The Lion King II: The Pack

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#3 of The Lion King II: The Pride and Pack Wars

The Pack

Simba raced across the shavana, his blind fury only pushed him forward, he was deaf to the world, and not even hornbell that flew overhead could get his attention. "Sire!" Zazu called out for what seemed like the millionth time. Simba was running to fast and erratic for Zazu to even think about landing. Simba was a afloat in a sea of red, his rage was unchained him, and he had become a beast from hell. "This will hurt me more then it will hurt you." Zazu muttered under his breath before flying ahead of Simba, extending one wing and lowering another turned Zazu around to face the charging lion hell bent with all the fury he could muster. Zazu ignored what looked like certain death and flew onward. Simba's eyes were vacant, and hollow rage burned within every fiber of his being, Simba had succumb to madness! As Zazu neared ever closer to the lion who was once his proud king, and now nothing, but a mad beast. Zazu began to feel his world slow down. Each beat of his wings pushed him closer to his death, the air felt like water rippling beneath his feathers. His king, the poor fool he was, lost in a sea of pain and rage, his queen, captured. No, Zazu thought, he will not die here, not today no matter what I must sacrifice, and with that final thought, Zazu tucked his wings in, and braced for impact. Simba could feel the images of his queen and pride flash before his eyes, over and over again. Even if he defeated Rajah, he couldn't hope to defeat his army that stood in his path. Simba could feel the red sea start to drown him, the waves came over his head forcing him to choke on the blood red water. "Father, help me!" Simba cried out, before another wave doused him. Simba was barely keeping afloat soon, he would be lost to the world. Simba at the water with all his strength to keep afloat, but it was kicking through mud. "This is .. the end." Simba said with defeat in his voice. Simba looked at his blood red sky one last time, but there was a streak of blue in the red. The blue blur had dropped from the sky, and had dove into the water. Simba had assumed it had

been swallowed in the red sea just as he will be. As he was about to turn his head away, the red sea was becoming torn apart, the blue blur was cutting through the ocean, with such ferocity. It was .. coming right for him! The blur was a whisker length away, Simba's world had slowed down to a snail's crawl. The water droplet's hung in the air, like blue flames sheltered in diamonds. The blue light they reflected seeming to counter the rage that sea had offered. The blur was a bird the likes Simba had never seen, each flap of the wings seemed to take hours. Its wingspan was massive; it's very feathers shone a light blue, like the sky lit ablaze. The eyes were sunken, except blue flames poured from the eyes. The last sound Simba heard was similar to an eagle's screech.

*Thawck* Was the sound the of the little hornbill hitting Simba directly in the nose, luckily for Zazu after hitting Simba head on, he rolled up and over Simba's head. Simba on the other paw was not as lucky. After being abruptly awoken from his dream like trance, Simba tripped upon his own paws. Simba could swear he could feel the ground come up to him, before he saw it. Dirt filled his maw, as he crashed into the ground, and tumbled over and over again. Simba could not stop his momentum. Over and over he felt the earth berate his body with cruel and merciless kicks. *Thump* Simba, felt his body ache from whiskers to tail, he winced open his eyes, to see his world spinning. At least this was his world, and with ever turn that his world seemed to make, it went by slower until it too had come to a stop. Simba tasted the dirt that had enveloped his maw, and tried his best to spit out. A seemingly unquenchable thirst had taken a hold of Simba. He glanced over to his bloody, his fur lay matted in dirt and sweat. It took all the strength he could muster to sit up, his haunches felt as though they were the savanna set ablaze.

Simba was struggling to catch his breath when Zazu came flying up and landed onto his shoulder. "Thank heavens sire, you are alright, I thought I had lost you." Zazu's spoke out in a

jumble of words. "You saved me from myself, didn't you?" Simba's voice was strained and ragged. "I live to serve the kingdom." Zazu replied. "You have my thanks, my friend." Simba said as Zazu turned his beak glowing in pride. "Now back the matter at paw, I must go back to defeat Rajah, maybe if I caught him off guard." Simba's voice trailed off. "That is suicide sire, you cannot hope to even get near him, the numbers in his pack are too great for even you my king! Zazu said. Simba sighed, "You are right, I do not have the strength to defeat him, yet. I must speak with Rafiki. Please Zazu take to the skies and find where Rajah has taken my pride, bolster their spirits, let them know I am coming back, I will save them". "Yes sire, and as for Kiara?" Zazu inquired. "She is in good hands with Timon, and Pumba, now fly!" Simba roared finding his strength returning in his voice.

