Meeting Bowser

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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Whew, okay. This was quite the endeavor. Long story short, when I was told about Bowser Day, I wanted to try and do a story for it. Naturally, being me, it was going to be a vore story. But, since it is Bowser and all, I wanted to try and make it a big story.

Naturally, this meant having a vorgy :D

I'd like to thank everyone who agreed to cameo back in the outline, and hope that this is is well worth the read.

As for the disclaimer, this story has vore. Lots of vore. Oral, Anal, Cock, there's even tail vore and cock vore with a cock tongue and a snake cock. There's also cock fucking, lots of cum, big hyper cocks, and even CTF. This story is obviously for those ages 18 and up.

Charem belongs to charem

Con belongs to icansee

Sykes belongs to matinus

Torch and Ryu belong to me.

Literally every other named character belongs to lucardevoir If you want to know more about them, then read his journal :D Shameless advertising

Bowser and Pokemon belong to Nintendo.

Just barely got this submitted on time too. XD

There's probably a ton of keywords I missed, too. lol

"Alright, gang, we're almost here!"

The large boat was approaching the shores of Lava Lava Island. As it approached, a rainbow-colored Yoshi had a smile on his face as he turned to the group.

"I really can't wait to show you around." Spectrum the Yoshi said to the large group that he was riding with. "I know where all of the best places to relax and all of the juiciest fruits are. And for those a bit more adventurous, I know a few others in the village who might want to join us while we explore around."

That was greeted with several murmurs and happy conversations going on at once with the multiple passengers. Several of them had never been to Lava Lava Island before, and the chance to go out and explore a new land was an opportunity they all wanted to experience.

It hadn't started out as such a large gathering, however. But, when Spectrum told Lucardevoir and Psyo that he had been planning this trip, they told some of their friends, and then the offers to go with kept coming in. What had started off as a small gathering had quickly turned into a large group. Not that Spectrum had minded. The more the merrier was what he figured. The tricky part would be keeping track of everyone. The rainbow-colored Yoshi decided to make a quick mental list while they were waiting for the boat to dock.

He could see Lucardevoir and Psyo with each other. The Lucario/Gardevoir hybrid and the Mew got along well. When he told them of the trip, Lucardevoir had asked his good friend, Charem the Charmeleon about the upcoming vacation, and then the pudgy fire type had asked to come as well. The hybrid and the Mew had then later spoke with several of his friends who lived in the mansion with him, which resulted in Ryu the Lucario and Torch the Typhlosion coming along as well.

The two larger Pokemon had then invited Sykes the wolf and Con Crocotta the gryphon. The egg brothers had known the two smaller furs for a while now, and figured that they would have enjoyed coming on the trip as well. As the duo had been doing so, Psyo had been handing out some invitations of his own.

He first told Riolt, and the Riolu/Ralts hybrid agreed to come as well. However, Psyo had asked Riolt in Teakem the Snivy's shop, which he had overheard the conversation. Of course, that was all part of Psyo's plan as well. The grass-type had figured that a trip to Lava Lava Island would be a great chance to expand his chain of stores, and then informed one of his businesses friends about the move, Rivale the Buizel. Unlike normal Buizel's, Rivale was blue-colored to signify that he had a unique condition: He was a water-ice type instead of pure water.

Anyway, as Teakem had told Rivale, the Buizel had two customers at his shop. It was some of his regulars, the Volt Twins. Also known as Voltep and Voltem. The Raichu's were twins, but not identical. This was due to the fact that they, too, were hybrids. Voltep was part-Plusle, while his brother Voltem was part-Minun. The easiest way to tell them apart was to look at the electrical sacs on their cheeks. Voltep had the trademark pink plus sign that Plusle's had, while his brother Voltem had the blue minus sign on his own. Their ears, tails, paws, and feet also had this same coloration. Voltem was also slightly thinner then his brother, but unless one spent a lot of time with them, it would be very difficult to notice at first glance.

Despite that, however, it was still difficult to tell them apart sometimes. But, they mostly stuck together, so Spectrum could probably cheat a bit and call both of them if he needed.

That ended up being the last of the group, and Spectrum checked around to see if he had missed anyone. It looked like everyone was getting ready for the ship to dock, and he figured that he should as well. He had not brought many things with him. After all, he figured that the island would provide the group with everything they needed.

"Now docking at Lava Lava Island!"

The waves of the ocean sounded out as the ship came to a stop at the small harbor. The boat soon dropped anchor and the gangplank was lowered to let the group onto the dock. Once everyone was off the ship, the group turned to the rainbow Yoshi.

Seeing as how Spectrum was the one who originally planned the trip, it had become a sort of unspoken agreement between them all that he would be the one to lead and guide the tour of the island. Spectrum had picked up on that sentiment too, and was more then happy to show the group his island home.

"Okay," Spectrum said, "Before we get to Yoshi's Village, we have to cross the beach first. It's a bit of a walk, but there's plenty of sun and surf, so at least you'll have a great view. Once everyone's ready, just follow me!"

The rainbow Yoshi headed off of the dock and onto the beach, before starting to walk across the sand. The group was following close behind, with Charem, Lucardevoir, and Psyo following directly behind him and with the Volt twins bringing up the rear.

It was a very beautiful island. The crystal clear waters splashed up on the sandy beaches. The lively palm trees framed the jungle interior of the island perfectly. As the group crossed, getting closer to the village, Spectrum was giving them a few helpful hints.

"Now, if you do decide to go into the forest, most of the plants are harmless. There are several with sentient vines though, so you might want to steer clear of those. Unless that's something you enjoy, that is."

The Yoshi didn't even have to look behind him to tell that a few of the group would be either blushing or giggling, thinking about what those vines might be doing to them. If only they knew some of the other fun things that could happen in the jungles of the island.

"Likewise," Spectrum continued, "You'll want to be on the look-out for Jungle Fuzzies. If you're not careful, they'll suck you dry. And not in the fun way, either. But, so far, there don't seem to be any on here, so it looks like the path is clear. We're almost to the village too. In fact, it should be right...there..."

Spectrum suddenly stopped walking, causing Charem to almost collide with him. The group was surprised by the sudden stop and the quick informational tours end, when they all saw what Spectrum had seen.

They were not the only tourists to come to Lava Lava Island today. There was another figure, a large one, relaxing on a beach chair a few yards away from the water. His back was turned to the group, only showing off his massive spiked shell and his bright red hair. There was very good reason for Spectrum to have stopped when he did. By sheer chance, the group had come across the Koopa King himself, Bowser.

"Oh wow." Ryu the Lucario said, "I guess he's on vacation too."

"I can't believe it's actually him!" Spectrum exclaimed. The rainbow Yoshi seemed to be in a bit of a stunned state. His only movements were like shakes, the same sort one would experience right before doing something fun, such as going on a roller coaster or down a water slide.

"Is everything okay, Spectrum?" Lucardevoir asked, bringing a hand to the Yoshi's shoulders.

Spectrum blushed slightly before looking towards his friend. "I've...always sort of had a thing for Bowser. I've never met him before, but I've seen pictures. A lot of pictures. And I've always sort of dreamed of meeting him and hoping beyond hope that..."

