Balto Has Lost Or Has He - Home Sweet Home?

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#10 of Balto Has Lost Or Has he??

Looks like Kodi might have finally found himself a home - a place where he feels like he could belong, feel safe with a mate that he actually loves, trust and would never hurt him. But what happens when his mate Alex finds out all about Kodi's past? Will he still love him? Read and find out! ^__^

Written By Original Posted here

Kodi waded through the thick snow of the forest, striding expeditiously between snow-covered spruces and bushes and over crackling icy puddles. He walked quickly, not quite sure where he was heading or where he wanted to go. Nor did he really care. He just wanted to go on a walk, walk quickly through the night and clear his head. He needed his nightly walks. He needed the time alone - to think and to clear his head.

He usually waited until the rest of the pack was snoozing heavily before he ventured out on these nightly walks of his, and he was always back long before his mate Alex or sister Aleu ever woke up. As long as he didn't wander too far away from the camp he'd be fine. As long as he was back before sunrise, nobody would notice.

The half-wolf gazed up at the night sky, seeing nothing but stars and infinite darkness. The dark sky gave no hint of a sunrise and told him that he still had plenty of time. He smiled to himself and walked on. With each step, his red paws would bury themselves deeper and deeper into the white, crunchy snow and send shivers up his legs and spine. He loved it. He loved the cold wind, the emptiness and the darkness. It was the only time he could truly relax.

It wasn't that he didn't like his new wolf pack. Quite the opposite! Kodi loved his new home. He loved his warm mate Alex, he loved his hunting and training sessions with Aleu, even though he had learned more about female anatomy that he ever did about hunting.

Still their "training sessions" was a way for him to build up his self-confidence and also become more comfortable with his mate Alex during the evenings. It hade given him both confidence and inspiration to be a tad more assertive during their nightly mating, instead of just passively taking it as he had done for most of his life.

With the help of Alex and Aleu, Kodi had come to experience that mating could be something fun, fun and enjoyable. Not something he needed to be forced into, not something that is necessarily painful. And also something he can be in control of as well.

Of course Alex was still convinced that he was actually Aleus' sister, and although he had some ideas of what had happened to Kodi, he only knew the basics. That he had been abused. That he didn't like his old home. That he had wanted to come and live with the wolf pack in search for a better life and a better, more caring mate.

But Alex had never been given any details, and more importantly, he didn't know anything about Kodi's true origins - his transformation from male to female. Or male with female bits. Or something in between.

Kodi wasn't even sure himself what he was anymore. He just knew that the less Alex knew, the better. As caring and warm his new mate and been to him since he joined the wolf pack, he still couldn't be sure he could be trusted.

Overall, he loved living his life as a real wolf among other wolves like him. But yet, he needed these lonely walks, this space, this time to heal. Kodi couldn't decide whether he missed Nome or his parents that he had left there. He tried to tell himself that he didn't, but the pup knew that part of him would always belong in Nome. He did miss Jenna - his mpm who had always been there for him, had been supportive throughout this "transformation", his first litter. Kodi knew he wouldn't have made it without her.

He also missed his siblings. He even missed Balto from time to time. Although he still found it hard to really forgive his dad for everything he had done. For his lack of support, for his inability to defend him, for that evening when he had forced himself on him just because Jenna had refused to put out. Kodi wished that his dad would someday realize what he had been putting him through.

The only one from Nome that Kodi most assuredly did not miss was Steele, the arrogant and selfish malamute who had raped him, impregnated him, made him into what he is now.

As he plowed through some brushes, some leaves brushed against his nether regions, providing timely reminder of the changes his body and undergone. He shivered at the not entirely unpleasant sensation of the leaves tickled him down there, brushing against the warm smoothness between his legs as he walked on.

His ears dropped slightly as he was reminded of just how different his life had become. Even though his mind and overall body was still male, between his legs he was now a female dog. Aside from his fully functional vagina, the surgery had also given him a complete uterus and a womb, which had been proved useful at least once already.

