An Occurrence at Otter Lake

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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So, as many know, I keep a lot of characters around, and not everyone has gotten a story about them yet. So here I am, rectifying that situation with Lini the Moogle. It also has a bunch of Otters in it. From Bobert to Tachi in his otter-self. As one can naturally guess about stories I write, there is plenty of vore to be had. Oral, Anal, Cock, and Pec vore.

So disclaimer: This story contains all the above vore, plus a tiny moogle voring so many otters he turns into a massive bara beast. It also has large balls, lots of cum, hyper cocks and Male on Male situations. Though if you tend to read my stuff, you know it does. So naturally, this story is for those 18 and older.

Lini belongs to me, though Moogles are © SE

Bobert the otter belongs to Bobert

Tachi-otter belongs to Tachi

"Well, that makes it official, I'm lost."

Lini Roker sighed. The Moogle's long ears flopped as he looked at the map he had on his Mog-phone 10. He didn't recognize anything around him. He was in the middle of a clearing in a large forest and the scent of pine was heavy in the air. According to his directions, all he had to do was fly straight for about an hour to reach Crossroads City, but there was definitely no sign of a city nearby, and traveling with all of his gear was exhausting.

"Looks like I'm doing this the old fashioned way." He said, letting go of his travel backpack and his tiny wings began to flap. Slowly, the Moogle took to the air, moving past the lower branches of the trees before flying higher than the treetops around him. Lini stopped and looked around. Still just trees all around. The Moogle adjusted his belt and his scabbard brushed against his furry leg before going higher while his leather shirt and pants billowed in the breeze as he ascended.

Further up, there were just more trees as far as Lini could see. The white-furred mog went higher. Still nothing.

"Just how big is this forest anyway?" The Moogle thought, before gaining more altitude. He spun slightly, his red pom hanging forward and swaying slightly as he turned. Then, he finally spotted something that wasn't trees. Off in the distance there was a large lake. It looked to be about a mile away, but Lini could get there rather easily now that he had a landmark.

The Moogle quickly descended back down to the forest clearing and gathered his large bag. He huffed slightly to get it over his shoulder before taking into the air again, more strength in his tiny form then one would expect. His form strained slightly with the added weight, but he made it airborne once more. The white-furred Moogle got to the old altitude he was at and then looked for the lake once more.

Spotting the water body in the distance, Lini flew in that direction as fast as his wings could carry him. He pulled out his phone again and this time switched to a different map, checking to see if he could pinpoint his location based on this new landmark he had.

"Okay," he thought to himself, "I can't be too far from Crossroads City, so I just need to do some searches for what lakes might be nearby."

Lini pulled his phone out again and started a search for lakes near Crossroads City as he flew towards the lake. He tapped a few icons, but like before, his directions and GPS were useless. He scoffed and placed it back in his pocket. He'd have to hope there was some sign, any sign, near the lake that could tell him where he was. If not, then he was going to have to start over.

"Should have brought a paper map." He muttered to himself. But, it was still a beautiful day, not too hot. It was rather scenic, actually. If he wasn't looking to get to town, then this would have been a rather nice diversion.

"Although..." He said to himself, "I really do have nothing but time..."

A smile creeped back onto his face as he flew towards the lake. He wasn't in any hurry. Crossroads City would still be there, no matter when he got there. He needed to just lay back and enjoy the trip. It was about the journey, after all. That was why he loved to travel and see everything that a place could offer.

As he got closer, he could hear some splashing from the lake. He looked down as he flew overhead and saw that several brown otters were enjoying and playing in the lake.

"How cute!" He thought, and pulled out his camera to take an overhead shot.

Lini came in for a landing once he saw a small path away from the lake that looked like it would lead to a main road. It really was an out-of-the-way lake, but still popular enough to justify having several visitors. Once back on the ground, he noticed a wooden sign nailed to a tree.

"Welcome to Otter Lake." He read aloud, "Home of the world's largest concentration of otters in a single location. Neat!"

The Moogle walked a few steps towards the lake, and sure enough, his quick overhead glance didn't do it justice. There were otters of all shapes and sizes in the lake, and that was just the ones near the surface. He couldn't tell how many might be swimming under, but there were anthro otters all over. Most appeared to be taller than he was, but given that he was only three feet tall from toes to ear tips, it would be a challenge to be shorter.

With a location well at hand now, Lini pulled his phone out and plugged in Otter Lake. After pulling up the location, he checked his map again. Otter Lake was about a two hour drive from Crossroads City.

"Finally, some solid information." He said, before putting his phone away again, and had a smile as he looked over the lake. It seemed like the otters had a nice setup here. They were still laughing and splashing, and there was even a large lifeguard tower on the other end of the lake. Lini squinted and saw that there was easily a seven foot tall otter lifeguard, keeping watch over everyone.

"Well, since I know where I am now, I think I can take some time to relax here. This place is rather nice." Lini said to himself.

The Moogle scanned the shores of the lake, looking to see if there was an out-of-the-way spot he could go towards without disturbing any of the otters. While it might have been a public place, he was still a visitor and would rather not barge in unnecessarily. On the east side, he spotted a small jetty that didn't seem to have anyone nearby that pushed into the lake. Lini nodded and trotted over towards the secluded location.

It was a nice location, slightly sandy near the shoreline but solid ground for the most part. There was tree line a bit further back, but still close enough to bring a cover of shade to keep it from getting too hot. Lini brought his hands to his sides and nodded as he looked it over, before removing his bag again and digging through it. He pulled out a few travel sundries before he grabbed a beach blanket out of it.

Lini unfurled the blanket just before the sand line. He patted it down with his foot before going back towards his bag and he pulled out a container of sunscreen. Just because his fuzz was white, didn't mean that his skin under it couldn't burn. Lini squirted out a dollop of cream and rubbed it along his arms and legs. He then removed his clothes and started to rub it along there as well.

The Moogle placed his gear to the side, keeping his pants and leather sword belt together before covering it with his shirt. Lini finished with his sunscreen, making sure to cover his sensitive spots, as well as his pom, and then went back into his bag, digging down deeper for something vital.

"There it is!" He exclaimed, before pulling out a pair of black sunglasses. The Moogle placed them on and adjusted for a moment. With that settled, he laid back on the blanket and brought his hands behind his head, enjoying the sky.

"Rather nice place," He thought to himself as he watched the clouds drift overhead to the sounds of the playing otters, "Might have to come back here on purpose later."

Meanwhile, on a different shore of the lake, one such otter was not having fun. He was in a full-body wetsuit that left nothing to the imagination and sitting under a tree watching the others splash around. Bobert the otter was not enjoying himself, and he definitely didn't want to be here. Every time a wayward splash got near him, he slunk deeper away, as he scowled.

"This was not what I was promised." He muttered to himself.

What Bobert had been promised was an afternoon of fun. In his mind, that meant... well... not this. He didn't know what Shaun had been thinking, taking him here. Speaking of the preppy otter, the brown-furred Shaun soon splashed out of the lake near him, getting those dastardly water droplets ever closer.

"Wheeee!" He exclaimed, shaking slightly, "Come on Bobert, quit being a grump and join us! It's fun!"

Bobert just growled under his breath.

"Oh don't be like that," Shaun replied, "And take off the wetsuit, we're meant for water!" He stopped as he looked at the bulges that were being held back by his clothing, especially the large bulge between his legs.

"Though I'm not gonna lie and say I don't like what you're showing off." He said with a snicker.

Bobert just glared back. "This isn't fun for me." He scowled.

"Oh you're just being a sourpuss." Shaun replied, "But fine, I'll go find something fun. Just you wait and see."

With that said, Shaun dove back into the lake, his sleek body vanishing under the surface as he swam off. A few water rings rippled out from where he had landed, and Bobert looked back off over the lake.

"If he's not back in five minutes, I'm making my own fun." He thought to himself, before looking over to the lifeguard tower. He could think of a few entertaining things to do over there by himself.

Shaun swam deeper under the lake, looking around to see if he could find something to entertain Bobert. There were lots of other otters around, so perhaps they could all join in together. Though, he had to think of what he knew about his friend. He rather enjoyed mischief and pranks, so perhaps he could find someone they could play a prank on? But who?

Shaun looked through the hundreds of otters that were in the lake, swimming about. Any one of them would be good, but then Bobert might just complain about why they had to come here. No, he needed to find something or someone who they wouldn't be able to get if they hadn't come here.

A need for air brought Shaun back to the surface of the lake. But after he crested above the water surface, he spotted just the thing. There was someone he didn't know at the side of the lake, sunning themselves. A large grin crossed his whiskered muzzle and he dove like a torpedo towards that side of the lake. It took less than a minute for him to surface nearby, head just barely peeking out of the water.

Lini had closed his eyes and was breathing softly, taking a quick nap while on the blanket. He was completely unaware that Shaun was nearby, even when the otter came out of the water, still grinning over him.

"Well well..." He smirked, "I bet he'll like this."

Shaun looked over him, but had to stop as he looked over Lini's form. He kneeled down and poked a wet paw at him, feeling under his fur. What he felt was surprising. Although the Moogle's fur did a good job of hiding it, underneath it all, Lini was built and built well. He brushed a hand through his fur, feeling the heavy muscles hiding under it, and stopped when he reached his thigh. Not only was he built, he was packing as well, noticing the large orbs and soft length he had, still over a foot long.

Shaun whistled softly. "Man, don't know who you are, but I need to know what gym you go to. Still, duty calls."

