Tale of the Winter Prince Chapter 2: The Black Serpent’s Wrath, the Black Unicorn’s Love, and the Golden Jackal

Story by Tanuskidoodle on SoFurry

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#2 of Tale of the Winter Prince

This is the second chapter of an RP that I and Nate the Great1 are working on using his fursona and characters from my story, "A Boy and His Dog" (https://www.sofurry.com/view/836368).

The ocelot, Akita, and dragon have a brief time in Decland and Hachiko's world before they and two other prophesied players are thrown back into the world of eternal winter.

Tale of the Winter Prince

Chapter 2: The Black Serpent's Wrath, the Black Unicorn's Love, and the Golden Jackal

I held onto Decland and later felt Hachi's member slip out of me once the knot had shrunk. Then, I felt Hachi's wet tongue on my cheek. I looked up and saw that the Akita was in feral form. I smiled at the dog and hugged him. "Morning, Hachi," I said kissing his cheek.

Hachi urgently rushed to the door, the post-sex need to use the restroom hitting him. In his feral state, he could handle the elements better than most, but, upon stepping out into the cold outside, he rushed back in.

The moment I saw him step out and then rush in, I giggled and hugged him, trying to warm him up. "Much colder than you're used to, isn't it?" I asked, stroking the dog's head and kissing his cheek.

After vigorously shaking off the snow, the Akita accepted the kiss and strokes. He pawed at the dragon's face to return the affections. A soft giggle came from the bed, where the ocelot his still curled up in the sheets.

I looked at the Akita and noticed that I was still undressed. Then, an idea came to me. I got down on all fours and presented my chamber to Hachi, showing him that I wanted him to mate me in his present form.

The feral ran his tongue over the pucker of the scale's behind and began to roughly drive his snout into him. Another aspect of his feral form was that he tended to be less restrained when mating. Meanwhile, Decland awoke and stretched before locking onto the site of the feral/anthro lovemaking. Strangely, his black, white-barbed cathood began to protrude from its fleshy shelter and into the morning sunlight peeking dimly through the cave entrance.

I sigh happily as Hachi did what he wanted before mounting me.

Hachiko steadied himself onto the dragon's body and wildly thrust. He missed the first couple of times, only managing to graze his anus and ass, but he managed to slide himself into the ready bottom. The ocelot began to caress his feline member as he gazed upon his lovers having fun without him. He felt a strange mix of exclusion, excitement, and control that he did not understand as he became increasingly aroused by the spectacle.

I moaned and gripped the ground. I looked up and see Decland awake. "Care to join us?" I asked "You can try mounting Hachi if you like."

The shy feline looked away from embarrassment. "I have wondered what it would be like, but I don't know how Hachi feels." the spotted feline looked to the Akita for some a sign. The feral, driven by instinct, finally managed to hilt himself into the anthro. Then, in a moment of co-consciousness, he looked to the ocelot and nodded slightly, prompting the adolescent to get off the bed and kneel behind him. As he felt his lover's tongue shyly work on his virgin, bestial, flower, the canine nuzzled and licked the scale's face affectionately.

I smiled and nuzzled Hachi with love and affection. I watched as Decland got ready to enter his own dog.

The big cat gently pushed his member into his dog's unused tunnel. He moaned as Hachiko's tight canal constricted his barbed cock. Leaning in, he hugged his feral love and held his position when he was all the way in. The Akita whined softly as his tailhole is parted, and he embraced the dragon as best a feral could from the never before experienced penetration.

I moaned and then began to stroke my own member to keep up with the others

Hachi began to buck between the other males. He murred from the dual sensation of penetrating and being penetrated, Decland moaned from the fell of the tight feral rectum snuggly hugging his entire length. "Oh, Hachi!"

"Guys... I'm gonna blow," I moaned as I felt the need to release my seed coming up quick and fast, and I was ready for Hachi's knot and seed.

The instinct driven Akita slammed hard into the scale's chamber, forcing his knot all the way in. The canine howled as black cock flooded Nathan's canal with thick, hot feral seed. Decland, pulled by the vacuum-like snugness of the dog's tailhole, slamed in behind Hachiko and bit down on his lover's neck, causing the beast to howl even louder. His jaw tightend when he unloaded his teenage male juices into the feral's deflowered entrance, and he hugged the quadruped out of apologetic passion.

I cried out as the knot's entry made me release my seed onto the ground. I looked back to see Hachi licking the cheek of his owner.

Decland released Hachiko and trembles slightly as he pulled out. Only managing to move slightly to the side, he fell forward, exhausted from the sexually charged experience. He moved his hand toward the reptile and tried to grab some part of him for affectionate comfort. Hachiko, tied into the dragon, managed to hold his position as he lay onto his dragonic love and whimpered softly from the absence of Decland in his tailhole.

I looked to Decland and pulled his hand to Hachi so that the cat is near the Akita. I nuzzled Hachi to soothe his whimpers

Just then, Decland's and Hachiko's stomachs growl because they hadn't eaten since breakfast way earlier in the day.

"I have some bacon and eggs in that ice box over there," I said pointing to the kitchen half of my home

"I'll get it...As soon as my legs quit feeling like jelly." The ocelot managed to turn himself on his back.

A few minutes later, I felt Hachi's member shrink out of me. The moment I was free, I turned around and hugged the dog. "Good boy," I whispered softly

Hachiko licked the scale happily before hopping on his hind legs and throwing his forelegs around his neck. Decland managed to steady himself. He looked at the other two with a pouty expression.

