Shampoo and Showers

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 5

Merjuh University for higher learning

20th of September, 5:34 AM


Shaun woke up and groaned loudly; his body (especially his nethers) ached with pain and he could have sworn that his tailhole had an unnatural pulse. As his senses started to return to him, he remembered that he was currently lying in his dorm and that today marked the start of fresher's week. The ceiling came into view, he felt his soft pillow that was nestled behind his head and he could smell his own musk. It was a heady and overpowering smell, even to it's producer. Then again, there was cum covering his chest and abdomen.

He gave another groan, much louder this time. At first he thought that it was because of the dildo that he assumed was lodged in his tailhole still, but then he felt that there was nothing foreign inside of his tailhole. He looked down to see that the dildo was indeed missing. In panic he rolled over to search the floor, he needed to find it; not because it belonged to somefur else, but because he had no idea how he would explain it to Luke.

He thought about how Luke would react if he ever found out. Would the wolf fly into rage? Would he laugh it off and say _'I knew that you were gay!'? _Would he simply ask Shaun to fund or buy a replacement? He doubted that Luke would be forgiving. It was disgusting that he'd even thought about using somefur else's dildo, but losing it after sleeping with it in was a new level of fucked up. Shaun tossed himself onto the other side of his body to see if it had fallen out and gone to the left. That was when he spotted the sleek, black and white fox that lay next to him.

The marble fox flaunted his body with pride, he had his arms resting on the frame of the bed and his legs open wide. Jiyeon was clearly conscious and very amused by Shaun's flails. His hips were hugged tightly by boxers that he'd carefully chosen out; he'd wanted something that wouldn't be revealing, so that Shaun wouldn't be too offended by the presence of a near naked male. On the other hand, he'd chosen the boxers because he could easily slide them off should the moment call for it. He'd also stuffed a few other important items under the bed sheets in case Shaun asked for some 'enlightenment.' Although, it didn't look as if Shaun was about to ask Jiyeon to undress.

He screamed like a howler monkey, only the pitch was up a few octaves. Rolling over a second time Shaun almost fell out of bed, but fortunately Jiyeon had anticipated such a reaction and had moved to put an arm around Shaun. In addition he used his spare forepaw to cover Shaun's mouth. Shaun lashed out, he felt violated, afraid. His attacks hardly did any damage, but Jiyeon had the courtesy to act as if Shaun had hurt him. He 'flinched' and moved backwards into the corner of the bed in order to let Shaun scream at him.

"Why the fuck are you in my bed, faggot?!" Shaun hissed in a quiet voice, he'd already remembered that he was in a varsity dorm. Jiyeon felt tempted to say something along the lines of, 'Says the cat who used somefur else's dildo?' or 'Coming from the fur who had gay porn open on his laptop?' But again, Jiyeon showed restraint and didn't say anything spiteful. "Calm down, please. I only want to talk to you.'

"Who the fuck says 'calm down' to somefur who's just caught a fucking uninvited fag lying in their bed!" "Says Corbin. Says you. Says me." Jiyeon listed. "And if you keep on swearing, says the Dean." "What would he know?" Shaun half-growled, he didn't want to get the Dean involved in anything that was going on. "Who, the dean? Believe it or not, but that man knows an awful lot about we students. I mean, he dug out my background like a mole." Jiyeon's face twisted into a smile. "I'm talking about Corbin, you cum wearing fag!" Shaun spat, hoping to foment violence.

Jiyeon suddenly burst out into laughter after seeing Shaun's torso. The vulpine pursed his lips in an attempt to stop his giggles, he didn't want to give anything away until Shaun had at least put his forepaws on his torso. Catching his eyes, Shaun looked down to see that he was naked and was lying on top of the covers; dry flakes and clumps of cum covered his fur like acne. How ironic.

With a screech of terror and disgust, he pulled the covers over himself in a sudden panic to hide away the cum that had now dried on his fur. "Oh please!" Jiyeon cried. "I see cum everyday, hell, I've already given Luke a blowjob this morning. So stop acting as if I'm going to be disgusted by the sight of you having a bit of it on your body. I couldn't care less to be honest." Shaun's face turned a bright shade of red, he hadn't respected such an open response. "And if you must know, I too have a bit of it in my fur. Luke isn't the best at aiming." He snickered. Shaun was taken back, he poked his head out from under the covers to get a better look at Jiyeon. "Do you really?" He asked, glad that he wasn't the only fur who had cum in their fur.

"Yeah. I rubbed it in, so you won't be able to see it easily. As for the Corbin thing, I know, I was joking with you. He was worried about you and he said that you wanted to speak to me last night, but he pissed you off, so you locked yourself in here. Care to say what it was that made you want to speak with a 'fag' like me?" Jiyeon asked, crossing his arms and giving Shaun a sassy look. "Sorry for calling you that." Shaun apologized with even more of a blush. "I just wanted to speak with somefur. You were the first who came to mind." "Well at least we have something to speak about now!" Jiyeon gave out a guffaw that seemed as if it had been taken from a movie and pasted over Jiyeon's normal laugh. "I don't want to speak about it." Was Shaun's first and only response.

