Whiskered Wager

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Whiskered Wager










by Iscin

This is a work of erotic fiction.

All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over.

All rights reserved © 2015.


The Bet

Things had become far too dull and repetitive for the lion and tiger both. It was not that either one of them had become dissatisfied with the way of things. In fact it was felt more like a necessity than anything else to have their human friend serving their needs both domestic and otherwise. However since Kenta's father had finally returned to the homeland there had been little else to be a novelty in their private lives. And more importantly for the lion, he had actually felt a little guilty for that night, not much but enough whereby he has had the desire to do something nice for Paul. So both him and Qiang had found themselves in a dynamic discussion of what to do. With the weather warming up again there will be plenty of opportunity to get away from college and the city to spend some time together recovering from the busy semester.

Of course none of that explains why both the lion and tiger are dressed in their shorts out on the campus track field. Both of them are limbering up, stretching in ways that to a human can almost appear uncomfortable, as though bones should be popping out of sockets. The reason for them both being out here today is a simple one. Though both want to help treat Paul to a vacation that is relatively unburdened by his usually duties, neither one of the proud felines actually wants to pick up the slack. So they have agreed to a simple wager of merit. Competitively the lion is unable to compete with the tiger, or so Qiang keeps telling him, and physically Kenta clearly has the advantage in any act of strength, being a nine foot monster of a man and all. However when it comes to speed things are a little more even between the two friends.

'So what do you prefer? Astroglide or just good old soap?' Qiang says to the other cat adjacent to him. The tiger is cocky and rightfully so. Kenta might be taller, but he also has a far more robust build which implies that he will be slower compared to the more agile looking tiger.

'I don't like to waste good lube on stretchy stripes.' Kenta replies annoyed at his own lack of a better comeback.

In the bylines Paul is waiting with a starting pistol. The blond haired human looks as ragged and worn down as ever, the effect of perpetual work after the two rambunctious felines. Being asked to come out and help moderate this thing was a surprise for the human. Usually Kenta and Qiang rather have little to do with their indentured servant once they leave the apartment, seeing as he might scare off prospecting conquests among the student body. Coming out on the track or at the gym is just as much a away for the lion and tiger to show off as it is to get an genuine exercise done. Paul asks if they are now ready to begin, ignorant as to the purpose of their competition here. One cat gives a thumbs up and now the other, both poised at the cusp of the starting line. He begins the countdown.







They set off at an accelerated pace that Paul is unable to quite believe. It is almost as though they are as fast as feral cheetahs on the sahara, rapidly closing on their prey. Although being reminded of cheetahs is not something that the human particularly wants to be reminded of. He brings a pair of binoculars he brought with him up to his eyes as both of the big cats have already made some distance away from the starting point. Paul tracks their progress on the first lap, amazed at how even they are, quite literally neck and neck. Incredibly they are already opposite not he other side of the track after only a scant ten seconds. The 400 metre track normally takes around a good minute for a moderately fit runner to cover, but at this rate the big cats will be done in twenty, maybe twenty five seconds.

Although the cats are far more agile than any human, they are more persistence runners. A lack of stamina means that they will only be doing the one lap. However as they make the second corner, coming around to the finishing line Kenta is alarmed by the tiger gaining a minor lead on him. Qiang smiles to himself as he hears the lion roar behind him, knowing that he is going to win this. Thoughts of having his giant friend trussed up before him start to fill the stripy feline's cranium. Adonis like body spread out and submitting to what is very clearly the superior athlete. Size isn't everything. Qiang thinks to himself a second before he notices the claws getting a hold on his tail.

What happens next is difficult for Paul to keep a proper view of, even with the binoculars. With the tiger being grappled from behind he falls, knees bending, arms outstretched, he tries to recover but the lion clinging to his back will not let him. This is not exactly free fall as both cats have an acute sense of orientation, but by combating one another they spin out on the track. Fur becomes scuffled, their athletic vests tear and the fall turns into a spinning tumble as they continue to fight one another between moments of their down literal downfall. Of course the inertia that both had achieved is bleeding out, their momentum slowing as they flip, kick and roll over the ground. Eventually both tiger and lion come to a stop, one of Kenta's arms locked around the tiger's chest as Qiang growls and acclimates to the resting position on top of the other big cat.

'You lose.' Kenta says to his friend.

'What? How?' Qiang replies before noticing how close they have come to the finishing line and where the lion's other arm is. 'You fucking dick.'