The cave was a sound of muffled wails and squeals of ecstasy. Rajah was picking his teeth clean with a bone of some foolish underling who had thought he could claim Nala for his own. He stared with boredom at his prey, 22 lionesses in total not including Nala who remained at his side. His pack had been gang rapping Simba's pride non-stop since they had returned. Even the lionesses that had been brought back who had been unconcess had not been spared. Rajah stared at one pairing. The lionesses was being brutally mounted by one of his hyenas his knot was slapping against her vulva over and over. Cum was leaking out of her with every thrust, her maw was a open has a hyena who had just finished pulled out. "Swallow bitch" he commanded, dutifully she did as she was told as she had acquired many more wounds then she had received from the battle. Cum coated her tongue she swallowed, and winced. Her belly looked as she was 2 moons with cubs. A white puddle of cum gathered underneath her maw. The lionesses had lost the amount of times they used her. The lionesses had no time to reflect in her misery as the hyena behind her roughly shove his knot inside her. Stretching her already tender flesh, and continued

to pound away. Another Hyena and lined up in front of her muzzle again, she opened her muzzle again, and felt his dick scrape against her rough tongue. He tasted vile, just has his brothers had, her neck was sore as she continued to bob her head over and over again. The hyena who had knotted her was starting to cum insider her as she worked her tongue around the other hyena's shaft. Splash after splash was pouring inside her, joining the rest of the spooge. The hyena continued to thrust locked into place, pressing her tender cervix, he was longer than the others each thrust hitting harder and harder. She must have stopped licking, because the hyena in front of her grabbed her head with her two paws and started to skull fuck her. His shaft was brutal pushing hard against her throat making her want to wretch, but her throat convulsions only made him fuck her harder. The lioness's throat only milked his shaft harder as she struggled for air, she knew she couldn't bite down upon him. Any disobedience would not punish her, but her fellow lionesses. Her thoughts were interpreted when the hyena behind her pushed through her cervix. Cum flooded into her womb, the lionesses had felt her last inner sanctum being violated. As gush after gush painted her inner walls white, and the hyena was still inside her, continued to pump cum directly into her womb. Her world was going numb, from the lack of oxygen; she could feel the cock deep in her throat starting to convulse. The lioness's gag reflex was well past working, as she felt the molten hot seed pour down her throat. Being violated and filled from both ends was, this was how she was going to die she thought. "Enough, let her breath" Rajah bellowed. The hyena quickly removed his cock from the lionesses's throat and maw. *Gasp* The lionesses was finally able to breath, her throat was coated in cum, she tried to clear her throat by swallowing, but more cum that had pooled in her mouth went down with it. The hyena that had pulled out was cumming onto the lionesses' muzzle. *Plop* the other hyena had also pulled out of her as well, pulling out his knot leaving her pussy gaping and cum spilling onto the already

cum drenched cave floor. The lioness only had a moments respite when another hyena came behind her, and pushed her tail aside, lining his dick up to her tail hole. The shaft glistened with cum, as the hyena had lost track of how many lionesses he had raped. Too many to count, but he was determined to take them all at least once. The hyena wrapped his legs around the lionesses waist feeling her bloated cum filled belly and shoved his shaft inside her with all his might. The lioness gave a pathetic mew of pain as felt hit force his way inside her. His dick had only gone half way inside her, "She is tight he thought, my brothers have not taken her through her back entrance yet". He had her all to himself he thought smugly, and pulled out a quarter of the way, only to shove himself back inside her. The lioness could feel her insides tearing as he continued to push himself deeper inside her. Tears welled in her eyes, her other holes had been violated; she had not thought this too would be put upon her! She was just too tight the hyena thought miserable, he seem to push himself more than a third of the way inside her. An idea struck him faster than lighting. As he pulled out of her, she thought it was over; maybe he had given up and would just violate her pussy like the others had. When he stuck his dick inside her pussy, she felt relief wash over her. He rammed his dick into her, passing deeper than the other hyena had, punching pass her cervix, she reeled in pain. Cum sloshed out of her pussy, as he pulled out his shaft, which was dripping plastered in spooge. Taking up his position again, the hyena set back to his task at hand and thrust into the lionesses. Feeling her passage part in the wake of his increasing pressure upon her tail hole. Every thrust seemed that he would push deeper inside her. The lioness was thankful that he had lubed himself up this time around entering, but to have such a monster inside her was still very painful! The hyena loved the ridges inside her tail hole, gripping his cock with every thrust. His member was larger than his brothers which he prided in using on these lionesses. He loved how each thrust would send his captive writhing in pain. He