"Okay then, we won't. Unless of course you want me to go and speak to Luke about you using his dildo." Jiyeon "No, don't! I'll do anything!" Shaun begged. If he had been standing up, he would have dropped to his knees and would have started kissing Jiyeon's paws. Jiyeon giggled at Shaun's groveling, "Don't worry Shaun. I've cleaned it off and I've hidden it from sight. Next time use a condom on it, otherwise you might catch something." Shaun choked in surprise. He hadn't thought about that.

His mind ran crazy thinking about what he could have gotten into and why Jiyeon had brought up the subject of infections. Did Luke have an infection? Had, by using Luke's dildo, Shaun caught it? Was it killer? Would he bleed? Would it render him infertile? Were mushrooms going to sprout out of tailhole in an almost amusing way? Shaun chewed on his claws in panic. He didn't know what to do, why would he? He couldn't exactly go and speak to somefur about it; it would out him in an instant. Would he have to spend the rest of his life taking pills every hour?

His frenzy was broken by another one of Jiyeon's noisy giggles. "Don't panic kitty! Luke hasn't got anything, so you couldn't have caught something." "Oh. Thanks for telling me." Shaun smiled in relief, although he was slightly annoyed by the fact that Jiyeon had called him kitty. "Will you tell Luke?" Shaun bleated suddenly. "God no! I won't tell Luke about this. But in return... I want you to speak to about this. Now." Shaun remained quiet at first, but soon agreed. "What do you want to know?" He said stoically after gulping down at least a liter of fear.

"Why did you use Luke's dildo? I mean apart from that fact that it's a good feeling." '_Might as well tell the truth' S_haun thought. "I had a nightmare, a bad one. I was trying to calm myself down. So I thought, that I should... masturbate." "Fair enough, but I thought that you were completely straight. So what's with the dildo?" Shaun balked for a moment, was it necessary to come clean completely? He saw reasons not to speak, but Jiyeon had so far been kind. Shaun exhaled, mentally preparing himself for what he considered to be his 'coming out' moment.

"I got a bit.... excited when I saw...You and Luke. Yesterday. And... and I just thought.." Shaun paused to consider what he was about to say "I just... I just wasn't getting anything from normal porn. So I just decided to-to..." Shaun started mumbling until Jiyeon cut him off. "It sounds like you're about to cry." He pointed out. "So you used Luke's dildo because you weren't enjoying gay porn as much as you thought you would? And I'm assuming that you loved it, so you slept with the dildo still in." "Yeah..." Shaun admitted with shame.

"Cheer up Shaun. No fur knows about this apart from me and you as well, so you don't need to worry about it getting out. A word of advice though, don't sleep with a toy still in. Butt plugs, maybe, but dildos? Don't risk it." Over the course of their conversation, the two had gotten closer to one another. Shaun was resting on the inside of Jiyeon's arm, laying on his chest to keep his face covered. "Right." Shaun mumbled. "Do you want to have this talk later? You're starting to smell a bit musky. Why don't you have a shower?" "But if I go out, the others will see me like this."

"No they won't. It's 5 in the morning, no fur else will be up and about just yet." "What if it drips?" Shaun worried. "We wrap a towel around you. I'll get the shampoo, the combs, the towels and the clothes. You worry about the evidence." "What about the bed sheets?" "I'll swap them out and then wash them before the mingling starts."

"As for the porn on your computer: I deleted your history and then saved the video onto your computer. You know, in case you wanted to watch it over a few more times." Jiyeon smirked, knowing that Shaun wouldn't be happy about having gay porn on his laptop. Jiyeon was completely wrong. "Thanks." Shaun smiled truthfully with another rosy blush as he got out of bed.

"Do you know where the showers are?" Jiyeon asked as he shuffled out of Shaun's bed. He gave himself a relaxing stretch, before answering for Shaun. "Third floor. On the door that says, 'Showers' and has a shower head on its sign." "I could have figured that out." Shaun scowled. Shaun wrapped a towel around his body, covering everything from his nipples to his thighs. "Am I covered?" Shaun was referring to the cum, not his genitals or tailhole. "Yeah. If you keep it there, no fur will notice. You go on up, I'll bring shampoo in a minute." Jiyeon announced as he began to strip down Shaun's bed.

Every last movement was efficient and no time was wasted. Jiyeon had managed to pull off the bed sheets before Shaun had left. It took Jiyeon three minutes to get everything off of the bed. Then he bundled them all up into a basket, grabbed the key (since Shaun had forgotten to get it), and moved towards the laundromat.

Shaun however, ran to the shower block in an attempt to remain hidden from the rest of his dorm members. He pattered across the tiles quickly not even taking in the color of them or the pristine state that they were in. He flung himself into the first cubicle, pulled the shower curtains shut and turned on the water. It was ice cold. The sensation of it as it drenched his fur made him yowl as if something had been thrust into his tailhole dry, but fortunately the incessant raining noise muffled his cries. Thanks to the good plumbing in the showers, the water turned warm in a matter of minutes.

