Tale of the Winter Prince Chapter 3: An Attempt on a Life and the Calm Before the Storm.

Story by Tanuskidoodle on SoFurry

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#3 of Tale of the Winter Prince

This is the third chapter of an RP that I and Nate the Great1 are working on using his fursona and characters from my story, "A Boy and His Dog" (https://www.sofurry.com/view/836368).

Everything seems hopeless when the prophesied prince is almost assassinated, but the love of his protectors brings him back. Afterward, the young royal has a realization and learns exactly how powerful the bond with his lovers is.

Tale of the Winter Prince

Chapter 3: An Attempt on a Life and the Calm Before the Storm.

The lovers slept through the night in the Summer Stallion's sanctum. Nathan slept in the bed of his father. Although he was lonely, he did feel strangely comforted by the pure, white, silk sheets. Decland and Hachiko cuddled through the night in a soft bed of flowers provided by the Spring Mare.

The next morning, I woke up and found Buddy in the garden. I came up to him and then he turned around and his ears folded back as he looked down. "Oh... Hi," he said as though he were ashamed to be around me.

"Hi," I said softly and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Listen, I forgive you for what you did. So let's start over."

Buddy looked up and smiled. "Thanks," he said. Then he handed me the Fruit of Truth saying, "You know, these are really good."

I smiled as I took the fruit offered to me and bit into it. Once I swallowed it, the fruit tasted delicious, but then something was off about it. I look down at it and then at Buddy's eyes, which flashed red as he gave an evil grin. "Foolish boy," the jackal said in a distorted voice.

My eyes went wide as I looked down at the fruit in my hand as it turned black and became covered in moss. I began coughing and then began to writhe and have a convulsion on the ground as I watched Buddy turn into the Black Serpent himself.

"Now, you'll share the same fate as your wretched mother did," Exortos snarled as he took a knife out of his robe and had it risen over my heart when Hachi in his feral form attacked Exortos.

Hachiko was awake and snuggling with his ocelot in a bed of soft, warm, red and pink roses. The nude anthro ran his paw through Decland's back fur and relaxed as he looked at the sunny weather. Suddenly, something alerted his hunting senses to danger. He quickly got up and assumed his feral form to confront the danger. Hearing a snarl, the followed the sound to the garden to see the Dark One looming over the blue dragon. The Akita dashed over, maw gaping, and bit the serpent's claw, causing him to drop the dagger. As Exortos screamed in pain, a flash and bolt of lightning struck the reptile in the back. Managing to throw off the canine, who landed just a couple feet away on all fours, the snake turned to see the glowing horn of the naked Teroso, ready to cast another spell. With a defeated growl the serpent charges at the unicorn only to be blasted by another electric shock, causing smoke accompanied by a singeing smell to appear. After the smoke settled, the chard, crispy, empty skin of the black scale stood as remnants of magical energy could be seen dissolving around it. "The coward sent a clone to do his dirty work!" Teroso ran to the unconscious body of the dragon, picked him up, and ran to the throne room, with Hachiko in tow, to rally the guardians.

Buddy woke up and ran to us. "What happened?" the jackal said and gasped as he saw me on the ground as I gasped for air before I went silent and closed my eyes.

"Your highness... YOUR HIGHNESS!" Teroso cried shaking me, but it was no good. There were a lot of sobs when everyone saw me being carried to an empty room and laid me on a soft bed. "It was our duty to protect him... and we failed," Teroso sniffed unable to control his tears and emotions. Buddy held him as the unicorn began to cry.

