Tale of the Winter Prince Chapter 1: A Boy, His Dog, and Their Dragon

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#1 of Tale of the Winter Prince

This is the first chapter of an RP that I and Nate the Great1 are working on using his fursona and characters from my story, "A Boy and His Dog" (https://www.sofurry.com/view/836368).

Decland, a teenage ocelot, and Hachiko, his dog with a very special ability, have a fateful meeting with Nathan, a lonely dragon with his a very troubled past. How will things Develope after they meet?

Tale of the Winter Prince

Chapter 1: A Boy, His Dog, and Their Dragon

The hot sun beams down upon the world, proving that the time of summer has arrived. During this time of year, it isn't uncommon for people to get away from their normal, everyday existences and allow themselves to go on vacations. Family functions and barbeques are also common events during this most look forward too part of the planet's yearlong revolution around the sun. There is a place where all of these factors come together: the Lake Lakafurchi Camp ground. Here, in the middle of a dense, lush forest on the outskirts of a huge metropolitan city, people of all ages come together and let themselves free of the fetters of their daily grinds to enjoy the bounty of communing with nature. Decland and his faithful dog Hachiko were taking a long walk along one of the getaways' many nature trails. They, of course, chose the longest and most out of the way path. The adolescent ocelot, who was now clad in only a red tank top, baggy, blue shorts, and flip flops, had a secret. The feral with him was no ordinary dog. In fact, he was the feline's devoted lover. Ever since that magical Easter day two months ago, the two had only grown closer with their hidden love as their bond. Unleashed, the canine sniffed around and led the youth to a place where they could be alone and consummate their love once again.

On a clear and hot summer day, in a forest and at a pond that was just frozen a few minutes ago, I was skating to my heart's content and I was making it snow around the pond and icy instruments were playing the waltz of the flowers from "The Nutcracker". I had never felt so carefree as whenever I had skated on the ice, despite my solitude and my ice magic. Little did I know that a small flurry of snowflakes had drifted away from the pond and a few landed a few feet away onto an unsuspecting couple.

Decland jumped when he felt the sensation of the chilly powder on his neck. "Ah! Cold, cold, cold, cold!" he shouted as he ran around from the sudden dowsing of freezing white out of nowhere in the clear blue sky. In his panic, the spotted youth tripped over his own feet and fell forward. He was saved by the sudden cushioning of two strong, toned arms and chest covered in white fur. In order to protect his beloved, Hachiko transformed into his anthropomorphic form. The Akita had not been far from the ocelot since a strange spell allowed him to perform this feat and consummate with his adolescent feline lover. "Are you ok, Deku-chan?" the hunting dog asked the smaller male. "Yes, but I felt...a really cold sensation all of a sudden." The yellow furred, black and brown spotted youth nestled into the chest of his devoted companion. Hachiko pointed in the direction of an anachronistic mound of snow near a frozen pond. "I think that's the cause." His ears instinctually twitched. "I hear music..."

I was enjoying myself so much that I didn't see all the snow I was creating. Then, I heard someone yell. I stopped and looked around me on the shore line. I gasped as I realized that I got too carried away and lost control of my own powers. Luckily, I knew how to reverse it. With the snap of my fingers, the snow retreated back into the pond and it became liquid again. "I hope nobody saw that," I thought in a panic.

Hachiko took off, running down the steep hill on his hind legs, as he carried Decland in his strong, protective arms. Following a strange scent, the hunter leapt when he was halfway down and landed at the base near the pond's shoreline. Using his instincts, the canine looked and listened before he put his ocelot back on his feet. "Ha-chan, did you see the snow disappear?" The teenaged feline asked the athletic fur. The blue and white hound responded, "Yes, but now it's gone and the temperature is normal...Strange." His ears perked up when he heard a noise from the trees nearby. He sniffed the air around him as he pulled the spotted cat behind him. "Someone's here. Stay behind me until we know it's safe."

I heard someone nearby, and then I hid behind a tree. "I hope those aren't hunters," I thought, shaking in fear. I had been mistreated because of my powers, so it was really hard to fit in. But now someone had discovered me, and I was too scared to do anything. I was so terrified that I didn't see a sheet of ice spread out from the base of my feet and into plain view, revealing where I was.