The feline sluiced himself, getting himself a little cleaner before Jiyeon arrived. Jiyeon's words were still fresh in his mind, his kindness scared him slightly. He had expected Jiyeon to take photos of him, to add more cum to his chest and too embarrass him further by spreading said photos around the university. Yet all Jiyeon had done was clean up the mess without violating him. Then he'd bothered to waste more of his morning by staying with him, how long had Jiyeon been in his bed?

Shaun's thoughts were interrupted by Jiyeon himself. The fox threw open the shower curtains and barged in, completely naked with his sheath and balls hanging out. Shaun screamed like a girl, threw up his forepaws to cover his face and crimped his legs. Jiyeon howled with laughter and continued to approach the terrified cat, who had pushed himself against the wall in an attempt to hide more of his body. "GET BACK"! Shaun ordered, Jiyeon didn't obey. Instead he dropped the various shampoos he had brought with him into a steel rack before turning to face Shaun. "Oh stop being a pussy cat." Jiyeon winked. "Turn around and let me clean you off properly, unless you want me to start with your back."

"I can wash myself!" Shaun complained. "I'm not a kit!" He continued to cover himself up, but had at least started to face Jiyeon. "I know, but I've got more experience in washing cum out of fur. I'm assuming that you've never been in this position." "No I haven't. Normally I'm smart enough to do it into a toilet." Shaun hissed. "Sorry. I'm just a bit.... afraid." He admitted after noticing his unnecessary hostility. "It's alright. I really am pushing a lot onto you, no fur has ever showered with me before."

Jiyeon poured shampoo into his forepaws and rubbed them together. Shaun (seeing that he wasn't being given a choice) spread his body out to awkwardly stand close to the corner. Like a predator moving in for the kill, Jiyeon stalked closer to Shaun before pouncing on him forepaws first. The vulpine accidentally pushed Shaun into the corner during the thorough scrubbing. He worked the shampoo into Shaun's fur properly and didn't leave a single fur untouched. Soon Shaun's entire torso was a mess of saccharine smelling fur.

"Do you need to be this aggressive?" Shaun asked, half terrified and half surprised by what Jiyeon was doing. His canine tongue hung out and his nose was wrinkled up, what was disgusting him? Shaun assumed that Jiyeon would have at least liked the smell of cum, then Shaun managed to smell the shampoo. He looked over at the bottle, 'Rosemary and mint'. That explained the sweet yet disgusting scent that filled the shower block. "Sorry about the shampoo." Jiyeon apologized, "This crap is good at getting dried cum out of fur, so I keep a few bottles around."

"And yes I do need to be this 'aggressive.' If I don't scrub you properly I'll leave behind bits." Jiyeon added. "Your claws?!" Shaun blurted out when Jiyeon's claws started to get close to his nethers. "Sheathed for now, but if you keep on whining I'll get them out and shred your balls open." Jiyeon had finally reached Shaun's sacred sack and sheath, but didn't give two craps about touching them. He cleaned them in the same way he had cleaned the rest of the feline's body. What came next was even more of a shock to Shaun.

Jiyeon moved back, gave his forepaws a coating of the sickly shampoo and ordered. "Bend over Shaun. Tailhole facing me please." The way he said it was as if he did it every day, as if asking somefur to bend over was normal. "What the fuck!" Shaun cried. Believe it or not, he didn't bend over. He did however, cover his body up once again and retreat further into the corner.

"For fucks sake Shaun! If you think that I want to stick my dick in you, you're wrong. Yes I am going to put my fingers in you, so that I clean your tailhole. I have no intention on getting anything out of this, so if you keep on acting like a kit you can do this yourself." "Yeah right." Shaun mumbled, still disturbed by the concept of presenting his backside to a gay fur. "Being gay, a male and a vulpine does not make me want to fuck your tailhole. Stop thinking of me as somefur who craves sex, I don't. Now hurry up before somefur comes into the showers and sees this."

Shaun, terrified by the thought of being found out, finally bent over. He faced the corner of the shower with his forepaws keeping him upright. "Can you make this quick?" Shaun asked. "I don't want somefur to find us." "Neither do I." Jiyeon said as he started scrubbing at Shaun's tailhole and his taint. The cat did his best to muffle his groans, he didn't want to give the impression that he was enjoying the experience.

"Why do you even need to do this?" Shaun asked in embarrassment. He looked over his shoulder to see Jiyeon working away. The tip of the fox's cock was pointing out of his swollen sheath, unlike Shaun's which was fully erect, but apart from that the vulpine showed no signs of pleasure. "ARE YOU ENJOYING THIS?!" Shaun shouted, disgusted that Jiyeon was slightly aroused. "There's a naked cat in front of me and I'm rubbing his nethers. Yes I am enjoying this, but I'm not going to nut over this." Jiyeon said with a smirk, "But if I hotdog your ass..." "Fuck off." Shaun suddenly cussed, he had no idea what Jiyeon was talking about, but anything concerning his ass and another male was a no-no. "Just get this over and done with."

