
Story by XennyDiemes on SoFurry

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This like many pics in the past came as a result of a vote out of three other pics that I could have gotten from him. Why not have the trickster get caught in a situation where one of her greatest strengths is turned against her under the power of a pervy wizard who has a thing for buffing up ladies until they explode. How will Launa get out of this mess and can she do it before she goes boom?

Overgrowth By Xenny Diemes

"Uuggghh!, Muscles... getting... too... huge! I... must... reach... for... the goods.... or else I'll explode!" Says Launa as she desperately tries to reach into her crotch as her body quickly grows in mass. Every muscle in her body bulging out with thick veins and her clothes already bursting out becoming closer to becoming immobile. All while hearing the evil cackle of the wizard behind her predicament "I'm going to enjoy every moment, watching you grow and grow until you pop. And Me the great Visos! destroying the infamous Launa and get my sexual jollies watching your hot body swell and tighten like a overstuffed sausage. And as a special bonus, your strength-giving milk will give me more than I need to continue my pleasure."

"Visos! When I get my hands on you..." "I don't think so kitty, you're too busy blowing up to do any reaching at all" before laughing up a storm. But then he realizes Launa is reaching deep into her crotch and slowly rubbing herself up. "What are you doing?" Says Visos "You should know, Visos, I have my.. uh... special ways... to defeat... oh yeah! Freaks like you!"

"By stroking yourself? Lady, you know I'm into that kind of stuff" Says Visos watching while he casts more power into the spell making the cat grow even bigger. Launa is now in a quick race against time, what is she planning to do? How will masturbating with a grip strong enough to crush a steel girder could get her out of this mess?

It all started two days ago while Launa was studying in her private library and looked into strange and usual means of energy transfer spells: The ability to transfer energies of any sort from one place to another even sometimes into inanimate organic objects. Launa giggles at the thought of transferring energy from a living being into something like a block of cheese if she wishes. And then blushed at one particular energy transfer spell that can be intensified through... sexual satisfaction. But for the heck of it, takes time to learn a lot from this fact.

Meanwhile, in the Mystic Underworld, the hard moans, yells for help from a helpless woman are stifled as her body grows tremendously muscular, tearing her out of her clothes and her breasts erupt with thick torrents of her milk, she tries to scream but the muscles in her neck swelled thick enough to close her windpipe and chokes her. The energy continues to flood into her body until arms and legs stick out from all that bloating muscle and the assailant smiles as he watches the victim's hands, feet and head get swallowed into her own body before she finally she explodes. But not the blood and guts kind, but in a puff of pure mystical energy, that gets slowly pulled into a small pouch and a smile across its holders face. It is of Visos the wizard. Now he is, of course, a wizard, and a creep, a creep who loves finding women, endowing them with massive muscles and super-firm breasts and then watch them flail helplessly until they explode into the energy need to fuel his spell made to pop more women with magic muscles.

How these two came to cross paths, was that of a local fair that his hosted in the underworld city of Mariwell, Launa has come to pick up some basic ingredients that can't be found in the mortal world and head back. While walking through the forest, Visos popped up in front of her.

"My my, what do we have here?" Says Visos "Trouble if you don't get out of my way" Says Launa, not particularly in the mood for encounters. "Oh... I feisty one, I like that in a woman with... strong endowments." "Oh, you mean like these?" And she flexes her muscles in front of the wizard and tries really hard not to get an erection from such a sight. "Yeah, those strong endowments" "Well, come closer and I can show you how strong I can really be." Launa tempts the wizard to come closer knowing that his fetish overrides his common sense and before he realizes he has fallen into a trap and gets kneed hard in the balls. Falling to the ground and holding his nuts in pain, Launa walks away and flips him off, but in anger, Visos fires a energy ball from behind and hits her hard, throwing her across the ground and slamming into a tree. Slowly recovering, Launa is furious that some of her ingredients have been smashed by the impact and angrily stares at Visos and goes in for the attack. Visos however does have several tricks up his sleeves and tries to exhaust her until he's ready for the attack.

