Repay your debts

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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So here's another thing I've been working off-and-on for the last while or so. See, after my last AC vore story, Tachi said he wanted to be cockvored by Tom Nook, and I said okay. And I started on it...then Pokemon came out, and then so did Ace Attorney 5 and then writing quickly fell down on my list of things to do, hence the 3 month wait between stories, lol.

But, I still had some of it done, and then I decided to just go ahead and finish it up. And now here we are with you reading my comments.

So, I've pretty much told you what happens. Tom Nook cockvores Tachi and there's also plenty of other stuff that I write in here like loads of cum, hyper cocks, big balls and muscle growth. If this surprises you, then you must not have read my earlier stories. As such, as this is a very adult story, only read if you are 18 or older.

Animal Crossing and all characters involved belong to Nintendo

Tachi and Tu'Hahra belong to Tachi

On a side note, this is probably the oddest post-CV scene I've done yet. You'll know it when you read it XD

The town of Paradis had been experiencing a period of unexpected and unprecedented growth in the last few weeks. The town museum had been receiving more and more donations, filling out all of the many exhibits that it kept. The local shop owned by the Nooklings had gone from a small hut that sold the essentials, to a massive department and home improvement store that had even attracted the great Gracie Grace brand. Even with the famous fashion designer in town, the local Able Sisters clothes and accessories shop still had respectable sales, and Kicks' Kicks shoe store was selling out on a daily basis as well.

While most might disagree with the exact moment it happened, pretty much everyone in the town of Paradis knew that the changes to town occurred when Tu'Hahra had moved in. The platinum jackal was a unique, not just because of his unique fur color, or the fact that he had a vibrant, almost unearthly simmer to him, but because the jackal was enormous. He was easily seven feet tall and had to be at least five-hundred pounds of pure, solid muscle. Possibly more.

No one in town minded when Tu got the biggest house in town. The jackal would need it in order to live comfortably. Whenever he visited his smaller neighbors, he always had to duck and suck in his chest to fit through their doorway. The largest two person sofa was just large enough for him to sit his large frame alone. He needed to place two large beds in his home together to have one large enough for him to sleep comfortably in the night.

Still, despite his huge size, the others in Paradis weren't intimidated at all by the large jackal. They welcomed him to their town with open arms, especially the real estate mogul of Main Street, Tom Nook. Tu'Hahra's home had to be built custom by Nook's Real Estate, but it was worth it. The jackal offered to pay handsomely, but unfortunately, Tu'Hahra didn't have any Bells, as all of his money was in a foreign currency and at the moment, there was no exchange rate.

But, Tom Nook told him not to worry about it, as he would inform him of his bill and the methods he could pay him back at a later date. It was a proposal that Tu was quite familiar with, considering he was a business owner himself, running the Judgment's Blessing casino. So, with a firm handshake, the pair agreed to the debt and for the most part, Tu forgot about it.

Days and weeks passed, and Tu went about his business. He decorated his house in the finest furniture he could find. The exterior was modified in an Egyptian theme, and he had spoke with the mayor in town to have a Pyramid and Sphinx built nearby. He had gone to Kicks to get some custom shoes made for his size 18 feet. And in the basement, he had finally managed to get enough pieces to have a makeshift gym.

The gym was open for everyone in town and Tu had made sure have it for when his son Tachi came over to visit. The blonde wolf came over at least once a week to visit his father, and it was very obvious that they were related. For starters, Tachi was even taller then his father, standing a solid foot taller then the jackal. Next, the wolf was just as muscular, a feature that must have been solid through their entire genetic line. Part of it was the intense workouts they adhered to, and the rest was just good genes. And although the wolf might not have the same platinum color his father had, his grey pelt looked somewhat similar, except for the cream-colored chest and belly the wolf sported.

It was on a day like any other that Tachi got off the train at the Paradis station. Although he was a reoccurring visitor, the train station was long overdue for a remodeling, as Tachi still needed to duck and suck in his chest and pecs to fit through the doorframe of the station. The sun was shining in the air, and there were a few clouds billowing in the sky. He saw a few of the other villagers in Paradis going about their daily business. His eye was drawn to Kody, doing several laps around the village. The bear had declared both Tu and Tachi his rivals once he met them. Kody had desried to be as muscular as the canine pair, and Tachi was more then willing to indulge him. He told Kody that he should come to the Sapphire Gym one day if he wanted to, and he knew that he would show up one day.

As the muscular wolf was heading for his father's house in town, another local villager saw that he was here. It was Lobo, another wolf like him. Unlike, the muscular wolf, Lobo's fur was more of a blue color, with a hint of grey at the base, with the tips and highlights of his fur looking white. The whites in his fur were most pronounced on his face around his yellow eyes, as that patter gave the look of two bright full moons. Tachi had joked with him many times that looking into Lobo's eyes would be a perfect test to discovering were-creatures.

