Transformation Stream Story 18: The White Flood Begins

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: animorph59 we have the continued stories of the Park of Mirari, where things go from silly to utterly absurd in one of the biggest moves from Rannoi and his park yet.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

The White Flood Begins for Sunkit by Draconicon

Thompson sat in his room on the third floor of a dump of a hotel. The NSA agent had been pacing for the last thirty minutes, unable to settle, before he'd finally made himself sit down on the edge of his seat. He glanced out the window towards the waterfront, where a large floating barge held his attention as much as its owner held his thoughts.

Rannoi had been one of the biggest threats to national security that the agency had picked up in a while, though none of his higher ups could tell him just how. The man had no ties to the various terrorist organizations on their watch-lists, nor anything to do with the bigger crime families. Nothing bigger than kidnapping was associated with the guy, though when it came to that, there were a long list of people that could last be traced to his amusement park.

It was enough for Thompson. At the agency's behest, he'd led a team up to Seattle to observe the newest opening of the Mirari franchise, a pleasure barge that was dedicated to going up and down the Sound with who knew what sort of nefarious plans. Already, ten people had disappeared, and the locals were doing nothing. Thompson grumbled, leaning forward on his seat and resting his chin on his hands, glaring out the window at the barge.

"What are you up to, Rannoi?"

As soon as he mouthed the question, there was a sound like a firework going off, except that it dwarfed any firework explosion by far. The glass in his windows rattled as he leaped to his feet, leaning out the window.

The barge had changed. The big glass dome in the middle had parted in two, and some sort of creature stood in the center. From this distance, it looked huge, at least sixty feet tall, and wriggling unpleasantly. He grabbed his binoculars and looked closer.


It wasn't a single construction. All over the huge thing were wriggling bodies, male and female alike. They looked like a bizarre cross between human and animal, and they were tied together in some strange orgy. Grinding, humping, thrusting, moaning, squirting; they were constantly having sex, and somehow weren't falling off of each other or plummeting into the water below. Maybe it had something to do with the glowing links between everybody, which almost seemed to be forcing them to fuck.

"What the fuck is going on - Wait. What the hell?"

He turned his attention to the head of the creatures, where two non-fucking figures could be seen. Though one looked as bestial as the various creatures going at it, the other was much more familiar. He'd seen the face before, though never the body. It was the same one that Rannoi had showed him when they'd 'interviewed' him, stating it was the co-founder of his Park.

But that was impossible. She and the original founder had been dead for years.

As he stared, the beautiful woman and the beast beside her raised their arms. Following the movement, a huge mass of white lifted off of the barge, pulling itself into a giant ball held together by the same golden light linking all the different creatures under them. It grew bigger and bigger as the fucking below got more intense, and Thompson gagged as he realized that it was made of their sexual juices.

"That is disgusting..."

He barely managed to suppress his gag reflex before the ball was twisted around, stretched upwards and sideways at the same time. He stared as it became a wave frozen in place, a wave of cum suspended only a few feet above the waves below. The cars on the aqueduct and the people walking the streets froze to watch it with him, even as it continued to grow bigger and bigger.

Thompson barely had the chance to wonder what the creatures were doing before the wave surged forward. An unlucky ferry stood in its way, and it was bowled over by the wave of cum, submerged in it as the wave went on.

He grabbed his phone, calling in the emergency wave. He didn't know why; everyone had to have seen it, but it was the only thing he could think to do in the face of such an absurdity.

However, he'd gotten only two digits in when he saw the consequences of the wave. With it nearing the shore, he could see the ferry it had submerged, was nothing like what he had seen before. Rather than a simple bit of public transportation, the ferry had transformed into something thick and black, the ship less oval and more phallic shaped. The flags on it had changed, no longer that of Washington state, but displaying the Park of Mirari's colors. People hung from - and on - the flagposts, all nude, all in various states of arousal.

As he stared dumbly at the result, he forced his attention back to the city coastline. The wave hit the iconic Ivars shop down on the piers, and in the brief moment before the wave continued on, he saw it turn from a restaurant to a sex shop, displaying a sign for eating pussy and sucking cock.

It continued inwards, drowning out trees and replacing them with tentacle plants. It swept up dog walkers, turning the dogs two legged and making the people that had been walking them into dumb beasts of all sorts. The roads themselves flexed, becoming less concrete and more...shimmery. Latex, he realized; it was nothing more than a latex road, now, and the cars on them were vibrating along rather than rolling along it, secreting lubricants to keep the whole thing frictionless.

