Fur and Fag: Big Brother
Fur and Fag
by Iscin
This is a work of erotic fiction.
All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over.
Solarian and Luna © Solarian.
All rights reserved © 2015.
Big Brother
Luna can tell that something is different at the very movement that shi opens the front door and steps inside. Being half canine shi can easily pick up on the yet still fresh smell of ample amounts of semen. Shi can also knows that this is not one of hir previous indulgences, but hir brother. However the fact that hir brother masturbates like the sad guy he is does not surprise nor alarm the confident hermaphrodite; but the strength and quantity which shi is sniffing, well that is unusual. First thing first, shi puts hir bag down and takes off the greatcoat that shi has been wearing, especially tailored for someone of hir height and chest size. The coat was concealing an otherwise surprisingly naked body, with lots of fur exposed but for the areas around hir breasts, crotch and under hir tail where shi is wearing hir black and purple leather getup. Never leave the home without it, especially in hir line of work as a model and part time dominatrix at the city's 24/7 sex dungeon. There are definite benefits to having a body that others can only hope to experience vicariously or through a large monetary donation.
'Kitten?' Luna calls out as shi starts walking from the hallway and into the lounge. 'Did you miss me?'
There is no reply so Luna starts searching through the rooms. Not a soul in the lounge, the study or the kitchen; though checking that last room has Luna see for hirself the empty cupboards and fridge that have been left open. There is no one at all on the ground floor. Shi calls out for hir brother again, who shi knows must be here, and probably with one of his degenerate friends too. But there is still no response. Grumbling at the thought of this poor attitude that shi has let hir brother develop, Luna starts ascending the flight of stairs leading to the top floor. As shi reaches the landing shi can make out that the stink of strong musk is stronger up here. All the better to catch hir brother in some compromising and no doubt tacky state. Even though shi needs no excuse to disabuse hir brother of his own volition, having even the slightest indiscretion to hang over his head always adds to the pleasure of the act, the sense of superiority, both real and fantastic.
'Are you in there with someone kitten?' Luna ask aloud as shi nears hir brother's bedroom, noticing that the door is already ajar.
Both curious and surefooted, the hermaphrodite strides on inside without even bothering to offer so much a courteous knock. Still lying prone on the stained bed is hir dear brother, though judging by the size of his arms and legs drooping down over the edges of the mattress and touching the similarly soggy carpet below, not the same little brother shi left at home this morning. Luna freezes from the realisation of what hir eyes are beholding. He can't be. A litany of assumptions are collapsing one after the other as shi continues to gawk in muted awe of hir sleeping brother. Luna's feet gradually become unstuck from the semen soaked carpet and shi walks closer, coming around one side of the bed as shi takes in every sight, along with the smell, of the aftermath of Solarian's awakening. The face, the hair and striped fur remain the same, but the build and size of him is something altogether new and strange. It would be comparable to Luna's own body if not for marble like pectorals instead of bazooka breasts.
Of course hir eyes are inexorably drawn to stare at that thing that has been taunting hir ever since shi stepped inside. The shear girth of the furry sheath in which Solarian's very male genital organ resides is something that is actually registering as alarming in the back of Luna's brain. Shi bites into hir lip in nervous reflex as shi starts reaching out with a tentatively grasping paw. As it makes contact shi shivers in excitement, feeling the size and heat coming off from the sticky fur. After giving the male's sheath a firm feel the hermaphrodite's hand wanders further down, until it is cupping one of the heavy oval objects that account for being the testicular part of Solarian's transformation. With hir other hand Luna is beginning to trace along the peaks and valleys of hir brother's vastly more muscular abdomen and chest, with actually defined abdominal and pectoral muscles. Tactile contact with the sleeping tiger-wolf is helping to bring Luna into the acceptance of this dramatic and miraculous change. Via means and methods that are as yet a mystery to hir Solarian has grown to be that very thing he always envied hir for having achieved.