The lodge is even better than the penthouse from before. It is only a timeshare, or right to use, for a couple of weeks but is still a luxury that Paul could only dream of affording before; not that he is paying for any of this. As they pull up along the gravel path leading to the front door the human in the back seat almost feels like a child on vacation. Disturbing notion of two big cat daddies aside he is eagerly the first one to leave the vehicle. Though before he darts away he looks back, catching the lion's eyes leading to Kenta giving a brief nod as way of parting his blessing. Their primate pet is quick to scurry on, exploring the idyllic grounds of this little retreat whilst Qiang is stuck with unloading the car.

'Is this really necessary?' Qiang asks his big friend whilst walking around to the trunk of the car.

'Yes, remember this is more for him than us.' Kenta says.

'Yeah but you're not doing anything!' The tiger growls whilst picking up three, now four of the packed travel bags, tucking them under his strong arms.

'That's why we made the bet.' Kenta reminds him, making no attempt to hide his smiling satisfaction at finally having his friend assuming this servantile role.

Qiang seems to have overestimated his ability to balance his own strength here as he waddles ungracefully with far more bags than Paul could ever carry to the lodge's front door. The lion idly surveys the tree line encroaching upon their slice of paradise here, taking in the sight, smell and gentle sound of this remote locale whilst only passively observing the tiger grunting with his charge whilst scuffing fur and fabric. Only when finally reaching the door does the tiger realise that it is still locked. So used to having Paul do everything for him that the stripped stud seems to have forgotten even the most fundamental of menial actions.

'Do you have the key?' Qiang asks whilst carefully balancing two of the bags on a crouched knee.

'Oh, right.' The lion reaches into his coat pocket before throwing their contents over in the tiger's direction. They hit the door and skid before coming to a stop on the ground just out of reach.

'You are now and will forever be a dick.' The tiger shouts back whilst struggling to bend down and pick up the keys where they landed.


The tiger struggles past the vestibule, balancing precariously on one feet whilst using the other to kick open the second door. However now he finally gets inside the tiger take a good long look at what will be their home for the next few weeks. As can be expected of anything that the lion shills out for, the furnishings are of exceptional quality and the building looks like it was built for two families as opposed to just three men. The larges room is be far the oversized lounge, adjacent to a kitchen which has only half of a wall separating it, providing the smallest amount of discretion whilst still allowing people to move freely three or so at a time between the two sections. At the back thee are a slight of stairs that lead up to a balcony veranda, set above the lounge, which then of course leads to different rooms for sleeping quarters and other domestic necessities. Everything has a varnished oak wood finish, even the chairs albeit with stuffed leather padding.

'Are you going to take them upstairs then?' Kenta's deep voice comes from behind him, setting the tiger's hackles up.

'Yes, yes. Bastard...' Qiang grumbles.

'No bad behaviour with me mister.' Kenta admonishes the other cat whilst landing a firm slap across the tiger's tush.

Paul now enters the lodge, stepping inside and stopping just behind the lion as his head swings back and he looks up and around at the interior. More than the furnishing and the architecture of the place what is most likely bringing a smile to the human's face is the knowledge that he will get to actually enjoy this. Kenta tries to get the human's attention but the furless mammal is already walking on past him, now running towards the biggest sofa in the room, positioning square in front of the projector screen of the media entertainment system. The lion shakes his head before now following, sitting down just as Paul recovers the remote and starts up the projector positioned above and behind their heads.

There are channels, every single one which can be received here. This is a smart TV functionality, with catchups of shows and rentals of films. And of course there are gaming consoles, one of each variety and all hooked up to the central home entertainment system. Kenta smiles as he watches the blond haired human explore all of his options, knowing that he will have all of the time of a proper vacation to indulge and enjoy this break. The lion is even aware of there being a fully stocked drinks cabinet and mini-fridge, though it will be best to save that for later on the week he decides. Who knows, with this much time and freedom, maybe Paul will even reveal a side of him that Kenta has never seen before. For as odd as it seems even to himself, the big cat has grown not only fond, but indeed curious as any feline can be of what exactly makes this furless mammal's heart tick; other than financial wealth that is.

'Want something drink?' Kenta asks.

'Err, sure. I can go ch-' Paul is about to get up off the sofa when the lion's massive paw pulls him back down into the warmed seat.

'I'll get it. Remember, this holiday is more for you than me.' The lion says, smiling back warmly.

