Incest Stream Story 3: My Brother's (An) Ass

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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My Brother's (An) Ass for Guderian by Draconicon

It had taken Jerry three weeks to get back to the gym after his humiliation, but despite his absence, everyone seemed to remember the lizard. Even things that he never remembered doing in his past visits.

"Hey look, it's the ass licker."

"Heh, take a vacation to take it up the ass?"

"I bet you went on a new diet. The cummy-ass diet! Ha!"

"Look at that loser. See? Wrong type of 'protein!'"

The lizard groaned as he walked back out of the gym to the locker room, his cheeks burning as red as they'd ever been. The idea of being considered to be gay was bad enough, but the thought that he was a slut like that humiliated him all the more. And the thing was, he wasn't gay. He'd gotten trapped by those other, bigger lizards back then, and they'd kept going when he told them to stop. He - he might have enjoyed it, but that didn't mean that he was actually gay. It didn't mean that he was a slut.

Jerry made his way to the back row of the locker room again, shaking his head and trying to get the blush off of his cheeks. The burning feeling only got worse as he tried to get rid of it, and he gave up. After all this, he was determined to find another gym. Somewhere on the other side of the city, probably, after all the crap he was going through here.

He was in the middle of taking his gym clothes off when the door opened. Remembering how things had gone the last time he'd been undressed, Jerry pulled his shirt back on and was halfway done with pulling his shorts back up when someone grabbed his tail.

"Hey, little bro."

Jerry had just enough time to wince at the sound of Samuel's voice before he was whipped around, pulled backwards into a powerful grip. A hand almost twice as big as his own rested on his shoulder, and he groaned as he looked up and back.

"Hello, Samuel."

"Heh, so uptight."

The bigger, muscular lizard had always been fairly relaxed, and continued to be after he'd moved out. At least, as far as Jerry remembered. He didn't see Samuel much anymore, ever since his brother had gotten some new roommates somewhere. He tried to pull himself out of his brother's grip, but all he accomplished was getting the big guy to tighten it more.

"Come on, let go. I want to get changed."

"Why? So you can go find someone else to fuck you?"

"I'm not gay!"

"Heh, that's not what everyone else here has been saying."

Samuel let him go, but only so the big lizard could spin him around. Jerry was pinned to the lockers as his brother loomed over him, leering at him.

"Ever since I signed up, all I heard was stories about my faggoty little brother. Not just taking it up the ass, but stuffing his snout under all those sweaty tails and licking 'em until they creamed their jocks. Man, if mom could see you now -"

"They're just stories! I don't do that."

"Yeah, right."

"Samuel, I'm not gay! I've never been gay."

"Heh, then what are these?"

As his brother pulled out a cell phone, Jerry had a terrible feeling of what he was about to see. He begged, pleaded, prayed for it to be something that wasn't so damning...

But he was out of luck. There he was, his ass in the air, his hole shining with pre as the lizard from three weeks ago pushed his cock against his ass. Jerry's own cock was dripping in the image. Samuel swiped the screen, showing another photo with Jerry's face buried in between scaly cheeks, his tongue out and obviously licking. At least four other photos showed similar things, including one with the lizard's ass up in the air and oozing cum after a fresh fuck. He could only vaguely remember that happening.

His face was burning red when Samuel put the phone away, his older brother standing with arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"Fine...they did that. But I told them not to."

"Yeah, but looks like you enjoyed it, little bro. You're just as much of a gay, ass-licking slut as everyone's been saying."

"But I -"

"Or maybe, just maybe, you ain't."

A ray of hope? Maybe, but he was desperate. Jerry leaned forward.

"You gotta believe me. I'm not gay. It just -"

"I got a way we can find out. Lay on the bench, bro."

Desperate for something to prove his sexuality, the lizard did as he was told. No sooner had he laid out on the bench - his tail off to the side to keep from being squished - than Samuel started undressing. Jerry started to sit up, but his brother forced him back down, keeping him pinned with a sweaty, scaly foot on his chest.

"What are you doing?!"

"Hey, if you ain't gay, then you got nothing to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about? My brother's stripping next to me!"

"Don't mean nothing. Besides, we haven't even started yet."