Lobo had spotted the massive timber wolf as he was heading for Tu'Hahra's, and ran over to the visiting wolf once he was in sight. Tachi's ears flicked once he heard the steps through the grass and flowers approaching him, and once he saw that Lobo was approaching, gave him a friendly wave before stopping to speak with him.

"Ah, I'm glad I caught you." Lobo said in a deep, gruff voice, "See, I wanted to ask Tu if I could come by his place later today, but the big guy hasn't left his house all day. I figured since you were probably heading there, if you could run it past him that I was planning to come over later. After all, I have to make sure as shadow mayor that everything he has is working out, especially in the basement."

Tachi grinned at that statement. While Lobo would never admit it in public, the way he phrased his statement gave it all away. He was asking if he could come over and use the gym his father built in the basement. The large timber wolf's thoughts quickly shot to a mental image of the smaller wolf pumping hard iron, working the various machines that his father had bought and arranged for maximum effectiveness.

"I don't see why not," Tachi replied with a smile, "I know dad will let anyone come over to his place whenever they want. And, like I told Kody last time I was over, you can always visit me at my place at anytime as well. I'd love to see you there."

The smaller wolf's bright eyes lit up. "Great!" He said, "All we have to do is pick a time. I'll be free in about ninety minutes. Do you think that would work?"

"An hour and a half?" Tachi replied, and the large wolf started stroking his chin for a few moments. "That should be fine. I'll let dad know you'll be over."

"Okay!" Lobo said, "See you then!"

With that done, the smaller wolf continued about his daily business. He did have several other errands to run that day, hence the delay before coming over. As he was leaving, Tachi kept his eye on him, just picturing the smaller wolf exploding with muscles, bursting out of his checkerboard shirt. He could see the potential in the other male, the same that he saw in Kody.

"It wouldn't surprise me if he ended up bigger then me and dad combined one day..." Tachi thought to himself before continuing the rest of the short walk towards Tu's massive house. He made sure to tread carefully through the garden of gold roses that Tu had grown around his home, before reaching the front door of the massive manner. Once there, Tachi knocked three times, now waiting for the large jackal to answer.

A few seconds passed before the platinum jackal opened the door. He wasn't expecting to see that his vision would be obscured by a massive shelf of wolf pecs, but he wasn't going to complain about the view. Instead, the jackal looked up to see his son's grinning face in the doorway.

"Tachi, my boy!" Tu said, "What a wonderful surprise! Come in, son!"

The jackal stepped out of the doorway and Tachi sucked in his gut and ducked to get in the doorway. While it was perfectly sized for Tu to move in and out of, since Tachi was bigger then his father, he still needed to turn and adjust himself to fit inside. He did need to watch his step, as his jutting pecs almost knocked over Tu's Palm Tree Lamp that he had placed right by the door, but fortunatlly, the wolf was able to catch it before it fell over and broke.

"So what brings you to Paradis today?" Tu said, pushing one of his large sofa's a bit closer to Tachi so that the massive would wouldn't have as far to go in order to take a seat. Like his father, the wolf was large enough that he took an entire two-person sofa by himself, which was made obvious once he sat down in the pulled up seat. Even that might have been too small, as Tachi's thighs were a bit squeezed by the arm rests, but he was able to get his bulk in.

"Oh, not much." Tachi replied as Tu took a seat opposite of him, "I have a free weekend, and I thought it would be nice to spend it here. I figured I could help you finish up decorating the kitchen. Oh! Speaking of that, I brought this!"

The large wolf reached into his blue Speedo and pulled out a small leaf. Once it was out in the open, the leaf poofed into what it truly was, a Deluxe Range.

Tu's ears twitched excitedly as he saw the gift his son had brought. "Oooh, perfect!" He said, "I needed one of those. I'll get this put up right away. In the meantime, make yourself at home! Me casa es tu casa!"

With that said, the platinum jackal excused himself from the room and carried the large range on his shoulder, keeping it steady with just one massive arm. His powerful muscles flexed ever so slightly lifting up the heavy piece of equipment, and seemed to move and bulge more from the actual act of him moving then from lifting the range. Still, with it safely in the grip of his muscular form, Tu headed into his east room, which was the large kitchen for his manor.

The jackal already had most of the necessities set up; including a sink, a few cabinets, a trash bin, as well as several refrigerators and ovens, but the range was one piece he had been missing for a while. Its addition wouldn't finish his kitchen entirely, but it would bring him one step closer. The pride the jackal would have, not only in the room but in the house itself, would make the long wait worthwhile. He would have a well-earned and well-deserved sense of accomplishment.

As Tu was busy rearranging the furniture in his kitchen to find the best place for his new piece, Tachi decided to head to his father's study in the back. There were several large bookshelves, as well as a large desk for him to work at. He noticed that the jackal kept a few pictures of the villagers that he had gotten close with on a table nearby, and on a few display shelves that Tu had, he had placed trophies that he had won in the local fishing and bug catching tournaments the town held every so often.