Kodi had to accept that in every sense that mattered to the wolf pack, he was now a female. To Aleu, he was now a sister, and to Alex, he was a bitch that might soon bare his pups.

There was a time when that fact would make him feel absolutely sick to his stomach, but ever sense had had reached this wolf pack, he had grown more and more used to his new identity (and anatomy) and now found himself strangely accepting of it. This is what he was now.

There were still times he missed being a male. He missed having more than just smooth fur and soft feminine lips between his legs, and he missed not having to squat down to relieve himself. He missed having a cock, quite simply.

But these times came more often than before. There were still mornings when he woke up and reached a paw towards his groin, expecting to find a sheath down there, only to be surprised when his paw brushed over the sensitive inward curve of his new sex in shock.

But these mornings were often followed by an odd arousal. And more and more, he found himself actually not all missing being male, and actually getting more comfortable with his new form. Again, the male luxury of just being able to lift a hind leg to take a piss was certainly a disadvantage, but aside from that, he really didn't mind the new Kodi.

If someone had asked him a few months ago if he wanted to go back to being a male, he would of had said yes without a second's hesitation. Now, he wasn't sure.

He didn't know why. Maybe it was all those hormones from being pregnant before going to work on his psyche, or maybe it was that submissive streak that he always had seemed to have. Either way, something inside of him, something very instinctual and deep, made this transition feel way more natural than it seemed to Kodi that it should. Especially considering that his owners that essentially castrated him and turned him into a bitch with a fully functional womb without his consent.

He also very aware that he never in his life had actually humped another dog, actually penetrated anyone. All his sexual experiences so far, positive and negative alike, revolving around him being fucked, him being submissive and taking it as if he was a female - even back when he was a male.

He still remembered every time he had been taken by Steele or one of his canine gang-buddies, having his tailhole pumped full of potent male seed like another bitch. It was the only way he had ever experienced sex. It was the norm for him. And he suspected that even if it wasn't for his transformation, it would still be what came natural to him.

Right now, it certainly felt natural to him. He had never once had the urge to actually hump anyone. He had never once missed it. Right now, he loved nothing more than submitting to his new wolf mate in various naughty, scandalous ways. It felt natural. It felt good. It felt like it's what he was made to do.

The thought made Kodi blush where he stood.

He could still remember that night a few weeks ago, when Alex had bred him for the first time, and how wonderful it had been, the feeling of his great length sliding deep into him, first gently and then forcefully and quickly. He had loved every second of it. He didn't know that making love could feel so perfect, so natural.

But yet, he'd been resistant to present himself for Alex again, even knowing how gentle and loving he would be. The reason? Kodi was in heat. He could feel it. And he wasn't sure he was ready to be a mother again. Even with such a perfect mate as Alex, how could he ever be ready to go through that again? The responsibility.The sick mornings when it felt like you couldn't take a step without puking your break first. The odd, unnatural feeling of having a big warm belly with pups in it. And feeling the weight swinging slightly as he wobbled around. It was not only embarrassing, it was terrifying. And the delivery...

Kodi shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts.

So that's the reason why Kodi hadn't really been wanting to mate with Alex lately. And Alex, knowing about Kodi's abuse, was way too gentle to ever ask for it. But Kodi could tell that he disappointed his mate. When the news spread in the pack, that Aleu's sister was joining the pack to be mated with their alpha leader, the entire pack rejoiced. Females were a rare commodity, but with a new bitch in the back, there was a chance of new pups and the continuation of their pack. So the entire pack definitely expected Alex and Kodi to breed and have puppies.

But that wasn't the worst part. Kodi's body had begun acting a tad odd lately - an entirely new sensation that Kodi suspected had something to do with the fact that there had been days without any real satisfaction. His neither regions had become even more sensitive than usual and was constantly burning for satisfaction. He would often wake up sticky, much to his own embarrassment. He would sometimes have to sneak off, on his own, rub himself the way Aleu had taught him, just to get some release before he would return, reeking of pleasure. It was impossible for the other wolves not to notice.