Spectrums explanation was cut off when a loud grunt echoed through the air. Bowser had turned on his beach chair so that he was back on his back. A content look was on his face as he relaxed. But not only that, visible for all of the group to see was his massive, hard, and throbbing cock, easily three feet long and over a foot wide. And within that cock on the Koopa King were a pair of Yoshi's, one green and one blue, sliding down his length. They could also see that a single yellow Yoshi was being pulled up his pucker. His form slid into the Koopa King as Bowser's balls slowly dragged across his back as he was sucked up.

"And it looks like he's enjoying himself." Torch said with a chuckle, the Typhlosion eyeing Bowser as he devoured the Yoshis.

Psyo floated up to Spectrum's other side. "We should go introduce ourselves. It's not every day we get to meet a celebrity. Especially one that you seem to be enjoying."

It wasn't until Psyo had pointed it out that Spectrum had realized that his cock was starting to poke out and stir. "Do you really think so?" He asked, blushing a bit.

"I say we should go for it." Charem said, "I'd like to get to know him as well."

The Yoshi looked over to the rest of the group and noticed that they all seemed to have an expression of either surprise or lust on their face. It seemed like all of them were finding something to enjoy about watching Bowser suck those Yoshi's into them. Even from the corner of his eye, he could see Charem watching the last of the yellow Yoshi get pulled into his rump.

Well, if nothing else, he was going to give his group the tour they wanted.

"Alright!" Spectrum said with a cheer, "Let's go meet Bowser!"

The rainbow Yoshi walked with a bit of hesitation in his step at meeting someone he had such thoughts for, but with all of his friends backing him up, he knew that things would end well for everyone.

Just as the last sign of Bowser's three meals vanished into his belly and into his balls, Spectrum had reached the large reptile. "Excuse me, sir." He said, looking over the relaxing Koopa.

Bowser turned to look him for a bit, and then looked out to the entire group. He seemed a bit surprised to see a large amount of furs and Pokemon eyeing him with a mix of adoration and lust. "Are you here as part of the vacation package I ordered?" He said in his deep, gruff voice.

Spectrum quickly saw his chance. "Indeed we are." He said with a grin, "We're here to get to know you as close as can be to make your vacation a memorable one."

The Koopa King gave a curt smile and a nod. "Ah, good," He said, "I was hoping that you would get here soon. Do you have anything or anyone that's on the cold side? I ate a red Yoshi earlier and it was a bit spicy."

Rivale the Buizel saw his chance to get involved. "Yes, I can give you something cool right now!"

The Koopa King looked into the group to see that the Buizel was coming forward. He could already feel the chill in the air as Rivale approached. What he also saw was that the Buizel's big blue cock was already hard and throbbing, the tip of it reaching his floatation sac.

Once Rivale was next to Spectrum with Bowser, the Buizel climbed up onto his large body and had his cock pointed at his face. "Just give it a good suck. My cum is like a fresh and cold soft-serve."

"Mmmm...sounds good." Bowser said, giving the tip of Rivale's shaft a quick lick to get a taste, "Yeah, tastes good too. Alright, you better have plenty to give."

The Buizel nodded before Bowser reached up and pulled Rivale closer to his maw, sucking down more of his big blue cock. Rivale gasped out at the masterful way Bowser was sucking and swallowing down his shaft, using his tongue and throat in ways that he hadn't experienced in weeks. The Koopa King apparently really knew his way around another male's cock.

"Mmph, yeah, quite cool," Bowser said, his voice muffled a bit with the cock he was swallowing down. He gave a grin around that hyper blue cock as he could tell that his work was already causing the Buizel to pre into his belly. His swallowing throat continued to massage Rivale's massive dick, causing more pre to shoot out and slide into his stomach.

The group watched with pleasure, several of the males giving their own cocks a few strokes as they watched Bowser suck off their friend. Rivale was gasping out, flexing his cock inside of the Koopa King to send more of his length down. As he was doing so, Lucardevoir gave Charem a quick poke to the arm to get his attention.

The pudgy 'meleon looked towards his friend, who gave a silent point towards the scene. Bowser's thick cock was still pointed at attention, but the hybrid was pointing under his hanging balls. The Koopa King's pucker was right there, begging for attention while he sucked off Rivale. The two friends didn't need any words between them to know what each other had in mind.

The pair broke off from the group as the moans of pleasure from the Buizel grew more intense and slid to the large rump of king Bowser. Charem was the first to kneel before Bowser's impressive ass, giving his pucker a quick lick while Lucardevoir lifted his balls up slightly to give them better access.

Bowser gasped out and swallowed harder, using his throat to give another tight squeeze to Rivale's cock. The blue Buizel moaned out as he felt his cock's underside bulge out to fit his massive load, and took Bowser by the horns and thrust in once more. Rivale's cockslit opened wide and gallons of his thick, cold, creamy spunk shot out of his balls, through his cock, and into the belly of the Koopa King.

"Mmmmph, delicious!" Bowser muffled out as he swallowed every drop of Rivale's massive orgasm. Waves of Buizel cum fired out of his shaft and into the hungry belly of the king of the koopas. The Buizel's balls churned and pulled up, splashing more of his creamy seed into the larger male's stomach. The Koopa King was so filled with pleasure that he felt his body clench, his tight pucker soon tightened around Charem's tongue. The pudgy 'mon blushed a bit, but continued to lick around Bowser's tailhole while Lucardevoir rubbed along his rump cheeks, trying to spread his hole wider.

After a few waves had fired, Bowser pulled a bit more of Rivale's cock out of his maw, making sure to get the cool taste on his tongue and in his mouth. It was just as delicious as he had expected. Finally, though, the hyper Buizel stopped firing.

"Perfect!" Bowser said, a few drips of cum dropping from the corners of his mouth, "That was just what I needed! In fact, I need a bit more of that. I need you in my belly, unleashing all of that cum in me. I don't care what you do in there, just make sure you fire every drop you have!"

Before the Buizel could reach, Bowser had grabbed him by the shoulders and opened his maw wide. With a single push, Bowser pushed Rivale's entire upper half into his maw and to his throat. Those same tight muscles that had milked his cock so expertly earlier were now swallowing him down with ease. A small bulge formed in Bowser's throat as he swallowed the water/ice Buizel. Every tug of his throat muscles pulled him in deeper, and soon Rivale was hidden from the outside world once Bowser closed his maw. Bowser's slick tongue licked about his cool body as every swallow brought him in deeper to his belly. In less then five gulps, Rivale was packed away in Bowser's stomach, splashing away in the cool, thick cum that he had made.

Still, the Buizel had been given instructions. Bowser wanted him to keep cumming every drop he had. Rivale could easily do that, and stroked the underside of his hyper cock. He used his twin tails to rub his balls as well, easily feeling another massive orgasm forming inside of him. He leaned back in that great belly of Bowser and just let his cock fire, shooting out more of his cool, creamy cum.

"Ahhh...he's filling me up nicely." Bowser said with a sigh, "Now, it looks like I have a few fans of my rump."

He gave a grin as he looked down at the pair playing with his pucker. The duo didn't stop their activities, even though they had been discovered. Charem gave a happy sigh as he licked deeper into Bowser's bowels, going so far as to push his muzzle right to the Koopa King's tailhole. Lucardevoir was still rubbing and stretching Bowser's pucker, pushing more of his paws into the royal reptile.

