The Rescuers - In Need Of Rescue

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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On their very first assignment together Miss Bianca and the Janitor Bernard are off to rescue Penny but things don't always go according to plan do they? Miss Bianca and Bernard will be learning this the hard way as some of their more veteran Rescue Agents have experienced themselves... Trouble! What better way to learn than dealing with some trouble? What could be worse for these two than being scared out of their wits by a cat.

"Sufferin Catnip!" Ellie Mae said as she watched the fireworks blasting in the sky. Suddenly one of them silloetted a shape, and she could see something catch fire and begin to fall. "What on Earth..." she exclaimed as she made out an Albatross falling out of the sky. "Luke! Luke, wake up!" She cried.

Waking with a start, Luke tried to jump out of the hammock, triping himself. Landing hard on the porch, Luke barely managed to catch his jug of moonshine.

"Luke! Get down here!" She squeeked, running down the steps into the yard.

Luke took a long draw on his jug, gasping for air as the stuff burned in his throat.

"It's Orville!" Ellie Mae cried.

"Oh, that Orville!" Luke laughed.

"No, Luke! No! He's in trouble! You get down here right now!"

"I'ma comin', I'm comin'!" Luke chuckled as decended the steps while taking another long swig of moonshine.

BOOM! Orville slammed into Luke hard, knocking the mouse off his feet as the great bird skidded to a stop in a puddle.

Luke rolled clear, jug still in hand. "Wowiee!" he laughed. "This new batch really packs a whollop!"

Orville winced as he soaked his burnt tailfeathers in the puddle.

"Look out below!" called Bernard from somewhere above him.

Looking up, Orville saw the umbrella the mice were using to slow their fall give out. Orville stepped out of the way quickly, letting Bernard and Ms. Bianca fall into the puddle under their broken unbrella.

Ms. Bianca groped pitifully from beneath the umbrella, he lovely hat soaked with swamp water.

"Oh!" called Ellie May from the yard. "What a shame! Here, let me help ye' up."

Ms. Bianca reached up and clutched Ellie's paw lightly, rising to her feet as she made her way up out of the puddle.

Bernard rose from under the Umbrella behind her, Luke appearing beside him offering a hand.

"Say cousin, you look like you could use a swig o' this! It's good for what ails ya!" Luke said as he shoved the jug into Bernards mouth.

Bernard swallowed several mouthfuls before he could pull away. The world around him blurred, his mind drifting.

"There! Where you folks from, anyway?" Luke asked.

Bernard struggled to speak through his burning throat. "New York," he croaked quietly.

"Now stand back folks!" Orville called. "Aint gonna hang around this creepy place long... Clear the runway!"

The four mice watched as, Orville ran the length of the yard as he gained speed. He began to hop as he reached the dock, and shortly he was sailing away over the river again.

"Hold it! Someone's coming!" Ellie Mae shushed as Orville sailed out into the fog. Bernard and Ms. Bianca listned carefully, and sure enough a quiet shuffling rose through the swamp weeds behind them.

Peering out, they spotted to fat gators waddling along through the swamp. One carried a little girl by the back of her shirt, the other carried her teddy bear.

"Why did you have to go and spoil everything?" The little girl scolded the brutish gators in annoyance. "Nero! Don't you dare get my teddy bear wet!"

"Oh! It's that poor little youngin'" Ellie Mae said sadly. "She's tryin' to run away again!"

"It's Penny!" Ms. Bianca gasped, "Oh, how terrible!"

The gators laughed at the girl as they waded into the swamp water, carefully keeping the girl and her bear above the surface as they swam off through the mist.

"Hurry! We've got to find out where they're taking her!" said Ms. Bianca, pulling Bernard out by the arm. They rushed through the weeds, nearly running into the murky waters.

Ms. Bianca looked around for a way after the gators. It would take hours to skirt around the water, and trying to swim in the murky slime was out of the question.

"You'll need a boat!" Ellie Mae chuckled. "Evinrude's got the fastest boat around here."

"Where can we find him?" Ms. Bianca asked in relief.

"Well, hold on naw," Luke started, "He doesn't really like outsiders... we might be able to git him to help though. Fer a price."

"Oh, anything!" Ms. Bianca cried, watching the gators carry the girl further into the swamp.

"Anything it'll be," Luke chuckled. He stepped up behind her and reached under her arms, groping her breasts roughly. He kissed her neck, ignoring her surprised squeek.

She elbowed him in the ribs, pushing him back as she turned around.

"You roughian!" she exclaimed in disgust, strightening her scarf.

Luke grunted angrily, taking another swig from his bottle as he eyed her in annoyance. Luke wiped his mouth on his sleave, then back handed Ms. Bianca before she could blink, knocking her into the mud.

"What's the big idea!" Bernard yelled. He rolled up his sleeves as he stormed over to Luke, "That's no way to treat a lady!"

Bernard felt a sharp smack at the back of his head, and spun through the darkness into unconsiousness. Ellie Mae stood over him with her rolling pin.