'Ah. Thanks.' Paul replies, eyes turning back to the projection as he feels a blush coming on.



Kenta's whiskers twitch at the acerbic smell of smoke that still pervades the limited interior living space of the lodge. It has only been through an unparalleled display of incompetence that the lion's already moderated expectations have been totally destroyed by Qiang's inability to fulfil even the simplest of roles that Paul normally performs. With the charred remains of what would have been a home cooked meal still smouldering in the bin out back Qiang had shamefully taken out a couple frozen TV dinner's and served them up for the trio. Although Kenta has been transparent in his dissatisfaction with this turn of events Paul has remained as high spirited as the moment they arrived.

'Well, I guess this could have been worse.' Kenta comments as he holds up the curry drenched processed meat that counts as part of his dinner at one end of a fork. His voice is brimming with snobbish judgement, exaggerated far more than is at all normal for him.

Paul is sat on the opposite side of the table, unsure of if he should say or do anything. The afternoon had been something of a dream for him. A reprieve from his usual ceaseless chores to enjoy the kind of luxury that the two cats immersed themselves in nearly constantly. And it has to be said that in spite of not holding any ill will towards either of his employers, seeing the proud tiger unpacking bags, setting the table, attempting to cook and eventually washing the dishes had tickled the slightest sense of schadenfreude inside of him. But all day long he has been receiving odd looks for the tiger that struck a chord deep inside. Whatever it going through the cat's mind Paul does not want to garner any more attention on himself that he is already receiving.

'Well no matter. There are other ways you can serve. To compensate for this...' The lion pokes what remains of his meal with one of the eating utensils. 'Whatever it is.'

Eyes down, ears back, the other cat is using every ounce of mental strength to control his conflicting emotions. It is not as though he will be expected to do anything that he has not experimented with Kenta before, back when they were younger and even wilder. But those moments were private, a strict intimacy between two friends. Here and now he will be expected to do those things with the human bearing witness. Of course that is the point, the reason for all of this. Even now Qiang is unsure of just how much of this was ever truly for Paul's benefit, and not just Kenta's own inflated ego. Perhaps a way by which he hopes to reinvigorate his own sense of worth, of dominance, after his father's visitation.

The sun is now hangs eve closer to the horizon, the light spilling in through the windows has become obfuscated by the forest. This helps to create a mood, though with his dissatisfaction with the meal the lion requires no prompting for what he now asks of the failure of a chef. Merely swinging his legs around, parting them a little and sharing a look with Qiang is all the body language needed for the tiger to know what is expected for him. Paul looks in silence as the stands up, walks around the table and looks down at the lion's bulging crotch. He makes a noise that is somewhere between a sigh and a snarl, unable to decide on which. Whatever his feeling the tiger gets down on his knees and begins by unbuckling Kenta's belt.

To Qiang's total lack of surprise Kenta's barbed member is already semi-erect, leading it to it springing out as he finishes unzipping the fly. No underwear underneath all that the tiger has to do is probe a little with the fingers of one hand before now drawing out the lion's furry loins as well. The heavy spheres dangle over the edge of the chair, though his cock is a little more eager to get into the fray. Qiang's whiskers twitch as he leans in close. He can feel the heat rising off of the leonine flesh as it continues to lengthen and thicken, anticipating this other cat's lips and tongue gorged around it. A satisfied grunt is made by Kenta as the tiger's finally touch the edges of his glans. Qiang sniffs, suckles and licks gingerly around the edges, delaying the action of getting the lion's leviathan inside his mouth just yet.

Kenta makes those kinds of sounds and looks that Paul has heard and seen so many times before, albeit from a more compromised angle. He does his best to keep his composure whilst watching these two cats on the opposite side of the dining table. Nevertheless the degree of discomfort he is experiencing below the waist is growing by the second as Qiang grows increasingly more involved with the task at hand. His paws find their up way along the lion's thighs, gripping them in a possessive motion, before one goes for his dangling balls and the other takes a firm grip of the base of the lion's cock at full mast. The tiger hardly even cares that he is being watched now. As with a mewl he takes a long slurping lick along the underside of Kenta's cock before opening wide and taking the plunge down.

'Rrrgh!' Kenta rumbles whilst placing his left hand between the tiger's ears, the other gripping the table to his right. 'That is the tiger I remember.'