"Gwah ha ha ha ha!" He started to laugh, enjoying the feeling of the two other males working with his rump, "If you like my rump that much, then how about I get you two closer acquainted?"

The large Koopa flexed his rump, and it suddenly opened wide and slurped up the Charmeleon's entire face! Charem gasped in surprised as Bowser's powerful rump sucked and pulled him in. Charem noticed that Bowser's insides were surprisingly spacious. Of course, his insides were tight, but that only seemed to be while they were pulling him in. There was plenty of room for him to move his head and face as he was pulled, wiggling into Bowser's insides.

Of course, that single flex had done more then pull in the pudgy Pokemon. His pucker had opened wide enough to also take in Lucardevoir's paws as well. The hybrid Pokemon gave a smile to Bowser and started to push himself in deeper. As Charem's upper wiggling upper body was pulled in, Lucardevoir continued to dive in himself, letting his arms get engulfed with his friend.

Bowser gave a few moans of pleasure as he patted his back. His hefty balls dragged along Lucardevoir's face as he dove in, before the hybrid ducked his head and pushed his muzzle into his tight pucker as well. The inside of the Koopa King vibrated as he pulled the pair deeper into himself, letting Charem's legs wiggle outside of his hole. The fire-types tail swished in happiness as he was pulled in deeper. Bowser's tight insides squeezed around him and Lucardevoir as they were pushed together and dragged in deeper.

Charem's feet were soon pulled up to Bowser's rim, as well as Lucardevoir's chest. Soon, only the swishing tail of the fire-type was left outside his rump, and that was quickly pulled into Bowser's rump. Soon, he was all the way inside of his body, his arousal poking out and pressing against Bowser's insides. Lucardevoir's cock was poking out as well, brushing up against Bowser's scales as he pushed himself in deeper.

As Bowser was slurping them in, Spectrum had a grin on his face and a good idea on how to help please Bowser. While Lucardevoir's legs were still sticking out of his tailhole, he grabbed his friends legs and helped to push them in, assisting Lucardevoir in diving into Bowswer's rump.

"Mmmm almost in!" He exclaimed out, his powerful pucker pulling the fire-type deeper into his body as most of Lucardevoir's body was slurped into his rump. His tail was wagging as he pushed himself in deeper, feeling his cock sliding past the Koopa King's tailring. All it took was a few more tugs to slide his legs and feet past the ring, and soon the duo were fully inside of Bowser's body. Spectrum let go just before he was pulled in. He wanted to slide into Bowser badly, but he had a better idea of how he wanted to go.

Bowser grinned and rubbed just above his cock, feeling the duo sliding in deeper into his body. He could still feel the Buizel blowing his load in his stomach, continuing to give him a cool feeling in his belly.

"Now, where were we?" Bowser said, looking towards Spectrum.

"Oooh...there's so much more for us to do. Like your cock. Your wonderful cock needs some fun too." Spectrum said, approaching the Koopa King and rubbing the underside of his cock.

"That's a good idea." Bowser said, "In fact, I got just the idea. Who wants to have fun with the king?"

Before Spectrum could speak up, Con felt himself get pushed forward in the group. The gryphon looked behind him to see Torch chuckling, and looking away. However, the grin on his face made it pretty obvious he was the one who pushed him forward for the next bit of fun. The diminishing group that he was a part of looked like they were ready for anything with him. Teakem had both of his cocks out and was stroking them, while the Volt twins were jacking each other's cock as they watched on.

"Good, you'll do just fine." Bowser said, picking up Con from behind. The gryphon blushed at the sudden manhandling, before he felt something very large poke at his backside. He looked down and saw that Bowser's massive arousal was poking right at his tailhole. His blush turned brighter as he was slowly lowered onto Bowser's massive rod, moaning and squirming as his rump was penetrated by that hyper cock.

Con's own shaft was throbbing hard and dripping pre onto itself, his balls, and his sheath. He squirmed down, trying to get more of that thick cock into his rump, sliding to try and take more of it. He gasped out as he felt Bowser push up deeper and deeper into him. Inch after inch of his thick, hyper, reptile cock pushed into the gryphon. Then, finally, with a deep growl, Bowser pushed all the way inside, hilting the bird and having him sit on his shaft. Con's feet and tail rested on Bowser's hefty balls.

"So jealous..." Spectrum thought as he got prepared to watch Bowser fuck the gryphon senseless, but that wasn't what happened.

"Mmph, I feel kind of weird..." Con gurgled out, rubbing the bulge that Bowser's cock was making in his body. It was an odd feeling, almost like his hyper shaft was flexing and growing more inside of him. It was a warm feeling, and one that he enjoyed, but it wasn't something he had experienced before.

"Just let it happen..." Bowser said with a grin, and thrust forward. Con felt his entire body shift with that thrust. His ring around Bowser's cock had been so tight before, but now it felt somewhat loose. The gryphon cooed a bit in pleasure as he pressed his footpaws on Bowser's balls, feeling those orbs churn and gurgle. It felt so good that he didn't want to bring his feet off of Bowser's balls at all.

Actually, he couldn't. For some reason, Con couldn't lift his footpaws off of Bowser's sac. He was confused a bit and tried to crane his neck down to see why, but found out that he couldn't do that either. In fact, his view was being forced to look straight up. He gave a gasp when he felt his insides start to shift and adjust and his mouth open wide. He couldn't make any sounds other then a few gurgles as he realized what was happening. He felt his arms move to his side as his stomach bulged out, creating a large urethra passage for the Koopa King. Bowser was turning him into his cock.

His beak opened wide again as it started to merge into his flesh, creating the new cockslit for the reptile. His wings folded into his back as he closed his eyes and let the change overtake him. Within moments, the last features of Con vanished, and soon the gryphon was fully turned into Bowser's massive shaft. His form had caused it to grow up to the Koopa King's face, and it was easily twice as wide as it was before. His balls had also grown out greatly, and the gurgling they were giving out meant that he was about to...

"RRRaaggghhhh!" He roared out as his new cocktip flared open. The underside of his shaft bulged out with the huge load of cum he had saved up until then, before it blasted out like a cannon. Gallons of spunk fired out of his shaft, spraying over the group and dousing them with his seed. Sykes ended up taking the brunt of it. The wolf was completely covered in his thick cream, most of it splashing onto his face and hair.

The big cock on Bowser continued to bulge as he pumped out his potent seed onto the group. Everyone who was there managed to get at least some of his spunk splashed onto them. But soon, his orgasm came to an end, and the moans of pleasure from some of the others signified that they had reached their own peaks as well, and were shooting their own loads out as well.

"Now let's see..." Bowser said, adjusting his new size and length in his beach chair, "That emptied me out a bit, so now I need a bit of a refill. I think...four of you should suffice. And we'll start with you!"

The Koopa King pointed towards Sykes, who had a purple blush on his face before looking up. "You've got most of my cum on you, so you'll be the first to go inside." Bowser said.

Sykes walked forward, the wolf keeping his ears sprayed back as he approached the Koopa King. He saw Spectrum rubbing again along the underside of Bowser's new cock, enjoying the pulses of life that it was giving off with every throb. The rainbow Yoshi looked over to him and then shot his tongue out of his mouth.

Sykes eeped out as that long tongue wrapped around him, and then gasped when he noticed that the Yoshi had a cock-tongue! Spectrum gave a cry of joy as he used his long cock-tongue to lift Sykes off of the ground. The wolf kicked his feet as he was hoisted into the air, but he was caught tight by his Yoshi guide.

