Reservations and "Reservations"

Story by XennyDiemes on SoFurry

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Brand new from eltonpot I got a dragoness, and after much deliberation, I choose Valkyrie for him to try his hand at. It was so good that, it inspired me to write up a short to accompany it. Along with coloring the pic from its original inks. I hope you enjoy the story and are ready for Valkyrie to try the other side of the coin.

Art (c) eltonpot

Reservations and "Reservations"

by Xenny Diemes

Hundreds of thousands of dollars of damages to shacks and the boardwalk, many shocked and awed beachgoers layed witness to something incredible: Two titanic dragonesses fighting. But in the aftermath, one leaves and the other is left with a feeling unknown amidst the chaos they caused. Days earlier, having little clients to deal with in her art of "Aggressive Business Practices", Valkyrie thought it was time for her to take a vacation, far away from the stress of the workplace and head off to the beach, which has become one of her favorite past times. Still, after all these years, the feeling of being "single" is still new to the dragoness, along with taking on the human concept of "divorce" from the one who once "tamed" her from her violent warlord days. All the freedoms came with the idea she can now get any man she wants, free from the restrains of old traditions and despite being a grandmother by dragon standards, her body totally says otherwise. But as she learns upon arriving to her favorite vacation spot, things don't always go as planned, often sometimes resulting in terrible discrimination, annoyances and ultimately metal-on-metal, muscle-to-muscle violence with property damage with a surprise twist in getting what she wants, such as these:

Senior Buffet Chaos

What could be the hardest thing for a woman like Valkyrie to deal with against being in the company of the elderly? Trying to prove that you are one of course! She may not know what constitutes being a non-human senior citizen but Valkyrie is never ashamed in enjoying the same benefits as the elderly does as long as she doesn't mention her body which would throw people way off. The hotel that she's staying at has a all you can eat buffet special, something she would definitely get in on, thing is, it's cheaper for seniors than to the rest of the guest through their early bird times. Valkyrie is beyond ready to raid the buffet for all its worth for half the price! The following morning, after doing an intense early morning workout, Valkyrie can almost drool at the first smell of fresh grilled meats and goods from the kitchen as the buffet is open for todays business.

There was one small problem though. With several plates in hand and her long tongue lashing out and licking up in anticipation of eating a "warrior's fill", she is surrounded by other seniors who stare at her and the buffet manager who stops her before she can reach for the crab cakes. Telling the dragoness that she can not have any food until 10. She tries to explain that she really is, by dragon standards, a senior citizen and should be allowed to get something. But the rest of the guests protest knowing that she looks "too young" compared to their own weak, and sagging selves to really be an elderly person. Valkyrie proclaims that it isn't her fault that she won the "genetic lottery," but is too busy thinking about all the goods she can get her hands on. Needless to say in making a long story short, her impatience fueled by sheer hunger earns her having to be violently dragged out on her back by seven men while stuffing her face hilariously with eggs, ham and breakfast sausages and shoving syrup in her mouth. That's an easy way to get permanently banned from the buffet.

Eventually, later she did satisfy her hunger at another buffet that did took her in as a senior and did what she promised she would do: Eat them out! Even having the other old guys cheer her on in seeing how many crabsticks she can shove into her mouth, it was 83 and earned her a place in that buffet's hall of fame.

Dragon Sun-Burned

Hot rocks and scaly ladies do make good bedfellows... Well mostly for the cold-blooded types but she does like to sleep like a reptile: just laying back on the hot rocks belly up, soaking in the hot sun. She, being one of those "types", loves to sunbathe in the buff but since there are few people around, it is just best for her to just go topless. Undoing the strings of her taught top, the warrior's chest springs free and bounces heavily off her chest. Taking a full tube of lotion, she made sure every inch of her body is left untouched, especially those massive tits. Lying on her back arched up a bit, Valkyrie lets her upper body take in all the sun she can get. Hoping her scales can get their deepest, bluest tone, if dragons do tan at all.