"Fine... I think I've scrubbed you enough now." That was all the warning Shaun got. Jiyeon slipped his fingers inside of Shaun. The cat yowled, his tail shoot up and his ears pinned back. "FUCKFUCKSHIT!" He screamed, evidently pained by Jiyeon's intrusion. Jiyeon didn't waste a second even with Shaun's endless bickering. He immediately started scrubbing away at the cat's walls going as deep as he could in order to get him properly clean. He pulled his fingers out only a minute after putting them in. Jiyeon rinsed down his fingers and took the shower wand in his forepaw.

He pushed Shaun back over before the cat could straighten himself and pressed the nozzle against the cat's tailhole to rinse him out. Shaun was still stunned by being fingered, so the surprise of having cold metal and warm water pushed against his body made him jump. "Jiyeon!" He shouted, coming close to turning around and slamming his fist onto Jiyeon's muzzle. If not for the fact that it would be labelled as assault and that he was in a university where he would be expelled for the act, Shaun would have tried to pound Jiyeon into a bloody pulp (not that he would have succeeded.)

"Scrub yourself if you want to get it all out." Jiyeon directed. "I won't ask you to open your tailhole for me, but you might also want to do that." Shaun started running his forepaws across his taint and the other areas that had been infected by the odious rosemary and mint shampoo. "You're liking this aren't you?" Shaun scowled. "Well, I was enjoying touching you, but this..." A giggle from the fox. "I'm loving this. What about you?" "I hate it and if we get caught, I'm going to kill you." "You can try, but be warned: this fox has claws." Jiyeon winked. "Are you going to open up those lovely cheeks or not?" The vulpine was tempted to give Shaun's rump a playful slap, but he knew that Shaun would throw a fit.

Although he was furious, disgusted and felt violated on so many levels, Shaun reached back with his forepaws and slightly pushed apart his glutes simply because he didn't want to give Jiyeon a reason to run off and spread the word that he'd managed to turn, finger fuck and shower with a straight cat in less than 24 hours. Jiyeon took a moment to enjoy the sight, but thankfully gave Shaun's tailhole a quick spray to wash out the suds that were inside of it. Shaun gave a slight hiss, but was glad that Jiyeon didn't own the forepaws that were opening him up.

"Why do you need to do this?" Shaun whined, he knew that there must be some kind of law against Jiyeon's actions. "You happened to use Luke's extra thick, extra silky, extra scented lube. The thing that the bottle forgot to mention is that it tends to flake up. It'll eventually irritate you and if somefur goes sniffing around your tailhole, they'll smell it." "Ohh... Thanks, I guess."

Jiyeon stepped away from Shaun and turned off the shower. He handed the shower wand to Shaun who eagerly took it because he no longer had to present his body to a gay fox. "Want me to help wash all of your body?" Jiyeon asked, it was clear that he wanted to help. "No!" Shaun hissed. "If you're done, get out!" Shaun hissed. Jiyeon's ears dropped. "I'll be waiting outside. Do you want to use my shampoo? It's just on the rack..." He pointed to the four bottles he'd brought with him.

"All of your shampoos are gay." Shaun scowled, he picked one out of the rack and read the label aloud before Jiyeon had time to protest. "Cherry blossom? Gay!" He threw the bottle at Jiyeon, who managed to catch it with ease. Shaun moved onto the next, "Green apple? Gay! Passion fruit and mango? Gay! Green tea? Gay! Ocean sunrise?" Shaun scoffed and held back a laugh. "Gayer than babycham." Each bottle had been thrown at Jiyeon, all of them hit him. 'Green apple' had hit his chest before falling to the floor, 'Passion fruit and mango' had collided with his shoulder and followed after 'Green apple', 'Green tea' had hit his abdomen causing him to double over and ocean sunrise had hit him square on the muzzle. It was as if he wasn't even trying to catch them.

"See this stuff?" Shaun picked up his own shampoo bottle, it read 'war.' "This is manly." He put it back on the rack after he shoved it in front of Jiyeon's eyes. Trying to ignore Shaun, Jiyeon got down on his knees and started bundling them all up into his arms, in truth he was just trying to hide his tears. "Can you help me pick these up?" Shaun didn't notice the break in Jiyeon's voice. "Fuck off!" Shaun spat, literally. The saliva hit Jiyeon's neck causing him to shudder, he didn't wipe it off. "Get out!" He turned the shower onto full cold and sprayed it at Jiyeon. The fox hissed, put up his arms to defend himself and fell backwards.

The shampoo bottles scattered onto the shower floor. "STOP! STOP!" Jiyeon demanded as he writhed around. Shaun stopped the shower water because he was worried that somefur would come running to find him with the naked fox. "Why did you do that?!" Jiyeon sniffled, Shaun pretended not to notice. "You're not leaving. You just fucking raped me and now you're trying to watch me shower! Get out, fag!" Shaun ordered. He was tempted to let loose on the fox, to kick him into utter submission. Instead he just let Jiyeon helplessly crawl out of the shower leaving his bottles behind.