The otter looked around and noticed the bag he had with him, as well as all of Lini's clothes off to the side. He grinned as he grabbed up his clothes and balled them up under one of his arms. He stepped over the sleeping Moogle and grabbed up his bad as well. He gasped at the heft of it, but still got it over his shoulder.

"Hmmm...." He thought, and looked over the sleeping Moogle again. His long rudder-tail slid over to his face and plucked his sunglasses right off of them, He brought them into his free hand, and then decided to press his luck. He reached down and then quickly grabbed the blanket out from under him, making the Moogle spin as he was thrown off, and then quickly ran off into the trees!

"Nnggh...Wait, what...?" Lini muttered as he felt something hit him, before realizing that his sunglasses were gone. He reached up to poke at his face to make sure, and then he looked around. His bag was missing too! And so were all of his clothes!

"What in the!" He shouted out, looking around, and just catching the tail end of the otter's tail vanishing into the trees.

"Hey!" Lini shouted out, getting back to his feet. He did a quick look and noticed that otter had robbed him blind! The Moogle growled out and flapped his wings again, hovering in the air before chasing after him.

Shaun was giggling to himself as he ran through the trees with the visitor's things. He knew this lake better than anyone, so it wouldn't take much to lose him if he was pursuing. Over brush and around trees the otter moved, keeping everything Lini had held close to him as he ran off. Lini huffed as he tried to keep up, but the inner workings of the trees were not as kind to him, occasionally breaking branches and twigs as he followed. But, to no avail, he had lost sight of him, but still hearing him run off.

"I'll get him for this!" Lini thought as he pursued,

The otter continued to scurry, confident that he had made a clean break. With his hands full, Shaun headed back for the shore line of the lake. He stopped to catch his breath for a moment, before triumphantly trotting back towards where Bobert had been, eager to show off what he had done.

The other otter had been about to get up and leave on his own, when he heard his name being shouted out.

"Bobert, hey Bobert!" He heard Shaun saying and rushing towards him, carrying a lot of things with him. "Check it out, I swiped this one guy's stuff while he was sunbathing!"

The otter in the wetsuit looked on as Shaun dumped the things near him, looking over the small clothes and the bag dropping and spilling out. What caught his eye was the scabbard attached to the belt and the sword hilt that could be seen.

"Did you just swipe stuff from a guy who carries a sword around?" Bobert asked, noticing that past the hilt, the blade itself seemed to be made out of some type of hard crystal.

"Well," Shaun said, "I thought it would be funny, I mean, guy out there, sunning in the nude, and then swiping all his clothes so that he has to go around all naked and stuff!"

"You're naked too Shaun." Bobert said plainly.

"Yeah but..."

"Also, why did you come here?"

"To show you the fun you could have here at the lake!"

"By robbing a Moogle?"

"Yeah and... Wait, how did you know he was a Moogle?"

Bobert just pointed behind him, and Shaun turned around, only to see the floating, white-furred Moogle in the air. He did not look happy in the least, although how he looked was not the first thing that Shaun noticed. The first thing that Shaun noticed was that Lini was rock hard, the impressive length he had seen earlier was now triple in size. He only got a glimpse of it, however, because when he turned around, it was pointed right at his face. Before Shaun knew it, the cock of the Moogle had opened over his head and was pulling him in!

The otter flailed at the sudden suction around his head, the slit on Lini clenching around his neck. Another hard pull dragged him further into the flying figure, his cockhead spreading over his shoulders as he sank into the musky length. He struggled as he was pulled into that rippling cum tunnel, trying to push out as his arms were taken in. However, he only succeeding in bulging out Lini's length with his movements.

More lewd slurp sounds echoed out from Lini's cock as he devoured Shaun whole with it. Bobert looked on, wide-eyed as the Moogle devoured the other, larger male. His chest pulled in and soon his length flexed and pulled him off the ground. His slim belly easily fell past the Moogle's cockhead, leaving only his legs kicking and tail writhing around as he was devoured. Shaun was being squeezed and pressed by the motion of the Moogle dick dragging him downward, and his face pressed into a tight ring at his base, shoving through it and entering the balls of the Moogle.

A few more tugs worked in the upper legs of the otter. His face and form pressing out against the balls of Lini as he struggled, his outline appearing in that white-furred sac. Another hard pull took in most of his legs, leaving just his feet and tail sticking out. With one loud gulp, his entire form was sucked in like a noodle, the slit closing tightly behind him and his bulging body sinking down. His length slowly started to regain its shape as the bulge vanished lower, and soon it was back to normal as his balls were completely filled with a squirming and struggling otter.

"Jerk..." Lini muttered as he felt his meal slide in, his orbs already starting to gurgle and slosh around him and he watched his balls wiggle with him. The otter inside was getting completely covered in thick Moogle cum. Ropes of it stuck to his fur as the fleshy walls compressed and squeezed around him. He yelled out, only to get more mouthfuls of cream, and then noticed that he was starting to go numb. He stopped splashing for just a moment and noticed that his hands were slowly starting to melt.

His struggles picked up again, pushing out more against the orbs he had been trapped within, making the Moogle's balls swing with his movements. But, to no avail. Further and further he sank into the creamy depths and soon just token pushes came from him. In just a few minutes, he had been gurgled down into a thick load of cum.

Bobert blinked for a moment, watching the whole thing. His own arousal was throbbing through his wetsuit. Lini huffed for a moment, but then turned to him.

"Did you have anything to do with this?" Lini said, his arms still crossed in annoyance.

"Nope! Nope!" Bobert said, raising his hands to proclaim his innocence, not wanting to share that fate, "I had nothing to do with it!"

"You sure?" The Moogle replied.

"Cross my heart and swear on my family name!"

The Moogle was silent for a moment, before his form shook slightly. The otter watched for a moment as his form slowly started to bulge out further. His chest expanded outward and his arms slowly increased in size. Likewise, he could have sworn he watched Lini's cock bulge out an extra three inches, as well as his balls increase in size and diameter.

A thought crossed into the otter's head. "I might just have found my entertainment..." He grinned mentally.

"Alright," Lini said, "I believe you." His personality suddenly did a complete one-eighty, being rather bright and sunny compared to how darkly he had treated the preppy otter.

The Moogle landed back on the ground and started to gather up his things from where Shaun had left them. He took a moment to fold up his beach blanket again and put it in his bag. He took his clothes and put them back on, the sweat from having chased after the otter having washed off most of his sunscreen, although now there were fitting just slightly tighter than before, especially around his chest and arms. He even managed to get his pants back on, though there was still a very obvious bulge, given how he was still hard.

"Just..." Bobert coughed, "He wasn't the only one."

The ears on the Moogle twitched as he looked back to the otter. "What do you mean?"

"Well," He said, "He wasn't the only one who was behind, you know, taking your stuff."

The Moogle grunted in annoyance again, this time turning to face the wet-suit wearing otter. "Well who else was involved?"

"What are you going to do to them?" Bobert asked.

"Eat them." Lini replied.

"All of them." The otter answered immediately.

Lini sighed out in frustration, looking out towards the lake. No one had noticed that he had just lowered their number by one. All of the otters were still playing and splashing and swimming in the lake. The Moogle shook his head, his pom wobbling, and then he looked back to the otter. His junk was still throbbing in his wet suit.

"Alright," Lini replied, "If all of them were responsible, then tell me which ones to start with."

The otter grinned. "I'll bring the right over. They won't suspect a thing. Bobert, by the way."

"Lini, Lini Roker." The Moogle answered back.

"Lini," he nodded, "Wait right here. I'll be back in a splash."

Bobert hadn't planned on getting into the lake ten minutes ago, but now he was eagerly diving in. He knew just who to look for as well. The trick was to find them. But, luck happened to be on his side, and his first target was right where he thought he might be.

Trey was seated by a large rock outcropping near the edge of the lake and laying flat on his belly. His paws were gently splashing in the water around him as he laid on the rock like a sloth. Bobert splashed out of the water and shook some of the liquid out of his hair before he grabbed him by the tail.

"Hey what!" Trey suddenly shouted before he was yanked in with a splash. Bobert grinned with his tongue out as he dragged the sloth-like otter through the lake with him. Trey struggled for a bit in his grip, but then just laid back and enjoyed the ride, since he didn't need to expend any effort.

"Where are you taking me?" The otter said, his big gut wobbling some as he was moved through the water.

"Just trust me, you'll see." Bobert said, before reaching the lake shore again. He pushed Trey out and the chubby otter wobbled a bit under his weight and looked back.

"You don't have to push. What's the big idea, Bobert?" He said, before he looked back and then down at the Moogle who was in front of him.

"Ummm... Hi." He said, before looking back to the wet-suit wearing otter. "Why did you bring me to a mmph....!"

Trey didn't get a chance to finish his sentence. When he looked back, Lini had flown up again and grabbed the larger otter by the shoulders and opened his maw wide. For such a small creature naturally, Lini could stretch quite a bit, able to get the entire head of the otter into his mouth in a single gulp. His tongue lapped at the wet fur of his meal and he kept his grip tight on him.

Again, the Moogle's appearance belied his hidden strength, and Trey was shocked that he couldn't break free of his grip. Another hard gulp came from the Moogle as his mouth stretched down, working over Trey's neck and his grip lowered to the otter's arms. Now the otter was struggling harder, realizing that he really was being swallowed whole!