With the heavy foot on his chest, Jerry had no choice but to lay there as his brother took off his shirt. The lizard was heavily muscled, his scales bulging at the pecs and abs with highly defined and grown muscles, which grew even bigger as the older lizard moved. Samuel pulled his foot back, quickly stripping out of his shorts and his underwear. Just like before, Jerry had a much closer look at a lizard's cock and ass than he ever really wanted to have, and he turned his head away.

"Heh, that's good so far, bro. No staring at dicks? Not so gay after all."

"That's good, because I'm NOT!"

"Heh, that's what we're about to find out, ain't it?"

To his horror, Samuel straddled the bench and started to sit down. Jerry squirmed, but his brother's muscular arms pinned him down immediately, keeping him from moving his head out of the way. All the while, the big, green, scaly ass was slowly descending towards his face, and sweat drops were rolling off of it onto his cheeks.

Jerry could do nothing but stare as his brother's tail went up and that puckered ring between the cheeks was revealed. Samuel's ass was hard and muscled, developed to the point that they spread naturally as he squatted down. Not something that Jerry appreciated, as his snout was pulled between the scaly cheeks and right against his brother's hole.

From where he lay, he couldn't even open his mouth. His lips were so close to that puckered hole that the slightest movement would press them to it, and he had no intention of being an ass kisser, not even to his (very sexy) brother.

He blinked. Where had that thought come from?

"Okay, bro. Here's the deal. You say you ain't an ass-licker? You ain't a fag?"

Jerry shook his head as much as he could.

"I'm gonna make you prove it. For the next ten minutes, your face and my ass are going to be the best of friends. You keep from moving, you win; you ain't a fag."

Samuel started grinding against his face as soon as he finished talking, and Jerry closed his ass as the scaly cheeks ground against his snout. It felt like he was swallowed into a smooth, sweaty vise as his face was squeezed and crushed beneath the bigger lizard. His sense of smell was overwhelmed with his brother's stench, the mix of body odor, sweat, and the underlying musk that all men had around the crotch making his head swim.

Jerry couldn't even move his head to try and escape. All he could do was stare upwards as his brother ground up and down, smearing more and more of his sweat all over the lizard's face. He had to stay utterly still, and he tried, he really tried. His reputation as a straight guy was on the line, not just with the gym, but with his family.

Yet, try as he might, he couldn't hold still completely. It was so wrong, yet the musk was so mind-numbing. He needed something else. He needed to...get away? He didn't know, but he needed to do something.

He pushed his head up, not sure if he was trying to dislodge his brother or do something else, but it was movement, his nose and lips brushing Samuel's ass.

"Ah! So you couldn't handle it after all."

His brother's tail suddenly wrapped around the back of his head, and his lips were thrust hard against Samuel's ass. He was literally kissing his brother's hole at that point, the pressure forcing his lips flat against it, his tongue pushing past his teeth.

"I thought maybe the guys were lying to me, that you were still straight. Maybe bi, at the worst. But you definitely are an ass licker. And you know what, bro? I can always use one of those."

Samuel pushed down against him, and on instinct, Jerry stuck out his tongue. He dragged it over his brother's hole, and slowly pushed it in as he was ground against. He heard his brother's moans, but all he was conscious of was the continued swelling of musk in his nose, the constant scent driving him mad.

He felt a hand on his crotch, squeezing him through his shorts. He groaned as his cock was teased by his own brother.

"Heh, not just an ass licker, but ass lover as well. I bet you're all hard cause I smell like a real man, don't I?"

Jerry couldn't respond, and if he could, he didn't know what he'd say. All he knew was that he was stuck, and couldn't get out without making his brother happy. He pushed his tongue in again, sliding it into Samuel's ass, and his brother grunted in pleasure above him. His tongue busied itself licking every sweaty, raunchy inch of his brother's ass and hole, and Samuel chuckled and laughed above him.

Later, as they walked out of the gym, Jerry was still completely red-faced, while Samuel was smirking and squeezing his ass.

"Looks like I got my own little boy-toy to take back to the apartment."

"Well, I can't go anywhere and dad would kick me out -"

"Nah. But you're better off with someone that'd use you properly."


"You don't think you're staying for free, do you?"

The End

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