But she's going to learn the consequences of staying out in the sun too long like a human does, thanks to boredom. What should have been a twenty minute lay down lasted three full hours because she had the misfortune of sleeping through it all. Waking up, her shade of blue became too deep and her underside is completely red with sunburn. Slowly aching and struggling to get up, the burn on her body was all too a reminder of her old days when she was captured and tortured with things that would kill a human. Walking through the beach casually and not show a bit of pain, the burned dragoness walks across a volleyball field where a young spiker aiming to make the best hit in his life misses the ball by inches and brutally spikes Valkyrie's left breast. With tail shot straight out and teeth curled up to the gum, Valkyrie, hyperventilates and holds back her pain. Instead of smashing the boy to paste for spiking her tit, she gently pats him on the head before walking just far away enough for her to scream and clutch her sunburned boob in agony.

Muscle Beach Bitch

Being a warlord, appearances sometimes are everything. It's not just about what you can do but how you look in the face of your enemies. If she was centuries older, her physique would instill fear in all those weaklings that train at the beachside gym. Alas, while still having the strength to bench a loaded pick-up truck with one arm, she has to make use with her "withered" down shape and spend some time working out next to the others smaller denizens. While doing a hundred reps with a 200 pound barbell. She is rudely shoved aside by another dragoness, Her name is Helsa Black, A black drake with a heavy purple underside and ripped heavy muscles, complete with a bust two-thirds the size of hers tells the big elder to just move it and grabs the weight to work out, never before she has seen such insolent behavior and is ready to cut this brat down. But Valkyrie quietly restrains herself and only tells her off before moving to the next station. But that too got badly interrupted by that same dragoness shoving her out.

It was really starting to get on Valkyrie's nerves that she can't get a chance to work her body out until she finally gets a spot at the chest press, with the help of a spotter, she did get some time to calm herself as she flirts with the young, hunky man spotting her as he helps her press a thousand pounds, she knows that he can't help himself staring at her bountiful buxom and carefully offers to show him more if he helps her make it to a hundred. But, as expected, Helsa, that same damn dragoness orders the spotter to leave and she takes over for him. Valkyrie is now so really pissed at her interference in the one thing she wants. Helsa leans down nearly letting her tits press up against her face offers her bit of a challenge, she can call the spotter back and get back to her awkward flirting game if she can bench a thousand with her on top of the barbells, all without a spotter.

Sure it sounds like an insane idea, Valkyrie is never one to back away from a challenge of any kind or out of reason however, she soon accepts and tells that bitch to sit on the bar. Soon everyone surrounds the incredible sight of two draconic titanesses in competition with each other. One pumping the combined weight of a half-ton of pure iron and a shallow, vein dragoness of 1,040 pounds to top it all off. Valkyrie motivates herself back to her old days when she was much stronger, back to the moment when she was captured and tortured by an enemy horde and had her arms and legs tied against twelve large bulls. Try as they might, the mighty warlord kept those bulls in their place without breaking a sweat and soon broke free to kill the horde who captured her and have herself a hearty meal out of those bulls. Today, she is sweating bullets as she reaches far past the halfway point of her thousand rep challenge. Helsa taunts her on, feeling board of her performance but that just pushes Valkyrie further.

Victory is just so close as she reaches past the 950th rep, the cheers from the crowd gets Valkyrie totally pumped and on her way to victory and Helsa feels that now is the time to take it away. She looks down to the painfully tensed dragoness and asks her a question, angrily asking, what, Helsa asks Valkyrie if she had tried the new veggie bar down the walk, and couldn't believe at the amount of broccoli and beans she has eaten. But it isn't her fault they made it so good despite the number it does to her stomach. Valkyrie doesn't know what she is talking about until she came to the terrible realization of what Hesla is about to do. She is close to 990 and Helsa is about to do the unthinkable. On the 998th rep, Helsa lets it rip, hard, this bitch just unleashed a hard and heavy one right on top of Valkyrie's face with the force of a overpowered leaf blower.