He had asked his sister what this constant burning need was and she immediately realized that her brother was in heat. And she also explained it would get worse and worse until he did something about it.

This was his first real heat since Steele had impregnated him pretty much immediately. And now that it was weeks since he had his last litter, his (mostly) female body was producing hormones and getting ready for another litter. And the distinctive scent oozing from his neither regions was immediately obvious to any wolf who walked past him. He would often notice other males stare surprisingly after him as he walked past, sniffing the rich scent of a female in heat. So far, nobody had tried to make a move, thankfully. They all know that Kodi was mated to the alpha, and trying anything could get them in some real trouble and they knew it.

But that didn't stop Kodi from blushing furiously whenever they noticed his sense. Quite simply, his body wanted nothing more than to be fucked. To be filled with another litter. And Kodi could do nothing to ease this desire. Even rubbing himself did little to stop the constant, burning desire.

Yep, Kodi was in heat. And he knew that it would only get worse until he did something about it. Yet, he could not risk being impregnated again. Not yet at least. Maybe he could talk to Aleu again. His sister was always supportive, neither was she the type that would shy away from a sexual conversation. But first, he needed some sleep.

He had been out walking far too long and Kodi felt his eyelids getting a bit heavy, and the thought of his warm den seemed really inviting. Just as he was going to turn around, he heard a voice.

"Kodi? What are you doing way out here?"

The wolf pup span around and found himself looking into the warm brown eyes of his mate. What an incredible coincidence he thought to himself before he stammered for an excuse;

"I was just out hunting a bit, you know" he said, trying to sound nonchalant.

Alex seemed unconvinced. "In the middle of the night? Alone"

He stared wonderingly at the red wolf pup with a raised eyebrow.

Kodi couldn't help but smile a bit. He supposed Alex deserved to know why he sought loneliness in the middle of the night.

  • "Well, I've been through a lot. And sometimes, I just really need some personal space. To heal I guess. Does that make sense?" he looked at the wolf who stared back at him with big concerned eyes.

  • "Heal? Heal from what?" Alex asked warily. "Aren't you happy here with my pack?"

  • "I am! I just meant everything that happened to me in Nome...The rape. The abuse. I suppose I still carry that with me in a way. I love this place, but I just can't leave all that being"

  • "And what's why you seek solitude in the middle of the night?" the big wolf asked, assuming a softer voice as he approached his mate, dealing a soft lick on Kodi's cheek.

Kodi nodded, feeling his spirits lifted slightly by his mate's affection.

  • "And I suppose that's why you haven't been very ... intimate lately" Alex continued as he sat down in the snow next to the red dog.

  • "No! That's not it. I'm just... I'm not sure if I'm ready to be a mother again"

  • "Why not? Your sister has already had four litters" Alex said, noticeably oblivious to what the wolf pup was trying to tell him. "She doesn't seem to mind it at all"

  • "Yes, but she's used to that. Aleu's a girl!" Kodi blurted out before really realizing what he was saying.

  • "And how is that different from what you are?" Alex crooked his eyebrow again as he stared at Kodi, trying to make sense of what the young wolf was telling him.

Kodi hesitated, not entirely sure how to proceed. He felt like he had said more than he should already. But when he looked into his mate's warm, yellow eyes, he felt like he could tell him everything. And that he deserved to know.

"Alex..." he started, blood rushing to his cheek as he blushed suddenly, nervous and uncertain how best to say what he was about to say. A part of him couldn't believe he was doing this, but another part felt like he had been keep this part of him a secret too far.

"I'm not really a female" he finally said. "I'm not like I've told you I am..."

Alex just looked at him confusedly.

"Of course you're a female" he chuckled. "I, if anyone, can attest to that"

  • "No, what I meant is that I wasn't always like this."

  • "What do you mean?" Alex asked softly, still confused. He knew that Aleu's sister could be a bit odd, and that she had been through a lot in that strange town where she came from, but this was something entirely new.

