Unexpected Exploits Chapter 1: The Artist and the Archeologist : A Chance Meeting, a Need for Confidence, and the Possible Budding of a Relationship

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#1 of Unexpected Exploits

This is a roleplay between me and Realwarpet.

I n this story a young, art student with a lack of confidence has a chance meeting with an interesting elder gentleman. What ensues in the following hours and next day is a game of emotions, sex, and uncertainty. What will come of it?

Unexpected Exploits

Chapter 1:

The Artist and the Archeologist :

A Chance Meeting, a Need for Confidence, and the Possible Budding of a Relationship

It is a beautiful day in a big city. The sun is shining high in the sky down upon the city. It's late morning, when most people are briskly working away at their daily grinds and looking forward to their lunch breaks. Birds--both feral and anthropomorphic--soar through the sky and cast shadows upon the ground. At the local park may people, mostly retirees and college students, enjoy the beautiful day through many activities.

One young man, an anthropomorphic Smeargle, is walking around the park and sketching whatever is catching his eye. His Life Drawing final is coming up and he has to find the perfect subject to capture his work. Most students ask their friends, but this boy is a loner, who would rather spend his time creating than socializing. The aspiring artist--clad in black denim jeans, a white t-shirt with a rainbow spectrum of paw prints all over it, and red flip flops--is walking around the lush, well-kept grass in order to find see what inspiration awaits.

Of course, every big city had a few bad apples. It wasn't long before the poor boy bumped into a large group, and accidentally got paint on their leather jackets. It was a group of five Mightyenas and when he bumped them, he'd landed on his ass. The leader of the group grabbed the Smeargle by his shirt and growled. 'Do you have any idea how much this jacket costs, ya piece a shit!' the Mightyena was baring his teeth, most likely preparing a biting attack.

Every member of the gang of Mightyena is taller than the five feet four inch tall Smeargle. He raises his arms in fearful protest, causing him to drop his paper, isle, and paints all over the ground. "Please, don't hurt me," he pleads frantically. "I should've watched where I was going. I'll do anything. Just don't hurt me." He struggles slightly as he is lifted off the ground by who seems to be the leader of the pack. Unfortunately, he accidentally kicks his container of paints, causing it to pop open and fling paint all over the pants and shoes of the canines.

The Mightyenas were about to steal his wallet when he knocked over the paint and got it everywhere! 'We'll we were gonna take your money, now we'll just take your life!' The Mightyena opened his mouth as some very deadly looking poison dripped from his teeth! If Liam weren't scared for his life before he sure as shit was now!

In a panic, the beagle-like Pokémon closed his eyes and a bright flash of light flashes in the middle of the group encircling him. The bigger canines scream in surprise, and the one holding him loosens his grip. He takes the opportunity to run through an opening left by two of the thugs and run as fast as he can.

Soon though, two of the thugs landed in front of him, knocked out! Liam turned around and saw a Luxray wearing some formal clothing. He gave the remaining Pokémon a swift roundhouse to knock them all out. He looked over at the Smeargle. 'Hey, you alright?' he asked the cowering Smeargle.

The frantic artist slowly nods his head in amazement and shock of what had just happened. "Th-Thank you, Sir...I accidentally bumped into them and they were about to take my money. Paint splattered on them, and I managed to run. I'm not athletic at all and when they would've caught me, they would've seen that I have no money. Then I'd really be in trouble. Again, thank you." The Smeargle bows his head to the bigger, older Luxray.

Yarxul smiled and rubbed his head. 'Well, you did just piss off a really important member of a big gang. You might need to hide out for a while...not to mention you look like you REALLY need help. So, care to stay with me, until this blows over...or the gang is arrested. Whichever comes first.'

"That's...That's kind of you to offer." The sheepish artist looks up to the elder man. "However, I'm a college student and I have classes and assignments. I can't afford to hide out and..." His eyes widen and he declares in realization, "My supplies!" He immediately rushes past the big cat and to his nearby paints and paper. The isle and art box were broken; the paper was trampled; the paints were splattered on the grass and concrete. He falls to his knees. "I spent the last of this week's budget on all this for my class..." Tears begin to well up in his eyes as he gazes upon the remains of his art supplies.

Yarxul put a hand on his shoulder. 'Don't worry kid; it's no use crying over spilled paint. Or so the saying goes.' Yarxul said trying to cheer the poor boy up. 'Tell you what kid, how about I buy you some art supplies, and you promise me you'll pass your class.' he said showing Liam a kind, gentle smile.

Liam raises his head with a soft smile. "Really, Sir? That would be awesome. I promise to pay you back as soon as I can." The Smeargle stands and wipes some tears away from his face.

'By the way, my name's Yarxul. What's yours?' Yarxul asked as he helped the boy to his feet before heading towards an art store. Though he didn't know where it was, and let Liam lead the way.

The smaller male held out his paw. "I'm Liam." after shaking hands, the younger male leads Yarxul to the art store across town, the two chatted about idle things in their lives. At the specialty store, Liam looked for the exact paints, paper and isle he had earlier. All were found in the discounted supplies that were about to go out of date. The boy had little money for himself, so he cut cost any way he could. Also, he didn't feel right having this kind, elder gentleman pay for any more than he himself could afford.

Yarxul chuckled when the boy tried to buy some out of date things. 'Kid, don't worry about cost. If anything, I'm a bit upset you're trying to cheap out though I get why. Just buy the things you really want, and I'll pay for it.' Yarxul said giving the boy a pat on the back.

"Yes, Sir. Thanks you, Sir." Liam puts back all of the supplies and goes for the more well-known materials for heavy use and paints what were months away from expiring. After the Luxray paid for the items, Liam bowed thankfully to him.

'Now, I still think you should come back with me. I'm curious what you'll be drawing.' Yarxul said as he carried everything. Thankfully Yarxul was a strong guy, all it did was make him look stronger though. Yarxul lived closer to here then Liam did...maybe.

"Well...I would feel safer after that big scare. How long would I stay?" Liam offered to carry something to lighten the feline's burden.

Yarxul gave him some of his paint buckets. 'Well, I'd say at least three days, but you can stay as long as you want Liam.' Yarxul said as his home was right outside the park. What a strange place for a grown man to live. Though, I suppose the scenery at the park was nice, and it was a good place to meet people.

Liam carries the buckets without too much of a problem. "If your house is that close to the park, won't that gang be close by?" The Smeargle presents a worried look on his face.

'Heh! If they're stupid, they'd attack my house. Remember what happened when they attacked you? I was going easy on them, nothing but hand to hand combat.' Yarxul said with a confident smile. 'I still use Nuzzle, mostly for utility. I'll take them all out with Discharge.'

"Wow, Sir...You're so strong. I could never be as tough as you. I'm too much of a pussy to stand up for myself." The artist gets a forlorn look in his eyes as he absently gazes ahead.

'Kid, if you say you're a pussy, that's exactly what you are.' Yarxul sounded incredibly harsh. 'If you keep kicking yourself, you'll never get up. I'm sure you're a pretty tough guy. After all, you can learn any move you want with Sketch.'

The young, twenty something flinches from the older man's words. "I really only know Flash, for when I'm working on my work late at night. Besides, fighting is about spirit...And I don't have any."

'Care to Sketch Nuzzle then? If you use it, you'll paralyze the enemy. Gives you a chance to fight or flee.' He said opening the door to his house. He set the supplies down when he heard someone running down the stairs. It was a young Shinx, and he leapt into Yarxul's arms shouting, 'Daddy!'

"That would be a good idea. I think." The Smeargle's ears perk up to the sound of running feet. When the little cub hos into Yarxul's arms the artist ask, "So he must be your son."

'Yep.' Sparx said smiling at him. 'This is my son, Sparx.' Yarxul said as they both were smiling at Liam. 'So, what's your name?' the young boy asked as his dad set him down

He bends down to meet the little one at eye level. "My name is Liam, and I owe your daddy big time. He really helped me out today." The beagle smiles at the kit.

'He does that a lot.' Sparx said smiling at his dad as Yarxul rubbed his son's head. 'So Liam you can set up in the guest room and paint whatever you like.'

"Thank you, Sir." The artist stands on his feet. "I still have time to find a subject for my Life Drawing final, but I think I will calm down with some free drawing..." The young man's words are cut off by the growling of his stomach.

'I think you need to calm down with some good food instead.' Yarxul said chuckling as he went to make some lunch. 'What are you hungry for?'

"I'm fine with a grilled cheese sandwich. It's my daily lunch anyway." He reaches down to pet the little Shinx. "Would it be ok to let Sparx draw with me?"

'Sure.' Yarxul said getting out some bread and butter. Sparx looked up at Liam. 'So, you're a painter?' Sparx said sounding very impressed.

"Yeah...Well...I want to be, but a lot of the other students in my classes are better than me." His voice gets slightly softer, proof of his lack of confidence.

'Well, you're the first artist I've met, so you're the best!' he said smiling as they went up into the extra room. Not much here other than a bed on the side. This room could be a nice art studio.

"Wow...I like the feel of this room." He opens the curtains to let light flood into the room. "This is a perfect light for drawing. Do you have an old sheet we can use to cover the carpet?"

'Probably.' Sparx said as he went downstairs to ask his dad, and came back up and got a tarp out of the room's closet...though they both missed it. 'Dad laid it down when he painted the room.'

"Excellent." Liam tears two pages of large sized drawing paper out of his sketch book. After laying them on the floor, he takes some colored pencils out of his art box and hands them to the younger male.

Sparx smiled and started drawing what could only be called stick people. Though he did use different colors so you could tell it was probably him and his dad. But he also drew Liam in there too. Or at very least some other Smeargle

Liam smiles when he sees the young feline's efforts. "That's very good Sparx. Here is mine." He reveals his sketch to the cub. It's a very detailed sketch of a fountain in the park. Light blue water arks from the spouts of grey stone dolphins. Cherry Blossom trees grow on both sides of the marvelous structure. In front of it, stand Yarxul holding Sparx.

'I like it' Sparx said with a smile. 'So why do you think you aren't good? This looks really good to me.' he said trying to take in all the detail when Yarxul called them down for lunch

Liam scoops up the little cub in his arms. "Because I can only manage a B in any of my classes, and a lot more students get As on all theirs."

Sparx smiled and gave the Smeargle a hug as they went downstairs to eat. Sparx jumped down and sat at the table to eat his sandwich.

Liam takes a seat beside sparks. "Thanks for the meal Yarxul." The student bites into the sandwich and smiles widely. "This tastes awesome. Anytime I make it, my cheese isn't gooey enough, but you did it perfectly."

