Cum Stream Story 1: An Oily Massage

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by Heru, we return to Teminth the dragon and his massages. This time, he deals with a rather ornery stallion with an attitude problem. Pretty sure that he can fix that.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

An Oily Massage for Heru by Draconicon

As soon as Brett walked into the massage room at the back of the gym, the stallion wondered if he'd made a mistake. The sight of a dragon humming to himself as he walked around the room was bad enough, but from the sound of it, the song he was humming came from that stupid musical his girlfriend had made him watch with her. Immediately, he was thinking that this Teminth guy was probably gay.

He was about to turn around when the dragon turned to see him, smiling.

"Oh, hi. I didn't see you there. Here for a massage?"

"Yeah...about that."

"I do all sorts, you know. A lot of the guys here swear by my gluteal massages."

Yeah, I just bet the fairies here do, the horse thought with a grumble. He shook his head a few times.

"If I weren't so sore, I'd be walking out right now, you fag. But I need something, so I'll stick around here instead of paying for something out there. You do anything funny, though, and I'll pound you into the ground. You got that?"

Half expecting the dragon to throw a fit or try and pick a fight, Brett was happily surprised when the dragon stepped over to one of the tables and flipped over a towel.

"No problem, Mr. Brett. I'll make sure that you have no issues with my service. Just lay down, and I'll take care of you."

"None of that gay crap, right?"

"I promise, I won't do anything that you don't ask for."


Hesitantly stripping out of his work-out shorts and shirt, the horse balled up his clothes and put them on the ground beside the massage table. Despite the look that the faggoty dragon gave him as he kept his underwear on, the stallion didn't budge. He wasn't letting some gay guy start massaging him naked. Who knew what the guy would do?

He got on the table and squirmed until he was relatively comfortable, his stomach flat against the table and his tail laying over his ass. The dragon pulled the towel up, and pressed his hands against the small of the horse's back. The pressure left the horse snorting in discomfort.

"Hey, I thought you guys were supposed to use some sort of oil or something."

"I do, but I didn't have your permission."

"Fuck, fine. Get the damn oil."

The horse grumbled under his breath as the dragon walked away, turning his head away from the idiot reptile. Any massager should know how to do this right. Asking for permission; peh, the guy should be fired. He'd have to ask the owner to get rid of the stupid dragon and get someone better. Someone straight.

At least the dragon's oil was good. It smelled a little weird, but it flowed over his back pretty smoothly. It was surprisingly warm, too, and thick, thicker than he expected the oil to be. Brett relaxed into the table more as the dragon started massaging it into his back, running it up and down his spine and then out towards his sides, each stroke carrying the oil further along his body.

It was enough to leave him smiling by the time that some of it rolled around the sides of his neck, pooling under his chest. The smell still rankled a bit, but he was starting to get used to the strange, musky odor. It tickled his nose, but he passed it off as some sort of familiar ingredient that he couldn't really identify.

"So...gonna get started, now that I'm all oiled up?"

"With your permission, of course."

"Yeah, yeah. Get rubbing, you faggot. But just my back."

"Yes, sir."

Scaly fingers pressed into the back of his neck, gradually working their way down his spine. Brett groaned at the feeling of having the muscles forcibly relaxed, huffing out deep breaths as the pressure traveled down his back and gradually worked out the tension that he'd built up during his workout. It was surprisingly good, and the horse slowly found himself craving the touch of the dragon's fingers, wanting more of the easing rubbings that the fag gave him. For tension relief only, of course.

He grunted as the dragon's fingers reached the middle of his back, particularly as the dragon added more of the oil to his spine. The feeling was almost slimy as the dragon rubbed the goo into his fur, so thick that he could barely believe that it was massage oil. The stuff smelled like some eastern version of it, or at least so he assumed, and he couldn't imagine it being anything else. It was soaking into the back of his underwear, too, and he was starting to get thankful for the towel, particularly as he was sure that the freak was probably looking back there as the massage went on.

Lower and lower those hands went, and each inch that passed left him all the more relaxed, all the more happy as his body was slowly relaxed. He smiled more against his pillow, leaving him halfway asleep. He barely worried about anything anymore; he was the one in charge, and the dragon was just helping him feel good.

However, when Teminth reached the top of the towel, and didn't continue down, the horse grumbled.

"What's wrong? You still have to get the base of my tail."

"The towel is in the way, Mr. Brett. Do I have permission to remove it?"

"Fuck. Yes, yes, you can remove it. Stop asking and just DO it!"

"Yes, Mr. Brett."