The Akita rushed to all the sanctums and called for the guardians. He then woke the spotted feline as they gathered. When he and Decland arrived, the guardians and castle staff were gathered in the throne room around the unconscious dragon. At the scale's side, the jackal did his best to comfort the distraught Teroso as Hachiko and Decland joined them. Decland took one of Nathan's claws in his paws and felt him. "He's alive!" The crowd gasped in a mix of astonishment and hope as the ocelot continued, "It's faint, but I feel a pulse. His skin is still warm. I can't explain it, but I can also feel his blood flowing and his lungs expanding." As Teroso looked up, the hunting dog declared, "That makes sense. If the tainted fruit was enough to kill Nathan, the serpent wouldn't have needed the knife to finish him. Classic hunting strategy: incapacitate then kill. Now, we just need to figure out how to wake him..."

The Summer Stallion said, "There is a way: the kiss of true love."

In my world of darkness, I felt something touch my hand, but I couldn't open my eyes to see who it was.

The dragon's finger moved slightly in response to Decland's loving actions and caught Hachiko's attention. "I have an idea." The Akita, in anthro form laid his nude body on the dragon's leg. "Everyone grab a limb and let him feel us together with him." Teroso took Nathan's other leg as Buddy and Decland took his arms. For the next few moments their paws caressed and felt the scale's stomach, chest, and face with loving strokes.

I moaned and then I felt Hachi's lips on mine. Then, I opened my eyes and everyone rejoiced at my return.

Hachiko motioned for the other three to take their turns. Decland was first. The ocelot kissed him, and Nathan felt as if the breath of life was blown into him. His strength began to come back to him. Next, the unicorn's strong muzzle kissed him passionately, transferring some of his magical energy into the dragon. A strange power began to flow through Nathan's body. Finally, the young golden jackal shyly kissed the older male. The scale could feel his mind opening up as if a great weight was being lifted off of it. Picking him up, all four furs carry him to the Snow King's sanctum. Much like Nathan's cave, the snowy scenery of the room was betrayed by feeling of warmth in the huge, circular bed at its center.

I opened my eyes and looked around. "Wh-what happened?" I stammered dazed and confused.

Teroso spoke as the other's helped lay the dragon onto the bed. "My Lord, you were attacked by Exortos. He managed to slip a clone through the barrier, but precautions are now being made to strengthen the spell."

"Oh... Buddy, are you alright?" I asked the young jackal as I sat up and walked over to him. The moment I reached him, I brought the young canine into a gentle hug.

At first, Buddy was stunned, but he returned the hug and even began to cry softly into Nathan's shoulder. "I'm sorry," was all he can manage to say. Instinctively and as if by some strange force, Hachiko, Decland and Teroso embraced the dragon and the jackal, creating a three-man ring of support around the other two.

"Shhh... it's alright. I forgive you for everything," I said softly, kissing Buddy's forehead and nuzzling the other males as well.

Hachiko and Teroso picked up the dragon and carried him to the circular bed. They were acting on some strange force they couldn't understand, yet it felt so right. The Akita lay on the bed as the big, brawny, black equine lowered the youth onto the dog's face. His gentle paws caressing and parting the young ass, the hunter began to run his tongue along the scale's gluteal crevice before flicking his salivating mouth organ repeatedly on Nathan's tailhole. Meanwhile, the other teens lowered themselves to their knees and embraced the blue anthro. Decland gently guided Nathan's muzzle to his and passionately kissed him, their tongues dancing a lover's tango. The jackal leaned in and kissed his unicorn lover, who was holding the dragon steady over the blue and white canine's muzzle.

I moaned as I felt pleasure given all over and hugged Decland as the others continued on with what they were doing

As Decland gently pulled his muzzle away, Buddy broke his kiss with Nathan as the ocelot bit on the dragon's ear and began chewing it gently. Teroso was running his toned ass along the Akita's sheath until pre began to trickle out in response. The dog's tongue soon became more forceful, boring into the scale's love tunnel.

I moaned as I felt Hachi enter his tongue, and I whimpered at the bite on my ear and hugged Decland tightly as a tear from my eye caught the cat's field of vision. I felt Buddy's lips on my cheek as he kissed away my tears.