Jiyeon sat outside of the shower curtains for a few minutes, trying to contain his tears. He listened to Shaun showering, the cat had started to whistle to himself as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't assaulted Jiyeon as a way to repay the fox's ministration. Shaun caught sight of Jiyeon's tail sitting limply under the shower curtain. He sighed and started to pick up the bottles and placed them on the rack one by one. "Jiyeon?" The fox jumped out of his fur and almost whimpered. "Why aren't you drying yourself?" "I'm sorry I'll get going..." He said quickly, he hadn't listened to Shaun. The fox jumped up and grabbed one of the two towels he had brought with him, he started to run it through his wet fur.

"No, don't." Shaun said. "You can stay, I don't own the showers. Besides, we still need to talk don't we?" "Err.. Yeah, I guess." Jiyeon was relieved that he wasn't being thrown out for the second time by Shaun. "Can we have a bit of a talk here? And then one in my room?" Shaun requested as he started to wash his fur with his own shampoo. "Sure. What about?" Jiyeon asked. He perched himself on a wooden bench as he started to dry his legs. "Why... I... why I..." Shaun swallowed nothing. "Why..." It was hard to tell what was dripping down his forehead, shower water or sweat.

"Fuck it. I'll tell you later. Do you want me to wash your face for you?" Shaun knew that he was going to regret staying silent. "Why?" Jiyeon asked, it wasn't every day that somefur asked to wash him. "You said that you have Luke's cum in your fur." "I do, but why do you want to wash me?" "Because I owe you. And I hurt you without a reason..." "At least you're confessing." Jiyeon smiled and got back into Shaun's shower cubicle.

He was welcomed by the sight of Shaun's fluffy back and his tail that had curved into the shape of a question mark. Beneath the base Jiyeon could just see Shaun's pucker; it looked red, irritated by the previous aggression. "What shampoo do you want me to use?" Shaun was in the process of washing shampoo out of his fur. "Ocean sunrise." Shaun got down on his knees and managed to find the bottle quickly, then he squeezed the viscous liquid into his forepaw, dropped the bottle and rose back up to his feet.

"Close your eyes." He told Jiyeon as he rubbed the gel onto his fingers. "I don't want it getting in." Jiyeon did as he was told and did his best to relax. Shaun started to rub the shampoo into Jiyeon's face furs, starting with his temple. "Where about did he get?" "My muzzle. Between my eyes. Err... my forehead. Maybe my ears." "Did he get it in your eyes? Or on your eyes lids?" Shaun questioned. "No. He didn't. Why do you care about that?"

"Because it's cruel. It hurts like shit and if he did that you should break up with him." "One, I like it rough and kinky. Two, I'm not dating Luke or anyfur for that matter. Three, how do you know that?" "Just don't get yourself hurt..." Shaun replied, he'd heard what Jiyeon had asked, but wasn't comfortable when it came to answering. By now Shaun had managed to rub shampoo all over Jiyeon's face.

"You said that you'd gotten most of it off didn't you?" "Yeah." "Good, I won't need to leave this for too long." Shaun moved away to fetch the shower wand before returning. He quickly adjusted the pressure and temperature to a point where it wouldn't cause stress for Jiyeon.

"Ready for the water? Tip your head forwards please, muzzle towards the ground." Jiyeon obeyed for a second time, in doing so he almost fell onto Shaun. The cat stuck his forepaw out before Jiyeon could topple and thus prevented any unwanted situations. As soon as contact was made, Jiyeon started blushing, but it faded when the warm water hit his fast. It wasn't a blast or a dribble, but somewhere in between. The water leaked out and took the suds with it. Along with the help of Shaun's forepaw (Jiyeon was disappointed when he moved it) Jiyeon's face was clean before he knew it.

"Did he get you anywhere else?" Shaun asked, already getting the shampoo ready again. "No. I've told you, I love kinky and bukkake is something under that list." Maybe it was pushing it, but Jiyeon stepped forwards and wrapped his arms around Shaun's shoulders as a thank you. The feline didn't acted shocked or bothered in anyway. "O.K, just play it safe and try not to break your body." Shaun advised. "Since when can you talk about playing it safe? You used a seven inch dildo..."

"It was a seven?!" Shaun hissed in surprise. "I thought that it was four inches." Jiyeon started laughing, "No! Do you want me to get your something around that size?" "Err... No thanks. I don't think that I'm going to put anything in my butt for a while thank you very much." "Are you sure? There are a few guys that I know who happen to be gentle with nice, but not painful sized dicks. There's a horse, a dog, a lion..." "No thanks, I said." Shaun smiled once more. "I don't think that I want my gay virginity to be taken by a stranger." Shaun hugged Jiyeon back, feeling that now was probably the time to return the favor. Was he suggesting something? Jiyeon thought.

Immediately, Jiyeon got the urge to kiss or lick Shaun's neck. That was his signal to pull the brakes. He dispersed himself from the hug with a struggle, if he was enjoying it, Shaun must have been getting a good kick out of it. Surely enough, Jiyeon had a firm erection as did Shaun. The two blushed. Jiyeon stepped backwards slightly, he didn't want a relationship to spark between him and one of his 'projects.' "Right.. I best be off." Jiyeon said as he stepped out of the shower and started to dry himself once more. "Why did I like that?"