'Thanks, i tried to make the bread a golden brown.' he said sitting down and eating his own. 'So, how's the drawing coming along?' Yarxul said smiling.

"It's going great. Sparks drew a picture of you, him and what appeared to be me." The Smeargle laughed nervously. And I drew something I remembered from the park.

'Really? I'd love to see you draw a portrait of me as a model.' Yarxul said chuckling as he had seen Sparx's drawing before. It was pretty cute.

"Well...You asked me what I was looking for earlier. I was looking for someone to pose nude for me. It's my final project for my Life Drawing class." Liam looked away shyly and blushed. "Y-Y-You are a perfect model of a man, and..."

Yarxul chuckled a bit. Mostly because of how embarrassed Liam was. 'Don't worry it's not like I'll see you naked.' Yarxul said, getting a bit curious about it though.

"W-Well...I wouldn't mind...If it would make you feel more at ease about doing it." Liam's face blushes. "If you want I can set up after Sparx goes to bed."

'Sure, though Sparx would probably wanna join.' Yarxul said as Sparx smiled up at Liam.

"But...Are you sure? I mean...we will be naked. It doesn't bother me, because I was raised in a nudist family. In fact the first thing I do when I get to m dorm room is strip to nothing. I don't even wear underwear." The Smeargle realizes he is blathering on. "I'm sorry if that was too much information."

'Well, it's my son. I've seen him naked plenty of times.' Yarxul said catching that last part. 'To be fair, I could do a nude portrait of someone fully clothed.' he said pointing out he had x-ray vision. 'Not that I'd do something like that. Nor can I even draw.'

"What do you do for a living anyway?" Liam asked, momentarily forgetting the topic of nudity. "Your house is very nice. Sparx must go to a top notch school."

'I'm an explorer.' Yarxul said. Basically, a Pokémon archeologist. 'And I home school Sparx. Though, I suppose that is top notch schooling.' Yarxul said with a laugh.

"That sounds so cool!" Liam hops out of his seat. "You really are a pillar of masculinity. Just like an Ancient Greco-Roman god."

Yarxul chuckled because of his reaction. 'I suppose I am.' He said with a modest smile.

"Oh, if I do draw you, I need a consent form signed...but I left it at my dorm." Drat, I can't do much right." The expressive artist frowns.

'Heh. Tell ya what, it'll just be me, and I'll sign it later kid.' he said giving the boy a smile.

"Yes!" The excited student exclaims happily. "I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

'Heh. Pass college.' He said smiling as they finished lunch.

"I'll do the dishes. I insist." He gathers the dishes and heads to the sink.

'Alright then.' Yarxul said as he and Sparx gave him their plates. Not that the cheese got on their really.

Liam makes quick work of the dishes and joins the cats in the living room. "Dishes are done. So what should we do now?"

'Well, how about we watch some TV, then dinner, then you can start drawing me. I'm sure you're better then you say you are.'

"Sounds like a plan. It's the weekend tomorrow, so I have no class. We can take all the time we need." Liam takes a seat next to Yarxul and Places Sparx in his lap.

Sparx smiled and nuzzled him. 'So Liam, how fast can you paint?' Yarxul asked as he was pretty fast!

The painter thinks for a moment. "I guess I can paint pretty fast, but speed can decrease accuracy. I prefer to take my time to make the best image possible. I remember studying the Ruins of Alph in my Art History classes. All the depictions of the Unkown were so detailed. The artisans of old had to have taken time to produce things so beautiful and eternal. That's what I want." Liam gets a starry look in his eyes.

'Hehe. I've been there before.' Yarxul said as he said something in a language Liam didn't recognize. Maybe it was gibberish

Liam looks at the elder male with and inquisitive look.

'I'll tell you later. He said as he got up and got dinner ready.

Liam settles with Sparx sitting on his crossed legs. They are watching an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Sparx was confused by this show, 'Isn't this for girls?' Sparx said not getting it.

"Some think that. But it has lessons that everyone can learn. Also, a lot of boys worldwide like this show for many different reasons."

Huh. That's weird.' Sparx said watching anyway.

They watch the episode where Discord is reformed by Fluttershy. The draconeqqus tries his best, but Fluttershy doesn't give up on him until the end. When she does let him have it, the remorseful being of chaos realizes the value his newly formed friendship means to him and apologizes for what he has done.

'Wow...the pink one's kind of horrible.' Sparx said noting how it seemed like she intentionally created a one sided relationship.

"I don't think so. She was patient with him and tried to get him to become reformed, but it took her turning from him to show him how important friendship is to him."

'But didn't she say she had a plan? That sounded like using her friendship on him was her plan the whole time.'

"Actually, I think her plan was her patience, which she held for a lot longer than many could."

'I dunno. Patience isn't much of a plan if she did it in a day.'

"You're a very thoughtful little one for your age. However, I respect our different view of the show. Would you rather watch something else?"

'Got any other shows?'

"Hmmm...Power Rangers, a classic...Adventure Time, always something interesting...Steven Universe, awesome...Gravity Falls...I don't know. May be a bit over your head..."

Nothing's over my head!' Sparx said enjoying Steven Universe.

"I saw your ears perk at Steven Universe. So let's watch that."

'Sweet.' Sparx said knowing the show was actually really good!

The two settle in and watch the adventures of Steven and the Crystal Gyms.

It was the episode about Steven's dad and his mom. It was surprisingly very sweet.

"Awwww...The feels of that episode. Rose was beautiful."

'That was really nice.' Sparx said smiling as he heard his dad say dinner was done.

Liam stands with the cub in his arms and walks to the dining room. "What's for dinner?"

'Spaghetti.' Yarxul said making some plates.

"I haven't had that in a while." the Art student sits the Shinx on his chair.

Sparx smiled as Liam sat between the pair and had Yarxul serve the food to him.

Dinner passes without incident. The three talk, and Liam gets a sense of home and security he had not felt in quite a while.

Soon though it had gotten late and Sparx headed up stairs to bed.

Liam sets up his isle and paper in the spare room to the house. As Yarxul disrobes, the younger male is nervous. This is his first ever private session with another guy.

Yarxul smirked at Liam 'don't worry Liam, I'm Sure you'll do great.' he said deciding to face away, so Liam could get a good look at his ass first.

The Smeargle's eyes are drawn to the site of the supple, firm glutes of the older man. The student re focuses and begins his sketching of the masculine feline. First the outline of the body. Then, the limbs and details of the muscles. Finally, the fur around his subject's arms and legs and mane. Although he captures the Luxray's details perfectly, he can't stop the continual stirring in his youthful loins.

Yarxul smiled once he saw the boy take off. He was right in the zone and Yarxul wouldn't stop him.

Feeling heated. Liam sets aside his artist's tools and strips off his shirt before resuming and taking a careful eye over the big cat to catch every detail. After he is completely satisfied he says, "Ok. I have everything from this angle. You can reposition now."

Yarxul grinned as he watched Liam strip. He turned around and showed off his cock and balls. Not to mention his six pack.

To distract himself from the drop dead sexiness of the elder man, the artist flips to the next page and begins sketching the feline's frontal body in the same order as before. He finds himself taking extra time on the cock, balls and six-pack. In order to lighten the mood the Smeargle asked, "What was it that you said before making dinner?"

'I'll tell you after you finish that drawing.' Yarxul said saying it again.

"Almost..." He places the finishing touch on the smooth, fleshy schlong. "Done. We can break now."

Yarxul smiled and sat down next to him, easily spotting the boys erection, though he only glanced.

"Now, the saying." Liam looks into the elder man's eyes.

'It means, i lust you.' he said before pressing his lips to Liam's.

The Smeargle is about to question Yarxul, the kiss silences him. He's motionless from the surprise of the action. He finds his arms embracing the feline as he tries to press deeper into the kiss.

Yarxul kissed him deeply as his hands found their way in Liam's pants. 'Feels like I found something big.' Fe said as he pulled out Liam's cock.

After the kiss is broken, the blushing Pokémon said. "Wait. Are you sure you want me like this?" Even through his protesting question, his smooth, red, cut member throbbed gently in the Luxray's hand.

'Define like this.' he said as he took off Liam's pants and licked down his chest.

The nervous male whines from the gently licks. "I mean...Someone like me who's weak and needs to be taken care off." The full thirteen inches of the student's cock quivers from the breath of the man hovering over it.

'Mmmmm. That's exactly the kinda guy I like. It teaches him he's full of it.' Yarxul grinned and suckled on the head of Liam's cock.

"F--Full of wha-AH!" his voiced squeaked on the last syllable from the teasing yet vigorous suckling upon his ready dick's head.

Yarxul rubbed Liam's shaft as he slowly went deeper then pulled off. 'Full of crap. You're a stud and I'll prove it. This big fat dick is pretty good proof already.'

Liam is speechless from the forceful, yet reassuring words of the elder male. The fact that he enjoyed the oral menstruation couldn't be ignored either.

Yarxul had his mouth going deeper on Liam's cock, making sure to make the Smeargle moan.

As he let out sounds of virgin bliss, he grips the sheets and rears his head back. He manages to tightly grip the mane of the feline and guide him slowly u and down his massive shaft.

Yarxul felt the boy starting to get into being on top, which was great, he was a bottom. So, he ended up deep throating Liam!

Even though Yarxul was at the base, Liam bucked lightly and repeatedly into the wet warm maw of the other man to feel more of the pleasurable sensation on his wanting member.

Yarxul smiled as he went up and down on Liam's cock before rubbing Liam's body as he was deep throating him.

Upon feeling his orgasm rapidly approach, the younger male tries to lift the feline's head off his near climaxing staff.

Yarxul pulled off a bit as he swallowed all of Liam's tasty cum!

The feline's expert suction causes the Smeargle to cum despite his effort to delay it. He cover's his mouth with both hands in an effort to muffle his lustful, passionate moans and not wake up the sleeping Shinx. His entire body trembles from the sensation as the elder man continues his sucking. When his orgasm subsides, Liam falls backwards onto the bed and pants heavily, unable to say a word.

Yarxul drank the young man's cum before pulling off. 'So, how's it feel?' Yarxul said licking and kissing Liam's tasty dick.

His entire body jolts with every lick and kiss. "It felt...It felt...fucking sweet." He closes his eyes as his spent member begins to soften.

'Good. Next time, you're fucking me.' Yarxul said kissing him deeply.

Liam pulls the elder male onto the bed with him without breaking the kiss. He then runs his paws down the back of the bigger man and rubs the firm ass cheeks has he gently presses his tongue on Yarxul's lips.

