Looking after Machoke

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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This was a story request I did for addylad to go with a picture he got that you can find here:http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12580274/

Disclaimer, this story contains: Muscle and foot worship, hyper cocks, cock vore, and lots of cum, as well as inflation and a large sumo wrestler falling on defeated competition. This story is intended for those 18 years and older.

All characters belong to their respective owners.

The air was tense at the final round of the 6thannual Pokemon Sumo competition. The final round was just about to begin, and the crowd was ready for what should be an incredible match.

The rules were simple. You used one Pokemon through the entire thing, and weren't allowed to give orders, it was all up to your partner. You won by either tossing your opponent out of the ring or pin them.

In one corner was Dixon, a brown fox, and his Hariyama. He was last years reigning champion and was, by all means considered, a force to be reckoned with. It was well believed that he spent most of his life training Hariyama for just this tournament. Even without giving orders, one could tell that they were on the same wavelength. Needless to say, at the start of the tournament, they were the odds-on favorite to win again.

At least that was the prevailing though until Addy and Machoke had surprised everyone.

Addy was a green dragon of six feet in height. His scales were a forest green that got lighter around his chest and stomach, and his head was adorned with a pair of horns and a thick head of red hair. A long tail slithered out of his blue shorts, which whipped slightly as he walked. Finally, a large set of wings emerged from his back, able to encompass nearly his entire body, as their highest point was at his head, while the lowest was just barely above his shin.

While Addy was an impressive specimen, his Machoke was in an entirely different league.

The grey-skinned Pokemon was a solid foot taller then Addy was, blowing the usual average of his species out of the water. At a solid seven feet tall, Addy's Machoke was a towering monument of muscles and strength. His muscles bulged out hugely, his massive pecs ballooned from his chest, and his biceps were almost as large as his entire torso. Thick and powerful veins popped from his form with every flex he gave. The Superpower Pokemon lived up to its name, as he had shown through the tournament. The ring itself shook every time his massive feet hit the ground.

It was their first time entering this type of tournament, and they impressed from the very beginning. They beat a Rhydon in a new record for speed in the first round, flattened a Golem easily in the next, and last years runner up, Tyranitar, was no match for Machoke's strength. All three of them were whooped with ease from the fighting type. Poor Golem was still mostly flattened from a series of downward Arm Thrusts, and Rhydon and Tyranitar were no match for his Vital Throws. The defeated trio were still in attendance, watching with vested interest in this final match.

The two sumo's took their place at the center of the ring. Addy and Dixon stood at the edges of the ring, giving their Pokemon last minute words of encouragement while the audience gave a few murmurs as they prepared for this match. After several seconds, the referee raised his arms to ask for silence from both the trainers and the crowd.

"Are the competitors ready?" The blue wolf ref asked.

"Ready." Dixon said.

"Ready!" Addy exclaimed.

"Then let the final match begin!" The ref said, and rang the bell to start the match.

Hariyama took a single step forward...and was immediately greeted by the powerful and muscular arm of Machoke. He had a look of surprise on his face as the Superpower Pokemon reached out to grab him, and lifted him out of the air. The muscles on Machoke bulged out from the show of strength of lifting the other sumo Pokemon as Addy's Machoke held him over his head for a few moments.

Seconds later, he tossed the opposition out of the ring...and onto Golem, Rhydon, and Tyranitar. The three previously defeated Pokemon were unable to move out of the way in time before Hariyama landed on them with a crash, bringing up a cloud of dust and debris. By the time the dust cleared, all four of them were clearly knocked out with a spiral-eyed look.

The rest of the audience was in stunned silence for a moment. Machoke had just whooped the former champion with pure strength alone. The deafening silence only lasted for a moment before cheers erupted out for their new champion.

"The winner and new Sumo Pokemon Champion....Machoke!" The blue wolf announced, before raising the new champions arm.

Machoke gave out a cry in joy as Addy rushed up to hug his muscular champ. "We did it Machoke!" Addy exclaimed. "All that work we did paid off!"

"Machoke..." His Pokemon replied.

"I'm so happy!" Addy said, a few tears of joy streaking from his face, "I can't wait to get home..."


"We're home!"

Addy announced his and Machoke's arrival to his spacious house. A few moments later, the rest of the green dragon's Pokemon team scurried towards the door. As a fan of Pokemon Sumo competitions, one might expect it to be full of other bulky fighting types. But no. As Addy and Machoke entered, the first to arrive to greet them were his Pikachu and Raichu. Charmander and Meowth soon followed behind, and a few moments later, a Mew teleported before them.