"Like what?" Jiyeon was intrigued. "What happened a few minutes ago." "Throwing the bottles at me?" _'Making me cry...' "_Simple, you're a sadist." Jiyeon thought, though maybe it wasn't the time to express his own frustrations. "No, not that. Sorry for that by the way... I want to know why.. why I liked you. You know. Fingering me. And the dildo..." "Anatomy! Nature! Something that can't be helped!" Jiyeon cried out with an almost evil smile. "You can't help it, blame your prostate. I'm assuming that you don't know that it's super sensitive in a good way. The dildo and my finger probably stroked it a few times which would have set off a few nice vibrations for you. Pleasure equals erection. That's all." Jiyeon's speech seemed rushed, but rehearsed.

"Right..." Shaun sounded relieved. "But... I liked it when you were touching me up and... and I... I liked the porn." Shaun admitted. Now Jiyeon was smiling like a maniac. "This is just a theory, but maybe it's because your mind is occupied. You said that you were getting nightmares, right?" "Err. Yeah." "So you must be bothered by something, which is occupying your mind. Think of it like the immune system, if you get a disease and another one comes along, what can it do? It can fight them both, but not at full power and if it ignores one the other will get through. If something comes along to help it, it'll take it and anything else. So why would the mind be different? You were bothered by something, I offered something that could be positive and your mind stopped resisting it. Then you started to get aroused, so you got a boner. I doubt that the mind would completely turn something down that's positive when it's fallen on bad times. Like in pris-" Jiyeon suddenly balked.

"Are you alright?" Shaun asked, worried that something had happened. "Yeah. I'm fine." Jiyeon spoke, but didn't finish his last sentence. "So yeah." He ended it. "Okay then. That sort of makes sense..." Shaun was starting to get suspicious. "So I'm not gay?" "No not really. If you love a guy, that makes you at least bisexual or pan, but you don't love me or Luke do you?" "No!" Shaun spat in disgust. "And you haven't had sex with a male, you've seen it and I've touched you, but that's it. So for now, I won't call you gay. When whatever is bothering you blows over. Then you should experiment, if you want to. That way you'll get some accurate results." Jiyeon had started to make it up on the spot, so he was glad that his philosophy was no longer being tested.

The fox got off of the bench and went to the locker he was using. He pulled out his own clothes for the day. He'd chosen a second pair of tight boxers that also showed off the voluptuous, feminine curves he'd been gifted with. "Jiyeon, can I use your shampoo?" Shaun asked with a blush. "Of course." Jiyeon smiled. "But aren't they too 'gay' for you?" He smirked. "I was just being a dick." Shaun admitted. "Besides, I'm not entirely straight myself am I?" He chuckled. "I've told you! Don't label yourself yet." "Okay. Okay."

Jiyeon slipped on a pair of denim short shorts along with a flannel top that had cherry red and indigo blue squares all over it. He stretched himself out and looked in the mirror, he looked attractive. "Which one are you using?" Jiyeon asked. "Ocean sunrise..." Shaun said in shame. Jiyeon was the one who had to stifle a laugh this time. "Need me to get you some babycham?" He laughed. "Hey! This shampoo smells nice and I want to smell decent for once." "Spoken like a true gay." The two laughed together.

A few minutes later, Shaun stepped out of the shower. His fur was soaked and a shade darker thanks to the water. He'd fluffed up and the tuft of hair that sat between his head had flattened down to become a little fringe. "Here." Shaun smiled, he gave Jiyeon all of the shampoo bottles. Jiyeon dropped all of them, but one, into his bag. "Keep this." Jiyeon demanded. He gave Shaun the 'ocean sunrise' bottle, "You might start needing to smell nice." Jiyeon smiled.

Jiyeon passed him a towel in return and escorted him to the closest bench. Shaun started to dry down his chest whilst Jiyeon started on his back. "Thanks." Shaun smiled, "These towels are soft." He commented. "My own selection." Jiyeon was tempted to kiss Shaun's neck, but he knew that the cat would reject it. With both of their ministrations, Shaun was soon dry. Shaun slipped his white briefs on without Jiyeon's help, but didn't protest when the marble foxed helped him to get his black tank top on. Then he got his skinny jeans on and looked down at his paws. "Socks, shoes?" He asked. Jiyeon lifted up his paw and waved it at Shaun, "Who needs them?" He smiled.

"Should we go back to your room or mine?" "Your room. Luke is going to be at try outs for most of the day, so we have the room to ourselves. Not that we're going to be doing anything other than talking." Jiyeon said, Shaun had a look of disappointment in his eyes. The two moved out of the showers quickly, they didn't want to be caught starring at each other.

When they got back to Shaun's room, Shaun locked the door as Jiyeon settled down on Shaun's bed. He stretched himself out yawning, the sheets had been replaced. "Let's not waste any time." Jiyeon smiled, patting the bed. The feline sat down where Jiyeon had patted, he was almost certain that Jiyeon was asking for sex. Shaun snuggled up to Jiyeon without either of them noticing or caring, Jiyeon placed a forepaw on Shaun's leg and started to rub him slowly in a reassuring way.