While she is down, he digs deep into his pocket and pulls out his book along with the energies from his last victim and throws it into the air. It hovers and throws the energy into it. With a long incantation, the book sparks and strikes Launa down. As she comes around, she starts to feel her body get heavier, tighter and stronger. Heartbeats are racing a mile a minute and veins began to swell and trail over her body. Launa's muscles begin to swell up fast and tries desperately to kill the wizard, but the muscles quickly weigh her down, throws her off balances and falls back on her increasingly growing buff ass. But all that engorged sinew wasn't the only thing that's growing, her breasts surge and begin to fill with milk, tensing her top to the limit and spurting out from the nipples.

While all this is happening, Visos is getting sweet pleasure watching such a body grow so big, even bigger than all the victims he popped before. Which leads up to the present. Launa, now over twenty feet tall, packing tons of muscle and full of muscle milk in each of those teets to fill seven bath tubs! The trickster is struggling to move her oversized arms to reach and all the extra mass to navigate around. Her lungs are still strong enough to breathe and talk while her neck is growing wider and harder. Her beloved leg blade pops off her tree trunk thigh, gauntlets and boots popping off her appendages and the weight of her whole body is close to taking a toll on her life. Launa needs to think fast to get rid of this mass and then remembers the transfer spell and how it can be intensified with sexual pleasure.

Slowly moving her heavy arm, Launa pushes hard in the space between her thigh and heavy leaking teet and sticks her hand deep into her pussy, With the additional strength flowing through those fingers, It will be a breeze but hope she can do it in time before she's dust. "I don't see how pleasuring yourself is going to get you out of this mess but I hope it will be the last you ever..." Then Visos hears a few words coming out of the trickster's mouth that sounded familiar to him, too familiar. Quickly he realizes that she's casting a energy transfer spell. But how, and to where? "Witch! you think you can transfer my energy to the earth? My spell, by design is made to never be sent back." "Who says it... UGH!... Is going to be sent back to a creep like you, where I can put it some.. ohhhhh.. Cloooooosssss" Says Launa as waves of ecstasy flowed out from her muscles and directly into her pussy pulsating with pre and her milk full of power! "Impossible! I will pop you NOW!" Screams Visos

"Too late, UG... I'm gonna, gonna, OooooooHHHH!" Shouts Launa and she cums hard, a powerful firehose of her thick white juice explodes out her pumped mound and strikes Visos hard knocking him down and coating him with her juices. As for her breasts. her nipples spread open wide to let out streams of milky goodness up into the sky and rain back down like a downpour. Miraculously, all of her muscles began to deflate as her endowed fluids rapidly leave her body. At the end of her climax, Launa is back to her normal but still muscular and busty self. As for Visos, he slowly gets up from the goo and swears revenge but then his arm slowly gains muscle, followed by his other arm and soon legs, chest and back. Ripping out of his own robes, and falling back under his own growing mass. The energy from her juices had to go somewhere and it did, into Visos and now he gets to feel the growth his victims had to endure.

Launa gets up and grabs parts of her stretched out clothing and watches as Visos now naked tries to counteract the spell to stop his growth but is unable to because he does not know the spell Launa knows, even to resort to doing the same thing but can't reach for his quickly growing cock and balls. Like an action hero, Launa leaves Visos to his fate as his body grows grotesque in size and pumps his ass with hard kegels to forcefully get himself ejaculate the energies building up in his body, but even his hard, explosivly thick cum shots can't stop the inevitable. Visos, flailing his hulking, immobile husk and cumming all over the trees and on himself, curses Launa for doing this to him just before he explodes in a huge puff of energy. Where Visos ended up after that, Launa doesn't care and concentrates to gathering her things. Dizzy and exhausted, she doesn't mind walking back bottomless and dripping heavily from her sore and swollen nipples and crotch. That encounter is just part of a long line of trials that pushes her body to the limit. And hopes in the future, she doesn't come across any pervy wizards.

The end

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