What the buck!

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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Great title, huh? :P

Anyway, quite the run on holidays, huh? First Christmas, then the New Years, and everyone ends up busy. Even me. But, I still got time to get a gift to FlareStarfire written up. Not every day you get married after all!

Anyway, for those who know me, this story contains vore and cock vore from the aforementioned in the title buck. He's a dommer and a nommer, so there's topping and lots of cum! Also gurgles! And using of prey cockvored to fire into another prey! This story is meant only for those who are 18 or older.

Flare and Zeryx belong to FlareStarfire https://flarestarfire.sofurry.com/

Mason is mine.

Hope you enjoy!

(Also pretty sure this is the first cockvore story of 2015 x3)

It was a cool winter day, with a crisp breeze in the air and the sun hanging in the sky behind several white clouds. While it might have been late in December, the temperatures still stayed above freezing, and while it was cool, the ground and grass were free of snow. The sounds of the city in winter echoed in the distance from the multi-storied white building, until a large red pickup truck pulled into the parking lot.

"This is it." The driver said, looking at the large sign above the building, "Wildfire Labs."

The engine cut off and a door opened. Out of the pickup stepped a large male buck. He was dressed in a red and black flannel shirt, and a pair of blue jeans that doubled as a set of overalls with the straps kept tight along his shoulders and torso. They strained slightly along his chest, and his tight stomach slightly bulged outward, although still professionally covered up by his flannel shirt. His antlers hung impressively above his head, at least eight points crowning his features.

The buck pocked his keys and grabbed a few papers off of the dash before closing the door behind him and then taking a red toolbox out of the back of his truck. With his equipment in hand, the buck headed towards the front of the building, entering through the glass door entrance into the lobby.

The logo of the labs was clearly visible in here as well, and it looked to be deserted, except for the brown-haired mustang at the reception desk wearing a white labcoat. Near to the horse manning the desk was a sign that read that all visitors must first report to reception, and there was also a bell that said to ring for service, likely if there was no one manning the desk.

"Welcome to Wildfire Labs, how may I help you?" The mustang said, looking up at the built buck with a smile.

"Hey there, I'm Mason. Mason Rod of Mason Rod Construction and Expansion." The buck, Mason, replied, "I was told to meet with a...." He pulled out a sheet of folded up paper and unfolded it, reading the notes he had, "Flare and Zeryx about an addition. Do you know if they're here?"

"They should be in the back office, let me buzz them." The mustang replied, pushing a button on his desk to turn on the intercom.

"Flare, there's a Mason Rod here to see you and Zeryx."

The duo waited for a moment, but there didn't seem to be any reply. The mustang hit the button again.

"Flare, there's a Mason Rod here to see you and Zeryx."

There was no reply once more, and Mason raised an eyebrow at the strange silence.

"He might be with Zeryx in his office. They're working on the Lab's Zodiac Festival, so they're rather busy."

"Not a problem. I have some time." Mason said, giving his lips a quick lick.

Meanwhile, in the back offices of the Wildfire Lab, a white-furred shire and a black-fleeced sheep were in the sheep's office. The shire was carrying a handful of boxes, while the ram was at his desk on the phone and writing on a few notepads.

"I swear, Flare, the paperwork gets worse every year." The ram said.

"The price we pay for being the best at what we do, Zeryx." The shire said with a smile, putting up some of the boxes and twitching his tail.

Zeryx grumbled and signed another sheet before his phone began to ring. At that moment, the buzzer of the intercom beeped as well.

"Zeryx," The mustang receptionist's voice came from the intercom, "There's a Mason Rod here to see you and Flare."

The two hoofer's stopped what they were doing for a moment and looked at each other. The name didn't ring a bell to either of them.

"Mason...Rod?" Zeryx said to the shire. "I don't know anyone by that name."

"I don't either." Flare replied. "I don't think we have any appointment's today either." The horse then moved to his fellow lab owner's desk and pushed the reply button.

"Please have him wait a minute, I'll be right there."

The sheep picked up the phone and immediately regretted it, as it was yet another fire that would need to be put out. The black-fleeced hoofer brought a hand to his head in frustration while Flare left him to go see whom the mysterious Mason was that apparently was here to see them.

The shire adjusted his white lab coat, being the only clothes he was wearing, as he headed down the hall to reception, taking a quick detour to check how the labs were coming along with their festival preparations. As overworked as they might have felt, things were going along nicely. Everything seemed to be going according to schedule.