Spectrum soon brought the wolf's feet and toes right over Bowser's cockslit and slowly started to let him go. The Koopa King's slit easily accepted Sykes feet, spreading a hot, wet feeling over his toes and feet. The wolf squirmed his legs in the tight shaft that he was being pulled into, watching as Bowser's cock gulped and slurped, pulling him in deeper. His hungry cock soon pulled the rest of his legs into it and started working over his thighs and stomach.

The blue wolf gasped out as he felt that tugging and rippling cock pull him in harder. Spectrum soon released him from his tongue's grip, as it was no longer needed to keep him sliding inside. Bowser's tongue was hanging out as he flexed and flared his cock, pulling the wolf in further. His hands and arms soon started to slide in, keeping them pinned to his side as he was being worked over by that massive cock. With so much of him inside, it was easy to pull him in up to his chest, and then just his head was sticking out of Bowser's cock.

Sykes squirmed in every inch of that shaft that he could, and soon felt his feet enter a spacious chamber, realizing that had to be Bowser's balls. He rubbed against the walls of the sac with his feet as he lifted his head back, feeling that gaping cockslit pull over his face. His vision soon went dark as Bowser's cock moved over his eyes, leaving just his nose and muzzle sticking out of it before that shaft gave another hard tug, and pulled him in fully.

The dwindling group could see the bulge the wolf was making in Bowser's shaft as he slid down. The playful struggles and squirms he made as he slid down further were clearly outlined in Bowser's hyper cock as he was pulled away. Soon, it slid past Bowser's base and into his sac fully, the wolf making an audible splash in his balls.

"Okay, who's next?" Bowser grinned towards the group, pointing his cock at them. As it happened, his hyper shaft was pointing right towards Riolt. The Riolu/Ralts hybrid took a step back from the massive cock.

"Wait a minute," Riolt said, "I...MMPH!"

The hybrid's voice was soon muffled when Psyo the Mew had snuck up behind him and shoved him head-first into Bowser's gaping cock. Riolt muffled a few more shouts as Bowser's cock easily took in the smaller Pokemon. His own hyper endowments were easily sucked up by Bowser's hyper, hungry shaft, only needing a few quick tugs to get Riolt completely engulfed in his cock.

"Ooooh, he's a wiggler," Bowser hissed in pleasure as the squirming Pokemon easily slid down his slick shaft. Even though Riolt was pushed in, he was enjoying himself as he descended into Bowser's balls. The tightness and the heat that washed over him as he was squeezed down deeper made him gasp in pleasure, when his head poked into Bowser's sac. He could see Sykes already enjoying himself in the Koopa King's nuts, and soon splashed into his cum pools with him.

Bowser groaned out in pleasure as his nuts were stuffed. He was about to take in the next one, when he felt his slit get stretched open. He saw that Psyo was licking around the slit to his cock already, and then shoved his head into it. The reptile gasped out as the Mew fed himself to his masculinity, making him clench his fists and gasp out.

Psyo giggled a bit as Bowser's cock sucked him in. He was deliberately going slow inside of him, both to maximize his pleasure and to tease him as he slid in. He licked around the rippling walls of Bowser's cock as he pushed himself in deeper. Every bit of that tight cockflesh that he could reach, he gave gentle and soft psychic shocks to. That helped to make Bowser's shaft tighten and pulse hard around him, sucking up his feet and tail to fully engulf him.

The king of the koopas had never felt a cock meal go down like that before, and it took almost all of his willpower to keep pulling the Mew into his balls. He was afraid that if he let up even a little bit, he would blow his load all over again. His gurgling and churning balls were evidence of that, splashing his cum all over Sykes and Riolt within them. Still, that wasn't anything for him to worry about, as Psyo knew exactly the right buttons to push as he was going down the shaft to make sure Bowser enjoyed it as much as he did, while making sure to juuuuussssst barely set him off enough to blow them out of his balls.

It was almost a relief when Psyo descended into his sac, and Bowser was panting and breathing hard at the experience. This was the moment that Spectrum had been waiting for, and soon took Bowser's cock for himself. His long, prehensile shaft was wrapping around Bowser's base as he looked right into the slit of that hungry cock.

The Yoshi opened wide and plunged his cock-tongue into Bowser's shaft, using it like a sounding rod as he wiggled it inside of the Koopa King. He could taste all the cum and pre that his shaft had been leaking the entire time, as well as the residual tastes of the others to already slide into him. He could get the faintest taste of gryphon as well, and knew exactly where that came from as well.

"I've wanted to do this for years..." Spectrum said, before plunging his maw into Bowser's cock, following his long tongue. He wiggled as he pushed himself in deeper, loving the feeling of Bowser's cock slurping and sliding over him, taking him down deeper. His shaft was throbbing with anticipation at the thought of finally getting cockvored by Bowser and ending up inside his great nuts.

Spectrum squirmed the entire way down, relishing the feeling of Bowser's cock sliding over his form, pulling him in deeper. He wished it would never end as he felt his arousal get slurped up as he went in deeper. The taste and feel of Bowser's cum and pre already in his tight shaft made him want to reach the end even faster then he was going, and he kicked and wiggled to slide in faster. His fluttering legs were slurped up by Bowser's hungry shaft, and he continued to push down, feeling his muzzle reach the ring that lead into Bowser's balls.

"So wonderful..." Spectrum gasped out once his head was in the sac, and he pulled himself in, rubbing at Bowser's walls as he joined Sykes, Psyo, and Riolt.

"Gragghhh..." Bowser gasped out and looked towards the remaining group. It was just down to the Volt twin, Ryu the Lucario, Torch the Typhlosion, and Teakem the Snivy. Much to his surprise, at some point while he had been eating the others, the Snivy's colors had changed. Instead of being green like a normal Snivy, he had a grayish, silver-color to him. The biggest change, however, was that the Teakem was no longer duel-cocked, but instead had a massive Serperior coming out of his crotch.

Two of Teakem's biggest secrets had just been shown, his true colors, and his fully sentient snakecock, Snakey. Pre was dripping from Snakey's mouth, showing that even like this; all of his equipment was still functional.

"Whew," Bowser gasped, rubbing his balls for a moment to feel the four of them move about and squirm inside of him. He could still feel Rivale cumming hard in his stomach, and Charem and Lucardevoir were still squirming and pushing inside of him. If he had to hazard a guess, they would be in his belly soon.

"You know," Bowser said, "This is one of the best vacation packages I've ever had. Now, normally I'd finish off the rest of you, but you seem like you know what you're doing to make this big Koopa feel great. So why don't you have yourselves a good time the way you want?"

That was all the invitation that the remaining group needed. Ryu and Torch looked at each other before moving towards the Koopa King, their massive cocks at full mast as they went to either side of him in his beach chair.

"You shouldn't go out without your sunscreen, your highness." Torch said with a grin as he brought his cock to Bowser's chest, letting some of his pre drip on his arms. "Fortunately, we have a pretty high SPF for you to use, you'll just have to work to get it out of us."

Bower knew what they were talking about and gave a grin of his own as he saw the Lucario bring his own large cock up to him. He reached out and gave the Lucario's balls a squeeze, making Ryu gasp out as his cock throbbed, while with his other hand, he started to stroke and jack off the Typhlosions own manhood.