Valkyrie had smelled worse but never anything like the one that came out of Helsa's ass and immediately dropped the massive barbell off the side much to the disappointment of the crowd. Choking and gagging before passing out on the gym floor. The sounds of beeps and talk filled her ears as she springs up wearing a hospital gown and a respirator over her snout. Looking around she spots a doctor and demands of what has happened to her while grabbing his coat. Nervously, the doctor urges her to calm down and she has nothing to worry about, for now. When they found her, she was even more blue than normal from the lack of oxygen and had to hospitalized. When she asks how long she's been out, the doctor dropped the news that dropped her jaw. She has been out for an entire week and now only has a day left in her vacation. Flexing her muscles hard enough to rip out of her gown, Valkyrie vows that if she ever sees that dark-scaled bitch again, she will tear her head off and shove it right up her own ass!

Personal Weapon

Many women the world over carry protection to keep them safe from harm. Sometimes it is a taser, other times it's a can of mace, and at least a whistle to grab the attention of anyone who can hear and care the bad guys away. Valkyrie is not the type of woman who uses any of those things. Instead, she carries only one weapon, it's more frightening than a taser, doesn't burn like mace but is sure to keep the bad guys away: Her custom-made longsword. Designed to take heavy hits and made to be handled by a wielder of such strength and power. Her sword is the only thing she needs to protect herself or to "show off" along with her personal goods. But often having such a weapon does have its downsides, like proving she has to right to carry it, often getting her form of a open carry license for it. Getting complaints from other sword enthusiasts and prudes that think that a woman her age shouldn't carry a weapon like this.

But there is an upside to those who are fascinated by her weapon. From kids, mesmerized by action shows to weapons enthusiasts who can get tips from someone who has experience making these kinds of swords. What really gets the crowd going was their eagerness to see former warlord demonstrate her skills which Valkyrie is all to happy to demonstrate. Her moves were fluid, smooth and intimidating even holding her blade steady as she stops just a centimeter of slicing down a table. With loud applause and even a few autographs, this was going to be the only moment of happiness before the carnage with a certain black dragoness begins.

Beach Battle

On her last day, no thanks in part to her extended hospital stay, Valkyrie has the unfortunate luck of arriving on a crowded beach day and she really wanted to get a tan. If it's even possible to tan scales in the first place. Trying to find a good spot to rest is hard with a lot of humans getting in the way doing all sorts of craziness. After much searching, Valkyrie has found the perfect spot for a dragon like her to rest on, a hard warm rock sitting under the cool shade of a palm tree. Setting everything up, Valkyrie relaxes and arches her back up, feeling the temptation to rest while appearing to attract the boys on the beach whether she's doing it on purpose or not.

Hours passed and Valkyrie is starting to feel hungry and spots a hot dog cart rolling by. But with the beach still crowded, if she leaves, it would just be taken up, but she can't just stay and starve. Throwing caution to the wind, Valkyrie gets up and runs to get as much as she can from the cart and buys as much hot dogs and soda she can shove down her throat. After all, a warrior of such caliber must have the appetite to match. However just as expected, someone did take her spot, and as it... unfortunately turns out, that it is none other than Helsa, the overgrown black dragon bitch who cut a huge one on her face just short of a victorious rep session. Lying on her back getting a good chest and Ab message from two of the hottest guys she has found, but Valkyrie's cold stare and tensing muscles were enough to scare them away. Not feeling their gentile touch and telling the boys to come back, Helsa looks up over her huge tits only to find Valkyrie in front of her, staring down, with sword and looking mightly pissed.

Helsa tells Valkyrie if she's here to provide more shade with those tits of hers and Valkyrie responds by telling her that she has five seconds to move off from her spot before there is serious trouble. Helsa only yawned and flips the bird off and tells the blue and white dragoness that why should she move to an old, brooding hag like her? Now if there's one thing Valkyrie hates more than anything else, apart from surprise attacks from weaker opponents is anyone using her age as a negative. Valkyrie has had it with this scaly bitch and grabs her up by the string of her bra and punches her right in the face! Stumbling over the resting rock, Helsa lands next to her bag and can see that this woman needs a lesson but as she looks up, she can see Valkyrie in the air with that deadly sword over her head, ready to slice her in half.