I got up, walked over to Decland and hugged the feline. "Don't worry, we haven't forgotten you," I said, kissing the cat on his forehead.

Snuggling the other anthro, the ocelot returned the kiss to the dragon's cheek and his tail softly whipped behind him. The Akita, not to be left out, padded over to the couple, nuzzled against both of their legs, and looked upward towards them.

I smiled and brought all three of us into a group hug. "You guys are the best friends anyone could ever ask for," I said.

They both nuzzled into the hug. "I'll make us something to eat." The ocelot headed to the kitchen. The Akita let out a whine of protest. "That's right. Mom and dad are waiting to have lunch with us." Even in feral form, Hachiko's sentiments were clear to the feline.

"Can I come with you? I want to help support why you were away for so long," I said, rubbing my arms.

"Sure...Just...don't mention the sex. My parents won't even talk about it around me." Decland found his clothes and dressed: first in his summer attire, then in the winter garb bestowed upon him by Nathan. Hachiko curled up on the bed and waited for the other males.

I got dressed as well. Once we were ready, I led us to the way back to Decland and Hachi's world. When we walked through, Decland's winter clothes disappeared, and he was in his summer clothes. "Now where's your family?" I asked

The ocelot pointed to the forest on top of the nearby hill. "On the other side of those woods. We just have to take the trail Hachi and I were on when we found you." Decland offered his paw to the winter mage and smiled. "We can hold hands if you want." The Akita looked up reassuringly to the anthroes and sat between them, ready to join them.

I smiled and then I had an idea. I knelt down and picked the dog up in one arm and held him close to me, and I held Decland close in the other. "Hold on tight," I said. I opened up my big blue wings and with one flap, we were airborne. I looked down and saw a small campsite. That must be it, I thought. I softly landed behind some trees and let the guys settle themselves. "Are you guys okay? Sorry that was so sudden but flying's much faster," I said.

During the flight, Decland screamed from a mix of excitement and surprise, and the Akita howls in a similar manner. After landing Decland excitedly hugged his new friend. "That was soooooo cool!" Hachiko reassuringly nuzzled the dragon's legs. It should be noted that in feral form, the canine comes up to Nathan's waist when he sits.

I knelt down next to Hachi and hugged him. "I hope I didn't scare you," I said

The Akita licked the dragon's face to show his lack of fear. "Oh, and don't mention magic or Hachi's transformation around my parents." The spotted feline said quietly. "They don't know about us."

I nod, and then we made our way to the camp site, where Decland's parents were sitting at the camp fire.

Sitting by the campfire and cooking lunch over and open flame were Decland's dad and step mom--a tall, slightly toned ocelot and a slender, golden jackal. The finishing touches on the stew they were making had just been put in the culinary masterpiece as its aroma wafted through the air. At a nearby picnic table under the retractable cloth awning of the camper, sat another golden jackal, who was about the same age as Decland, reading a fantasy novel and paying no attention to the world around him.

"Uhm... Decland? Aren't you going to introduce me?" I asked softly

"Oh, yes." Decland called the attention of his parents. "This is my new friend, Nathan. Can he join us for lunch?" The elder feline put out his hand to the scale, "Nice to meet you, Nathan. I'm Decland's dad, Dennis. I'd be delighted if you could join us." "I'm Marla," the jackal said in a Southern voice. "I'm Decland's step-mama. Decland doesn't have many friends, and I'd be honored if you broke bread with us." She smiled.

I bowed politely and said, "I would be glad to." I looked over to the side and saw another jackal. He seemed to be reading a fiction of some sort. "Who's he?" I asked

"That's mom's nephew, Buddy. His mom and dad are on a second honeymoon, so he's with us for the summer." Decland said as he tried to call his attention. "It's no use. He's not much of an outdoor person. He reads a lot of books, and he's not even done with a handful of the ones he brought with him.

It was later after lunch when Buddy had a look of disgust on his face, for he didn't much care for his cousin. He was walking along when he fell into the winter world.

The young jackal was walking and reading his book as he looked for a quiet place away from the chatting family. Lost in his own world, he looked up to realize that he was in a world of ice and snow. He shivered from the icy cold, for he only had on black sandals, blue sweat shorts, and a black t-shirt.

Suddenly, a sleigh pulled by two black feral stallions pulled up driven by a little green lizard. However, on the seat sat a tall person who seemed to be a snake with two white horns and black scales. His eyes appeared to be blood red, and he wore a long trailing black robe and white polar bear fur draped across his legs and shoulders, and he held a long golden wand in his hand. "STOP!" he called to the driver and the sleigh came to a halt in front of the shivering jackal. "And what, pray tell, are you?" the horned snake inquired.

"Uh... my name's Buddy," the jackal replied.

"Is that how you address a king?" the snake said feeling offended.

Garnering what he knew from his fantasy novels, the golden jackal replied, "P-Pardon my r-r-rudeness, your maj-j-jesty." He bows his head submissively. "My-my name is Buddy, S-S-S-Sire." The lost canine looked up to the fur clad male in the sleigh and beseeched him. "Might I-I impose upon thee thy assistance?" The serpent flickered his reptilian tongue and declared in an almost fatherly manner, "Why dear child, of course you may. Come and sit up here with me. I have pelts to spare for a poor, lost, little one like you." He reached out his hand to the freezing teen.