Hachiko slides back as the adolescents move. His black, pre-soaked cock is now ready for Nathan's loosened chamber. The unicorn slowly strokes at his sheath while his lower horn emerges from it. Decland's black, white-barbed pecker and the jackal's red, seven inch boyhood are fully erect, if the dragon were to lean forward, he could have his pic of either for his oral delight.

I smiled and lay down on top of Teroso, and Hachi got above me. I saw Buddy and Decland had presented their members in front of my muzzle, and I couldn't help but take both of them into my muzzle

Gasping from the dragon's eager sucking, the two boy's find themselves kissing each other lustfully as the equine and Akita push their cocks into the dragon's accommodating canal and grunt from the hot, wet, tight space.

I moan as I felt both canine and equine member enter me, and I was in pure bliss as I was thrusted into from all sides.

Teroso slowly moved his cock from tip to base in and out of the dragon's chamber as the hunting dog quickly humped in and out, his feral instincts strangely taking hold of him as his knot inflated. At the same time, The canine and feline receiving oral began to wildly grope and fondle each other all over before fingering each other's tailholes and teasing their prostates while they continued to let desire drive their tongues into a maddened dance of pleasured intoxication.

I was on the point of releasing my seed, and I whimpered and tried to tell them all. However, I didn't think words were needed at this point, for I had a feeling they knew I was close.

Slamming in hard, the unicorn and Akita sealed the scale's hole with their knotted/flared cocks as they seed the lad's already full rectum, causing their combined cum to leak out of his punished pucker. Simultaneously, Decland and Buddy both used a paw to force Nathan's head down on their boyhoods, just before their orgasms. The ocelot bit the neck of his cousin, eliciting a yell of unexpected pain and pleasure to echo in the sanctum as both youth's unloaded their creamy loads into the dragon's throat and tightened their grips on his auburn locks.

I almost gagged on Decland and Buddy's seed but managed to swallow it despite the stretch behind me; and at that moment, my seed erupted onto Teroso's chest.

"Our Prince!" The jackal, ocelot, unicorn, and Akita said in unison, though they didn't know why. Their bodies went limp, and they had a mass cuddle orgy on top of the snow dragon.

I smiled and snuggled with them. My thoughts were of pure joy but, then, of despair. I couldn't let my lovers go out to fight for me. I lost my parents, but I won't lose my friends. I loved them too much to let them fight Exortos for me.

Wordless minutes passed as they continue to snuggle around the dragon. Teroso picked Nathan up and handed him to Hachiko as he stated, "The Winter sanctum has a hot spring down those stairs." He pointed to a nearby set of steps leading underground. "We shall take the Prince there and let him rejuvenate."

I nodded and allowed them all to accompany me to the water.

The Prince and his lovers relaxed in the spring. Hachi sat in the heated water and leaned back onto the wall of the natural pool as he let Nathan rest his head upon his toned chest. Teroso lovingly attended to the dragon's footclaws as Decland and Buddy each massaged to a side of his torso.

I sighed and nuzzled into Hachi's chest as my thoughts from earlier faded away.

After the scale was cleansed and relaxed, the five males lay their nude bodies on the heated stone floor beside the spring and cuddled together as they dried.

Afterward, Autumn came into the room. "My father has something for each of you. Would you all be kind enough to come with me please?" the young stallion said.

"We'll be there later. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Of course," said Autumn smiling knowingly, "Take all the time you need."

After a few minutes of cuddling and idle chitchat between lovers, they were finished drying and walked to the throne room where they were dressed in white, silky robes before standing at the audience of the Seasonal Guardians.

The Summer Stallion walked forward, and we kneeled before the ruler of summer.

He spoke with an official and regal bearing in his voice. "Subjects! The prophecy is nigh. The Prince of Winter and his protectors have come before us, just as was foretold. I know you all felt it, the wave of energy that swept over the castle from the passionate consummation of their pure hearted love-making. With their bond as a catalyst, their destinies have intertwined and strengthened for the coming battle. With the prince and his four loyal protectors on his side, we shall defeat the dark one who has plagued our world for the last seventeen years!" The subjects of the castle applauedd vigorously at the declaration and renewed hope for freedom.