  • "Well, less than a winter ago, I was made this way." He gestured to himself and his neither region. "I was a boy back then. But my owners had me changed.

They removed my... well. They turned my lower body into that of a bitch so that I could have pups. Because they thought that was what I wanted..."

Alex looked like he was about to say something, then stopped himself, letting Kodi's words sink in.

"But... but" he stammered. "But you're a girl. You're Aleu's sister. She told me that!"

  • "No I'm her brother. But because of what my owners did to me, I can have pups, I'm fertile, but aside from that, I'm still a boy " Kodi explained slowly to his mate who seemed utterly stunned. He continued, talking about that night when Steele's gang had forced themselves on him, how he had returned to boat with his rear leaking from the seed of several canines, and how his owners had thought he would rather be a female because he kept submitting to the local dogs - when in reality he was forced.

He explained how he had explained what had happened to him to his parents, how he had been raped by Steele and impregnated, how Aleu had become aware of his transformation and invited him to start a new life with her pack. All the while, Alex sat quietly, his ears flicking, his tail swishing the snow frustratingly and his expression growing more and more serious. Kodi could see anger flush up in his eyes like a scorching fire.

"I didn't wanted anyone to know because I wasn't sure how you'd react" Kodi finally said.

Alex sat there. "I should find this husky... Steele, and kill him." He finally muttered.

  • "Are you going to hurt me?" Kodi asked, quiet as a whisper, as tears welled up in his eyes.

  • "Why would I hurt you!?" Alex gasped, licking Kodi tenderly to show his fondness for the red pup. "None of this is your fault, Kodi. And I'm sorry that all this happened to you. Aleu told me you've been through a lot of hardship, but I never realized..."

  • "Do you still love me?" Kodi interrupted, looking at his mate. "Knowing that I'm not truly a female, that I was changed to be like this?"

  • "Yes of course!" Alex reassured him, his grey wolf-ears flat against his head "I don't care what you've been or what you are. I still love you" he nuzzled Kodi who managed a slight smile and nuzzled back, his tail slowly wagging behind him. The two canines embraced in the snow as the sun rose slowly behind them.

A cold wind swept in from over the frozen lake, reminding both dogs that they were still out in the middle of nowhere.

"We should probably head back now" Alex finally said as he let go of Kodi who nodded concurringly.

As they walked home through the thick snow, Alex once again spoke.

"So does this mean the end of our ... intimacy? I mean since you're actually a boy, you never really wanted my affections to begin with? I don't want to force anything on you"

  • "No!" Kodi almost shouted. "I still want to be your mate, Alex. And I still want you to take me. I don't know, maybe this transformation changed some things about me. But I still want your love Alex. I still want you to... treat me as if I was a real bitch"

"I'm just worried about being pregnant again. Which is why I've been reluctant to do this" he continued.

  • "Well. There are many ways of pleasuring a bitch without risking puppies" Alex flashed the red husky a naughty smile. "I suppose I could show you some of them when we get back to our lair"

Kodi felt a tingling shiver rush through him that had nothing to do with the cold. Alex words definitely intrigued, more so that he had thought.

He gave a quick nod in return, letting the wolf know that he was up for whatever he was planning.

He wasn't entirely sure what Alex meant, but he did know, almost to his own surprise, that he wanted to find out. He tucked his tail between his legs as he felt his privates getting a little warm and wet again, but he still trudged on eagerly next to the big wolf.

None of the canines said anything as they plodded on through the snow until they reached the wolf camp. The camp consisted of a dozen or so liars laid out around an abandoned human cottage which the alpha had taken as his lair, and was also one of the main reasons the pack picked this spot, the other being the thick grove of snowy pine trees that surrounded the camp and provided well-needed protection from the cold Alaskan winds.

The ground between the lairs, which laid in a sort of semi-circle around the center, was well-trodden and mostly free of snow. Overall, the place provided a pretty decent shelter from the elements of the Alaskan wilderness. The cottage where Kodi spent his nights with Alex and occasionally also Aleu and their pups definitely lacked most of the luxuries that Kodi was used to, such as running water and a constantly re-stocked bowl of food - but was usually warm enough. The hay that Alex and the other wolves had strewed around the floor also made the place fairly comfortable, which Kodi expected would come to be useful tonight and many nights over.