It was while Tachi was admiring some of the collections that his father had earned over time, and noticed that the picture that he was holding had something written on the back of it, when a sudden knock came to the door. The wolf looked to the grandfather clock that Tu had in the study. It wasn't even close to ninety minutes yet, so that couldn't have been Lobo. Was his dad expecting anyone else today?

"Would you mind getting that, Tachi?" Tu's voice boomed from the other room, "I have my arms full at the moment. Quite literally."

Apparently Tu wasn't expecting anyone, or he probably would have said who that was at the door. The wolf put the picture back down where it belonged before heading back into the main room of his father's house. Whoever was at the door knocked again, as Tachi was being extra careful to not knock over anything this time as he made his way to the front door. As luck would have it, he managed to avoid breaking any of his father's possessions on his trip there, and opened the large wooden door.

Tachi looked down over his pecs to see who was knocking, and saw the unmistakable top of a tanuki's head. Said tanuki head was eye level with his bulging crotch. The wolf backed up a bit, seeing that it was the real estate mogul Tom Nook at the door, dressed in his nice suit.

"Ah, Tachi!" Tom Nook said, "I heard you were in town visiting! It's good to see you, yes yes. Even if I can only see that part of you!"

The tinuki laughed at his own joke in his jovial 'ho ho ho' manner for a few moments. Once that was done, Nook looked back up to him.

"While I would like to continue to shoot the breeze, I am here on business. Tell me, if your father in? I need to speak with him. It's quite important. Oh yes, quite important!"

"Just a second." Tachi said, stepping out of the doorway, and making his way to the kitchen entrance of Tu's home.

"Hey dad!" Tachi said to the Jackal, currently lifting three different refrigerators trying to get the placement just right without throwing off the Feng Shui of the room. "It's Tom Nook! He says it's important!"

The jackal's ears twitched before placing the storage pieces down where they were. If Tom Nook was here, then this had to be important. His Feng Shui could wait until the business he had with his real estate agent was completed.

"Coming!" Tu said, moving past Tachi in the doorway. "Oh, son. Could you bring us some tea? We have company, after all."

The wolf nodded and went into the kitchen while Tu went to his front door to greet Tom Nook. "Yes, please come in! Have a seat anywhere. There's plenty of room for you."

Tom nodded and waddled into Tu's illustrious house. He sat down where Tachi had been seated just a moment before, and the jackal took his old seat as well. Even though Tu was easily three times Tom Nook's size, and probably had a good four hundred pounds on him, minimum, he still showed the businessman the upmost respect, as he sat up straight in the seat across from him.

"I must say, I love what you've done with the place." Tom Nook said, looking around, "It suits you, it really does. Both inside and out, yes. You've really made this place your own."

The jackal just gave a knowing smile and nodded at the complement. "A man's home is his palace, and he should always make sure that it suits his style."

The floor shook slightly as Tachi reentered the room, carrying a tray with a teapot and several teacups on it. He poured the sweet liquid into the cups before offering one to both his father, and Tom Nook, both of whom accepted.

"I suppose that means you can add interior designer to your list of accomplishments Tu." Tachi said with a chuckle.

Tom Nook took a quick sip of his tea before placing the cup back on the tiny plate it was on. "Well," He said, "As much as I would like this visit to be for pleasure, unfortunately, I'm here for business. Now, you've been here for a while, Tu, and while I know this isn't your permanent residence, I have made several exceptions in development for you, as a fellow businessman."

The jackal seemed to know where Nook was going with this. "I see. You need me to pay off the house and development bill that I've accrued with you. The debts need to be repaid?"

"Yes yes, exactly." Tom Nook said, "I've put this off for as long as I could, but I'll be needing payment for your house and all the developments."

"Okay, that's fair enough." Tu'Hahra said, "What do I owe you?"

"Well, let's see." The real estate mogul pulled out a pocket calculator and started pressing buttons on it. "We have the base price of 10,000 bells for the land, however, we did need to have an expansion on that base in order to fit the large tent to start, so that brings it up to 50,000. The initial building set is normally between 50 and 75 thousand bells for the first house, but again, having to make custom for your massive size brought about exponential expenses. So then there's that and...

Tu could hear the cash registers going off in Tom Nook's head, and so could Tachi. "I think he's taking you for a ride..." The wolf whispered to the jackal.

"I agreed to this contract when I came here." Tu whispered back, the raccoon not hearing their private conversation as he was still talking aloud and crunching numbers, "It was the only way I could get something this size! Besides, it's not like I won't be able to afford it, and I always make sure to pay my debts."

"Then combined that with the expanded basement and the quintuple-sized room additions and second floor, brings us to a grand total of 78 million bells." Tom turned the calculator towards the massive canine pair and the large number was clearly shown on the display screen.