Even the larger apartment and hotels were not proof against the power of the wave. From big buildings of brick and stone, they were transformed into interconnected blocks, held aloft on pillars like the platforms for roller-coasters in an amusement park. They even had a track connecting them, allowing people to get from one place to another in groups, and Thompson found himself gaping at the massive complexity that had been constructed in less than a second as the wave moved on.

"Thompson! Thompson!"

He finally heard the sound of his earpiece, pressing his hand against it.

"Thompson here. Hodges, are you seeing this?"

"I am. This is way beyond anything that we thought him capable of. We need to evacuate."

"Agreed. Where are you?"

"Get everyone past sixth avenue out of here and as far inland as you can. We need to get them to safety."

"But where are you?"

"Pikes Place."

He froze. The market was right in the path of the wave. Even places past sixth could be in danger, but the market was barely a street ahead of the wave.

"Hodges, get out of there!"

"Too la -"

Thompson saw the wave hit the market as his superior's voice died off. He punched the window as he watched the various iconic shops get replaced by cheap, tacky gift stores, toy shops and -

"Brothels are illegal, Rannoi...guess you're adding prostitution to your list of crimes, too."

Not that he seems to care about anything, anymore, he muttered as he started grabbing as much of his stuff as he could. There was no way that anyone could ignore this, not at this rate.

He'd gotten half of his stuff thrown into a suitcase when he heard another loud, unignorable CRACK in the air. He turned to the window again, fearing for the worst.

Another big white ball was gathering in the air, folding over itself to form another wave. At this point, the whole city was going to be drowned out. Rannoi would only need four more of those to reach over to Lake Union, and then...well, then he'd have one hell of a foothold on the land here.

Don't need the suitcase. Just gotta run.

He ran out the door as the next wave started moving, sped along through lubed latex streets and channeled past people that were already open-mouthed and eager for more of the stuff that had changed them. Thompson reached the elevator, stepping inside, the doors closing just as the wave hit his building.

He felt the air change around him, the whole world shifting. It hadn't hit him yet, but he could feel the elevator changing. The walls grew fleshy, wet and slick around him, and he stood away from it as it started to tremble. He heard the sound of a heart beating, and saw veins, like one would see around a body part...or...a cock..

"Oh,, no..."

Thompson reached for the buttons, but they'd already disappeared. The ground was squelching under his feet, swelling with moisture, and the air stank of cum. Not even sex, but just cum. The walls started to squeeze around him, the formerly metal walls crumpling in from outside pressure. It squeezed against him, hot and slick, and he groaned, gagging on the smell and the feeling.

Yet, it didn't change him. It wasn't a direct contact, none of the wave goo, he supposed, so he wasn't changed.

As the walls squeezed against him, he realized what it felt like. If the walls around him were veiny like a cock, then he was in the urethra. And with this pulsing...


The sound of metal being hit hard confirmed that the elevator's original pieces were still there, just covered. But he was already shooting forward, propelled by a blast from beneath. Thompson screamed at the top of his lungs as he went flying sky-high, shooting upwards through something tight, and then flying through the air, tumbling head over heels as he went from flying to falling.

The impact wasn't as bad as he thought it would be, hitting the ground and rolling along for a few paces before slowly coming to a stop. The agent kicked at the wall of the elevator, and after a few strong blows, the side caved in. Grunting, he pulled himself out.

He'd landed a few blocks away, everything around him saturated in the goo from the wall of cum. His former hotel was a geyser of cum in the shape of a cock, raining it down on everything surrounding it and keeping the changes going. Thompson couldn't believe what he was seeing; everything was changed, sexualized. Buildings, busses, cars...even the people.

Naked people with fur and scales that were even now approaching, walking through cum-soaked bouncy streets towards him, arms outstretched, cocks hard.

"Join us...join us..."

Thompson pulled out his gun, but he couldn't bring himself to shoot the people he was sworn to protect. He hesitated just long enough for them to pull him down into the goop.

When he surfaced, he was grinning like crazy, the gun in his hand turned into a fleshlight, and his body covered in feathers, black for the raven he'd become. The former agent dropped to his hands and knees, baring his ass for the lizard behind him to fuck.

Calm down, Thompson. It's just an ass fuck, he thought to the last echo of panic already fading in his head.

The End

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