When the two canines returned, the pack was still very much asleep, although the first rays from a rising sun had already begun trickling down between the heavy branches. Last time Kodi and his mate had mated, it was in the middle of day - and although they were alone in their little cottage, he had been constantly worried that Alae, any of his pups or some other wolf would either accidentally or intentionally walk in on them. Since he had arrived to the pack, Kodi had seen wolves, often many at a time, mating in public, right outside for everyone to see - and join if they were so inclined. This was something that Kodi had never seen dogs do in Alaska.

Neither did it seem to much matter which gender the participants belonged to, as he had seen males mating breeding males, and females licking and pleasuring each other, on more than one occasion. It was a very different culture indeed. When Kodi had first arrived, he had assumed that his horny sister, who had insisted on doing all those naughty things on their private hunting sessions, was unusually open about that stuff. But he had now found that this is just the way things are in a wolf pack.

Alex nudged the cabin door open and showed Kodi instead the damp little space that made out the little cabin's only room. There were no windows, but a hole in the roof allowed him to see enough to at least not trip on one of the many branches his pups had thrown around them during play.

Why don't we start by laying you down right here where you're comfortable, Alex said, his voice both smooth and enticing. The scent of his arousal was already very obvious to Kodi, and to his embarrassment, he noticed that his needy sex was already beginning to feel wet. He did as told, laying down on his back in a sufficiently comfortable looking pile of hay, exposing both his belly and his needy sex to the big male.

Of some reason he was nervous. More nervous than they had ever been during mating before. On the few occasions they had done it before, it was always a more instinctual, primal act that although pleasurable was done by him mostly because his body demanded it and because he knew it was expected of him. But now it felt like Alex was looking straight at him, seeing him, all of him, in an entirely new way. It felt more sensual, and in an odd way, more intimate.

Kodi could feel the big male wolf's warm breath against his belly, and feel his nose and gentle licks brush through his fur and travel more down south towards his smooth, altered sex. He gasped involuntarily when he felt the wolf's hot breath against his wet folds, followed by a slight, high-pitched yelp as Alex pushed his tongue deep inside his needy, swollen sex. His strong, canid tongue parted his feminine lips without hesitation, licking and pushing and twisting it's way deep into his receptive, vaginal passage.

He involuntarily clasped hard around his invading tongue, his juices squirting out on Alex who just smiled and continued his infiltration with that wonderful, big tongue. This was not ANYTHING like the sessions he had had with his sister. Although Aleu sure knew how to use her small tongue, it was nothing like the feeling of Alex's wet organ invading his slick, clenching passage. Although he was strong and determined, he was also gentle and licked him in exactly the right way to make the husky pup squirm in enjoyment.

"Do you like this?" Alex asked between his eager licks.

"Uhuh... ahhh!" Kodi moaned back and spread his legs to allow the wolf better access. It wasn't long before his little body built up to his first climax which absolutely rocked his body and made him clench down hard around Alex's tongue deep inside of him. How could he miss having a cock when another male could make him feel this good? His gentle, rhythmic licking produced pleasure he didn't even know his body could experience.

He was surprised when he felt the wolf stop his licking and slurp out his tongue from his dripping cunt. "Good!" He said. "Then let's try something else" he gave a coy smile before driving back with his big head between the pups legs again.

Kodi was just about to ask what the wolf was up to when he gasped loudly in surprise when his tongue brushed over the tight pucker of his tailhole, leaving a nice slimy line of saliva between Kodi's rear and Alex's tongue.

He was just about to protest when another wet lick graced the valley between his trim, furry cheeks, this one pressing inside of him just slightly, coaxing a surprised moan from the pup.