Tu looked at the screen in shock for a moment as the room was silent as that large number sank in.

"Plus interest."

Tu shook his head for a moment and cleared his throat. "That's...quite the sum. No matter, I can make arrangements to have some of my funds converted to Bells and transferred over. You should have it within the next..."

"In the next ten minutes."

Tu stopped himself as Tom Nook said that and raised an eyebrow at the Tanuki.

"I wasn't kidding when I said I put this off for as long as I could." Tom Nook said, his look firm and stern.

"Well..." Tu finally said, "I think I have about twenty thousand Bells on me, and I have a tidy sum saved up at the post office, but it's nowhere near that amount. And I don't think I would be able to get that much, even if I sold all the fruit in town."

"Hmmm... a pity a pity." Tom Nook said, "But, there is another way, oh yes yes. And it won't cost you a single Bell. See, I have a new partnership I'm starting with Brewster, yes yes. And if you want, I can get you in that as well. A part of the coffee service. Does that sound good, yes?"

"A new partnership?" Tu asked, "That sounds excellent. I'd love to be a part of that. We have a deal!"

"Excellent!" Tom Nook replied, "Then there's just one last thing that needs to be done!"

What happened next came as a surprise to the two canines, as Tom Nook removed his fancy suit jacket and then removed his pants. Before them now, Tom Nook sat fully undressed, his cock pointing up at them. But the biggest surprise came from his gurgling balls, easily as big as the rest of his body. The stories about Tanuki's and there sacs were true, at least in his case, and he must have used some sort of spell or magic to keep those huge orbs concealed.

"Tu, if you please, yes?" Tom Nook said, his hard cock pointing at the platinum jackal.

The gaze of Tu'Hahra had dropped to those massive orbs that Nook was sporting, before his words had snapped him back to reality. "Hm?" He said after a moment, before realizing what Tom Nook was implying "Ah, I see. Sounds fair, and this isn't the first time I've made a business arrangement like this."

The large jackal got onto his knees in front of the realtor and brought his face up towards Nook's throbbing shaft. Just before he opened his muzzle to take the tanuki's cock, Nook thrust forward, his cockslit spreading open and sliding over Tu's muzzle! The platinum jackal was caught off-guard for a moment as Tom Nook's cock started to suck on his face, taking in the rest of his muzzle and starting to creep over his face!

"Oh, sorry sorry." Nook said, "Did you think I wanted you to suck my cock? Hahahahaha, no no. My cock is going to suck you!"

Tu was suddenly overcome by a sudden and powerful musky blast coming from inside Tom Nook's cock, and it felt like all of his senses were overcome by the manly musk from the tanuki. The large jackal moaned out, making Nook's shaft vibrate with his powerful and deep voice as the rest of his face and head were taken in. The smaller male was squirming slightly as his cock spread open more to take in the large muscle jackal, pressing his pointed ears down as he started to get to those huge shoulders.

Tachi watched in wonder and amazement as he was seeing his father getting sucked down Tom Nook's cock, his own arousal getting hard as well before a loud snap echoed through the room and his tight blue Speedo popped from his body, exposing his three foot long, throbbing black cock. A grin soon appeared on his face as he stood behind his father, yanking off his own undergarments to expose Tu's four foot long shaft.

"You know you should pay your debts on time dad." Tachi said, and picked up Tu by the legs, lifting his father off of the ground. Instead of pulling, though, the wolf slowly started to push forward, feeding more of his father into Tom Nook's hungry cock. His legs started to gently kick as he was picked up off the ground, now that his shoulders were sucked in, pinning his arms to the side as Nook's shaft slowly started to slide over his pecs. The gold ankh symbol that marked his chest was slowly vanishing into Nook's gaping slit.

Tu was being overwhelmed by the smell of cum as he felt Nook's cock rippling and pulsing and dragging him in deeper. His form was clearly being outlined in Nook's shaft, feeling that tight rod squeeze and press over him. His nose soon felt like it was hitting a pool, a pool that seemed to be the source of the powerful cum aroma from Tom Nook, and he realized that he was sliding into the massive orbs of the tanuki. Sure enough, his face soon slipped past Nook's internal muscle ring, and he could see the massive ocean of white before him.

Nook's cock easily slipped over Tu's pecs, and soon started to work over his stomach and thigh. Tachi's assist in slowly pushing his father into his body was making this process go much faster then he had anticipated. Tachi's tongue was hanging out as the musky scent in the room got stronger and stronger the deeper Tu was sent into Nook's balls, and he could see the left one start to expand and grow with the form of his father as he slid inside.

Tu moaned out once his head went under, feeling the hot and thick tanuki cum wash over his face and body as he was pulled in deeper, being forced to drink some of it down as more of his body fell into Nook's orbs. He felt a strong hand press his cock up to his stomach, and felt the tight slit of Nook's shaft slide over that as well. He realized that he was almost entirely taken by the tanuki at this point, with only his legs sticking out now.