Decland looks around. "I don't see any-..." He hushed when his Akita raised his paw and pointed to a peculiar sheet of ice that had formed around the base of a tree. Sensing no one else in the area behind him, Hachiko pointed to a bush, prompting his ocelot to hide there as the hunting dog slowly approached the ice sheet. With every inch he moved forward, the canine sniffed the air around him. Soon, he picked up a strange smell, which urged him to be cautious.

I was breathing frantically and trying to calm down before my powers got out of hand, and I couldn't stop some tears that seemed to have appeared in my eyes. At the same time, Snowflakes began to drift downward and land on top of me. Suddenly, one of the snowflakes landed on the Akita's nose, making him sneeze.

The dog shook his head after the strange sneeze, and his instincts took over. He jumped to the other side of the tree and landed on all fours. The canine then pounced, pinning the crying dragon to the tree, as he leaned in and sniffed the curious being.

I curled up under the big dog and hid my face in my hands. "Please, don't harm me," I whimpered.

I couldn't help crying. I thought this was the end. I waited for him to bite me, but then I felt his nose sniffing me all over and could tell that this dog was the sort who would protect the innocent.

The Akita released the dragonic being. Sensing no ill will from him, Hachiko scooped up the smaller male in his arms and carried him out without saying a word until he returned to the shore and called for the ocelot. "Deku-chan, come out! He seems to mean no harm." Trusting the hound's intuition, the feline emerged from his hiding place and quickly joined the other two anthroes as Hachiko gently placed the blue scale on his footclaws.

"Who... Who are you?" I asked, feeling timid around these two strangers. One was an Akita who didn't seem to be wearing any clothing whatever, and the other was a teenage feline in summer clothing. They seemed good natured, but I had a pretty rough life so it wasn't easy for me to be accepted.

The spotted feline spoke up, "I'm Decland, and this," he pointed to the nude canine, "is my dog, Hachiko. We are here on vacation with my parents. We were walking in the woods until a chill hit my spine. Then, Hachi ran me down here in his strong arms and found you." The dog nodded slightly in affirmation before asking, "And you are?"

"M-my name is Nathan," I stammered nervously, "And I'm an ice dragon. I just came to this world to enjoy the summer here. It's eternal winter where I come from, and I've always wanted to see summer for the first time. But now I fear I may have spoiled it with my magic."

"Well..." the shy feline began. "I actually wanted to see the snow...In my hometown, it never snows. Sure it's cold in winter, but not cold enough for anything besides hail and sleet. Hachiko has never seen snow before either, and he spent his life on the streets until recently." He embraced the Akita and huggled into the bigger male's chest.

I smiled at them and then had an idea. "Would you guys like to see my world? It's only through the arch in that tree trunk over there," I said, pointing to a tree that was much wider and thicker than all the other trees and there was indeed an arch leading into a hollow section within the tree.

"Yes," the feline affirmed as his tail unconsciously whipped around behind him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" "Wait." Hachiko interrupted his love's enthusiastic fit. "You don't have any winter clothes, and your parents would be mighty suspicious if you caught a cold in the woods during summer. They might think I'm causing you to sneeze from allergies." The canine's words were from concern for his feline. "But, you don't have any clothes at all," Decland pouted.

"Not to worry," I said, produced some powdered snow in the palm of my hand and blew it onto Decland. Instead of just falling to the ground, the light flurry grew bigger and whiter as it began to swirl around the cat and settled onto his body, forming a long, white coat from the shoulders to below the waist, teal trousers from the waist to the knees, a pair of white winter boots. "Do you feel comfortable now?" I asked, hoping he liked the outfit I made for him.

At first, the ocelot could not believe his eyes. He ran his paw over the magically formed garments, and his eyes widened from excitement. "This is so cool! Hachi, look! It's so pleasant to the touch!" The feline was practically bouncing in place from amazement. He grabbed the dragon's claws and shook hands vigorously. "Can you make something for Hachi too?" "No need," the dog declared with a raised paw. "I'm used to being nude in the cold." Decland protested. "You have not been in cold enough weather for snow, and Mom and dad would wonder how my dog managed to get sick in the woods." He latched onto the bigger fur in an embrace. "Please, Hachi. Do it for me." The Akita let out a sigh of agreement and said to the dragon, "Just make it suitable for a hunter..."

