Transformation Stream Story 19: In the Name of (Sex) Science

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by Sanmer - who else - we have another dragon being brought down and shown where he belongs.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

In the Name of (Sex) Science! for Sanmer by Draconicon

"It's not every day that a dragon such as you walks in my door and volunteers, Graden. I'm rather flattered."

He nodded. Graden knew the fox was flattered, as the little guy should be. After all, the big black dragon wasn't exactly the usual loser that came into these little sex shops and offered to do some testing. He was a muscled god among dragons, and he knew it. Considering the way the white fox kept eyeing him up, he was pretty damn sure that the little loser knew it too.

Smirking as he flexed his pecs and arms at the same time, Graden kept the pressure on his clothes to show a bit more of his value before letting it go. The fox stared for a moment before clearing his throat.

"Anyway, we have an opening for you, if you're open to helping with the testing process. We've been short on volunteers of late, and to have you, well, we'd be willing to pay a bit more."

"Nah, man. You want an Adonis like me helping you? You pay double."

The fox sputtered, but Graden just grinned, crossing his arms.

"You know I'm damn good, fox-butt. Get that checkbook of yours out, and write me a check for double what those other losers are getting, and I'll help you test stuff out. Hell, maybe you'll even get a few advertisement photos with me."

"Pardon me, Mr. Graden, but that's not possible."

"You better make it possible, fox, if you know what's good for you."

"Is that a threat?"

"Hey, I know what I'm worth. And I know what I can get. So why don't you give me what I want instead of me making you give it to me?"

The fox hesitated at the dragon's words, and Graden decided that the little guy needed to learn a lesson. He stood up, walking around the fox's desk until they were beside each other. The two foot difference in their height was all the more apparent now, and he smirked.

"Get out the checkbook, Foxie. Or I'll take my paycheck out of your ass instead."

"Fine, fine." The fox leaned forward, reaching into a drawer. "You know, you could stand to learn more respect for people."

"I don't need to do a damn thing. Now -"

The dragon didn't know where the fox found a gun, but one second, he was standing beside the fox, the next he was on the floor, spasming and shaking. The white fox stood over him, a ludicrously small stun gun still pulsing with electricity.

"I think I've just found a new job. Dragon trainer."

The fox pulled the trigger again, and the following jolt knocked Graden out cold.

The dragon woke up with his arms hurting and his legs aching. When he opened his eyes, he could see why.

He was hanging from his arms and legs from the ceiling, each one held by a solid, inflatable cuff that squeezed down so tight that his fingers and toes were nearly numb, leaving only the tingling, needle-like sensation left in them. The rest of his naked body hung low, swaying from side to side for some reason.

Most worryingly, his arms and legs and even his neck had needles in them, leading off to chemical vats hanging elsewhere. Graden didn't know much about what might be in them, but he knew damn well that he shouldn't start shaking. If he ripped those needles out now, he'd bleed to death pretty damn quick.

"Ah, so you're awake. Finally; I need to get the toy project on the road, and you've been wasting so much time sleeping off that stun gun."

The black dragon turned his head as much as he could without making the needle prick him. Eventually, he was able to see the fox below him, nearly five feet down. The tips of the fox's ears brushed his back as the vulpine crossed the room, and Graden growled as he saw that the fox was just as naked as he was.

"So that's what you're doing? Kidnapping dragons just to tie 'em up and fuck 'em?"

"You haven't been fucked yet, have you?"

"You're just a sicko that wants to do it while we're awake. But you're just a fox; bet I won't feel a damn thing, no matter what you do."

"From now on, you will address me as Mr. Sanmer or sir. Do you understand, Mr. Graden?"

"Fuck you."


Graden turned his head as one of the chemical vats suddenly started glowing, a white serum running down it and towards the needle in his neck. The black dragon braced himself, but nothing could prepare him for the fire that slipped through the needle.

If it had hurt any less, he would have been thrashing around. As it was, it hurt so much that he couldn't even move, his eyes rolling back in his head and his lungs emptying in a hiss of a scream. He tried to say, to scream anything, but nothing would go past his vocal cords as liquid steel ran down his veins, or so it felt.

It only lasted a few seconds, then faded away as something else came down the line in his arm. He gasped, panting for breaths, shaking heavily.

"Do you understand?"



The fox stepped away from his console, walking back and forth under the dragon as he talked. Graden could only just follow him, shaking as the fox rubbed a finger under his tail before inserting a tube.

"You came here because of my ad, talking about volunteers to help test out dragon sex toys. You probably thought that you were coming here, trying out a few fleshlights, maybe even a few dildos designed specifically for dragons. Does that sound about right?"