Getting the gut and stomach of Tu proved to be the hardest part, as once those were devoured by Nook's cock, the rest of the jackal slid in with ease. Every pulse, every throb, and every pull that Tom Nook's cock pulled on the jackal dragged more and more of him into that rippling cum tunnel. Soon he was down past his knees, and one more pull, and just his feet were sticking out of Nook's shaft.

"Do you want to do the honors?" Tom Nook said, looking to Tachi.

"With pleasure..." The wolf gasped and pushed his father's feet past the slit, finishing the jackal off for good as the rest of Tu slid into Tom's left orb, fully engulfed by the other male.

"Lovely..." Tachi said in a dream-like voice, when he felt something tug at his hands. He looked down and saw that Nook's cock was still pulling, this time at himself, and his arms that he still had stuck inside of him!

"Tu should be enough to cover the base debt," Tom Nook said to Tachi, "Taking you as well will cover the interest. After that, debt free! Yes, debt free is the way to be!"

Tu was forced to curl up inside of that musky brown prison between Nook's legs, and once his legs and feet had joined him inside, he started to push out some against the tight ball flesh of the tanuki, his outline making hills and valleys in Tom Nook's left orb.

Tachi felt that tight cock pull more on his arms, the force of which was enough to knock him off of his feet, before that cock pulled again. With just that, his arms were pulled all the way up to his shoulder, and he was face-to-face with that gaping slit in Nook's cock. He saw the hard cock of the tanuki suddenly open wide and tug hard again, and his head was soon pulled into Nook's cock as well, making his vision go dark.

Nook had to gasp a bit. Tachi was larger then his father was, and even though he had just devoured the platinum jackal, the wolf was clearly going to be harder to take in. Still, he steeled his will and started to thrust his hips in time with his cock's rippling and sucking motions, knowing from experience that would help ease the large meal into him. Sure enough, the rippling and pulsing cock slid over Tachi's pecs and shoulders, and the massive chest of the wolf was soon engulfed in his manhood.

Tachi felt his fingers hit the sea of semen within the tanuki's balls once they passed Nook's night muscle ring. He felt along for his father within them, but only felt more cum wash and splash over his hands as he was dragged in deeper. When he felt the tight, fleshy wall of Nook's balls, he could feel the hard body of the jackal on the other side, and that's when he realized he was being pulled into Nook's right testicle.

The powerful musk of Nook filled Tachi's senses as his arms were fully pulled into that orb, and his head was soon to follow, making him moan out with lust before his head submerged. He started to wiggle and squirm to sink down deeper, wanting to fill the rest of Nook with his body, pushing and pulling himself in deeper as his hard black nips on his pecs slid past the tanuki's gaping slit.

The more Tachi squirmed, the harder Nook's cock clenched and tugged to pull him in, and soon started to suck in the big bulging gut of the wolf. The tanuki's slit spread open as wide as it had so far to suck in the big wolf's belly, but with the majority of Tachi already inside of him, it was only a matter of time before the pulling and sucking motion of his cock dragged the rest of the wolf into him.

Nook moaned out when he felt his left orb expand, and realized that Tu had cum hard while within him, feeling the powerful blasts of the jackal create more bulges as his cock fired against his walls, filling more of that tight chamber with seed. That seemed to be just the kick that he needed, and his cock pulled harder and harder, sucking in the massive wolf's gut, and soon slurped up his thigh, cock, and balls with it.

The grey timber wolf's legs were all that was left sticking out of him, and like a snake devouring it's prey, Nook's cock slowly pulled them in deeper and deeper, sucking down his lats, knees, calves, and soon the rest of his feet with it. A wet pop echoed through the room once Tachi's wiggling legs and toes slid past Nook's slit. Once that happened, his shaft slowly started to return to its normal shape as Tachi was fed into his right orb, slowly descending into Nook's balls to join with his father.

Nook's cum was washing all over Tachi's body as more of his form filled out that massive orb. He soon felt his legs slide in and join the rest of him with a splash inside of Nook's balls. Tachi gasped out as he soon felt the orbs of Nook working over him, pressing against the walls of the musky prison he was encased in.

"Ahhh..." Tom Nook sighed, feeling the squirms in his balls start to slow, "Debt repaid." He gave a few quick pats to his sac with his feet before rubbing over his balls with them. He could feel the valleys within his left orb start to flatten and diminish as Tu was being melted down into more spunk for his orbs. The great platinum jackal's form inside of him was diminishing before finally sinking under the surface.

Tachi could feel the same, as he could see his fur turn white and his body get softer and softer as Nook's cum invaded every inch of his body. He gave a mighty great moan before his own cock erupted, leaving his lasting impact inside of Nook's balls, adding his own seed to the mix before he felt his consciousness leave him, and he too sank under the massive flood of semen.