I nod and with a puff of snow, Hachi appeared in the same type of garments as Decland, but the suit had more flexibility. I could tell on the teen's face that I did a good job on the suit. "What do you think?" I asked, satisfied that I had did my work very well indeed

Hachi noded slightly. "It is fine." Although sounding disaffected, the tone of his voice did not betray his approval of the outfit. "Can we go now? Can we?" Decland resumed his enthusiastic bouncing as he looks up to the canine. "We can." He looked to the dragon. At this point, the difference between the two furs was obviously shown. The ocelot seemed to be the younger, more excitable, and more expressive of the couple; and the Akita was the more experienced, more withheld, and more cautious of the twosome.

I smiled and led them to the tree, and, the moment they stepped through the arch, they were immediately astounded by how white everything was. There was snow on the ground, on the trees and even on frozen ponds and lakes. "Welcome to my world," I said, with an arm outstretched presenting this winter wonderland

Without waiting for anything, the feline ran down the hill they were atop of and looked upon everything when he got to the base. "Wow!" He looked side to side. "It's cold, and there is snow everywhere! This is awesome!" He bended down and put his bare paws on the ground and shivered slightly. "It's Real! It's Real!" Hachiko was soon behind the shorter male. A slight, soft smile appeared on his white muzzle as he looked at his excited lover.

"My place isn't very far from here. Come on, I'll show you," I said. I led them to a cave in a nearby hill that seemed almost hidden. As we walked in, we came across a wall of ice. I raised a hand towards the wall and my palm began to glow blue. At once, an opening appeared in the wall. It was big enough for the two of us to fit through. "Come on in," I said. We entered the cavern and all over the place there were pieces of furniture that were made entirely out of ice. The only things that were not made of ice were a hot spring in the shape of a big tub, which was carved out of rock and was near the wall, and the bed, and it too was carved out of rock, with a real mattress and soft, warm sheets. And hanging from the ceiling was a beautiful chandelier that was shaped just like a snowflake. "That hot spring over there has healing powers by the way and the bed has a drying spell so that whenever you have a shower and feel too tired to dry off, just go to bed and you're dried instantly," I explained. ()

The couple followed the scale into the icy abode. Decland went wide eyed as he looked upon everything in the dwelling. "The hot spring looks so nice and inviting. The bed is so big and beautifully designed. This entire place is awesome!" The ocelot's voice echoed of the icy walls. "Your home is so amazing. You must have people over all the time." Hachiko, while not outwardly aggressive in any way, reflexively tensed up and remained silent. Years of being on the mean streets of the city had taught him to be on guard when in someone else territory; however, the canine's protective nature for his ocelot drove him to stay by the feline's side, no matter where he wanted to go.

I walked over to the hot water spring. As I came up to it, my clothes start to turn into tiny snowflakes; and, then, they disappeared into thin air, leaving my muscular body exposed. I slipped into the water and let out a relaxed sigh. I looked at the couple. "Care to join me?" I asked, "It'll help warm you up."

Decland smiled. "I've never been in a hot tub before." He began to take off his clothes as Hachiko took a seat on the nearby bed. He wanted to observe and make sure things were safe before letting his guard down, but he would not stop his beloved from trying something he really wants to do. The ocelot used one hand to cover his genitals as the other tested the water. "It really is hot." He joined the dragon and sat on the opposite end from his new friend.

"Hachi, aren't you coming in?" I asked as I saw the Akita looking over from the side. Then I look over at the ocelot and ask, "How are you feeling, Decland?"

Hachi responded, "I'm fine for now." His eyes and ears shifted around to scan the area for anything out of the ordinary. The feline murred softly as he relaxeed in the water. "I'm feeling good. You'll have to forgive Hachi. Until recently, his life has been hard; and he has problems trusting new people, especially since we are out of our familiar territory. "

"I can understand how he feels," I said and then I began my sad tale, "I lost my parents when I was a few days old. I was placed in several foster homes. Each one I loved dearly...but then...my powers would act up; I would be literally thrown out on the street; the family would say they didn't want me freezing them to death. There were also some bullies that picked on me when I was about eight years old. They hit me, kicked me, spat on me, and called me a freak because I was the only dragon who could conjure snow and ice. But then just when I lift up my hands to block another hit, I accidentally froze them in solid blocks of ice. They were still alive, but when their mothers saw what I did, they called me a monster." I teared up as the memories come back to me after all those years. "And for years, I believed them. Now, I live in the forest to hide from the world, and to protect them from me..." I buried my face in my hands and fall to my knees as I burst into tears and cried out, "I'm nothing more than a freak and a monster!" As I am crying, tiny snowflakes fall from midair and they landed onto me.

