Incest Stream Story 4: Camping in the Buff

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A cub story commissioned during the incest stream, we have a father who has been lusting after his little boy's ass for a while. Tonight, he gets a surprise.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

Camping in the Buff for Blader by Draconicon

Swift sighed as he closed the tent flap behind him, shaking his head as his son got ready for bed. The fire was down to embers outside, so the wolf wasn't worried about anything coming around to bother them, or being a danger to the large forest around them. No, as usual, all of his focus was on his son.

His little cub was already stripping out of his little swim trunks and getting ready for bed. It wasn't unusual for the two of them to sleep in the buff; Swift lived alone, and there wasn't really a need for two males to hide from each other. Well, perhaps one, but Swift had always been good about hiding that from his boy. He chuckled as John started pulling his sleeping bag open, and reached out to help the naked cub.

"Here, John."

"I can do it, dad!"

"Yeah, but I'm faster."

He unzipped the sleeping bag, gently laying his body into it. His eyes wandered down over the other wolf's dark fur, along his slender body towards the little sheath and tiny balls that hung beneath it. Blushing, Swift looked away before he lingered there too long, and rolled onto his own sleeping bag.

"You okay, daddy?"


"You okay?"

"I'm fine, John. Just get some sleep; we have a long day tomorrow. We're going canoeing, remember?"

"Oh, right! I can't wait!"

The little wolf giggled, rolling over onto his side. Swift shook his head with a little chuckle, but his eyes slowly lowered towards the little cub's ass. He stifled a groan as his own sheath started to fill, and he laid his head back on the ground, trying to think of something else while John went to sleep.

It only somewhat worked. He couldn't stop his cock from growing out of his sheath, but he could keep it from sliding all the way out. Swift almost had to lay on his hands to keep from reaching for it right away, so strong were the urges tonight, and he really had to fight the urge to look to the side and enjoy the sight of his son's ass.

And this is why we only do this once a year, he thought with a sigh.

He'd found out that he was attracted to his son more than three years ago. Back then, it had been shocking, but there hadn't been anyone else around to bother with, so he hadn't been very concerned. After all, he had self control, and he didn't have to do anything with his boy. All he had to do was think of other things until he could go to his room and rub one out. Then he'd be fine.

Of course, things had gotten more difficult when John started going naked everywhere like him, and after having to explain erections, he'd even caught the boy teasing himself, trying to imitate him. It had taken everything Swift had to not burst in that day.

But camping, camping was the worst. Not only was he looking at his little boy's cute body all day long, but they were no longer in separate rooms. They had to stick together in the same tent, and considering that John liked to sleep nude, just like at home...well, it meant that he had a little less privacy.

Still, at least the boy fell asleep quickly. The wolf looked over at the boy one more time when he heard his cub's breathing slow and get even, and then finally reached down and grabbed his cock. He groaned almost immediately, shoving his hand over his mouth to stifle the sound, and slowly started to stroke himself.

His eyes could hardly be blamed for looking over the smaller wolf at his side. The way that he looked, the way that he slept, was just too enticing. The swell of that tiny butt, how small it would look against his big cock, made him shudder in excitement. It was the best possible view he could get, and one that he prayed for nightly at home. He almost never got it, but out here, out in the wilds where they were together and no one else could ever see...oh, it was beautiful.

Stroking himself faster, the wolf scooted across his sleeping back, holding his cock so near his boy's ass. The fur was damp still, but he could imagine it getting wetter still. The thought of spraying his load all over that dark fur, making it look slick and white and wet with his cum, nearly made him blow his load right then and there.

But no, he had to wait. He had to savor this.

Still panting, he took a risk, sliding closer still. His cock rubbed between John's furry cheeks, the tip so close to sliding between them. Swift didn't dare to push his luck that far, but the temptation was definitely there. He groaned, grinding the tip of his cock between the sexy ass cheeks, his pre getting left behind in the water in the fur. It was still wet enough to go unnoticed, he told himself. He didn't have to worry about his son catching him.

He slowly grabbed the tail, moving it up and out of the way. The sight of that lovely rump, the way that he could just barely see the hole between the cheeks, left him panting like a dog in the middle of summer. He wanted it. He wanted it so badly that it hurt. But he couldn't. Not without waking -

"Dad?", not now!