His first instinct would have been to tell Alex to stop, to kick him away. Every time someone had train to gain access to his tailhole before, it had been in the most forceful way possible. Whenever anyone had pushed something inside of him there, it had always been a knot forced inside without any consideration for how the pup felt.

But this felt like heaven! He had no idea that this part of his body could actually make him feel good. The juices from his cunt trickled down on Alex's as he rimmed him. His entire body squirmed in pleasure as the mate pushed his tongue deeper into him with practices ease. It didn't take long for the husky to reach another orgasm, his abandoned pussy squirting out juices and his body rocking in pulsating pleasure that made his tongue loll out.

After a while, Alex pulled out of him and lied down in the hay next to his mate.

"You seem to know what you're doing?" Kodi finally said when he had quite gathered himself from two powerful orgasms.

  • "Well. Let's just say that you aren't the first boy I've taken into my lair" Alex smiled proudly. "I know what my bitches want. And that goes both for the female and male variety" he added.

  • "Well I've never had anything feel this good" Kodi half-whined, half-panted between the licks That was no lie. The little pup had never felt pleasure like this before.

  • "Well. We're not done yet. Stand up for my, please" Alex ordered, still wearing that irresistible smile.

Kodi couldn't help but do as told, although it was not completely without hesitation as the husky still wasn't quite sure what the big wolf was planning. But everything he had done so far had made him feel wonderful, so he obediently got up on all four, moving his brushy red tail the side.

"Wow, that's a pretty sight!" Alex exclaimed, Kodi could see his impressive malehood peeking out from his grey sheath. He could smell it in the air. Smell his excitement.

Alex got up all Kodi, mounting the smaller pup completely, his tip brushing and pointing against the husky's tight hindquarters, making the young heart's heart beat at least ten times as fast.

Alex leaned in close and gave the husky's ear a gentle lick. He then whispered to him:

"Girl or boy, when you're with me in my lair, you are my bitch. My only bitch. And I will treat you like the alpha mate you are. Like an alpha mate deserves to be treated. And when you're good ready, I shall feel your cute belly full of my litter if you wish. But not before that. That is my promise."

Kodi nodded. Usually, he would have disliked being called bitch. Especially after all the times Steele had called him that, and how unreservedly humiliated and shamed that always made him feel. But this time he didn't feel humiliated. Actually, it felt oddly appropriate, and it only served to further amp up his already considerable horniness. His wet cunt was literally leaking at this point, warm sticky drops leaving those eager feminine lips to trickle down on the dusty floor.

But it wasn't his cunt Alex was going for.

"This probably won't sooth your heat, but I can promise you it'll be a hell of a ride" the wolf said as he thrust forward slightly, his tip very intentionally brushing over the pup's cunt only to continue north towards his tight, puckered tailhole, which was still wet from the earlier licking session.

Kodi's heart sped up. Was he really going to take him there? Although the licking before had felt amazing, he was not sure he could ever be ready for this again. The memories of all those nights in the barn immediately returned to him... How the other huskies would take turns, ruthlessly abusing his behind.

"I'm not sure I can do this" Kodi whispered warily to his mate.

  • "I'm gonna take it really slow, and we will stop the second you tell me to." Alex promised.

  • "Alright then" Kodi whispered back before bracing himself for the penetration he knew was soon to come. Although he was afraid, his body was absolutely burning with need and anticipation. He realized he needed to be bred, and if he couldn't risk being pregnant, this was the only way.

He shut is eye tightly as he felt the sleek, slimy tip push slightly into his tight tailhole. His muscles immediately clenched down around the invading member, trying to keep it out.

"It'll be easier if you relax" Alex whispered gently.

Kodi did as told. He tried to relax his body, focusing on the warmth coming from Alex's muscular frame, and how safe he felt with the larger male's legs around him. Suddenly, he felt that tip continue into him, searing hot but astonishingly pleasurable, inch after inch of red, hot canine cock sliding into him, flesh rubbing against bare flesh.