Soon, the only thing coming out of Nook's balls were churns and gurgles, and there was no sign of the two muscular canines he had taken within him. The realtor gave a happy and contented sigh as he felt the two melt down into his cum. He sat back for a few minutes on the comfortable sofa that no longer had an owner to just enjoy the feeling of his sac gurgling before getting back to business.

Nook quickly redressed himself, making sure his specially-made pants covered up his new, larger balls since they were filled with digested jackal and wolf. He was able to squeeze back into them, and with the hard part taken care of, getting his fancy suit shirt and jacket back on was much easier. It took a few minutes, but soon Tom Nook was fully dressed again and acting like nothing had happened.

Once he was done, the tanuki waddled out to the front door of Tu's now-empty house, shut off the lights, and locked the door behind him. His sac was still sloshing, even through his special pants, which was showing just how much the pair had filled him up. He needed to walk a bit slower or else he might split them. Instead of heading back to his office, however, the tanuki had a different location in mind, and headed for The Roost Café.

Tom Nook walked into The Roost, the tiny chiming bell signaling his arrival, and he gave a friendly wave to Brewster, the pigeon who ran the café.

"Afternoon, Brewster!" The tanuki said with a friendly smile.

"Coo...hello Tom..." The pigeon replied, cleaning one of the large glasses that he had behind the counter. "What brings you in?"

"Just got a supply of the new milk for your coffee in." Tom said, "Just deposit it in the back?"

"Coo...that's fine..." Brewster replied, and stepped aside to let Tom Nook into the back of the café.

"Be sure to use the condenser." Brewster added before closing the door, "Gotta make sure the supply is extra-potent..."

"I've done this before, yes yes!" Tom Nook replied.

With the predator now in the back with some privacy, he took his normal position in front of a large empty storage barrel that Brewster had set up for him. He once again removed his suit jacket and pants and let his large sac hang out, wild and free. Nook's orbs were gurgling and churning loudly still, as the two canines he had taken and digested were apparently itching to be let out.

"Settle down boys." Nook said as he patted his sac, "You'll be out soon. Just gimme a second, yes yes!"

Nook soon went from gentle sac pats to strokes on his hard cock, slowly working his way up his shaft from the base to the tip, feeling it throb in his hot grip. He had been on edge ever since he had finished the two canines off, and it wouldn't take long for him to bust a nut. Pre was already slickening up his grip, making him stroke his cock faster and faster as his balls wiggled and jiggled with the vibrations of his work.

"Oh BELLLLLSSSS!" He exclaimed, feeling his huge nuts pull up to his body as best as they could before the internal pressure became too much. The first shot went wildly, splattering just barely into the collection barrel. By the time he reached his second long and thick rope of cream, Nook had managed to steady himself enough that he could direct his shots into the container. His cock was bulging out as all of his seed tried to escape at once, and he felt his shaft stretch almost as wide as Tu's had been as gallons of seed shot from his cock. It went from shots, to ropes, to a spray relatively quickly, and it took everything Nook had to control it to keep it in the barrel.

The two digested canines were fired out at high speeds out of Nook's cock and collected in the barrel, the semen levels of which continued to steadily rise. Not only had their melted forms produced a great amount of cum for Tom Nook, but the tanuki's own product was being added as well.

Nook was panting hard as he unleashed his load, and for nearly fifteen minutes, he unloaded everything he had stored up into the storage barrel for Brewster. When he was done, he gave his cock a quick swing to make sure everything was deposited, and his smaller, yet still quite large, sac gurgled appreciatively at the emptying.

In the light, Nook could tell that the cum he had left for Brewster wasn't the normal shade of white he usually left behind. No, this load had a slight platinum tint to it, and seemed to swirl a bit with a creamish-colored gray. It wasn't much of a matter, and Nook didn't pay it any mind after the initial observation, and instead set the barrel over to the condenser.

The condenser was a device of Brewster's own design that he had developed to make sure that his ingredients were of the finest purity. From milk to sugar to coffee beans, all one had to do was pour what they needed into it, and it would condense it to its purest form. Nook had been the one to discover by accident that it worked on cum as well, and it was after that discovery that this new partnership had been developed.

Nook was humming a simple tune to himself as he poured his spent cum into the condenser, and once it was full, locked the top and turned the machine on. The device sputtered and shook for a bit, before releasing a steady hum as it got to work in condensing and purifying the seed that had been poured in. As it was doing so, the tanuki brought one of the spare milk jugs under the nozzle to collect what would eventually drain out.

Surprisingly, it didn't take long before a slow stream started to flow out of the condenser and into the collection jug. The white fluid started as a slow drip but soon acted like a faucet had been left on and poured into the jug. It had started off as white, but soon took the same swirl of platinum and creamish-grey that the uncondensed cum collection had. What was most amazing, however, was out of the massive load that Nook had collected, by the time it was done condensing, there was only a half-gallon of fluid collected, as the rest had gone to waste. It wasn't amazing in that there was so little gathered, but so much. The last time Nook had condensed a cum flow like that, there was barely enough to fill a single cup.

