock as he sped up his bobbing.

'Faster, bitch!' Dejanero said groaning.

He pulled off. "Are you gonna punish me if I don't?" He smirked.

'Yes., and your punishment will be no punishment.'

"But that makes no sense," he pouted slightly, breaking his cool demeanor.

'Threw you off your game...and I know you want a spanking.'

Reassumed his smirk. "Are you man enough to punish this naughty kitty, Master?"

'Your dad got to paddle?'

"I once saw him hide it under the bed when I walked in on him disciplining himself."

'Sounds impressive' he said grabbing it from under the bed.

"Does Master want me on all fours or over his knees." Sparx's tail whiped around.

'All fours, bitch.' Dejanero said smirking.

Doing as he was told, the kit wiggled his little ass and said, "Oh please Master, be gentle."

'No chance, bitch.' Dejanero grinned and smacked the other boy's ass.

The cub let out a moan as he gasped for a breath. "I'm sorry, Master."

'You're a dirty slut!' Dejanero said spanking Sparx hard.

"Yes, Master. I'm a naughty little Slut kitty!"

Dejanero smirked as he smacked that blue ass red.

With every hit the Shinx moaned louder as his ass got increasingly red. Small tears began to form in his eyes, but he still loved the dominant attention he is receiving.

'Bet you wish your dad would do this.' Dejanero said as he stopped then shoved his cock in Sparx's tight red ass.

"Yes! I'd want daddy to beat my ass red and stick his wiener in me!"

'Call it a dick.' Dejanero said slamming in hard and hitting his prostate.

"I want his di...di..." He can't get the word out from this mixture of stinging pain and lustful pleasure.

Dejanero grinned as he kept going

"Daddy's dick!"

'When you're getting fucked, the person fucking you is daddy!' Dejanero said as he was starting to get close.

"Oh Daddy, I'm close! Keep fucking me, Daddy! Your kit needs to be bred!"

Dejanero chuckled as he slammed in Sparx and came in him.

The Shinx screamed as he spewed his youthful kit seed all over the floor. He then collapsed into the pool of fresh cum as he panted heavily.

Dejanero carried Sparx to his room, being a strong Fighting-type, then going back to sleep on Yarxul's bed.

"I love you," Sparx curled up before the pup leaves him.

Dejanero smirked as he left.

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