It hurt a little bit at first, especially the first few inches. Instinctively, the pup clenched around the great length which was already buried half-way into his anal passage. But instead of feeling a sharp surge of pain as he expected, the member struck something deep inside of him that sent a wave of pleasure through his body.

"Please..." Kodi moaned. "More" Whatever that odd pleasure was, he wanted to feel it again.

Alex was happy to oblige. He pulled out a bit, then slowly pushed more of his great, fleshy length inside the dog, the widest part of his red cock stretching the pup's tailhole and sliding inside with a wet, delicious slurp as precum was forced out around his length and trickled down Kodi's cunt. The little husky was impossibly tight and his muscles massaged and milked his cock in the most lovely way possible. It was by far the tightest fuck Alex had had to date, but yeah the wolf held back - making sure not to move faster than Kodi was ready to. Their respective rhythms synced beautifully as Alex fucked the husky faster and faster, eliciting more and more pleasure out of his eager body after time that thick rod slid into the quickly loosening tailhole.

Alex realized he wasn't going to be able to hold out for long. In fact, he was getting closer and closer!

Meanwhile, Kodi started to enjoy the sensation more and more, the slow, determined humps against his prostate only increasing his pleasure and will to be fucked. It wasn't long before he was pushing back against Alex's humping and begging him to go faster, wanting more of him inside."Breed me!" he demanded.

Not before long, Alex was thrusting his powerful red cock into the husky's tailhole over and over again, pistoning it with greater and greater force, but still holding back slightly for the pup's sake. Yet Kodi, who was absolutely overwhelmed with pleasure, wanted to go on.

Alex was bigger than any dog who had ever been inside of him, and with every hump, he could feel the wolf's gigantic knot push against his already well-stretched tailhole. There was no way he was going to be able to take that! Kodi knew it and Alex probably knew it two as he was now regulating his thrusts.

Yet, the husky, couldn't help but push back against that great knot, his eager body already lusting to feel that big piece of flesh inside of him, trying him to his love.

"Do it" he finally whispered.

"Are... are you sure?" Alex gasped between his thrusts, knowing exactly what his mate was talking about.

Kodi only nodded. He was more sure about this than he had ever been in his life. He wanted to take that knot.

Alex sped up his thrusts, now humping the little red husky with everything his got as he would any bitch, not holding back at all. His knot pushed and prodded repeatedly at the moaning husky's stretched entrance, and then with a last powerful thrust and a roar that was loud enough to wake up the entire pack, and could only be heard all the way to Nome, he forced his giant knot inside Kodi's rump.

Kodi felt that meat slip inside of him, sending an impossible powerful shock of pain and incredibly pleasure through him, as he was knotted by a dog twice the size of anything he had before, including Steele. He moaned out in pleasure, his voice joining his mate's in announcing their shared passion to the world.

Suddenly, he felt the thick, potent cum from the strong wolf splash into his rear and fill him and his abdominal with warm seed. The sensation was so lovely he orgasmed all over again. His body was tired and his legs gave up, so he fell into the hay with his mate into a sticky pile of panting wolf and semi-wolf.

With the knot still stuck neatly inside of him, he could still feel Alex's pump load after load of thick cum into his body as he snuggled up to the big canine's strong chest and fell into the most blissful sleep he had had since he was just a little pup.

When Kodi woke up, he was still tied to his mate who was snoring loudly. His knot was still inside of his ass which he now felt was very sore. Yet, Alex's now small knot still felt oddly pleasurable inside his abused, stretched ass, reminding him of the lovely night the two had. He sat up on his hunches, letting Alex's not pop out of his gaping tailhole, followed by a stream of white cum. He blushed to himself. Had he really been so ... into it?

"Look who finally decided to join the living"

His sister's voice made him jump in surprise and tuck his tail between his legs to hide his leaking hindquarters.

"Oh don't be so modest, brother!" Aleu said calmly as she approached her sibling who was blushing madly. "I saw you asleep,and tied up to him like that. I even bet every wolf and critter within a square mile of here heard you get fucked last night!" she chuckled.

  • "Don't tease me" Kodi said, blushing even more.

