Incest Stream Story 2: A Cherry-Picked Present

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Commissioned by FA: Rayoelgatubelo is this story of a seven year old werelioness having her first bit of sex with her family. You are warned.

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A Cherry-Picked Present for Rayoelgatubelo by Draconicon

As the full moon rose, Gigi grinned to herself. She could already feel the tell-tale tingles running through her body, the seven year old girl well familiar with the prickling feeling of her fur starting to grow.

"Mommy, daddy!"

She turned to her parents, who were already in the midst of their own change. The two of them were still undressing, which she thought was funny. They had been changing even longer than her, so they should have known better than to still be in their clothes. She was still giggling when Mommy reached down and picked her up, pulling the transforming girl to her breast.

"Quiet down, Gigi. If you want your present, you have to be a good girl. Can you be a good girl?"

"Yes, mommy."

"Good. Now why don't you give mommy a bit of a suckle while we finish changing?"

Still giggling - though more quietly - Gigi placed her head against Mommy's breast. It was already large, but growing bigger as she started suckling on it. She could taste the remnants of milk, something that she was used to for a while now. Mommy had never stopped, not since Gigi had been sucking from her for so long. Daddy said that it was an 'indulgence' that most girls her age didn't get. Gigi didn't care; as long as Mommy kept letting her drink milk, she'd keep drinking.

Her fur grew in quickly, as did her mother's. The breasts she rested her head on grew faster than anything else, though, pushing outwards, nearly pushing the young girl out of her mother's arms. She pushed back, giggling as her Mommy's other breast sprayed milk at Daddy. He wiped it off onto his shredding underwear, which Gigi noticed was swelling a lot. Particularly in the front.

She raised her hand in a muffled cheer as she kept sucking down her Mommy's milk, watching as her Daddy got bigger and bigger. In seconds, he had ripped through the white briefs he wore, a thick sheath with a growing, spiny thingy sliding out of it. She didn't know what it was called or what it did, but she thought it looked very cool.

Soon, the transformations were complete for all of them, and her Mommy put her back on the ground. Gigi smiled, spinning around and feeling her tail spin with her, the tuft on the end whipping around when she came to a stop. She grabbed her tail and skipped around on her new paws, spinning the end of her tail around like a toy. Which, to her, it was. Every time that the full moon came, she took every opportunity she could to enjoy her new body. It was so different from the boring old human one, and she wanted to make sure that she never forgot it. Plus, she looked prettier this way. Even though she didn't look grown up like Mommy did, not having those big breasts like she did, she felt like she was nicer. A tiny, pretty little kitty cat, and fierce as a lion.

She crouched forward, play-growling at her Daddy, and he growled back just the same. She leaped for him, but rather than let her tackle him, tonight he caught her by the waist and flipped her onto her bed. It was such a surprise that Gigi didn't even have time to react, and landed on her back instead of on her feet.

"Gigi, do you remember that we promised you a present?"

"Of course, Daddy. I've wanted it all day. What is it? Huh? Huh?"

"Heh, why don't you roll over so you're not all upside-down first, and we'll show you."

Giggling again, Gigi did as she was told, the little lion girl rolling onto her belly and looking up at her Mommy and Daddy. She rested her head on her hands, her tail flicking back and forth above her butt.

Her Daddy was definitely better looking like this. He was okay as a human, but as a lion, he looked like a powerful, handsome guy. Like some of those people on the TV, she guessed, but they didn't look right either. Humans never looked right. And they never looked as strong as her Daddy did now.

Both Mommy and Daddy smelled different, though. She noticed it from time to time, usually when she was passing by their room during the full moon, but also when she walked by the laundry room when Mommy and Daddy had just changed the sheets. She'd leaped into the hamper like the curious kitty that she was, and she'd rolled all around in the blankets until Mommy had pulled her out.

It was like smelling that, but much stronger. And it made her feel all tingly inside, particularly as Mommy and Daddy walked closer, Daddy's thingy swaying from side to side and Mommy dripping down her legs.

Daddy sat down beside her, gently pushing her legs open, while Mommy rubbed her head, fingers already wet.

"Dear, your father and I have been planning this ever since your fourth birthday."

"That long?! That's been...a long time!"

"Yes, well, we wanted to give you a couple extra years. After all, your father is very big for what we're going to do, and we wanted to make it perfect for you."

"Oh really? What is he going to do? What are you going to do."

Daddy smiled at her as she looked back at him, and he slowly drew her gaze down to his thingy. It was twitching lightly, and the tip was wet with something clear and slick. He rubbed his finger against it, and held it out to her. Gigi sniffed it, and it made her feel all tingly all over again. The smell was even stronger than the smell from their bedroom.

"We're going to teach you how to have sex, Gigi."

"Really, Daddy?"