In reality, most of Addy's team fell on the small and cute end of the spectrum.

"Hey guys!" The Dragon said, picking up Meowth and giving him a few pets and strokes. "Guess what? We won!"

Machoke lumbered in behind Addy, holding the great gold trophy signifying his victory in the sumo tournament. The rest of Addy's team gave out small cries of congratulations to their massive partner in their own cute ways.

"Okay, okay, settle down." Addy chuckled a bit, before putting Meowth back down, "I know you're excited and all, but he needs to get some rest first. He gave it his all out there today. But, there's more good news! Since we won, I'm treating Machoke to a week off, so we'll all be able to play and relax together!"

A few more cheerful cries came from his Pokemon team, happy to all be together again.

"Now," Addy said, "I'm gonna go help Machoke relax some, so why don't you guys all go play outside. And remember to come in before dark, okay?"

The smaller Pokemon gave a few nods of understanding before scampering off through the rest of Addy's house, leaving the dragon and his champion alone together in the hallway. With the rest of the team busy, Addy took Machoke his free hand.

"I've got a special spot in mind for you, Machoke," Addy said, leading the massive Pokemon, "Just follow me. I know you'll like it."

The dragon lead Machoke to his bedroom. In addition to where he slept, it was also his special Pokemon room. The walls were blue and yellow as various posters hung with care. Several dolls and plush toys lined on the furniture or on the floor. Every piece of furniture or merchandise within was Pokemon-related in some way, shape, or form.

"You know my room, Machoke." Addy said, "So here's what I want you to do. For the next week, just sit back and relax. I'll take care of everything, and I'll also do everything to help you feel great!"

Addy brought Machoke down to a large selection of pillows he had by the wall. The grey Pokemon then handed Addy the trophy, which was then placed on a nearby mantle, before plopping down into the pile of pillows. The house shook slightly as the muscular beast landed.

The dragon chuckled as he sat next to his massive Pokemon. "Surprised you didn't use your butt-bomb in the tournament, Machoke." He said with a smile. "Even a Rhyperior would be two-dimensional after that."

Machoke gave a few deep chuckles as well, sounding mostly like his name before he brought his big arms behind his head and leaned back. The massive Pokemon stretched out a bit more before settling into a more relaxed position. His muscular form unconsciously flexed as he did so and he gave a quick sigh of pleasure as he did.

Addy then brought one of his hands to the massive arm of Machoke and started to gently rub at it. Machoke gave a quick look towards the dragon as his hands gently started to kneed into his muscular arm.

"I imagine your arms are quite sore after all those amazing feats of strength you did, Machoke," Addy said, "So let me massage them and get some of the tension out for you. It'll help you relax."

The dragon pressed a bit harder into Machoke's powerful arm muscles, making the Pokemon sigh out in pleasure. That seemed to show that he was appreciating the job that Addy was going, and he flexed them out slightly to give his trainer some more resistance to work with. That minor flex bulged out his large arm at least a foot out with more muscle, actually pushing the dragon back some.

"Oh wow, there's a lot more to you then I remembered." Addy chuckled slightly, but pressed onward, rubbing the strong muscles on his arm. Thick veins were popping out of Machoke's arm as he did so, which Addy stroked as well. He could feel the pulsing and pounding of Machoke's heart through those thick veins as his hand brushed over them.

Addy's own heart was pounding as he brushed and rubbed those huge arms on his most powerful Pokemon. His grip was actually getting sweaty as he brushed and kneaded into Machoke's form. His massage was slowly working his way up Machoke's arm, starting at his large biceps before working his way up his arm, getting closer to his shoulder. It really did seem like the further he went up on his Pokemon, the more massive he became.

When the dragon did finally get to Machoke's shoulder, he slipped one of his hands towards his Pokemon's back, starting to slide behind him as he rubbed at his beefy back as well. Addy was silently in awe of his powerful Pokemon's huge form, and those rippling muscles bulging from him was almost more then he could imagine. His powerful back pressed against the pillows and wall of his bedroom so much that Addy was a bit surprised that he wasn't causing the wall to indent with his sheer power.

