Fur and Fag: Metamorphosis

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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by Iscin

This is a work of erotic fiction.

All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over.

Solarian and Luna © Solarian.

All rights reserved © 2015.



'Stabilising hormone therapies and pharmacological aides have led to the creation of the hybrid subspecies. This young generation has shown that there is much we do not yet understand about epigenetic and the surprisingly beneficial results of possessing an interracial genome. With the help of hormone stabilisers and pharmacological aides we hope to further expand the limits of what everyone who has been so blessed is capable of. So it is with pride that we at the Carmen Group unveil our newest over the counter drug Hyperpol.'

Alone in his bedroom Solarian looks over the plastic pill bottle that arrived in the mail this afternoon. There is no one else is in the house right now and he does not expect anyone to be back for a few hours. In truth the tiger-wolf is simply trying to decide just how stupid, and how desperate, he really is. The pharmacological paradox he is holding in his paw was suggested by someone anonymous on the internet when he brought up the topic that, in spite of being none too lacking when compared to those outside of his family, he feels underdeveloped, less than what he was supposed to be. The mysterious sage suggested that there was hope yet that could be found in some of the more undervalued drugs being put on the market.

Hyperpol was only went to market last month but has not been selling at all due in large part to a perceived 'woo science' stigma. Since most all hybrids enjoy an already vastly augmented physiology, the idea of needing a drug to perform is more than a little bizarre for most. However the anonymous tipper swears that if Solarian genuinely believes he has room to grow he should definitely try it. He turns the pill bottle over and starts to read the instructions and warnings on the back. Recommended dosage is one to two pills every twenty four hours, taken daily for a week; if there are any adverse affects consult your doctor immediately. Oddly there is no warning for overdosing. Presumably overdosing would be bad and Solarian would not consider taking more than two at a time, but he also remembers the last part of the conversation online about a cumulative effect, but only to risk it if he knows he has room to grow.

'Fuck it!' Solarian exclaims and downs nearly the entirety of the bottle's contents, swallowing it all dry. 'Aah!'

Solarian is nervous and tense, but feels little out of the normal as he sits on the edge of his mattress, wondering why he just did that. It is probably a scam, one that plays into the insecurities of rare hybrids like him. Yeah, it must be a lie, he just swallowed a fistful of placebos. But what if it is not? What if there are active ingredients to those pills and he just overdosed on something that might kill him. These are all the thoughts that are running through his head as he sits there, along with his insecurities. The irony is that if it were not for his sister the tiger-wolf might actually be happy, comfortable, even proud of his body and self. However this of course leads to the realisation that even now his risk taking has nothing to do with himself, it is all about his sister. Why must shi be such a cunt to him? It is true what they say, no matter how fortune you are in life, there are always adversities, always banes that each individual must deal with.

Before he can work himself up too far thinking about his sister, almost distracting himself from what he has just done, Solarian feels something move in his gut. He stands up, heart racing with a fusion of expectation and fear, before now realising that his stomach is grumbling, or rather growling for food. He laughs nervously to himself and places a paw underneath his shirt against his abdomen. In all of the excitement when the pills arrived he forget to make his lunch. Nothing but breakfast and his sister's 'protein shake' has been sustaining him until now. The bottle did not say anything about eating or dosing on an empty stomach so he shrugs and leaves his bedroom heading for the kitchen downstairs. Maybe he will get some minced meat and fry it up with some onions. Maybe add some pierogies. In his head this is sounding plenty appetising already.

As he reaches the bottom of the stairs he notices the growling of his stomach is growing; almost violently loud. Fuck, I really need to eat something. He does not feel weak yet, no low blood sugar, but the instinctual need to get something inside of him is rapidly becoming more profound. As he enters the kitchen Solarian almost looks like an animal with his jaw hung open and saliva dribbling from his chin, positively drooling for something to wolf down. The tiger-wolf makes a beeline for the fridge, yanking the large door open and reaching inside with both hands to take the first thing he can find; sliced ham or sandwich making. Without giving it any thought he tears open the packaging and grabs the folds of cold meat stuffing them in his mouth. There is not even an attempt at chewing as he just swallows it right down.

This act of voracious consumption continues to one thing after the next, vegetable and fruit, meat and fish, pastry and dairy; everything that Solarian can find in the fridge, cupboards and even freezer he tries to eat. It does not matter if it is raw or not, he eats and eats, slowly turning the kitchen into a collection of messy packaging and opened doors. However as he becomes lost in the act of feasting he loses self-awareness of his body beginning to change. It starts slowly at first, with only the most minute of change. However as he consumes more, he starts to put on not only pounds, but inches. His midriff pulls up, his shirt clinging tighter and tighter to his chest. His pants tighten, around waist, rump and crotch. And of course his arms and legs too begin to grow longer and thicker, gaining muscles that Solarian was unaware he even had, and still is whilst caught in the act of wild consumption.

After maybe a solid twenty minutes of raiding every last morsel that he can find in the kitchen does the tiger-wolf realise something is different as he leans back on the dining table and it buckles underneath his weight. He narrowly avoids destroying the inadequate furniture as he rights himself. The ceiling up above is closer, his clothes are tighter and he feels not exactly sluggish but more weighted all over. It is as if he is snapping out of a daze that he starts bounding back to the staircase. He quickly ascends noticing that the steps creak more loudly than before underneath his paws. Solarian hurries to his room and stands in front of the full body mirror there, checking over what has become, or perhaps is becoming, of him. Only now does he realise why he developed such an urgent need to fulfil a ravenous hunger.