I looked around confused at what was to take place

Teroso took Nathan by the claw. "My prince, I think now would be an opportune time for you to speak to your subjects."

"My... subjects? Oh yes," I stammered as I stepped forward, and everyone went silent. "I'm honored that you will stand with me... but I have to refuse. It seems that the best way to defeat the Black Serpent is that I face him alone."

The entire room is filled with gasp and immediate chatter of the crowd.

The unicorn speaks. "My Prince, I cannot allow it. It is the duty of me and the other protectors to keep you safe in the battle." The Jackal, ocelot, and Akita remain silent, due to their lack of knowledge on how to handle this news.

"And as Prince of Winter, I command you that you let me face him alone. Are you my nurse maid or my subject?!" I snapped back angrily.

"My duty as your protector forbids me from allowing you to go blindly into danger, like a reckless hatchling." Teroso's voice is firm but not angered.

I got so angry that I slapped the unicorn across the cheek. I gasped at what I did, and the crowd stared in at me. So, I ran and ran far away from everyone, and I was back in my room alone and crying.

The equine grabbed his cheek as the other protectors looked on in astonishment. Decland took off after the dragon into the winter sanctum, but a wall of thick ice blocked the bed. "Nathan! Nathan!" The ocelot banged on the frozen mass as his paws grew sore. The other guardians stood back and allowed the feline to take emotional charge of the situation.

"Go away," I sobbed as I lay on the bed, "I don't even deserve your protection. My parents are gone because of me. I lost everything."

"That's not true!" The pleading teen continues to assault the wall of ice as his hands redden from the cold and pain. "You lost everything because of Exortos' jealousy and malice. Just ask your father, and he will tell you that it wasn't your fault!" Tears of empathy formed in the lad's eyes.

Suddenly the wall of ice melted away, and I was sitting on the bed with tears in my eyes. "Decland... I lost my parents, but, if we went out to fight Exortos, I'd never forgive myself if I lost all of you too," I whimpered and sobbed mournfully.

The ocelot, with hands bruised and throbbing, embraced the dragon and declared, "You won't lose us. You felt it too didn't you? The wave of magic and love that filled all of our bodies and bonded us is something that won't let us die." The feline tightened his hold upon his lover as he trembled.

I hugged Decland tightly as I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Then, I saw Teroso. "I'm so sorry. I just didn't want anyone else taking any blows for me," I sniffed and sobbed.

The unicorn joined in on the embrace. "Sire, I understand; however, rash action like that only proves my point. You don't have everything you need for this ordeal. That's why we are here." Decland nuzzled with the dragon as he kissed his muzzle.

"I love you all so much," I sobbed and kissed Decland lovingly, and Teroso hugged me from behind and kissed along my shoulders.

Buddy and Hachiko climbed into the bed and snuggled with their dragonic lover. In his usual straight forward manner, the Akita said, "Nathan, you should bare your feelings to us now. Tell us what you love and want to protect about each one of us to strengthen our bond." "And in return," the golden jackal added, "we will declare our feelings and consummate them with you once again."

"Well, I love you all dearly; and, ever since Buddy got caught by the Black Serpent, I thought I lost someone else because of my existence. Then, when Exortos' clone poisoned me, I thought it was better for me to go rather than put anyone else in danger. No one should have to go through that but me... I should be the one to suffer the most, not someone else," I sobbed as the guys listened with intent.

"I love your honesty." The ocelot kissed the dragon. Hachiko laid his head in the royal's legs. "I love your vulnerability." Buddy replied, "I love your forgiving nature," as he wrapped his arms around the scale's chest and nuzzled into it. "And I love that I get to guide and protect you." Teroso nuzzled the boy from behind.