Lightning fast reflexes save her as she reaches for the bag and pulls out her own weapon: A hard spiked mace and blocks the path of Valkyrie's sword with a loud clang. Shocked and surprised by this turn of events, before she could ask how, Helsa moves her sword off, slams the mace into her stomach and backhands the side of her hand with her mace. Knocked down hard, Helsa tells her when not making bodybuilder's lives a living hell or humiliating others, she has a skill of forging weapons like her father does and all the generations before him. The mace is a birthday gift she finally has a use for. Valkyrie, while impressed is really going to put this bitch through her paces and see if her skill in making weapons is as good of her as a fighter and the two square off in the presence of an audience looking with three kinds of view: Those who watch with awe at two modern warriors fighting it out, with horror that they would get hurt in the crossfire of metal and muscle and... those who realize that two big dragon ladies with huge tits and muscles are in a catfight and whip out their phones to record the action!

The fight caused major damages to the beach grounds, the boardwalk with deep cuts and smash marks from the strikes of Helsa's mace. Then came the moment where both warriors charged at each other at full speed and smashed their weapons with such force, they both shatter at the same time. With a broken sword and a busted mace, the two resorted to hand-to-hand combat to fight and it was brutal, with Valkyrie grabbing Helsa's tail and throws her whole body into a hot dog stand. This really sets Helsa off because that's her favorite stand! Charging and grabbing Valkyrie around the waist, she smashes her through fifteen stores before throwing her into off the boardwalk edge. Valkyrie falls flat and hard on her back. Reacting to Helsa's incoming elbow drive, Valkyrie slides out of the way and lets Helsa slams into the rock hurting herself really bad. Valkyrie leaps on top of her and throws several punches into her face. Helsa blocks one of her punches and thrusts her head up to butt her in the face knocking her back.

The two stumble and rolled into the darkness of the underpier where their epic fight devolved into name calling and insult throwing. With Valkyrie pinned down and Helsa looming over her holing her arms to stop her from moving, Something... happened after, something that as totally unexpected of both of them considering what they just gone through in their fight and then it all went dark.


It has been a week since the fight and after personally paying for the damages, Valkyrie is off the hook. But ever since the fight, she felt as if she has seen a ghost. From the hotel, on the flight home, and during her time in the office. Valkyrie manages to shake it off at the end of the day to grab a bottle of one of her fine wines and takes a taxi to a luxury shoreside hotel. On the ride to the hotel, Valkyrie looks back at the fight where they were in the dark. As she was pinned and throwing insults at each other, out of nowhere, something spontaneous and amazing happened. Helsa and Valkyrie kissed each other, deeply and long enough for Valkyrie to have a serious impact and it all went dark.

Waking up, Valkyrie got up and finds her way out of the darkness and out, she finds a note stuck in her topless cleavage. Opening it up, the note reads: "You win babe, call me... Helsa." along with a phone number. At the hotel, Valkyrie arrives at the top suite, and through the double doors of the master bedroom the warlord sees what awaits her. It's Helsa topless with kinky lingerie and a side of beef as big as a microwave oven. With a good hard flex of those muscles and a pec flex to bounce those deep purple tits, Helsa's message is clear with that magnificent body: She wants her. Valkyrie crawling up on the bed up to her, Helsa humbly apologizes for that stunt with cutting one on her face but she has a reputation to keep as the beach gym manager while feeling the need to flirt with her. Valkyrie tells her that there are normal ways to get her attention but Helsa with clawed finger popping off a few blouse buttons tells her that while that is true, she couldn't help how nice her strong, tight and firm buns on her face before she cut one on it.

Valkyrie admits what happened after the fight is totally new to her and she still would like to go for the guys as she wishes. Helsa on the other hand is okay with that but she open to let her try the other side of the coin and see what a strong woman can do for someone like her. Valkyrie smiles and takes her up on the deal. Rubbing her up against herself and slowly kissing up again, Helsa tells her about her brutal exploits in the past and watching her come to her gym, Helsa knew that she has to get her to "get" her to see if she's really what the history books say. It was dangerous and stupid but the payoff was worth it to get the warlord in her panties. With her tail reaching for the lamp's switches, Helsa tells Valkyrie to "conquer" her like the warlord she is and the night is filled with the elder dragon and the young brute have at each with sweet love making all through the night. Clearly the reservations of those two have finally been met.

The end.


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