After spending a few minutes catching up, Flare went back the main corridor to get to reception, emerging from the back door after adjusting his lab coat once more. "Hello, what the...BUCK!"

Flare coughed for a moment to regain his composure, but the sight of the construction buck had, for a brief moment, took all of his attention. His gaze was transfixed on the crown of antlers, and on his tight back as the buck was facing away from the door. The male turned when he had heard Flare's sudden outburst, allowing the shire to see his impressive front, complete with a bit of brown belly pudge poking out from under his tight flannel shirt. He looked from the corner of his eye and saw that the reception desk was unmanned, and could likely guess where the mustang had ended up.

"Ah," The buck said, giving a bit of a gulp and walking to the shire, "Mr... Zeryx?" He guessed.

Flare's face blushed a bit and he gave a small smile to the large buck. "Flare. Flare Starfire. I was in Zeryx's office with him when we got the message and I came out to see. You're Mason?"

"Mason Rod, of Mason Rod Construction and Expansions." "The buck offered his hand to the shire in a firm handshake, which was accepted by the lab co-owner. "My card."

The buck handed the horse his business card, which read exactly as he stated. Though he couldn't help but give a smirk at the motto of his business.

"There's nothing we can't add on to?" Flare said with a smile.

"We can always find a way to expand and increase whatever you had in mind." Mason replied.

The shire wuffled cutely at that, giving Mason's belly a quick peek again while putting his business card into one of the pockets of his lab coat. "So what brings you here?"

"Well," Mason replied, "I was told to meet with you and Zerxy about an addition. I was told the address and to meet with you and that's all I really have."

"Hmmm..." The horse replied, "I don't recall anything about an addition crossing my desk, maybe Zeryx has it? You'll have to forgive us, as we've been getting ready for the annual Zodiac Festival, so some paperwork might be misplaced or out of order. Could you follow me to Zeryx's office and we'll see if we can get this all settled."

"Of course." Mason said, taking his toolbox back up from the reception desk as Flare walked back to the door leading to the labs.

"Oh, and hit the button on your way in, if you please." The shire said with a slight giggle.

Mason looked for a moment and saw the 'press bell for service' button he had been referencing, and gave it a quick press before following the lab owner. The shire was waiting for him, standing with his coat opened, and only then did Mason realize that he was wearing nothing else.

"So the dress code is rather lax around here?" Mason said with a smirk, looking at the horse's exposed front.

"We find that helps most with our research." Flare replied, taking the lead as he lead Mason through the halls of Wildfire Labs, "Which I hope you know what it is we do here." He took another peek at the exposed buck gut.

"You do research on the various methods of vore, among other things." Mason replied, "I've read about the place when I got the addition request. I was guessing you wanted a new lab area built or one expanded. So if you're Flare, you're one of the co-owners, right?"

"That's right." Flare said, slowing down a bit to show off his laboratory to the construction buck, "I started this place with Cinder, to study vore in a safe and controlled environment. Anyone on the lab grounds is fair game to be eaten at any time, so you don't have to worry about the receptionist."

Mason chuckled at that. "Okay, good. I got lost on the way and had to skip breakfast."

"We do have a cafeteria," Flare said with a smile. "If you're going to be here for a while, perhaps we'll grab a meal."

"Well, first we have to find the work order, don't we? But I think I can catch a meal later." Mason replied, returning the shire's smile to him. The horse felt a pulse come from his sheath as he saw that grin on the buck.

Flare soon arrived at the door to Zeryx's office, and the ram was still pouring over papers that were across his desk. He looked up to see Flare lead the buck inside.

"This is Mason, Zeryx." Flare said, "Apparently he was told we had an addition being made to the labs. I'm going to check my office and see if there's anything work orders or notices there. Can you check the last few days and see if something like that crossed your desk?"

"I suppose maaah can." Zeryx replied, looking at the large construction buck from his desk.

"It should only be a few days old, at most," Mason replied, trying to help, "I just got the call in the other day."

"I'll be back in just a few minutes." Flare said, heading out the door and down the hall to his own office, closing it behind him.

With the two of them alone, Mason offer his hand to the sheep. The black-fleeced ram accepted the firm handshake, and then went looking through some of his files on his desk.

"Hopefully it won't be a long wait," Zeryx replied, "We've just been swamped with paperwork. That's also quite the grip you have there."

"Thank you. And right, Flare told me," Mason replied, "The Zodiac Festival?"