Yarxul smiled and got Liam on top of him. He managed to keep the kiss going as he got on his back. Yarxul broke the kiss and smirked.

Seeing the smirk, the Smeargle blushes and looks away. "Wh-what?" His voice contains a note of shyness.

Yarxul grinned. 'You got on top of me. So you're gonna be topping me.'

"But, I can't...I don't have that kind of confidence to take charge lime a real man...I mean I've thought about it every time I masturbate, but I'm nothing but a skinny, little wimp who happens to have a big cock." The unconfident artist tries to move from over the elder man.

'Mmmm. Then let me show you what to do.' Yarxul said holding his waist down. 'That nice big dick of yours is going right in, after that, we'll see how you feel.'

But, but I can't go in with you not sufficiently prepped and loosened." The Smeargle protests.

'You're plenty lubed, and I stretched this morning.'

Looking for an excuse, the student responds, "But, I'm soft now. Plus I'm a virgin. I don't think I can go another round."

Yarxul reached down and jerked him off. 'Not for very long.'

To his surprise, Liam's member quickly regains its full thirteen inches of splendor. The shy youth tries to protest, but his words are silenced by the constant, unrelenting strokes on his hardened tool.

Yarxul smiled and pulled Liam's cock into his ass. 'Don't worry Liam, i love being fucked.'

The Smeargle moans upon feeling the tight snugness of the elder man's love tunnel as he bores further and further into the masculine feline. He reflexively pins Yarxul by the shoulders, applying more pressure with every inch of the constricting rectum.

'Yeah, that's good Liam.' Yarxul said as the Smeargle was starting to take control of his own free will.

In a strange mix of impatience and lust unfamiliar to him, the younger male slams in the second half of his sizable length into the hungry hole of the Luxray. The youth then pants softly as he accustomed himself to his new position and his cock's never before experienced stimulation.

Yarxul let out a pleased moan, as Liam hit his prostate. 'So, how's it feel to be fucking the "pillar" of masculinity?' Yarxul asked with a sincere chuckle.

"It...It..." the artist's words were separated by his panting. "?..Like I'm...a real man...taking charge of his lust...I feel that I...want to plow the cum right out of you...Is that normal." The student trembles from the intensity of his own emotions.

'A bit much, but yes that's fine!' Yarxul said smiling. 'Now start fucking me hard!'

Liam does as the bottoming male suggested and began to slide his flesh rod slowly back until just his tip was hugged tightly by the elder man's sphincter; he then slammed with full force back into the Luxray as he screamed out in ecstasy.

Yarxul groaned as Liam was getting rough. 'So Liam, how's it feel to fuck your pillar of masculinity?

"Like I'm going to enjoy what I'm about to do." The Smeargle repeats his actions without another word. With every inward stroke, the younger Pokémon plows in harder and harder.

'Good, cause I'll enjoy it too.' Yarxul said as he pulled Liam down into a kiss.

The younger male's tongue shyly explores the inside of the Luxray's maw. He hilts himself inside of the bigger male's open anus to take a short break and delay his coming orgasm.

Yarxul wrapped his arms around the Smeargle as he rubbed Liam's tongue as it explored him.

Liam breaks the kiss. He then licks slowly up Yarxul's neck as he resumed his hard, steady, plowing of the elder male's accommodating asshole.

'So Liam, how about you tell me how much you love my ass.' Yarxul said rubbing Liam's back. 'Maybe we'll do some body painting.'

"It's the fucking best thing I ever...FELT!" Liam's voice strains on the last word as he climaxes and fires his hot load into the feline's thoroughly loosed tailhole. He digs his paws into the blue and black big cat's mane and grips two handfuls of untamed headfur as he grunts audibly from his second orgasm of the night.

Yarxul let out a loud moan as he came all over them both! This being his first orgasm in 8 hours, it was much more intense then Liam's. 'You looking gripping my hair like that Liam?'

Liam's body goes limp after his orgasm subsides. His head falls into Yarxul's hairy chest. In response to the older man's question, he can only manage to nod his head.

Yarxul smiled as he pulled off, and carried Liam into his bed. He laid Liam's head on his chest before heading to bed.

The Smeargle reassumes a more passive, almost needy role as he nestles into the Luxray's broad, tined frame and wraps his tail around the bigger male's leg before he gently nods of to dreamland

Yarxul woke up early the next morning, and gave Liam a light kiss as he waited for him to wake.

Liam groggily begins to stir. "Mmmm...This bed is so warm..." He unconsciously nuzzles the elder male's hairy chest.

Yarxul smiles and rubs Liam's back. 'Yes it is.'

The Smeargle slowly looks towards Luxray and opens his eyes. His mind still catching up with him, he asked Yarxul, "What happened?"

'You fell asleep, so i brought you to my room.' Yarxul said kissing his cheek.

"Oh..." Liam then realizes that are buck naked in each other's arms. As his eyes widened, the youth asked, "Did we...get to know each other better last night?"

'Very well.' Yarxul said smiling. 'Now how about we take a shower together?'

"Well..." The Smeargle blushes, turning his light tan fur into a deep red. "We are sweaty and crusty." He laughs nervously. "How...how was I last night?"

Yarxul smiled at him. 'Incredible. Especially if that was your first time. Might need to try out things to find your likes.'

The younger male's ears perk up. "Really? He follows Yarxul into the bathroom.

'Ask me to do something, and I'll do it.'

"I need to ask something first...does this make us lovers...or a couple... or fuck buddies?" The Smeargle's tail wags slowly behind him.

'Depends. What would you prefer it to be?' Yarxul asked. Though fuck buddies was appropriate...for now.

"Well...I've never been in a relationship before..."

Yarxul smiled and turned the water on. 'Guess I'll show you then.'

When the feline bends over for the faucet, Liam caresses the firm, black behind and lightly taps it. He can't explain his behavior, but it felt so right to do.

Yarxul purred when he did it. 'Like touching me Liam? You can touch me when and where ever. So long as it's appropriate.'

Yarxul purred when he did it. 'Like touching me Liam? You can touch me when and where ever. So long as it's appropriate.'

He laughs nervously. "That's good to know." He continues to lightly paw at the perfectly toned ass in front of him. "And the shower gives the perfect chance I guess...hehe."

'Mmmmm. Liam, how about you rub your dick between my cheeks?'

"You mean, like this?" Liam place a paw on each ass cheek and pulls the supple rear into his flaccid, red member as he continues to massage the muscly Luxray's beautiful ass.

'Mmm yeah, use ass anyway you want.' he said purring.

He gets on his knees and inhales the musky scent of manliness exuding from Yarxul's taint before tracing a quick, shy lick along the gluteal crevice of the elder male.

Yarxul put his tail on Liam's shoulders. 'So Liam, is your tail paint water proof?' Yarxul asked as he kept purring.

After a slower, slightly more confident lick, he replies, "After it sets for a couple of hours." He lightly bites one of the firm cheeks.

Yarxul moaned as he did. 'Well then, we'll use it after this.'

"You mean...You want me to...mark you as mine?" He nuzzles and lightly licks the puckered anus.

'Not necessarily, just body painting. Though that'll come later.'

Liam grows bolder and laps harder on the object of his oral fixation. He takes a break for a brief moment to say, "A fantasy come true," before doubling up his efforts.

'Oh, and what exactly is this fantasy?' Yarxul asked as he decided to wash up his hair.

The artist stands, he keeping his paws on the man's body. They cascade upward Yarxul's chest as Liam races his tongue along the length of the feline's crevice and back as far as his short stature would allow him to reach. He pulls himself into a hug, with his chest on the big cat's back and his erect, red member just under the blue and black fur's taint. "To paint on a Romanesque man like you as my live canvas." He lightly nuzzles the side of his face into the toned back.

'Then you'll be living out your fantasy today.' Yarxul said rubbing Liam with his tail. 'Got any other fantasies i can bring to life?'

"A few...But they are a bit more extreme..."

'I'll have a go with it, depending on what they are.'

"Well..." he lifts his head off the back and looks upwards towards the man's face. "I've always wanted to the master of a masculine and athletic butler..."

'Heh. I can handle that.' he said smiling.

"How about a little pet play?"

'absolutely.' he said smiling at him.

"Being washed by an older, more confident man..." Liam blushes slightly.

'Then let's clean you up, baby.'

Liam's blush quickly spread throughout the rest of his young body; the heat could be felt all over the elder male's back.

'But first, I want you to cum on me while getting off between my cheeks.'

"Yes, Sir." Liam guides the feline's ass to his readied cock. When Yarxul bends down slightly and sticks out his rear, the Smeargle begins to slowly run his prodigious length in between the firm, chiseled ass cheeks.

Yarxul purred as he rubbed on Liam's dick. 'I want you to cum all over me!'

Grunting slightly, he responds, "If you tighten up this subby little ass round my dick, that can happen all the sooner." Although he still didn't understand his dominant tone, he tried not to fight it.

Yarxul smiled as his ass was tightened on Liam's big dick.

"MMMMMMM. Good bitch." The Smeargle's voice was soft as he began working his hips harder to frot the tight, water sickened crevice.

'Oh yeah, go faster Liam!' Yarxul said groaning.

Grunting with every stroke, the younger male doubled his paced and increased the friction between his pre-leaking schlong and the Luxray's behind. To get a better grip, his tiny claws show themselves and dig into the brawny man's legs and ass.

Yarxul grunted when he felt the claws. Though he let out a moan as he enjoyed it.

"Oh, Fuck!" The Smeargle pushes slower yet harder for his final thrusts "I'm...about to...Drop my...Load!" The moans loudly, and his claws dig deeper into the elder male as his cock fires thick ropes of warm, sticky dog jizz all over Yarxul's back.

A lot of it got in Yarxul's hair too. Thankfully, he washed it out immediately. 'Alright, time for your Roman warrior to scrub you down.' He said as he got a scrubby thing that you wash your body with.

Liam leans against the wall because his legs were unable to support him after such a rush of heated intimacy.

Yarxul started by scrubbing up and down on lam before going to his waist.

Managing to steady himself on the wall, Liam relaxes as he feels the caress of the older man taking care of his body's cleanliness. His member is still half hard but is slowly softening.

Yarxul smirked and started playing with it, jerking him off, and cleaning him.

"If you keep that up," the orgasm idled youth half-heartedly protested, "I'll be hard again."

'Exactly.' Yarxul said stopping as he stopped and washed up the Smeargle's body sensually.

The amorous actions of the elder man caused Liam's member to re-harden on its own. "But...I don't think I have the energy to do much for you right now..."