Yeah, yeah, he thought as the towel was pulled away. He barely realized that his boxers were so soaked that the dragon would be able to see his ass. Even if he did, there was no need to worry; the dragon was just following orders, giving him a massage.

He felt the table creak as the dragon got up on it, feeling scaly legs against his thighs as those wonderful fingers pressed around the base of his tail, rubbing in another bunch of oil into his skin and into the hair running down the length of his tail. Brett groaned under his breath at the feeling, squirming into the bed a bit more as the massage continued.

Suddenly, he was aware of something rubbing against his ass, something vaguely cylindrical and dripping. The bottle of oil, he supposed, but it was much hotter than a bottle would be...and less hard, as well.

"What the -"


Brett's eyes went wide at the sudden feeling of a cum-shot landing over his soaked boxers. The feeling of it was exactly the same as the oil covering him, which he realized was more of the dragon's cum. The fucking pervert had been slathering him in it the whole time, and he was only now figuring it out.

Rolling over as the dragon jumped off of him, Brett opened his mouth in the start of a scream, but the dragon was ready for him. Before the horse could get a word out, the dragon's cock was shoved down his throat, gagging him on the still-hard rod. Teminth looked down on him with a shake of his head.

"Do you know how hard it is to deal with people always judging you?"

Get this thing out of my mouth! He squirmed, by the dragon held him down, keeping more than six inches of cock down his throat. Despite his best efforts, he was held down with the dragon's balls getting closer and closer to his nose.

"Well, I'm going to fix that. Did you know that dragons can cum at will?"


"You're about to see just how much that can add up to."

With a sudden grunt from the dragon, Brett found his mouth and throat awash with another load of thick dragon cum. The musky, salty taste of it flooded his taste buds and slipped out of his mouth, dripping from his lips over his face and onto the massage table. Another grunt, another at-will orgasm, spurting down his throat and into his stomach, completely covering him and leaving him gagging.

The dragon pulled out, and even as Brett gasped for breath, the dragon came again, covering his face with more of that musky, dripping, hot goo. The horse stared through the white downpour over his face, his eyes rolling back as he could barely think through the onslaught of semen raining down on him.

"It's a pretty strong smell, isn't it, Brett? It's something that nobody is ready for, the smell of a dragon."

Brett groaned, slumping down on the table as the smell filled his nose, the raunchy, heavy scent pushing away thought and sense. He tried to push himself up, but it was like his body had been hit with a dose of some sort of powerful muscle relaxant; nothing worked the way it was supposed to.

Even so, he could feel everything, particularly as Teminth rubbed his back as the dragon walked down the side of the table, coming up onto the back again. Clawed fingers pulled down his underwear, dragging the soaked cloth out of the way.

"Just let yourself sleep under the smell, Brett. You'll wake up feeling much better, after I'm done 'treating' you."

Treating -

His thought was interrupted as the dragon's cock head pressed between the horse's ass cheeks. Brett felt the thick tip rubbing against his asshole before it squirted again, splattering his hole with a thick load of hot dragon cum, and then, forward the cock went. It spread him open almost immediately, and he could do nothing but lay there, his thoughts and his feelings slowly smothered under the thick layer of dragon musk and cum in the air and on his face.

He lay there as he was fucked, his mind slowly fading out and back in, out and in, out and in. Each time, it was a bit different, like he had a different outlook, like he felt different. He wasn't sure what it was, but it felt...kinda good.

Soon, he was aware of his cock growing hard beneath him, oozing on the table below. Brett panted, grinding against the table as much as his weakened body could, even as he was taken harder and harder from behind, Teminth rutting him at high speed, filling him with hard, thick dragon cock.

Soon, the two of them reached their limit, and Teminth came in him. The feeling of more dragon cum inside of his body made the horse moan, and he came as well, squirting his load against the table and his belly. Even as Teminth pulled out, the stallion kept shooting, urged on for nearly half a minute before he stopped.

"Very good, Brett. Very good."

The dragon patted his head, the cum smears on the horse's face leaving a string of goo connecting head and hand. Teminth chuckled, and Brett blushed.


"Yes, Mr. Brett?"

"I'm sorry for the way I talked, earlier."

And for some reason, he really was. The idea of talking to someone like that, of treating such a big, sexy dragon as someone so much less than him, had been nearly unforgivable. He was lucky that the big, sexy dragon was so willing to give him this gift, and help him change his mind about how things worked.

And he was very grateful, as the dragon rubbed his head, that he hadn't come to it too late. He couldn't wait to help others in the gym learn the same lesson.

The End

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