Bianca struggled to get to her feet, but Luke grabed her hair roughly.

Bianca struggled against his iron grip a moment before Luke gave her gut a powerful kick, knocking the wind out of her and dropping her to her knees. He grabbed her up by the tail as she gasped for air, dropping her bent over a log.

"You... you... get away from me, both of you!" She gasped furiously, pushing herself up from the log. Luke put a heavy foot on her back, pinning her down with a chuckle.

"People get lost out here in the swamp all the time," he said casually. "Nobody gives it a second thought when a body comes floatin' up outta the swamp..."

Ms. Bianca stared up at him for a moment, trying to decide if he was serious. Luke's mean smirk told the whole story. Tears filled her eyes as Ms. Bianca stopped trying to push herself up from the log.

"Hehe, that's a good girl," Luke laughed as he took his willie out and knelt at Ms. Bianca's tail end.

He lifted her tail gently, his already beady eyes narrowing at the dainty pink slit between her legs. Luke brushed the back of his hand against her ladyhood before guiding the tip of himself to her.

Prodding gently, he could feel the heat from he damp interior. Keeping her tail up with one hand, he slowly pressed his man log into her cunt.

Bianca gave a small squeak of protest, but quieted herself. Tears were now running down her face as she forced herself to stay on her knees as the surley mouse began moving in and out.

Bianca squeezed her eyes shut, fighting the tears. If they died here, it would be weeks before they'd send anyone else to rescue Penny. She knew she had to let this happen, to save herself, and that little girl.

Bianca looked over to where Bernard lay, and noticed that Ellie Mae was sitting on a rock beside him with her skirt hitched up to her belly. Her chubby legs were spread wide and Ms. Bianca could see the coarse, matted brown fur around Ellie's vagina.

Ms. Bianca wimpered as she felt Luke's thrusting quicken. He pushed grabbed the back of her hair as he pumped, pressing her lovely face into the mud of the swamp.

He quickened to a fever pace, and Ms. Bianca could felt him tense. She felt his mouse seed pump into her, as she began to sob. Knowing what he'd just done made her feel filthy more than her soaking cap or the mud on her face.

Panting, Luke stood and put his cock back in his trousers. Bianca stayed where she was, burying her face further into the mud as she felt Luke's cum dribbling out onto her fur.

"Git him to Evinrude's," Luke told Ellie Mae. "He'll be needing to go after that girl, and it's best he's not here when he wakes up."

Ellie Mae looked at Luke in annoyance, her fingers still fondling her folds. He glared at her, and after a moment she rose to her feet and grabbed Bernard by the back of his shirt and began dragging him off across the yard.

Ms. Bianca rose weakly to her feet, dazed. She began staggering after Ellie Mae, grateful at least that there really was an Evinrude, and they'd be able to rescue Penny.

Luke grabbed Ms. Bianca roughly by her hair again. "Where do ya think you're going?" He asked as he began dragging her back towards the shack he shared with his wife.

Ms. Bianca protested meakly, but he cast her a sharp glance that shut her up. She realized she was still in trouble as she watched Ellie drag Bernard out of sight through the bushes, but she didn't want to risk enraging the swamp mouse. He was slow, no doubt. But he was strong and quick. She'd need to wait for a chance to out wit him, and this wasn't it.

As Luke drug Ms. Bernard into the house, Ellie found her way to Evinrude's with Bernard in tow. "Evinrude!" she hollered when she reached his dock.

A buzzing started up, and Evinrude rose groggily out of the leaf that served as his boat. He was pleased to see Ellie Mae, but his expression turned cross when he noticed what she was draggin.

"Evinrude, I need you to take this fella to the old steamboat. We'll make it up to ya."

The dragonfly didn't seem to happy about it, but at length agreed. Ellie dragged Bernard's limp frame down the dock and rolled him into the boat. "Thanks, we owe you one," she said as she began walking back towards home.

Evinrude buzzed along for a while before Bernard came to. He sat up, clutching his head for a moment before remembering what had happened. Eyes wide he looked frantically around. "Where's Bianca?" he demanded.

Evinrude rolled his eyes at Bernard, turning his boat sideways to dump Bernard off before lifting it out of the water. Bernard splashed about for a moment before realizing Evinrude had dumped him beside the shore.

Looking up he saw the dragonfly sailing off through the trees. He stood and wrang the water out of his hat before noticing the large steamboat looming out of the fog beside him.

He realized that he'd probably been dumped here because this was where they'd taken the little girl, but Ms. Bianca was in trouble. He looked around this way and that, realizing he may not be able to find his way back to the shack in the swamp if he tried. There was a little girl in trouble here, and whatever was going to happen to Ms. Bianca probably already had

"Well," he said to himself, "I'm already here. I'll see about saving Penny first."

He set about skirting the steamboat, looking for a way in. As he did so, he vowed to himself to be quick. Penny wasn't the only one who needed to be rescued anymore...

Written By Kemeren

Commissioned///Requested By Me :D

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