'You'll be fine baby.' he said smirking.

He giggles nervously. His fully erect cock bobs on its own from inattention.

Yarxul rinsed him off after finishing. He turned off the shower and sucked Liam off.

Liam moaned from the sudden warmth and wetness on his solid flesh rod as he placed a shaky hand onto Yarxul's head.

Yarxul's hair felt nice. But he was easily deep throating Liam when they heard a knock. It was probably Sparx

Not knowing what to do, Liam freezes.

'That you Sparkie?' Yarxul asked. 'Yeah.' Sparx said. 'Daddy'll be done in a minute.'

He whispers with a nervous laugh, "I guess we will have to finish this up later."

'Whatever you want.' Yarxul said stepping out of the shower, giving Liam a towel and letting Sparx in.

Liam ties the towel around him; however, his rock solid member creates a more than noticeable tent in the thin cotton covering.

Sparx looked at Liam before getting in the shower himself.

Liam follows close behind Yarxul into his bedroom.

Yarxul locked his door and started sucking him off.

The younger male, still riding the wave of arousal that the feline started, takes Yarxul's head in both hands and vigorously pumped in and out of the big cat's mouth.

Yarxul smirked as he let Liam dictate how fast he went.

Liam, in a newfound high of being in charge. Pulls his cock out of Yarxul's mouth and smacks him lightly upside the face with it.

Yarxul groaned as he didn't mind even the slightest bit.

Resting his member on the elder man's chin, Liam looks down and declares, "Beg for it."

'Oh please baby, i need your cock so bad!'

The Smeargle teasingly traces his schlong along the lips of the feline

Yarxul groaned and licked on his dick.

He slowly parts the cat's lips and slides his thickness down Yarxul's throat.

Yarxul eagerly swallowed Liam's whole cock!

With a satisfied moan, het runs his paws through the elder male's mane. "Good kitty. Now, if you work it well enough, you'll get a nice thick, hot dose of milk."

Yarxul purred as he started licking, kissing and sucking Liam's cock like a pro.

"Mmmmm....You mentioned body painting earlier." He moans from the pleasure of Yarxul's masterful sucking. "Maybe I can paint your face white with my load."

Yarxul rubbed Liam's balls. 'Go ahead; cover my face in cum baby!'

Liam pulls the feline off his dick by the mane and holds him there as he jacks himself off, dick pointed at Yarxul's face.

Yarxul only had his lips slightly parted as he wanted that cum!

Tightening his grip on the cat's mane, he trembles with his approaching orgasm. "Here comes the milk little kitty," he grunts out before he moans and blast rope after rope of Pokejizz all over the blue face of the Luxray.

Yarxul caught some in his mouth, but most of it covered him.

The spent Smeargle falls to his knees and tightly embraces the older man to keep himself from falling.

'Mmmm. That was great, baby.' Yarxul said holding him close.

He speaks as he pants heavily. "I...I've never...cum so much or...so many times in just...just a...few hours."

'Hehe, i wouldn't mind getting off more.'

Is there anything I can do for you...baby?" He smiles nervously.

'You can clean my face.' Yarxul said rubbing him.

The artist laps at the feline's face to clean all the cum off. He then kisses his lover and delivers the snowball of cum into his waiting muzzle.

Yarxul moaned as he licked up his cum from Liam's mouth.

"How would you like to get off, baby?"

'Only if you want me to baby.'

Getting a little braver, Liam asserts as he traces a digit along the feline's chest, "I'm not sure if kitty has earned it yet."

'Mmm well then, guess I won't be cumming.' he said with a smile.

The younger male leans in and kisses the Luxray passionately as he pushes the cat to the floor.

Yarxul purred as the Smeargle kissed him deeply. He did have a few toys hidden in his room...though they were very well hidden.

Liam breaks the kiss. "Is it ok for us to play with Sparx awake and in the house?"

'As long as we don't do it all day.' Yarxul said as Sparx finished his shower and was watching TV.

"Does he know about your attraction to other guys?" The beagle laid his head on the elder man's chest and ran a gentle paw over his stomach.

'Probably. I don't hide my orientation. I'm Bisexual by the way.'

"If I might ask...what happened to his mother?"

Yarxul let out a sigh and rubbed his left eye. The one he had a scar running down vertically.

The Smeargle looks up until their eyes meet.

'She died.' he said very vaguely.

Sensing something painful the younger male simply nestles into Yarxul's chest and presses the issue no further."

Yarxul smiled and hugged him.

Something under the nearby bed catches Liam's eye. He reaches over and pulls out a red box.

'Hmmm, sharp eye.' Yarxul said opening it. It had some sex toys. Some dildo's mostly.

Under the dildoes, the youth found something that caught his dirty minded attentions. It was a small plastic bag eighth a wireless vibrator and remote control. Liam smiled deviously from ear to ear.

'Found my vibrators then.' Yarxul said chuckling.

"I have another fantasy..."

'Oh, I'm looking forward to hearing it.'

"I've...always wanted to have total control over another man's stimulation throughout the entire day, no matter where we are..."

'Sounds like fun.' he said giving him a kiss.

"Do you have any plans today," Liam asked after the kiss was broken

'Aside from get some body paint? No.'

"Are you going to let me make all the decisions in this?" The student's voice was coy.

'Oh absolutely, you are the master.' he said as he licked Liam's lips.

"Well right now, master wants breakfast. And you, wearing nothing but an apron can have this in you while you cook it." He holds up the remote controlled vibrator. His more dominant side was beginning to show through thanks to the feline's willingness.

'Alright' Yarxul said grinning. 'And if my son sees?'

"You said you've seen him naked a lot, so I'm sure he knows what you're packing. And this little guy will be burred past your hole, so he won't see it."

'Mmmm. Alright then...but if i go naked, he'll go naked too.'

"And me?"

'You might as well too.'

"Ok, but first this needs to go in. I can put it in dry, or I can lube you up with my mouth."

'Lube me first; you'll need to put in more than one.'

"Beg for me to lick your hole, kitty."

'Oh please master, i need you to lube me first, i don't think i could take those toys otherwise.

"You need to show me that fuck hole first, kitty."

Yarxul got on his hands and knees and raised his tail.

Liam dives into the big cat's crevice and slowly laps at the puckered hole.

Yarxul purred as the smaller canine ate out his ass,

The Smeargle coats the anus in spit as he licks Away. He fondles the feline's ass cheeks and gives both a dominating smack.

Yarxul let out a moan when his ass got a hard double slap.

"You loose enough yet, bitch kitty?"

'Oh yes master.' Yarxul said spreading his cheeks.

One by one, he slips small vibrators into the loosened rectum.

Soon Yarxul had all five in!

For good measure, Liam shoves in a big red butt plug. "This will keep them from falling out."

'Forgot i had that.' Yarxul said standing in.

"You sure you don't mind your cub seeing that big red plug in your ass?"

'I'd rather he not.'

"Do you have any sexy underwear you can put on to cover it up?"

'The sexiest i wear is jockstraps boxers and briefs.'

Liam takes the chin of the elder man and pulls his gaze downward until their eyes met. "How about you put on some sexy red briefs. That way, the plug and vibrators will be hidden from Sparx, and I still have the pleasure of controlling your arousal."

'Heh. Such a naughty boy.' Yarxul said putting on the briefs.

Liam frowns slightly. "Do you think...I'm too naughty?"

'Too naughty? No. if anything you're not naught enough.'

"How can I be naughtier? Is the kitty keeping something from me?"

'The kitty really likes being spanked'

"Maybe if the kitty does something bad..."

'Mmmm. We'll see.' He said with a smirk. 'Now what would you like for breakfast?'

Liam considers all of his morning culinary desires. He's only had Pop Tarts for breakfast since he moved to his dorm. "Bacon and Eggs."

'I expected pancakes.' he said going to make some bacon and eggs. 'How do you like your eggs?'

"Scrambled." Liam smiles. "As he sits his naked behind at the kitchen table.

Yarxul chuckled as he started cooking and Sparx looked. 'Why are you naked?' Sparx asked.

"Oh....ah...Because I don't have any clean clothes to change into." The Smeargle is nervous.

'Oh. Okay.' Sparx said resuming TV. Yarxul just chuckled.

"Nothing seems to surprise him. I remember when I was old enough to realize the naked body..."

'He's a smart kid.' Yarxul said finishing the eggs.

"I noticed he didn't say anything about you wearing only your briefs."

'He probably didn't notice.' Yarxul said as Sparx heard. 'Ya, why are you in your underwear dad?' Yarxul laughed. 'Comfort.'

Liam stifles a laugh.

'Okay.' Sparx said stripping naked.

The youth is speechless at the site of the casually stripping cub.

If you're doing it, I'll do it.' Sparx said smiling.

"Well," he said as he eyed the cub's disrobed body, "if your dad is any indication, you're going to be a handsome guy and a few years."

Sparx was a lean young boy. Definitely like his dad. And, for an 8 year old, his 4 inch cock was pretty big.

"Sparx, what do you think about the naked body?"

'What's to think about? It's just a body.' Sparx had a very simple view of the body, being young he was moldable.

Well not all bodies are the same...just look at your dad. He has perfect tine and musculature. Unlike me: short, untoned, and noticeably paunchy." Liam sighs softly, remembering his lack of confidence.

'I like the way you look. Really cute and cuddly.' he said smiling.

The beagle reaches out and pets the cubs head. "Thanks, little man."

'No problem. Your thingy is also pretty big.'

"You have a pretty big one for your age too. I'm sure it'll be bigger than mine.

'I dunno.' Sparx said shrugging

"You like how mine looks? It's more impressive when it's..." Liam stops, remembering that he's talking to and eight year old.

'All hard and such?' Sparx said to respond.

"Yeah. You wanna see?"

'Sure.' Sparx said smiling as Yarxul finished cooking bacon.

"I may need some help." He looks directly in Yarxul's direction.

'Maybe after breakfast.'

"Then let's eat. Sparx, if you want, you can sit on my lap."

'Sure, but i want dad to take off his underwear too.' Sparx said as Yarxul smirked and did so.

They eat their morning meal and idly chit chat, making plans for later. "This reminds me of the meals I had with my Dad and Brothers.

'You have brothers?' Sparx asked, being an only child.

"Yeah. One older and one younger."

'Are they cute like you?' Sparx asked.

"They are both jocks, so they look way better than me."

Sparx smiled and started rubbing on Liam's dick.

Murring instinctively, Liam looked to Yarxul as he rubbed the cub's flat stomach.

Yarxul smirked as Sparx rubbed Liam faster.