But, struggle as he might, he couldn't help but enjoy the heat of Lini's breath on his face and fur as he slid down. His shoulders were soon pushed into the hot mouth of the Moogle, and next his upper arms and chest were sliding in. The Moogle pushed himself downward, gulping over more of his form as he lifted the otter further into his maw. His tongue continued to lap and slurp on him as he gobbled his prey, and soon Trey's arms were pinned to his sides as his chest was fully swallowed. His head was now pushing into the Moogle's throat, making his neck bulge out as he sank lower, and that bulge started to vanish behind the broad chest of Lini as he worked him in.

The otter's tail wiggled as he was being pulled off the ground now, and the hot throat of Lini rippled around his body. Licks and slurps came from the Moogle as he swallowed, his maw stretching over his large gut now. His paws pressed at the sides of Lini's mouth, giving one last attempt to resist, but they were soon pushed in as well. As much as he didn't want to admit it, getting eaten alive was turning him on. His arousal was poking free from his sheath now, and pre was dripping from his cock as it bounced in time with the swallows.

Lini landed back on the ground and was now holding up the chubby otter above him. His jaw stretched over the widest part of Trey's belly now. The gulps and swallows continued to echo in his ears while he sank deeper. The tongue of the Moogle lapped at his arousal as he fell further into his throat and into his stomach. His body started to hump in the air at the sensation and kick his legs as he went downward. Like Shaun before him, soon just his tail and legs were sticking out, and it was a swift and easy process for Lini to slurp them up like noodles. The Moogle soon closed his mouth and gulped one last time, the otter sliding past his tongue and into his throat. The thick bulge passed through his neck and then vanished past his chest.

Trey was forced to curl up in a dark, wet space. The otter knew he had to be in his stomach now. The walls of it started to press around him and he pushed back outward, trying to get into a position where he could hump against the fleshy walls. On the outside, again Bobert could see the otter's outline pushed out in his belly, and watched him squirm inside. From the motions he was making, even he could see that he was trying to get one more orgasm before he was digested. It came rather quickly too, with Trey gasping out inside his belly, and gushing his release along the inside of Lini's stomach.

The slothful otter sighed out and collapsed in the Moogle's belly, breathing hard inside of him before stretching out and closing his eyes to let himself get claimed. He gave a few more presses against the fleshy walls of his stomach and just waited for the natural processes to begin.

Lini licked at his lips once he had the otter fully inside of his belly, and turned back to Bobert. The otter's wetsuit was bulging out further now, his own arousal clearly outlined and bulging out, making the rubber stretch to contain it all. As much as it was, it wouldn't last long, especially at the rate Bobert was going.

The Moogle's gut wobbled for a moment, but soon the bulges on his belly started to diminish as his stomach walls worked to compress the otter into a meal. His stomach soon showed no signs at all that he had devoured someone whole. A few moments later, Lini's body began to grow again, a few inches adding to his height now. His legs started to increase in size, and his thigh grew thicker as well from the absorbed otter mass. His fur and fuzz started to grow out as well, and he brushed a hand through it.

"So there's more?" Lini said, looking over to Bobert.

"Like I said, everyone but me was in on it." He replied.

"Maybe I should get out of my clothes." Lini said, starting to pull his shirt off.

"No no no, leave it." Bobert replied, earning a raised eyebrow from the Moogle.

Lini complied though, and dropped it back down, both his shirt and his pants feeling tighter than before. He lifted one of his arms but then stopped when he heard a slight rip coming from a sleeve. That was something he'd need to get fixed later.

"Going to have to get this fixed once I get to Crossroads City..." Lini said to himself.

The otter perked up. "Oh? That's where you're heading?" He replied, "I'm from there myself. Once we finish up here, I can lead you there."

That was the first bit of good news Lini had since this whole thing had started. "Really? Thanks Bobert." He said, "I'll take you up on that offer."

The sneaky otter grinned and dove back under the water. Now he had control of the timeframe. There was no risk of him wanting to leave before he was done now. For a makeshift plan that had just came to him, everything was working out perfectly. Now he just needed to find someone else.

Bobert swam around as best as he could with his large bulge in his wetsuit getting in the way. Thankfully, it was still contained rather well, so it wasn't going to be too much of a problem. It would be soon though, and he needed to find some others before it became an issue. After a moment of thought under water, Bobert remembered someone he really didn't like. There was one jerk jock who loved to show himself off. Normally Bobert didn't mind some good eye candy, but he was still an ass. It wouldn't be a big loss at all to have him get absorbed into the Moogle, not at all.

"Okay, where are you Cody...?" He said to himself, looking underwater, trying to find his target in the mass of swimming and playing otters.

After a few minutes of searching and needing to surface once more for air, Bobert spotted Cody. The jock was under water, showing off his form to some of the other otter guys. He was still being a jerk about it, including slapping one with his tail as he turned to pose. Though, he'd need to think for a moment. What could he say to Cody that would get the meathead to Lini?

Inspiration suddenly struck Bobert as he swam down towards the jerk jock. He took a moment to get his attention, namely by diving down from below and slamming his bulge across his face and head. That wasn't the easiest way to do it, but it was the way he deserved. Of course, Bobert swam for his life back to the surface, and saw that Cody was after him like an otter possessed after that.

Bobert reached the surface first, coming up with a large splash, with Cody following behind him a moment later. The large, six foot otter loomed down at Bobert, glaring at him and pounding his palm with one of his fists.

"You have ten seconds to give me one good reason why I shouldn't pound you into putty for doing that Bobert." He said, slamming his fist and flexing his pecs in an intimidating manner.

"I needed to get your attention somehow Cody." Bobert said, playing innocent once more, "You see, there's a guy on the shore who says he can lift more than you bro. I figured you'd want to put him in his place."

That changed Cody's tone instantly. All his white-hot rage for Bobert quickly transferred to this mystery figure who dared challenge him. The jock otter looked around, before Bobert pointed him in the proper direction.

"About three-six, white fur." Bobert said.

Cody swam as fast as his large, slick body would let him, cutting through the waves like a hot knife through butter. The smaller otter followed close behind, avoiding some of the undertow Cody was making through his displacement. He had his tongue out, planning just exactly how he was gonna push the jerk jock into the Moogle.

After a little over two minutes swimming to the shore line, Cody pulled himself out of the water and looked around. Bobert was out shortly behind him, counting down in his mind just how long this will take. Still, he didn't see Lini around. He had told him to wait here, so where did that fuzzball go?

"So where is he?" Cody said, looking back to Bobert.

"Ummm...." The otter in the bulging wetsuit stalled, "Ummmm... RIGHT ABOVE YOU!"

Cody looked up. By sheer chance, Bobert had been correct. Lini had been flying right above the bulky jock otter. A second later, he no longer was, but instead was diving down. The jock otter's vision was suddenly darkened as Moogle butt covered his face, and then his furry white rump cheeks spread over him as he sat down on his head.

"MMpgghghgh!" Cody muffled out as his head was suddenly engulfed by Lini's ass.

The otter reached up to try and pry him off, but his face was bulging out his lower body already. The tight clenching of the Moogle's rump slid further down, squeezing on his neck as he was pulled in further. The firm cheeks of Lini's ass soon started to spread over his shoulders, making it harder for him to pry the Moogle off of his head. Loud and lewd squelches echoed out as he took his head deeper into his body, working his large form further inside.

Lini gasped and grunted out as he took the larger male in, his internal muscles contracting and pulling harder as he stretched around the jock's broad shoulders. His anal ring continued spreading around his upper body, with Cody's arms still trying to pry him off to no avail. Soon, his arms were being forced down as Lini sank further over him, pinning his arms to his side as he worked in the large chest of the otter.

Bobert grinned. This was exactly what he had planned. What better way to put an asshole otter then in the Moogle's asshole to get absorbed. Now to have some more fun with this.

"Here, let me help you with that, buddy." The wetsuit-clad otter offered, and pushed on the back of the large jock to move him onto his knees. Cody flailed for a moment as he was pushed over, his tail twitching before he fell over, with Lini lowering himself as well as he bent over to give him better access inside.

The hard cock on Lini was throbbing again, as the pushes of the large male were slamming around his prostate, hitting his internal sweet spots at a constant rate. His pulling continued, working in his chest and back, sliding him deeper in his ass. The other otter, in the meantime, was taking his position at the back of the jock. Bobert lifted up his tail and rubbed his bulge under it, teasing his backdoor through his wetsuit. Pre was filling up Bobert's wetsuit as he did so, before he thrust his clad length towards Cody's tailhole.

Cody gasped and moaned out at the sensations, feeling the rutting his tailhole was getting. But every thrust and hump Bobert gave him shoved him just a little bit further into Lini's rump, his upper arms caught now and his pecs slowly vanishing inside his tailhole. His nipples gave them a slight stretch before they popped inside, and the rest of his chest was pushed in easily. The Moogle was gushing pre as well from the pushes to his prostate, but he was focused on sucking the big male in.

Bobert grinned more as he pushed harder inside, making sure that Cody felt his junk. His bulge pressed more between the jock's cheeks as he pushed him further inside. The rest of his chest was worked in, and then Lini's spread rump began to suck in the solid bricks on his abs. Lini's form continued to bulge out as he took in the male, his cock throbbing harder now as a stream of pre leaked from him, dripping towards the lake.