Even to his own surprise the tiger is genuinely getting into the mood as his head bobs back and forth, sucking along the wet and hard spear of the lion's flesh. Only by virtue of the human remaining deathly silent is Qiang able to forget about the third wheel. No matter now though as he squeezes the larger cats heavy loins and with every forward motion takes a little more of his friend's turgid flesh into his mouth and tickling down the back of his own throat. Kenta's steady rumbling and less steady claws yanking back on Qiang's furry scalp encourages the tiger to keep going, to swallow more and move quicker. Despite the now inordinately experienced, lips, mouth and tongue of the furless mammal, there is only so much cock Paul is able to swallow before choking back on his gag reflex. But as for the tiger, well his mouth and throat are almost the ideal size of the lion's massive endowment as he pulls the tiger's nose into his musky crotch fur.

'Woah.' Paul mumbles whilst watching the tiger deep throat the worked up lion.

Kenta's mane falls against the back of the chair as he swings his head back. Thighs squeeze in around Qiang's shoulders, locking his torso where it is. Claws dig harder into his head, threatening to pierce the skin underneath all of that fur. And he can feel his friend's furry balls tense and begin lifting up to hug against his crotch. The tiger's eyes close as if to present a serene expression despite being buried between the lion's legs. His tail flicks this way and that, his ears lay flat, whilst his lips purse tightly around the throbbing tower of flesh buried into his maw, delivering a hot liquid payload that spills down his gullet and begins pooling inside of the tiger's yet still hungry belly. All of this is done to the score of the lion's blissful roar, delighted by having a familiar whiskered face between his legs again after so very long.

'Fuck yeah...' Kenta sighs as his balls finish emptying and he loosens his grip of the tiger's head.

Having swallowed as much man milk as he can Qiang finally comes up for air, his whiskers and tail both twitch as he gasps lungfuls of oxygen, his lips partly stained by the last dribbling drops of semen. The lion's cock falls limp against the edge of the chair, dangling along with his spent balls as Kenta leans forward, smiling down at his servile friend. However as satisfied as the big lion is, he is very well aware that both of his servants have now become rather agitated below the belt. Of course Qiang's is the most pronounced, straining down against one of his panatelas, but a quick look shot Paul's way confirms the flushed face and busy hands underneath the dining table. Perhaps now that he has got his rocks off it is time to setup a new game for the both of them.

'Shall we get desert?' Kenta cryptically asks.


Somehow Qiang had never suspected that his friend would do this to him. Hands and feet tied together, stripped down to his stripes and presented belly down on the largest bed in the lodge. Kenta has even given his friend a cylinder like piece of cork to both bite down on and muffle any complaints. Only through a consistent irritable growl is he managing to hide just how embarrassed he truly is. With any luck the primate will remain ignorant to the tiger's feelings and mute in retelling the experience later. However the domineering lion, now stripped down to a very full looking jockstrap, has no intention of making any of this easy for him. He has a giddy smile and a spring in his step as he encircles the bed and commands Paul to pay close attention. The human is still dressed, though has developed an indiscreet bump in front of his jeans that for some reason is bothering him in spite of the familiarity with which he knows these two men. Ultimately though Paul is essentially in a daze, expecting to wake up from the experience. Yet he does as asked as the lion draws attention to his feline friend's protruding rump.

It is not at all like Paul is disinterested, but it takes the lion physically pulling the human forward for him to come face to ass with the tiger. There are word coming from the Kenta's lips, something speciesist, something lewd and revolting in polite conversation; but all that Paul can think about is how tiny, how petite and perfectly quaint that squinting orifice is tucked between the furry butt cheeks that account for Qiang's rear end. Spurned on by the lion's domineering presence Paul takes an ever closer look at the tiger's ass. Soft fur, though matted, tickles as Paul places both of his hands upon each massive and muscular cheek, gripping them gently. There is something like pride, or perhaps just self-interest in what is going on inside of Qiang's mind as the human's face approaches, his breath beating down upon that blinking hole as the tiger growls and shakes, tail whipping back and forth. Impatience is a common trait for these two felines though and it comes as no surprise to Paul as he feels the lion's big hand press on the back of his head, forcing him into and against the tiger's exposed ass.

Laughter comes easily to the lion as he watches his two "servants" and their equal though quantifiably different forms of surprise. This had never been exactly how he had pictured on the journey up here but it is a start. However the nature of how their evening will unfold will depend on exactly how the human reacts to what the lion will now ask of him. Whilst Paul is still within a hair's breadth of the tiger's quivering rump he can feel the lion leaning over him. The big man's chest brushes against his back before he can feel the big cat's whiskers and mane fur brushing against the side of his head and neck. The human's left eye strains to see the ominous shadow of the cat's face before he hears Kenta's deep voice speak with rolling softness into his ear.

