The Milk Run

Story by XennyDiemes on SoFurry

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If there was any idea of how Lana should have looked like, it would be like this. New comm from Marauder6272 of the hulking milklady and her new partner after a bit of a jam of what to do when the milk in the truck runs out.

The Milk Run

by Xenny Diemes

Things have been on the up and up since Lana has been given a new partner to help with the new route she makes in delivering milk. Her name is Gwen and she's a very energetic go-getter type that knows her way around a problem when she sees it. As Lana will find out, her skills will go beyond what she would expect it to be. As Lana and Gwen travel down the new route, they notice that its much longer than before and with the new time shift rules, the threat of being penalized for not refilling before reaching the last order after 11 am. A lot has changed since new management has taken the Hullo Milk company ad made things really tough for the workers. Especially Lana.

On their run on the new route, they fulfill their orders, taking in empty bottles and giving the fresh ones in their place. Lana's routine is always the same: with a smile, and a hard flex of her muscles to bounce those firm breasts to special customers that have been good to her. Gwen on the other hand does find what she does very attractive and even goes into bits of daydreaming of her and Lana together before her partner snaps her out of her daydream and they continue on their route. Everything goes according to plan until they came across a neighbor who just short of the end of their long route, decides to order up all the milk from the truck including the jugs. To this day, they still have no reason why that customer ordered so much milk but it spelled trouble for the two as they still got four houses to go and it's nearing 11 in the morning.

They can't go back because by the time they reach back to the refilling station, they would be penalized. Lana couldn't afford to let that happen, that is until Gwen has an idea, if Lana decides to go along with it. They only have four houses left before they call it a day and its all regular milk, so that's good news, the idea that Gwen has in mind involves what Lana can do to fulfill those orders. Lana immediately is against this and asks why don't she use her own breasts to fill the glasses. With a giggle and a soft hold of Lana's massive tits, she knows that everyone knows that wolf milk is the heartiest and smoothest of them all the types, her own couldn't even fill a quarter of the truck. Lana doesn't even know if she should be flattered or creeped out by Gwen's advances but soon she reluctantly agrees to her scheme, Gwen grabs the first bottles and asks her to take of her shirt and is amazed of the size of this incredible tits! Bouncing and weighing heavily against her muscle-bound frame, the sheep girl asks the of when was the last time she ever had milked herself. Lana again snaps her out of it and tells her to just give her a bottle.

Pressing one up against her nipple, Lana squeezes her massive tit and like a jet of water, a torrent of her milk quickly fills a bottle in seconds and is ready for another on the other side just to keep things even. To make things easier for her, Gwen offers to help by taking both bottles and just let Lana flex her mighty muscles against her tits to get the milk out. An hour later, Lana is now several cup sizes small but the truck is now 3/4ths filled with her own breast milk, all chilling in the truck, Getting her shirt back on, Lana never felt relieved to at least get the pressure off, moreso of the idea she won't have an excuse as to why they need to come back to refill. Gwen blushes having to enjoy seeing her partner do this and confesses, that it did make her a bit horny. After the milk is fully chilled, they set out to the last four houses and delivered their loads and end the day successfully without having to go back. But the real results came days later on their next run when the two visited the last four houses and even asks about the quality of the milk. They were every ecstatic, they never had milk so smooth and hearty before. Lana looks down to Gwen having the "told you so" look on her face and they ask if they could order more of this milk. Lana assures them that it's a "limited edition 'from the tap'" release.

Back in the truck, Lana is very surprised that none of the customers realize that it was her own milk that they are talking about and Gwen is more than willing to give them that "limited edition" milk one more time before they go back to Hullo and tell off the supervisors about the new route. Feeling the need to "relieve some extra weight" Lana asks Gwen to get more bottles while she takes her shirt off and gets into the back. Lana can easily do it herself but there is something about Gwen's hands are always so gentle that she can trust the sheep to handle her chest well. Soon after, the sounds of all the moans and pleasures of giving all that milk feels great for the hulking wolf, except for that time when she and Gwen walked out of the truck with milk for a heavy milk user and the wolf's breasts prematurely leaked through her shirt. Completely soaking the front of it but still keeps the professional attitude even if she's leaking like a busted pipe.

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