The otter was soon just had his thighs sticking out, his face pressed out against Lini's belly as he traveled through his lower body. Bobert soon grabbed the jock by his cock and pressed it against Lini's hole, letting his arousal get sucked in next. The Moogle's rippling pucker continued pulling him in, getting his tail in next, until just a pair of legs were sticking out of him. At that point, the otter was practically shoving what was left of Cody into him, only letting go once his knees had vanished. Lini's rump did the rest, sucking him down to his feet, before a wet slurp sucked those past his backside and the jock vanished within him.

Of course, the Moogle had a massive gut now, with the lower body of the otter still getting sucked inside to join the rest of his form in his belly, and his prey was still pressing out, trying to free himself. But, try as he might, the rest of his large form was pulled into Lini's stomach, making him a large bulge in the white-furred male.

It took a few minutes, but soon the bulges in the Moogle's stomach started to slow and diminish. The large otter was a big meal, which made it all the more impressive that he even fit to start, much less began digesting at such a rapid rate. Gradually, Lini's form began to return to normal, showing no trace of the digested fur in his stomach. Then, he gave out a slight belch that smelled like Cody.

"'Scuse me." Lini said, patting his stomach, before it began to rumble.

It soon became apparent the rumbling wasn't coming from the Moogle's belly, but instead from his entire body. His form started to shake as he absorbed the otter into himself. Bobert watched with excitement as his form started to bulge out and grow, height easily being added to his formerly short form. Four feet, then five, then six. Lini had grown taller than the otter now, and his form was quickly thickening to fill it out.

The muscles around his thighs began to bulge out first, pushing his cock out further as his arousal grew in length and girth as well. Ever throb on his length gushed out another stream of pre, flowing freely like a hose from his slit and oozing to the lake. His orbs began to expand as well, filling out with more seed as they grew larger and heavier, hanging low between his longer legs.

Lini's pecs and chest started ballooning out further now, the added mass from the jock multiplying in his body as he expanded and bulged. His shirt started to rip and tear more as his body expanded before completely shredding off of his body, followed by his pants from his expanding thighs and groin. The muscles on his longer arms started to grow and inflate as well as thick, pulsing veins popped out and covered his biceps and forearms, leading back to his pounding heart. His growing pecs were pushing up towards his chin now, and might have covered his head if it wasn't for his neck getting thicker as well, pushing it past the muscular mass.

His fur could no longer hide how built he really was now, as his powerful muscles continued to bulge out. There were deeper patches of fuzz forming along his arms now, and getting very thick hair under his arms as well, and a streak of thicker fuzz along his chest started to form, making a ladder all the way down to his groin, passing over his stomach, and thickening between his balls as well.

The growth finally subsided, and Lini stood a foot taller than the otter now. He shook his head for a moment to get some of the kinks out of his bigger form, and his pom dangled and wobbled as he did. Every move he did made another part of his muscular body bulge, and he soon turned his neck and twisted slightly to look over his large, beefy back. Thankfully, his wings seemed to have grown stronger as well, as he could still flap them and fly off the ground after a quick test of their strength.

Bobert had been slack-jawed as he watched the growing Moogle in front of him, but quickly composed himself when Lini looked back towards him. He looked over the much larger, and much more muscular form of the Moogle before him and felt his wetsuit get even tighter now. He looked over the much larger, and much more muscular form of the Moogle before him and felt his wetsuit get even tighter now. He still couldn't hide his grin from his face, though, as Cody was definitely better off absorbed into the Moogle.

"Holy cow!"

Both Bobert and Lini turned, and saw that there was a small group of seven otters gathered up at the shore line of the lake. Several of them were sniffing at the river of pre that Lini had been leaking towards the lake. They were still looking up in awe at the Moogle though, not used to seeing anyone that big.

"So, you like, ate Cody?" One of the otters questioned, getting out of the lake, his whiskers twitching on his nose.

"He did." Bobert replied.

"Then... can you eat us too?" The otter said with a grin.

Lini was a bit surprised, and looked back to Bobert. The otter just shrugged his shoulders. It would save him some time, at the very least, if they dove in now instead of him having to grab them.

"Alright," Lini said, stroking and patting his length before pointing it to the small group.

"Yay!" A small cheer erupted from the group as the scampered towards the massive moogle. The first one in the group reached his cock and nuzzled up at his length, giving his slick cockhead a lick. He started massaging the cockhead of the Moogle and pressed his paws into his slit. The thick cock of the Moogle started to pull, nearly taking him off of his feet in a single tug. His arms pressed in easily and he rubbed his cheeks and whiskers before a second tug slurped his head in next.

The other otters behind him started to form a line, grabbing at each other's legs and made a chain. Every pulse of Lini's cock that sucked them in further each began working them closer to the length of the Moogle. It looked to be an arrangement they could all work with, and Lini's flexing cock continued to slurp them in.

"Well, I'll go get some more," Bobert said, watching the first otter sink in past his slit entirely and the second one start to go down.

The otter's arousal was seriously about to burst free from his wetsuit, but he had a great idea. If Cody had gotten him to grow that much, there was only one otter who was bigger than he was, and that was the lifeguard. Well, except for Korane. But then again, Korane may not exist. It was said he was the biggest otter of them all, standing twenty feet tall and as thick and muscular as a redwood and personally dug out Otter Lake himself. But, that was just a legend, after all.

Bobert dove back into the lake, swimming as fast as he could to the lifeguard tower. This was the only part that might have been on a time limit, as he'd have to get his attention before Lini finished eating the otter chain with his cock. He looked back for a moment, and saw that he was already three otters in. Thankfully, it looked like another group had spotted the Moogle devouring everything, and were joining in the fun. There were three otters standing on the large chest of the Moogle, and they were starting to feed one another into his large maw. That might buy him a little more time.

The otter zoomed through the water as quickly, getting towards the lifeguard tower. The muscular blonde otter looked down at him for a moment, before keeping an eye out on the others. Bobert grinned, and moved behind the tower and starting to climb and hang off of the wooden planks that made the structure. His bulge made it hard for him to make it up, but he still climbed up to the top being the lifeguard's chair and under the large red and white umbrella on the station.

Bobert grinned at the top, as Tachi the lifeguard hadn't noticed him yet. So, like before, the otter made his grand entrance by flopping his massive bulge on the head and face of the ten foot tall lifeguard. Unlike with Cody though, he knew the otter enjoyed that, having done it to him before many times in the past.

The beefy lifeguard otter oofed as that heavy bulge covered his face and vision, before his whiskered muzzle grinned. He reached up and started to grope at the package that was covering his vision, squeezing at it.

"You rang?" The otter said, lifting his head up and sniffed at the bulge covering his face and head. He squeezed more at the otter's junk through his wetsuit, and Bobert started to pull and tug back, attempting to get out of his grip. The otter lifeguard kept a rather firm grip, but he did manage to squirm out of his large paws.

"Yeeeaaaahhhh..." Bobert said, sliding behind the large back of the lifeguard otter and grinding his bulge along his body. The pre he was leaking was now starting to soak through his wetsuit, weakening it more and more.

"Mmmmph..." The otter grinned, flexing back and making his tank top stretch under his form, and then a loud riiiiiiiipppp echoed out as the otter's wetsuit could no longer hold back any longer. It's valiant defense against the inevitable finally fell, and the hyper otter was now grinding his bare orbs and cock against the back of the lifeguard otter. His hair was getting soaked and matted with his pre now as it leaked out and dribbled down his face.

"I'm on duty, you know..." The lifeguard replied, "I can't really take the time to have fun..."

"No, you call me Sir!" The otter demanded.

"Nnghh... I can't really take the time to have fun, sir." He corrected himself before reaching back and gripping at the heavy orbs pressing along his back.

"No, you mean this slut!" Bobert snapped back and slapping his large and hard length against the back of the otter's head.

The lifeguard otter turned around, panting as he breathed in the heavy musk the smaller otter was giving off. He couldn't help but slurp along the crevice between the otter's cock and balls, burying his nose in there to get a heavier dose of otter aroma.

"Ngghh... okay... This slut can't really take the time to have fun, sir." Tachi replied, licking at the thick underside of the otter cock that was grinding along his form.

"Hah, you say that, but look at you." The otter scolded, noticing that the blue speedo the lifeguard was wearing was on the verge of breaking. The fabric was creaking and snapping under the pressure of the bulge it was holding back, and then soon snapped clean off. The heavy balls and three foot long cock of the lifeguard was exposed now, and gushing pre onto the ground below.

"Mmmph, can't help it..." The otter moaned out as Bobert continued rubbing his junk along his face and leaking all over him, "You know I love your junk, Sir. I love hearing it slosh and gurgle and blast out when you fire."

The smaller otter continued to grind along his back and around his head, and his cock throbbed more pre onto the chest of the lifeguard. His pre was getting all over the lifeguards tank top now, showing off his own beefy chest under the fabric. His heavy breathing from taking in his musk was making his hairy chest puff up and down. The gushing otter pre was acting like a hose on his tank top, showing off his hard otter nubs throbbing as the clear goo splattered onto him.

Bobert let himself enjoy that for another thirty seconds, before he pulled back and then slapped his cock across Tachi's face. "Hey, listen. There's a guy on the other end of the shore eating otters. Get over there and do your job!"

"Mmmhmmm?" The lifeguard moaned out, shaking his head slightly from the cockslap.

"You heard me!" Bobert commanded.