After wrapping the jackal in a polar bear fur, Exortos said, "Now, how about something hot to drink?"

"Yes please...your majesty," Buddy replied.

The snake reached into his robe and took out a small vial. He held it over the snow as one drop fell out. Once it hit the ground, ice began to form the stem of a goblet, and, in the bowl of the cup was steaming hot chocolate. The lizard hopped off the driver's seat and offered the cup to Buddy. "Your drink, sire," the lizard said bowing before the youth.

The jackal blushed from embarrassment and said, "I am grateful, Majesty, but you doth not have to call me 'Sire.' I am no one of any great import." Buddy took a sip of the hot chocolate. The heated sensation of the brew combined with the warmth of the fur caused him to unconsciously wag his bushy, golden tail. The reptilian ruler spoke in a sweetly encouraging tone as he took his original place in the sleigh. "Come now, young pup. Not just anyone can cross into this realm from another. Surely, thou are very important to my goals. Destiny has smiled upon thou this day, young Sire."

"Really? And how did you make the drink?" Buddy asked.

"I can make anything you like," Exortos said.

"Can you make me taller?" the young jackal asked.

The snake chuckled and said, "Anything you like to eat."

Buddy thought for a moment and then said, "Chocolate fudge?"

Exortos took out his vial making one drop on the snow, and a box of chocolate fudge appeared. Buddy was so happy that he started to eat. "Buddy, who else is with you?" Exortos inquired.

"I'm here with my cousin, an ocelot; and his dog, an Akita. Now, I have to deal with a new friend of theirs. Some dragon named Nathan."

Exortos was shocked but then regained his composure. "Buddy," he said at last, "I would very much like to meet the rest of your family."

"Why? They're nothing special," Buddy said as he ate the last piece of fudge.

"No, I'm sure they're not as nearly delightful as you are. But you see, Buddy, I have no children of my own," the snake said sadly. "And you are, by far, the cleverest and most handsome boy of all as I can see, one day becoming Prince of Seasons...maybe even King after I'm gone."

Buddy looked up at the snake-like ruler. "Really?" he asked with excitement.

"Of course you'll have to bring your family with you," Exortos said.

"Oh," Buddy replied, feeling crestfallen, "Does that mean Decland will be king too?"

"No," Exortos chuckled. "Well, a king needs servants."

"I guess I could bring them some other time," Buddy replied.

Then Exortos pointed to two rising hills over the tree tops. "Beyond these woods, see those two hills? My house is right between them. You'd love it there, Buddy. It has whole rooms simply stuffed with chocolate fudge," Exortos said as Buddy got out of the sleigh.

"Couldn't I have some more now?" he asked.

"NO!" Exortos said sharply but then calmed down, "Don't want to ruin your appetite. Besides, you and I will be seeing each other again very soon won't we?"

"I hope so, your majesty," Buddy said bowing.

"Until then, dear one. I'm gonna miss you," Exortos said smiling. Then he nodded to the lizard and the sleigh drove off out of sight. Buddy feeling cold again began his journey back to the campsite.

Buddy set back on the way he had come by following disappearing footpaw prints in the snow until he walked between two trees that were bending towards each other and twisted together at their tops. "You know..." he thought to himself, "My life sucks. Kids at school pick on me for being a non-athletic loner. Mom and dad are always traveling. Now, my cousin, if he can even be called that, has now got some fruity scale to go alone with his mangy, flea-ridden mutt. Being a prince sounds really nice right about now. At least I could live the life that I dream about when reading my novels..." Upon returning to the campsite, he is met by the glares of Decland's parents. Before he can speak, Marla states, "I don't wanna hear of it, Buddy. In the camper, now. We are going to have a nice, long talk." Meanwhile, Decland, Hachiko, and Nathan were talking and getting to know each other better as they heard the faintly audible yet easily ignored fragments of the conversation between the three in the RV. The sun was just barely beginning to set when the young Jackal exited the camper followed by Decland's parents. Dennis said to Buddy in a stern voice, "Go on, say it." "Decland...I'm sorry for looking at you the way I did earlier." His apology was quick but obviously insincere. "And," Marla added as the younger canine turn his gaze to Nathan. "I'm sorry, Nathan." In an innocent gesture to show that there was no bad blood, the adolescent ocelot motioned for the hound to join them and declared with a smile, "Come and join us. We don't know each other very well. Leave your book down for a bit and get to know us. We can even become friends as well as family." Anger and disgust rapidly arose within Buddy. He harshly and reflexively responded, "The last thing I need is to be friends with a weird, faggy beastialite like you! At least in my books, the characters are actually decent people, who don't fuck animals or others with the same shit in their under robes!" Before anyone can respond Buddy dashed off in the direction of the woods. When the ocelot's parents were about to act, Decland stood and protested. "Please, let me go talk to him. I'll calm him down." After they nod, he took off, running after the angered Jackal, and Hachiko was not two feet behind.

I followed as well, and I was more than surprised when I saw him go through the entrance to the winter world. "How did he find out?" I asked Decland as I landed next to him and Hachi

"And how did he know about the three of us?" Decland added as they ran towards the gate.

The moment we ran through, I tackled Buddy to the ground and held him there. "Stop, please," I said as I stood him up and gripped his shoulders, "What is the matter with you?" Then, I noticed that Decland and Buddy were still in summer clothes. With the flick of my hand, they were both dressed in winter clothes.