Machoke eased up slightly, giving the smaller dragon some more room to get behind him as Addy continued to rub at his back muscles. They were as hard as boulders, and not because Machoke was tense. The superpower Pokemon gave out a few low moans of appreciation, showing how much he was enjoying the feeling Addy was giving him. His powerful form flexed out again, pressing back against the dragon, almost pinning him to the wall.

"Ooph, Machoke, you're incredibly strong... and big..." Addy gasped out, using his whole body now to rub at the huge rippling back of his beast. Even using all of his strength, the dragon was finding it difficult to get any sort of traction against Machoke's powerful form.

Machoke sighed again as his trainer was pressed between him and the wall, enjoying the feeling of movements coming from the dragon. Addy continued to do his best to rub along those massive rippling back muscles from the pinned position he was in, but he was also finding it hard to breathe while trapped back there. The breathes he could take, he noticed, were smelling more like Machoke's powerful musk. The powerful aroma of the fighting type was making Addy's groin stir as he continued his full body massage.

After several moments, Addy popped from behind Machoke's massive back, spilling out off to the side of his Pokemon. The dragon rolled a slightly forward, landing at Machoke's gargantuan feet. He looked at his Machoke's great feet for a moment, before reaching out to rub and massage those as well.

"Poor Machoke," Addy cooed softly, "Your poor feet needing to hold up your massive form. Don't worry, I'll take good care of them."

The green dragon grabbed one of Machoke's meaty feet and started to rub his cheek and face along it. Those powerful and muscular feet on his Pokemon felt like heaven on his face. Machoke seemed to be enjoying it too, softly moaning out as only the big lug could. Addy giggled slightly at the sound of his relaxation, and started to lick at the bridges of Machoke's feet, tasting the sweat and musk coming from them after his long day.

He trailed his tongue loosely along the underside of those massive feet, taking big whiffs of the aroma coming from Machoke's feet. It was an amazing scent, and one that Addy was glad to be able to experience. His tongue trailed up to his big toes, and the dragon started to lick between those digits.

Machoke's toes started to curl at the treatment he was receiving on his feet. He couldn't take it anymore as his trainer's actions were filling him with pleasure. Once Addy started sucking on his toes, that was the final straw, and the massive Pokemon started to undo his belt and tight trunks, letting himself fully out while Addy worked and worshiped his feet. The restrictive clothing was tossed aside, letting Machoke's six foot long, rock hard shaft attached to his massive sac out in the open.

The dragon gasped out slightly, seeing that massive rod erupt out of Machoke's groin, seeing as it was as long as he was tall. But, his surprise soon fueled more of his lust as he sucked harder on Machoke's toes, and then started to remove his own set of blue shorts.

Addy's worship of his Pokemon's body had gotten him hard as well, and while Machoke was much larger then he was, Addy was fairly impressive as well, sporting a solid foot of dragon meat between his legs. He was already leaking a bit, dripping some of his pre on the floor of his room, when he climbed onto Machoke's massive legs, rubbing and licking at those bulging muscles as he ascended his powerful Pokemon.

As he got closer to Machoke's massive thigh, he reached down and started to rub and cup his Pokemon's balls. Addy could barely fit one in both of his hands together, but that didn't stop him from lightly squeezing and rubbing along his sac. It was made even better when his own shaft started to slide between Machoke's toes, and the powerful Pokemon squeezed them around his manhood.

Both of them had their cocks pulsing at this point, as Addy's work was doing a very good job of getting Machoke extra hard and extra horny. The dragon could practically feel the cum sloshing and churning in Machoke's nuts. A drip of pre fell from the massive head of Machoke's cock and splashed into his hair.

Addy chuckled and giggled a bit as he continued to climb his way up Machoke's body, grinding his way up his massive Pokemon. The dragon could feel his wings brush and clip into that massive cock Machoke had as he climbed up him, dragging his tongue along his body the entire way up.

"Mmmm...Machoke..." Addy cooed, "Your muscles are so amazing...you're so amazing."

The dragon soon got up to Machoke's chest and the fat nipples that topped his huge pecs. Like he had done with Machoke's toes, Addy started to lick at those hard grey nubs on his Pokemon. Machoke gasped out in pleasure, flexing his hard chest and pressing his pecs out into Addy's face.

Addy seemed to accept his Pokemon's challenge, and continued to suckle and lick along Machoke's massive nub, and as he was doing so, teasing and tweaking the other one with his free hand. It was hard to keep his balance, with Machoke flexing and bouncing his pecs the entire time he was pleasing and worshiping his muscles, but Addy was determined to bring as much pleasure to his champion as he could.