Touched by the scale's story, the spotted fur went to the dragon and laid his head in the blue anthro's chest. "You don't seem like a monster to me. You seem like a really nice and kind guy. You invited us into your world and your home and opened you heart to us. You're not a freak. You're just lonely and haven't had anyone to call a friend." As he spoke he motioned for Hachiko to join them. The Akita began disrobing and exposing his white and blue body. He got in the tub beside the dragon and pulled the dragon's head into his chest. In a calm voice, he said to the dragon, "Calm yourself. Relax in my chest and embrace Decland gently."

I hug the cat and the dog, feeling the warm arms around me and their comfort. It was like a light at the end of a tunnel. I hugged them both in return and cried into the Akita's fur. "Thank you," I whimpered softly into Hachi's chest.

Hachiko pet the dragon's red hair as Decland wrapped his arms around the scale's neck. The two waited patiently for the winter conjurer's feelings of sadness to subside.

"No one's ever been this nice to me before," I whimpered softly, "Thank you for being so kind." After I calmed down and the snow stopped, I looked up into Hachiko's eyes and asked softly, "May I kiss you?"

The canine's eyes drifted to the ocelot for approval. Decland nodded gently in response, and the Akita raised a gentle paw, using it to guide the smaller male's muzzle to his own. When their muzzles met, the hunting dog's kiss was chaste and caring as his spare paw ran lovingly over the blue scale's side. While they kissed, the feline pulled himself up until his back rested on the flat yet toned chest, and his head was just under their host's neck. The spotted teen then cuddled the forlorn reptile.

I wrapped my arms around Hachi's neck, and I felt Decland hug me from behind. I then decided to open one arm so the teen could join us, and then I felt two pairs of lips kissing mine

The adolescent joined the kiss and ran his paws down both male's backs. After a few blissful moments, the kiss was broken. "Did that help?" Hachiko asked in a concerned voice.

I smiled as I nodded my head and hugged them both. "Thank you," I said, "You have no idea how lonely I've been for these past years."

Decland smiled. "You're very welcome..." The teen's eyes blinked with a realization. "You never told us you name."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said blushing, "My name's Nathan"

A beaming smile appeared on the big cat's face. "It's nice to meet you, Nathan." The friendly, naive feline turned around and faced his new friend before hugging him and pulling in tight until their chests and bellies barely touched. "Would you like to hear our story?"

I smiled and returned the hug to the young cat. "I would be delighted," I said. After they told me, I was amazed. "That is a very remarkable story," I said. I looked down and blushed redder than ever. I saw that my member was growing harder in every second.

Not noticing the scale's emerging manhood, Decland hugged Nathan by leaning the top half of his body towards the boy. "I'm glad to hear that. I thought you wouldn't believe me?" Unlike his more clueless lover, Hachiko's keen eyes saw the rigid schlong slowly coming fourth. In response, the dog's protective and masterful sides acted and pulled the spotted teen to his chest. "That was close," the statuesque hunter thought to himself.

"I.. I'm sorry," I stammered, feeling ashamed. I covered myself with my wings, hoping to hide my hard member. "I didn't know that happened.. It's just.. You two were the only ones who would ever show me any affection. I.. I understand if you don't want me," I said as a tear came to my eye, feeling lonely all over again.

Hachiko placed his paw on the blue reptile's head and gently combed through his flaming headfur. He spoke in a calm manner. "No tears, please. It's a normal reaction. I'm still learning about relationships between anthroes myself, but even I know what it's like to feel something for someone for the first time." The canine's hand traveled to Nathan's cheek, and his thumb brushed away the coming tears. "I can see where you could take my gesture as a sign of anger; however, my intention was reflexive. I'm sorry if I unintentionally hurt you." Decland smiled at his dog's gentle response to the dragon's sadness.

I smiled as my tears of sadness were replaced by tears of joy. "Can I tell you two something?" I leaned forward and whispered, "I think I'm in love with you both."

The Akita, understanding the mixture of thrill and anxiety that is first love, pulled the dragon to his lap as Decland made room. With both of the smaller anthroes on his legs Hachi spoke empathetically. "Love is something that needs to grow, Nathan. Decland and I knew each other for three years before fate allowed us to be together." The ocelot hugged the scale. "I really like you, and Hachi does too, even if it's hard to tell. Could you wait for that to possibly turn into love?"