"Get off of me!" Buddy, too caught up in his frustration to even realize the winter clothing, struggled against Nathan's surprisingly strong hold. Decland came up. "Buddy, please calm down. You're being irrational." The spotted feline attempted to reach out to the jackal, but he was met by the same resistance. Hachiko barked, his natural instincts alerting him to something unordinary about the situation. Just then, the teen canine used his heel to strike the blue dragon hard in the shin, and he bolted towards the tall hills on the other side of the snow-laden woods.

Suddenly, a feral black unicorn ran in front of Buddy and rears up, making the jackal forget his anger and run back to us in fright. Decland stepped forward to the unicorn with his hand outstretched, hoping that the unicorn would be gentle.

The black unicorn looked at the cat's hand and then at Decland and out of its mouth came, "Well I'm not going to smell it if that's what you want."

Decland, unsurprised by the talking feral, responded by saying, "No, Sir. I just wanted to be friendly." "What the hell is that?" Buddy was trembling in his snow boots as he hid behind Decland. The Akita took a protective stance in front of the two teens and leered at the stallion with his emerald eyes as he growled with a pensive furry from perceived danger.

Then, the black unicorn bowed his head, lightly touching the Akita with his horn, and Hachi appeared in his anthro form and some winter clothes as well. "There, now you can be anthro for longer periods if you wish. My name is Teroso, and I better get you four to somewhere safe. Follow me," he said and trotted through the forest.

The group followed the equine as he led the way through the woods. Hachiko looked in amazement as he was able be anthro without consciously making the thought. When he felt his lovers put their arms around his--Decland on the right, Nathan on the left--the white and blue canine hugged them both. Decland spoke up. "Mr. Teroso, who are you and where exactly are we going?" Meanwhile Buddy, keeping his eye on the position of the snake's castle, silently waited for a chance to run.

Finally, the unicorn led them to a cave that was perfectly well hidden. "Further in," he said. It was warm and cozy inside. We all sat down and then the feral unicorn took to a muscular anthro form. "Now, to business: I'm here to take you to the guardians of the seasons," he said at last

Being the fantasy enthusiasts that he is, the site of the ferals turned anthroes did not surprise him, and he was sure to take a seat as close as he could to the door. Hachiko eyed the jackal and kept a check on him to ensure that he did not run. He knew that Decland would want his cousin, as bratty as he is, safe; and, being the devoted dog, he would follow suit. The ocelot listened attentively to what the horse has to say. "Who are these guardians of the seasons?"

"They are Spring, a unicorn mare; the Summer Stallion and his son, Autumn; and finally, the Snow King, Nathan's father," Teroso said. I looked up in surprise. "My... father? But, I thought I had no father," I said confused.

In the moment of surprise, the adolescent canine tried to bolt for the entrance. The Akita, in the next instant, was on his heels and forcefully grabbed him by the arm and restrained him against the cave wall. His treatment was rough but not painful to the boy. "Continue," is all he said.

"Well, the Snow King is a human, commonly known as Jack Frost in the world of mortals, and he fell in love with a young dragoness, your mother. However, the Black Serpent heard that the Snow King had no business what so ever with the mortals; so, one night, Exortos came to the house of Nathan's grandfather and killed the girl," he said. I gasped, and then tears came to my eyes. "From then on, the Snow King had lost his powers, and Exortos has made it so that it's always winter in this land to remind Jack Frost of his pain and, worst of all, the Snow King never got a chance to save his son. But now, he knows you're alive, and he sent me to bring you to him. But, you better be careful. If Exortos knew you were still alive, he would make sure you would share the same fate as many others. In his courtyard, there are people that Exortos had... turned to stone," Teroso said.

Buddy, seizing the opportunity, silently slipped away while we were all talking and Hachi didn't notice either.

The Akita was so enthralled by the tale that he didn't realize his grip had loosened so much. He tried to run after the teen, but upon stepping outside, he was met by a fiercer blizzard than he could've ever imagined and saw only a faint silhouette of a horse driven sleigh heading towards the distance. When he walked back in, he was met by the site of his feline lover embracing and trying to comfort his scalie lover. "Nathan..." the ocelot had no idea what to say, so he held tight to the dragon in an attempt to give the other youth some form of emotional security.

The jackal walked through the snow and saw a sleigh entering a castle at the exact location that Buddy was told to go. "I'll show them," he grumbled. "They have no right to say nasty things about his highness. He was nice to me." But somehow it had gotten colder. When he reached the court yard, Buddy was scared when he saw a lion standing in front of him, but the jackal wondered why this lion didn't lunge and attack. Then, he noticed the snow piled up on top of it and remembered what the others had said about Exortos turning people into stone. It was eerie work making his way through the court yard. Then, an anthro bull came up with sharp fangs came up and pinned the jackal to the wall. Buddy had no way of knowing that the bull was in fact a vampire.

"Who's there? Stand still stranger and tell me who you are," the bull snarled. Later, after some introduction, Buddy was allowed in.

On a throne sat the Black Serpent. "You've come at last...but where are the others?" he asked confused.

"They're not here yet," Buddy said.

"WHAT?! How dare you come alone! Did I not tell you to bring the others with you?!" Exortos roared angrily as he gripped the young jackal's shirt and shook him violently.