The Smeargle moans and his dick rapidly hardens from the attention the boy is paying it. Not to leave the elder male out, Liam turned on the remote controlled vibrators.

Yarxul moaned as all 5 vibrated in him. Sparx smiled as he rubbed Liam faster.

The Smeargle's manhood is fully erect at its 13 inches.

'Wow!' Sparx said smiling at Liam.

The Smeargle giggles. "Yeah. Your dad seems to like it too. Ins that right Yarxul?" The canine slightly increases the vibrators' intensity.

'Love it.' he said as he let out a moan.

He spies Sparx's little wang at attention. "Looks like the cubby kitty loves it too."

'It's pretty nice.' Sparx said smiling

"It's yours to play with, lil kit."

'Sweet' Sparx said jerking Liam off.

The canine relished in the masterful bliss of the moment. A curious kit cub playing with his schlong, a nude big cat obeying his every whim. He looked upon Yarxul and asked, "Are you going to let him have all the fun?"

'For now.' Yarxul said smirking at the Smeargle getting rubbed by a young Shinx boy

The student's cock began to leak pre, which began pooling on the linoleum floor. The secretion slickened his shaft, causing him to moan louder from the cub's now frictionless strokes.

Sparx smiled as his own cock rubbed on the Smeargle.

Growing bolder, Liam spoke masterfully in a sweet sounding voice to the younger Pokémon. "Tell me, little guy, have you ever played with a cock before?"

'Just mine.' he said with a playful smirk.

He murrs from the mix of the cub's attentions and naivety. "You keep that up, my milk will come out."

'Mmmmm. is it tasty?' he asked as he got on the floor and licked Liam's dick.

MUUUUUUURRRRS. "The big kitty thinks so." Liam eyes Yarxul as he runs his paw through the kit's hair.

'Mmmm. Then I want some.' Sparx said not being able to fit the big dick in his mouth...well, not much anyway.

"You want daddy to help, are can you do it yourself like a big boy?"

'I can do it!' Sparx said trying to suck Liam off, but only able to suck three inches before he had trouble breathing.

Liam, despite his masterful high, gently pushed the cubs head away and looked him in the eyes. "Don't try too hard, little guy. Kit's shouldn't choke themselves. Try working the tip with your eager little tongue and working the shaft with your paws."

'alright.' he said doing as the more experience male instructed

"MMmmmmmm...That's it, little kitty. Just like that." He gives pets of encouragement and reward to the cub.

Sparx purred as he jerked Liam off faster. Yarxul watched and smirked.

Liam turns the vibes onto max power when he sees the elder man's smirk.

Yarxul moaned as all five vibrated in him.

"You're really close, little kitty. Just a little more, and you will get a nice, thick, hot serving of milk."

Sparx smiled as he kept going!

Liam's moan cresendoed to and echo as his cock spasmed, shooting love juice on the cub's face with every contraction. He dropped the remote, causing the vibrators to stop when it hit the floor and broke*

Sparx groaned and caught some in his mouth as Yarxul sighed and cleaned the broken remote up.

"Soooooooooorry." He groaned as he shot the last few globs onto the boy's face.

Sparx purred as he did. 'Might as well take them out now.'

In his afterglow, the absentmindedly pets the cub's headfur. "Don't forget that big red butt plug."

Yarxul smirked and took it all out.

"How is the mil, little kitty?"

'Tasty.' Sparx said giving Liam's dick a nice long lick.

The canine murrs as his body goes limb, and he enjoys the cub's post orgasmic attentions.

Yarxul grinned and decided to start licking Liam's dick too.

His shaky hands pet both the attentive felines. "I don't think I'll be cumming again for quite a while"

'We'll see.' he said going and sucking Liam's dick.

Liam soon re-hardens. "Mmmmmm. I may have to take a nap after the big kitty gets finished."

'We should all nap!' Sparx said grinning

He lustfully moans as his diced is worked by Yarxul. He picks up Sparx and sets the cub on his leg. " Have you ever kissed before, little kitty?" Liam traces his finger under the boy's chin.

'Only on the cheek.'

He uses his leg to grope at the elder male's firm, god-like ass. "Do you want to learn how to kiss like a big boy?"

Yarxul purred when he did. 'Sure.' Sparx said smiling at him.

The Smeargle uses his other foot and works both the Luxray's globes. Meanwhile, he gently pulls the Shinx into a chaste, yet masterful kiss.

Sparx smiled and gave him a nice kiss.

After a moment, he gently uses his tongue to part the boy's lips and explore the lad's virgin mouth.

Sparx moaned as he got French kissed.

Upon tasting his own load inside the cub's mouth, Liam bucks into Yarxul's mouth as his tongue explores every inch of the moaning kit's maw.

Yarxul easily swallowed Liam's entire fat dick.

The Smeargle pulls the older man down on his cock and moans into the younger's mouth as his load fires forth from his sensitive rod and cascades down the feline's throat.

Yarxul moaned as he swallowed all of Liam's cum.

He holds tight to the little kit and maintains the kiss for a few more moments. He goes limp and gets really sleepy.

Yarxul smirked and carried Liam to bed.

In bed, Liam unconsciously cuddled the bigger male. "Yarxul..."

Yarxul smiled and nuzzled him

"I think...I think I ...lo...lo"

'Love you too.' Yarxul said smiling and kissing him.

After receiving the kiss, the Smeargle smiles. "And Sparx, too."

Sparx smiled and nuzzled with Liam too.

"Th...Than..." too tired to even finish his thought. The canine Pokémon falls into a sextuple orgasm induced sleep.

Yarxul and Sparx both snuggled up with Liam.

The student takes a 3 hour nap.

Yarxul and Sparx slept a half hour later.

The Smeargle awakes to see the two felines asleep. He manages to get out from under them. He didn't want to interrupt their slumber. Just as he was about to go to the living room, he notices how beautiful the sleeping father and son looked. So, he tip toes to the spare room and returns with his isle and paper. He begins to sketch the Luxray and Shinx sleepy nestle together.

Yarxul and Sparx nuzzled each other.

After a rough sketch is finished, he retrieves his colored pencils and sets to work recreating the patterns and colors of his subjects on the paper. He pays special attention to their cocks and balls, remembering their sexual escapades as he creates.

He managed to finish before either of them woke up.

After finishing, he recalled the body painting Yarxul mentioned earlier and considered starting to mark his territory on the slumbering cats.

Where was the fun in that? No, he drew the markings on his picture though.

He took his time. On Yarxul, he placed tribal markings along his arms, a red streak in his mane, and the word "BITCH" down his chiseled chest. For Sparx, he decided to go lighter and created an intertwining, weave-like pattern on his torso, red outlines on his ears, and a heart on the side of his inexperienced ass. Liam, in a mix of creative high and masterful dominance, also gave each a collar in his picture: a pure, white one with a bell for the kit; a black, leather, spiked collar for the father. Upon looking at his finished creation, he thought, "I really shouldn't let them see this.

Yarxul yawned as he and Sparx woke up. 'Hey Liam.'

"Oh, hey Yarxul." The Smeargle quickly cover's the colored work by the sketches he took the night before.

'Hey Liam.' Yarxul said sitting up.

"Just let me move this out of the way." He attempts to turn around and return the isle to the spare room."

'Mind if i get a look at that drawing you just did?' Yarxul said smirking. 'You know covering something means nothing to a Luxray right?'

The artist shyly stands up his canvas and turns it to face the elder male.

'Very sexy' Yarxul said kissing Liam.

The Pokémon tensed up , then relaxed in the Luxray's arms as he held the kiss.

Yarxul opened his mouth for Liam's tongue.

The Smeargle's tongue darts into the unoccupied maw of the elder male. His paw motions for the younger feline to come over.

Sparx smiled and came over to him.

The artist caresses the young Shinx's face and traces a thumb over his young lips. The Smeargle also works his paws up and down the back of the elder feline and breaks the kiss to nom on his unguarded neck.

Sparx purred and groaned as Sparx sucked Liam's thumb.

"What should we do now, kitties?"

'Well, how about you do some body painting?' he said with a smirk.

He traces the sculpted abs of the Luxray. "How would you like it done?"

'Anyway you want it, and anywhere you want it.'

"Just like my picture. The little kitty first"

'Neat.' Sparx said smiling at Liam.

The Smeargle sits on his knees and takes his red, brush like tail in his paw and motions for the cu to stand in front of him.

Sparx smiled and waited

The artist started with the kit's ears and traced thin, but noticeable, outlines around their outer circumferences. Next, was the interwoven pattern of lines. He started at the boy's neck and two waving lines down, ending just above the area of future pubic hair. Then, going back up, he drew two lines to weave into the others, creating his desired pattern. Finally, he turned the boy around and painted a heart on the side of his left ass cheek. "How's this look?"

Sparx looked at as much as he could 'neat.'

Now the big kitty"

Yarxul smirked as he got in front of Liam.

The intertwining tribal print took some time, but Liam was patient and savored every creative breath he took. After the smallest detail was done, he commanded, "on your knees kitty, so I can taint your mane.!"

Yarxul purred as he got on his knees and sucked on his dick.

"Suckle all you want, kitty, but keep your head still." He moans audibly from the enthusiastic work on his flaccid member.

Yarxul deep throated him easily and let him paint him.

Murring with lustful pleasure, the Smeargle paints a defiant, flaming red streak across the big cat's entire mane.

Yarxul groaned as his hair was basically dyed.

"Now stand, kitty, so that I can put the final markings on your chest."

Yarxul smiled and stood up.

"Begs to be marked as my bitch." He teasingly traced down the chest with a digit.

'Oh please master! I need you to mark me as yours!' Yarxul said licking Liam's chest.

His toes curling in pleasure from the elder man's sweet begging, the artist paints the letters slowly down the feline's chest: "B...I...T...C...H!"

Yarxul smiled and kept going with it. 'Thank you master.'

"Are you going to let it become permanent? Or wash it out?"

'Mmmm. Think I'll let it stay.' Yarxul said. 'Now, how about you fuck me nice and hard?'

"Hmmm...I don't know... I need to relax after all this creating. How about you earn a fucking by giving me a massage with those godlike arms of yours?"

Yarxul chuckled for a bit. 'Alright.'

Liam lay on the bed, face down and nestled into the mattress.

Yarxul got on him and started massaging his back.

"Are you going to help your dad, little kitty?"

'Dunno how to.' Sparx said watching.

"Then how about you lie in front of me and let me tend to you." Liam spoke sweetly as he patted the bed.

'Okay.' Sparx said lying in front of him as Yarxul worked Liam's body over.