could feel his knot starting to form and slapping against her. He wanted to knot her, more than anything. He had tried with the other lionesses, they had put up more of a fight than this one had, he was too scared to even try. This one, had seemed broken in, he thought he would try his luck. She had felt his knot slap against her, she knew her pain was almost over, at least with hyenas they gave clear signs that they were about to finish. This one was no different, his pace was starting to become ragged and staggered from the steady rhythm when he had first started. The hyena had set his mind to the task, slowing his pace down, he pulled farther out of the lioness only to slam into her with a vicious force. His knot pressing hard against her stretched pucker. Each thrust was only becoming harder, as he could feel the flesh starting to give way to his knot. The hyena gripped tighter onto the hyena as he took one more final thrust inside her, his knot slammed into her tail hole, the knot pushed into the lioness and he felt her convulse around him. He could feel his dick being massaged by her inner muscles as her body tried in vain, to reject her rapist and force him out. She was in so much pain as her anus was stretched to a point she thought she would split in two. The knot kept the hyena firmly in place as he pulled against her to see if he could pull himself out. Her flesh held firm in place as she squeezed down, with a almost painful force. His knot was still swelling as he continued to you pound away inside her, reaching farther depths. Her cries only seemed to bring her captor more pleasure as he continued to violate her. He was so close; he could feel his dick start to tighten as he continued his short, but quick strokes inside her. "Almost there," The hyena cooed. Every thrust was agony to the lioness, "where are Simba?", she whimpered in a low tone. The hyena took one more thrust, deep inside her bowls and she felt the flood of semen paint her inner walls an egg shell white. The hyena loved how she gripped him, his shaft felt so hot as he came inside her, spurt after spurt. The lioness clawed at the ground, feeling the pressure build inside her, as his cum was trapped

firmly inside her rectum. The hyena's tongue lolled from his muzzle as he was releasing his last bits of jizz in inside her. "Thanks kitten, that was a good romp", he barked grinning ear to ear. Just as his afterglow was starting to fade, he had a new urge come upon him. He had to go make water, very badly. He dismounted his newfound bitch, and tried to tug himself free, but to no avail. Try as he might, was firmly in place, "Oh well, she can't blame, I did at least try". He mused. The lioness was thankful her ordeal was over, her rump was all kinds of sore she never thought she could have. At least he hyena was dismounted and trying to unknot, as painful as that was when he pulled. This hyena had taken much longer to finish than the others, the other hyenas apparently done watching her ordeal had begun to line up in front of her maw, and continue to maw fuck her. While she worked on the latest hyena dick, tongue scrapping expertly over the shaft, she felt a new sensation start to take place inside her. Hot liquid flooding her rectum, she could it was much thinner than cum, but far more plentiful! She had thought the pressure inside her before was bad, but this was unbearable. The hyena let out a deep sigh as he continued to empty his bladder into whore of a lioness. He could feel the added warmth inside her as the piss mixed with cum, pushing farther inside her. He could feel his member starting to stiffen again, the thought of screwing her while he released himself excited him to no end. As he turned around and mounted her again, thrusting hard as fast. He knew he would not last very long as he fucked her. She knew now! She had thought the pressure inside her before was bad, but this was unbearable. The hyena let out a deep sigh as he continued to empty his bladder into whore of a lioness. He could feel the added warmth inside her as the piss mixed with cum, pushing farther inside her. He could feel his member starting to stiffen again, the thought of screwing her while he released himself excited him to no end. As he turned around and mounted her again, thrusting hard as fast. He knew he would not last very long as he fucked her. Her