"S-S-Sire," The frightened Jackal began. "I know where they are...and, and, and I have information!" The serpent released the boy and gazes at him with his piercing, blood-red eyes and said, "Out with it, child." Recovering from the scale's outburst, Buddy stood up straight and looked up to him. He divulged every detail of what happened when he came back, including the current location of Nathan and the others. Exortos, re-adopting his fatherly demeanor pat the teen's head and said, "Well, that is helpful information, my prince to be. Please forgive my lapse in faith in you. You see, that dragon your relation has taken too is a roadblock to both of us. I can't keep my throne as long as he exists. This means that your princehood is also in jeopardy." He pulled the sun colored canine into a warm embrace. "Why just the thought is enough to make my blood boiled, and I'm cold blooded." He uses a claw to guide Buddy's eyes to meet is. "Won't you help me, my destined son?"

Buddy nodded and then asked, "I was wondering, could I maybe have some more chocolate fudge now?"

Exortos realized that all the jackal could think of was fudge and decided it was time to put off the charade. He looked at the lizard and said, "Our guest is hungry." The lizard stepped forward, pulled out his dagger.

"This way...for your num-nums," he sneered.

"Toros," Exortos called and the bull entered the room and bowed before his master. "Take with you the swiftest of your vampires to unicorn's cave. Kill whatever you find there. If they're not there, then make all speed to the castle of the guardians. Should you meet the prince and his companions, you know what to do," Exortos said to the bull.

"I hear and obey," Toros said bowing as he left.

Buddy was horrified when he heard every word of the conversation. "What have I done?" he thought.

After Nathan had calmed down from the shocking revelation of his heritage, everyone readied to the castle of the guardians. Suddenly, a clawing sound from the cave entrance alerted them to the presence of the Black Serpent's vampiric minions. Nathan froze the ground under them causing them to slip and momentarily slow the assault. Luckily, the entrance was too small to allow a large number in at a time. Hachiko readied himself to protect Decland and Nathan. Meanwhile, Buddy, having fulfilled any usefulness to Exortos, sits in a prison cage. The serpent, who, who he had adored as a father figure, had drug him there with his own claws and tossed him into holding cell like one would throw out a useless, broken toy.

We travelled day and night and then we found shelter in a burrow that some rabbits and fairies had made and gave us shelter.

The night was rough for Nathan. Torment and torturous memories of his past were compounded by the revelation of his mother's death and his father's capture. He whimpered and whined in his sleep. He awoke up crying and trembling with unresolved feelings and unanswered questions. Decland slept by his side and comforted him with affectionate, loving embraces and kisses. He stayed up with him and listened to his out pour of emotions. The ocelot was still too inexperienced in Nathan's world to know what to say. As his feline fur warmed the scale, he would tell him not to give up and that hope was still alive and well as long as his prince was. As the ocelot did this, his thoughts wondered to his cousin's safety. The Akita traded bi-hourly shifts with the stallion during the night in order to guard the ocelot and the dragon. When he was not on duty, Hachiko took feral form and curled up next to the worried reptile to offer extra comfort to him. On duty, he took his anthro form and patrolled the immediate area around the burrow. The next day, they all arrived at the castle. Meanwhile, Buddy remained locked in the subterranean prison of the serpent's castle. Given only stale bread, water, and a thin blanket, he lament's loosing himself in the honeyed words of the king, who he now knew had a heart as black as his scales. Curling up under the ragged, dirty sheet, he whimpered in a mix of regret and self-pity for his actions until he fell asleep.

The next morning, Exortos brought Buddy out, and they headed off in the direction of the guardians. Until suddenly..."What have we here? STOP!" The sleigh came to a stop at a party that consisted of fairies, a squirrel and his family, and an old owl. Buddy couldn't see what they were eating, but it smelled wonderful. The owl, who was the oldest of the group stood up and was about to make a toast but when they saw the sleigh and who was in it, the laughter died at once. "What is the meaning of this?" the Black Serpent hissed. "Speak, vermin, or do you want my lizard to find you a tongue with his whip? What's the meaning of all this gluttony, this waste, this self-indulgence? Where did you get all these things?!"

The owl spoke up, "Please, your highness, we were given them. And if I may be so bold as to drink to your majesty's good health-"

"Who gave to you?!" Exortos snarled.

"Well... it was...Santa Claus," the owl said.

" WHAT?!" Exortos gasped as he stood up wand in hand, "He has not been here. He cannot have been here. HOW DARE YOU! But, no...Say you have been lying, and you shall even now be forgiven."

"He has been here. He has!" squeaked the squirrel.

Exortos raised his wand ready to strike.

"Your majesty, please don't!" pleaded Buddy, but it was no good.

Exortos aimed his wand at the party, and they were all turned to stone statues. "As for you," Exortos said as he slapped the jackal across the cheek, "Let that teach you to ask favors for spies and traitors!" Then, the Black Serpent seated himself down again and told the lizard, "Drive on." And the sleigh was off.

Buddy looked at the statues and rubbed the throbbing on his cheek.