It looks like he has been stuffed inside of a shirt and pants made for someone at least two sizes shorter and thinner. Underneath the fabric of his clothes the tiger-wolf is developing at an alarming rate, growing muscle, developing bigger bones, in more ways than one, and of course gaining new heights in stature. Feeling increasingly uncomfortable with his clothing Solarian starts tearing the offending articles of his personage, sighting with relief as his fur springs back up and junk in particular hangs free between his legs. A smile appears on his face as the hybrid checks himself out, concocting his body and flexing with both arms, even as they seem to still be gradually expanding and filling out. He does not understand how this happening, other than realising that his appetite was for raw protein, calcium and other nutrients for his ongoing metamorphosis. There is no pain, only a strange tingling underneath his fur and skin.

However as the growth from stud to monster stud continues Solarian is quick to discover one of the side effects not explicitly stated by the Carmen Group: pubescent hormones. It is as though he is in ninth grade again, a flood of frustration and arousal. Without even thinking about it his hands already move to his crotch where the tiger-wolf's sheath is already beginning to expand and its charge stats protruding from the top. The dark tip of his canine like flesh begins to emerge and Solarian greets it with both hands. His loins yearn as they sway gently between his leg like overstuffed balloons. His already huge testicles have been slowly growing even larger so as to accommodate his vastly expanding production. Solarian wants to touch them, he wants to touch everything, but his turgid fat cock demands the most attention as it climbs up foot after foot reaching past his navel, past his pectoral muscles, past his throat and now the obsidian tip is on level with the tiger-wolf's wet nose. He breathes, it throbs, he shivers, it drools. This a cycle that is not about to cease anytime soon.

Once more Solarian is oblivious to tracking his ongoing, albeit gradual, growth into something much larger and beastlier than before. All of his attention is now focused upon an expression of maleness that has become every bit as impressive as his sister's. Even if left to his own volition what Solarian does next would be the same, however the hormonal edge is only making all the more eager to find a happy ending to this afternoon. With both strong arms he grips his dick, hugging it against his chiseled chest and abs. Fingers begin spreading out, gaining as much surface area as possible as he opens his mouth and roll his tongue against the hot tip of his manhood. It is awkward but not impossible, with both previous experience of both himself and his sister he starts to tame the beast. With strong arms, quick hands and a couple pelvic thrusts against his own torso the tiger-wolf begins a strange kind of tango for two where he is merging both masturbation and a kind of auto-fellatio rolled into one.

The big man's body heaves this way and that and he can feel his heavy balls swing backwards and forwards, slapping between his thighs. Everything becomes about finding that mountain peak as the juices flow and his tail wags. A mess of pre-ejaculate is pooling at his feet but the naked beast does not care as he moves with purpose stimulating the black tower in both of his arms until he takes a step back to compensate for the weight of the damn thing and nearly slips on his own male fluids. He growls and takes a couple more careful steps until he is back at the edge of his mattress and lowers himself down to sit. Similar to the staircase, the bed protests at its owner's accrued mass but holds as he resumes his auto-fellatio, opening his jaw as far as it will go so that he can suck on the pointed tip whilst poking his tongue up against the over-productive slit.

This is what I needed. He thinks to himself. This is who I really am. The mental component just as much as the physical one helps to amplify his arousal. Everything about him feels alive, every fibre, every cell. There is no turning back and he does not wish to. Solarian falls onto his back, his legs still bent over the edge, either side of his balls also hanging there, whilst his eras just barely brush against the wall at the other end of the mattress. Both hands are now moving as fast as they can go, everything slick with pre-ejaculate and the room heavy with the musky scent this creates. He can feel it in his bones and more accurately in his balls. The zenith is getting close now. So close. He slows his hands, feeling the throb of his heartbeat translated to his cock. Solarian prepares for it, inclining his head forward and opening wide, though ready to angle the operational end of his meat cannon away in case it all becomes too much for him.

It only takes a couple more squeezes and Solarian can feel his balls contracting, trying to rise back up against the mattress and hug against his taint. A silent rush of sperm traveling the gigantic rod is broken by the outpouring of nearly endless amounts of hot white man cream against his face. Solarian catches as much as he can, enjoying the taste of his own production, but there is far too much being shot out under pressure. With both arms he angles his dick upwards, letting it splash against the wall behind him whilst he pants and roars, alternating between the two as his hands keep stroking back and forth. This gooey explosion seems to go on forever, His orgasms in the past were always prodigious, but with his new size and heightened hormones right now Solarian begins to fear that he is just going to keep coming and coming until there are no fluids left in his body at all.

Vicious pools of the mess not only cover his body and bed, but have begun to seep along the floor, soaking into the carpet until it can soak no more. Wishing this to finally end Solarian pushes at the tree trunk against him until the black spire is pointing up at the ceiling. However this only serves to plaster the ceiling with a fresh lick of white whilst showering his room with a more all encompassing spray. But there is a limit and after what feels like over ten minutes of nothing but a torrent of spunk getting everywhere does the jet flow slows down to a more normal ebb of long stringy shots of semen and now down to a trickle and finally a gentle ooze as Solarian can feel himself growing soft.

'Fuck.' Is all that Solarian can say as his breathing and heartbeat slow, his arms falling limp over the edges of the bed and his eyelids begin to hang heavy. 'I think... I'll just... zzz...'

Fur and Fag: Routine

Fur and Fag | [http://www.weasyl.com/~iscin](http://www.weasyl.com/~iscin) | FUR AND FAG by Iscin This is a work of erotic fiction. All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over. Solarian and Luna © Solarian. All rights...

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