"Oh my..." Ryu gasped out again as Bowser worked his cock, "Just...make sure that when you get some, that you rub it in all over."

"Of course," The Koopa King replied, "I know how to apply cream."

Those two meaty poke-cocks throbbed in Bowser's grip, and their balls gurgled with anticipation. As Bowser was working their cocks over, Voltep and Voltem had gone to his shaft as well. Their own long cocks were dripping as they climbed onto his shaft. They each had the same idea as the other, and once they reached his dripping cock, they lined up their own shafts with his slit and pushed theirs in.

The volt twins cried out with glee as they felt that huge shaft squeeze on their cocks. Their pre was leaking out and drooling into Bowser's own arousal while their cocks prevented much of his own from escaping. They kept their grip tight on Bowser's cockhead as their balls touched together as they plunged their shafts in again, fucking his cock with theirs.

As they were doing so, Teakem had gone to Bowser's large rump. His sentient snakecock was slithering all around Bowser's pucker, using his forked tongue to tease his rump before he pushed into him. Bowser gasped out again and started speeding up his strokes and fondles of the larger pokemon's cock and balls as Snakey slithered deeper into him. Teakem gripped on Bowser's hefty balls as he started to fuck the Koopa King, and could feel the four other males in his balls squirming inside.

Within Bowser's sac, the four males inside of him were splashing and swimming amid his seed. The heavy musky scent inside of the powerful ruler was getting all of them horny. Sykes had been panting hard and squirming inside of his balls ever since he had arrived in them, and the added company of the other hung males was not helping his situation. He could see the other three males with their hyper cocks looking towards each other before all of them looking at him.

"Well," Spectrum said, "I'm enjoying every bit of this, but I want to get some stuffing's too. I want to have Sykes go down my cock."

"Aww, I want to pull him up my rump!" Riolt said, his shaft easily past his head, he was so horny.

"Yeah, I'd want him to go up my pucker too." Psyo said, hovering just a bit above the cum pool in Bowser's balls as he rubbed his tail against his internal walls.

The wolf went wide-eyed as the group had apparently all decided to eat him again. The trio were quickly starting to swim and float around him, as the wolf blushed again. He eeped out once he felt Spectrum's prehensile cock wrap around his legs. As that was going on, Psyo had floated behind him, wrapping his tail around one of his arms and opening up his pucker as he moved above Sykes head.

"Hey, hold up for me!" Riolt said, splashing through Bowser's cum towards Sykes.

Psyo gave a grin and started to lower his pucker over the wolf, while Spectrum's cock slit started to open with the intention of pulling Sykes into it. The wolf started to squirm with anticipation at being swallowed up again. However, just before their hungry bodies descended upon him, Teakem adjusted Bowser's balls again as Snakey pushed in deeper. As that was going on, Voltep and Voltem gasped out in pleasure and started pumping their loads deep down Bowser's cock.

A storm of seed flooded into Bowser's balls, a hearty mix of the Volt twins semen. Their cum splashed all about the insides, raining down upon the group, as Teakem pushed them around as he fucked the Koopa King. The addition of the extra spunk from Voltep and Voltem, as well as Teakem adjusting Bowser's balls pushed Sykes forward. The wolf eeped out again as he went sliding head first right into Riolt's hyper cock.

"Oooh, this is a lovely development." Riolt gasped out as his cock pulled the wolf in deeper, slurping up his shoulders. Sykes legs were splashing about in the mix of Bowser's and the Volt twins sex fluids, as the Raichu hybrids were still raining seed upon the group, coating them with a thick white cream.

The hyper hybrid's shaft continued to suck and pull the wolf in deeper, sliding over his chest as Riolt's pre slicked up his body. The hungry cock stretched and pulsed as Riolt gasped out in pleasure as his hole stretched open wider to take in more of Sykes. The wolf was filling out his hyper shaft nicely as he felt Sykes head reach his balls, pushing deeper into his orbs before he flexed his cock and leaned back into Bowser's spunk, letting gravity help pull him in deeper.

Sykes playfully kicked his legs as he was being swallowed, not trying to fight that cock eating him at all. He continued to get slurped down into Riolt's cock, until just his feet were sticking out of his slit. With a small push by Riolt, he fully engulfed Sykes into his cock, feeling the wolf press all the way into his balls. His sac started to stretch out with his new meal, and Riolt patted his sac once the wolf was completely inside of him.

"Mmmm...I wasn't expecting to take him into my personal Pokeballs, but that was fun." Riolt said with a smile. He looked over to the two other males, except he only saw Psyo looking back at him. The Mew floated closer over to the stuffed hybrid and pointed his tail at him. The Mew's tail suddenly opened up slightly while hovering close to Riolt's face.

"Well, since you got him in your balls," Psyo said, "I'm thinking you should go inside of me now."

Riolt gave a small smile to the Mew. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather join him? I have lots of room in..."

Once again, Riolt was cut off from finishing his sentence when Spectrum gave him a playful push forward. The smaller hybrid's head was taken in by the Mew's tail, who playfully pulled Riolt in deeper. The hybrid was clearly outlined in Psyo's tail as he was taken in deeper, that pink appendage sliding and pulling more of him in. The cum that they were washed in only helped to slide him in easier, and the flood from the Volt twins didn't seem to be stopping..

"Oh well, might as well enjoy it." Riolt thought as the Mew continued to swallow him with his tail. He rubbed his large cock as he was being taken in, feeling that tight tunnel squeeze. Psyo gave a happy groan as he fully took Riolt into his tail, pushing his bulge down towards his backside. He used one of his other hands to stroke his own hyper cock as Riolt slid into him, his head reaching the Mew's rump as he was deposited. The hybrid gave a few rubs back as best as he could before he was fully claimed by the Mew. Psyo's tail returned to its natural shape once he had the hybrid inside of him.

"Ahhh..." Psyo sighed, rubbing the walls of Bowser's balls in pleasure, "That was fun. Now what should we do, Spectrum?"

The rainbow Yoshi had an idea of his own, and opened his maw wide again and shot out his cock-tongue towards the floating pink cat. Psyo easily let Spectrum's cock-tongue slide over his face, feeling that slick pre mat into his fine fur. Just as easily as if it was a regular cock, Spectrum's cock-tongue easily slid over Psyo's head and slim shoulders. He could feel the Mew push himself in deeper, eager to dive into his friend's body.

The Yoshi's prehensile cock wrapped around his extended cock-tongue and started to push the Mew deeper into it. Not only did he feel the pleasure of sucking Psyo into his cock, but he could taste the cum that was on him as well. The exquisite taste caused Spectrum to suck him in harder, and soon the Mew's tail was all that was outside of his cock-tongue, before he pulled that in as well.

" tasty..." Spectrum said as Mew bulged out of his throat and slid down into his belly. The rainbow Yoshi patted his belly a few times as cum dripped from both his regular cock and his cock-tongue at the sensation. He leaned back and started to float in the pool of Bowser's cum, still getting rained on by the orgasming twins outside. Every drop that was in them must have been getting milked out of the volt twins by Bowser's ravenous cock.