The winter prince was greeted by royal sentinels and fairies at the castle entrance. A new feeling of acceptance began to overcome him as he and his "royal entourage", as the subjects called them, were lead the inner chamber of the guardians. Four rulers sat upon their thrones in the lavish, beautifully decorated hall. On the far right, sat the Summer Stallion, bringer of the sun's rays. Clad in only a tannish-brown loin cloth that ended at his knees, the muscular, brown equine's black mane, muzzle, and hooves were encompassed by ever present solar radiance; and his golden yellow throne, draped over the head and arms with reflexive, silver cloth, only serves to emphasize his radiance. To his left, sitting upon his oak brown throne outlined in a muted red and orange trim, was Autumn. Much like his father, the younger horse donned only a loincloth, which was black and only descends to halfway down his knees. Except for his blonde mane and tail and less toned body, he was the spit and image of his father. Long, browning vines adorned in multicolored leaves are his only other accessory. To the far left, was a white mare, Spring. A strapless and backless sundress of pink, red, and white roses covered her body, from just above her voluptuous bosoms to her statuesque legs, leaving only her ankles and foothooves exposed. Her horn, mane, and tail, shimmered like morning due. Finally, in the middle left, sat a man. His human appearance made him stand out from the others. His body, hair, and small beard were as white as the snow. His white robe and crown would had been unnoticeable if it was not for his blue sash, collar, fingerless gloves, and the blue jewels embedded in his royal headwear. Upon seeing the young dragon, a soft smile crossed his face. Nathan ran to the man he knew has to be his fabled father, but, alas when he tried to touch him, the scale's hand passed right through the pure robes. With tears of sadness welling up in his azure eyes, the Snow King addressed his son. "I wish with all of my being that I could touch you, Nathan, but I'm only an astral projection."

I began to fall to my knees and weep from longing to be held by my father. Suddenly, I felt hands on my shoulders. I looked up, and Hachi was in anthro form. He then held me in a tight embrace as I cried into his chest fur.

Momentarily moving his paw away, he beckoned the ocelot to join him. Decland responded immediately. Embracing the dragon from behind, the feline recreated the circle of warmth from when they made love the previous day and whispered into the distraught prince's ear. "I know what you are going through. My biological mother died when I was just a kit...Not a day passes that I don't think of her. But, for this moment, there is hope right in front of you. You know that your father is alive, and that's a gift that very few ever get." As he divulged his past, he tightend his hold on his new friend, and tears began to form in his own eyes. Hachiko repositioned himself so that he could embrace both of his lovers and pulled them into his bare chest so they may share his comfort and their pains.

Then, Teroso whispered something to the Summer Stallion in his ear, and the horse guardian nodded. Suddenly, Teroso took to his feral form and ran off to rescue the jackal that Exortos had imprisoned.

Meanwhile, the snow had melted and Buddy was made to walk in front with his hands tied behind his back and the driver was using his whip to make sure the jackal didn't stop. Suddenly, a black unicorn appeared and scooped the jackal on to his back and went off quick as lightning back to the guardians. Exortos was shocked and angry to see his prisoner had escaped. "If it's a war the guardians want, its war they shall get," he said.

Heading at the speed of the sun's radiance, Teroso galloped back to the magically fortified palace. He burst into the throne room and dashes past the thrones and into the personal sanctum of the Summer Stallion. All Buddy could see were the blurry figures of the Ice dragon following a white, ghostly figure into another room and Decland and Hachiko following a blinding white mare into another. The shining horse's personal sanctum was of a seemingly infinitely expanding meadow surrounded by trees. A river cut through the tree line. The feral jumped into the air and transformed, landing on his hindhooves and catching the petrified canine in his arms. He held the boy close to him as he carried the youth to a tree with ripe, red fruit. He kissed the youth in a chaste yet loving manner. Thankful for his rescuer, the golden jackal was caught off guard by the kiss. In the next moment, an instant feeling of security and warmth filled his being. The equine broke the kiss and declared. "As I have feared, young pup, you have the dark one's magic inside of you. We need to get rid of it before it further corrupts your impressionable soul."

Teroso gave the fruit to Buddy, and the jackal ate it and almost gagged when he swallowed it. But after a while, the awful moment was over. The black unicorn held Buddy in his arms. "It's alright. You're safe now," he said softly.

Buddy began to weep tears of graduate. "Thank you, Sir." He curled up into a ball and bawled like a lost kit. "After what I've done, I don't deserve to have the privilege of being in the presence of such a noble man who would waste his time on a knave like me." The jet black stallion kneeled down and took the crying lad's chin in his hand. Gently guiding his muzzle until their gazes met, he said, "Look upon me and know that you indeed have a great destiny. You were just led astray by the Black Serpent's words and magic. No doubt when you first met, he gave you nourishment. It is that act that allowed him to manipulate your heart. But, as I have said, you are safe now." The bigger male leaned in and kissed the adolescent in the same manner as he had before.

Teroso, noticing that he is still undressed, began to slip Buddy out of his clothes as the kiss deepened.

The young Jackal felt a stirring in his youthful loins. He broke the kiss, nervously covered his privates, and looked away with a deep red blush across his face. The stallion wordlessly took his paw and gently guided it to his equine sheath. "Feel." His voice was patient, prompting the lad to do as he said. Buddy felt the hidden manhood rapidly hardening from within the horse. The boy's own staff quickly erected completely. When he saw this, Teroso reached out a hoof and caressed the inexperienced tool, eliciting a whine of nervousness and pleasure from the younger male. "It's ok, young pup." The jet fur's voice was soothing and pleasuring to the golden hound. "I have just the thing for you."

