Fur and Fag: Routine

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Fur and Fag





by Iscin

This is a work of erotic fiction.

All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over.

Solarian and Luna © Solarian.

All rights reserved © 2015.



Every morning is the same as the preceding morning for the pithy mess of fur and fag. First Solarian gets up out of his mattress, after some degree of lethargic pseudo-activity of course. The seven foot tall young man is a stripy furred giant who enjoys his warm bed, that probably comes from the feline part of his genetic heritage. After a couple stretches he shambles on, the pads underneath his paws creating a gentle scraping sound against the wood flooring as he navigates from his bedroom to the shower room, only dressed in the orange, brown and purple colours of his fur and hair. Here he continues to articulate his lithe body, waking it up whilst the water pouring down from the shower head warms up to a nice vapour-producing level.

The tiger-wolf's back shivers from neck to tail as he steps under the water. Temperature is never quite right, but he quickly adjusts and rolls his shoulders back, relaxing as the water travels down his back, over his ass and now down his thighs. That feeling of his fur absorbing a liquid that is for once not adhesive at all is so wonderful. He begins slowly twirling around, the fur clinging down to his skin and revealing the firm toned musculature of his pectorals, biceps, calves and more. In the moment of cleansing bliss he actually begins to purr to himself, as is only natural for a content feline, even a half-breed seven foot tall one like him.

Grabbing a bar of soap he starts to lather up with his hands. Working over and along his chest he continues to purr. Solarian does not think of himself as being especially vain, but he has to admit he does both look and feel good. The product of good genetics and an active lifestyle have left him in no short supply of male beauty and vitality that makes members of other species feel left behind; something that he regularly likes to take advantage of. Most importantly is the thing jutting out from his crotch which his paws are now traveling along. Tucked away in its fat sheath is the kind of wolf phallus that is simply too much for anyone to take in one go, something that makes even the equines feel like pencil dicks. Many a time in the locker in gym class Solarian would get none too discreet glances. But this morning is about to make a sudden change for the worse and Solarian knows this the instant he hears the shower room door open.

'Not saying good morning to your sister first? I thought mom and dad raised you better.' The familiar chiding voice calls from the other side of the drawn shower curtain.

Before Solarian can do or say anything the curtain is snatched to one side, revealing the towering visage of his "sister". Luna is a hybrid between a tiger and a wolf just as Solarian however, unlike the brother, Luna had been born of mixed gender, a hermaphrodite of exceptional size and vitality; due to reasons not completely understood with hybrids. Because of this shi had grown far larger than hir brother who is two years the elder sibling. Having reached their twenties now, Luna had developed a strange kind of sympathy for what shi considers the runt of the family in hir brother. Of course this sympathy is expressed in a manner that is less than welcome by the one receiving it.

'I was about to!' Solarian replies in a higher pitched voice than normal. Already his heartbeat is beginning to climb, his claws dig into the handle of the grooming brush and his asshole clenches.

Shi steps in in all of hir naked glory. By three feet taller shi towers over hir older brother, but it is not merely the stature alone that is intimidating for Solarian as he backs up against the shower wall. With the kind of weight that is being hung off of Luna's chest it is a wonder that shi does not have back problems. But then again the muscles probably go some ways for compensating for that, they are not outlandish like a bodybuilder, but are still very noticeable even without getting hir fur wet. And then there is the matter of what is hanging from between hir legs. Like hir brother shi too possess the wild mutated genes that have produced hyper sized genitalia that nonetheless remains fully functional. However not only is shi overall larger than Solarian, but so too is the rest of hir proportionally scaled up. If Solarian is the one who makes horses feel inadequate, then Luna is the one who puts the elephants to shame.

'Prove it kitten!' Luna demands and swings hir hips forward, pinning hir older brother to the wall with hir genitals alone.

Solarian splays his ears, hackles raising before shi gives him that look and grinds into him, that fat sheath rubbing against his abdomen and actually lifting his paws partially off of the wet shower floor. He submits with but a lone mewl and lifts his arms up, paws placed either side of his sister's gregarious girth that is rapidly beginning to swell from its furry sheath. Even after all of these years with hir, solarian is always just a little daunted each time he sees Luna's penis shoot forth from its home. With dexterous speed he moves his paws to greet the hermaphrodite's humongous tower of pulsating meat. It grows longer and thicker, rubbing up against his chest until the tip reaches his mouth and is still going. At this stage he begins to run his tongue along the underside of the canine-like member, throwing his arms around the midsection of the damn leviathan he tries to stimulate hir as best he can, his elbows bumping into hir similarly hefty breasts all the while their bodies drip with cleansing water draining away musk and spit.

Of course this position with hir brother's body pinned against the shower wall is not at all ideal for him servicing hir like a good and attentive older brother. However the pleasure shi gets from humiliating him like more than makes up for the lack of physical simulation. This is the then the truth of their relationship with one another. With Luna grinding hir oversized dick against him, hands brushing hir long purple hair as if shi is actually trying to get a shower; whilst Solarian does the best he can, compromised to the point where even his cock is starting to come out of its sheath and start spearing horizontally between Luna's legs and bumping against hir loins. Awkward, inappropriate but arousing as fuck for both of them in separate though equal ways. Trapped in their own not so little world that two begin to purr, moan and grunt against each other's naked and wet bodies, all the way until Solarian feels a familiar twitching in his sister's glans pressed against his face.

'C-Can you back up?' Solarian asks feebly, his mouth spluttering a mixture of water and his sister's readily available pre-ejaculate.

Luna deliberately ignores him as shi throws hir head back and howls with rapturous lust. Too late to try anything else, and far too close for comfort, Solarian takes a deep breath before as he feels the rumbling surge of no small quantity of spunk rapidly ascending the tower of phallic flesh pressed against his torso and face. To his horror though Luna brings both of hir arms around, taking a couple steps back from the wall and pulling hir brother into a embrace just as shi reaches climax. Shi actually manages to lift him off of the ground and partially bury his muzzle between hir breasts just as the eruption explodes against both of their bodies. Solarian flails even as he is subjected to unreal amounts of hot semen, freshly produced from a night's well deserved rest. Of course just as he knows from experience not only is Luna ejaculating under far more pressure than the shower head, but in far larger amounts, splashing against his torso and underneath his chin. It pools upwards, squirting up between the hermaphrodite's breasts and as it does so Solarian can feel it shooting up his nostrils as his purses his lips shut and closes his arms, embracing the fury.

Torrential in magnitude it just seems to go on and on as Solarian squeezes his fingers around his sister and holds on tight. This is just another part of the show, another part of his humiliation. To be fair this is better than some of the alternatives where shi can indulge in hir desire to show him just how puny he is by comparison. However Solarian endures all of this and after the groaning and the fluids and the not so loving embrace gripping his back, the male is finally let go. His feet connect with the shower floor and hold, before his knees articulate and he is falling down even as the hermaphrodite's spent erection droops down, flaccid but not yet ready to return from whence it came. Solarian shivers on the floor as he feels the patter of the shower's warm water beat against his back, and less regular drops of gooey spunk drip from his sister's anaconda and down onto the back of his head.

'Phew, that was fun.' Luna says, smiling down at hir brother now plastered in white. 'I'll go get breakfast now. Don't be long cleaning up Sol. I'll need you after I've had my milk.'

The Wolf Warlock: 'Sheep's Clothing'

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