But, with the condensing complete, the tanuki closed up the collection jug, shut off the machine, and got dressed again. He knocked on the door to let Brewster know he was done, and waited for the pigeon to let him out.

The door opened a few moments later, and Nook handed the collection to Brewster. "Looks like a good batch this time." He said of the contents, "You might be able to get a few cups out of this. I guess it depends how much the next few customers like milk! Ho ho ho ho!"

Brewster was silent as he swished the purified cum in the jug and eyed the amount. "Coo...enough for...two who like lots... of milk...." He said giving the liquid a mental measurement.

The café owner then placed the jug behind the counter and went back to washing one of the glasses. "Coo... I'll...get your Bells to you soon. Until next time... coo."

"Next time indeed, yes yes!" Nook said, "Glad to do business with you!"

With that said, Tom Nook waddled out of the café and headed back to Main Street.


About an hour and a half after Tu and Tachi's untimely devouring and processing, a set of knocks came to the door of Tu's empty house.

"Tu? Tachi? Are you home?" Lobo said to the door. "It's me, Lobo! I'm here! Are you home?"

The blue wolf put one of his ears to the door. He didn't hear anything coming from inside.

"Maybe they're in the basement..." He thought to himself before knocking again, this time a bit louder then before.

"Hello? Tu? Tachi?" Lobo said again, "It's been about ninety minutes! I said I'd be here! You didn't forget, did you? Did you remember to tell him Tachi?"

Still no answer from inside. It might have been rude, but the wolf soon tried the doorknob after that. No luck there, either. The door was locked, and looking in through the windows, he could see that the lights were out too.

"Maybe they had to step out for a minute. They'll probably be back soon." Lobo thought to himself again, "They wouldn't leave me hanging like this...I'll wait a few minutes for them to get back."

And so Lobo waited, standing in front of the empty house waiting for them to get back. He kept his back to the door, watching around the village in case he saw the large canines come walking through the paths or through the fruit trees to come back. He took a few moments to admire the flower garden that Tu had set up, complete with a status symbol of their town, the Jacob's Ladder, growing right by his fence. He saw Kody do another run around down, still training for whatever it was that he did all the time.

After ten minutes passed, Lobo gave up. If they were going to meet with him, even if they did step out, they would have been home by now. He could only assume that something had come up to keep them home. Whatever it was, it had to be important enough to blow him off without any warning or notice.

"And here I thought we were friends..." He thought to himself before deciding to just head home.

As the wolf was walking home, a strong scent caught his nose. It was the smell of Brewster's coffee. The café owner must have just made a fresh batch. Whatever beans he was using, it was powerful. Actually, maybe a cup of coffee would help bring his mood up.

The door to The Roost Café chimed as the bell rang, signaling Lobo's arrival in the store. The place was empty, aside from Brewster behind the counter.

"Coo... welcome..." Brewster said after seeing the customer come in and walk up to the take-out bar. "The usual?"

"Yeah." Lobo said, "House blend, lots of milk and sugar. Maybe that'll lift my mood today."

Lobo knew how much his normal order cost, and placed the required bells on the counter as Brewster started making the coffee just the way he knew it. It was a routine that had been done many times before, and would probably be done many times more. He wasn't even paying attention as his coffee was made, and Brewster poured in an odd, platinum tinted milk into his coffee.

"Coo... here you go..." Brewster said, handing Lobo the hot drink in one of his paper to-go cups.

"Thanks. See you tomorrow." Lobo said, before walking out with his piping hot drink.

It was a quick walk back to his house, not nearly as big or as impressive as Tu's, but it was his own and he liked it. He gave one more quick look around, just on the off-chance he might see Tu or Tachi about, before sighing and going inside.

The wolf had K.K. Safari still playing on his stereo when he walked into his house. Maybe he would see if he could get the beat of that song down on his drums. But, before he did anything, he should probably finish his coffee. The powerful aroma from that cup in his hands was tempting him the entire walk back, and now he really couldn't help himself anymore.

Lobo took a quick drink from his coffee and quickly knew something was amiss. The milk tasted a lot creamier then he remembered. Did Brewster get a different brand? That wasn't to say that it was bad. Oh no, actually it tasted quite good. It just caught him by surprise. A pleasant surprise at that, and it brought a smile to his muzzle.

"Mmmmm... hope he sticks with this brand..." Lobo said to himself before taking another big gulp of coffee. He could feel the warmth of it spread all through his body. It was like a full body experience in this cup. He was almost sad to see it go when he took the third and final gulp from his coffee and finished it off. He didn't know what it was, but it was good.