John rolled over, and Swift blushed as he was caught with his cock in hand. He tried to pull it away, but he was already so close, his knot growing, that his hand moved anyway, reaching down and cupping his knot.

His boy stared at him for a few seconds, and those few seconds stretched into an eternity. What questions would he have to answer now? Would the boy be quiet? Would John tell someone? Was he going to lose his little boy when they got back to the city?

Then...John reached out, and gently grabbed him by the knot.

"Daddy? Can I help you?"

Those magic, lovely words. Swift stared at his boy, his cheeks red.

"Do you know how you can help?"

"I've seen a few movies. You could, uh, put it in my butt."

In your...oh, that would be...

Swift reached down, stroking his hand along his son's ass. The curves that had tempted him for years, the tightness that had yet to be touched, the need to be inside of his boy all amounted to one single answer.

"Yes...I'll put it in you..."

Laying back down, Swift stroked his cock a few more times as John stood up. The little cub walked across the tent until he was straddling the big wolf's waist. They were so much apart in height that John's ass rubbed Swift's cock while still standing, and that was saying something. The older wolf groaned, having to clench on everything to keep from shooting in anticipation.

To his surprise, John showed a surprising amount of ingenuity and spat in his hand, rubbing the spit all over his hole. It would be difficult, but with that much spit and how much Swift was pre-ing, he hoped that it would be enough to keep the young cub from feeling any pain from what he was about to do.

And then...John sat down. It didn't do much, but feeling his son's fuzzy rump against his cock tip, and not being the one responsible for the contact, felt better than ever. Swift arched his back, pushing his cock up and the tip into the boy, making John groan. He tried to stop, but he couldn't, unable to pull himself back as his boy moaned with him.

He slowly lowered himself back to the sleeping bag, but didn't pull out. His son followed him down, and the young wolf smiled over his shoulder.

"You're big, daddy."

"You'll be big too, John."

"Not as big as you."

The slightly squatting wolf pushed down harder, and again Swift closed his eyes, throwing his head back in pleasure as a full inch of his cock slipped past that tight right. It was so very, very tight, and he knew that he was only just wet enough to slide in like that. In the back of his mind, he hoped that he wasn't hurting his son, but the rest of him could barely care. All he wanted was that ass.

As he opened his eyes again, he couldn't look away. His throbbing cock was slowly disappearing between those two tiny ass cheeks, gradually sliding into that hole between them. John was stretched so far open, split almost in two by the older wolf's cock. He hoped the boy was taking it well, but his cock throbbed harder than ever at the sight. He reached up, half supporting, half tugging on the boy.

Inch by inch, he disappeared in his son's hole, his cock gradually swallowed up. He panted, oozing pre like a fountain inside of him, and feeling it slide out of the loosening ring onto his cock. He growled in need, and John did the same, the tent stinking of their combined musk. He rolled his hips, managing one thrust, then two, before a third one bumped his knot against the boy's ass.

"I'm -"

"Put it in me, Daddy!"

"But -"

"In me!"

The boy was in charge, and Swift had no problems with that. With a grunt, he pulled on John's hips, gradually pulling him further and further down. The knot spread his boy open, making the little cub yelp, but John never told him to stop. Bit by bit, those tiny ass cheeks were spread further and further apart, until -


The two of them howled together as the knot slid in. Swift was slightly aware of a spray of goo over his legs and feet, but he was more focused on the torrent pouring out of his cock into his son's ass. He howled to the skies, the rank smell of two horny males and the feeling of a hot, tight ass around his cock all he could process. He kept humping through his orgasm, his boy letting out a series of yipping howls to join him.

And in that moment, all was right with the world.

"Ah! Ah!"

Swift blushed as John tried to sit on the canoe, shaking his head a few times as the boy kept jumping up from it. It was obviously uncomfortable for his cub, but it was just too funny not to smile at.

"Sorry. I guess I should have kept the knot out for the first time..."

"It's okay, Daddy. I'll do better next time."

"Next time?"

"I want to do it again!"

"But -"


"I -"


"...Fine. We'll do it again tonight, if your hole is better."


The End

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