However maybe touching him was a poor decision on hir part to make as the man starts to stir from his sleep, his body rejuvenated after settling down from his changes. Eyes open to see the expansive chest of his sister hanging down over. As shi catches his look shi jumps back, hands quickly retreating from where they were none too subtly almost caressing his naked body. Shi stammers on words, still backing away as hir brain is still assimilating what has happened and making predictions on what will subsequently happen next. Solarian just sits up, stretching his neck a little whilst enjoying the sight of his stunned sibling. Soon hir back reaches the wall and Solarian decides now is the time to get on up. His body is far heavier than before, but the new muscle mass more than help compensate as he swing his legs over and stands up from off of his now comically undersized bed. Doing so he can feel his pointy ears brushing up against an already vastly heightened ceiling. The emotional feeling this brings forth inside of him is something like pride, confidence and the knowledge that at this point he is the alpha, seconds to no one else.
'Hello little sister.' Solarian says in greeting, emphasising the second word.
'What the hell happened to you?' Luna demands, hir hackles noticeably raised and ears laid flat as shi beholds hir now far taller big brother.
'I think they call it puberty.' Solarian replies with a flippant smile. 'Want me to show you?' He now says whilst stroking one hand down along his torso before squeezing his tremendous endowment.
'S-Show me?' Luna asks, struggling to understand this new and alien emotion to hir.
'How much I've grown of course.' Solarian says before striding forwards at a gait much faster than his size would bely.
It amuses Solarian how his sister does not even try to make a break for the door, shi is frozen by hir own shock and awe, tinged with fear and perhaps a little lust somewhere. He scoops hir off hir feet before throwing the hermaphrodite over his left shoulder. With arm around hir and hand none too gently gripping hir buttocks he starts carting hir off out of his room and down the hallway. He tells hir how he has been meaning to reciprocate the love shi has shown him this morning, the morning before that and the morning before that ad infinitum. This is the truth of their current dynamic, and the reason why shi is struggling against him, yelling at him to put hir down in a far less confident voice than before. Solarian is smiling as he just about breaks the door to his sister's room off and ducks inside with the spitting sibling in tow.
Luna's room is contrasting combinations of what someone might call "girly" things along with objects that are a far cry from innocent. Dildos and butt plugs, leather harnesses and accompanying straps, flavoured lubricants and cock rings. In the collection Solarian finds what he needs and sets to work getting his sister ready. He starts to removing hir clothes, all the while and handling hir as shi squirms and tries to get away. Of course he laughs, enjoying the role reversal as he gets hir down to be as naked as him. After that is done he is sure to attach a couple of leather sleeves around hir hands and feet and link them up to a black leather strap on each. It takes a great deal of work but he manages to get hir down onto hir bed and tightens the other ends of the straps around the four posts. Solarian finishes it off by giving a firm slap across hir bosom and the hermaphrodite's breasts bounce and slap against one another.
'Good girl.' Solarian tells hir, finding it impossible to not carry on grinning stupidly.
With the leather straps spreading hir eagle, back down against hir very own mattress, Solarian can finally begin with the first of many acts of revenge he has long wished to enact upon his dear sister. The spiteful threats and whining pleas for mercy are barreling forth from out of Luna's mouth, but he will not gag hir, he wants to hear all of it, every embittered growl, shivering whimper and impassioned howl as he nuzzles in between hir thighs. Solarian pushes the male parts of hir genitals out of the way with his nose, whiskers tickling as he sniffs out that most feminine of areas on Luna. His claws dig into hir thighs as the big male feels himself growing excited down there. With but a single lick across hir labia Solarian can feel the aftereffects as Luna shivers, cries out and the leather stretches as shi tries to bring hir thighs in and around his head. He tells hir to be patient before having a second and a third. With careful and gradual movement Solarian starts to push his muzzle in against his sister's cunt, his tongue now wriggling and writhing its way in and against the folds of hir erogenous flesh.