Meanwhile, in Bowser's rump, Charem and Lucardevoir could feel the tight passageway they were diving into get colder and colder. They could feel the cool, thick cream of Rivale dripping down deeper into his body from his belly. The pair had already cum twice so far in the Koopa King's tight insides, flooding more of his body with seed and making their passageways slick with their sperm.

"So lovely in here..." Lucardevoir muttered to himself, when he suddenly got an amazing surprise. His rump was being penetrated by something long and wiggling, stretching his tailhole open. He recognized the feeling as Teakem's snakecock, Snakey, sliding into his backside.

"Oooh, I was hoping you'd join us Snakey." Lucardevoir said as he clenched his tailhole around the snakecock. Snakey was dripping pre as he licked around the hybrid's insides, pushing himself in deeper. Lucardevoir smiled and started to clench and pull the snakecock into his rump, taking more of that long length into him.

On the outside, Teakem gasped a bit as he felt himself get pulled in deeper. Not only was Bowser's pucker starting to take him inside, but whoever Snakey had reached first in there was pulling him into his ass too. The Snivy rubbed along the rump of Bowser before he pulled it open wider and let himself get sucked into Bowser's hungry rump. His arms reached inside and started to rub him from within, before another hard tug from Snakey's end pulled him all the way into that ravenous rump.

Snakey dove further into Lucardevoir's rump, making the hybrid Pokemon gasp in pleasure. Charem felt a twinge of jealousy as his friend experienced so much pleasure at the other male sliding up his rump. He started to rub at Lucardevoir's belly as he felt the snakecock inside of him bulge out.

"C'mon, let's go even deeper," Charem said to Lucardevoir, and pushed himself inside Bowser's insides even more, letting in more of the cold Buizel cream leak in. Lucardevoir nodded and gasped out again with his tongue out as Snakey was fully shoved into his rump. He turned as best as he could to see Teakem going up his rump at this point too. The Snivy gave a smug grin and let himself get pulled into Lucardevoir's hungry rump, rubbing along his tailring before getting slurped up by the hybrid.

Once Teakem was pulled up by his hungry rump, Lucardevoir could feel the two of them adjust and squirm in his backside, causing him to gasp out again and splash Charem with another load of his potent cum. The Charmeleon giggled a bit as his seed washed over him, before the world they were in rumbled and groaned, sucking them in deeper.

Back outside, Bower's was roaring out in pleasure, quickly stroking both Ryu and Torch's cocks as the two egg brothers gripped the muscular reptile and unleashed their loads onto his face and body. His mouth was open wide as he continued to jack them off, feeling their cream splashed onto him. He aimed their cocks into his mouth and chest, drinking whatever amount of cum that he could get from their massive loads.

His pleasure was causing his cock to flex and flare. The slickness of his hyper shaft was making it harder and harder for Voltep and Voltem to keep their grip on his massive cock. As they were doing so, Voltep lost his grip for just a single moment and felt his footpaws slide into Bowser's gaping cockslit. The Plusle-hybrid eeped out as he fell inside of Bowser's cock, that hungry cock easily pulled him in with as much practice as it had today. It gave a wide-open gulp, taking in everything but Voltep's head, before another slurp took him in fully.

Voltem saw his brother getting slurped away. "Don't worry! I'm coming!" The Minun-hybrid said, grabbing open Bowser's cockslit and diving in himself. Voltem's head was engulfed quickly by Bowser's ravenous manhood, sucking and slurping him down as the two Volt twins bulged out the underside of his shaft as they were devoured. That hungry cock rippled and tugged as it took the pair inside of him, slurping up Voltem's tail like a long noodle before claiming both of them.

"Aaaahhhh...yeah..." Bowser gasped in pleasure as he took another shot of cum to the face from Ryu's cock. He felt like he could actually feel the sperm from the Lucario wiggle on his body. The pair's orgasms subsided after a moment, before they looked back down.

"Looks like we're the only two left," Torch said, "Everyone else took a trip into a big, sexy Koopa. Now, are you thinking what I'm thinking Ryu?"

The Lucario looked over to his egg brother, both of their cocks still standing at firm attention with Bowser's. Their three shafts rubbed and throbbed against each other, mixing their pre and cum into a puddle on Bowser's scaly stomach. "I think I am." He said with a shy smile.

"Now, my large friend," Torch said, looking towards Bowser," We need to plug you up to make sure they don't get out."

Bowser would have cummed hard, right then and there, if he didn't want to keep the two Raichu hybrids from shooting out of his cock. He could feel the first one almost slide all the way inside of his balls, with the second soon to follow. If he erupted now, he might let them out. "Rrgghh..go for it!" He growled out.

The duo didn't need to be told twice. Ryu soon climbed onto Bowser's cum-covered chest, taking a hold of his hyper cock and gave it a quick lick along the ring. Once that had finished, he moved it lower to his body, rubbing the head of Bowser's shaft along his fur before heading down to his own cock. Ryu grinned and opened Bowser's cockhead and shoved his own manliness inside of it, fucking his cock furiously.

"Wasn't just your cock that got stuffed, Bowser," Torch said, sliding lower on his body before reaching his tailhole. The Typhlosion spread the Koopa King's legs apart and brought his own cock level with Bowser's pucker before he started to thrust in too. The duo started fucking Bowser hard and fast, squeezing on his balls and belly as they did so.

The sudden pressure coming from the outside pushed Charem and Lucardevoir all the way into his stomach. They were greeted by a massive flood of cool, creamy cum once they arrived. There was more space within there for them to move around as they both were absolutely drenched in Buizel cum.

Charem licked some of the cum off of his paws as he looked around. Lucardevoir soon broke above the surface as well, his face and head entire drenched in Rivale's cum. Speaking of the Buizel, he was still leaning against the walls of Bowser's stomach, his hyper cock bulging incredibly as he cummed out gallons and gallons of his cool, thick, cream.

"Hey! Someone else made it!" The Buizel said happily, "I was hoping someone else would join me in here!"

"Oh my, Rivale." Lucardevoir said, wiping some of the cum from his place, "You've really filled this place up with your cum."

"Well," Rivale said, with a bit of an embarraseed look on his face, "Bowser did say to keep going until I drained every drop. I've got a ways to go, and actually I thought I might run out before I filled him up, but if you're here, I can use you too!"

Once the blue Buizal finished that statement, he dove under the cum ocean he had made in Bowser's stomach. The two other Pokemon within were confused for a moment, before Charem felt something wet and slick tugging at his feet. He gasped out when he realized that Rivale was sucking him into his cock, even more impressed that he was able to continue cumming as he was pulling him down!

The Buizel's head soon rose again from the cum flood he had made, his cock still gripping and tugging Charem into it. He had inflated his inflation sac around his neck, and had surfaced just in front of Lucardevoir. "I hope you're able to help me produce more for Bowser, my friend!" Rivale said with a smile, before taking the hybrid Pokemon by the shoulders and stretching his gushing cock open even wider and pushing his head under the surface.

Rivale guided Lucardevoir's head to his cock, even though it was mostly filled with Charem's wiggling feet and rump, and was easily able to stretch himself wider to add his friend's head to his gaping cockslit. Lucardevoir opened his mouth wide, gasping in pleasure both from being cockvored, and from feeling Teakem and Snakey romp inside of his rump. He got a big gust of Rivale's cum in his mouth and licked his lips as he slid down further, feeling Charem's scales rub along his back as they were pulled into the Buizel's balls.