"Yes sir!" Tachi replied, sliding down the ladder of the lifeguard station. Bobert's legs were wrapped around his neck as he held onto him, still grinding and humping against the back of his neck and head. His balls were slapping at his shoulders and his bobbing cock bopped the otter on his head several times.

"Now onward steed, I shall ride you to our glory!" Bobert said, and pointed the lifeguard towards Lini, a large grin on his face.

The lifeguard streaked, literally, across the shore, rushing towards where Bobert was leading him. Every bounding, leaping step had the otter, grinding further on him as he held on, pre still leaking from his cock onto the otter's blonde hair, with the lifeguard sending a trail as well from his cock. His chest huffed and bounced as he ran, his tank top was starting to dissolve from all the pre Bobert was gushing onto it.

When they were about fifty feet away, Bobert slid off of his back, making sure to slide his length tantalizingly close to his backdoor, but kept it just far enough away to make him want more. He patted the big rump on the ten foot otter and took the lead, giving him a silent motion to follow him, which the big lifeguard eagerly did.

As the now-nude otter lead the even larger nude otter towards the Moogle, he could see the last of an otter tail vanish into his cock. He had gotten bigger since last time, now almost the size of the lifeguard, but apparently still needing to absorb the ones in his balls. A few quick slurps made quick work of the last tail, and now Bobert was ready.

Lini saw that the otter had returned, and then he motioned for a large one to come forward. He wasn't ready yet, as he suspected that he'd need to sneak up to devour the next one like he had done with the previous ones, but the otter was just inviting him over? He had to think about what exactly Bobert might be planning.

The Moogle was a bit surprised to see such a large specimen come across the shoreline. He puffed up his chest as the otter bulge in his cock began to slide down into his balls to join the rest of the squirming Lutrine inside of him. He was ready to wrestle and work down the large otter as he walked towards him, coming up behind Bobert.

Then, the smaller otter stuck his foot out, catching the lifeguard in the shin and making him lose his balance and fall forward.

"Whoa...mmoph!" The large otter gasped out as he struggled to catch himself, but was unable to in time. He fell forward, waving his arms and hopping on one leg and landed face first in Lini's cock. The Moogle's slit started to stretch over his head and quickly clamped and clenched on the lifeguard's face and began sucking.

Tachi gasped out as the sudden musky Moogle cock started to fill and assault his senses, his whiskers brushing along the insides of that thick length. He started to pant loudly as the rippling Moogle cock pulled him further in. Lini's cockslit started to clench tight over his neck, and began pulling him harder inside. The otter couldn't resist and started to lap and lick at the fleshy walls surrounding him.

The smell of cum was strong in Lini's cum tunnel and the otter's tail was swishing in bliss as he was taken deeper. The smaller otter saw that as his chance, coming up behind Tachi's rump and lifting up his tail again. Unlike with Cody, this time, the otter started plowing. His hyper length was still gushing, which made jamming it between the tight cheeks of the larger otter child's play. A quick slam timed with Lini's cockslit spreading open to take the massive shoulders of the lifeguard pushed Tachi further inside.

The large otter squirmed and wiggled as he was sucked in deeper, his furry chest being sucked in next. Bobert's thrusts and humps into his backside made his tailhole clench around that thick cock that was filling his insides, the lifeguards own arousal hard and throbbing as well as he was being devoured by the other male. Bobert's cock continued to pulse and gush pre into the otter, stretching out his hole as his veiny length throbbed.

Tachi started to hump as well, working his backside in time with Bobert thrusting into him as he was getting fucked down a cock. Lini's cockslit was stretching open widely over his massive pecs and large back of the otter while the lewd squelches and slurps from his cock working him over echoed across the lake. The sounds of his devouring of the lifeguard were spreading through the air, and what was once a secret devouring was starting to gather more attention.

Lini shivered slightly as the hard and thick nubs that crowned the otter's chest passed through his cockslit, with the lifeguard still squirming and licking through his rippling cum tunnel. He huffed as Bobert started to fuck the otter harder, and then looked at the growing crowd of otters. There was a mix of shock, adoration, and lust that he could read over their faces as they watched the three of them go at it, which was quickly becoming two.

The grey and cream colored otter was vanishing faster now, his strong and muscular gut being pushed into the cock of the Moogle. Lini strained as his slit was spread further over his large gut, but the musclegut of the lifeguard otter was his widest part. Once he got that down, the rest of the otter would be a piece of cake. With Bobert still plowing him hard, that would come rather quickly too.

Bobert was approaching his climax. The otter's thick cock was throbbing and gushing pre and filling out the other otter's belly, making it sag just a little bit more as he was being devoured. Several more hard thrusts came from the otter as he slammed his cock into the clenching ass of Tachi. His length was starting to shake and soon he growled out and grabbed at the lifeguard's thighs, gushing his hot cum deep into him. His cock's underside started to bulge out with the size of the load he was pumping into the otter, stretching his hole even further as he sped up his humping into him. Lewd, wet squelches echoed as his seed filled up the inside of the otter, making Tachi moan out as he was being filled with hot cum.

Speaking of hot cum, the face and muzzle of the lifeguard otter started to press pass the tight ring at the base of Lini's cock. The blonde otter gasped as he entered the larger chamber, seeing the last of the previous otters vanish under the surface of his cum, melting into genetic material of the moogle. He couldn't help but lap at the thick cream that he was approaching, wiggling his tail and legs as Bobert continued to fuck him deeper still. He moaned out as his thighs started to vanish into that hungry cock, the squeezings from the Moogle's length working over his balls now. The tight squeezes from Lini's length on his orbs made the otter hump again, his own yardstick gushing now, sending a river of white flowing out of his cock and back towards the lake, attracting an even bigger crowd of otters.

Bobert's orgasm lasted for several minutes, even long after Tachi's ass was sucked up by Lini's cock. He felt the tight slit of the Moogle's cock grip on his length as he humped downward, working the rest of the lifeguard into him. Finally, he pulled out his arousal with a wet pop! sound. He was still rock hard, and so was the moogle as the otter bulge worked down his cock towards his balls. He stuck his tongue out before he slapped his length at Tachi's feet and then started to push the otter deeper into Lini's length. The lewd squelches echoed out before Lini's cock slurped up the feet and tail of the otter, making him just a massive bulge in his huge length, sinking down to his balls.

More of Lini's cum started to wash and splash over the trapped otter. He gasped out and pushed outward against the Moogle's fleshy walls. The sea of seed made of former otters gushed all around his trapped form. Every squirm he had was repaid by a condensing and pressing by Lini's balls squeezing him back. The Moogle's orbs were working him over, and Tachi gasped again as his face pressed outward.

Bobert walked closer to the Moogle and started rubbing the remaining bulge in his cock downward. His thick length pulsed, working the last of Tachi down his rippling cum tunnel, until it passed through his base as well, returning Lini's cock to its normal shape and filling his balls with the massive male. Even with how much bigger Lini had gotten, the lifeguard's shape could still clearly be seen outlined in those nuts, and the smaller otter slapped at his face with his cock.

"So long, slut." He teased and rubbed at Lini's balls, petting at them.

With Tachi's lower body joining him in those tight, fleshy, hot balls, he was being forced to curl in that tight sac. He pressed out again as he felt someone rubbing at him and heard Bobert say he was gone. The otter gasped out again, pressing out against where he felt the otter's hands to further stretch out his form, but then saw that his fur was losing its color. His normally grey and cream self was starting to turn white as Moogle cum gushed over him.

The lifeguard otter whined out in lust, reaching down to grab at his thick, black cock. He started to grip and stroke his length, humping in lust in the musky air of the Moogle's balls as he was sinking under. His length was losing its color as well, and he gnashed and grinded harder against the walls of Lini's sac. His balls were gurgling as well and he soon cried out and unloaded his own heavy load of cum, pent up from all of Bobert's teasing and the sensation of being devoured. Thick heavy ropes of seed splashed out from him, gushing like a hose from his three foot cock. He panted harder, chest pounding as cum filled his mouth and nose.

On the outside, the form of his body was slowly diminishing. The bumps, hills, and valleys that formed his outline were starting to fade and loud gurgles were coming from inside of him. The otter gushed and splashed more as he could see his body start turning to cum before his eyes. Slowly and gradually, he was melting down into spunk, oozing down and slowly sinking under the surface. A few more thick bubbles appeared at the surface as his whitened form lowered, and then the storm was still. All that was within Lini's balls was hot Moogle cum.

The white-furred orbs of Lini were hanging low now, reaching the ground from all the excess seed that he had made. Bobert grinned as he looked up at the male, still patting his balls, and then was nearly knocked off of his feet when the Moogle suddenly expanded outward again! Those orbs he had been rubbing began to inflate like balloons, and had him pinned under them for a few moments before they lifted off of him. Not from any movements from the Moogle, but because his legs and size were increasing!

He took that moment to scurry back, not wanting to get pinned again. Bobert scampered back to his feet after he got a little distance between them, and watched as Lini's chest practically tripled in size. His powerful, thick chest pressed together, making his pecs bounce as strength and power flowed through him. The back on Lini expanded as well, pushing his wings out further as they grew in size as well to match his growing body.

Several cracks echoed out as his bones strengthened and pushed outward, giving the Moogle more support as he topped ten feet, then twelve, then fifteen feet from his large feet to the top of his head. That didn't include his pom, which was growing heavier and stronger as well, the stem as thick as a smaller fur's entire arm now.