I nodded and hugged them both. "And there's one other thing you should know about me.. I'm still a virgin," I said as I blushed redder than ever after that confession.

Decland hugged Nathan, and Hachiko hugged them both. "So was I until Hachi became able to transform." The adolescent feline looked up to his canine lover. "Hachi, do think it would be okay if..." The ocelot's gaze wondered away as he blushed. The Akita responded, "We can start and see where it goes, as long as each one can respect the other two's feelings if there is discomfort."

I nodded. "I suggest we do it on the bed. And don't worry about towels. As I said before, the bed has a drying spell so you will have no water on you, and you'll fine yourselves nice and warm," I said as I slipped out of the water and lay on the bed. At once, steam came from my body, and I appeared to be perfectly dry as if I wasn't in the water at all.

The canine stood as he cradled the ocelot in his arms. Carrying the smaller male over to the bed, Hachiko playfully tossed Decland in the lovely decorated bed and joined them. He got on the other side of the reptile. In an instant, their fur was dry and soft as if they spent hours under a hair dryer set on low. "Wow! This is so cool!" The excited feline huggled his new friend, and Hachiko hugged him from the other side.

I lovingly kissed Decland and Hachiko, and, then, I spread my legs so they could do whatever they wanted with me.

After receiving their kisses, the two set to work on the dragon. Hachiko pulled Nathan's head to his and kissed him. Starting off chaste, the lip lock grew more intimate and exploratory as the canine's tongue slowly traced its territory inside the dragon's maw. Decland traced his paw slowly down the scale's blue, flat chest and took a firm but loving hold of his erect member. As he placed butterfly kisses on the inexperienced male's neck, the ocelot slowly stroked the attention needy draghood.

I moaned into my kiss with Hachi, and, with Decland sucking my white member, I was enjoying every minute of it.

Before attending to the scale's ghostly staff, he placed kisses down the dragon's torso and stomach. With every contact, the feline built up his courage for what he was about to do. He shyly licked the entire length of the shaft before taking it into his mouth and slowly bobbing is head up and down. The canine maintained the kiss as his lounge got slightly more dominant. One of his paws griped the dragon's hair tightly as the other lightly brushed one of his nipples over and over with a thumb.

I moaned at the pleasure on my member and my chest, which seemed incomparable with anything I've ever known before. "This.. Feels.. Good," I panted in the kiss with Hachi

The Akita broke the kiss and straddled the panting scale. His black, thick rod was fully erect as he ran it teasingly over the smaller male's mouth. Decland took a moment to inhale the sweet smell of dog and dragon musk before eagerly attending to his new companion's pipe. Meanwhile, his tailhole began to wetten with his natural juices, a conditioned response to almost daily sex with his canine lover.

I licked at the dog's member, and, at once, I coiled my tongue around Hachi's member and began to suck on him while my tongue went on stroking the dog's pipe.

Resisting all urge to thrust in, Hachiko planted his paws on the mattress and growled deeply from the dragon's oral works. "An eager little scale." The feline deep throated the blue anthro's staff as he purred submissively in zealousness. A need to be filled grew inside the pit of the ocelot's stomach.

Then, I let the dog's member fall out of my mouth as I panted for breath. "I'm.. Ready.. ," I said as I spread my legs apart further, showing that I was ready to be filled by the Akita and to have ocelot ride me if he wanted to.

Decland and Hachiko climbed of the scale and gently flipped him over. The canine whispered in the dragon's ear, "Your trust in us is touching, but your entrance mist be properly prepped." The dog got off the bed and pulled the eager scale towards him as the feline laid in front of their new lover and presented his tailhole to the ice caster's muzzle. The Akita then forcefully yet carefully ran his tongue along the puckered, virgin sphincter. The ocelot blushed and said in a shaky voice. "Plea...Please be gentle." Nathan could smell the mask and lust from the needy cat's wet, ready hole and the trust was being placed in his claws.

I moaned and gripped the sheets and nodded at the ocelot. "I promise," I said softly, and I allowed him to present his chamber to me

"Do to him what I'm doing to you." The canine spoke as he probed the dragon's ring with his saliva soaked digit. He slowly and firmly pressed onward into the scale until his ass gave way and let his finger slide into smaller male's tunnel.