Charem's wiggling feet soon reached the precious cum factories of Rivale and his amazing semen, and he squirmed his way inside deeper. He reached behind him slightly and started to help pull Lucardevoir down with him, the hybrid Pokemon's legs were sticking up in the air and his tail was wagging as he was devoured again. Rivale's cock pulsed and sucked, sliding them down his tight shaft before Charem fell into his balls.

The Charmeleon splashed in the cum of the Buizel in his blue orbs before turning around and grabbing Lucardevoir's arms, helping to pull him in as well. The light of his tailflame gave the orbs the pair had been deposited within some illumination as he pulled his friend in to join him. Lucardevoir wiggled more as that hyper cock swallowed him down and pulled himself into the Buizel's balls with Charem's help.

Rivale helped the process along by pointing his cock at the walls of Bowser's stomach, letting Lucardevoir push against those with his footpaws to give himself more leverage to get sucked inside. With that added leverage, the hybrid pokemon practically launched himself into the Buizel's cock, his form slipping away with a wet slurp as Rivale claimed them both in his now bulging, squirming sac.

As Lucardevoir fell into the Buizel's balls, he still had a solid grip on Charem. Once he fell inside, the duo fell on top of each other, splashing in the cool cream of the Buizel. The pair rolled and splashed for a moment with Lucardevoir's added momentum, and pressed against the walls of Rivale's sac. When they came to a stop, Charem's footpaws were right at the hybrid's rump.

Lucardevoir figured that this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. He opened his tailhole wide and started to slide his friend's feet into him. Charem gasped in surprise at the feeling as his friend started to pull him into his tight rump, sucking him in up to his knees already, and grabbing his fiery tail and pushed it into his rear as well. Even with the loss of the light source, the fire-type could see his friend in the throws of pleasure as he pulled him up his rump.

Charem gave a smile as he wiggled himself in deeper, sliding his arms down as he was being sucked up, and letting them get taken inside as well. Once claimed, he started to pull himself deeper into his friend's rump, letting his cum-covered scales rub along Lucardevoir's pucker as he fed himself to his friend's ass. His pudgy gut and then his shoulders were pulled inside by his rippling ring, and the Charmeleon gave a content sigh as Lucardevoir's ass slid over his head and face, taking him inside of himself.

His added light gave him a clear view of the inside of Lucardevoir's passageway, and he pushed himself in deeper and deeper into him. Within a few moments, he found that he wasn't alone, and his feet came across the previous meal of lucardevoir's ass. Teakem was moaning out in pleasure as Snakey had slid under his balls, stuffing himself into Teakem's own rump. The Snivy's cum orbs were churning and gurgling and soon a huge bulge formed within the snakecock and Snakey opened wide and unleashed the flood of cum into himself. The Snivy gasped as he cummed hard into himself, feeling his belly bulge out with the thick cream from his balls.

Charem blushed a bit as he felt like he might have interrupted something private. His own poke-hood was poking up at the sight, however. Even if he had interrupted something private, he was enjoying the show.

Snakey was still cumming hard when he pulled himself out of Teakem's rump. He slithered around the insides of Lucardevoir for a moment, before he saw that Charem had joined them inside of their mutual friend. He looked over to Teakem, giving the Snivy a quick blast of cum, before Teakem nodded, knowing what his snakecock was thinking.

With a big a grin as Snakey could give, he soon slithered over to Charem and opened his mouth wide again, spraying more thick seed onto the Charmeleon. Charem gasped and gurgled for a moment from the flood before Snakey opened even wider and took the Charmeleon's head into his maw.

The sentient snakecock swallowed hard over the pudgy 'mon, sliding his body into his throat. Teakem's cock tugged and gurgled, pulling Charem in deeper, stretching his maw even wider as he swallowed him down. Charem gasped at the sensation of the snakecock eating him whole, and wiggled in anticipation and pleasure. Snakey continued to stretch his maw over the three-foot-three Pokemon, and soon had him fully engulfed in his maw. Slowly, he closed it around the curled-up fire-type and started to swallow him down. The bulge that was Charem slowly slid down his body. Every movement he made rippled and tugged his form down deeper and deeper, until soon he reached the base of his shaft. Another tug, and Teakem felt Charem slide into his balls, the Charmeleon still curled up and sighing contently inside the other males.

Meanwhile, inside of Bowser's balls, the Volt twins had splashed down in the cum pools of the Koopa King. They looked around for a moment, but only saw Spectrum floating in his seed, looking happy and content as he patted his belly.

"Hey Spectrum." Voltem said.

"Where is everyone else?" Voltep finished.

Spectrum gave a happy sigh and patted his belly as he floated in the white sea. "All of them are in here now. Now, I didn't eat all of them, but I was the last one out."

The Raichu twins grinned and looked at each other. Voltep quickly dove into the cum and swam up to Spectrum's feet. His hyper Rai-cock was open wide and he stuffed the feet of the rainbow Yoshi into his slit. Voltem simply turned around and used his tail to guide their guide's head towards his pucker, pulling Spectrum's head into his rump.

Spectrum gasped out in pleasure as the two males started to devour him. That thick hybrid cock on Voltep pulled his feet in deeper, while that pucker on Voltem fully engulfed his head and started to work on his shoulders. The rainbow Yoshi wiggled as he was devoured, feeling both of the twins pulling hard to suck him into their own bodies. For one moment, he felt that cock pull him in more, and another, that rump slurp him up harder.

His body was in the middle of a tug-of-vore and he was loving every second of it.

His arms were pinned to his side as his shoulders slid up that hungry rump, but his hands and cock were soon sliding inside another male's member. He didn't know who was going to end up winning in the end, but he knew it was going to be an amazing trip into one of the twins.

Voltep started pulling on Spectrum harder and harder with his thick cock, eager to win the Yoshi for his balls. He might have pulled it off too, except something he didn't expect soon happened. The balls of Bowser gurgled and churned and soon a torrent of thick Lucario cream fired into his balls. The Plusle-hybrid lost his concentration for a moment as he took a face full of Ryu's seed, and that was all of the advantage that his twin needed.

Voltem's hungry rump pulled, not only Spectrum but Voltep's cock into his rump, fully claiming the Yoshi in his rear. However, he continued to pull, taking his twin's cock into him, and soon used his tail to pull his head down closer and opened his pucker further to suck in his brother's head. With a grin, Voltem opened his rump wider, sucking the other two males into his butt, feeling Voltep's body squirm as he slid into his insides.

Once Voltep was halfway inside of him, the Minun-hybrid sat down, and pushed the rest of his twin inside of his rump with the help of Bowser's ballflesh. His belly squirmed and pulsed as the two were pulled inside of him. Voltep gurgled a bit as he wiped more cum off of his face, but knew that he had been beaten. However, he still got a nice prize of his own, as Spectrum was still chest-deep in his cock.

As the Plusle-Raichu hybrid was pulled deeper into his twin, his own cock sucked harder and harder on the Yoshi, dragging him into his balls. He could feel Spectrum flutter-kicking inside of them as the Yoshi was pulled in deeper. He gave one more squeal of joy as Voltep's cock slid over his head and face, and soon he became a bulge in the electric-type's cock, soon to be a bulge in his balls.