His chest had gotten most of that growth, with his pecs jutting out so far now that Bobert could swear they were deeper than he was tall. But that wasn't all Lini had gone through. His arms pushed outward, thickening and strengthening as his biceps bulged out like mountains. The Moogle clenched his fists as more veins popped over his arms, pumping more strength through him. His legs, thighs, and traps bulged out as well, thickening to support his form. His legs were as thick as a tree trunk now.

The Moogle's balls were as large as truck tires now, which was fitting as his cock was pushing up higher and longer. The tip of his glans were sliding up past his pecs as both jutted out, seeming to top off at nine feet on the fifteen foot tall titan of a Moogle. Lini was huffing in pleasure as the growing sensation, and finally his arousal started to bulge out as his balls pulled up.

A thick flood of cum erupted from the geyser of Lini's cock, flying upward and outward as heavy globs of pure white spunk fired out in all directions. The majority of it was towards the lake, and every thick blast of seed that shot out attracted the attention of more otters. It seemed like everyone was well aware that something was going on there, but only a few knew that it was a Moogle determined to devour all of them.

When it seemed like Lini had finished growing, Bobert leapt onto the white-furred Moggle and latched onto his chest. His fuzz had grown thicker and longer as well, with a much deeper patch of it covering his chest and arms. There was no question that the Moogle was getting bushier, with the heavier patches from his previous absorption getting much more defined now and clearly seen, even with it being close to the same color as his normal fur.

The otter was grabbing onto Lini's nubs, and was rubbing and grinding his form into the thick fuzz that was surrounding him. The Moogle's nubs were large enough that he could grip them easily while swinging on his form. He buried his face in the thick forest of chest hair the Moogle had. He was rubbing at the thick and powerful chest on Lini as he hung from his nubs and was licking at the crevice between his massive pecs. His feet were kicking and rubbing at his firm front, with his tail leading down to stroke at the thick, hyper cock of the Moogle. All of his movements were pleasurable to both of them, and Bobert would have continued, but, he felt the Moogle grab him at the back of his neck and hold him up.

"Well, seems we have a crowd now." Lini said to the otter he was holding up, his voice dropped several octaves from its original tone.

The entire lake was here now, all in various forms of ogling the massive, muscular Moogle. Bobert looked out over them, and they all seemed to be completely enamored by the large male. He grinned as several of them were starting to inch closer, natural otter curiosity getting the better of them.

"Well, what are you waiting for, get in him!" Bobert commanded at the sea of otters.

That seemed to make the dam of lust that was growing over the crowd of otters burst, and a swarm of brown otters approached the muscular male. Before Lini could react, small hands were rubbing and worshiping at his body, with several of the males kissing and licking at his form. Several were at his legs, another small group were at his rump, giving deep rubs to his ass. Many more were holding and hanging on Lini's balls, and slurping all over those as well. They were starting to crawl up and over him now, making the moogle flail slightly from the feeling off all their hands on him.

A larger group were now climbing onto each other's shoulders and attempting to make a small tower up to Lini's cock. The one at the top reached up and grabbed the gaping cockhead of the Moogle and started to shove his paws into it. The hungry cock on Lini started to gulp on the first male as they worked together to bring it down closer to the rest of them so they could all get sucked in his shaft.

A loud slurp echoed from his cockslit as the first one sank into himself with ease. With all of the other males soon gripping onto it, the hyper cock on Lini was falling lower as bulges slowly began working their way down. Lini still held on tight to Bobert, but soon let him go. The hyper male landed on Lini's length near the base and began straddling it. The otter grinned and pushed his head back, leaning into the massive male and his tail slapped around and teased at his inner thigh. The sensation of the bulges sinking down Lini's cock passed under him, and soon entered into the Moogle's balls.

What had caused Lini to let go of the otter was feeling several of the smaller males reach up and spread his cheeks and lick at his backdoor. A wet nose was following the rimming Lini was receiving and soon another male pushed its way into him. His rump spread easily around his slick and small form. A quick clench sucked and pulled him into the larger male, and his form was vanishing quickly as he was taken up Lini's rump. There was another otter behind him, helping to push him in deeper, forcing him into the ass of the Moogle, only to make more space for himself to be taken in as well.

The scene was the same near his cock as well. His gaping slit gulped down the otters like they were potato chips. One after another they pushed in, bulging out the thick moogle cock. His rippling shaft continued to have them sink lower into him. He was losing track of how many nuzzling muzzles and rubbing hands were grabbing onto him. Several were teasing down the bulges as they sank down his cock, and more rubbed at his lower body as the ones going up his ass were being pulled into his belly.

Lini's pom was bouncing with the movements of all the males sliding into him. Bobert was taking advantage of his distracted state and grinding his cock along the larger one as he leaned onto it. With a grin on his muzzle, Bobert yanked one of the crowding otters up. The surprised Lutrine had been rubbing a bulge when he had been grabbed, and soon he had his face pressed into the massive chest of the Moogle.

Bobert kept pressing the otter's head into the chest of Lini, making sure that he got deep into that fuzz. He started to slide his hyper cock under his tailhole to hump him upward and inward, getting him further into that furry chest on the Moogle. Pre was gushing from his length again as he stood on the rippling Moogle cock, gripping onto the muscular male to keep his balance as bulges traveled under his feet.

The pecs on the Moogle were deep, a massive valley leading from their ridges to the base of Lini. Further, Bobert pushed and grinded the otter he had grabbed into that valley. Lini was flexing as he felt the men get pushed into him, and his chest was pulling on the otter Bobert had grabbed and was humping inward. Thick, rippling clenches dragged the male into his valley. His pecs wrung together as he worked the otter deep into himself, and Bobert was still gushing pre onto him before he pulled back. His flexes continued, and the lower body of the otter was kicking and flailing, before it vanished under that hairy, white fur.

The ripples continued, long after the otter vanished, and soon Bobert saw a few handprints press out in Lini's chest. Bobert grinned wider, pushing back on the prints as the trapped male was contracted and squeezed by his chest muscles. It was like his pecs were chewing the otter down, making him more muscle mass. Those mountains on Lini's chest rippled, and soon the movement inside vanished as the otter was absorbed.

Bobert licked his lips and reached down to grab another otter. However, a larger than expected bulge rocked him off of his feet and back down to straddling Lini's cock once more. Apparently a group of otters had decided to go down at once, and judging from how their bulge was wobbling and shaking, they were fucking each other hard down his rippling cum tunnel. Judging from the loud splash that the otter could hear once they passed through the inner ring, it was quite the group. Likewise, he could feel more squirms and presses behind him as his back was to Lini's stomach as several otters had begun an impromptu orgy in his belly. Faces and paws were pressing out, as well as entire fronts as otters were plowed and humped inside Lini's stomach.

A quick check with his tail told the same tale in the Moogle's balls. The movements and sloshing going on inside there was making his orbs wobble greatly between his legs. Handprints and faces were bulging out his fleshy walls as Lini's nuts worked in overtime as they stretched out his sac. Yet, there were still many hands rubbing and squeezing and worshiping at his body, though it seemed like most of the otters were migrating towards his cock. There was a small group hanging on Lini's cock as it bounced and flexed and devoured them.

Then, near his tip, two of them lost their grip and began sliding down the top of Lini's cock towards Bobert's own length. The hyper otter was unable to get his arousal out of the way in time, and the pair suddenly had their noses pressed right in Bobert's pre-gushing slit. His own cock started to stretch around their faces, taking them in together. A gasp and grunt came from the otter as his length was speared by their wiggling forms and sucking them down.

The two that were going down Bobert's cock started to squirm and wiggle to pull out. They were hoping to go into the much larger male, not the otter! They gripped at the edge of the otter's length, trying to get any traction to pull themselves out, but another bulge sliding under them put an end to that. Bobert as well had wanted to stuff more of them into the Moogle, and getting any in him was not part of that plan, as good as it felt to have two living things squirming and struggling down his length. However, he was nothing if not quick on his feet. Once he saw they had slid over halfway into his cock, he had another idea for how to get them into Lini.

The otter grinned and flexed his cock upward, lifting them off the ground so they could slide easier down his bulging length. The ripples from his length gripped and pulled on the pair and his cock's underside bulged out with their forms as they were kept together in that tight, fleshy prison. He watched as their legs kicked and squirmed but his hyper arousal was taking them down just as easily as the Moogle's cock was clearing out more of the crowd of otters.

As he looked out as he felt them slide towards his base, he could see they were climbing down Lini's cock five at a time now, squeezing themselves in his thick length. The crowd was over half devoured by now, as more vanished into the Moogle, and his body was converting them into more cum. While there were still several pushing their way up his rump, the majority were working their way into his cock. It was a steady stream of otter bulges now, and Lini's balls were growing rapidly to keep up with all the otters entering them. Already his orbs had grown from the size of truck tires, and were now the size of sofa's, each filled with squirming and wiggling and fucking otters.

Bobert huffed and gripped backwards as he felt the two reach his base after another hard slurp took them in. He felt them finally start to separate as they pushed through his tight ring. One of the otters was falling into his left nut, and the other was diving into his right. The otter gripped his cock as the bulges sank, working to push them down, and soon his own large balls were stuffed with an otter each.

The otter jostled his sac, feeling them squirm and press out inside of him. His nuts wobbled as they moved about in his cum factories. He waited for a moment when a large bulge sliding down Lini's cock would move under him. Bobert didn't have to wait long, as one started sliding down the Moogle's arousal towards him almost instantly. He pressed his feet on the bulge, trying to slow it down slightly, and grabbed up at the Moogle's chest to get his balance again.