Jiyeon rolled over onto his side and slipped as arm behind Shaun's neck to support him. Jiyeon's muzzle was dangerously close to Shaun's neck, but the cat couldn't care less. He tried not to let Jiyeon in on his arousal.

"Do you want to tell me what's been bothering you recently? I don't like to see depression. Even if you are a jerk sometimes." Jiyeon said, instantly killing Shaun's boner. Shaun ignored Jiyeon's question. "Are we friends?" Shaun questioned. "Close friends I'd say. I mean, I've fingered you and how many furs have put their finger in your butt?" "Only you." Shaun smiled, "I think that number might start growing soon." "I'll be glad to help you find a few candidates."

Jiyeon moved his forepaw onto Shaun's thigh and pulled the feline in closer. Looming over him he said, "Go on then. Tell me what's wrong, stop trying to put it off." "Dam, you caught on!" Shaun laughed. "Shaun!" Jiyeon said sharply with the same voice that had stopped Luke from strangling the life out of Shaun. It had the same hypnotic effect on Shaun. "It's private really..." "I'd be surprised if it wasn't. Besides, you can trust me." Jiyeon began to rub the cat's arm as he leaned in further, now he was breathing onto Shaun's forehead.

"I... I got a girl pregnant." Shaun admitted as eyes started to become sad. "Oh." Jiyeon simply said. "That's not too bad to be honest. Look if you're worried about your studies we can go and speak to the Dean of students." Jiyeon suggested. "No. He'll only throw me out for it." Shaun whined softly as he rolled over to put his arms around Jiyeon's waist. "He won't he's a reasonable man and he knows that we all make mistakes." Jiyeon was starting to speak from experience. "He'll offer support; he'll let you take days off if you need to." "I doubt it..."

"You should at least go to the head guidance counselor. I get the feeling that she'll be getting involved even if you don't want her to." "But that'll just kick everything off..." "It won't. At least, not for a few months. She has to tell the Dean in it starts getting in the way of studies or if it's related to another student, but if it isn't no fur else will know. The police won't even have to know and I promise, she'll drop kick any journalism students who try to put it in the varsity newspaper." Jiyeon smiled cordially. "Seriously." "Still it's... not that.... it wasn't supposed to happen."

"So the condom broke?" Shaun you're not to blame." "It is, I bought a defective one. I brought it with me and I put it on. Besides it shouldn't have mattered!" "Do you know who sold it to you? You might be able to sue them for selling defectives condoms." Jiyeon mentioned. "Yeah I know them. They were my friend, I'd just started to like them and they stabbed me in the back with this." "A name Shaun. If they go to the university we can go to the Dean, he'll want to hear about something like this." Shaun sighed, did he really want to rat out he's gay ex-best friend?

"Erik. Erik Daton." Shaun said. Jiyeon looked surprised. "I'm guessing that you know him." Shaun commented when he saw Jiyeon's expression. "Yes I do. He goes to this uni, but don't worry about defaming him, he deserves it." "How do you know him?" Shaun asked. "before he came here we had a brief... fling. We started dating, I wanted us to marry eventually, but about a week after we started seeing each other, he went off and slept with a few other guys. I guess that I was jealous, so I broke it off." Jiyeon admitted. "And I'm also going to guess that you're undeniable homophobia is because of him." "How did you..." "Like I said, I know him. Oh and we've sucked each others dicks, so y'know!" "Aren't you going to say something philosophical? Like, 'you can't judge every fur in a group based on somefur else's actions.'" "This isn't the time. That and we're cuddling right now." "Oh shit." Shaun went to move away, but Jiyeon squeezed his arm. "Don't move, Shaun. I like this and I'm not letting you end it now." Jiyeon demanded. Shaun happily reclaimed his position and added a 'Thank you.'

"You said that it shouldn't have mattered, why's that? Was she not in heat?" "She was, but... she... she was a mare, is a mare and somehow she's carrying my child, our child. It's just not natural." Shaun was starting to rant. "A cat-horse hybrid, conceived naturally, the child hasn't died yet, she's not perfectly healthy, but the doctors are saying that she has a high chance of making it through the birth. At least, that's how it was before I broke up with her. She started drinking... and smoking crap. I mean, I went over to her house and found weed. I think... I think my child might die." Shaun's voice broke and Jiyeon took his cue to press his muzzle against Shaun's neck.

The feline rested his chin on Jiyeon's shoulder, he started to sniffle and whimper like a kit. "We should really take this to the guidance counselor... Or maybe the police." "No! What can they do?!" Shaun shouted, "She's due on Tuesday.." He started to go quiet and his skin beneath his fur turned pale. "Oh my..." "Exactly? What am I supposed to do? She's told me everything, but I can't do shit."

"What has she told you?" "She said that she was giving birth at.... at Westbranch maternity hospital. That she's going to give her up straight after... she doesn't even want to hold her when he's born. She doesn't wan anything to do with her. I know that it's been tough and that we can't raise the kid and that I've been a shit boyfriend, but she won't even let her know who his parents are!" Shaun cried at the point. So far he'd been quiet, occasionally stopping to sniffle or rub his eyes, but then he broke in two.