  • "If I had known you were so into butt-stuff, we could have tried a lot more stuff on our haunting lessons" Aleu teased.

  • "God, you're such a pervert" Kodi retorted, still blushing furiously. At least his red cheek fur made it a tad harder to see.

  • "I'm the perverted one?" She gestured over the cummy mess they had made and snickered.

"Don't worry though. I've seen him do things like this countless of times. But trust me, he sees something special in you. I've known it since the day you first join us" she said. "If you are ever ready, I know he will give you lots of beautiful puppies, and I know he'll be a protective and loving mate"

Kodi didn't know what to say. Was it true? Did Alex really like him that much? Why? How could anyone like him that much? He was surprised a big male like him would even treat him that well, let alone love him. It certainly wasn't something he was too used to.

"What do you say we go down to the river and you can clean off a bit, eh?" Aleu chuckled as she circled her brother, trying to get a better view of the damage that big wolf had done to her brother's rear. Kodi quickly tucked his tail between his legs again.

  • "I'm not sure.... I don't want anyone to see me like this" he stammered.

  • "Most of the other wolves are out haunting anyway so nobody will see you" his sister replied.

"Besides" she smiled as the two left the cottage "It'll be a perfect opportunity for you to tell me all about yesterday"

The two siblings walked down to the clear water of the nearby river. The spring sun had warmed the fresh stream quite nicely and it felt amazing to let his soar, sticky body be surrounded by the lukewarm water.

Had he not been so utterly exhausted, he might have taken the opportunity to do something fun and naughty with his sister again, like they had the night before. But right now, he was utterly exhausted and just happy to lay still in the calm river, letting the calm water rock him gently.

That didn't stop him from telling his sibling about the night he had shared with Alex. A night that had not been like any other. Aleu listened with visible interest, only stopping Kodi to occasionally demand more details or to ask questions about how this or that felt.

After the swim, Kodi laid down beneath one of the pine's to let the warm sun dry his fur. There were still some surrounding snow on those great pine branches and in the area around the camp, but most had been melted away by the strong sun. After a while though, he stared feeling cold again and decided to get back into the warm cottage.

The smell of mating and seed hit him right as he entered the damp room. He saw that Alex was still sleeping, his great chest lowering and rising with the tides of his breath.

"Wow" he mumbled to himself. "It must have been quite a ride for him too"

Looking down and seeing his wonderful grey sheath with his wet tip still peaking out, the half-wolf got a very naughty idea. As his mate still snoozed, he leaned down and gave the sheath opening an experimental lick, letting his tongue slide in between the sheath and that limp, resting cock.

The taste was quite delicious and the musk was lovely - absolutely male and absolutely delicious to his senses. The young pup curled his eager tongue around his still sleeping mate's member, letting it grow slowly into his small muzzle. He had never really sucked off anyone before, but if anyone was to be the first, this handsome wolf might as well be it.

Still snoozing, Alex moved in his sleep with his already erect erection pushing accidentally deeper into the husky's muzzle. Kodi didn't mind as he took more of the length into him, curling and licking around the red flesh, the growing knot and the peehole of that great organ. Alex's length was still smeared with salty, sticky cum from last night's mating which Kodi licked up eagerly, liking the flavor it added to his lover's member.

While he sucked, he couldn't help but move his paw down south to his warm wetness between his legs. He was just about to stick a furry digit into that very needy pussy when he heard footsteps approaching and the door suddenly flung open, making the husky jump in surprise.

"Wh.. what's going on?" Alex flew up, awakened by the noise. Both of them turned the attention to the intruder, a male wolf which Kodi recognized as Alex's closest friend and one of the pack's guards.

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting, but we have a visitor! A gray canine from the woods has found our camp and says he wants to join our pack"

  • "Wolf or dog?" Alex immediately asked.

  • "He's both wolf and dog, sir. And he's from the human town"

Kodi immediately knew who they were talking about. It could be one wolf-dog...


Written By JayMachine

Original here

Requested By Me

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