The otter gripped onto the hair and fuzz on Lini's chest and pushed off the cock bulge, letting it reach its destination. His paws tightened on Lini's bushy pecs and he started to climb up those mountains of muscle. Bobert's dripping cock was grinding and pressing onto his chest as his balls hung and swung under him before he reached near the top of the Moogle's pecs. At this juncture, he had his cock pressed right at one of Lini's nubs crowning his chest.

Lini's eyes were closed and his teeth were clenched as he worked more of the males into him. The pure pleasure of the untold numbers of otters stuffing themselves down his cock was overwhelming. However, the feeling of the heavier otter tugging on his chest hair as he climbed did get his attention. He opened his eyes and looked down and saw that Bobert was climbing up his body. The otter was grinning, and before he knew it, he had slammed his hyper cock right onto one of Lini's nubs and started shoving his dick into it!

His nipple slowly started to open around it, clenching around the otter's cock while it squeezed on him. Bobert had hoped that would happen, and started to thrust harder into Lini's pec, filling and stretching out his nub as his cock throbbed around it. The Moogle grunted out deeply, his chest flexing and bouncing as Bobert humped in harder. The otters in his balls were being jostled and shaken, but they were already starting to melt into otter spunk while his nuts slapped against Lini's large chest.

The constant motion from Bobert's thrusting coated the two males in his balls with more and more otter seed. Their forms continued to sink and diminish within him. He was panting hard as his orbs expanded outward with all the hot cum forming inside, with his fleshy walls squeezing them down to hasten the process. Soon, they were just a large load of spunk, and the grunting otter was getting closer and closer to his climax.

The squeezing nub of the Moogle on his hyper arousal was getting him closer and closer as he thrust into the incredibly tight hole. A hard clench soon had the otter bursting and he gushed out a thick torrent of cum into Lini's chest. The melted otters bulged out his length as they were blasted into the massive pec of the Moogle. Thick, gooey otter spunk was shot into him as the pair moaned out in pleasure.

The liquid spunk filled out the Moogle's pecs, making them wobble and vibrate more as they inflated and filled. Gallons of otter cum blasted from Bobert's length, firing now only the otters, but everything he had left after pumping into the lifeguard. He slowly started to pull out after five minutes of hard cumming and his length flopped out, slapping against Lini's torso as he was spent. He gripped onto his pecs more to keep from falling over and was able to find a spot where he could just lay and relax on the massive male's chest without falling off of him. He was near the large neck of the Moogle and just started to press his face into it, nuzzling as his body shook with more otters going in. Bobert was lost deep in his afterglow as he licked and kissed at the Moogle's neck.

The otter bulges continued to work their way down Lini's cock. Minutes turned into hours as the lewd squelches and slurps of his length devouring the males echoed across the lake. The sun passed by overhead and was now on its way down, and the entire time, Lini continued to devour them all. The herd was thinning down as the otters were filling out those sofa-sized nuts on Lini, and then, the final one in the group vanished down his slit. His bulge was barely visible as it worked its way down, and then pushed through his base to join the rest of the otters to be converted.

The Moogle took a deep breath as he felt the last one sink in. He needed to move and stretch his large form as standing prone for so long was getting him stiff in more than one way. A few snaps and pops came from his large form, and soon he noticed the otter was reaching up to bat at his pom.

Lini turned to look over the otter. Bobert looked completely surprised and then held on tight as his form began shaking and rumbling once more. The otter was suddenly gaining altitude as Lini started growing even taller, growing twice as tall as he was previously to top off at thirty feet. His thickness doubled as well, keeping himself in proportion to his previous growth. His cock was almost as wide as his entire thigh now, and jutting far past his head. The massive balls on the moogle were just barely avoiding dragging on the ground they hung so low and nearly overtook his legs if he hadn't had them spread apart.

Lini raised up his arm closest to Bobert and flexed it in front of him. He watched, wide-eyed as that muscular bulge pushed upward and outward, expanding out incredibly before his eyes. The process repeated with the other arm, with Lini's biceps being almost as large as Bobert's entire body now. The chest of the Moogle was bulging out so much that he could spread out and sprawl on Lini's body and not touch the edges. The thick hair that was growing on his chest and arms was matching his hair color now, showing off the thick difference between his white fur and the rest.

Bobert gripped tighter onto that muscular form of the Moogle. His hands gripped on his thick chest hair while his tail swished along the forest along his arms. He didn't want to fall off of him at this point, considering the drop it would be. The otter looked back at Lini in admiration.

"I can't believe you ate the whole thing."

He buried his muzzle back into the musky moogle, taking in a deep whiff as he grinded his junk back into his form.

"You know..." Lini said, "Just so we're clear, I know it was just the first one who robbed from me."

The fur on Bobert's body went on end as he looked up nervously towards the Mog, who was grinning back at him.

"Umm... well..." He stuttered, trying to think of a way out of this situation.

"You just wanted to see me eat and grow and get bigger, didn't you Bobert? You're a kinky little Kupo, aren't you?" He replied in a deep, bass-heavy tone.

The otter's breathing was picking up, and every breath he took was getting more of the heavy male musk Lini was giving off deep into his nose.

"Wanted me so big you could fuck my nips huh?" He grinned, "Shove otters into my chest to absorb them? Face it, you wanted me to be a huuuugggeee muscle moogle, didn't you? That's why you helped push all those other water weasels in me. You wanted someone big to crawl over and grind on, didn't you?"

Lini reached and grabbed at Bobert to pull him off of his chest. He started to push the otter onto his thick, throbbing monster cock. Bobert yelped in surprise and gripped on his length as he was pushed on, not wanting to join the others absorbed inside of him, but no matter how strong his grip was, the Moogle's was much stronger now.

"You know, you got me this strong." Lini said as he felt him resist, "You really couldn't stop me, even if you wanted. I'm much more many and powerful for you to stop." He flexed his cock, letting it bounce and giving the otter quite the ride as he was sent up and down on that massive length that was wider than he was. His own cock was sparking back to life from all the heavy, manly musk he was breathing in from the larger male.

Lini soon pulled him off of his cock though, and then plopped him back on the ground. Bobert only had a moment to look up before Lini's hyper cock slapped him, knocking him flat on his butt and then pressed onto him. He gasped out as he reached up to grip the massive length, and it started to grind on him, pressing him down further under it. The thick underside of the Moogle's cock was throbbing over him powerfully, and it was all he could do to keep it from slamming him into an imprint on the dirt.

"Maybe I should slide my cock into your tailhole otter." Lini teased, grinding his cock along the trapped and pinned otter, feeling him flail and press onto his cockflesh. Bobert definitely didn't want that, seeing as this monster was thicker than he was! He couldn't do much to stop the larger male, and soon he found himself pinned under those heavy, furry white balls again, this time intentionally. Still, he had to admit, he was enjoying it, especially with his face stuffed into the thick, hairy valley between his two nuts.

What came next was a surprise to both of them. There was a sudden splash of something large jumping out of the lake. The Moogle turned to look and Bobert was able to get enough of his face and head freed from being pinned under Lini's nuts to see what it was.

There, standing at the edge of the shore, dripping wet but also completely covered in Moogle cum that had formed a film over the lake, was the biggest otter either of them had ever seen. He had to be twenty feet tall, complete with a herculean build and a thick, throbbing cock that pressed out from his pecs.

"No way..." Bobert gasped, "It can't be... Korane?"

The Moogle looked down and his ears twitched. "Who is Korane."

"The demi-god who made the lake..." The otter replied, "At least according to the legend."

The beefy otter nodded, and then wiped some of the water and cum off of his form. "I am indeed Korane." He said in a deep, reverberating voice, "And I'm here because I've noticed all the otters have gone missing from Otter Lake. What happened?"

The legendary otter looked down at Bobert, still poking out from between Lini's balls.

"He ate them all and absorbed them." Bobert said, shaking the heavy balls he was still trapped under.

Korane looked up and walked towards Lini, soon standing only about a foot away from his powerful pecs. He needed to crane his neck to see past the massive pecs of the Moogle. His own eyes widened some as the sheer difference in size between the two was starting to dawn on him. Lini had ten feet in height and at least a ton of muscle over him.

"That's...a big Moogle." Korane said, whistling in awe.

"Yeah..." Bobert huffed back, "You know, he'll get even bigger if he eats you too."

Lini raised an eyebrow and looked back at Bobert. "Did you really just say that in front of him?"

"It's the truth." He snapped back and stuck his tongue out.

"Wait, wha..." The demi-otter started to say, before Lini pressed his chest forward and caught the otter's muzzle in his fuzzy chest. His face and nose were being squeezed tight in between those massive mounds of furry pecs. The Moogle flexed hard, his powerful chest rippling over Korane's form. The demi-god otter grunted hard and reached towards the large Moogle's chest, pressing his arms between his sweating, white mounds in an attempt to pull his face out. However, his hands were soon caught tightly in Lini's chest as well, and another flex clenched them tight together as he was getting stuck further into the larger male!

"Ooph!" Lini gasped out, "He feels good!"

The muscular otter was struggling hard. His wiggling movements were pressing out against Lini's huge chest and every movement was tugging him in deeper. Korane was moaning out, the powerful musk of Lini filling his senses. The Moogle was grinding his cock along the demi-otter's body as he was being pulled in. His tight chest was keeping him pinned, and every flex the Moogle gave was dragging him in just a little bit deeper every time.