'Fuck him.' Kenta says, just loud enough so as the tiger's pointed ears pick it up.

Qiang immediately starts to protest, mostly by more physical struggling. They quite down, mostly, as Kenta brings one leg up, placing his foot down against the tiger's back pinning him whilst commanding the smaller feline to behave and do as is asked of him. Once more he tells the human to do it, drop his pants, whip our his cock and shove it as far as he can go inside of the tiger's plump rump. Shocked amazement quickly gives way to a previously undreamt of excitement as Paul considers his opportunity with a wide grin on his face. Sure there is a good chance that later on the tiger will repay this indignity, but for now Paul has the blessing of one cat to screw the other. He takes his pants off quickly, shimmying them down to his ankles and kicking them off before getting up and onto the bed proper.

The lion steps back, arms folded as if he were a father looking on with pride as his progeny comes of age. Qiang shivers and squirms, not enough to be visually evident but underneath his bare and somewhat pudgy chest and belly Paul can feel the tiger's almost physical revulsion. Does he really hate this so much? No. He may not have a complete grasp upon either feline, but the young man knows enough that for Qiang the real issue here is the indignity of this not being on his terms. Truth is he has seen enough, heard enough and in general knows enough about the tiger to be aware of certain needs, certain interests that the tiger has kept to himself; at least from Paul. Who knows, maybe the striped cat will even be more open with the human in the future, assuming that Paul survives the reprisal.

'Go on then.' Kenta spurs the human on, eager to see the ape in action and tosses a brand name personal lubricant at him, that Paul just barely catches.

After pouring nearly the entire contents of the bottle over the tiger's crack and his own stiff cock Paul contemplates the issue of straddling the tiger doggy style. This is very odd, though not because this is the first time he has been on the giving end, but due to the utter size difference between the two. He feels as though he is trying to climb up a small hill, his toes barely touching the bedsheets, fingers clutching at clumps of fur for grip and his crotch barely getting on level with the big cat's big ass. This makes it somewhat difficult to tease or slowly enter the feline, but gravity goes a long way in helping to penetrate from stem to stern. Throwing himself, practically body slamming the vastly larger and stronger male underneath him Paul is able to shove the entirety of his shaft inside Qiang.

Even with him biting down on the cork wood Kenta so thoughtfully provided, the prone feline is as loud as he is enraged. His tail swats at the human's face several times, though more by accident than purpose. His buttocks clench down, almost cutting off the blood to the rest of Paul's bone buried inside, though the sensation is well worth the risk. The human groans and tries to pull back before slamming down again. It is awkward, lacking nearly all rhythm and more than a little comical to watch from the lion's perspective. But somehow Paul is making this work. Maybe through his determination more than anything else the human is slowly getting a handle, slowly loosening the tiger up around him as he rams himself inside again and again. Tight like a virgin the tiger resisted every inch of the human's phallus. Though not entirely unpleasant for one of them, since the tiger's prostate was not getting quite all the right hits, it is more than satisfying for Paul.

'Are you doing alright there?' Kenta asks noticing the way that Paul's motions have become even more erratic, balls slapping against the tiger's damp cheeks.

'Ffffine! J-Just great!' Paul replies with a guttural grunt, catching his breath between the syllables.

However it is all about to come to an end as the human can already feel his balls lifting. The tingling in his shaft becomes a bolt of ramrod lightning as he holds onto the tiger's broad muscular back, crying out in joy as his cock spasms and spurts inside of the feline. Qiang is also making noise of course, but not from an orgasm of his own so much as the embarrassing realisation that he is being bred, yes come in, by the same furless freak who he has been liberal with almost consensually torturing all these months. His whole body quakes as he buries his face in the pillows underneath him, hoping that somewhere from now and the next time he opens his eyes he will have some jettisoned the embarrassment. But Paul could not be any happier at this point as the human starts to slide back off of the tiger, body and mind falling to the wastes of post-coital bliss.

Meanwhile the lion in the corner takes out a planner and ticks off "Day One".

Second Puberty

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| [http://www.weasyl.com/~iscin](http://www.weasyl.com/~iscin) | FUR AND FAG by Iscin This is a work of erotic fiction. All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over. Solarian and Luna © Solarian. All rights reserved ©...

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