"And I love your self-sacrifice," I said as the tears never stopped, and I was being kissed all over.

The unicorn pulled the scale's head back and allowed it to rest on his legs. With the other protectors lying with their prince, Decland cried with the other teen as Teroso, the Akita, and the jackal remained strong and silent.

I let Decland lay on my chest as we continued our kiss. Then, Hachi got behind Teroso and Buddy began sucking on Decland's member.

Sensing what to do, Decland sat up and raised his tail to Nathan. Teroso grind his ass against the Akita's sheath, eliciting a growl from the hunter. Buddy continued to wantonly swallow and suck on his cousin's black cock.

I moaned as I kissed, and then sat up as I gently slid my member into Decland's chamber.

The jackal presented himself to Decland, prompting the ocelot to slide into his waiting hole. As Hachiko buried his bone in the equine, Teroso roughly ran his cock clean through into the dragon. The five enjoy the closeness and intimacy of their new lustful formation.

I moaned and gave a love bite on Decland's neck as I thrusted into him.

The spotted feline squealed, "Oh, Nathan!" as he began to slowly buck into his cousin's hole. Meanwhile, Teroso slowly grind his muscly tunnel on and around the hunting dog's ready cock as the Akita embraced him from behind.

I moaned as I moved forward into Decland and backward onto Teroso. We all continued this till we were all on the point of climax

The males' climaxes came swiftly from their shared comradary and sexual energy. Decland bared his fangs, poised to attack Buddy's neck.

I then gave Decland a love bite on the neck as I filled his chamber with my seed.

In response to the dragon's bite and spasming seed, Decland chomped hard into his cousin's neck and released his cum into the canine's ass, eliciting a howl from the Jackal spilling his boy juice into the bed. When Nathan's ass tightened, Teroso's cock fires ropes of equine jizz into his prince's royal being, and Hachiko in turn howled as he tied the horse's anus and filled his burly, unicorn lover.

I panted, and a small trail of tears appeared on my face. "I love you all so much. I wish you didn't have to fight for me. I wish there was a way for me to protect all of you," I whimpered softly.

The equine and Akita guided the others onto the bed, so they could lie on their sides and snuggle. "Were not fighting for you, Nathan. We are fighting with you. We will be by your side and you by ours." Thee hunting dogs voice ran through the ears of the other males.

"I know...It's just... I don't want to see any of you get hurt," I said hugging Decland from behind as I cried a little, "I love you all too much to lose you."

"My prince, we will fight for each other as well as with you." Teroso kissed Nathan's neck. Decland calmed, released the jackal from his maw, and licked the wound lovingly.

I smiled a little and then pulled out. Suddenly from outside, there was a loud explosion; and out on the lawn, we could see rows of monsters as far as the eye could see. All of them led by Exortos. "We have to go to the Summer Stallion. I think he said he had some gifts for all of us," I said as I made our clothes magically appear on all five of us as we rushed out of the room, all except Teroso and Hachi, who was still knotted to the unicorn.

Suddenly, the Summer Stallion's voice rang through the winter sanctum. "There is no time to fight. The vile snake is no longer at his stronghold, but we cannot get to him now. The advanced force is too great. Protectors, you need to get the prince to safety. There is a village nearby where you can hide. Take these." Shimmering orbs of light appear before them, each on reaches to the orb in front of him as each has their magical light source transform in their palms...

I look at my protectors then hug Hachi. "I hope this works," I said to the hunting dog.

The Akita roughly pulled out of the equine, who grunted loudly in response, and they both stood and took hold of their gifts. A hidden passage opened up from the icy wall splitting in half and moving apart. Just then a crimson, three headed hydra, placed there by the enemy forces, roared, causing the entire sanctum to tremble. In order to escape the five prophesied heroes had to face the beast, whose three gaping maws are now surging toward them.

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