Once Korane's head and neck were engulfed, Lini began working in his broad, thick shoulders. His flexing body audibly slurping and squelching around him, as loud SCHLRKS echoed out as he pulled him in deeper. The moans of the moogle as he gasped in bliss were making his chest vibrate, causing the demi-otter's entire body to shake as he was dragged in.

The otter was gasping out as lust was overwhelming him. His own hard, thick cock was starting to gush as he was being taken upwards and deeper into Lini's body. The hard, firm muscles on his front clenched and pushed on him, and soon he started to blast a heavy load of thick otter cream over Lini's crotch. The flood of seed was flowing rapidly and much of it started to hit the smaller otter pinned under Lini's balls in the face.

Bobert gasped and gurgled as Korane's legendary cum pumped onto him, and he pushed his face back into Lini's sac so he could breathe. It was musky air from the moogle's orbs, but it was better than trying to breathe in otter cum.

The heavy breathing of Lini was making his chest bulge and puff out further, sliding his form further over the demi-god. His rippling chest continued to flex hard over him, the otter's arms pinned inside now as his own chest was being pulled in. The large, slick pecs of the otter were spreading out Lini's form, but the continuing hard drags and pulls on his form clenched them tightly over him again and squeezed him tightly.

Lini soon raised his arms up to tighten his chest further, and another hard pull squeezed Korane's chest entirely in his form. The otter was gasping hard and panting hard. He didn't want anyone to know, but he was loving this. The feeling of someone larger than he was feasting on him was not a sensation he thought he would ever experience. Now that he was, he was loving every moment of it. Those rippling chest muscles pulling him deeper, the heavy musk filling his nose, the bouncing mounds that squeezed tightly on his own huge, muscular body... the feeling was absolutely incredible. The Moogle's pom glowed slightly as he felt Korane give into the pleasure and willingly try to dive in deeper. He huffed a bit, recognizing that even a demi-god otter wanted to be eaten like his kin.

Further and further the massive otter sank, his thick abs sliding past the edge of Lini's pecs. Set by set, the bricks that crowned his front slid inside. The massive chest of the Moogle was starting to fill and slide up towards his chin. Every flex and pull worked more of him inside, until he had over half of the otter's body caught inside of him. Lini had to pull his head back and lift his head up to give them more room to throb, and soon the thigh of the otter was vanishing.

Korane's cock gave one last final gush of cum onto Lini and Bobert before it slid up into the valley of his pecs and was sucked in as well. His thick rod and wide hips started to spread the white furred mounds of the Moogle further, but like before, they clenched down and squeezed him tightly, dragging him further inside. Next to go were the heavy balls of Korane, getting tightly gripped by Lini's chest and squeezed by his pecs. The sudden pressure caused one more gush of cum to get milked out of his cock, trapped between the Moogle's pecs and slowly causing a dribble out from them that oozed down his belly.

The long thick tail of the otter, as well as his powerful swimmer's legs were all that were sticking out now. The Moogle was continuing to huff as his pecs caused more of Korane to sink into him. The gradual pulls sucked him further and further inside. Lini could feel him squirming and wiggling with bliss between his mounds. His legs were slowly vanishing as he kicked in the air, sliding his calves inside before his large feet were sticking out. One more pull and they were slurped up as well. Finally, the last bit of Korane's wagging tail tip vanished inside the Moogle's mass, and he was completely engulfed by Lini's pecs.

Lini panted as he felt the massive form of the demi-god otter slide further inside of him. He could still feel him squirming inside of him. His great chest continued to bounce and squeeze, pressing tightly onto the legendary otter's form as he was pulled in further. His rippling pecs were taking the otter further inside, the heavy heartbeat of the Moogle echoing in the otter's ears as he was taken to his destination. The thick and powerful mounds of muscle pressed and squeezed, almost like they were chewing him down into more mass.

Every flex, every bounce, and every movement of the Moogle's pecs worked him down further. The otter's squirms were starting to slow as Lini's body was claiming him. His great form gradually getting squished and squashed down, fading away as the Moogle absorbed him into himself. A few moments later, the wobbles stopped and Lini's chest was still as he had taken the twenty-foot demi-otter into himself.

When Bobert felt the flood stopped, he pulled his head out from Lini's nuts. He had gotten enough cream on him that he was able to squirm and weasel his way out from under Lini's balls with how slick he had gotten. He gasped for fresh air once he had earned his freedom, and crawled back on his hands and legs, while keeping an eye on the large predator.

Right before the otter's eyes, Lini suddenly doubled in size. His heavy body was snapping and bulging as his internal structures adjusted again to support the huge mass he was carrying now. His thick hair started to cover up his entire chest now, and was sliding down from his back down to his rump. His thick pubes were growing out, making a thick jungle near his groin.

The Moogle stretched out, massive, powerful muscles bulging out over his every form. It would be impossible to move without a heavy bulge of pure power grinding out against himself. His heavy balls were staying on the ground, and it looked like it would take a tanker truck to even have a chance at emptying them out. The huge, forty foot cock that was bulging out of Lini might have been a close second though, and his pulsing length was gushing pre with every bounce and throb it had from his growing.

Lini's stomach started to press out as he continued growing. The thick treasure trail that had formed their earlier was now a dense jungle riding all the way down to his thighs, and even the valley between his balls was getting bushier as he grew more and more massive. The Moogle's body was covered in pulsing veins as his heart pounded hard, each pump sending strength and power throughout his entire body.

Just the sight of the Moogle getting this monstrously huge made Bobert burst a nut again. His own length was cumming hard, making heavy puddles around him as he watched him change. Lini's thick, firm body was inflating and filling with power. His entire body was tensing with strength, and his form was pulsing with power as his change from his absorption was slowly starting to die down.

Lini took a moment to catch his breath. He raised up one of his arms. His muscles were so thick it was hard to reach around, but he could still manage. It was a good thing he had stopped when he did, or he might have been completely immobile. His neck had also grown long and thick enough so that he could still see over the massive chest he had before him, otherwise his pecs and back might have completely engulfed his head, leaving with only his pom sticking out.

"Did..." Bobert started, looking up at the towering Moogle, "Did you seriously just eat and absorb a demi-god?"

"Looks like it." Lini replied, his voice so deep that it was shaking the nearby trees.


The otter scampered back to his feet and looked up at the huge male. He was still testing out his growing form. His wings were still flapping hard, and with some effort, he was still able to get off the ground with just their power alone. Bobert couldn't resist and reached out to grab at the base of Lini's thick cock.

A heavy rumble echoed from deep within the Moogle. His massive length bulged out hugely in the otter's grip. The otter had to hold on for dear life as Lini's cock began blasting out a tidal wave of cum. His slit stretched open widely as the flood gushed forth from his body. A heavy eruption of cum blasted from the Moogle's penis, aimed and pointed towards the lake.

Heavy flows of thick Moogle cream blasted out into the water, mixing and soaking into the lake. Splashes of seed fired and filled it out, slowly spreading out from everywhere his spunk it. His cock continued spurting like a geyser out onto the water, and slowly the water was being overpowered. The last otter looked back towards the lake, watching it slowly go from a pristine blue to a thick, musky pearl white. The entire surface was soon covered, and eventually began to sink to all the way to the bottom. For an entire hour, Lini cummed hard with Bobert hanging on, and soon all the water had been merged into his spunk. Where Otter Lake had once been was now just a massive lake of cum.

When his orgasm finally ended, the Moogle was still hard as a rock and Bobert was still holding on tight to him, grinding his own arousal along the underside of his length. His cock was still pulsing, and still sending globs of cum dribbling down his dick, but the otter was still managing to hold on.

"Phew..." Lini said, his voice still deep enough to shake the trees with the heavy bass, "That definitely is one of my top five blasts. Though considering all the otters I ate, that might be expected."

Lini reached down as best as he could to grab the grinding otter off of him and held him up in one of his large hands. Bobert tensed up a bit, especially since Lini had just mentioned eating otters, but to his surprise, the large male just grinned down at him.

"So if that's all of them, are we ready to go?"

Bobert shook his head for a moment. He was almost certain Lini was going to swallow him whole or make him a load of cum or something but he was still just holding onto him.

"What?" He asked.

"Crossroads City, remember?" Lini said, "You were going to show me how to get there. You said that's where you were from?"

The otter had to blink for a moment, when he remembered that.

"OH!" he exclaimed, "Right right... lemme just... get my things."

The otter started to crawl down his large form and ran off to where he had been earlier. His wetsuit might have been destroyed but he still had his art supplies bag. He ran over to the bush where he had left it and pulled out one of his cans of spray paint. He gave the red canister a quick shake before he rushed to the sign that greeted tourists to the lake.

A quick spray sound came from the nozzle of his paint can as he defaced the wooden sign. Bobert was grinning as he worked, spraying over the sign. Where it once said the lake's name and what it was known for, now it had painted over it.

"Otter Lake. 0 Otters Remaining."

The otter grinned at his work and rushed back to where the massive Moogle was waiting for him. He started to climb up his large back, gripping handfuls of his hair as he climbed up him like a ladder, before reaching his neck. He slid his legs around Lini's shoulders as he rode on the muscular male.

"Alright," Bobert said, "Just follow my directions and I'll get you to Crossroads City. There's a bunch of others there I'd love you to eat... err... meet as well."

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