The sheep maahed and nodded, before he then opened one of his desk drawers and began going through some papers. At that moment, the phone on his desk rang again.

"Do you mind if I put this on speaker?" Zeryx said, looking up to the buck, who was adjusting the straps on his overalls.

"Do what you need to do." Mason said.

The sheep pressed a button on his phone and went back to the papers in his desk, seeing if he could find what they might have had that would have required Mason's presence.

"Hey sheepie." Came the voice on the phone.

The ram smirked when he recognized the voice. "Hey bird, what are you doing?"

"Did Mason show up yet?"

Zeryx stopped what he was doing, and looked at the phone for a moment.

"How did you know that..."

"Who do you think called him?"

Mason just started to chuckle. "I thought that sounded like Cal on the phone. So did you two prank me or..."

"Oh no, no prank." The bird on the other line said, "There's going to be an addition at Wildfire. It's just going to be to your belly and balls. That's the job. And sounds like the first course is with you."

"Wait a minute!" Zeryx said, "I'm not....!"

"If you see Flare, eat him too. He tastes like chocolate. Talk with you later!"


Zeryx grabbed the receiver to the phone and tried to call back, but soon looked up and noticed that he was stuck in his office with a buck, who was quickly removing his shirt and had a predatory grin on his face.

"Well," Mason replied, "Not the job I was expecting, but I can go with this."

"They know that maaah is too busy to get eaten right now!" Zeryx protested, "They should know better!"

"Then it sounds like you need a day off. Perhaps in my personal sauna's." Mason replied, snapping the straps to his overalls and dropping his pants.

Mason was already hard when his cock was exposed, his thick and long length pointing upward, easily eighteen inches, and a set of large balls hung under his thigh. It was slightly pushed forward by his full stomach, having just finished working off the mustang he had swallowed earlier. Zeryx stared at that thick buck cock that was pointed towards him, and Mason quickly made his move.

The ram suddenly felt the construction buck's hard grip now on his shoulders, pulling him towards the naked buck. Like Flare, the ram was only wearing his lab coat as well, and his sheepcock was poking out of his sheath as well. He was dragged towards the tip of Mason's cock, the buck's length already dripping and drooling pre onto his desk as he struggled and squirmed in his firm grip.

"I'm going to fall so far behind because of this..." Zeryx grumbled and maahed, and soon Mason's cockslit yawned open, sliding around his curved horns. The buck thrusted and pushed Zeryx further, cramming him face-first into his cock with a loud 'schlurp'. The tight slit on the buck clenched on the squirming ram's head, and soon pre dripped and drooled onto his features, his cock slurping up the hoofer.

The sheep was still struggling, but that firm grip on his shoulders soon moved downward as Mason's cock slid over the rest of his head and then tightly squeezed on his neck. He was glad that the ram was following in Flare's dress code, as his lab coat was easy enough to pull off to keep it from taking the trip down with him. The heavy scent of his musk filled the ram's nose as he was pulled down deeper into the deer. His cock pulsed, his arousal betraying how much he was enjoying getting devoured by the other male's cock, as it slipped over his shoulders and started to slide over his chest, keeping his arms stuck to his side.

Mason moved one hand to his arousal to rub the bulge the ram was making in his cock, as it filled out with Zeryx's form. The buck thrusted upward, sucking and pulling as lewd squelches echoed out from his devouring cock. The underside of his length bulged out as it was filled further, and soon the face of the ram pressed against the tight ring at the base of his cock.

With a hard pull, the sheep's head pressed through the ring, entering a heavily musky chamber. The sheep maaahed out again as he was being pulled into the buck's testicles, already feeling his hot, sticky cum splash onto his face and horns. Mason's slit started to work over Zeryx's stomach, and he patted the ram's tail as he pulled the male in deeper into himself.

"Alright, get ready Zeryx..." Mason grunted, and flexed his cock upward, pulling what was left of the ram outside of his cock off of the ground and had his length pointed skyward. He shuddered and gasped as his internal ring spread open again, taking in the ram's shoulders as his kicking legs struggled outside of his cock. But, with most of the sheep inside of him, it was just a matter of time now, and the buck teased at Zeryx's hard cock and squeezed at his balls as he sank into him.

At that moment, the door to Zeryx's office opened, and Flare walked back inside.

"Any luck you...." He started to say, before he saw the naked buck with the ram almost fully inside of his cock. Mason was leaning against Zeryx's desk as his cock devoured more of the sheep, and his balls continued to expand out as the ram fell into him.