The huge Machoke cock that towered over him soon came into play, and Addy felt Machoke's flexing and throbbing cock start to press into him as he worked Machoke's chest. That flexing shaft slapped into his entire body. Addy simply used his tail and feet to rub at that massive cock as he continued to suck and slurp on Machoke's nipples. Those massive nubs seemed to fill his mouth as Machoke flexed his pecs out.

The dragon kept this up, until he sank his muzzle deep into Machoke's pec crevice, inhaling a large whiff of his masculine scent. This was the point where he could hold himself back no further, and turned himself around to wrap his body around Machoke's hyper cock. Addy licked all along his pole, climbing up to reach the very top of it. The entire time he was doing so, Machoke was thrusting his shaft upwards along his body.

Finally, he reached the tip, and that fountain of pre that was Machoke's cockhead. Addy started to rub his hands into that thick glans of Machoke meat and began to lick around his gaping and pulsing cockslit. He dropped slightly to stand on Machoke's chest and rub his feet along his pecs. Those flexing muscles bounced under his arches and bridges, feeling like a bounce castle under his feet.

That thick poke-cock continued to pulse and throb, unleashing more pre which Addy gladly licked and rubbed into his tight cockhead. Machoke continued to occasionally thrust his cock entirely against Addy's body, which kept the dragon from getting a solid grip on his pecs. The superpower Pokemon had a solution to that, though, and with one powerful hand, he cup up his trainer's lower body and brought his feet right to the top of his chest.

Addy gasped out when he felt Machoke's powerful tongue start to lick and slurp at his feet while he worked his cock. It was a pleasant and welcome surprise, and he redoubled his efforts to work that massive shaft he used to be hanging onto. Machoke's pre was coming out steadily now, flowing out of him like a fountain, and all Addy could do was open wide and take as much of that cockhead as he could.

The salty taste of Machoke started to flow into his maw and down his throat, and the deep moans of Machoke echoed out. The great Pokemon started to suck and lick at Addy's feet as well, making the dragon curl in his grip and suck harder.

The echoes and moans of their session together were filling the air, and finally Addy could take it no further, and started to thrust into the air. His entire body tensed and he gasped out, moaning into Machoke's cock before he started shooting and spilling his seed and splashing it over Machoke's thick and veiny shaft. Pump after pump his cock pulsed and sprayed his seed onto his star stud.

Addy had very little time to enjoy his afterglow, as the huge cock of Machoke started to throb and vibrate under him. The massive Pokemon was flexing and grunting hard, thrusting into his trainer's body harder and faster. His massive form shook and finally he growled out, crying out his name as his cock expanded the base to make room for his upcoming flood.

Seconds later, a massive tsunami of cum flooded out of Machoke's cock, shooting into Addy's maw. The dragon gasped and swallowed, taking gallons of his Pokemon's seed into him. He had to pry himself off of Machoke's cocktip, but he was loving the taste coming from his testes far too much to let it all go to waste. Addy kept his maw open wide, drinking and guzzling down as much cum as he could, while the rest splashed and sprayed all over his body, and all over every thing else in his room.

Machoke's man milk kept firing gallons of spunk. Addy was giddy as he drank down what he could, his belly actually bulging out with all the seed his was drinking. Everything was getting coated in Machoke cum, and his bedroom was actually starting to flood. The floor was completely coated, and the semen levels continued to rise. By the time Machoke had finished, there was easily a food of white spunk soaking his room.

"Whew..." Addy gasps out, wiping his maw from some of the excess seed that had he had dripping from him. Machoke had enjoyed the entire thing as well, sighing out in pleasure as his cock continued to throb. With his free hand, he patted the dragon on the back, showing how much he liked what the smaller male could do.

A few moments later, Machoke felt a bit empty inside, and with his trainer in this position, got an idea. The massive Pokemon pushed his trainer forward a bit towards his cock, and started to pat at his sac with his feet.

Addy shuffled a bit, wondering what Machoke had in mind, but saw his slit open up as he was pushed forward. That's when the dragon knew what his Pokemon had in mind.

"Want me to go in you, big guy?" Addy said with a grin, "Suppose it is getting late, and you can have my bed, so I'll sleep in you."