Teroso picked a fruit which was the shape of a peach, but it was cherry red. Teroso bit into it and then offered it to Buddy, whom timidly bit into it. He began to feel light headed and more relaxed. Then, he and Teroso bit into the fruit together and when they got to the center, the juice began to flow in between them as they began kissing again.

The fragrance and nectar of the fruit spread through both male's senses as the remaining juices cascaded down their muzzles and chests. Buddy couldn't believe what he was feeling. He was more relaxed and wanted to be with this man. His inhibitions gone, the canine gasped when he felt a soft tingling in his virgin puphood, testicles, and untouched boy flower. He broke the kiss and embraced the elder man as tight as his tiny body could. He spoke in and needy yet frantic tone, "What...What is this I'm feeling?" He whimpered and wined softly. "Returning the teen's embrace, Teroso said, "It's the Fruit of Truth. It brings true feelings, thoughts, and emotions to the surface no matter how deep they are buried. Trust those newly found things, boy, and do as they bid."

"If that's the case," Buddy said as he looked up into the unicorn's eyes, "I just wanted to tell you that... I love you. Ever since we first met, I couldn't help but feel this strong desire to be with you always."

The equine ran his hand over the jackal's head fur. "I know, I felt it too. That's why I asked the Summer Stallion's permission to rescue you and bring you to his sanctum of sunlight." He knelt down so that he was at Buddy's eye level. His manhood was slowly emerging from his sheath as he nuzzled the boy's face with his. "Exortos' magic is gone from you now, and you can see things more clearly. If you want, we can consummate our feeling's now." The golden canine's own, seven inch bone was now fully out of its housing. He shyly nodded and embraced the horse again. The unicorn smiled as he pulled away and reconnected their gazes. He used a big, strong, gentle hoof to caress the trembling boy's member, an act that caused the boy to gasp in need. "Just tell me what you want to do, my pup, and I will do it. You are in control, and you set the pace."

Buddy was in pure bliss when he felt Teroso stroke his member, and he wanted more. "Please... I want you to suck on my member... I have never had it done to me before," Buddy said shyly as he lay back on the soft bed of grass beneath them and spread his legs apart.

Teroso gave the prostrate lad another chaste kiss as he caressed him behind the ears. Then, he moved downward, planting kisses on his nubile chest and stomach before reaching the boy's inexperienced staff. The unicorn took a slow inhale of the mixed fragrance of the fruit juices and natural, boy musk before running his tongue teasingly yet lovingly over Buddy's quivering cock.

The young jackal whimpered and moaned as the unicorn teased his member, and Buddy gripped the grass in tightly clenched fists. "Nnngh...Teroso... Nnngh," moaned Buddy as the aroma of the fruit filled his nostrils, and pre began to leak from the tip of his member.

When his tongue tasted the boy's fresh pre, the unicorn took in the tip and suckled on it. Slowly working his way down, his tongue and muzzle played on the boy's rod all the way to the base.

Buddy was beginning to enjoy himself now as this stallion of a unicorn began to give him the pleasure and attention that the jackal had been longing a lifetime for. This wasn't one of those quick and go moments. No, this was the feeling of passion and understanding of one another's emotions and being connected for all eternity, and Buddy had secretly long before dreamed of this moment for his whole life. Now, he was with the man of his dreams, the one who he would love and would love him in return.

As Teroso pulled up to repeat his vigorous yet loving oral workings on the sweet staff, his own mind was racing at high-speed. He loved being the messenger and servant of the Seasonal Guardians, but his lot in life was a lonely one. He himself had longed for a lover. Though many chances for sex presented themselves, he wanted love: true, passionate, destined. Now, he had met this boy, and their emotions were synchronizing perfectly.

Suddenly, and unexpectedly, Buddy jerked his hips up as fresh seed shot into the unicorn's muzzle and some splattered on his cheek. "Oh my... I-I'm sorry," the young jackal panted as he blushed and felt sad that it was over so soon, but he wanted more; he wanted to be with this guy always.

Teroso moved his muzzle to the canine's and kissed him. This time he used his tongue to part his lips and let the boy's own juices flow into his maw. The boy's wish to continue was granted by the power of the Fruit of Truth, and his member began to rapidly re-erect, ready for more.

"Teroso... I love you so much," the young boy said in between their kiss, "I... I want to be mated... I want no one else but you to take me... but I'm scared... I mean, this is my first time." Buddy blushed and looked down, feeling ashamed that he mentioned that it was his first time.

The unicorn whispered in the boy's ear. "It's mine too."

Buddy looked up at Teroso and smiled as he wrapped his arms around the stallion's neck. "I want you, Teroso, and no one else... I love you," Buddy said, closing his eyes, and his tail began to wag.

The stallion wrapped his burly arms around him. "I want you to Buddy. With all my heart. Now, tell me what you want me to do for you next."

"I... I want you to mate me.. Missionary, please. I want to cherish your sweet lips while you're making me your mare," Buddy said shyly as he traced Teroso's lips with his fingers.

Without another word, the horse's hoof cascaded down the boy's body, privates, and under his taint. When he found the boy's flower, his thick index finger gently prodded it, forcing the puckered flesh to give way to his digit as it slid in easily.

Buddy winced as his entrance was stretched for the first time, and he gripped the grass so tightly that his knuckles began to turn white. Oh, how it hurt, but as long as it was Teroso doing it, the young jackal could handle it.

"You're still too tight, pup." His voice is gentle and loving. "I can loosen you with my tongue, or I can use the Fruit of Truth's juices."