"Yeah, we found it." Mason replied, giving a grin and thrusting upward, working in the last of Zeryx's thigh as soon just his legs were hanging out of his cockslit. "And you know, I think I will be here for lunch. I was told the chocolate horse was delicious."

Flare chuckled some and closed the door behind him. He removed his labcoat and brought a paw to his throbbing cock as he watched the predatory buck swallow down the ram. His other hand went to Mason's thick length, rubbing the bulge Zeryx's was making in that throbbing and veiny shaft as it sucked him down. The struggling of the ram's legs picked up as he felt another press, perhaps hoping that Flare would pull him out, but instead the shire pushed him in further. The shire gripped at Zeryx's hooves and with a few shoves, pushed his partner deeper into the predatory buck.

Zeryx's maaahed out and pressed out of the tight, fleshy chamber he was in, feeling thick buck cum get all over his fleece and features. Soon, a loud ssslllluuurrrppp echoed out as his hooves were pulled past Mason's slit, and the buck's cock slowly pulled him down the rest of the way, his rippling cum tunnel massaging his body down as it regained it's shape. A few moments later, the last of the ram fell into his balls, bloating and expanding them out with his form.

"Didn't even get to cum..." Zerxy pouted grumpily as he was forced to curl inside of the buck's tight balls.

"You know..." Flare said, "If you ate him orally, he would have tasted like vanilla."

The shire rubbed and pressed at Zeryx as he struggled in Mason's balls. He then kneeled down and licked at the buck's shaft, starting his tongue near the base and licking all the way up to the very tip, just in time to catch a large bead of pre forming at the tip of his thick length.

"Mmmm...." Mason replied, shuddering at the quick lick, "Guess that means there's a next time then. Maybe you two will reverse positions."

The shire gripped at Mason's balls again, feeling the struggles from Zeryx start to slowly die down as the gurgles and churning from the buck's balls intensified. He buried his muzzle into the musky orbs, and felt the ram's outline slowly start to diminish as the hills and valleys of his prey began to even out. After several minutes of nuzzling into the buck's balls, soon they were two perfect spheres hanging between his legs.

Once Zeryx was good and digested, Mason took Flare by the shoulders and brought him back up to his hooves. He still had a predatory glint and sparkle to his eye. Then, without warning, he picked up the horse, turned him around, and bent him over Zeryx's desk. Flare whinnied out in surprise, and soon felt Mason's thick cock poking right at his tailring.

"Of course," Mason replied, "My favorite type of chocolate is cream filled, so you still need your filling."

Mason gripped at his cock, giving it a few strokes and rubbing the underside of his lower devourer, and pressed forward, sliding his length right into Flare's backside. The shire whinnied out again, as the buck dominated him, pressing him hard onto the table as he fucked him. The thick buckcock throbbed and stretched his back door as he pushed in deeper. Mason brought his hands to Flare's back, and then thrust in hard one more time, hilting the shire and having his orbs slap against his thigh.

Flare's breathing picked up heavily, feeling the long and thick buckcock inside of him, and he tried to reach down to grab and stroke his own length. His tip had already flared out and his medial ring was fully formed as he was almost painfully hard. Mason spread his legs apart slightly to give himself better leverage, and pulled out almost his entire length, before thrusting in hard once more, slamming his hard arousal into the shire's rump.

The buck gritted his teeth as he began banging Flare harder and faster, pulling his hand away from his needy cock and forcing him forward. The thick length of the buck pulsed harder inside of him, oozing pre into the shire's backside, making his own cock slicker as he thrust and humped into him. His sac continued to swing and slap against Flare's thigh, and soon he heard the shire cry out in ecstasy as he unloaded.

A thick load of horsecum fired out of Flare's cock, his throbbing arousal splattering over the front of Zeryx's desk as he clenched his tailhole tight on the invading buck cock. Shot after shot splattered onto the desk of the ram, oozing and dripping onto the ground as Flare unloaded. But Mason wasn't done yet. His firm grip took the shire by the shoulders as he continued to pound away at him, pulling him up some and making the horse arch upwards as he plowed.

"Ooph! Mason!" Flare gasped out, feeling the buck thrust and hump harder and harder into him, the horse clenching tight on that pulsing buck cock, not wanting it to pull out of him!