In the outside world, Torch roared out in pleasure as his cock erupted a flood of his hot, white seed into Bowser's bowels. The Koopa King's balls were growing and inflating with all of the cum that Ryu was firing into them, growing larger and wider as the Lucario filled him to the brim. The form of Voltem was pressed out a bit against them amid the flood, but he seemed to be enjoying the orgasm of hyper Lucario sperm as much as everyone else involved.

Nearly twenty minutes passed before the pair had finished blowing their loads in Bowser's body, and the Koopa King was gasping for air. Bowser never felt so full and stuffed before in his life, and he had loved every second of it.

"Oh man..." He gasped, "We gotta do this again. I don't care when or where, but this probably ranks easily among the best three days of my life ever!"

Torch grinned as he slowly pulled his thick cock out of Bowser's tailhole. The pucker on the king of the koopa's clenched shut as to not allow a drop of that seed that had been fired into him to escape. "Heh, don't say that yet." He said with a grin as Ryu pulled his cock out of Bowser's, before moving behind the large reptile, "The day isn't done yet."

The Typhlosion continued to give a toothy grin to Bowser. "Well, why should you have all the fun?" He said, "I'm thinking about a cock ride for everyone!"

With the cue given, Ryu pushed Bowser forward, just as Torch opened up his cockslit. The head of the Koopa King was pushed into Torch's slit, and it accepted his massive form. Bowser gasped out in pleasure as that tight cock pulled and rippled over his head and shoulders.

Torch gave a hiss of pleasure as Ryu helped push more of the massive Koopa into his cock, his slit opening wide to take in his large form. The giant arms on the reptile and soon his chest were pulled into his hungry, gaping cock. The underside of his shaft bulged out with Bowser's outline as his rippling shaft started to slide over his spiked shell. Torch expected that to at least poke his cum tunnel slightly, but instead, the spikes on Bowser's body slid in easily, doing little more then to pleasure his insides as he sucked Bowser into him.

Once his egg brother had taken Bowser over halfway into his cock, Ryu let the reptile go, allowing the strength in Torch's shaft pull him in the rest of the way. Bowser squirmed the entire way down, even more so when Torch started to tease his balls and cock before they were engulfed and swallowed. A huge bulge formed in the Typhlosion's cock as he dragged the rest of his shell in, and soon just his legs stuck out, which were easily taken in by that gaping cockslit.

"Aaahhh..." Torch sighed and sat down on his balls as Bowser was pulled into them. The bulge in his cock continued to sink as he took in the Koopa King, feeling his head slide towards the tight muscle ring that led into his balls, before it yawned open to allow him entry. Ryu was watching the scene while stroking his own manliness, rubbing his balls as well as he watched Torch devour the Koopa King.

"Very impressive, brother," Ryu said, "I bet he felt amazing going down."

"You know he did." Torch said, patting his sac. The large form of Bowser was clearly seen in his sac, his spike shell a dead giveaway of his curled up position. A sly gleam appeared in his eyes before he slid closer to Ryu and grabbed his large shaft.

Ryu was confused for a moment, but then realized what Torch had in mind when the Typhlosion shoved his cock into the Lucario's.

"Ahh, gonna show me? Thank you!" He gasped out as his egg brother fucked his shaft hard and fast. The thick Typhlosion cock stretched out his cockhole as Torch pushed his shaft in deeper and deeper. The two Pokemon pulled each other closer to each other as Ryu's shaft stretched open wide to take that huge cock on the fire-type, and Torch pulled his egg brother in closer so he could take every inch of his shaft.

It wasn't the first time that they had cockfucked, and it wouldn't be the last, and they knew just how to push each other's buttons while doing so. The Typhlosion reached over and started to rub the chest of his brother as he fucked his cock, knowing how much he loved that, while the Lucario pushed one of his feet forward to slide it into the crevice between his balls.

Their actions towards each other caused them both to moan out in pleasure. Torch started to hump faster and faster into Ryu's slit before his massive orgasm hit him. The feeling of Bowser being pushed and curled back into his cock nearly made him fall over, and he leaned onto Ryu for stability as the huge bulge in his balls pushed back up and out, just as Ryu fully hilted the fire-type. Torch's shaft was poking all the way into Ryu's balls, and both of their cocks stretched out with the Bowser bulge as Torch cummed him out of sac and into the Lucario's.

They held each other tight as the pressure from the orgasm pushed the Koopa King further into him, the pair soon rubbing the bulge he made as it was pushed deeper and deeper into his new home. The two were panting heavily as Torch felt his cockslit open wide again and Bowser began to slip out of him. His cockhole opened wide once more and unleashed the Koopa King and his cum flood into his brother's balls.

Ryu was nearly knocked off of his feet when that happened. He held onto Torch until the entire orgasm that he was firing was sucked up and held inside of his sac. Torch was right, it did feel incredible to have Bowser in his balls.

"Oh man," Ryu said, "Bowser's right. We really have to do this with him more often. Especially with the others."

"Of course." Torch said, "Not every day you get to cockvore the king of the Koopas."

"Well, I hope he likes our cum," Ryu said, "Because he's going to be swimming in our mix for a while."

Ryu sloshed his balls for a moment, coating Bowser in the thick mix of their cream. The Koopa King gulped and drank down all that he could, pushing about in Ryu's balls. His own cock was firing as well, adding his potent seed, as well as all the cum the other males had fired into his balls, into Ryu's sac. He could feel all of his holes get invaded by the mix of cream from the other males, the potent sperm sliding into his maw, cock, and ass. It was an amazing feeling for all involved.

Everyone who he had devoured was soon getting a rain of cum onto them as well, including some that they had devoured themselves. Rivale the Buizel was still cumming hard as he rubbed the Lucardevoir bulge in his balls. He could feel some of the cum falling on him invading his body as well, pushing into his rump and shaft.

"Ooph, guess that's for Lucardevoir..." Rivale gasped as he felt Ryu's hyper sperm enter his shaft and squeeze into his balls.

The hybrid Lucario felt those large sperm cells poke at his rump and cockslit, rubbing along his body. He gasped out as he felt them push him against Rivale's sac walls, the Lucario's sperm pushing and wiggling all over him.

"Oooh, thank you for the lovely gift Ryu." Lucardevoir gasped out as the other 'mon's hyper cum penetrated his rump, maw and cock.

The blue-furred jackal Pokemon gave a few more sloshes to his sac before just letting it hand and swing between his legs. "So," He said, looking over to the Typhlosion, "Shall we continue the tour? I think Spectrum said we're almost to the Yoshi village."

"Sounds good to me." Torch replied, "After all, I'm still horny."

"And hungry." Ryu finished, as the pair continued their walk across the beach to the village.

Worth Every Bell

It was a bright and beautiful sunny day in the town of Clear View. There were a few light and soft puffy clouds in the air, and a steady breeze was blowing through to keep things from getting too hot. Probably the best way to describe the day would be...

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Working at NOMZ

It was a drive that he had made many times. Feral Catteneo had just finished having a nice, big meal at the fanciest restaurant in town, and now he needed to get to his job. Sometimes it was hard to get all of that bulk of his into a normal car,...

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Fire and Water

Eustathios Maxime Marin, better known to the world as Tachi, had a long day. The owner of The Sapphire Gym had just finished with another day of his massive, month-long membership drive. While the large wolf loved meeting new people, especially those...

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