Murring from the elder feline's touches, the beagle pets and massages the Shinx's body.

Sparx purred as he did. 'That feels nice.'

After a while, Liam said, "I think I want my hole played with."

'Mmmm. I could do that.' Sparx said

The Smeargle smiled and raised his tail. "Go ahead little kitty. And Yarxul, you can allow me to prep your cunt for that hard fucking you want."

Yarxul smirked as he got on his hands and knees, while Sparx was eating out Liam's tail hole.

As he began eating out his man's anus, he moaned into the puckered mound from the cub's enthusiastic lapping on his own virgin whole.

Sparx pushed his tongue inside of Liam as Yarxul groaned.

"Beg for me to fuck you like a bitch!" The Smeargle was brought to masterful list faster thanks to the cub's efforts on his stretching hole.

'Oh master i need you to fill me! I feel so empty without you.'

Grinding his ass on the kit's face, the dominant Pokémon said, "You're not lubed up that much. It'll be rough going in."

'Your dick is pretty wet master.'

He smacks Yarxul's ass. He remembered the cat's mentioning of spanking earlier. "Is that smart talk, bitch kitty?"

'Mmmm. If you do that again, yes.'

The canine smacks the same cheek harder. "Don't make me have to discipline you in front of your cub."

'Mmmm please do, I keep a paddle under my bed.'

He pills his rear away from the cub. To Sparx he said, "Fetch the paddle from under the bed, little kitty."

'Kay.' Sparx said going and getting a large blue paddle.

After accepting the paddle, Liam sits up and pats his knee. "Acting like a smart ass little kit gets you treated like one."

Yarxul smirked as he got on Liam's knee.

He smacks the feline's firm, toned ass with the paddle. "What's with that smirk,?"

'Mmm just trying not to laugh at how much that tickled.

The masterful Pokémon smacks the gluteal orbs Harder. "Did that fuckin' tickle?"

Yarxul moaned 'oh yes!'

He delivers three hard smacks in rapid succession.

'Oh master! I've been bad!' Yarxul said loving it hard.

"That's right," he said with a harder smack. "I'm going to turn this black ass red before fucking your pussy for all it's worth!"

'Good! I've been such a naughty bitch!'

Over the next few minutes, Liam gives the naughty big cat hit after hit with the wooden instrument of discipline as the kit watches.

Sparx jerked off as he loved watching his dad being spanked!

Upon seeing the cub's erect cock, Liam said to the red assed cat, "I think your kit should fuck you before I do."

'Mmmm alright.' Yarxul said as Sparx smiled.

Liam pushes Yarxul to the floor and kneels at his mouth, positioning the red erect member in the elder feline's face. "And while he does, you get the privilege of sucking me off."

'good.' he said deep throating him as Sparx slammed in his dad!

"Oh! Fuck yeah!" The canine almost growls from the pleasure. "Sparx, how does it feel inside your daddy's cunt?"

'I thought it was an ass.' Sparx said as he was loving it!

Liam pumps in and out of Yarxul's mouth. "On a cock hungry slut like your dad, it's more appropriate to call it a pussy." He hilts his cock in the wet warm mouth of the older man.

'Neat.' Sparx said as Yarxul loved deep throating Liam's fat dick!

The canine held his position in the Luxray's mouth. "You gonna cum in your dad's pussy, little kitty?"

'Oh yeah!' Sparx said about to blow.

"Beg for you kit's load, bitch!" Liam roughly pulls his dick out of Yarxul's mouth and slaps his face with it.

'Son, fill me up with cum!' Yarxul begged and Sparx came in him.

"How does it feel having you cub's hot load in you?" The Smeargle asked the sweating receiving feline.

'So good!' Yarxul said licking and kissing Liam's dick.

"Good. Now beg like a good botch for my cock in you." He rubs the elder male's cheek.

'Mmm please master! I need cum in both ends!'

"You've earned it, so I'll give you throat the rough fucking I was going to give your ass." Before the feline can respond, the adolescent shoved his cock in his mouth and started fucking him like two dollar whore.

Not that he minded. Yarxul was loving how far Liam had cum!

With a final grunt and thrust, the Smeargle re-hilts himself in the feline's mouth and fires a hot load into the slutty big cat's throat.

Yarxul swallowed half of it before Liam pulled out and came on his face.

Liam falls forward and catches himself on his forepaws. His face was right over the older man's cock, so he teasingly licks the erect member.

Yarxul smiled as he stood up and cuddled Liam.

Liam returns his affections and silently nuzzles the elder man as he pills the kit in for a three way cuddle. "I feel like going out to lunch."

'Where?' Sparx asked rubbing Liam's dick.

"Some place sensible. I don't want you sending an arm and a leg." He leans in and laps at the elder male's nipple."

'You know I can afford many, many arms and legs.' He said as he groaned when his nipple got teased.

He licks upward until his muzzle is at the feline's neck. "Throw out some ideas." He noms on his neck.

'Mmmm i dunno, i can do anything.' he said before kissing Liam,

They hold the kiss as Liam strokes Sparx's headfur. After breaking the lip lock, he asked, "Italian?"

'Sure.' Yarxul said. 'Mind if i suck on your nipples?'

"'Mind if I suck on your nipples' what?"

'Master!' he said nuzzling him.

Liam lays on the bed and rubs his chest. "One for each kitty."

Yarxul and Sparx smiled as they sucked on a nipple.

He pets both cats as they work his needy nips. "Master is spent for a while..."

Sparx smiled as he and his dad kept going on Liam's nipples.

"But I appreciate the effort. Hehehe. I think my dick will be on a hair trigger for a while because of the eager kitties."

'Mmmm such tasty nipples.' Yarxul said licking them.

"I see the big kitty w is working on earning his cock's release...Maybe we should get those collars while we're out." Liam smiles.

'Mmmm sure.' he said grinning at him.

"And a few other props..." Liam sits up.

'Ohhhh. Like what?' Yarxul asked, kissing him.

"You'll find out...Wait, I need something to wear..."

'Go commando.' Yarxul said doing the same.

"We need to pick up some of my clothes from my dorm. I wouldn't mind showing off my new Bitch while we're there..."

'Heh. Alright.' Yarxul said as he wore his usual clothes.

Liam got dressed in his Jeans and shirt. "Does the little kitty want to come?"

'Nah, i wanna watch TV.' Sparx said grinning.

"Will he be ok by himself?"

'I'll call my friend to watch him.'

"OK." Liam whispered in the elder's ear, "then get that ass plug in your hole. I want you to be teased as we walk around town."

'Might need a vibrator with a knot then.' Yarxul said pulling one out.

"Make it so." The canine declared in a murring voice.

Yarxul went into his room and got the knot in, and turned it on.

"Now, escort me out, sugar daddy." He gives a dopey smile.

Yarxul smiled as he headed out. 'So where's your dorm?'

It's on the edge of campus. I just need to sign you in and then you can walk in with me. Or you can wait for me outside.

'I'll go with you.' he said grinning.

"Well...I did have a thought..."

'Well then fill me in.' he said grinning.

"The guys in my dorm suite are always bring girls to fuck in their rooms. They get really loud and it gets hard for me to concentrate. So, how about we turn the tables?"

'Sounds like fun.' he said smiling and kissing him deeply.

Liam blushes deeply from the random kiss before they walk outside.

Yarxul followed Liam all the way to his dorm.

The Smeargle signs in the elder kale.

Yarxul smirked as they went to his room.

Right as they were walking in, they herd Liam's two suite mates banging their girlfriends. On the left side, a Toxicroak's voice was booming beneath that of his girlfriend, a Miltank. On the right, a Machamp was pounding into a female Medicam. The Smeargle's face produced a noticeable grimace.

'Not so into girls?' Yarxul asked kissing his neck.

He murrs softly and pets the feline's mane. "I will be once we get you in that maid's outfit we discussed earlier."

'I don't recall discussing that.' Yarxul said kissing him.

After the kiss, which was held for many moments, broke, Liam pouted. "You told me you'd cross dress for me..."

'Mmmm i don't recall, but i will.'

The younger male sat the couch, which set in the middle of the lobby between the two rooms. "Master wants a strip tease, before we show these inconsiderate fucks what hardcore fucking is supposed to sound like.

'Mmmm this'll be fun.' Yarxul said as he got over Liam and started stripping and giving him a striptease.

As he watched the feline dance, a prominent tent quickly appeared in his pants. Liam relaxed and let the big cat perform for him. Soon, the noises of his roommates' coituses were drowned out by the site and thought of the sexy, older man.

Yarxul intently moaned loudly. 'You wanna put me in that dress now and fuck me hard!'

Unfortunately, I don't have a dress here. But I do have a hot pink thong and purple stockings."

'If you want I'll wear it.' he said kissing him.

Liam grips the feline's mane with one hand and fishes out his keys from his pocket with the other as he slips his tongue in the big cat's maw. "Top drawer under the porn magazines." He places the keys in the lion's paws.

Yarxul smirked as he kissed back before going and getting them, and putting them on

Upon seeing the tight thong and girly stockings on the feline's muscly body, Liam's arousal grew to greater heights and pre began leaking from his cock and seeping onto his pants, producing small stains of lustful nectar.

'Purple is definitely not my color.' he said sitting on Liam's lap.

"Not like they'll be on long anyway. I'm not going to last long. After I seed your pussy, I'll get some clothes and we can go."

Yarxul chuckled as he pulled Liam's cock out and moved the thong out of the way to ride him.

Murring in instant response, the Smeargle declares, "That's it, bitch. ride master's cock like the slut you are." as he grunts louder, he pulls the bigger male into a kiss and Yarxul's tight hole squeezed and slid up and down his manhood.

Yarxul opened his mouth as he rode Liam hard!

Already on the final leg of his rapidly approaching Orgasm, the younger male pumps harder into the Luxray and screams, "Beg for my hot, creamy man load, BITCH!"

'Oh please master! I need you to cum inside me!'

"Louder, Bitch!" He pounds into the elder man's love tunnel as hard as he can, and his orgasm is merely seconds away.

Yarxul let out a loud moan as he came in the hot pink thong.

When Yarxul came, his ass' tightening around his cock caused his moans to reverberate in the small room as his flesh cannon fired h6ge wad after wad into the big cat's rectum.

Yarxul sighed as he laid on him. 'That was great Liam.'

Liam pulled Yarxul into a needy, emotion fueled kiss. He hugged the feline to his body as tight as he could.

Yarxul French kissed Liam as he hugged him back. 'Love you baby.'