The buck soon grunted and gasped in pleasure, pulling out entirely of the horse, only to shove his leaking length in hard, hilting in a single go. That was all it took to push him over the edge, as Flare felt that buckcock bulge inside of him as he fired. Gushes like geysers pumped out of him, filling Flare's insides with what once was Zeryx. The shire whinnied out again, feeling his belly fill as Mason's gripped onto him and pushed him down, keeping himself hilted in the horse. His cock pulsed and pumped, his balls pulled up to his body as he unloaded the former ram into the other hoofer. Flare gasped out again and felt a second orgasm hit, splattering and dribbling more cum out of him as the buck filled him up.

It took Mason nearly ten minutes to fully unload into Flare, the two of them grunting and gasping the entire time he pumped into him. By the time he was finished, there was already a steady stream of seed oozing out of the tailhole of the shire and dripping down his legs. There was also a heavy aroma of chocolate in the air, teasing at the buck's nostrils. The buck thrusted once more into the horse, getting the last bit caught in his urethra shot into the shire, before he finally spoke up.

"So, how about that lunch?" He whispered into the ear of the shire.

The buck lifted Flare off of the desk, but still kept the male caught on his cock. He pulled Flare's legs around and turned the horse around so that the two were now face-to-face. Or, from Flare's perspective, face-to-wide-open-maw.

Flare's was pushed forward, his head sliding into Mason's saliva-filled maw. The buck's mouth easily stretched to accommodate the shire, and his tongue lapped at his chin as he was pushed in deeper. The construction buck's hot breath wafted over his face as he lifted him in, soon getting the shire's entire head in his maw. Another push brought Flare's face to his throat, and the buck began to swallow, his tongue continuing to lap at the coat of the shire, tasting the chocolate flavor he had been told about.

Mason soon took Flare by the armpits and pulled upward, getting the shoulders of the horse into his cavernous maw as his throat bulged out with the descending hoofer. He swallowed again as he pushed him inside, easing Flare further into him as he worked his chest into his mouth. Flare's coat and mane were getting coated with buck drool and saliva as his tongue continued to dance around him as he was swallowed down. The buck thrust upward again, and soon pulled the hoofer off of his cock with a wet 'pop!' sound, and the rest of his cum oozed and flowed out of his rump in a steady stream. Flare's cock dragged along the fuzzy front of the buck as he was pulled upward and inward, and soon was in over halfway.

The hard swallows from the predatory hoofer grew louder as he devoured the lab co-owner. His chest bulged out further as Flare fell into his stomach, and soon he swallowed down the horse's thigh, his tongue teasing and licking at his groin as he did so. The horse soon pressed into the buck's stomach, a faint scent of mustang still lingering inside of him. The buck's maw pressed lower and gripped at the horse's lower body to push him in, taking him by the legs as he swallowed him deeper and deeper.

Once the waist and thigh of Flare were successfully engulfed by the buck, he let go of the shire's legs and lifted his head and neck back. His antlers scraped the wall of the office for just a moment before he pulled up and held Flare's legs above him to sink into his maw. Slowly, the rest of Flare slid past his lapping tongue and into his throat, his hooves clicking together for just a moment before one last hard swallow had the horse past his tongue and fully engulfed. The buck closed his maw and rubbed his throat, feeling Flare descend fully into his stomach. His belly soon expanded and stretched out with the shire's form, feeling him weakly move inside of him.

"Damn fine lunch." Mason said, "And quite the add-on as well."

The buck patted his swelled stomach, feeling the shire squirm and press inside of him. The hoofer sloshed for just a moment before a loud gurgle echoed out from the buck's belly. It wouldn't take him that long to digest the shire, but he'd have a pudgy belly the entire time. His stomach rumbled a bit as it gurgled the shire down, and he patted his stomach the entire time. After about five minutes, Flare was simply buck belly pudge. A loud and wet belch signified the end of his digestion process.

"Well, I'd love to stay," Mason told the empty room, "But I have another job this afternoon. I suppose I'll see you guys around."

The buck gathered up his clothes, but didn't bother to put them back on. It would take a bit longer for his gut to get to the point where he could get dressed comfortably again. But, apparently nudity in the labs wasn't a big of an issue. Once he had his clothes and supplies, he opened the door to the office and stepped back into the halls, coming across a squirrel in a lab coat near the doors.

"Hmmmm.... I could go for a quick snack before leaving..." Mason thought to himself.

The buck closed the door to the office behind him, leaving the discarded lab coats of Zeryx and Flare where they lay. His business card was still sticking out of the shire's coat pocket

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