I nodded as I slowly slid my member into Decland, missionary style. I cupped his cheek and gently kissed him. "Are you alright?" I asked softly

The feline moaned as Nathan's rod slid slowly into his tailhole. The crescendo echoed in the halls of the frozen lair. "I...I'm....alright..." He wrapped his arms around the dragon's neck as he adjusted to the fleshy pipe in his rectum. He needily kissed the scale, begging for oral attention. The dog, after the virgin's entrance was loosened, climbed back into bed. Hachiko pressed his sizable manhood into the fleshy pucker of the ice mage. He wrapped an arm around both of the smaller males and asked, "Nathan, are you ready?"

I kissed the ocelot lovingly and said, "I just hope I don't hurt you. I care too much about you already." Then, I turned back at Hachi and nodded. "Yes, I'm ready."

Using his spare paw, the Akita guided his bone into the frost dragon's flower. He met resistance but pushed through and embraced the dragon from behind as he adjusted to the dual sensations in his ass and on his cock. The feline nuzzled against the dragon's face as his every breath caused his hole to tighten and relax around the ghostly white manhood.

I moaned as I thrust back onto Hachi's member and then forward into Decland's chamber.

As a lustful heat formed between the trio, Hachi embraced both of the males and leaned backward until he was on his back. He thrust upward and the momentum forced the dragon into the feline's holes. With every movement in this new position, Decland let out a loud staccatoed moan as his prostate was hit repeatedly.

I started thrusting between these two with both vigor and care. All the while, I pulled myself up to Decland and kissed him as passionately as I could.

"I'm so close already." The ocelot moaned after the passionate lip lock was broken. He pulled himself tightly to the dragon as he panted heavily in the pleasure of the three way coitus. The canine gripped the biceps of the scale riding him and began to thrust deeper, the knot barely parting the dragonic hole even more with every impact.

I panted and said, "I'm getting close too.. Hachi!" I turned my head, looking at the dog and letting him know we were ready.

Hachi, lost in his feral drive for reproduction, roughly pulled the dragon down onto his knot, forcing it through his freshly devirginized tailhole. Decland thrust downward and hilted Nathan's rod into his wet, hungry chamber as he clung as tightly as he could to the reptile's body.

The moment the dog's member popped into me, I held onto Decland's hips, and I gave one final thrust as stream after stream of hot seed filled the cat.

The ocelot moaned has dragonic semen filled him from within and sent him over the edge. He held even tighter to Nathan, and his own black, white barbed cathood, which was sandwiched between his and the scale's bellies, spilt out his own, youthful nectar between them. Hachiko tightened his hold on the blue anthro's arms and trembled from the force of his own orgasm into the freshly deflowered rear of the ice caster. The Akita's creamy, white seed quickly felt the smaller male's tunnel, and his seed began to slowly funnel out beyond the plug of his knot. Instinctively, the feline and the canine both wrapped their arms around the reptile and nuzzled into him, creating a circle of warmth and love around the lonely scale.

I hugged Decland and kissed his cheek. "Will I ever get to see you guys again?" I asked, knowing that they would have to go back to their own world.

Decland smiled. "Yes. We're here for a few weeks before we go back to the city. I'd love to see you again." Hachiko simply placed his head on the dragon's shoulder and nuzzled the scale's face, a wordless action of his sentiments.

I closed my eyes and nuzzled the dog in return. "Thank you both so much," I said softly with a smile as I hugged Decland while I was still nuzzling with Hachi.

"Is it ok if we nap and cuddle here for a while?" The ocelot asked as his eyes began to get heavy.

I smiled and softly kissed the cat's lips. "Of course you may," I said as I pulled the covers over the three of us, and we were all nice and warm as we could be.

Both of the furs smiled as they nestled together with the scale. Soon, they slipped into blissful sleep.

Tale of the Winter Prince Chapter 2: The Black Serpent’s Wrath, the Black Unicorn’s Love, and the Golden Jackal

**Tale of the Winter Prince** **Chapter 2: The Black Serpent's Wrath, the Black Unicorn's Love, and the Golden Jackal** I held onto Decland and later felt Hachi's member slip out of me once the knot had shrunk. Then, I felt Hachi's wet tongue on my...

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Daddy's Little Boy 2A: Chastity, Feeding, and Brotherly Bonding

**Daddy's Little Boy 2A: Chastity, Feeding, and Brotherly Bonding** It's dark. You're out of daddy's sight, and he is looking for you. You dare not make a sound because he is so close to discovering where you've run away to. You hear him...

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