All Jiyeon did was squeeze and rock Shaun, dealing with crying furs wasn't his specialty. "She's pushed me away as well..." He added. "But she called the other day and told me to be there when she gives birth. Because she's going to give me the kid... I think that I'm going to call her Sam." Shaun smiled for the first time since beginning the sob session.

"Look. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but there's no way that you can raise a child on your own. We need to take this to the guidance counselor. I'll go with you, I'll do the talking and then she'll set up the therapy..." "I don't need therapy!" Shaun shouted at him. "You will soon! This is clearly fucking with you already and I don't want you doing something stupid. And don't even think about saying that you won't, because furs have done it over less and you know that!" Jiyeon shouted back.

The shouting caught Shaun off guard. He cowered away from Jiyeon for a moment, but soon moved back into his arms. "I'm sorry, Shaun." Jiyeon apologized. "But if you don't go to her, I'll do it without your permission." "Thanks..." Shaun said without emotion. "I guess that I'll do it."

He shuffled about in bed slightly and started to fiddle with the buttons on Jiyeon's shirt. "Shaun, this isn't time the for sex. Some other time." "Please." Shaun whispered as he slipped Jiyeon's shirt off for him. "You don't have to do anything, just.... just tell me if I'm doing it right." He started to slip off Jiyeon's boxers before leaving them and taking off his own jeans.

Shaun left his underwear around his ankles, showing off his erect cock to Jiyeon. The fox didn't look too impressed, but he looked satisfied at least. He happily took off his own boxers, his cock must have been an inch or two longer than Shaun's. He smiled at the cat and tried to adjust his position, so that his cock looked a little smaller.

Shaun put his cock against Jiyeon's gripping them both by the base. When he saw Jiyeon's knot, his attitude started to change. He didn't frot at all, he just glared as nightmares crossed his mind. He saw golden fur surrounding Jiyeon's cock, which was in fact no longer Jiyeon's, but had instead morphed to look more like Erik's. It was slimmer, paler and the knot was no longer there. Instead there were barbs resembling his own. He heard a leonine growl, coaxing him into rubbing. He couldn't bring himself to do it.


He collapsed on the bed next to Jiyeon and moaned, taking the fox by surprise. "I'm sorry. I just can't. This just... reminds me of Erik." "Did you have sex with him?" Jiyeon asked as he put an arm around Shaun again, he could fap his frustrations off later. "Yeah. We frotted and then he gave me the condom. He said that I should keep it, 'for next time.' I used it the next day and it still broke..." Shaun explained. "He pulled that trick on me as well. Only, Luke was the one using it so there was no harm done, it just got a bit messy." Shaun sighed at Jiyeon's story, he was interested, but was too busy suffering mentally.

"Shaun. We should take this to the Dean and then maybe to the police. We might not be able to get him arrested for giving out defectives, but a lawsuit should be good revenge for the both of us." "I'd rather not..." Shaun said. "He's fucked with you enough Shaun. We should at least try to get him thrown out of uni for it. I'm not scarred or anything, but you and your ex are in a bad place because of this." "I said no." "At least mention it to your ex. Maybe she'll want to do it, you might even be able to get the child support from him." "I'll do that then, but I'm not going to do anything else." Shaun said. "That's fine. Would you like to try to have sex again?" Jiyeon asked, he moved backwards until he was resting his head on the pillow.

"No. Not today. Could we just cuddle for now? Your fur is soft." The cat complimented. "Thank you." Jiyeon responded and stretched himself out to give Shaun a bigger space to lie on. Shaun lay down with his head resting on Jiyeon's stomach. It was uncomfortable for the fox, but Shaun enjoyed having his hair ruffled, so Jiyeon let the cat remain where it was. Judging by the smile that he wore, Shaun had finally started to accept Jiyeon's comfort.

Thanks for reading!

Perhaps this chapter could have had a few things improved about it, but right now I'm just glad that I don't have to see this in my drafts any longer. I think that I'm going to try to focus on my other projects since I finally have a few ideas for those.

Anyway, as always, tell me if you find any mistakes! Feedback is always welcome. :)

Story, characters and locations © Kalebthecat


# Chapter 4 ## Merjuh University for higher learning ## 20th of September, 00:31 AM * * * ### \*Corbin\* "Right!" Corbin announced, shutting his study books and yawning. The fennec pushed out his arms as he yawned, exaggerating his exhaustion. He...

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Ten Days, Nine Nights

# Chapter 5 ## 4th of January, 6:21 AM ## Uxoricide drive, outskirts of Tort * * * Dannie couldn't have collapsed onto his bed faster. It wasn't the best looking bed, nor was it the most comfortable, but it could accommodate for Dannie and his...

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Somefur To Cuddle

# Chapter 3 ## Merjuh University for higher learning ## 19th of September 12:10 PM * * * ### \*Shaun\* Jiyeon couldn't tell who moved faster: Shaun as he wriggled his boxers onto himself to conceal his sheath or Luke as he charged across the room...

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