muzzle would have dropped open if it had not already been open with the other hyena's cock in her muzzle. "He was a vile little monster as if it wasn't bad enough he had to rape me, but to humiliate me like this... he will pay" She vowed in her head. She would let this little mutt, finish 9up and after he was done he would have a rude awakening. Judging by the way he was thrusting it wouldn't be long she mused feeling the other hyena release inside her mouth. Cum flowing down her throat, nestling into her already belly full of cum. The hyena, who was mounting her, let out a quick rattle of laughter as he came inside her again. It was nowhere near as the volume of the first, but she felt his shaft twitch with every spurt. Her body was becoming adjusted to this unwelcomed intruder. Exhausted the hyena flopped onto the cum soaked ground, not 1caring he lay in a pool of piss and spooge. "I bet your precious king never treated you this nice" the hyena let loose a sea of laughter. Her anger flared inside, but she forced herself to remain calm. Letting the cock slip from her mouth, much to the dismay of the other hyena she padded to the hyena who was still firmly inside her. "Why yes, he never has done that to me puppy" The lioness's voice was sweet as honey as she stroked his muzzle with her paw. "I knew you would come around to my kitt.." the hyena's voice was cut off as the lioness's paw not claws unsheathed slashed the face of the hyena, drawing deep red lines from his eye to his muzzle. Blood welled around the cuts she had left on him. He howled in pain, "You bitch, I'll kill you and eat your heart!" He spat. All the attention was now drawn on the lionesses, fangs bared all around her; they glistened in the light that had come from a small hole in the ceiling in the cave. "This is it, I may not be able to kill them all, but maybe or two" she thought. "Stop!" Rajah's voiced barked out, echoing in the cave, and brought the pack to a dead stop. Rajah the massive hyena stalked over to the lioness. His body was body was as big as a lioness, and he looked down as sniggered at his poor excuse of pack member. "As if you didn't look ugly enough without her help" he

spat. "She attacked me my king, kill her for me." he whimpered. Rajah looked at his down at the hyena and then turned away. Rajah let out a low chilling laugh, "kill her for me he says, why of course .. silly me he is in charge". Rajah and the pack let out a howl of laughter, the echos bouncing off the wall made his army of hundreds, sound like thousands. The noise was deafening, even the marred hyena let out a little chuckle, until. *Thwack* Rajah kicked his hind leg directly into the chest of the hyena. The force was strong enough the lionesses felt the knot rip from her rectum with a terrible force and she cried out in pain. The now free hyena was sent flying into a cave wall. The initial kick had broken a few ribs, but hitting the wall rendered the hyena unconscious and even bloodier. "Now, where were we my dear? Oh right, the matter of you striking my poor subject. Tsk Tsk, now a punishment is in order, but punishing you alone wouldn't be enough. A lesson must be taught, while I had planned to give you and the other lionesses a small respite when the moon arose. So Simba would not find all of his lionesses fucked to death as I defeat him and kill you all in front of him. However, due to some recent events, this however is changed. You and the other lionesses will be fucked, brutal and hard until sunrise." Rajah licked his lips in pleasure. The lionesses looked up at the ceiling; she guessed at how bright the light shone through the whole it was only mid-day. She had thought the eyes of hyenas were intimidating. The other lionesses stared at her, eyes full of contempt. Her own sister's hated her for what she had just done. Each of her sisters were bloody, exhausted and covered in cum and piss alike. Yet she stood ashamed she had just caused her sisters so much trouble. The only eyes that stood sympathetic were that of Nala's, her queen understood her pain. "That is however, unless we pay blood for blood." Rajah spoke his jagged smile sent a shockwave of fear through her spine. "My blood is yours Raja.." She was interrupted when a paw came crashing into her skull sending her into the cave floor. "My King." He spoke his

words harsh. Staggering to her paws the lioness dipped her head, "My blood is yours.. my king." The lioness spoke using all her might to keep scorn from her tone. Another paw hit her again, sending her back to the cave floor, her muzzle pressed hard into the cum puddle as a strong paw forced her head down. "It was already mine, slut." Rajah retorted. "No it shall not be my paw to slay you, but that of one of your willing sisters. Which lioness would care to do the honors hmm?" The lioness eyes were fixed upon her, eyes shone hungry for her blood. She couldn't blame them, she would have stared the same. For an instance no one moved a paw, the cave was silent. The lioness could hear her own heartbeat thumping against the cave floor. *Tink* was the sound of an extended claw against the rock. All eyes moved from the lioness the sound, it was Nala. Her eyes were fixed on her pride, and glanced momentarily at the lioness who was pinned underneath a massive paw. Nala's eyes were cold defiance, and yet shone warmth and encouragement as she did a slow blink. The hyenas not being felines had only momentarily glanced at the noise and turned to face what was soon to be their next meal. But for the pride they knew Nala had forgiven their sister's transgression. "No takers then? Rajah stared at the pride, but not one stirred. Fine, you had your chance. Go back to having fun my pack, and as for this one, Rajah put additional effort in pushing the lionesses head down. See that for every lion you rape, you rape her twice. She is not to have a moment's respite even when the sun rises." Rajah released his paw and lowered his massive head to her ear, "death would have been much less painful for you". He glanced at her body; her head was now soaked in cum. Both her orifices oozed cum and piss and belly swollen was swollen with cum. "I wonder if you will choke to death on the cum first, or your belly will burst from it." Rajah thought a smile returning to his face.

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