Graden nodded, even as he hissed from the sudden deep thrust of the hose up his ass.

"Well, if there's one thing I like, it's vague advertising. I'm afraid that you won't be getting any sort of sex toy to test out. Instead, we're testing out sex toy creation methods on you. Or, rather, I am." The fox chuckled. "Not those idiots that used to be working for me. Had to shuffle them off to Bad Elephant, after the last screw up. Memory wipes, revision of payment history, the whole lot. But it means no more errors. Bet you're happy about that, huh?"

Grunting from the sudden smack to his ass, the dragon wasn't so sure that he was happy about anything. The formerly weak looking white fox now seemed to be utterly insane, like someone out of a mad science story. He turned his head as the fox went back to his consoles.

"Fo-I mean...Sir."

"Nearly too much there, dragon. What?"

"What do you mean, sex toy creation methods?"

"Simple. There are a lot of people that'd love a dragon slave. Not a lot of dragons want to be slaves, though. So, we're seeing what we can do to make them. Starting with converting the more useless dragons into something that is more useful."

"You mean -"

"Let's see. Fuck Doll, no, too tiny. Not too well suited for a blow-up toy, either. But...yes, latex. Latex looks good."

"Couldn't, uh, couldn't I get a suit?"

"Don't be silly. Buying suits? Hardly. We'll simply turn you into latex yourself."


Beep, boop, bee-beep, boop, boop, beeeeeep. The console beeped like crazy as the fox pressed the different buttons, and soon the chemical cocktails were rushing down the lines towards his veins. The dragon whipped his head back and forth, panting as he saw the black and green and red and even blue goo heading down towards the needles. His heart was racing a mile a minute, and he was whimpering despite his strength.

Even the tube up his ass was starting to deliver something, thick and plodding and gooey into his hole. It was slick and wet, but left him almost itching as it started absorbing into his inner walls. His cock leaped up immediately, though he felt like it was wrapped in something, as if it couldn't actually leak for some reason.

As the first bits of the injection hit him, Graden arched his back despite himself. Considering he was hanging down like a hammock, it meant that he went stiff as a board for a second before flopping down again. Rather than the liquid pain that had hit him before, this felt like pure pressure, ballooning his veins and arteries and making his scales bulge outwards. It looked almost more muscly, in a way, but also wrong. Very, very wrong.

His scales were also melting together, particularly around the injection points. Graden saw the miniscule gaps between the scales pressing together as they were filled with something slick, shimmery. It was almost wet looking, and as it joined the gaps between his scales, it spread over them, making it all one surface. It left him at once more sensitive and less sensitive at the same time, unable to make out details, but each sensation far stronger.

The smooth darkness running up his scales terrified him, whether it went over his belly over his legs. His feet were covered in seconds, joining the toes together completely save for the slight nubs where his toes ended, and the bindings around his ankles seemed to melt into the new covering that oozed from him. It left him looking like he was chained when he wasn't.

As the goo spread over him, it took Graden a very long time to realize that he felt...empty, inside. Considering how strained his scales felt, the dragon swore he should feel overstuffed, but where his stomach was, where his ribs and his heart and his lungs were, it felt like it was a great deal of empty space. Like everything that was used for keeping him alive was gone, leaving only a shell behind. A shell of latex.

He opened his mouth to scream, but no sound emerged, only the faintest bit of air escaping his open mouth. The latex rushed over his teeth, covering them in a thin layer and robbing them of their sharpness, and making his tongue wider than it had been without losing any dexterity.

It spread over his head, up to his earholes before sliding in. It rushed over his skull, making his head hurt for a moment before it squeezed down -

And then, nothing.

He hung there silently, his cock oozing more latex out of it until it covered the throbbing length completely, and then just idly pulsing. The dragon didn't talk, didn't move, didn't even breathe as his body was pushed through the ends of the conversion process. The last of his scales were smoothed and covered, and as the fox pulled the tube out of the dragon's ass, more of it pushed out and left the hole open, slightly gaping into the tight emptiness inside.

Mr. Sanmer lowered him to the ground, removing the needles before setting them aside. By the time he was done, all the holes were plugged and sealed, and the latex dragon stood there in one solid piece, staring blankly ahead.


The dragon looked down.

"From now on, you are Toy 1. You will retain this designation until and unless someone renames you with the command, "Delete current designation, assign new designation." Do you understand, Toy 1."

"Command received."

"Excellent. And who am I?"

"Mr. Sanmer is Toy 1's owner and creator."

"Even more excellent."

The creator grabbed Toy 1 by the cock, and pulled him closer.

"Now let's see if you can still use this properly..."

The End

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