"I love you too, Yarxul." He nuzzles into the elder male's black chest.

Yarxul smiled as he rubbed his head.

"Let's get my shit and go."

'Alright baby.' he said going to get his clothes.

Liam quickly zips himself up. Then the student quickly packs up a suitcase full of clothes, and other things. And patiently waits for the Luxray to finish dressing. He notices that the room is void of any sounds of sex from his suitemate's rooms.

Yarxul grinned as he took a peak through the walls with x-ray eyes.

"How do their faces look?"

'Like they're masturbating.'

The Smeargle bursts out in laughter as they walked out of his dorm room.

Yarxul smiled as they headed back home. 'Still have to go to school though Liam.'

"I didn't plan on stopping my education. I still have a dream to make beautiful works of art." He pouts, "You make it sound like I plan to mooch off of you."

'Well, you did just have loud sex. You might have planned it. And good, I went to college for eight years.'

"Yeah...I guess I could get kicked out..." The Smeargle begins to panic. "What if I do get kicked out...I...I..." the artist whines timidly.

'You won't be expelled for that.' he said chuckling. 'Though i assume this might have been a farewell thing.' Yarxul gave Liam a kiss.

Liam accepts the kiss and hugs the elder male. "Never..."

'Mmmm hope you turn in some great art baby.' Yarxul said.

"But...I can still only manage a b average in my art classes...and everyone is better than me..."

'Then we'll be doing tons of practice!'

Liam laughs. "I doubt I could capture your perfection though."

'Oh I'm sure you can.' he said giving him a deep kiss.

He moans slightly into the kiss. After their lips part the Smeargle smiles. "Let's go for lunch."

'Got anywhere you wanna eat?' Yarxul said smiling.

"We mentioned Italian earlier."

'Alright then.' he said kissing him as they walked into the city. 'By the way, I'm heading out tomorrow, so mind watching my son? Rio's gonna be there.'

"Seeing as you're letting me stay for free and I love the little guy, yes. Who's Rio?" Liam holds his suitcase in one hand and wraps his spare arm around Yarxul's and leans his head on the elder man's bicep.

'My best friend and a Lucario.' Yarxul says holding Liam by the hip.

Smeargle jokingly says, "And does he have sex with the little kitty?"

'Not as far as i know.' Yarxul said as Yarxul had to take Liam's stuff home first.

"Well, I think Sparx would tell you if they were. What are the rules?"

'Don't cause any bodily harm. Ya know, bloodletting and such'

"No, never...Even as a cub myself, the worst my parents did was spank me and my brothers."

'Exactly, spanking is good.' Yarxul said kissing him.

"I know how you like being spanked." After they kiss, he adds, "Which reminds me, we should go to the sex shop for those props we talked about earlier."

'After lunch baby?' Yarxul asked as he kissed and hugged him.

The Smeargle blushed. "Consider it done...My Love!"

Yarxul smiled as they went in Yarxul's house to drop Liam's clothes off. 'How about a quickie before lunch?'

"You're insatiable. My cock is going to fall off at this rate. Notice how I'm cumming sooner each time..." He kisses Yarxul. "We can, but I can't promise I'll last."

'I wanna swallow some yummy cum anyway.' he said going down and deep throating him.

Unable to protest, due to Yarxul's quick speed. Liam gripped his mane tightly and let the kitty have his next load, which was already rapidly approaching.

Yarxul purred as he was eager for Liam's milk.

With a high-pitched moan, the student came down the hungry kitty's throat. "I love you!"

Yarxul swallowed it all before pulling off. 'Love you too baby.'

"But I don't think I can take much more..." The artist leans in and holds him, his legs giving way.

'We'll work on endurance. Wanna just stay home for lunch?'

"Can we order Italian take out?"

'Of course.' he said. 'You can meet Rio, maybe his brother too.'

"Okiedoke, but I need a nap first." The gently licks the feline's cheek.

Yarxul took him upstairs.

"I'm not worthy of a man like you. You know that?"

'No, I didn't.' Yarxul said grabbing him and cuddling him.

"You can have any man, but you choose a boy like me who needs sex to feel confident and in control. "

'And hopefully, you'll take those skills out of the bedroom.' he said smiling.

The canine smiles and kisses his lover deeply on the mouth with the last bit of strength he can muster.

Yarxul grinned as he let Liam lay on him.

The sex drained Smeargle drifted off to sleep in the warm, loving chest of the bigger male.

Yarxul smiled as he slept with Liam

Sometime later, the Smeargle awoke to the sweet smell of the older male's sweaty body.

Yarxul yawned as he woke up. 'Hey baby.' Yarxul said grinning.

"Hey, daddy." Liam kisses the elder passionately.

Yarxul hugged him as the 2 kissed deeply.

Liam looks outside and sees that it's getting dark. "It may be too late for lunch."

'Just means its dinner time.'

"Can we still have takeout?"

'Sure. Still want Italian?'

"Yes. And can we eat it while the three of us snuggle naked on the couch and watch a movie.

'Heh. Sounds fun. Rio already went home though.'

"I mean you, me, and Sparx..."

'I know. Just telling you my friend went home.'

"I'm sorry I didn't get to meet him."

'Maybe tomorrow.' he said smiling.

"Where's Sparx anyway?"

''downstairs watching TV.' Yarxul said sitting up and stretching.

"Do you think we can sneak up on him?" Liam smiles.

'Maybe if you're sneaky.' he said smiling back.

The Smeargle darts quietly downstairs and peeks around the corner.

Sparx was watching TV as he sat on the coach.

Liam slowly creeps up behind the couch.

Sparx yawned as he had his eyes closed.

Liam is poised to tickle the cub.

Sparx looked up at Liam. 'Hi.'

"Damn...I thought I could sneak up on you."

'nope.' he said smiling at him.

"Well... still have the advantage in size." He starts tickling the cub.

Sparx started laughing.

After a short moment, he stops his assault on the smaller male and leans in to kiss the cub on the lips."

Sparx kissed him deeply.

"Do you want to watch a movie with you dad and me?"

'Sure sounds fun!'

"What movie should we watch?" He hugs the kit.

'I dunno...porn?'

"Do you even know what porn is?"

'What we did earlier?'

"Well...yes and no..."

'That's what uncle Rio told me.'

"So has uncle Rio...done porn with you?"

'No, i just asked him about it today.'

"Oh, ok. Well, let's see if your dad has placed the order yet." He carries the kit upstairs.

Sparx kissed Liam as he did.'

Upon seeing the elder male, he asked, "Daddy, did you order dinner yet?"

'Gotta tell me what you want first.'

He thinks about all the delectable things he could have. "I think I will have Alfredo. "

'Nice.' Yarxul said as he placed an order for delivery

Liam laid in bed with the cub and pets his back.

Sparx kissed Liam too.

"What do you and Rio do when he watches you?"

'Watch cartoons.'

"Like what?"

'I dunno. Whatever's on Netflix.'

Sees the Yarxul finished the order. "What should we do now?"

'Care to get blown?' Yarxul said smirking.

"At this point I'm not sure if anything will come out, but you're welcome to try, both of you."

'Gonna need to work on that.' Yarxul said as Sparx started licking Liam's cock with his dad.

The Smeargle murrs with contentment. "What do you mean by that?"

'You'll need more stamina.'

"I've cum eight times in less than twenty four hours. I think I'm doing pretty good."

'You still have a limit.' he said grinning.

Liam's cock slowly hardens as the felines work their oral magic. "Hmmm...What do you suggest?

'practice.' he said smirking.

"Haha. Maybe I can Sketch Endure." Liam places his paws on the cats' heads?

The two smirked as they licked his shaft.

"Focus on the head kitties."

Yarxul smirked as Sparx did.

"Are you going to be naughty kitties and keep me waiting?"

'Yep.' Yarxul said going and sucking his balls.

"Mmmmmmmmmm...Naughty kitties don't get any milk."

Yarxul smirked and had Sparx suck him off.

"Goooooood kitties" the canine smiles with masterful delight

The two took turns sucking him off.

The Smeargle moans. "Naughty kitties, testing master..."

Yarxul smirked as he started deep throating him.

"Oh FUCK!" he exclaimed as a hair trigger was pulled on his orgasm, and he flooded the elder male's maw. "Be...Be sure...To...to share."

Yarxul pulled back, and stored it in his mouth. Then he snowballed his son.

"I think the kitties have earned release tonight." He sighed contentedly.

'Sure.' Sparx said grinning

"After dinner and a movie though." He smiles teasingly.

'Kay.' Sparx said kissing him.

Liam kisses the cub back. "Now, what should we watch?"

'Whatever you want.' Yarxul said kissing him.

The older man's kiss is returned with a small nibble on the lips. "I choose it to be your choice."

'Heh. That's a cop out.' Yarxul said smirking. He picked a Disney movie though.

Here is a knock on the door.

Yarxul answered as the food arrived and he paid and tipped the guy.

The delivery guy in question, a Delibird, gawked at the sight of the nude male's erect staff. His eyes widened even more at the twenty dollar tip.

Yarxul was both a generous tipper, and slightly bribing him to keep quiet about what he saw...or join in if he really wanted to.

The younger male, who was in his early twenties, nervously said "You could put someone's eye out with that thing, Sir," as he unconsciously licked his beak.

'Well it sounds like you don't mind.' he said smirking.

"Well...I have a break scheduled for the next forty-five minutes." He returns the smirk.

'Then come in and strip naked.'

The eager avian waste no time in doing just thank. In less than a minute, he is stark naked in the living room. "We are alone here right?" The Luxray could tell that he had another beta male you need his own brand of confidence boosting.

'Mmmmm. We'll see.' Yarx said, closing the door and rubbing the Delibird's cock.

The bird's six inch pecker instantly hardens in the older Pokémon's paws. He blushes from nervousness and uncertainty.

'Mmmm pretty nice.' Yarxul said going down and sucking him off.

The delivery boy squeals slightly at the quick work of the elder male. "Oh, fuck, that feels so good!"

Yarxul smirked and played with his balls.

The avian sat on the chair behind him and gripped the mane of the feline. "Tonight is my lucky night."

Meanwhile Liam and Sparx peek around the corner from the stairs and stare at the scene.

Sparx smirked as he wanted to watch!

"Oh, Sir, I'm cumming!" The red and white feather was orgasming after just relaxing and getting into it. His entire body trembles as his cock spasms and knocks around inside of Yarxul's muzzle.

Liam grimaced at the site, thinking the feline had found a new, more interesting youth to play with.

Yarxul pulled off and let Liam see the smaller dick.

