Transformation Stream Story 21: Downloaded Body

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A new commissioner snagged this one, detailing the conversion of his body from human to dragon thanks to some helpful little rogue nanites.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

Downloaded Body for CrazyHuskyDragon by Draconicon

Winter stepped into the old laboratory with more than a little trepidation. As part of the clean-up crew assigned to clearing out the Old Man's work, it was reasonable to be a bit worried. After all, the crazed scientist had been working on a number of experiments before he disappeared, most of which seemed to advocate the eventual 'evolution' of humankind into something bigger, better than they already were. Winter didn't know much about it; it was all above his paygrade, after all, and he just wanted to get this over and done with.

Despite his lack of knowledge, he still took care as he walked between the workbenches that were left behind. The vast laboratory was shrouded in dust mites and bits of webbing and other things floating in the air. He coughed and waved his hand as he walked around, wishing that the company had given him a mask.

Not that they'd ever spring for employee safety, he thought as he reached the far end of the room. Employee health and safety means money, and so long as we're just temps, no need to pay for that.

Coughing one more time to clear his lungs and throat, Winter pulled on a pair of gloves and started sweeping through the different objects on the benches. Half completed machines and broken metal and glass alike went into the thick bags, crashing and clattering into it. The young man occasionally winced, hoping that he wasn't destroying anything too big, but kept it up regardless. Better to do the job he was paid to do than try and save anything.

As he cleared the first of over a dozen workbenches, Winter's cough steadily worsened. His chest tingled with each successive cough, and he groaned as he rubbed his aching ribs through his shirt. Constantly coughing, it took little time to leave him hobbled over one of the tables, clutching to it desperately to keep from falling over.

"God...damnit..." He succumbed to another fit, slumping forward. "Can't...breathe..."

He reached for his phone, and in the process lost his balance. Falling over with a crash, Winter swept his hand through the whole and broken vials on the workbench as he hit the ground. Feeling something hot and thick pouring over his back, he frantically pressed the buttons on his phone, hoping against hope that he would get some sort of connection, some sort of call out to someone.

By accident, his random button mashing made a connection, but not to a person. His phone, picking up a wi-fi signal, latched onto it. Normally, this wouldn't have been a problem. Considering that it was the Old Man's signal, however, and considering just what he'd been breathing in, it was far more serious than anything else that might have happened.

Winter arched his back as the nanites he'd been breathing in suddenly made contact with the mother signal, following programming hidden deep inside of the Old Man's database. The young man curled in on himself as the nanites immediately went to work, starting with a means of protecting him from the acid that had spilled over his clothes.

He was still screaming from the acid burning down his back when his flesh started to change, shimmering as micro-machines began transforming his skin into tiny scales. Little plates scarcely larger than a dime slid into place over his sensitive nerves, interrupting the acid's flow through his upper layer of skin and spreading across his body. It left a small mark on his back, but it was forgotten as the scales shimmered into being.

Staring at his hands as they went from gloved skin to scaly claws, Winter pushed himself back against the legs of the workbench. He stared as his claws ripped through the fingers of the gloves, leaving his hands bare, save for the rags of the gloves he had once worn. Fingers scaled in reflective plates left him breathless as the changes continued down his body.

With his clothes destroyed by the acid, there was nothing to keep him from seeing what was happening to him as his body changed. Winter watched as his chest narrowed, his hips growing as he laid curled up, fat burning beneath his new scaly flesh to fuel the nanites inside of him. What little stretch and sag there was ended up pulled tight in seconds, his body increasingly looking less human, less normal, less...average.

Average. What a strange word.

Whatever he was becoming, it wasn't that. Winter slowly uncurled as the burning tingle of the nanite progression continued down his body, the little things continuing to follow the programming that they were picking up from his phone's wi-fi connection. They rushed down towards his hips, and he stared as they flared out like a woman's. If he had still been wearing clothes, either he would have been in a massive amount of pain from the sudden growth, or he would have ripped right through them.

It wasn't just his lower body being affected, either. As it swept up to his head, the human felt his face stretching. The scales along his lips and nose seemed to merge, even as something below the scales seemed to grow. He grabbed his face as it pushed outwards, solid things forced to grow just out of sight, and extending his face further and further.

A snout...I'm getting a snout, he realized as he stared down his growing jawline and nose. It was nearly four inches past his face when he felt another change, something growing in his forehead, something that was pushing upwards, outwards, as if it was trying to break through the skin.

His eyes rolled back as the scales suddenly peeled open, revealing, not something bloody, or gory, but a third eye. Winter almost fell over again from the sudden new point of vision, his balance all over the place, and only barely managed to grab one of the workbench legs to prevent it from happening.