"Yeah, definitely going to have to tell Brewster to..." Lobo said to himself before his voice was suddenly cut off and he felt his body shaking. He felt something pulse inside of him, dull at first but growing stronger and stronger. It felt like the very core of his being was shaking, and the wolf fell to his knees, groaning out. It wasn't in pain though. No...this was pleasure!

That pulsing feeling started in his chest, and his chest started to grow out! He didn't know what was causing it, but his pecs were growing! He could feel the tight muscles on his chest expanding and growing out, thick veins popping from them, spreading from his chest to the rest of his body!

Lobo could hear his heart beating as strength and power flowed through his body, shooting through his veins like a missile. He heard the fabric on his shirt start to rip and tear as his body was growing larger and taller. Within moments, his checkerboard shirt was ripping off of his body in tatters, being pushed away from his massive and growing form as it grew.

"" His grunted out, his voice growing deeper. His attention turned to his arms, where his biceps and triceps started to bulge and grow out, getting thicker and more massive as his forearms increased in size and mass. He involuntarily flexed his arm, feeling the thick veins pop on those arm muscles, and his eyes went wide when he realized that they were bigger then Tachi's already!

His stomach started to grow and expand as well, his normal-sized belly billowing out as it tightened into a full six pack of abs. Then increased there to eight. Then ten. Then he had a full dozen slabs marking his front, only helping to add to his growing height. His stomach pushed out more, and he still felt his rock-solid abs as they were pressed out and stretched, giving him a solid musclegut that was stronger then steel.

His bodies curves became more pronounced as his thighs expanded, and it even felt like his tail was growing longer! His legs ballooned out, feeling almost as strong as the fruit trees in town, yet no axe would ever stand a chance against them! Calves, lats, and even his rump grew stronger and more firm as his body pulsed out more.

Lobo could barely see past his massive shelf of pecs to see all this happening, but he could feel it as his muscles bounced and flexed as he grew. What fully caught him by surprise was the feeling of his balls hitting the ground and brushing against his knees. He moaned out as the feeling of growth then moved towards his groin, and he felt his balls grow and expand outward, nearly overtaking the size of his legs! His cock pulled out of his body, growing by inches, then feet as it pulsed and expanded outward. He heard the sound of one of his drums fall over as his cock pushed into it, knocking his furniture over before he flexed it upward. The tip of his shaft was equal in height to his muzzle, curving perfectly with his new expanded stomach and pecs.

Suddenly, Lobo's cock flared open and he howled out in pleasure, and a practical tsunami of cum fired out of his cock, splashing onto the walls, ceiling and all of his furniture. His rug and wallpaper would have to be replaced, as so much of his liquid delight splashed onto it that they started to peel. Pump after pump and wave after wave of pleasure rocketed through Lobo's body as he tensed up to get more of his cum to fire out of him.

It took thirty minutes for his orgasm to die down, and in that time, there was a flood of cum three feet deep in his room. His stereo was ruined, and most of the stains would never come out of his furniture. His house was a disaster area, but he felt so good as he panted and gasped as the dull pulse at his core started to die down. His cock was starting to soften as well, and landed with a splash in the flood, the level of seed almost up to his knees.

Lobo finally had a chance to wrap his mind around what had just happened. Just from looking at himself, he could tell he was more muscular then Tachi or Tu was. In fact, if he had to guess, he would assume that he was as big as they were if they were combined! That would mean he had to be at least ten feet tall, and his cock had to be a solid six or seven feet if it was up to his muzzle at full hardness.

When it was all done, Lobo was still panting hard, but the fog of pleasure that was clouding his mind was starting to pass. He'd need a new house, new clothes, and all new furniture, but for now, he was loving what had just happened. He only had one question for all of this.

"Man...what was IN that coffee?"


The howl that came from Lobo echoed throughout all of Paradis. One of the first villagers to hear him happened to be Kody.

The bear had finished his tenth lap around the village and decided that he would reward himself with a nice cup of his favorite coffee to go.

Mocha, with lots of sugar and milk.

Brewster said he was lucky, as he got the last of a specially-made milk that would never come around again. He had just finished his drink when he heard the howl, and quickly ran for Lobo's house, when he stopped suddenly.

A powerful pulse echoed through his body...

Meeting Bowser

"Alright, gang, we're almost here!" The large boat was approaching the shores of Lava Lava Island. As it approached, a rainbow-colored Yoshi had a smile on his face as he turned to the group. "I really can't wait to show you around." Spectrum the...

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Worth Every Bell

It was a bright and beautiful sunny day in the town of Clear View. There were a few light and soft puffy clouds in the air, and a steady breeze was blowing through to keep things from getting too hot. Probably the best way to describe the day would be...

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Working at NOMZ

It was a drive that he had made many times. Feral Catteneo had just finished having a nice, big meal at the fanciest restaurant in town, and now he needed to get to his job. Sometimes it was hard to get all of that bulk of his into a normal car,...

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