The bloated dragon climbed onto Machoke's cocktip and pushed his head in. Machoke's mighty cock started to slurp and pull him in deeper and the large Pokemon started to roar out in pleasure. Machoke started to thrust upward, pulling more of the dragon into him, his shaft bulging out with Addy's outline as he took him in.

The grey Pokemon grabbed his trainer's lower half and started to hold him upward, sliding him slowly and easily into his dick. He rubbed his thumbs along the underside of Addy's feet as he pushed and tugged the dragon into him. Several lewd squelches echoed from his wet, slick, cum tunnel as Addy was taken into him. The dragon's squirms and movements made his shaft bulge out more as he sucked in his shoulders, chest, and wings.

"Maaaaaa...." Machoke gasped out, his tongue hanging out as his cock pulled and pulsed harder, sucking Addy in to his stomach. His feet and legs were kicking slightly in the air as Machoke fed him to his cock. Addy's feet were curling as that massive thumb worked over his arch and bridge and his tail swished happily as he was fed into his Pokemon's length.

The dragon's cock erupted again, but was soon quickly taken in by the massive shaft of Machoke, spraying the rest of his seed into the muscular champion. More of Machoke's cock stretched out as the dragon slid into him, soon just leaving his legs below the knees. The superpower Pokemon let go of Addy at this point, giving a quick lick to his feet as another hard pull dragged Addy in fully, the head of the dragon just now reaching the base of his cock.

With one last hard slurp, Addy's tail was sucked in like a noodle, and the green dragon was fully engulfed in Machoke meat. His slit slowly closed behind him, and his cock was regaining its normal shape as Addy reached Machoke's internal muscle ring, sliding him into those musky, cum-filled chambers.

"Machoke...incredible..." Addy gasped out as he breathed in the powerful male scent once his head slipped into Machoke's sac. He squirmed and pulled himself in more, splashing in the seed of his star. Even after flooding his room, there was cum everywhere, splashing about and sticking to his fleshy walls.

His senses were assaulted by the massive Machoke's musk, and he did his best to massage his Pokemon from the inside as he was deposited in his balls. The heat was incredible, hotter then he imagined it would be. He rubbed along Machoke's fleshy sac walls as he pulled the rest of himself out of his cum tunnel to fully be engulfed by his Pokemon.

"Wonderful, every inch of you..." Addy said, almost as if in a haze. The incredible heat and power of Machoke was overpowering. He barely noticed his form starting to whiten and grow soft.

Outside, the bulges of Addy that were in Machoke's nuts were starting to diminish. The bumps and hills pressing out of his balls softened as Machoke rubbed his feet along them. Within a few minutes, they had evened out, and inside of his nuts Addy was sinking deeper into the seed, becoming more of it.

Machoke's balls gurgled and throbbed and soon Addy was a large load of Machoke cum stewing inside of him. The Pokemon's balls swelled out with how much seed he had made of his trainer, expanding out and making him stretch his legs out wide to give them enough room to flop in the flood.

Content with having Addy right where he wanted him, Machoke gave them one more rub and knead before leaning back and relaxing some more.


The next day, most of the flood had drained or seeped into the carpet. What hadn't had gone all the way into the slab of Addy's home, giving the entire place a scent of Machoke cum that likely would be permanent. When Machoke had woken up, there was a large feeling of pressure in his balls.

The grey Pokemon grunted and grinned, stroking and jacking off his cock. His lightly squeezed his gurgling balls as his shaft grew harder and harder, pre dripping from his slit as he picked up speed. His hyper cock was groaning out as he got to his full size, stroking and squeezing and teasing himself more and more to alleviate this pressure in his sac!

Thankfully, it didn't take him long to erupt, his cocktip opening wide once again to blast out a huge torrent of seed, splashing onto the ceiling before he let it go and allowed his cock to splash and fire in every which way it wanted. Like it had before, gallons of Machoke cum splattered and spurted out everywhere. This orgasm wasn't as massive as the previous one though, but it was still enough to send pleasure waves crashing through his body, from the top of his head to the tips of his toes.

As Machoke relaxed and basked in his afterglow, one of the cum puddles in the room started to stir. It started to gel and marsh together, growing larger and more substantial as it pulsed to life. Addy's head slowly started to solidify out of the massive stain, pulling itself out more of the puddle. He began to grow more solid and colored, his scales starting to reform from the white back to a normal green.