She'd heard of the word, but she didn't know what it meant. Like all kitties, she liked to find things out. Now that they were finally going to teach her -

"Now, your Mommy is going to sit over your face, and you're going to be a good girl and start licking her wet hole. Okay?"

"Okay. Is that sex?"

"It's one kind of sex, my little lioness. I'm going to teach you the other kind while you keep your Mommy happy."


Gigi rolled onto her back again as her mother slowly moved over her. The wetness that her daddy mentioned was just drooling out from between Mommy's legs, and she giggled at the sight. It almost looked like she was peeing herself, if pee went out and around instead of down. She reached up with her tiny fingers, rubbing her Mommy's thighs as she leaned her head up.

Just before she could take a taste, though, Mommy pushed her down on the bed again. Gigi groaned, meowing pitifully.


"Don't worry, honey. I just want to keep you still."

"But why?"

"Because you need to be still for what Daddy is going to do. It'll be fine, just trust your mommy."


She laid there with her arms petulantly crossed over her chest as her Mommy sat on her face. She could take the weight easily - her kitty body was a lot stronger than her human one - and as soon as the wet hole was over her mouth, she started licking.

It was weird, too. The taste was different from what she thought it would be. Expecting something like a delicious kitty treat, she found it tasting...almost dry. Metallic, almost, and if it hadn't been for the fact that it was also kind of creamy, she would have thought it was yucky. When her Mommy started making happy sounds, though, Gigi grinned and started licking more, sticking her tongue up inside of Mommy's wet hole and trying to find more of the stuff to lick up, wanting to make her Mommy happy.

While she was licking, she felt something warmer and stiffer poking around her thighs. Considering how prickly it was, she was pretty sure that it was Daddy's thingy, rubbing her and leaving little warm trails behind. She wondered what it was he was doing; she didn't know what this sex was, and she hoped he would -


She gasped, nearly sucking down a lungful of her mother's juices, as something pushed inside of her. It wasn't painful - at least, not yet - but it was very new. It rubbed her little nubby above her own wet hole, and she wiggled her hips back and forth against it. Each little touch made her feel a happy tingle, and she almost wanted to giggle at the new sensations she was feeling. She wriggled again and again, and it felt like it was slowly pulling the thingy further inside of her.

She felt her Daddy's hands on the bed at her sides, and she slid off of the thingy as she sunk into the bed. Only for a second, though, as her father dipped down and slid back inside her. She moaned into her Mommy's hole, her hands gripping the short fur on her Mommy's legs as the thing went deeper and deeper.

It never hurt, but it felt like she was being split in two by it as it went further and further in. Gigi yowled into her Mommy's body, her toes curling and her tail whipping around before it was trapped, pinned down. She shook her head from side to side, biting her lip at the feeling of it getting deeper. She swore that it was past her stomach, pushing up to a point where it would never come out.

And yet, it came out, and the spiny bits on it dragged along her inner walls. It was slow, but it was so big, so strange, so different, that she felt every bit. She felt the hot goo running out of herself, over her butt and onto the bed. She felt the goo from Mommy running over her face as the happy sounds above her got louder and louder. She even felt the spines as they popped out of her, rasping over her little nubby and making her arch her back, thrusting her hips up to feel more of it.

And then the thingy went into her again. Faster, this time, and out again, just as fast. The little lioness gasped for breath as she was swallowing her Mommy's juices as much as she was licking them up, barely getting the air to stay conscious. She could barely see anything, her mouth buried in Mommy's wet hole, her eyes in Mommy's golden butt. And that thingy moved faster and faster in her, leaving her quivering, shaking.

In and out, in and out, harder and harder. She felt like her body was breaking, and at the same time, she couldn't stop pushing back for more, her little kitty body begging for more of it.

"Get off of her."

Daddy's words pushed Mommy off. Even as a squirt of liquid shot onto Gigi's chest, the little lioness looked down to see her Daddy pushing his thingy in and out of her. He reached down, picking her up and holding her to his chest as he kept bouncing her.

"Are you ready for your first?"

"F-first - oh - what, Daddy?"


Daddy reached down and rubbed her nubby again, and with his thingy so deep inside her, it was all she needed to go over the edge. The little lioness flailed in his arms, her body overwhelmed and her mind going blank from her first orgasm. She collapsed against him as she twitched, and he kept thrusting inside of her.

She slipped off when he let go, looking up as his thingy twitched above her. He knelt at the side of her head, pressing the tip of his thingy to her lips.

"That's your first present. Are you ready to learn about other kinds of sex?"

"Y-yes, Daddy...I like sex..."

"Good Gigi. Very good Gigi."

She smiled, opening her mouth to accept Daddy's thingy, tasting like a weird mix of Mommy, her, and him. It was good.

The End

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