A small relief comes over the canine, but he still felt a sting of betrayal and uncertainty from Yarxul jumping so quickly to another guy and.

The Delibird pants heavily . "I'm...I'm so...so sorry..."

'For?' Yarxul said getting up.

"...Cumming so soon...I know it's not very manly"

'Its fine.' Yarxul said rubbing Delibird's head.

"Can I do you now?" The Delibird smiled happily.

'Go ahead kid.'

He tackled Yarxul, knocking the elder man to the floor, and began sucking on his ten-inch manhood.

Liam goes slack jawed and thought to himself, "He never let me do that..."

'Wow! Why'd you tackle me? Never let anyone do that.' Yarxul said as he thought about it. It'd be really hot if Liam did that.

Too caught up in his lust fueled oral workings, the avian delved deeper in the thick man meat with every bob.

Soon Liam becomes even more upset, to the point of almost anger. "If this goes any further....I'll...I'll..." The canine needs one more good push.

Yarxul looked over at Liam and called him over.

The Smeargle does just that. He has an expression on his face that's a mix of a pout and a scowl as he looks down at his would be lover getting head on the floor.

Yarxul grabbed Liam's cock and deep throated him.

Liam pushes the Luxray's head off his manhood. "Did I give you permission to suck me off, BITCH!?"

The avian, startled by the loudness of the last word, lurches backward.

'Mmmm just trying to make you feel better. Just like this boy. Guys lacking confidence too.'

"You want confidence? How about you get on your knees and let me show him how a real man pounds a mancunt?"

'Sure.' Yarxul said getting on his hands and knees.

Takes the Delibird's head and shoves it into Yarxul's anus. Get thank mancunt wet for me. Do it quick and I might let you fuck him first."

The avian quickly set to work licking and eating out the feline's ass.

Yarxul groaned as he didn't expect it!

Liam moved his hand away and roughly instructed the delivery boy. "Now take his ass by both hips and really work his hole. And tell him you own his ass."

"I...I own..." the Delibird stammered out.

The Smeargle commanded, "Say it like a man!"

The avian shouted, "Your ass is mine, bitch!" Then plunged his face into the pucker of the elder male.

'Damn kid, that's a nice tongue!' Yarxul said purring.

Liam stroked the feather's cock until it was hard before smacking his ass.

The bird smacked the Luxray's ass in a similar fashion.

'So deli, you enjoying yourself?'

"Yes, Sir," he responded. "I'm feeling really manly now."

"It's time to really feel manly." Liam interjected. "Put your cock in him."

'So Liam, you enjoying this three-way?'

Having calmed down from his jealousy and enjoying the sense of confidence, he says, "Loving it. Bur adding one more could be fun. He looks to Sparx, who is sport a hard on."

Sparx grinned and licked his body.

The avian is poised to enter the elder man when Liam gets and Idea. "On second thought, my monster has loosened him too much for you. I think you'd like the virgin tightness of the kit."

The Delibird simply nods as he is on a sexual high.

'Neat.' Sparx said as Sparx kissed the Delibird.

He accepts the kiss and explores the cub's mouth with his tongue. Meanwhile the canine kisses Yarxul forcing his tongue into his maw.

Sparx broke the kiss and started sucking him off as Yarxul hugged Liam.

The avian moaned lustfully while he gripped the cub's head.

The Smeargle accepted the hug and whispered into the feline's ear, "I'm sorry for getting jealous...I just..."

Sparx purred and rubbed the birds cock.

Yarxul smiled. 'It's alright baby. Just know you're the only guy allowed to fuck me in my bed.'

"I fill better...but what does your bed have to do with it?"

The delivery boy says, "Can you take me now, little guy, or do you want me to loosen you up first?"

'cause no one has had sex in my bed but you.' he said.

'Lube it first.' Sparx said being a virgin back there.

The avian laid the cub gently on the couch and pulled up his legs before running his tongue wildly over the virgin kitty cunt.

"But sex is not where you have it but who you have it with and the feelings associated with the act..."

Sparx groaned and rubbed deli's head.

'Exactly, and sharing my bed is pretty intimate.'

"Oh, Daddy," Liam whispered as he hugged the Luxray and kissed him deeply.

The bird began prodding the younger male with a digit to test how loose his tailhole had become.

Yarxul purred and kissed back.

It was loose enough for his dick.

The avian positioned his cock at the cub's entrance and slowly pushed inward as he moaned from first time penetration.

After breaking the kiss, the Smeargle tackled his lover to the floor and nuzzled against his rock hard member.

Sparx groaned as the bird pushed in him.

'So, does my master wanna suck his bitch's dick?'

The bird hilts inside of the kit and lets them both adjust. He leans in and kisses Sparx passionately.

Liam gives Yarxul's rod a nice, slow, long lick before saying, "What do you think?"

Sparx held the Delibird and kissed him back.

'I think i prefer sucking you off.' Yarxul said with a smile.

Pulling out slowly, the avian moans into the kiss.

"Daddy, I think my balls are drained. But if you have a dildo, I'll gladly fuck the cum out of you/"

Sparx grinned. 'Keep going'

'You know i do baby.' he said going upstairs to get one.

Feeling more confident, the bird begins to fuck the cub slowly yet lovingly as he moans from the feeling of cub hole around his virgin dick.

The artist eagerly awaits. "I hope it's a horse dildo."

Sparx tightened on him. 'So good!' the cub moaned.

Yarxul had a canine dildo.

"Oh, yes," the avian picked up his bucking.

"Well a dildo is a dildo. I just want to see that load."

Sparx's dick throbbed as he had his prostate hit.

'Alright.' Yarxul said laying on his back.

"Oh, I think I'm about to cum...."

The Smeargle straps the dildo on and takes his position as he slowly slides the toy in.

'Fill me!' Sparx said getting close.

Yarxul grunted. 'Always good to take it.'

The Delibird trembles as his body seizes in orgasmic pleasure and his cock floods Sparx's hole with his bid seed.

The student kissed his lover as he rest the top of the knot against his open hole.

Sparx groaned as he came on himself.

Yarxul kissed back and started pushing on the knot

After draining the contents of his balls in the cub, the avian pulled the boy into a hug and re-positioned himself on the couch. He sat on his rear so that the kit was now positioned cowboy style.

Liam teasingly pulled back, denying the feline's hungry hole the knot, then bucked in and out of the Luxray and teasingly rubbed the knot against his ass with every stroke.

Sparx hugged and kissed him, as the boy rode him like a cowboy.

'Mmmmm. You gonna tease your kitty?' Yarxul said as he was loving it!

Moaning from Sprax's enthusiastic riding of his member, the bird holds the kiss as his second orgasm quickly approaches.

The Smeargle smirked. "If you want to be hilted by this doggy dick, then you have to beg for it."

Sparx opened his mouth for deli's tongue as he kept riding his dick,

'Nahhh. I think I'll enjoy being fucked a bit more.'

Deli thrust his tongue into the younger feline's mouth as he let the cub's loosened and slickened ass work on his cock. He embraced the boy as his climax was about to come at any moment.

"Suit yourself. A dildo doesn't need to stop and break from having your slutty hole." Liam picked up the speed of his strokes.

Sparx was going up and down as he came first.

'Oh god!' Yarxul panted as he felt his prostate getting hit. 'Please gimme the knot master! I really do need it now!'

The kit's contracting tunnel caused the Delibird to hug him close as his own pecker erupted creamy man juice into Sparx's body.

Liam pulled out until the tip of the dildo was at the big cat's ring.. Then he pushed in as hard as he could, roughly forcing the knot into the elder man's sphincter.

Sparx groaned as he got filled! No wonder his dad loved it so much!

Yarxul let out a loud moan as it hit his prostate hard enough to make the Luxray cum hard.

The cub cuddled the delivery boy in post orgasmic coital affections.

The Smeargle dominantly grabbed Yarxul's cock and stroked it to milk out more and more is his day long denied load.

Yarxul groaned as Liam kept making him cum! 'So Liam, you just gonna waste my cream?'

"You're a wild one, little guy." The avian stroked Sparx's hair.

"No, I just want to get it all out so that I can lick it off your spent panting body."

'Thanks.' Sparx said smiling. 'Think you can keep going?'

'Alright master.' Yarxul said as he came on himself,

Liam stopped and interrupted the two on the couch. "No time for that. I'm going to need you two to help me lick the cum off this bitch's body."

'Alright.' Sparx said getting off deli's dick, and walked over his dad.

The bird followed and joined the Smeargle, who was already running his tongue in the massive load in the gooey, warm, feline jizz.

Yarxul was purring as Sparx started licking the cum too. He licked his dad's chest mostly.

Liam relished the taste of concentrated seed. He leaned over and fed some of Yarxul's own cum to the elder man. Meanwhile, the delivery bird greedily lapped up as much as he could off the Luxray's stomach.

Yarxul kissed Liam back as Sparx started sucking on his dads nipples as he watched the Delibird get tons of cum!

Aster the cat's chest was clean. They all cuddle together in a panting tired pile on the Elder feline's body.

Yarxul smiled and cuddled all three of them.

After a few silent sex laden minutes, the Delibird got dressed. "Thanks, Sir...It's was fun...Mind If I come by again?"

'Of course.' Yarxul said kissing him.

"Next time you call in for delivery, ask for Mason." He accepts the kiss and leaves.

Yarxul smirked as he picks Liam up. 'Ready to eat?'

"Mmmmmhhhmmmmmm," is all Liam can muster. "I don't think I can have sex anymore tonight...Sorry Daddy." He cuddled the bigger male.

'I was talking about the delivery food' Yarxul said chuckling.

Liam laughed lightly. "I thought we'd have to call Mason back in. I see that multiple partners are going to be part of this...whatever we have. I can't satisfy you alone. I'm starved by the way."

'Then let's eat.' Yarxul said giving him his order.

The three ate their take out as they watched Yarxul's movie selection. Before too long, Liam was asleep for the night.

The three all decided to sleep on the couch.

Tale of the Winter Prince Chapter 1: A Boy, His Dog, and Their Dragon

**Tale of the Winter Prince** **Chapter 1: A Boy, His Dog, and Their Dragon** The hot sun beams down upon the world, proving that the time of summer has arrived. During this time of year, it isn't uncommon for people to get away from their normal,...

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Daddy's Little Boy 2A: Chastity, Feeding, and Brotherly Bonding

**Daddy's Little Boy 2A: Chastity, Feeding, and Brotherly Bonding** It's dark. You're out of daddy's sight, and he is looking for you. You dare not make a sound because he is so close to discovering where you've run away to. You hear him...

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