This brotherly act of cunnilingus goes on for solid couple of minutes. The more that he excites hir, the more of hir lubricating juices are involuntarily offered up. Fur along his muzzle wet with these fluids, Solarian backs up and out, before his eyes catch the sight of his sister's engorged pillar of black flesh and with a wry smile reaches down to stroke the underside of his own weighted cannon. Luna looks back over his torso at the sight of hir big brother's bigger spunk blaster and he can see the nervousness on hir face. Foreplay is over, this is the main event and after what has been years of torture and humiliation Solarian finally gets the first chance of many to show his sister all the things that he has learned from hir. But as he looms over hir there is no ugly malice, no wicked intent on his face. Only the lustful gaze and hungry panting of an alpha male who has longed to come of age and finally breed a bitch worthy of his seed.
He starts slow, but a gentle sort compared to the jumpstart poundings that his sister has subjected him to. The mattress springs and the leather bindings express their audible discontent as the huge and powerful male leans in over his sister, hir snatch parting for the head of his engorged phallus as it pushes past underneath hir full loins. He continues to advance, pushing further and deep inside as his body's fur slides against hirs, their naked bodies gradually intertwining on the satin sheets. Soft growls and muted whimpers as being made by Luna as hir big brother's godlike body lays down over hir, his chest cushioning against hir ample chest puppies. Still panting hard as he feels hir gripping down around the first few inches of his pride the male tiger-wolf takes a moment to brush Luna's hair aside before leaning in for an embrace. Hir response is to growl and snap at him with an angry bark, refusing to accept this new arrangement.
'I'm glad you still need some convincing.' He tells hir ominously before bracing either arm against the wall behind hir head.
Hips swing back, knees lock together and thrust. A rush of novel sensations assault hir body and mind as previously unexplored areas of hir body are now explored first hand by hir big brother's intrepid penis. Solarian can feel his balls swinging back and forth, the way his sister's pussy tries to tighten up but is ultimately being busted wide open and the underscore of hir exuberant screams and howls of surprise. Solarian is maintaining a steady pace, not taking any pause to stop and enjoy the moment, instead moving his body like it was supposed to, pounding away fast, hard and deep. His panting becomes evermore exacerbated as he fucks, going from an expressive manner of breathing to a necessary one. Solarian's whole body is flexing which further displays his shapely new body as he rails Luna.
The transitioning discordant tones of his sister's wailing reaches a climax as shi bursts hir metaphorical dams. Thick white semen shoots in long jetting arcs from Luna's phallus, covering hirself, hir brother and a great deal of the bed and wall. Solarian splutters as he is hit in the face by a stray shot but continues his pacing, powering through the hermaphrodite's two-pronged orgasm. Though even so the tightening of hir snatch around him, milking him for that sweetest of rewards is quickly bringing his own loins to a boil. His breathing is becoming irregular, his back hunched further as he looks down upon Luna's relief stricken expression. With hardly the time to enjoy hir own afterglow, shi is subjected to the swelling base of Solarian's knotted erection. Shi squirms, he grinds, eventually both merge into one and Solarian howls with delight as his knot expands, closing the gap at the edges of hir vulva lips.
Now that both of them are trapped together, interlocked in that most intimate of canine ways, Solarian finally surrenders his bounty. Burdening instead the chambers of Luna's body with the fiery liquid of his own making. Unsurprisingly he does not produce as much as his earlier release when pleasuring himself, just as well as the force and quantity of what he had produced back then might be too much even for his sister. Both tiger-wolves shudder, as Luna squeezes out the last drops of what Solarian is offering, before hir big brother finally slumps down and folds his arms around hir. Though still tied up, in more than one way, and hir ego wounded from the violation, Luna does seem to have softened. Growing accustomed to this new big brother, even as hir body adjusts to the swollen knot bigger than a fist lodged inside of hir.
'You know, after you untie me have some new ideas. Do you think you'd like to try them?' Luna whispers into Solarian's ear.
Solarian is about to reply to hir when his stomach suddenly makes an audible grumble.