Blinking all three eyes was a very new experience for him, particularly as the third one was blinking about a second behind the original two. It left him looking out at the world in a very different way, and it made his head spin.

God...what was...what is...happening to me....

He slowly pulled himself to his feet, blushing as he felt his plush ass pressed against the table. The metal sunk against his scales, and he imagined how other things would feel pressed against him. Beds...fingers...cocks -

"What the hell? I'm not...what is going on?"

He slumped back against the table, groaning as his head started to hurt, a pressure inside and a pressure atop his head making it so hard to think. His clawed fingers scraped at his scalp, digging through the remaining hair he had - seemingly only present at the top of his head, with all the rest of his body hair falling away - at the bumps that were growing. His claws scratched, tugged at them desperately, as if following some instinct to let them out. Nothing else seemed to matter, even as his head felt like it was in a different position, further away from his body than it used to be.

One last scratch, and a pair of horns burst through his scales and his hair. The sudden relief of that pressure left him gasping in relief, a gasp that quickly turned to one of surprise as a similar growth burst out from above his ass. Winter whipped his head around - only just realizing that his neck was now almost a foot longer than it used to be - and his eyes went wide as he saw that a tail was rapidly squirming its way out from above his scaly, plump ass. Topped with a bit of fluff, it pushed out longer and longer until it was nearly two thirds as long as he was tall. Considering how he had grown taller, that was quite a bit of tail.

He slowly reached out to grab it, only to yelp as he felt the tingle shift to his crotch. Whimpering as he realized that his manhood was going to change as well, Winter forced himself to turn around so he could look down at his crotch.

His shaft was still humanoid, but he could see the changes rolling over it. The length was thin in comparison to his much wider hips, the cut head swollen over the rest of the length in a disproportionate way. Despite the transformation, it was as hard as he had ever seen it, throbbing and twitching as the tingle started to spread through it.

The first change was the way that it began to thicken. Not much, but enough for him to see. A bulge seemed to flow out from his body into the base of his cock, making it swell outwards nearly an inch on all sides. It wasn't like a knot, like he'd seen in some dogs, as it continued to push the same width all the way up his cock. Poomf, poomf, poomf; it grew by segments, suddenly exploding outwards with new size as it slid its way up his cock, gradually making him thicker. Not monstrously so, but so he was slightly more proportional.

All the way up, he could see his cock getting...baggy, for lack of a better word. The scaly flesh around the rod seemed to sag, as if it had more stretch to it than the tight skin he'd had before. It was weird, almost familiar.

As it reached the head - which he swore was now an inch or two further away from his cock than when this whole thing had started - the reason for the baggier, stretchier 'skin' was suddenly apparent. It flowed around the head of his cock in a way that he'd only seen in uncut guys, stretching around the throbbing tip until it reached almost to the tip of his cock, leaving only a dime-sized segment around the urethra uncovered.

The dragon - what he finally realized he was becoming - hesitantly reached down to his cock as he continued to change. He stroked it as his toes warped and his feet lifted off of the ground, leaving him able to walk only like an animal, his tail swishing from side to side happily as he stroked himself faster and faster, his new foreskin dragging along his cock head as if he was compelled to get himself off.

Perhaps he was; the pressure in his head was still there, and Winter swore that he was having thoughts that he'd never normally have. Thoughts of other guys, thoughts of having his new, big ass played with, thoughts of using his new, proper cock to show off the new superiority of his body.

No, not superiority. That was a bad word, and it didn't seem to fit.

Suitability. That was it. Because there was no way that a femboi dragon like him would ever really be superior to other people. But there was no denying that he was more suitable for his role in this form than he ever would have been as a human. Far more suitable, far more sexy, far more beautiful as a dragon.

He moaned as he came, squirting his first load as a dragon - and his last as a partial human - all over the workbench. Winter panted, leaning forward and laying in his cum for a few seconds, grinning in his afterglow before he started to come to his senses.

The nanites in him had left him another gift. As he looked around, he could not only see the little machines floating in the air - almost like a vision mode in a game, they were visible to him now - but he had a feeling as to what most of the machines in the room could do. He didn't know how to use them, but Winter realized that, if he stared at one long and hard enough, he could unlock the knowledge in his brain of what it was he was looking at.

These things must have been a failsafe for the Old Man...something to pass on knowledge and his experiments when he stopped...

"Winter? Winter, are you there? Come in."

His phone. The dragon reached for it, pressing the buttons clumsily with his new fingers. He answered.

"Winter here."

"This is Jason. We're almost done in the eastern wing; do you need any help down there?"

The dragon slowly smiled. Previously, he would have been loathe to see anyone transformed like this. Feeling the suitability of his new body, though...

"I'd love some help. Come down here as soon as you can. There's a huge mess here."

The End

Transformation Stream Story 22: Coffee for the Fox in You

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