Addy continued to pull himself out of the puddle as he reformed, shaking off some of the excess drops as he took a solid shape again. The dragon soon became more defined and reformed from the cum, and retook his previous shape. He cracked his neck to the side to a small snap, no worse off for the wear then if he had slept on his side awkwardly.

"Morning Machoke," Addy said, wiping some more of the cum from his scales, "I hope you slept well."

The massive Pokemon nodded, his cock still hard and dripping.

The dragon went to the closet of his room and pulled out another pair of identical blue shorts that he had on previously and got dressed.

"You stay here and relax Machoke," Addy said, "I'm gonna go run out and get some food. I'll be back shortly!"

With that, the dragon exited his bedroom but failed to close the door behind him as he left to do his shopping. A few seconds later, his Pikachu and Raichu poked their heads into Addy's bedroom, only to see the sight of the massive fighting-type.

The superpower Pokemon saw the pika brother's from the rest of Addy's team, and soon got an idea...


It only took the dragon thirty minutes to get all the groceries and supplies needed for the big meal he had planned. Addy walked in, carrying two large brown bags with groceries, the contents of which were unknown aside from a loaf of French bread sticking out of one of them.

"I'm home!" Addy shouted out, closing the door behind him with his tail.

He waited a few moments, but nothing happened. That was a bit odd. Normally when he arrived, all of his little friends would be rushing to the door to greet him. But now there was nothing. Well, nothing except for the sound of Machoke in his room sighing in pleasure. His voice was so loud and deep, he could hear it through the house.

"Huh, maybe they're out back..." Addy thought, before putting the bags in his kitchen and then heading back to his room to check up on his star.

It was a good thing he didn't carry his bags with him, for if he had entered his room with them, the dragon would have dropped them onto the ground and probably broken the eggs. Once he had gotten into his room, he saw that Machoke was still there relaxing, as well as the rest of his Pokemon team.

Pikachu, Raichu, Meowth, Charmander, even Mew were all there. But they were floating around his room like balloons, having been inflated with...something that had made them ball up and float around. They looked bloated and stuffed, with whatever it was that had inflated them nearly getting them to the point of popping!

"Oh my..." Addy said, looking over to Machoke, who had a large grin on his face, "Did you do this Machoke?"

The superpower Pokemon didn't respond either way, instead he just wiggled his toes some towards the dragon.

"Do...you want me to rub and massage your feet again?" Addy asked, "Okay. But I still want to know what happened."

The dragon got to his knees and got up close to Machoke's big feet and started to rub at them. The Pokemon moaned out for a moment, before he suddenly started to press his feet hard together. The musk coming from them was much stronger and heavier then before, and Addy was getting a blast of it right in his face.

The dragon coughed for a moment before Machoke pressed harder, squeezing him tight between his heavily scented feet. Addy was forced to curl up as those strong feet overpowered him. After taking another huge whiff of the aroma coming from Machoke, Addy felt himself start to expand and bloat out.

He was inflating too, filling up with Machoke's scent. His eyes started to bug out slightly as he was filled. His arms and legs bloating and expanding outward as Machoke slowly sent his feet apart to give him room to inflate. Still, more musk entered his senses and he filled more and more, his body starting to feel like rubber and he slowly started to lift off of the ground.

Within seconds, he was nearly perfectly spherical, floating and bouncing off the dresser in his room and unable to move any part of his body, he was so filled. His cheeks were bulging out and his tail felt like it was pulling into his body, before Machoke grabbed him by it.

With no warning, the Pokemon sat up slightly and shoved the balloon dragon under his massive rump, making the dragon ooph as he was compressed under Machoke's mighty ass. He rolled slightly as Machoke adjusted himself, and soon, Addy had his face pressed right between his Machoke's rump cheeks.

He could hear a few more balloon-like squeaks as Machoke grabbed the other inflated Pokemon in the room, and shoved them under various parts of himself as well. The pika brothers ended up under his feet, ballooning out more as they got more of that masculine scent coming from him. His Charmander and Meowth each ended up under one of his balls. The gurgling and churning sac on the superpower Pokemon slightly moved them about once they were pinned. Finally, Addy's Mew was pressed and caught under Machoke's massive cockhead, keeping it from hitting the ground.

With everyone set, Machoke wiggled his ass more over his ballooned trainer, pressing more of his rump into his puffed-out face. Once he was fully comfortable, he brought his hands behind his head and leaned back to relax.

This was going to be the best week ever.

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