Buddy nodded and said, "Yes... both fruit and tongue... please." He was too lost in the moment to think of anything else at this point

The horse takes another fruit and bit into it. His prodigious cock began to leak pre onto the ground. He took another bite and kissed the boy, sending the fruit into the boy's system. Buddy's mind ran faster as his cock pulsated for attention, and his ass wettened. "Raise your legs and hold them up for me, my pup."

Buddy nodded as he lifted his legs up and wrapped his arms around them to keep them in position.

The equine squeezed the remnants of the fruit, causing the juices to fall on the unexplored crevice. The younger fur moaned as his flower tingled more. The elder male dove into the relaxing pucker and began to gently push his tongue into the boy's virgin territory.

Buddy moaned at once, never having a tongue inside him before ,but the feeling sent him into pure bliss.

The mix of fruit and anal juices was pure heaven to the older male, whose black tongue drove deeper and deeper into the youth's body. Pulling his muzzle away, the horse shoved a finger in gently.

The switch from tongue to finger was a surprise to Buddy, but then it became comfortable as he moaned sweetly. "I... I think I'm ready for your member," the young jackal said.

Taking the skinny legs in each hand, the equine positioned his massive, fifteen inch tool at the boy's entrance and slowly pushed in. The black, pink splotched rod met little resistance as it invaded the boy's canal.

Buddy winced and moaned at first but then relaxed as he saw the unicorn lean down and gently kiss him.

Holding the kiss, he continued to slowly enter the boy, and they both moaned into each other's muzzles. He completely hilted himself inside Buddy and allowed time for him to adjust. He carefully used his tongue to explore his lover's maw as he wrapped his arms under the lad's body.

Buddy, in turn, wrapped his arms around Teroso's neck and his legs around the unicorn's waist.

The equine slowly pulled out of the youth's slickened tailhole. With every pleasurable inch, he moaned in ecstasy as is tongue explored the boy's maw.

Buddy moaned and kept on kissing the one he loved as he felt his climax approaching once more.

His virgin cock pulsated as he pushed back in. The contractions began immediately, flooding the boy's tiny from with a massive load of horse jizz; however, the horse was still pumping his manhood in and out of the lad's tailhole, even as his cum kept flowing and flowing out.

The moment Buddy felt Teroso's seed inside his chamber, the jackal immediately released his seed, and it splattered all across both their chests.

With the power of the fruit maintaining their erections for them, the two males held tight to one another as their orgasms passed. Pulling away momentarily, the horse lapped at his chest and stomach as well as the younger furs's and reconnected their muzzles in order to share a passionate, seed-sweetened kiss.

Then, Buddy laid Teroso on his back, and he began sucking on the unicorn's member and tasted pre and the juices from the Fruit of Truth.

The Fruit of Truth was quite the amazing thing. Buddy's thrust quickly accommodated to the sizable equine shaft. The teen was able to take five inches before starting to gag on the prodigious manhood. To encourage his lover, the unicorn fondled both the boy's ears, an act which caused the boy to take more of the horse's leaking hose into his body.

Then, Buddy had Teroso's member go down a little deeper making the boy almost gag.

Murring from the boy's oral ministrations, the elder male said, "Take all the time you need, pup. I'll wait until you are ready for my nectar. "

Buddy nodded and lickd the tip of Teroso's member lovingly and slowly stroked the unicorn's member.

Teroso let Buddy set the pace as he slowly bucked into the boy's inexperienced maw.

"Mmmmm..." Buddy moaned as he kept on sucking at last, he said to Teroso, "I want to fill you"

Taking the young jackal's chin in his hand, Teroso said, "Just name the position, my love pup, and I'll take your seed without any refusal."

"Missionary," Buddy said as he crawled over Teroso and laid on his chest as he kissed the stallion lovingly.

Smiling, the unicorn raised his thick, muscular legs to the air and used his strong hands to hold them. "Be gentle, my pup."

"I promise," Buddy said softly as he gently pushed into the unicorn's tight chamber and slowly thrusted in and out of Teroso, enjoying the sounds of the stallion's moans.

Moans, syncopated by gasps, sounded throughout the expansive sanctum, and the equine let his young lover explore his most sacred depths. "Buddy, I love you! Be my love pup forever! Please!"

"I... I will be honored," Buddy panted as he thrusted, "And I love you too. And please be my stallion." Then, with a few more thrusts, the young jackal howled out as his knot entered Teroso's chamber with a pop, which made the stallion neigh and release his horse seed all over them both.

The golden teen fell forward, landing on the equine's hard-on and the pool of fresh horse seed. After a few moments of motionless, sticky, silent intimacy, he horse stood and held tight to the boy as he carried him to the river. He stepped in and let the natural current cleanse their bodies of the residual juice, sweat, and cum. With the boy falling rapidly asleep, Teroso carried him back under the shade of a giant tree and lay in the grass. As the heat began to dry them, Buddy fell asleep in his elder love's chest, and the unicorn wasn't too far behind.

Tale of the Winter Prince Chapter 3: An Attempt on a Life and the Calm Before the Storm.

**Tale of the Winter Prince** **Chapter 3: An Attempt on a Life and the Calm Before the Storm.** The lovers slept through the night in the Summer Stallion's sanctum. Nathan slept in the bed of his father. Although he was lonely, he did feel...

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